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Chongqing Hot Pot (2016)

Posted: 09/05/23 18:33
by bunniefuu
What are you looking at?


Get up.

Turn it.

No parking here.

Move your car.

We got delayed in the vault.

Report to me if anything happens.

Let me know if anything happens.


Is everything alright outhere



calling Control.


Chubby's caught.

He drove away.


Block the entrance.


Search for other exits.

Chong Qing,

as we know,

is a city of hot pot.

Hot pot restaurants are everywhere.


people have no idea that

Chong Qing

is also a city of b*mb shelters

appear like underground caves.

The caves

are all over the place.

The combination of hot pot and b*mb shelters

make something unique.

"Cave Hot Pot"

A hot pot restaurant inside a cave.

Both delicious and fun.

You couldn't find

these kind restaurant anywhere else.

Four Eyes, this is Mr. Zhang.

This is our smallest shareholder.

Take this opportunity and profit will be huge.

Where's the other shareholder? Is he coming?

Four Eyes!

Call Liu Bo.

Tell him to hurry up.

Why don't you pick it up?

it's bugging the hell out of me

Flush with a quadruplet.

Money money.

It doesn't f*cking bug me.

Want some fish?

this one then

More than a kilo.

Liu Bo.

Mr.Seven! What a coincidence!

Getting fish?

What's up?

Went to meet a buddy.

It's time to pay your gambling debt.

I'll have the money after I sell my restaurant.

How long will it take?

No more than a week.

A week.

Two hundred and thirty thousand.

Not a penny less.

I see you around.

Want the Head cut?


If the restaurant sells for k,

I'll get

Seventy five thousand.

Four Eyes will get

Twenty nine thousand.

Liu Bo will get

Ninety six thousand.

You forgot the three thousand
for hiring the extras.

What extras?

People who played the customers.

You thought they really came for our hot pot?

You promised four hundred thousand.

That bastard also went to other cave hot pots.

They are all bigger than ours.

He promised

k if we make a square meters extension.

An extension requires a lot of money

At least fifty thousand.

Xu Dong, you should pay for it.

It's not just my own business.

Why should I pay for the entire thing?

Was your memory eaten by dogs?

When we started the business,

I gave you the money to dig through the cave

but you ignored,

and enshrined a budda with the money instead.

Is the budda gonna pay for us?

The blessing of the budda

brings wealth.

Brings wealth?

Where is the wealth then?

We've been losing money from the beginning.

It's not just my fault.

Four Eyes.

Come on, say something.

You guys,

should pay for the electricity first.

I steal electricity every day

from door to door.

There's not much left.

Stop worshipping.

Does it bring you wealth?

There are way too many
hot pot restaurants in Chongqing.

How can it be profitable?

Stop complaining.

We don't even have the money
for your grandpa's ward.

Don't expect anything from me.

I'm going dancing. No cigarettes for him.

I'm not taking the keys.

Grandpa, wait for me to come home
if you wanna smoke.

Don't secretly smoke by yourself.


Oh! Wait!


It's you guys.

Make some noise next time.

Hi grandpa!

Hello grandpa!

Taking a bath?


You didn't go to the night class today.

It's summer break now.

oh it's summer break.

Making the extension ourselves

is illegal.

But it's our last chance.

We are broke.


Sell your car then.

It's a gift from my wife.

Don't be ridiculous.

You are still students.

Don't play around with girls.


He's the only one with a girlfriend.


don't listen to him.

I'm still a virgin.

What the hell.

The real virgin is Four Eyes.


I'm not a fuckin virgin.

When we just started the business,

a buddy from the Civil Air Defense
showed me the blueprint of this cave.

The space above is at least
three hundred square meters.

We can have k if we make the extension.

you are being lazy again

I'm thinking.

Did you know that

Four Eyes

plans to move to Beijing?

to Beijing?

He's going to stay with one of his relatives,

who does construction work.


We shouldn't have dragged him
into this business at all.

No. We shouldn't have opened the restaurant.

You know, I have a friend

who runs a massage center.

He's already bought seven
or eight apartments now.

We should check it out when we have time.

Stop talking about massage center.

We have been digging for almost a week.

Perhaps there's something wrong
with the drawing.

I swear to god

this drawing is absolutely solid.

Feels like we've hit a b*mb.

Four Eyes, what's up there?

I don't know. It's pitch black.

Come on.

Four Eyes, give me a hand.

Four Eyes.

You stepped on me.

Come quickly!



Whose money is this?

Who cares?

It'll take them a couple of days
to trace it back to us

if we b*mb the mouth.

By that time we'll be far gone.

My grandpa is over eighty.

He can't even take a bath by himself.

How can we take him?

We can't, of course.

Don't be ridiculous.

Heroes ride dragons and tigers.

Cowards only ride old hens.

Look at us.

We've accomplished nothing...

Are we gonna do it or not?

Honey, you're still up?

I'm in the restaurant,

talking business with Liu Bo and Four Eyes.

Mengmeng, this is Liu Bo.

Mengmeng, this is Four Eyes

Believe me now?

Ok, we need to get back to work.

Kiss kiss.


Forget it.

Let's fix the hole.

It's exhausting to ride tigers and dragons.

What about you?

I wanna be with my family.

Get out!

This pot is just like the mouth of the cave.

If we wanna fix it,

we need to fill in with rocks and concrete.

But no matter how we do with it,

we must trowel the surface

and lay the tiles.

Then it's done?

The problem is

how could the one who trowels the floor

get out of the vault?

by teleporting?

Unless he's from the bank.

We'll definitely lose our restaurant.

Confess? Confess what?

We'll definitely lose our restaurant
if we take that step.

I'm not doing that.

We run a hot pot restaurant on Baixiang Street.

Cave Hot Pot.

We made a little bit extension...

but we didn't know that...

We dug into the bank...

Hold on.

Guo Jianxin.


You mixed up the two ID numbers again.

What's your problem?

Impossible. Let me see.

Here. № and №.


What's up?

San Tu just called me.

Our middle school classmate works
in that bank now.


Which classmate?

A girl

who speaks mandarin.

Yu Xiaohui!

You always make this fridge smell
like Chinese medicine.

How are we supposed to use it?

It won't be smelly.

I always cover it with layers of plastic film

before I put it in.

All dr*gs are somehow toxic.

Your poisonous stuff...

can't be put next to my dessert.

How can it be poisonous?

This is my dad's herbal medicine.

everybody is welcome to use this fridge

except you.

Zhang's father is somebody.

Your father is nobody.

We won't

be able to hit our monthly saving goal

without the deposit from her father's company.

There are so many people in our bank.

Why do you have to be her rival?

I don't see her as my rival.

I need to prepare the medicine at home

and take it with me to the bank everyday.

I'm not talking about the medicine.

Yu Xiaohui

Why didn't you sign her credit certification?

Because her certificates are incomplete.

I'm following our bank's regulations.

I understand.

But sometimes

we need to be flexible when

dealing with real situations.

Flexible? How?



You are asking me to teach you this?

Forget it.

Get back to work now.

Mr. Seven. What's up?

Have you sold your lousy restaurant yet?


You get the money

or you don't.

What the hell does "almost" mean?

Soon... In two days...

ln two days, I must see the cash.

This is my final warning.

No problem. Two days.

Liu Bo!

I'm Yu Xiaohui!

I'm your classmate from No. middle school


I work in the bank nearby.

Changjiang Business Bank

How do you know?

There's only one bank around.


We opened a hot pot restaurant.

Would you like to have dinner with me tonight?

Plus Xu Dong and Four Eyes.

I give you my card.

You guys are still hanging out together?

Yeah. We run the restaurant together.

See you later, ya?



Call me!


Why aren't you guys drinking?

We are too old to drink.

When we were in the band,

we could beat a dozen of people

with liquor and beer.

Come on.

Liu Bo.

What was the name again? Your band.

don't remember. It was stupid actually.

We used to have a fancy English name.

but then they called us
The Grasshoppers of Shapingba.

The Grasshoppers of Shapingba.


A hero is silent about his past glories.

Yu Xiaohui.
You and Liu Bo are mean to meet again.

For the memories of old classmates, old friends,

Let's take a shot.

Why do you drink with her?

I think the Gasshoppers of Shapinga

should take a shot.

You are drunk.

No. I'm not!

Come on.

I drink it up first.

Liu Bo.

Have a drink with Yu Xiaohui.

Yu Xiaohui.

Yu Xiaohui. I will drink it for you.

That's enough.


Go work on the renovation.

You are gonna sell it anyway, Why bother?

This is a good business

why do you sell it?

It's a side-business anyway...

doesn't matter.

We can quit whenever we want...

Yeah, right.

For you guys it's just a side-business.

I'm the only one who takes it seriously.

You go out and play Mahjong everyday,

and leave everything to me.

Now the business is failing,

and you put on a performance
in front of our classmate.

Shame on you!

What performance?

No performance.

Four Eyes's just drunk.

You take Yu Xiaohui home first.


Four Eyes is right.

What a show! Why not just tell the truth.

Yu Xiaohui,

it was arranged for us to meet again.

We hope you could do us a favor.

We really don't have any other choice.

Yu Xiaohui.


I woke up a while ago.

What's up?

I'll be right there.

You've been waited?

No, not long.

I came up with a plan for you.

An order came from the Government two days ago

All banks over years old
located in the old town

require a complete

infrastructure test and upgrade.

Our bank is one of them.

I contacted a security company two days ago.

They'll come to the bank

and do a surveying and
mapping test for the vault.

You mean,

we could ask the surveyor to fix the hole?

I mean,

one of you would be the surveyor.

The bank doesn't know anything
about the surveyor.

All of the information is verified through e-mails.

I can recreate the I D information
and change it to yours.

When you arrive at the bank,
I'll call the security company

and ask them to change their schedule

for our account check in the vault.

I can send them an artifical data later.

After you enter the bank,
two security guards will do a body check.

They will check your tool box
and verify your ID information.

Then the two vault keepers

would take you to the vault.

The entrance needs to be unlocked by two keys.

Ms.Xu has one key and the dept.
Chief Kuang keeps the other one.

Usually, Ms.Xu will leave right
after she unlocks the door,

leaving Chief Kuang and the two guards there.

You won't be able to do anything

if the three of them keep their eyes on you.

What do we do then?

When you guys get to the vault,
I'll give Xu Dong a message

asking him to make a phone call to the bank

pretending it's from Kuang's son's school.

Kuang takes every single phone call
from the school.

When he leaves, he'll ask Ms.Xu for help.

Ms. Xu is fat and she hates walking up
and down the stairs.

Therefore she will ask me to take this charge.

I'll bring a stack of documents,

and drop them on purpose

when I get to the vault.

The guards will help me pick up the documents,

you can use that time to fix the hole.

Are we

gonna have

enough time?

The documents

are not just the regular documents.

They are the paysheets for this month.

The two guards are included of course.

As long as they are able to read,

they will pick them as slowly as they can,
to check their pay.

What do you think

about this plan?

Yu Xiaohui.

Why are you willing to help us?


I wanted to be flexible.


Don't worry

If you help us with this,

you won't be left empty handed.

That's not the reason.

I'll take care of it.

If you need anything,

Just tell me.



Give me the letter back.

We knew Yu Xiaohui had a crush on you,

However, we knew nothing about the letter.

Yu Xiaohui gave me that letter

and asked me to pass it to Liu Bo.

When I was almost back in my seat,

You snatched the letter.

No way.

Why would I snatch his letter?

You took the letter

showed it off in the classroom.

Everybody laughed about it.

What happened next?

Where's the letter now then?

I have no idea.

Do you have it?

Why would I?

It's not for me.

Hurry up and go find it.

Liu Bo

Your classmates are here!

You are up?

I assume that you had a good sleep.


Let's talk outside.


We are going out, I'll visit you another day.

Take care.

I hate liars.

In three days,

If I don't see the cash,

I'll throw you

and that old crock inside

out of the building.

It's my own business.

It has nothing to do with my grandpa!

Stop f*cking yelling at me!

Pay me back first.

Liu Bo

You'd better pay my money back soon.

for the sake of your family's safty.

How many times do I have to tell you?

I told you not to mess around with the gangs,
you never listen.

Today they hit your head.

What about tomorrow? They might cut your hands
off and break your ankles.

What's up?

I want to borrow some money.

What's this?

Stop it.

I'm talking to Liu Bo.

Screw you!

I was doing field research.

I was doing the field research.

Liu Bo was with me.

You can ask him.

How can you keep borrowing money like this?

So much money! Are you able to pay it back?

Just like your father,

You'll end up dead on the street sooner or later.

Where are you going? Liu Bo!

You're back.

When are you leaving for Beijing?

In two days.

Four Eyes.

Let's have hot pot together before you leave.


I'll prepare.

Go home tonight.

I'll stay here.

It's all right.

Go easy on the drinking.

Liu Bo

I brought you the yellow bag,

the one you lent me last time.

I put it on the table.

Remember to pick it up.

It's so thick.

Just you know,

I borrowed this money

and I need to bring it back tomorrow morning.

I'll leave once I double the amount and I mean it.



Do you still remember the secret signal?

What does your friend do?

He runs hot pot restaurants.

He already has several branches.



Excuse me.

Don't leave.

I'll be right back.

Hold on. I'll be right back.

We're one person short.

Come back soon!

Perhaps he noticed?

No way.

I haven't even started the signal.

Liu Bo, where were you?

Where's grandpa?

There was a fire in our apartment.

How dare you give him cigarettes again!

Liu Bo's back.

Liu Bo.

Where did you go?

Thank god the delivery guy came just in time.

Liu Bo. Here you are.

Your classmate was here.

Which one?

Our apartment is ruined.

Where are your grandpa and mom gonna stay tonight?

My grandpa will stay at my uncle's.

I'll just stay in the restaurant.

Lost Love Alliance.

I remembered the name wrong.

I remembered that you guys

used to jam in the school factory.

How did you know we were there?

When we were in middle school,

one day I went back home alone after class.

I was mugged by a gangster with
a knife at the school gate.

He took me to the school factory.

I was terrified.

Then I heard some noises outside.

I told him that my boyfriend was coming.

He got nervous and ran away.

But I was too afraid to leave.

I had no idea who was actually coming.

Later I heard a Grasshopper song playing outside.

So I quietly had a look.

I saw a boy dancing to the song.

After a while Xu Dong and Four Eyes joined in.

Then they danced all together.

You're talking about me?


That's why I wrote you the letter.

Look at this apartment.

I don't think that I can find the letter.

Leave it now then.

Perhaps pay me back with something else later.

You remember the whole plan?

: a. m. tomorrow morning.

Meet me in the subway station.


Liu Bo.

When all this is over

Get back to your business and do it well.

You guys have been friends
for more than ten years.

It's not easy.


Liu Bo, you're back.

Your buddies are here

to have a drink with you.

Mr. Seven

You are here...

I heard that

you brought a bag of cash

to play Mahjong.

You must be doing great.

Why the hell did you tell me
you can't pay me back.

What do you say now?

Mr. Seven

It will sort itself out, but it's not time yet.

I f*ckin' made the time,

I can also change it.

Mr.Seven, drink!

Take out the cash and I call them off.

I don't have the money for you.

Yeah, he doesn't.

I'm sure.

Open your bag then.

I can't give you the bag.

Give it to me!


What the hell!

Mr.Seven, this might be a misunderstanding.

Get him!

What's going on here?

lsn't it obvious?



Stop it!

Mr.Seven, please.

for the sake of me. I am respected here.

It's not too late for us to find the money
and bring it back to the vault.

Where? How?

Rob the bank?!

The bank will open soon.

Go for it then!

Rob the bank then
put the money back to the vault ya?

You are such a loyal friend!

So what have you done?

What have you done for the restaurant?

What do you mean?

What do I mean?

You are the richest among us.

But you are so stingy all the time.

Well, it's true that Liu bo's into gambling.

Yet he pays for his part.

If you could pay for

a professional extension

Everything would be OK.

Are you fuckin crazy?

Haven't got enough?

You wanna beat me?

Go ahead!


It's all my fault.

We are all brothers.

Good mates.

No, we are not.

Not anymore.

You've never took us as your buddies.


Forget about the brotherhood.

It has nothing to do with you guys.

Either going to jail or paying back the money.

They are all on me.

We have been friends since middle school.

Have you ever considered that what would happen
to us when you took the money?

Look at me!

What do we mean to you?

You've really made your decision?


I'm gonna turn myself in,
I dug the hole and took the money.

You guys only knew that I dug a hole,

have no idea that I cracked into the bank.

Remember, you knew nothing

We are fine.

It's just Yu Xiaohui.

I'm the owner of the hot pot restaurant
on Baixing Street.

the 'Cave Hot Pot'.

I made an extension ourselves

in order to save some money.

But unexpectedly,

we dug into the bank.

The bank?

I didn't mean to do it.

Hold on.



The bank is robbed?

Which one?

Shangxin Street

Changjiang Business Bank

Yes. We'll be right there.

Changing Business Bank on Shangxin street.


isn't it

Is it Changing Business Bank?

Tell me!

Any more cell phones?

Give them all to me.


The bank is robbed.

What's going on ?

Police are on their way.

I called Yu Xiaohui but she didn't pick up.

She must be in the bank.

Do the robbers know about this hole?

No way. If they knew about that,

they would have robbed the restaurant first.

Let's go up and save her.


Stay here, I'm going to save her.

Call the police if I'm not back in one hour.

What's this for?

I thought you wanted

to have a hot pot together before I leave.


Liu Bo.


Who are you?

I'm from the hot pot restaurant.

Hot pot restaurant?

Why are you coming here?

I just wanted to ask you something.

You didn't make it clear.


You only told me to call the police
if you don't come back in an hour.

What if somebody else comes down in an hour?

f*ck off.


Boss is calling you.

Why don't you answer?


Find the exit yet?

There's one missing.

Stop counting.

Go search for them!

Behave yourselves!

Please let me go.

My dad is rich.

He can give you lots of money.


Rip her hands off and send them to the police


Please help me.


Yu Xiaohui, please help me.


I know there is another exit in the bank.

I transferred to different schools
a lot when I was little.

Often I did not have

the time to know my classmates.

I had a crush on this one boy in my class.

I wrote him a letter.

But I left right after I gave it to him.

I've never seen him since.

Until a few days ago,

that boy came to me with two other classmates.

They told me that they dug
a hole when they renovated,

and the hole extended into our bank.

Into the bank?

Why come back to work
not run away with the money?

We were about to do it today.

I'm not happy working here.

You see, these people

don't like me so much.

When my old classmates showed up,

I thought my life would be different.

We would take the money,

start a new life somewhere else.

But this morning

the boy I had crush on told me

he decided to quit.

I'll take you to the hole.

Take me with you,

but I want half of the money.



lock them in the vault.

so nobody can stop us.

Is the hole

In the vault?

If it's in the vault,

why did the three of them come to me?

You two take the rest of the people to the vault.


take me to the hole.

Everyone get up, get up


Hold on!

Get down!

I'm confused.

You hated your job and the people here.

Why are you protecting them
instead of k*lling them?

I just want the money not their lives.

Talking about robbing the bank
in front of all of your colleagues.

Aren't you afraid that if you get caught,

there's no chance to withdraw your confession?

They'll hurt you even
if you don't want to hurt them.

How about this.

Let's just k*ll them all to make things easier.

You are f*cking messing me around!

You just want to save them!

If there's another exit in the bank,

it must be in the vault.


My buddy just went there.

There's nothing.


he lied to me.

Just kidding.

Get that woman here.

Let her go!

Let her go and keep down!

I'll sh**t!

On your knees!

Liu Bo!

What are you doing here?

I'm here to save you.

Go to the vault.

Four Eyes'll help you down there.

Come on!

Let's go! To the vault.


You two, freeze!

Don't move!


I'll sh**t.

You are really coming to me?

Come on!

Get down.

Let's go.

I'll wait you down there.

Don't move.

I'll sh**t!

Stop or I'll sh**t.

What the hell!

Let him go!

I didn't know he was awake. Sorry.


Are they cops?


Just some f*ckers who run a hot pot restaurant.


there is an exit down there.

Is this your g*n?



I count one two three

you s*ab him and he sh**t me.


Liu bo, don't worry about me.

- Two.
- I won't save him.

I'll k*ll you.

- I'll beat him to death.
- Three



I let him go.

Suspects inside,

if you don't respond

in ten minutes,

we'll take action.

Suspects inside,

if you don't respond

Fifty thousand.

My car's really worth such
a little amount of money?

Where are you?

Wait for me.

I took the card.

and I'll sell the car.

I'm going to save Liu Bo.


Sure you can have your divorce.


My famous last words,

I do what I say.


Boss, we're all set.


Pull them down first

and make sure that the hole is safe.

I know you.

You do.

f*cking show your



I know you.

Liu Bo?

Four Eyes?

I'm gonna start without you.

Who are you?

What do you want?

I assume this restaurant
is still under construction ya?


I'll come back some other day.

I'm here really just for the hot pot.

If I knew that things would end like this

I wouldn't have desperately searched for the bag

What's in it?

The money from the bank.

and the letter.

The letter from Yu Xiaohui is also in the bag.

We are about to die.

Don't talk nonsense.

That is exactly the reason
why I'm not talking nonsense.

So the letter was in the bag.


I have kept that letter.

I didn't bring it up

because I was afraid of you
were gonna make fun of me.

But I'm not afraid now.

I'll die soon anyway.

Yu Xiaohui,

I really liked you.

Yu Xiaohui,

I liked you too.

Yu XiaoHui.

I liked you.

I don't wanna see you guys anymore.

They are fake.

All the g*ns are fake.

Keep it as a souvenir.

Don't you have another one?

You son of a bitch...

Where are you?


Got backup?

You take my money...

f*ck them all!

Liu Bo.

I remembered.

There's a knife

in my pocket.


We work in the bank!

Four Eyes!

Liu Bo!

You idiot!

Come Back!

Liu Bo!


Liu Bo!

Liu Bo

k*ll him!

Then we are even.

Do you hear me?

I'll pay you back.

Come back!



Put your hands behind your head!


Why are you chasing me?

Took my stuff.

I will take it back.

Liu Bo,

I have always meant to write to you.

Thank you for being there

when I was in danger.

Perhaps you saved me unintentionally.

I believed that

if you knew that I was in danger,

you would do the same thing.



I'm going to transfer to another school.


we won't be able to see each other

for a long time.

But I hope that when we meet again

you will like me too.


Can you stop singing

'Lost Love Alliance'?

You are not a loser.

You are my hero.


Our boss comes to visit you!

Here, Let's wish Li Bo
get out of the hospital soon.

and also for the success of our
new old mates hot pot restaurant.

New old mates hot pot restaurant?


Our old one was sealed due to the incident.

We wanted to open a new one.

I'm divorced anyway,

now I can totally focus on developing my career.

Four Eyes,

is not going to Beijing anymore.

What about the money?

Our rewards from saving the bank.

It should be enough to open a new restaurant.

I tried my best to right my wrongs

Don't you guys try to waste the money.

What do you mean by "waste"?

It wasn't my fault that the restaurant failed.

Four Eyes, do you agree?

Perhaps the three of us
weren't perfectly compatible,

but now there are four of us!


You can't do everything alone.

So I brought up the idea
of opening the hot pot restaurant

Four Eyes and Xu Dong are both into it.

Now it's all up to you.

Yu XiaoHui

You should know

if you fail this time,

there's no way back.

All right. I'll take it then.

Don't worry.

If there's something wrong,

You three can

sell yourselves.

Sell what?

What do you mean?


I mean, 'sell your voices' for a living.

You are the
'Grasshoppers of Shapingba', aren't you?

We are too old

to sing.

"She always only"

"leaves me her phone number."

"...tells me"

"don't give up on her too soon."

I don't remember the lyrics.

"She always only"

"leaves me her phone number."

"but she doesn't want me"

"to take her home"

"You said you used to"

"love her likewise"

"and falling for her like crazy"

"you said"

"you cannot pretend that it didn't matter"

"but tell me"

"don't give up on her too soon."

"Talking about the past as if it was a myth"

"and laughing at each other for being such fools."