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04x10 - Gimme Shelter

Posted: 04/10/13 02:37
by bunniefuu
Previously, on Republic of Doyle.

Leslie: Katrina-- Tinny Doyle.

Whoo hoo!

Nikki. I know that you and I weren't exactly good for each other.

But that doesn't mean that I won't
always love you.

Whatever you have to do--

Do not lose this one.

She's the greatest thing that ever happened to you.

You're an awesome team.

Stop beating the hell out of my dad.

Here we go!


If Crocker's behind this, not even paternity is gonna save him.

Jake's made a lot of enemies over the years.

And technically, you'd be number one on that list.


The boss, what's his name?

You know his name.

I have this way of finding people who do me wrong.

Are you alright?


Becker: Your son has angered a lot of bad people over the years.

I'm just one of them.

Phonse: Safe to say,

Rose won't be fixing me up with any of her hot friends.

Speaking of hot.

Malachy: Hey. Watch it.

Phonse: Oh, she is, though, Mal.

You always were unfairly lucky when it came to brilliant beautiful women.


I'm glad the two of you think this is so hilarious.

Were the sacs really necessary?

I've been here a thousand times.

Well, I was going for shock value.

Not subterfuge.

Point made. Point taken.

Phonse is gonna find a way to pay you back.

So, we'll be on our way.

Eileen: You better settle in.

Because we're gonna talk payment options.

And after you hear option one:
immediate repayment, you're not gonna like your choices.

Jake: So, did your good buddy happen to mention where we could find him?

Malachy: You know what Phonse is like.

Not one for planning.

It's part of his charm.

All I know is, we've been walking around here forever.

Okay, I still don't understand why we're not in the car driving looking for him.

Burns too much gas, just driving around.

It's bad for the environment.

You mean you're too cheap to pay for the gas, and you didn't want to pay the parking fee.

Phonse: Psst.


Malachy: Phonse?

There he is!

Phonse: Malachy Doyle.

It's been too lg.

Way too long. Ten years.

Either way. It's good to see you.

Jake. The last time we were in the same room, you were still in short pants.

I have no idea what short pants are.

Um. Why are we in a parking garage?

That's a good question. Phonse?

To be honest, there's been some aggressive attempts on my life.

Someone's trying to k*ll me.

Malachy: Is this another ex-girlfriend or something?

Phonse: No, no, no.

It's a little more
complicated, I'm afraid.

I've been cleaning my life up.

Got a new job. Jake.

I'm a courier now.

Cool. Wha?


So, through the jigs and the reels, a few b*ll*ts have been sent my way.

You've been shot at.

Malachy: Let's get out of here, now.

Phonse, this is serious. Come on.

Phonse: Grab your car.

I'll meet you out front.


Try not to attract any attention.

They could be anywhere.

He's an odd duck, that one.

Yeah. He can be a pain. But he's a good guy.

Loyal as the day is long. Always has been.

[Truck engine revs.]




[Tires screech.]




You alright?

♪ Oh yeah. ♪
♪ Oh yeah. ♪
♪ Oh yeah. ♪
♪ Oh yeah. ♪
♪ Oh yeah, ee-yeah, ♪ ee-yeah, ee-ah ♪
♪ Oh yeah, ee-yeah ♪
♪ ee-yeah, ee-yeah ♪
♪ Oh yeah! ♪

Did, uh.... Did you get a good look at the driver?

Too dark. Are you okay?

Jake: No.

Yes. Yes. I'm fine.

The driver could have shoved Phonse in the back.

But he also could have run off.

Oh. My ribs, man. I don't think I can walk.

You should go home.

You're no use to anyone like this.

And I'm not carrying you.

b*llet casings.

Shot from inside the car.

Phonse took a few sh*ts at the driver of the truck.

Maybe he got away.

If he's on the run,

I got a good idea where he'd go.

Come on.

We gotta get you to a hospital.

No, no, no, no. Look.

I'm not going to a hospital, okay?

We gotta figure this out.

Come on.

Man, when I catch up to that fella, I swear--

I'm getting Rose to switch up.

Let's go. Come on.

Rose: So he's a buddy of yours.

Malachy: Yes. And he will hit on you.

A lot.

But don't be taken aback by that.

Rose: Okay then.

Malachy: And, his shed.

Call it a cabin.

He's really sensitive about the whole shed thing.

Got it.

It's a nice cabin.

He used to hide out here, back in the old days when I was doing drug squad.

Phonse was a major pot-head I had to bust.

That's your history?

How did you become friends?

One day, he went clean, became an informant.

We worked together a lot. He's a good decent guy.


Phonse: You won't take me alive, Eileen!

Decent? He's trying to k*ll us!



It's me, ya meathead.

Phonse: Malachy? I thought you were Eileen.

Eileen? Oh, Phonse.

Again? Seriously?

Who's Eileen? Ex-girlfriend?

I wish.

She is a doll.

A little young.

But you know, I could keep up.

Malachy: Eileen Jamieson.

Runs an underground mah-jong game in town.

How much are you into her for?

Uh, a few thousand.

A few?

A hundred.


Three hundred thousand dollars?

No wonder she's trying to k*ll you.


Leslie? Hi.

Sorry, I'm not with Jake at the moment.

Actually, I need you.

We should talk.

Everything okay?

I hear you're visiting Maurice Becker in the pen.

It's not a great time. There's a lot on the go here.

If something's going on with Becker, I need to know, now.

Alright. Where?


And let's keep this between us.

Rose. Would you mind taking Phonse back to our house?

I gotta go visit Leslie.

She wants to know what's going on with Jake and Becker.

Rose: Look, how about you take Phonse here.

And I'll deal with Leslie.

Jake: What have you got on the pickup truck that ran me over?

Des: From the plate Mal gave me--

It's registered to a Dante Peterson.

So Dante's truck is registered to Peterson Minerals, a mining company over there.

Oh, and I checked online.

And my suspicions were correct.

You're hurt.


So two things.

You should be lying down.

Or, at least not prone.

And you should call a doctor.

Like your ex-wife. Nikki.

No waiting. No line-ups.

And maybe a little...

Des, I'm not calling Nikki. Okay?

She moved out of the province anyway.

So that's not going to happen.

Well, then go home, and have a rest, b'y.

Have some liquids.

And maybe have a nice hot bath.

Oh, you don't have a bath.

Well, have a shower, or be seated.

That will clear up the jaundice. Don't worry.

Don't worry I got this.

Jake: This looks like the truck.

Isn't that the truck?

Jake: Oh. Hey. What are you at?

Is this your truck?

Excuse me. Do I know you?

No, no, no.

Just curious.

I'm thinking about buying one.

Do you like how she drives in the winter? Or...

Yeah. Well.

Had a bit of an accident, did you?

I really hope you left
a note for whoever you smashed into.


Des: Jake.

You think you can just run into a guy and just take off?

Or what?

Thug: Maurice Becker says hello.






I'm sorry.

I'm sorry. Are you okay?

Ow! Just--

I'm sorry.

Well, at least I got a photo.

Jake: Who the hell was that bat-wielding idiot?

Rose: Thank you.

Server: You're welcome. Have a great day.

Don't get me wrong, Rose. It's always nice to see you.

But I asked for Malachy to be here.

Where is he?

He's swamped.

He's helping a friend.

But I can answer all your questions.

I've been calling Jake all day.

Is it true he was hit by a truck?

He was. He's fine. He's resting.

But how did you know about that?

Des told me.

Not that Jake knows how to answer a phone.

Are you sure he's all right?

Yeah. He's at the office. He'll be okay.

It just did a number on his ribs.

Off the record.

Was it Becker?

I've heard from some of my undercover contacts that he's gunnin' for Jake.

Uh, no. It was a case we're working on.

How did you hear about Becker and Jake?

Rose, I have to ask you not to question me on this.

But I need you and Malachy to leave Maurice Becker alone.

He's off limits.

I got you.

Malachy's another story.

Just call him.

Tell him I said to stay away from Maurice Becker.

Okay. I'm on it.

So, tell me more about this Eileen.

What are we dealing with?

She's a tough lady. But so pretty.

She's trying to k*ll you.

She's done it to others before who couldn't pay.

Yet you still got yourself three hundred K in deep with her.

From mah-jong.

I was about to get the Three Lesser Scholars.

It's a hand in mah-jong.

But I blew it. It's a funny game.

But so addictive, man.

No doubt.

I really think it's time you give me back my g*n.

Forget it, Phonse. No can do.

g*ns are a lot more trouble than they're worth.

I may need it to defend myself.

Not to mention you.

I got your back, buddy.


Since you nearly put a b*llet in mine a little while ago.

No g*ns, Phonse. That's how it has to be.


Then can we go back to my car?

I got some stuff in there that might be able to get me out of Eileen's bad books.

Call Des. Get him to grab it.

No, no, no, no.

I gotta get it.

It's a personal thing.

Better not be skin mags.

Ha, ha, ha. Skin mags.


Hey there. What does Leslie know?

She knows we're looking into Becker.


I don't know.

But I think it's something we should keep an eye on.

In the meantime, do you mind running a background check on this Eileen Jamieson?

See what you can find?

Yeah, sure. But Mal, listen.

Leslie's mad at both you Doyle men.

So you're gonna have to do some damage control later.

Eh, I could be her father-in-law.

She'll live. It's good practice.

Yeah. Okay.

Malachy: We shouldn't be back here.

Something feels wrong.


It's really important.

Jake. How's your ribs?

Is Des helping you out?

Des! I'm on the phone!

Oh, can you ask him to pick up some frozen peas?

I'll pay him back for it.

Oh, and something that we can microwave.

I want to alternate between hot and cold.

And some high fibre-
rich foods.

A preventative strike on constipation side effects.

Listen. As I was saying, Des ran a check, okay, on the guy that hit me with the truck.

His name is Dante Peterson.

Apparently he's some big, you know, mineral exploration tycoon.

Any idea how you could have made an enemy out of a mining tycoon named Dante Peterson?

How would I know?

You meet so many people every day, you're bound to ruffle a few feathers.

I'll call you back in a bit.

All right.

Ow b'y. Ow.

Ow! Just ow!

Ahh. Jeez, b'y. See?

You see? Now.

Listen to me when I tells ya. No--

over-exertion. We wanna keep you nice and calm and still--

And safe.

And eliminate all stress from your life.

Now these pills.


I had to take these when you got me shot.

Do you remember when you got me shot?

Yes. Des. I remember when I got you shot.

And you almost died.

It's okay. It's okay, brother.

That was ages ago,
when you got me shot.

I don't know why you keep bringing it up. Now.

Just take a couple of those.

Well, two pills, actually.

Two pills will put you to sleep, honestly.

Okay, I don't know what that's gonna do to you--


Malachy: I can't help you if you aren't straight with me.

Just a sec.

Got it.

I got some stuff in here I need.




It's the same truck.

That's gotta be that Dante fella.

Anything you wanna tell me now?

I knew this was a bad idea.

I can do this all day.




Another g*n? What are you? An armoury?


Give me that, you lunatic.

Dante: I'm not gonna stop 'til you give me that file.

Out with it. Tell me everything.

Or I'll take my chances with Dante.


Are you crazy?

This guy will k*ll us!

You're lying to me.

You have what seems like an endless supply of fire arms.

Not bad for a pacifist.

Dante: Phonse!

And this guy is obviously after you for something.

Now what is it?




Dante has been falsifying his environmental samples.

His mine is closing down and he wants to avoid a three hundred million dollar cleanup.


Here are the papers.


See what you're making me do?


What good is that file to you?

I thought I could steal the legit info and sell it back.

Instead of paying you, he wants to k*ll you.

So why don't you just give it back to him?

I need the money to pay Eileen, remember?

Dante: I mean it, Phonse.

Malachy: Get ready to run.


[Phone ringing.]





I have a way of getting back at people
who do me wrong.



Ahh! My back.

Fuddle duddle!

Why did you do that?


I, uh...

I thought you were...

I just had a really weird dream.

Des: That's okay. Don't try and help.

I think it must be the pills. I let you down. I'm sorry.

Des. Those pills really messed me up.



Malachy: Phonse.

I love you. I do.

But you have to promise. No more lies.

If you want me to help you, we have to work together.

I promise. Yes.

But your handling of that fella. Epic.

Stop that.

Eileen: Phonse.

You really need to learn how to lay low.

Hold on a second. This is my house.

You've no right--


The thing I love about using a cue to hit people.

They're solid.

Not solid enough to cause any serious damage.

Just enough to get a point across.


This, on the other hand, drives the point home.


Malachy: Seriously, Phonse.

If this keeps up,

Rose in not gonna let me hang out with you any more.

Phonse: Safe to say,

Rose won't be fixing me up with any of her hot friends.

Speaking of hot--

Malachy: Hey. Watch it.

Phonse: Oh, she is, though, Mal.

You always were unfairly lucky when it came to brilliant beautiful women.

I'm glad the two of you think this is so hilarious.

Were the sacs really necessary? I've been here a thousand times.

Well, I was going for shock value. Not subterfuge.

Point made. Point taken.

Phonse is gonna find a way to pay you back.

So we'll be on our way.

Eileen: You better settle in.

Because we're gonna talk payment options.

And after you hear option one, immediate repayment, you aren't gonna like your choices.

Rose: Oh my God.

What happened here?

I thought that Des was Maurice Becker trying to k*ll me.

So I threw him on the floor.

Speaking of Maurice Becker, he is trying to k*ll me, isn't he?

Anything you want to share with me about that?

Probably not the best time for that right now.


Where's Father and where's Phonse?

I was hoping you would know. The GTO is parked at the house.

Des, hon, where does it hurt?

Ohh! Ahhh!

Well, at first it felt like my back was broken in half.

And now, well, it still feels that way.

Rose: Okay. Something is not right here.

Any idea where this came from?

Where did you find this?

In our kitchen.

Hey Mal?

I came home and the house was a bit of a mess, like there was a struggle.


That was on the floor.

The logo on it looks like it's for that pool hall.

You know, Grooms, on George Street?

You know what?

They run an underground mah-jong game there.

That Chinese game with that Dominos thing?

Phonse was always one for a bit of gambling.

Eileen Jamieson. Mal asked me to look into her.

Phonse is in debt to her big time.

Maybe she came to collect.

Des: Okay.

It's time for your meds now.

If I'm going to nurse you back to health--

I can't remember what I was going to say.

Go away.

I shall.

Rose: Okay. You know what?

We gotta go check out this pool place.

If Eileen is involved, this could be bad.

Des, how's your back?

Des: Much better.

I think, you know, I was probably just having sympathy pains for Jake.

I'm gonna go with you to the pool hall, okay?

I just need a few--

Rose: Des.

How many of these pills have you taken?

More than ten, less than five.

I feel great.

[Phone rings.]

[Message sound.]

Maurice: It's time for you to pay back that debt you owe me, Doyle.

Maurice Becker.

You don't like me in here rooting around, do you?

Maurice: I know exactly why you're here.

How did you figure this out?

Who's the rat?

Just tell me one thing.

I'm as free as a bird.

Free as a bird. Free as a bird...
The way I see it, Malachy, you're the good guy in this situation.

Phonse: He is.

He really is.

Although I can be very charming.

And I gotta say, Eileen, I have other skills as well.

And since you're the good guy, you're the one I'm gonna set free.

We both walk out of here together.

I'm not doing you any favours.

You have a very important job.

You're gonna get the money that your idiot friend owes me.

Phonse: I'm not sure I'd use the term idiot.

And best friend is a better way to describe
our relationship.

Eileen: One hour. Or Phonse loses his toes.

And every hour after that. Well--

The human body only has so many digits.

And I'll cut them all off.

When it comes to what order, I'll surprise you.

How do you expect me to put three hundred grand together in an hour?

Ask Phonse. Because my patience has run out.

Clock starts in three, two...

Oh. Ah!

I'm sorry.

What the hell are you doing? We're closed.

I'm sorry. I was just--

I was looking for the bathroom.

I'm gonna try and help you, okay?

Sorry. Just--



Eileen: Nice try.




Come on!


Nice work son.

You couldn't have played that any better.

Played? Yes.

Des, you were supposed to wait for me to be in position.

Des: I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, Rose.

I think it's these back pills.

They've heightened my sense of worry.

And I was afraid that Becker had said --

Malachy: Becker?

Becker did what?

He sent some baseball-wielding crazy after Jake.

And he laid him out.


You need to lay low, back at your shed.

It's a cabin.

And wait. You're coming too, right?


[Message sound.]

Hey. Hey. You stand back, baby.

Nikki. What the hell are you doing here?

I thought you moved away.


I'm here to take care of you.

Today I'm your doctor.

And your wife.


I'm pretty sure we were divorced. But--

You were hit by a car, Jake.

You're too stubborn to go to the hospital.

And I will bring the hospital to you.

This'll get you hot, baby.

Um, what are you doing?

You're heart is defective, Jake.

I have to tell you--

You were a terrible husband.

You screwed it up.

It's easier this way.


Shut up!

After all, you made a commitment to me too.

And look how that worked out.


What? Arrgh!

[Phone rings.]




Man that was messed up.



Hope you don't mind the fine aroma of a Cuban.

Cigar, that is, not people.

That would be a bit crude.

Say I walk around smelling Cuban people.

Well, I have to say, even through this glass, a cigar smells better than the stench of you.

I know what you did today.

And your guy failed.

Jake's alive.

And you're one step closer to being held accountable.

He's still breathing.

It's just that I hear he's barely walking.

That's one step closer to finishing my objective.

You think you're untouchable in here?

You think I can't get at you?

Well you're wrong.

Sure. Sure Malachy.

Some would say

I have connections.

That I live better in here than most people do on the outside.

It's an exaggeration, hey b'y.

Doesn't matter who you know.

I'll make sure you go down for this.


Yeah. Alright. Well. Good luck to you.

And all your cops and robbers.

I'm sure you'll get your man.

Yeah. No doubt.

I shouldn't have dragged you into this.

Why don't the two of you just get out now?

I'll sort this out on my own.

Did I ever tell you how beautiful you are?

Stop it buddy. Okay?

You know we're in this now.

And you're Malachy's best friend.

So we gotta help.

I'm sorry.

I have this habit of hitting on beautiful women when I'm nervous.

And you are so, so beautiful.

See? I did it again.

Phonse. We're all in this together. Okay?

If Mal likes you, then we likes you.

Okay? So we just gotta come up with a way to raise three hundred thousand dollars.

Which I don't have.

Bake sales.

Surprisingly lucrative.


Listen. I need more info on Dante.

And why you stole his environmental report.

Phonse: They guy is lying.

Defrauding everyone by falsifying his findings.

When he closes up his mine, he'll leave behind enough contaminated soil to choke us all.

You can't prove fraud and cover up if you're dead.

Why don't we just give him his file back?

And then you can nail him on the fraud after he stops trying to k*ll you and stuff.

I guess we don't have any other choice.

So where is this folder with the environmental report in it?

Oh no.


My messenger bag.

Eileen must have it.

See, she is so hot,

I lost my--you know-- my edge.

Rose: Okay.

You left the bag behind in a homicidal woman's pool hall with the environmental report inside?



How's Phonse?

Well, he's alive and incompetent.

He misplaced the report.

How's the pen?

Becker's up to something.

I don't know what. But I'm gonna find out.


Hold on. Another call.

Malachy Doyle.

That's some move you pulled with the steam back in the parking garage.

I think I owe you for that one.

Honestly, I'm surprised that it worked.

Because everything I hear, is that you're some kind of hotshot.

Well you're gonna see what I'm capable of if I don't get my folder back. Now.

We don't have it.

Don't play games with me.

I'm not kidding.

We don't have your folder anymore.

Fine. Whatever you say.

In another minute, Phonse won't be a problem for me anymore, anyway.

Oh. Phonse! Get away from the shed!

Phonse: I don't know if Malachy mentioned it, but it's a cabin.



Talk to me.

It's easier this way, Jake.

It's easier this way, Jake.

She's right.



[Sound of message on phone.]

Phonse: My cabin.

I loved that cabin.

Yeah. We had a lot of good times there, didn't we.

Man. This place is like mission control.

Malachy. You are so much cooler than I gave you credit for.

I always though you were cool.

Malachy: Thanks. Des, I fiddled with their power.

You be ready to intercept the call.

Phonse. Keep your eyes glued on the monitors.

I wanna know if you see anyone coming or going.

Des: Copy that,

Night Eagle.

Dark Winged Charlie.

Ready and waiting.

Are you messed up on those pills again?

No. No. No.

I'm good to go.

I hope Rose is okay in there.

Okay. Okay.

Ha-- Pung!

Rose: Hey!

What are you guys trying to pull here?

This is the best hand I've had all night.

Everyone hold on to your tiles.

We'll get this sorted out as soon as the power's back on.

Atlantic Hydro.

How may I help you this evening, my love?

Yes. The power at my business went down.

And I've got some--

We're in the middle of some very important business.

And I need -
I need lights back on.

Yeah. We got spikes all over the grids, see?

Making people have the blackouts.

Right. Where are you too?

Ah, 35 George Street.

Deadly. We got one of the b'ys...

One of our, uh, light-powered b'ys in that area right now.

Hurry it up, please.

We're on it. No sweat, my lover, ma'am.


Wish me luck, Night Eagle.

Night Eagle Two.

Ladies and gentlemen, Just sit tight.

They're sending a technician now.

Atlantic Hydro, ma'am. You having trouble with your lights? Eh, b'y?

Yes. And hurry up. I've got people waiting.

Wait. Is that you I spoke to on the phone?

You look familiar.

No. No, that was Earl. He's from...

Somalia... Bay.

And I'm from The Goulds. So...



I'll have to take a look around and find the power box.

Or I can show you where it is.

Okay. I assume it's probably in here.

No, it's back that way.

Eileen: Will you hurry up, please?

Des: You can't hurry genius, my love.

Just fix the lights. And...

Forget anything you may or may not see here.

Got me?

Okay, you're right. I'll fix them there now.

Shouldn't be a problem at all.

Oh. Look. It must have been one of them intermittent defects.

One of the crews outside probably got her fixed up. So I'll just be-- on my way.

Oh oh!


What is the matter with you?

This isn't the seventh grade dance.

Get off of me!

Ah... Okay. I haven't uh...

Out. Now.

I've never felt so alive.

Now I know what it feels like to stare danger right in the face.

And danger--?

She blinked first.

Des. What's the situation in there?

What? Oh, the bag is locked up tight in the back office.

I had a chance. I should have
grabbed it.

Damn it!

Now what the hell are we gonna do?

No. No, no, no. Wait.

I did manage to get -- this.

Nice work Des.

Phonse. Let's go with our backup plan.

Go take care of your part. You know where she's parked?

I am gonna take great pleasure in this.

Good luck in there Malachy.

Just make sure you disappear before Eileen shows up.

The last thing we need if for her to get her hands on you.

Got it.

She is hot. Phonse was right.

Good work.

You guys are cheaters.

I knew it.

This games been rigged from the start.

We run a clean game here. Calm down.

Don't tell me to calm down.

The light go out. And when they come back on.

Suddenly all my tiles have been switched.

That's enough out of you.

Pack up your stuff and get out of here.

Oh. That's ridiculous.

They're cheating.

And I'm the one being thrown out.

[Car alarm goes off.]

That's my car.

What else?

Get rid of her. Pronto.

Oh, you've got to be kidding me.

Come on. I was just about to go on a hot streak.

I could feel it.

Don't touch me!

Stop it.


Got it?

I'm going. Okay.

Just don't touch me.

I can always find another game.

Besides, this place smells like feet.

[Phone rings.]

[Message sound.]

Oh. Hey Leslie.

How long have I been asleep?

Finally, you're awake.

I was getting so bored.

Allison. What are you doing here?

You have to leave.

Jake. Come on.

It could be even better than it was when we were a couple.

How did you even get in here?

Well, you let me in.

Right after you called me.

Remember Jake?

I let you in? What are you talking about?

What are you talking about?

Jake. Come on.

Do you really think that you're ready for another woman?

I mean, honestly. Like, really ready, ready?

You will never settle down.

It's just not in your makeup. It's just--

Commitment's not your thing, Jake.



Oh God.

I didn't think you were every gonna wake up.

You are a sight for-- you know-- sore ribs.

Chicken soup is more of a cold-flu food.

But I made you some anyway.

That was very sweet of you.

Can you kiss me again?

I've been having really weird dreams lately.

I just want to make sure that you're, you know, real.

How's this for real?

I'm convinced.

I heard about how this happened.

Rose told me it was case-related.

But I know Becker was involved.

It was nothing.


The cops have taken this over now?

You know, we've been doing pretty good, you and me.

Not stepping on each other's toes with stuff like this.

You want me to back off?

Not exactly.

Well, if you don't want me to back off, what's the catch?

No catch. Just--

Next time you're visiting Becker?

There's something you should know.

You sneaky, sneaky, sneaky.

That is very clever.

Thank you for this.

You know--

I'm starting to feel like my ribs are a little bit better.

Just rest up.

We'll talk more about this when you're better.

Rose: Hey.

Did you get it?


We're kind of like Mission Possible.

Where's Phonse?

I thought he was with you.


He knew we were all supposed to meet here after we got the bag.

I'll go check upstairs.

The file's here.


There he is.

Phonse. Where are you?

That was some operation you all just pulled.

You should be proud.

Where's Phonse?

He's here.

After a little bit of prodding, he told me a fascinating story about a folder and a messenger bag.

I figure it's worth millions in blackmail money.

If you k*ll him, I swear on my life I'll--

Why would I k*ll him?

He's great leverage. For now.

And I've even agreed to forgive his debt, if you bring that folder here, right now.

I guess we're going back to the pool hall.

Is he okay?

For now. But not for long.

Dante: Enough playing around.

Where's my file?

Everything I've worked for, my entire life.

My entire empire depends on that file.

So if you think I won't k*ll for it, you haven't been paying attention.

We don't have it.


Really we don't. Malachy, tell him.

It's in the hands of Eileen Jamieson.

She runs a pool hall on George Street.

Why would I believe you?

Because you're pointing a g*n in my face?


Two of you.

Show me this pool place.

But if the file isn't there, she takes the first b*llet.


No need for that.

We all want the same thing here.

Move it.

Leslie: Des. What do you want?

Eileen: What's this now?

I didn't say you could bring a friend with a g*n.

Trust me. He's no friend of ours.

I hear you have something that belongs to me.

What, Phonse?

No, Stupid.

My file.

I want my file. Now.

Hey. Watch who you're calling stupid, you jerk.

I don't have your file.

What's the game here?

What did I say?

She takes the first b*llet.

No, no, no. Wait! Wait!

This is your fault, Phonse.

First you almost sh**t her yourself.

Now your friends are gonna finish it.

But Mal--
They're not my--

This is worse than that time with Stetson.

Except without those women's boyfriends.

Oh, you're bringing that up again, are you?

I should take your head off, do the world a favour.

You couldn't take my head off.

You're not man enough. You never were.

We'll see about that.




Nice work, Mal!


Did you get the other g*n?

Oh no.


Have it your way.




[Police siren.]

Leslie: Both of you.

Hands where I can see 'em.

Good work Des. Call an ambulance.

Thanks. I woulda been here quicker.

But I had to breath into a paper bag for a minute before I could talk.


You're gonna need this.

I have to admit. At first I wasn't super sure what to make of you.

I get that a lot.

It was clear to me that you might put Malachy in jeopardy.

So I was a little apprehensive about trusting.

And now?


You took a b*llet for me.

I don't think you can get much more trustworthy than that. So--

Thank you.

They say it hit a kidney.

But hey. That's why we have two.

Shouldn't leave too much damage.

Cool scar to show the ladies.

Oh right.

Speaking of.

Do you have a sister?

Ha. Ha. Trust me.

You do not want to go there.

Thanks again for the save.

No worries.

There's something we need to talk about.

Jake knows about Becker.

I see.

Hi there.

I'd like to say it was good to see you, Doyle.

But it isn't.

Having that guy, you know, try to k*ll me was a bit extreme, don't you think?

Either way.

It didn't work.

I'm not dead.

Like I told your father--

I haven't the foggiest idea what you're talking about.

Of course you don't.

You know, maybe you just don't have the kind of power in here that everyone think that you do.

I don't know why the high quality of life that I have in here is connected with any perceived attempt on your life.

I'm just saying.

It's one thing to be able to smoke that cigar whenever you wants to.

And it's another thing entirely to be able to speak, you know, freely.

Doyle. Behind these walls, I can get anything.

Do anything.

And I could certainly say anything.

Maybe. But I can walk out of here.

And you can't.

Not yet.

I'm in here because of you.

And you can't seem to stay out of my business.

So forgive me, if I exact revenge any way I choose.

The b'ys that you hired?

They were a bunch of morons.

Good help is hard to find.

I had to get whoever I could to take you out. I had the perfect diamond score.

And you shagged it up.

I know. Cool what?

And you're gonna have to pay for it.

I'll get you k*lled, Doyle.

Make no mistake.

I will succeed.

That's an excellent little speech.

I can't wait to listen to it again from these cheap phone receivers.

Get me back to my cell.


Jake: Yeah. You're right.

The sound in those bugs.

They come in pretty clear.

Look Maurice. Recognize him?

He's been undercover watching you for a long time.

That won't change anything.

Except maybe your sentence.

What you do you think?

That little story of yours, probably be another five, ten years.

This is not your best idea, Doyle.

Never anger a man who has nothing to lose.

What are you gonna do?

Tunnel after me?

Although I suppose with all this extra time on your hands, you'll probably be able to make that happen.

Nothing to lose Doyle!

Remember that!
