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American Heist (2014)

Posted: 09/05/23 18:14
by bunniefuu
Come on, come on, come on.

Francis Kelly!

Here you go. That's everything.

Yeah, that's my brother.

Yeah, that's my brother.

Hey, Frankie.

Frankie, see ya in a couple months.

Yeah, I'll pay your mom
a visit in the meantime.

- I'm a free m*therf*cker.
- Here he is.

What up. baby?

- What up, Frankie?
- What up, Sugar?

I'm a free m*therf*cker!
Oh, shit. You got my hat.

Yeah, Frankie's back, baby.
Frankie's back.

- Frankie's back. My man.
- What up?

Come on, Frankie.

Come on, boy. You good.
Watch your head, bro.

Oh, shit. Oh, Ray, man.

This is your place, bro? Oh, man.

Yo, dude, this f*cking girl tonight, bro,
this f*cking p*ssy was like--

- Bro, what--
- Where's his brother?

Can somebody get that?

James, grab the phone!

Lewis's Auto.

Yeah, I'm James Kelly.

Yeah, well, I thought it was
your mandate or whatever...

to support small business with loans.

Yeah, no, I understand.

Nah, man, I don't have a degree.

And I don't really
see how that matters much.

Yeah. Yeah, all right.

All right, all right.
Thanks for your time, man.



Hey, Joe! I got this one.


James Kelly.

I thought you moved away after Katrina.

I did, but soon as I could get work,
I came back.

Oh, yeah? What do you do?

I'm a dispatcher for the NOPD.


- What, so you're like a cop or something?
- No, I'm not a cop.

I'm a glorified operator.

That's cool.

You kind of disappeared.

Yeah, yeah. No, I know.
I went traveling.

I was traveling abroad for a little bit,
you know.

Really? 'Cause I thought maybe
you got abducted by aliens...

or started working for the CIA or,
I don't know, went to prison.

Actually, yes.
I used to be a secret agent for the CIA.

But on very top secret missions.

But that was a long time ago and
I don't want to talk about it anymore.

Come here for a second.

- You live nearby?
- Not far.

- Got a garage at your place?
- Sure.

Look, this...

this shop, it's, you know, too high priced.

If you want,
I could just fix your car at your place...

and you don't gotta pay me for my time.

I'll pass along new parts at cost
and I'll save you a couple bucks.

That is very sweet of you.

Least I could do.

So this guy goes to prison

and they lock him down in a cell.

Two-man room.

He looks in and he
sees there's a big 350-pound black guy...

just sitting there mean-muggin' him.

Black guy says, "Say, man

you wanna be the mama
or you wanna be the daddy?"

The guy says, "Excuse me?"

He said, "Did I stu-- stu-- stutter,

I say, 'You wanna to be the mama
or you wanna the daddy?”

Guy says, "Well, I'll be the daddy."

He said, "Fine. You the daddy."

Come over here and
suck on mama's d*ck.

Come on, Jim. Come on, man.
It's been 10 years.

You can do better than that, no?

You got some f*cking balls
showing up here, man.

What's the matter, Jimmy?
I came to see you.

You didn't come to see me.

Whatever happened to me
and you against the world, huh?

- You want to know what happened, Frankie?
- Yeah, what happened?

- You want to know what happened?
- Yeah, what happened?

Yeah? I'll tell you what happened.

You f*cking turned the world against me.

You still crying about that?

That's life, buddy. Shit ain't fair.


Hey, all right, all right, all right!

Don't act crazy, come on.
I'm sorry, man. I'm sorry!

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

Ah, shit, Jimmy.

Shit, Frankie.

Let's go get a drink, huh?

Come on, let's go grab a drink.

I can't tonight.


- You're prompt.
- I like to keep my appointments.

Not what I recall.

What happened to your eye?

- Oh, it was just a--
- You know what? I--

All good, it's not my business.

So, I'm guessing you have tools?

Yeah, yeah. In my car.
You got the keys?


It's very sweet of you to do this.

I think I owe you.

It's a long time ago, James.

I'll be inside if you need me.

All right.

How's it going out there?

It looks like someone put
sugar in your gas t*nk.

- You're kidding.
- No.

Probably just some bored kids.
You park in bad neighborhoods?

I won't ever again.
Can you fix it?

Yeah, yeah, sure.
It's fixable, it's just--

It was gummed up pretty bad, so
I'm gonna have to replace the fuel filter...

but we got a bunch of
those kicking around the shop...

and clean out your gas t*nk,
which will take me a bit of time.

But the worst part is
you're gonna need a new carburetor, so...

I'm gonna go back
and order one of those tonight.

Guess I'll see you tomorrow then.

Guess so.

All right, I'm gonna go lock up.
You have yourself a good night.

Okay, you, too.

Mr. Kelly, I'm afraid there's
been a misunderstanding.

This is not the type of loan
that's attractive to us right now.

Well, if you could
just take a look at what I got here.

You know,
you might find it a little interesting.

I've done the research and,
look, the area needs another auto shop.

All right?
This is my location right here.

There's like 10,000 cars
that go around this circle.

It's a prime spot.
It makes perfect sense.

Here, look. This is it right here,
and it's just sitting there empty.

I'm not looking for that much cash.

Just enough to cover
the rent for 7, 8 months

and then I'll start turning a profit.

And my business plan,
it's good, all right?

You just gotta take a look at it,
but I promise you--

Frankly, Mr. Kelly

we don't make small business
loans anymore.

All right.

Well, what the hell do you guys do?

You know what? Never mind,
all right? I'm sorry.

It's just your Johnny-on-the-spot
with those overdraft fees.


I can't believe this place
is still in business, man. Come here.

Yo, let me get another Jamison's. Two.

Two, for me and my brother.

My brother, huh?
How you been, Jimmy?

It's James now, all right?
People don't call me Jimmy no more.

Okay, James.

You all grown up now?

Look, I know you're upset.

You got a right to be.

It's just, I figured all this time, you know?

Yeah? What did you figure, Frankie?

What did you figure, man?
You'd come back and what?

I went to jail, Frankie.

Bro, you got off easy with
16 months. I did 10 years.

Every day I was in there

every f*cking day, Jimmy,
I thought about you, man.

I'm sorry, man.
I want to make amends.

- It's not so easy, Frankie.
- I know, I know.

I know.

Jimmy, I'm so proud of you,
bro, really.

I'm proud of you.
You're a f*cking good-looking kid.

I mean, I don't know who Mom f*cked,
but you lucked out.

You know how much
I bragged about you, man?

Every f*cking cat in D block knew about
you blowing up these al-Qaeda n*gg*s,man.

Everybody, dude.
You know what kind of street cred I got...

for having a brother
who knows how to blow shit up? Come on.

- The world forgets fast, Frankie.
- So we'll make 'em remember.

I got a solution.

You got a solution.
Frankie, I've changed, all right?

- Jimmy, I've changed.
- Yeah, you've changed.

Yeah, I've done a lot of soul searching.
Really, I'm like--

I'm like-- I'm like Buddha and shit.

Believe me,
I've had time to think. Okay?

A lot of suckers in there, man.
That ain't us.

Okay? I'm gonna make things right.
We just got a bad hand.

Yeah, you think so?


I know two guys, right?
They're good guys.

They looked out for me in the joint.
They really did.

Yeah, what about 'em?

We all want the same things.

To overcome the obstacles.

Frankie, I'm not doing nothing shady.

You call real estate shady?

- Real estate?
- Yeah.

What, you get yourself a f*cking real
estate license when you werein the pen?

I ain't trying to be a f*cking agent, bro.

I ain't a f*cking agent. I'm a boss,
you know what I'm saying?

A boss. Legit. Calling the sh*ts,
cashing the checks.

- What, hollering, what?
- In that cheap suit?

f*ck you, bro. f*ck you, man.

Yeah, well, f*ck you, bro.

Come on, man. I want to look out for you.
Like the old days.

Me and you against the world,

Let's go flip some houses, bro.

I got the hook-up, man.
They're giving'em away.

- We fix and flip, fix and flip. It's easy.
- Where you getting the cash from?

Investor. We got an investor.

He's gonna take a big piece at first,
but it'll be all right.

Come on. I want you to meet my boys.
They're outside.

- What, now?
- Somebody had to give me a ride.

You have some money on you?

Oh, shit. Yo, this is my brother Jim--
I mean James.

This is Ray. This is Sugar.

Hey, man. How's it going?

- Hey, man.
- How's it going, buddy?

Sugar. Sugar, Ray.

Where's Leonard?

That shit's funny, though.

We heard a lot about you, man.

So, like, James has some questions
about the investor...

- how the deal's gonna go down, all that shit.
- As he should.

I don't know if Frankie's told you,
but I don't have any cash or nothing like that.

- Look, man, who does?
- No, we don't want your money, man.

I'm putting together a team
of people that I can trust.

We have a meeting tonight.
Give us a lift, I'll tell you more.

- You want me to drive?
- Yeah.

I thought you gave my bro a ride here.

Oh, yeah, we drove.
We got a car, but it's small. 228

I don't like small, man.
I don't like small at all.

- Unless it's p*ssy, though.
- Unless it's p*ssy.

Come on. Let's take a ride.

All right, come on. Hop in.

So you did all the work
on this yourself, huh?

Yeah. Yeah, I did all the body work
over the last couple months.

- I just got her running a few weeks ago.
- Good with cars. It's good to know.

- Yeah, I'm not bad.
- This kid's the best, man.

He can fix 'em, he can build 'em,
he can race 'em.

He's too humble.

I also hear you did some time.

Yeah, Frankie told you about that?

- Yeah, Jimmy.
- Yeah, what can I say? I was stupid.

Hey, happens to the best of us.

Yeah, I guess so.

Pull in right over there, Jimmy.

- Who works this late?
- Who asks so many questions?

Our investor owns the place.

We won't be long. 20 minutes, tops.

Hey, when we get back,

your ass better be right here,
you hear me?

- Frankie. Frankie.
- What? What?

I got a bad feeling about this.

Jimmy, come on, man,
the guy's got a red-eye to London.

If we don't do it now,
we lose our shot. It's good. It's good.

Come on, come on, come on.

- Oh, shit. Get in the car.
- What the f*ck?

- Back in the f*cking car!
- Get in the f*cking car, come on.

GO, g0» go'

When I say stay in the car,
you stay in the f*cking car!

- Drive!
- Oh, shit!


- You blew the f*cking guy away
for no reason, man. I What the f*ck?

Relax. Relax, man.

- You shot that m*therf*cker for nothing.
- Shut the f*ck up!

- This is f*cked, bro.
- Be more like your brother, Frankie.

- Cool.
- Cool. All right. We're f*cking cool, man.

You're complicit in this.

Welcome to the family.

Get rid of this car.

- I don't think there's any way
he saw my plate./ Just get rid of it!


You understand me, Jimmy?

Look at me. You understand me?

Yeah, we're good.

You kept your head.

Usually do.

Don't worry about the car, Jimmy.

You can always jack another one.

I'm sorry.

f*ck, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck!



Yo, Jimmy,

Yo, Jimmy, come on.

- f*ck, Jimmy.
- Real estate, huh, m*therf*cker?

Yo, yo, man. Watch the suit, man.
Come on.

You didn't get rid of the f*cking car, man.
That's a problem.

How could you do this to me, Frankie?
I'm your f*cking brother, man!

What? It's not my fault, man.
It's not my fault.

You know I'm f*cking this close
to putting it all behind me.

I'm f*cking this close.
You're f*cking screwing me again!

I didn't know they were
gonna do that shit. Come on.

The second I saw those two,
I knew they were trouble.

What the f*ck's thematter with you?

- Open your f*cking eyes!
- I talked to them.

- There's not gonna be any more problems.
- Oh, yeah? No more problems?

You're so f*cking casual
about everything.

No, seriously.
You got a f*cking screw loose, man!

All right?

You're f*cked, all right?

Jimmy, man. Come on, you can't go
anywhere right now.

Where you 9011191?

- Yeah, no more problems?
- Come on, you can't leave.

Yeah, no more problems?
f*ck you, Frankie.

Yo, for real, man. You can't do this.

- You can't do it.
- You're my brother, all right?

- You're supposed to look out for me.
- I am, I am.

You are? f*ck you.

- No, Jimmy, man. Really, you can't.
- No? Watch me.

- 'Cause I'm leaving.
- No, Jimmy. Jimmy, really.

For real. Jimmy.

Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy.
They can't know you're running.

They can't think you're gonna run on 'em.
Gimme that shit. Come on.

Hey, what up? What up?

Taking a trip?

Oh, no, James loaned me some shit
'cause I ain't got no shit.

You know, to wear.

Aren't you supposed to get rid of that?

I was just about to do that.

Hey, Jimmy, why don't
you hand Sugar your keys.

He'll take care of it for you.

Yeah, you do that.

Come on, man. You heard him,
give me the keys.

f*cking amateurs.

Sorry, Jimmy. It's a nice car.
I'm sorry.

You know,
I'm having the conversation.

Want to take this inside?

No, I'm good here.

It's your house.

Frankie says you need money.

- Oh, yeah? Did he say that?
- You need money, right?

Tell him about the bank. Come on,
tell him about the bank.

What bank?

Yo, I'm not robbing no banks
with you guys, all right?

Not happening.

Take a look around,
kid. What do you see?

Homes being foreclosed.

People working two, three jobs just
to put food on the table...

and still drowning in debt.

Don't get me wrong.

This country was founded
on great ideals and principles.

But they've all been ruined...

by the banks.

Open your eyes, Jimmy.
It's the banks that are robbing you.

Word the f*ck up, man!

- You know who my favorite president was?
- Who?

Thomas Jefferson.

Because he saw all
of this coming and tried to stop it.

He fought the banks.

JFK, too, and they k*lled him for it.

f*cked up, man. f*cked up.

The banking institution is more
dangerous than an army, he said.

He also said that every
generation needs a revolution, Jimmy.

The American Dream is just that...

just a f*cking dream.

Deep. Shit, that's deep.

Frankie, go start the car
and turn on the AC.

It's too hot in this city.

It's nice out, bro.

Jimmy, man. Come on.
I'll be in touch.

Get some sleep, Jimmy.

But no sleepwalking.

Any problems you cause
will be very bad for your brother.

Aw, Frankie.

You f*cking m*therf*cker.

You fucker.

You m*therf*cker.

Jimmy. Ah, Jimmy.

Come on, you done calling dinosaurs?

That's disgusting, man.

- You all right?
- Yeah, I'm good.

Sug. What's up, Sug?

Oh, shit, look. They got all
this whip cream and shit.

Yo, House. Come here, man.

This is my brother, James.
He's driving and blowing shit up.

Don't f*ck this up.

- You need to eat something, dude.
- What?

Nothing. Nothing.

That's like House's crew.
He's cool, he's cool.

I don't talk to them too much.
Yeah, they're cool.

- Fellas, what's up?
- Oh, shit. You remember Spoonie?

- From back in the day.
- We used to play ball together, man.

- Yo, Spoonie, from the Bywater-
- Boys, gather 'round.

What's up, man? What's up?

w*r is a continuation of politics,
only by other means.

Politics is a continuation
of economics by other means.

This is our bank.

This is our w*r.

And this is our plan of attack.

We need to create a staged distraction.

James will jack four cars
and blow 'em up all over

Central Business
District todraw out the cops.

As we enter,

Frankie will secure the guard
and disable the cameras.

Spoon will take out the hostages.

Sugar and I will grab the manager
and go for the vault.

Our window of opportunity is five minutes
after the vault unlocks automatically...

according to our source
back at the warehouse.

No risk he'll squeal.

Nevertheless, James will be
on police scanner in the van.

And, James, we'll need a
nondescript getaway van.

Weapons and a*mo on you, House.

We all clear?

Yo, it's a good plan, man.

- It's a f*cking stupid plan.
- Jimmy, come on, man.

We each break out with like
half a mil, man, come on.

Jimmy, I need this. We both need this.

We get our life back on track.
Erase all those lost years.

I was on track, Frankie.
All right, now get lost.

Jimmy, come on, man.
Don't do this. Don't do this!

- Frankie, get the f*ck out of my way.
- We need this, man. You can't walk.

- Get the f*ck out of my way.
- Come on, man. Jimmy, please.

Look, you know what?
If you're gonna rob a bank, Frankie...

you f*cking go in, you empty the tills,
then you run out, you f*cking drive like f*ck.

Nobody actually goes for the vault.
That's just in the f*cking movies, bro.

Yeah, but we got the codes, bro.
We got the schedule to the time release.

- That's f*cking huge.
- They f*cking k*lled a guy for it!

- What the f*ck doesn't register with you?
- I know that's bad, man. That's f*cking bad.

- It is f*cking bad!
- Yeah, but what can I do?

What can I do about it now, man?

They'll f*cking k*ll you, bro.
They'll f*cking k*ll you.

They'll k*ll me, man.
They'll even k*ll Emily.

How the f*ck do they
even know about Emily?


Yo, how the f*ck do they
even know about Emily, huh?

- I don't know.
- Do they even f*cking know about her?

- I may have said something about you guys.
- What the f*ck did you say?

When I was in the joint,
I may have talked about you and Emily.

- Why the f*ck are you talking about us?
- I was so happy for you.

Man, there's no love in there.
I was happy for you guys. I'm sorry.

- f*ck!
- Look, man, there's no way out, man.

This guy, Ray, he's like f*cking--
he's like f*cking Manson.

Why the f*ck do you buy into his shit, huh?

You don't know what it's like
being in there with the lifers. I f*cking--

It's brutal, man.
These guys--he saved me. I owe him.

Yeah, you owe him?

Yeah, so what?
You just gonna be his little bitch now?

- What did you say?
- You gonna be his f*cking little bitch now?

- Don't you f*cking talk--
- Just a f*cking little clown!

- Don't you f*cking say that to me!
- A little f*cking juggling clown.

You don't know what
I've f*cking been through!

You don't know what I've been through!

You don't know! You don't f*cking know,
man. They f*cked me--

f*cking took my swagger, Jimmy!
They took my swagger!

f*cking robbed me from me, man.
They f*cking broke me, bro.

You don't know shit.
You don't know what I've been through.

You don't know what
I've f*cking lived through.

These m*therf*ckers...

What happened, bro?
Tell me what happened.

What the f*ck happened to you?
I want my f*cking bro back, all right?

They f*cked me, man.

They're f*cked, Jimmy.
You don't know shit, man.

You don't know f*cking shit, man!

They f*cked me in the ass
with toothpaste, man!

They f*cked me in the ass with toothpaste!
Bro, you don't know fuckingshit!

- All right? They f*cked me.
- They what?

This guy f*cking saved me!

These guys f*cking saved me.
I'd f*cking be done, bro.

I swear to God, man.
I swear to God, listen to me.

They know we're only in it for a one time deal.
They're cool with that. Okay?

Tuesday night, we bounce. Okay?

We good, man. I promise you, Jimmy.
I promise you.

We don't have to do anything like this again.
You won't have to do anything likethis.

Man, we don't have we're gonna
We don't have to be like Mom!

We can have f*cking options.

We can have f*cking options!

I'm gonna get you your own shop!

You won't have to see me anymore.

You don't have to see me.

You just gotta trust me, Jimmy.
You gotta trust me, man.

It's not so easy, bro.

It's not so easy, Frankie.

Hey, I know it's stressful.

But what in life isn't?

Thought you could use a cold drink.

Hey, thanks.

I think it's gonna rain all week.

Hey, would you mind?
There's a ratchet over there on the table.

- Could you pass it to me?
- Ratchet?

Yeah, it might be in the toolbox, actually.

I don't know what a ratchet looks like.

You know what actually?

You wanna come over here
for a second and give me ahand?

- Yeah, what do you need?
- If you could hold that right there.

- Okay.
- And just keep that good and tight.

- Here?
- Yeah. You got it?

Yeah, got it.

- Yeah, just like that.
- Okay.

Right in here.
I'm gonna tighten this up.

- And there she goes.
- Got it?

- I got it. All right, thanks.
- You're welcome.

Even the rain's hot tonight.

Heard some crazy stories about
you while you were away.

Oh, yeah? Like what?

We went to school
with some bitter people.

You mean stories like
I went to prison after Iraq?




They said the same thing about Frankie.

Yeah, well, don't listen to 'em.

Who should I listen to?

Look, Frankie and I went traveling.

He stayed on, I came home.

That's it, end of story.


So, what happened to your car?

I had to lend it to my brother.

Frankie's back in town.

Yeah. Yeah, he is.

Driving a car without a key.

You see, I went down to my work
this morning to grab a loaner and...

no one was around
and I couldn't find the keys and...

- I know, it looks a little bit shady.
- No, not at all.

I don't want to know.

Units, dispatch is available.
Do I come across clear?

Come here. Come on,
come on. Come on, come on.

- What are you doing, Frankie? I'm working.
- I know. I know, hey.

- I know what you're thinking.
- What are you doing with a f*cking yellow--

Know why? 'Cause who would think
I stole a f*cking yellow car?

Who would steal a yellow car?

Exactly. Nobody. I'm smart.

And, if you're getting p*ssy and
you drive this car, you know she loves you.

- Come on, we gotta go.
- Frankie, I'm working, I can't.

Gotta make time, let's go.
Trust me, we gotta go.

All right, one second.

Hey, Burnell, cover for me.
I'll be one second.

Yeah, all right.

I mean, really, who steals a yellow car?

It goes with my green jacket.

And the brown.

Oh, so when I stole it,
I f*cked the door up.

I'm like driving around having
to f*cking hold the door.

It's a clown car, man.
This is embarrassing.

Let's just pull around the corner,
we'll jack something that's not yellow, okay?

It's called fly yellow.

I think the suspension on this car's f*cked.

f*ck, man. Everybody can't
be as good as you, bro.

Everybody can't take the f*cking
hot rods all the f*cking time.

It's easy for me to pop this shit. Come on.

All right.

What's up?

Damn, whose funeral?

- Yours.
- Yo, what the f*ck's your problem, man?

- You all right, Frankie?
- Yo, yo, Ray, man.

Shut the f*ck up, Frankie.

- Like Montezuma's revenge of the mouth.
- What? I didn't say shit, man!

- Why you hitting me, man?
- Yeah, man. What the f*ck?

- What the f*ck?
- What the f*ck?

What the f*ck was you doing
at the police station this morning?

Yo, chill, man. Come on, man.

You think I don't know
about your little girlfriend?

You think she can't
be taken away from your life

just as quickly as
she wasbrought back into it?

So let's try this one more time.

Hold up, man!
I was dropping her off for work, that's it.

All right? I haven't said jack shit.
She doesn't know nothing. I swear to God.

- At the police station?
- Yeah, she just works there, that's it.

- She a cop, Frank?
- Oh, man. Nah, man, come on.

- She's not a cop.
- Yo, I didn't know that.

She's not a cop.

Is she a cop?

Please listen to me.

I promise you, she's not
a f*cking cop, all right?

The f*ck, man?
She ain't a cop. We cool, right?

- Jimmy, tell 'em.
- I promise you she's not a f*cking cop.

Chill, man. She ain't a cop. f*ck.

f*cking my hair all up and shit.

- You all right?
- Don't sh**t my d*ck, man.

- You be a'ight, man, relax.
- Don't point that shit at my d*ck.

Come on, let's go.

- Come on, Jimmy.
- What the f*ck, Frankie?

Hey, remember...

remember when you almost blew
your hand off that Fourth of July...

with that homemade
blockbuster you made?

Shit, Jimmy. That was crazy.

Every car alarm
in the neighborhood went off.

And you were just looking at me, right?

I remember you had
this look in your eye like...

you're like

like you discovered p*ssy or something.

I couldn't hear shit for a week.

You're the one that put the sugar
in her gas t*nk, aren't you?

That was you.

- Jimmy, come on.
- You tried to set us up so that I couldn't run.


- That was you.
- Come on, Jimmy. I wouldn't do that.

I swear, Jimmy.

I didn't know they were gonna do that.
I didn't know, man.

I know, it's not nice. I know.

But it's smart though, right?

They needed someone close to you
to get to that you cared about, right? So...

Anyway, look, hey,
it's a good thing, no?

I like that girl.
Nothing's gonna happen.

Some f*cking brother I got.

You're a f*cking piece of work, Frankie.
You know that?

I'm done eating.

I'm done.

You remember when Dad went away?

Do you? You were young.

Do you remember how Mom fell apart?

- What the f*ck?
- We had nothing!

No one to come to!

I remember that shit.

I remember I came home,
I found you locked out of the house...

'cause Mom had a f*cking n*gg*r over.

And you were filthy.

And I cleaned you up.
I fed you.

I stole everything for us, Jimmy.

Everything, man.
I stole everything for us.

All your gear,
your first set of tools.

Yeah, I made mistakes,
I'm a piece of shit.

What can I say? I'm human.

But I always looked out
for my little brother...

to the best of my abilities...

even if they were somewhat

It was always me
and you against theworld.

Me and you...

against the world.

Me and you, Frankie.

It was me and you.

I'm gonna go take a piss.

Yo, Frankie.


You ever wonder what life
would be like if--

if you never pulled trig
on that cop 10 years ago?

But I did, Jimmy.

I did.

Hey, I was just thinking about you.

I think we should check out this new place
in the Bywater.

I was just reading about it.
What do you think?

Something's wrong.

We got an expl*si*n in Greenpoint.
Backup required. 01:01:23:0501:01:26:05
I need units to respond to alarms at St. 01:02:00:0101:02:02:01
Charles and Jackson and
in the Quarter at Ursulines and Chartres. 01:02:02:0601:02:04:29
We have an MVA with a tour bus
and three chained vehicles. 01:02:05:0101:02:08:06
I'm sorry, unit 61,
could you please repeat? 01:02:08:0901:02:09:27
Did you say,
A tour bus andthreechained vehicles?" " "

Copy that. Another expl*si*n reported
by city parks. A car b*mb.

Looks like it's gonna be a busy morning.

Looks like it's gonna rain.

Nobody f*cking move!

f*cking move,
I'll show you your f*cking insides.

- Come on, get down!
- Down, m*therf*cker! Down!

No phone calls, bitch!

You! Down! Down!

Hands, ladies!
Show us your f*cking hands?

- Against the f*cking wall!
- Let's go, ladies. Out the back.

Get the f*ck down!

- Let's go! Move it, move it, move it!
- Give me your cell phones!

- Stay down! Stay down!
- Quick, quick, quick, quick.

- Everybody listen up!
- Take a deep breath and relax!

We're here to rob the bank, not you.

In the five minutes we spend here,
the CEO of this bank will make moremoney...

off of all of you than we take from him.

Banks have become an invisible
threat to our democracy.

So consider this...

justice. Don't be a hero!

Don't. Look away. Look away!

- The vault, now!
- Get the f*ck up! Now!

- I can't open the vault.
- Man, get outta here. Let's go.

Get down, get down. Get down,
m*therf*cker, get down!

Move your fat f*cking ass! Go!

Open that gate. Get it open!

Look, it's not gonna work.
Even if I give you the code...

this thing only opens
at predetermined times.

- Just enter the f*cking code.
- It's not gonna work!

I'll only say it one more time.
Enter the code.

f*ck you.

Thanks a lot, man.
You've been a lot of help.



Oh, shit! f*ck, man.
I think somebody saw me!

f*ck! Shit!

What a f*cking dumb ass!
Let's get the f*ck outta here!

What the f*ck you looking at?

Stop f*cking twitching or I'm gonna blow
yourfucking head off. Look down!

- Yo, she's probably calling the f*cking cops.
- Get your shit together!

- What are we gonna do? We gotta go!
- Calm down. What the f*ck time is it?

- Shit. Two minutes.
- Where the f*ck you going?

- Two f*cking minutes!
- Where the f*ck you going, man?


Okay, and how many did you see?

There was one inside
the bank and he had a mask,

and I think he had a g*n,too.

possible armed robbery in progress.

Canal Street, Mid-City. Do you copy?

Roger, that. We'll check it out.

Hey, yo, time's up, man.
We gotta go.

We got 30 seconds, come on!
Help him. Hold his bag!

- Grab his bag, come on.
- Hurry up, though. Hurry up, come on.

We gotta go, come on!
Man, that's a lot of f*cking dough.

Yeah, baby!

Yo, cops are coming, man. We gotta go!

Ah, man, this is not good.
Let's get the f*ck outta here!

Where is everybody?

In the f*cking vault! They been there forever!
Where the f*ck you going?

Where you going?
Get back in the f*cking van!

- Get back in the f*cking van!
- Calm the f*ck down, all right?


I'm gonna f*cking k*ll--
don't f*cking move!

That's good. That's good.
That's good. That's good.

- Come on, let's get the f*ck outta here!
- Yeah, we gotta go!

We gotta go now! Come on!
Yo, leave it!

Yo, Spoonie.
Where the f*ck is Spoonie?


Where the f*ck is Spoonie, man?

Oh, shit! Five-0, five-0!
Get the f*ck away from the windows!

- Where the f*ck is he going?
- Where's the f*cking van?

- Yo, he's f*cking gone, man!
- Jimmy!

Confirmed armed robbery in progress
at the Canal Street Savings Bank.

sh*ts have been fired.
All available units respond.

Get the f*ck down!




You all right?

Frankie! Are you hit?

Oh, shit. Jimmy.

Oh, shit!

Oh, shit!


All right, listen up!

We have to adapt to a changing situation.

- New game plan.
- Game plan?

Spoonie ran off with his bitch-ass
with our m*therf*cking getaway truck!

We still have the advantage, Sugar.

These are first response city cops!
They have handguns and shotguns.

We have machine g*ns
and the high ground.

But we gotta move
before they improve their position.

Ray, man, I'm f*cking bleeding, man!
I'm f*cking bleeding!

There is no other option, Frankie!

Now listen to me.
We need another getaway car.

That's our only way out of here.

You got to get to the side entrance
and jack us another car!

- Hang in there, Frankie!
- Frankie, listen to me.

- We're gonna get outta here.
- We need collateral!

Sugar, cover me. Go!

- What's your name? What's your name?
- Katie.

All right, Katie. You be cool, you live.

You freak out on me, you die.

Got it? Let's go!

Come on, James!

Come on, James, now's our break!

- Get up, man.
- Frankie, we're gonna get out of here.

Go with Sugar, okay?

Get up, man, we gotta go!
Gotta go, man!

- Come on, Frankie, get up!
- I'm bleeding out, man.

We gotta go, man!

f*ck, dude.

Get in the car!
Go, go, go, go, go!

- Drive!
- Where's Frankie?

- Go, go, go, go!
- Where the f*ck's Frankie?

Frankie's as good as dead, James.
Let's go! Let's get the f*ck outta here!

What the f*ck are you doing?
Go, go!

I'm not leaving without Frankie!

- Come on! Go, move!
- Shit!

I got you covered. Go!

Here's what we know so far.

g*nf*re's been exchanged with at least
two suspects trying to escape thebank.

Looks like some assailants
are still inside holding hostages.

What we don't know is exactly how--


I'm sorry.

What the f*ck are you doing?

I'm bleeding out.

I'm bleeding out.

All right,
I'm gonna take a look, all right?



All right, it's not that bad.

We gotta stop this bleeding though.

All right...

let's get you fixed up
and get the f*ck out of here.

All right?

I'm gonna go get some supplies.

I'll be right back.
We'll get you all fixed up,allright?

All right, I'll book it. Keep going!

Go! Go!



Yo! Hey, lady. Lady.
Come here, get up.

All right, I'm trying to get up.

- Get up. Don't worry.
- Shit!

I'm not gonna hurt you, all right?
Come on.

Come on. Come in here.

Get the f*ck back!

Tell your guys to get the f*ck back!

All right? I got hostages in here!

I'm gonna start throwing
bodies out thewindow!

We're standing down.
Stand down!

This is Captain Sullivan speaking.
Is everybody all right in there?

What you think!

Do you need anything?
Do you need medical assistance?

No! Just get your f*cking guys
the f*ck away from this bank!

I'm gonna start f*cking
murdering people, all right?

Okay, I'm here to help you.

Son, you tell me what you want.

I just want-- you know what?
I want to talk to a real f*cking negotiator,

all right,
Captain Whatever-the-f*ck-your-name-is!

Okay, son. He's been contacted.
He's en route.

Negotiator's on the way.

All right.

Just stay the f*ck away
from this f*cking bank!

Come on, ma'am.

All right, you did good.

You did good.
Thank you very much. You did good.

Yo, I need a first aid kit.
Where the f*ck's the first aid kit here?

Somebody, where the f*ck
is the first aid kit in here?

Okay, Central,
I've got eyes on the suspect.

He's on foot heading
north on Royal Street.

What the--!

Ah, f*ck!

Mother-- m*therf*cker!

- Okay, last one. All right.
- Holy--

Take a deep breath.

All right. All right.

- All right, good as new.
- Oh, God.

Come here.

- Oh, God. Oh, God.
- Come here.

Oh shit. Oh, shit, Jimmy.

Oh, shit. Jimmy,
what are we gonna do?

What are we gonna do?

We're gonna wait for
the negotiator to show up.

I'm not going back.
I'm not going back.

We can't sh**t our way outta here, bro.

I'm not going back. You hear me?

- I'm not going back. Think of something.
- Yeah, all right. I know.

- No, you gotta think of something.
- I know.

- Come up with something.
- I know, all right?

They're wolves in there, Jimmy.
They're wolves in there.

I can't go back.

All right.
You just got to do what I say, okay?

Gotta do what I say.


...invested in me,
I now pronounce you husband and wife.

Get back! I got a hostage!
I'll k*ll her! I'll k*ll her!

Step back! You! You!



Target down!

All right!

All right!

You put down your g*ns,
I'll let y'all live!

All right,
I ain't going warn you no more!

This is it!


Yeah, Frankie?

I'm just a thief.

All my life...

nothing but a thief.

And I stole from you.

I stole from you, bro.

Look at me.

Do you forgive me, Jimmy?

You're my brother, Frankie.

I love you.

I love you, too, man.

I love you, too.

What the--



Come here.

Come here.

Jimmy, wake up.

You gotta get up.
Get up. Get up.


- I gotta do it.
- What the f*ck are you doing?

I gotta do it, Jimmy.

Oh, shit, Frankie.

Shit, Jimmy.

All right, easy, easy, easy.
We got you We got you"

Okay, just hang tight. Hang tight.

Hang tight. Let's get you undone here.

I'm gonna take care of you, sir. All right.

Come in!
The hostage I was working on...

is not a hostage!
I repeat, he is not a hostage!

He's headed north on Carondelet.
He's on foot. Do you copy?

Yeah, roger that.

- Hey... Emily!
- I can't.