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Bad Genius (2017)

Posted: 09/05/23 18:18
by bunniefuu
Forwarding STIC exams...

or the Salient Exams for the

International College...

who tested the knowledge of am...

... and used to apply for baccalaureate

programs in the United States of America.

This year the unity that

supervises the examination...

has dismantled one fraud...

... which leads to leakage

checks in most Asian countries.

The advanced settings are not done yet...

He is not mine.

My name is Rinrada Nilthep.

I am in gred 12...

... at the Krungthep Thaweep School.

You can go there to

check my school record.

Checking STIC is not

beyond my ability.


Student Portfolio: Rinrada Nilthep

4.00 GPA Gred 7,

Academic Year, 2011


Everything A since Gred 1.

Exceptional learner

from Grade 7 to Gred 9.

Being in first place in Mathematical Matches in this school area.

Also cross word the state.

Also achievements in sports...

... sports pool.

You're not good enough.

This is enough.

No need to ask the same whether

we will accept Lynn or not.

The problem is...

Do you want to study here?

What is your decision, dear?

I do not have to make a

decision right now, right?

I do not want to study here.

Actually, my old school

is more suitable for me.

If I move here, my dad...

... need to pay almost 150,000 a year.

Why 150,000?

One semester is only 60,000.

So it's all in 120,000.


But my dad taught

in my old school.

So in the morning I

may go with him.

If I study here, I need

to board the Skytrain.

Includes the motortection of the

80 Bath Stores in each day.

For 8 months, meaning 170 days.

Excluding school leave.

Everything in 13,600 Bath a year.

Including also eating midday.

Only 20 Baths for two

side dishes with rice.

Here, it cost 35 Bath.

I also need to buy new school

equipment and uniforms.

I think it's all inclusive...

... he may not have bows.

Pingat gold in mathematics.


Father is capable.

No, dad can not.

What if you learn it for free?

Vit, I will add a midday

meal program as well.

You see, our school does

judge Lynn's cleverness.

Now, do you think you're brazing?


All of that is very brazen.

Berbaloi, right?

Letter of Approval





We will use ID card for 3 years.

So it should look good.


You're a new student, right?

I'm Grace.

I'm Lynn.


May I see?

Remove your eyes mirror.

Believe me.


Smile a little.

Okay, available, one, two...


You are on, fast.


My ID is after him.

So we sat together for 3 years.

Lynn and I are good friends.

Everyone is good, Lynn is wise.

I am also...

I am good at curriculum activities.

I am sure, others think

I'm less intelligent.

The attorney has already created a new rule.

To accompany the school drama,

I need at least GPA 3.25.


Am I too stupid to

play in a drama?

I think...

Tailors are worse off than learning.



Look, I'm studying with

Encik Sophon for weeks.

But I still do not know anything.

And mathematics,

really blows gred me.

The answer is C.


You can answer by just looking?

In fact, in reverse!

That's easy very.

A and a united B that overlap with C.

Complete the problem in confinement first.

So take a look at the

dwelling area in C.

So that's the answer.

I already understand.

Student slaves are great.

Is there another problem?

Lynn, can you be my teacher?


If you teach me...

... I will buy milk mix

after school every day.

No child.

You can review the

lesson every evening.

Not enough.

What about...

If you agree...

... I'll be your first

student, Mentor Lynn.

Mentor Lynn.

Mentor Lynn.

Mentor Lynn!

I like it.

I will teach you

everything today.

Grace tell you, I

helped her lesson?

It's true.

But teaching my friends

is not wrong, right?


This is the time you've been waiting for.

Passed the exam.


Take a deep breath,

empty your mind.

It's crystal clear.

Students, you may first answer.

Mathematics 60

questions, 30 marks

Mathematical Question...

I have warned you,

it is not easy.

If you know what you

do not understand...

... but you still do not

want to study with me.

Now, it's too late.

Say goodbye to your gred.


This question is the same

as Encik Sophon's paper.


You can make it, right?


Why anyway?

I've taught you!

I can not remember.

Why are you talking?

Do not imitate!

I will not leave an element if someone

imitates in the check-in booth.

Rinrada Nilthep



Do I need to write a name

on a piece of paper?

Must be.

You never take an exam?

Sorry, cikgu.

Student Reporting Cards


What about you?

How much can you get?


Are you there tomorrow?

Let's get it.



Let's see Pat.

Seronok sikit.

You have a bathing suit, right?

Pat, can not you

plunge as usual?


Because he is not great.


There is water in my ears.

Mr. Pat, dinner is served.

Leave it there.

Hey, I'm cool.


Grace, are you looking for rocks?

Many times I have told

Grace to pick you up here.

We are all in the same

class, but we rarely boast.

Grace is always good...

... Lynn it, this Lynn.

Be quiet.

Are you jealous?

Grace is always good, you are wise.

Without you, gred he

will not increase.

I also tell him...

I want a good friend like you.

I see you have a lot of friends.


But no one has given his

fire when borrowing.

So why?

Are you a school drama too?

A wise man like you

will not understand.

Less intelligent people like me...

... just put on a good gred.



If I do not fail, my dad

will give me a new train.

Seronok, right?

I know we are not so tight...

but if you agree...

I'll pay you 3,000 each subject.

From every one.

From every one?


What do you mean?

I have five more people.

What if cikgu can know?

Do not worry about that chapter.

All my friends can be trusted.

Everyone is willing to pay.

Cuba think, that's

just one subject.

How many subjects are in a single semester?

Excluding subject of PE...


So in one season of examination,

you will be able to...

13 times...

234,000 Bath.

Beautiful Digit, 234,000.

Just use your brain.


Think of it as a school bribe.

What is money for a bribe?


You really do not know?

Everyone will pay.

The more stupid you are,

the more you need to pay.

I gave 400,000.

This stupid guy donates

20 iMacs for the library.

But I've got a scholarship.

The scholarship is for learning purposes.

Do not forget the

other boarding house.

Resit: New Student

Payments 200,000 Bath

Divorce Letter

What's so on you?

Dad will sell it

to buy a new cart.

You can not play anymore.

I just remembered my mother's

birthday last night.

Why did my father send

me to another school?

Most students from that school...

... got a scholarship

to study abroad.

Dad just give you

a better chance.

I am not like mother.

Have you ever thought that...

... i might be happier

in my old school?

Three eyes.

Do not be too strong and

annoying neighbor next door.

Let's eat.

Daddy goes to sleep.

Okay, I admit I paid Lynn.

But pay him to learn piano.

Not in conflict with any

international law, right?

Or is it wrong?

Did you take me to an

international tribunal?

You've heard that

classical music...

... can help brain development?

We will use 4 songs

to represent...

A, B, C and D.

Memorize the movement of my finger.

This is for A.

Remember, it starts with the little

finger and finishes with the thumb.

This is for B.

B is 4 3 2 1 3, repeating twice.

This is for C.

This is for D.

I will give 3 answers

in one time.

I will repeat this way.

So, he will not be suspicious.

This can be evasive

from cikgu attention.

Moreover, you complete yourself.

I will start giving

a reply at 9:15 am.

In the meantime, complete

the other questions first.



Expensive this outfit.

You get rich after

teaching the piano?

Dad needs to wear new clothes too.

They are harassing dad at school.

They are good fathers.

Dad no story if it

can be new as well.

The classical piano by Mentor Lynn.

More crowded people want to

accompany your piano class.

Tahniah to Student of

Academic Year 2013



Look forward to the

Genius Youth after this.

Me and Lynn are studying in the same school.

But we are not friends.

Actually, we are competitors.

What does not hit?


Did you eat the ramen at noon?

How do you know?

There are some impressions on your shirt.

Dirty and twitching.

Take this, wet wipes.

Clean your shirt.


The prize is 5,000!

Actually we will get

less than that.

With 3% excise tax

cut, it is 150.

So, only 4,850 or

2,425 every one.

That's still a lot.

It is enough to eat salmon sideboard.

If we win, do you

go this evening?

No child.

I do not like to eat out.

Spending money only.

What is a joke?

Nothing, the way you

are as good as my dad.

So, is it good or not?

It must be a good thing.

Unpacked hair, twitches,

really like him.


I'm just nak betak your hair.

We're gonna be in TV for

an instant, get a box.

Looks neat now.



Last question.

Tell me the value of Pi along

with its decimal point.


I think that's enough.

And the winner of Teen

Genius this week is...

The School of Krungthep Thaweepanya!

I am truly amazed.

How did you get the

value of Pi so quickly?

I do not think.

I'm just memorizing it.

You memorize the value of Pi?

I always play memory

games with my dad.

The value of Pi, the person's name, the name of the river.


I am very proud of my students.

Please sit down.

I did not ask you to come,

so I can praise you.

I have good news for you.

Next year, the Singapore

Embassy offers a scholarship.

There is no bond.

He is a full-time student.

You may take a baccalaureate and finish

with a doctoral degree of philosophy.

Based on gred, your

behavior and your keazaman.

I am sure that both of you

will represent the school.

But there is a challenge.

This school only

provided one slot only.

But that's not a problem, is it?

Overnight you are both partners of the army.

But this time a competitor,

is not that a hiccup?

Dobi Secretariat

Another damaged machine.

Mak did not have time to wash.

Do not worry.

Let me help.

The mak hand is all broke.

Let me remind me that

I will change...

... but Ben also co-ed.

Apart from my father...

Ben is the only one who works hard

and the most honest person...

... I've met.

Hey, Ben!

What are you, Tong?

You're on a re-review?

I am the same.

When I was sick and did

not have time to learn.

Now it's the same.

I do not have time.

Help me!

I'm nak imu you.

I really should not

fail this time.

I've tried...

... but I'm hard to

understand the piano code.

Piano code?

No, nothing.

Hey, I do not imitate

you so uselessly.

I'll pay you.

3,000 Bath, enough?

Impersonation I will not

subtract your mark.


Listen here first!





It's not for you, Ben!

Could not please your friends?

There's no mercy!

Hurry, sign in.

Today you all take

the exam together.

Do not sit next to

your classmates.

All right, you can start answering.

Class 1

Class 4

Class 3

Class 6

This paper question is set 1.


There are 2 sets of exam papers.

You only need to answer

following the set you can.

A. Set 1

B. Set 2

Be careful.

Tong try not to imitate you!


Which sets do you get?

So which sets?

Set 1.

Place set 1 here.


Line 3.


Short hair that reflects the eye.

He imitates Rinrada

sitting next to him.

I'll see for myself.

Do not worry.

You can go.

What else?

You are 30 minutes away.

A. Set 1



Swap paper.


Banjong Wonpoom

20 minutes before graduation.



May I not extinguish your

name and write your name?

No way!

Sit tight.

Only 10 minutes left.

There are 5 minutes left.

B. Set 2

The period is over.

Stop writing!


Put your pen!


Not enough boys can A?


Ouch, that cikgu is fierce.

The good fortune of Mentor Lynn is there!

Do not invite people again.

I am not in the dungeon.

But, 3,000 for 25 people.

Do you think?


You did not write your

name on your paper.

Rinrada, from class 11/3...

... and Banjong from class 11/1.

Please come to the official

officials immediately.

I'm sure.

If the master does not believe, tell

Tong the original answer that question.

Puan will know the truth.

I call you both here...

... because Thanaphon

said, there is a mimicry.

There are 2 sets of exam papers.

It is impossible for him to imitate.

I give you an opportunity

to tell the truth.

Banjong, you are imitating?

We'll know it soon.

Thanaphon and

Rinrada, you may go.

Banjong, you wait here.

Lynn, later on.

Why is this road

guessing on your paper?

This road guess is

not from your set.

Do not let them know.

Everything is no problem.

The chancellor may want to

talk to the student article...

We have evidence that Lynn is

preparing her friend's paper.


Could you please tell me?

Otherwise I'll throw you away.

For the sake of money.

Tong try to pay me to

give him the answer.

3,000 Bath.

I am very disappointed with you.

Vit, I accept your child for...

... he is a mirror student.

But getting good gred

is not enough...

He needs good behavior.

You are a teacher, you are supposed to understand.

Answering your friend's

exam paper is a mistake.

It violates school rules.

I can throw you out now.

Although, this is

the first time...

... I can abort your students too.

Yes, master.

Can they take the original exam?

Remember, Lynn.

School is the place to learn...

... not to make money.

What is a joke?

You are already brash.


Encik Pravit...

You are a teacher.

You teach him a civilized way?


I do not think I'm just a...

... who uses the school

to make extra money.

What do you mean?

I am good at bribe

money my dad gave...

It's not a bribe.

That's the school.

Is not the school administration

included in the yuran?

Enough, Lynn!

I want to save the

teachings here.

He is still allowed to study in tuisyen.

Let's go.

All right.

But I have one condition.

You will not accept Singapore Student.


Let's go.

What is the relationship of a student with this problem?

It is true that I let my

friends imitate me...

... but I never imitate anybody.

My gred results from

my own work and skill.

Other students also have this skill.

The person worthy of the

scholarship is Thanaphon.

If you can not accept

this situation...

... then you can withdraw.

All right, Encik Pravit?

Yes, master.

Let's go, Lynn.

Tahniah for the scholarship.

If you find evidence...

... I'm sure Lynn is dishonest.

But I have nothing to

do with that problem.

Being a respectable

student is not important.

We have the same behavior.

Rinrada Nilthep

Dad already a bit.

Not just 3,000 Bath.

Teaching piano?

Have you ever thought, actually

more beautiful teaching them?

But the deck cheats too.

How do you think it's deceiving?

Father paid willingly.

So do my friends!

You are still not conscious

with your mistakes!


Dad will accept that mistake.

It's all wrong father.

Dad should not blame others.

If your father can not afford to

raise you to be a good person...

... how dare dad ask anyone

else to pay your tuisyen?

Dad will sell the train

to pay your tuisyen.

For this dress...

... dad no longer wants me.

About going out of the

country, forget it!

You're not going anywhere.

Stay here with my dad.

Return all the money

to your friends.

Do not think about the extent

of the ugliness you think...

but for me...

... Lynn is really a good friend.

Sorry for crying.

But this is not intentional.



Looks refreshing?

Hold it.

Selection of tomorrow starts.

You meet me not

just that, right?

How are you now?

You can face for the

coming semester?

Me and Pat have other

things to worry about.

Pat already told you?

We have just come back from France.

The visit was very hooked.

Yes, because mak left me.

It's a central area to buy.


Mak have bought you something.



Go pick red wines for dad.

Why do not you ask

someone for help?

Good, sir.

Grace, you boys dessert again?

It's okay, thanks.

We picked you today...

... because we

want to thank you.

For what?

Because helps Pat in his lesson.

You do not know...

... how depressed we

are to improve him.

But since Pat has

friends with you...

... he is very changed.

I think you are better than

all the teachers we know.

We have also designed...

... so Pat can study at the college

I studied first, in Boston.

But with grednya before this...

... I know he will not be able.

So, I reserve...

... so you should

also come with him.

So you can help him learn.


Do not worry about shopping.

We will get...

... for recitation yuran.

If you need anything help...

Just let me know.

Do not worry.

I have some information for you.

Look at it.

If it's not a money

issue, just agree.

You know the STIC exam, right?

Just like a GAT / PAT exam, to

apply for a university in America.

The checks are made

simultaneously around the world.

I need to take STIC...

... and I need to

take it in this year.

If not...

I did not have time to apply for

that university in his time.

I've sacrificed a

lot for you, Grace.

I really did not have the

heart nak asked you...

... but we do not know

what else to make.

Pat said he would pay

you 600,000 Bath.

Can you return this to Pat?


Can I borrow pens and papers?

I really can not help you.



Hi, honey.

Hi, dad.

I'm glad you contacted me.

Very bright there.

Now what time?

Noon, father.

I hope my father is berseronok in Thailand.

Can you see what time it is now?

Why is it so dark there?

It's now in bed here.

Okay, you need to sign in.

Okay, can you contact me later?

Good evening.


Zon period.

STIC taken following the same

period and date around the world.

So, these countries will

take the first check.

Let me explain.

If you both take

it in Thailand...

... so I need to go outside the

country and take a test somewhere.

For example, Sydney, Australia.

There, 4 hours earlier than Thailand.

I'll take that check first.

I'll finish it first.

I can take the answer

for both of you...

... and also the person who

accompanies us in Thailand.


You will not only get a mark...

... but we can make

money from others.

After all denied, we

will share the profits.

Is not that very risky?

What risks?

There is no risk whatsoever.

See who this is?

Mentor Lynn.

This is the only way.

I can get enough money

to study with you...

... without asking for money from anyone.

I forgot my son.

I will go Boston

with both of you.

It will be more hilarious

if we go together.

Both of you will be

responsible for...

... look for this test taker.

For the part of checking...

... let me take care.

Later on.

Before we go looking for someone else...

I understand the article of the zon of that era...

but I'm still mistaken...

... how are you giving that answer?


By memorization.

The best way to remember it.

That's what survived the most.

Without any paper.


You're one of the X-Men experts?

STIC there are over 100 questions.

How do you remember all that?

I can make.

If there is enough time.

The problem is after

I finish the exam...

... I do not have much time.

I can only remember

half of the answer.

Only half?

There is someone who may be allowed.

But maybe she does not want to.

Why, mak?

Yes, I'm done.

Home Cik Rut?

May it be another day?


... I have a student

check at 8:00 am.


Hey, you!

Your basket is rolling in my mirror!

If you are sorry...

250,000 for the pass marker.

Small value for you, right?

Yuran tutorial STIC more expensive.

We need it in 30 people.

If it's more than that,

it might be risky.

If less than that, not berbaloi.

I can almost 30 people

in the STIC chat group.

If you can them all...

You will be able to...

... rejected from your full payment.

Later on.

You need to make sure no

one knows this chapter.

Especially the loser, Ben.

Do not ignore the bastard.

He will not be okay.


You do not hear?

He got knocked out.

Now he is hospitalized.

More sexy again...

... he is unfamiliar in

the scholarship check.

Seminar: Brilliant In

Education To Achieve Glory

I am sure that you all come...

to pass STIC...

... for a brighter future.

He's Steve Pat.

I have a way to get a

satisfactory post.

The thing that needs to be brought

inside the checking chamber is...

Pensel 2B.

Fire Extinguisher.

Letter of endorsement.

Passport card.

Any kind of communication

tool is certainly not true.

So, I will hide this phone

to deliver the answer...

... in the t*nk.

I will conduct a response

during the break.

The examination is divided into 3 sessions...

... and 2 times break time.

Later on.

How do other people

remember all the answers?

Not everyone is

capable like you.

The bar code.

Everyone will receive a 2B

pen with a printed bar code.

The width on the bar code...

... will represent a reply.

Starts from left to right.

The thickest is A.

Then, B, C and D.

Great, right?

But it does not end here.

There are 4 pens.

One pen for one part.

The number next to the bar

code for the Grid-In response.

For the section of the essay...

They usually take

published articles.

I'm going to deliver a keyword

to search for it on Google.

Hey, here I am.


Hey, pay attention!

You need to write an

essay by yourself.

In short, on the day

of the examination...

everyone will leave the

encounter before 7:30 am...

... to go to the examination

center just in time.

We will provide motosikal...

... to take you to the

examination center.

End once...

... everyone needs to

pay within 2 weeks.

Otherwise, the

agreement is canceled.

I also want to emphasize that...

... what makes this need to be taken care of.

Is there a problem?

If there is no...

I will end this seminar now.

We will unite together...

... to be brilliant in education.

We will be able to mark the location

we want to go to the university.

We may select a university.

They can not choose us!

Ouch, the teruknya, Ben.

What is the news?

I also sympathize...

... because you're off the scholarship.

Me too.

That day...

I did not intend.

I do not know whether you

are intentional or not.

What do I know...

... you need to be responsible

for what's going on.

I have a backup for you.

What is it?

Take a check.

Taking or mimicking in a check?

For me, the words imitate it...

... means someone

will miss something.

But we will be able to earn money,

and others can be good marks.

So, all can.


We are both equally poor.

We are not born rich

like Grace and Pat.

We must try harder to

achieve our dreams.

Look what happened?

It's not the same.

You're cheating.

I just have not had enough luck.


But you do not even though

you do not imitate...

... your life is still miserable.

This is the Grace address.

Meet tomorrow if

you're interested.

Printing Warehouse

Printing Warehouse

Sitting here.

You do not want to sit down?

Here's what we designed.


We will go to Sydney and

take STIC together.

Hey, Lynn.

You have not enough documents.


Do you still remember the

Genius Youth program?

They want me to go to Sydney.

They need your bank's

regulator for Visa purposes.

Who are you going with?

With Ben.


Not just the two of us,

there is a teacher.


I and you...

... need to memorize half

the answer from every part.

Do not forget...

Ben will memorize

the first half...

... and Lynn, the second half.

Part 1 there are 52 questions.





For the last part...

... you got to go first to

give me an essay question.

Period for section 4.

Start the essay.

Memorizing the keyword

is not so difficult.

But the hard thing is,

they will not let you go.

To evade suspicion...

... you need to act sick.


I can vomit.

I need to vomit now?

Do not!

How much do I pay?

1 million.

How much do you pay?

2 million.

What's your feeling, Ben?

Everything is in your hands.


Can be!



You should call yes from the beginning.


f a c e b o o k 1 0 0 M a l a y

Hey, come first!

Meet tomorrow, 1:00 noon.

Are you crazy?

The flight was 11:00 pm.

Why hurry so much?

There is one more thing

we need to practice.


You can not keep asking

innocent people!

You should be enjoying...

... cries of innocent people.

That's over, Pat.

I use all my cards.

You make as you really

have been caught.

I'm good, I understand...

... if you get arrested,

we'll just blame you.

Last question before

heading to the airfield.

Last question.

Spiritualizing character.


What if Ben is caught?

Are you going to be good?

He's a bit different.

I am not friends with him.

I see him around

school in 4-5 years.

I never saw he was a friend.

He looks like he is marginalized.

The quaint.

He was also beaten and dumped

into the stripping site.

Is it done?


Already, Ben!


I'm fine, stop!


Remove him!

What does not hit you?

You're the one who

told me so well.

So why are you angry with me?

Pat, already.


Ben, that's enough.



I am...

What are you?


... tell me what I have been

dumped at the removal site.

Now you know what

angry I am for!

All of you are designing

all this, right?

You did this for me so I can

not get the scholarship!

You are all involved, right?

You all know it already, right?

Really not?

You already know, right?

Why do not you answer?

Ben, back then.

Swimming, Ben.

I do not hear from you anymore!

Ben, be patient!

Let's talk!


Are you calm?

I'm sorry, Ben.

I'm sorry.

I never thought they

were too harsh on you.

Ben, listen first.

You still take STIC, right?

Forget the stupid STIC!

Ben, hear me first.

You, hear here!

I just got my mak.

He's old, still washing clothes!


I'm not rich like you.

This scholarship is your dream.

A dream that can be nice to me.

You're a blast!

Ben, if I'm not Lulu STIC,

my dad will go berserk.

Please, Ben.


We can both.

Please, Ben.

May be...

You did it for your

father's birthday!

What's your problem?

Are not you a good

man you need him?

If I do not play dirty...

... do you think he's a kid please us?


Let's talk first.

You are also involved in this?

No, I do not know right away.

Try Pat's intentions Pat.

He made the cause...

... he's nak please design you.

No matter who gets hurt?

The Future of Dobi

Grace, return everyone's money.

I pulled myself.

Wait, Lynn.


Okay, I respect your decision.

It's okay.

No need for anyone else.

Only the three of us.

Like the original design.

You still do not understand?

If I'm okay, no boy!

All right.

Be on your back.

I have only one request.

Do not get mad at me.

If I have half of your brain...

... I will not make

such a stupid case.

Please help.

Flight will be

released in 3 hours.

Let's go.


I will continue.

At least, I can get paid.

I'm not spanked.

What if I'm good... ... I'm not doing this anymore?

I did not ask anyway.

Why did I come here because of you.

... you're the cause of me being

dumped at the removal site.

All these problems

are due to you.

Are you guilty of

what you started?


This is your call.



I'm sorry.

Sorry for what?


... your nose.


You know...

I've never been out of

the country before.

Start tomorrow and so on...

... the world is like our oyster.

Let's take a picture.


The STIC year of study is canceled in

most countries across Asia...

... like China and South Korea.

This is because the college

has got it know...

... the STIC has been leaked

before the exam.

This year the boss has stepped up the

safety measure for the exam...

... to make sure there's no more trouble.

Classical Music for Learning

All applicants...

Please gather here.

Come, all.



Tahniah, you are in the last set...

... who can go inside and

take the exam.

Anyone who gets to slow will not be

allowed to take the exam.

All your stuff, especially telefon...

... should be stored here.

We will collect it at the top level.

All test takers...

Please make sure you fill out

all the information...

... on the answer paper.

Part 1 is a reading test consisting

of 52 questions.

You will be given 45

minutes to answer.

The period to answer.


5 mins away.

Ending period.

Please put your pen.

Your answer paper will be collected...

... when you were given a

10 minute break.

The first break between

5:15 and 5:25 am.

We're ready.


Why are you this?

Select all



I'm one million more.

One million more?



You're worthless!



Be right!

Move money within 5 minutes

or forget about the answer.


5 mins?

Ask him?

What is his problem?


Take care of your emotions.

I can not calm down!

It's not for you, Ben!

This is Grace.

Well, we will move.

One million to my wages, a

million more because I was hit.

This is all I have.

Moreover, after we can answer.

The check will start in 1 minute.

Please go back to the checklist.


A B B C C A.

C A B C D B.

B A C B C D.

That's just fair.

Let's continue.

You may initially answer

section 2, now.


The period for Part 2 has finished.

You may initially answer

section 3, now.



The time has graduated.

10 minutes to break.

Next, answer in the form of Grid-In.

Whatever is inside, please exit.

Do you hear?

Sign out, I'm fine.


Someone is reporting, you are

too long inside.

Sign out.


Sign out, now!

You heard, cik?

I'm good, out now.


Someone inside?

Please exit, now.

Your check is almost started.

Please return to class.

Thank you.

See here.

I'll give you a chance to

tell everyone.

What are you doing?

What are you doing?

Notify me.

This has nothing to do with you.

Please log in.

You may initially answer

section 4, now.



10 mins away.

For Sale

Are not we worth leaving

before 7:30 am?


The section of the essay begins now.


Why is this?

Are you okay?

Are you okay?


Are you okay?

I'm not good.

Can I go back now?

If you leave now, your check

mark will be canceled.

Do you understand?

Later on.

Now 7:00 am.

Which of the other answers?

I do not know either!

Good morning.

Lynn is here?

I can not contact him.

He is not here.

He told me he went to

Sydney for one game.


It is worth it we do not see him.

I am sure he must

bring home pingat.

But I met this letter

of truth at home.

I am a telephon, no

one is answering.

So, I came to this address.

Could you tell me why

Lynn went to Sydney?


I have not seen him, boss.

Okay, I'm looking for him.

No, he's not here.

Keep looking, I'll go upstairs.

You see him?

I'm out.

If you do not answer, I'm

going to see you counselor.

Tell me now what you are doing!

Lynn and Ben are making love!

They went to a secret ceremony.

Lynn is afraid that Mr. Cik

does not really let him go.

So, he had to be hokey.

I do not know what kind

of man to advise him.

Preferably, pack cik elegant

to the child pack cik.


Hurry up!

Pak cik...

Love is so beautiful.

What kind?

It's 7:00 am.

Motortection is already moving.

This has passed from

what was agreed.

Tell me what's the problem.

I do not know what

kid makes anymore!

Let me talk to them.

Why with your legs?

It's almost 7:30 in the morning.

What are we waiting for?

Where's the bar code?

I already paid.

Do not worry.

You will arrive at the time.

I promise.


We're out of sticker!

Here it is.

500 every one.


We'll leave later.



Can this door be opened?

Exit Strip

It's almost 7:30 in the morning, Grace!

We have all the answers?

Not yet!

Six more!



This is EDGE!

What is EDGE?

No cues.

What happens if we

do not have time?

What about our money?

We will not have time!

We want money back!

Hurry up.

You've got the answer, have not you?

Do not Sign In





Three of these lines, go to

Bangkapi checkpoint center.

Two of these, go to Suttisarn.

Everything has gone up?

Do not forget to wear a hat just!

Give them.

One set for each one!

We are ready!


Put your hat on!


Are you okay?

No, I'm not good.

That's okay.

But you need to go back to the

checkpoint with me.


Let's go!

f a c e bo o k 1 font color = "# ffffff" 0 0 Ma l a y

I am from the embassy.

Students from Thailand claim to

use dictionaries from his phone.

We are working on this issue.

What will happen to him?

Perhaps his checkpoint

will be canceled.

Most successful, he will be

blacklisted from retrieving STIC.

They will question you.

If nothing goes you can go.

Wait here first.

I will talk to them.



Can I use demolition?



Welcome back.

From Mentor Lynn's followers.

Thank you very much, Lynn.

We will hold a party

at my house tonight.

For what?

You know, Ben got arrested?

And my markup has been canceled.


We'll find another

checkpoint for you.

If you do not take

the first check...

... you can not apply to the university.

Hey, Lynn.

You got the initial check.

Please, Lynn.


I've changed my mind.

Even though you've

got your markup.


We can not leave without you.

You both know no?

Check out at university

no choice of answers.

Even though I agree nak go...

... you still can not imitate me.

I will seek my own future.

Where's your man's friend?

Where is he?

Daddy nak pick him up for dinner.

What kind?

Why do not you ever

tell his chapters?



I am a child for recognition.

What is he, baby?

Tell the father.

Why are you interested in

the field of recitation?

I want to be a

teacher like my dad.

So others may benefit

from my knowledge.

You have experience in

giving instruction point...

... or teach others?

Yes, there is.

I got 1460 in STIC.

Becoming a teacher is not

just an academic expert.

You think...

You can be a good

example to others?

Lynn, you come no?

Ben has taken his share.

Let's take your part.

I miss you.

I am not a ruse.

Many bad things I

made before this.

But I will make it a guideline

for myself and others.

Lynn left the group chat.

To no avail.

Many achievements you have accomplished.

You may apply for a

student and study abroad.

You are not interested in it all?

I think...

... some are more deserving of it.

Student Dismissal Letter: Thanaphon Viriyakul

Ben: Come to my house tonight.

The Secretariat of Dobi Encik Ben

Sign in.

This shop looks new, Ben.


Already Encik Ben now.

You are stolen wang haram?

You've been dumped school...

... because the embassy for

your chapter report, right?


After this, what is it?

That's why I invite

you to come here.

Have you applied for a GAT / PAT check?

I have a backup for you.

I have a way to trust.

Guaranteed to be safe.

We can give answer

to crowded people.

More importantly, there are more

GAT / PAT takers from STIC.

But this design...

... will not be complete without Mentor Lynn.

How much money do you need?

If your payment is still not enough...

... you can take my

payment from Pat.

Go take it.



This is not a chapter of money.

This article...

from now on...

... how many we can make.


I've already made an estimate.

This time...

... we may, at least 10 million.

You do not think it's enough

to blend with the risk?

You've been natural.

If we are arrested, we

will not go to jail.


Can you study for 4 years

with a 5-figure salary?

You can get millions,

from now on.

Why do we need to

work at the desk?

Because for me...

... money is not everything.


If you do not want to make...

I will tell everyone...

... that you are the

mastermind in STIC.

I assure you.

You will be black-acted from studying

outside the country like me.

Let it be.

So, we're both in series.

Not just you!



And all the STIC takers.

Fine carefully...

If the boss can know...

... they may abort all

markers within Thailand.

One more thing...

Your father should be

disappointed with you.

Do not be afraid, honey.

We must continue, no

matter what happens.


Dad's kind smile.

Cik Rinrada?

You ever told me...

If we win, we win together.

If we lose, we lose equally.

I'm not the type who likes

to feel it all by myself.

If you do not want to make...

I will make sure you

will fall with me!

Do you think, Lynn?

What will apply?

It all depends on you.

That's right.

Everything depends on me.

We are here to brand

your acknowledgment...

... about fraud when STIC exams.

So you're available?

I am available.