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Ambulance (2022)

Posted: 09/05/23 19:24
by bunniefuu
We know your time is valuable.

Thank you for holding.

My name is William James Sharp.

You know, I've been...
I've been...

I've been trying to get someone
on the phone for weeks.

Your number?

Yeah. Let me see. Um...

It's, uh, TDZF73,

uh, 4.

You can...
you can call me Will, please.

What's your name, ma'am?

- Supervisor 12.
- Supervi...

That's funny. I...
You know, I-I talked to, uh...

to Supervisor 11 and 13.

Well, I'm 12.

Not you. Okay.

I don't see your file here.

Okay. Just... Okay, slow down.

Uh, all right, look,
my wife needs this surgery.

You need to call back, sir.

No. Well, ma'am,
that's the thing.

I can't... I can't get
a human on the phone.

Okay? It's always recordings

and numbers to push
for what I want.

I just need to keep, uh,
a person on the phone,

you know, like,
a real human, so...

I have to take my coffee break.

This is real life.

Okay? This is real life.

And I'm-I'm-I'm sorry
about your break, but...


You have a nice day.

No, ma'am, that's not...
that wasn't...

Listen, okay? Hear me out.

It's funny, I risked my life
for this country,

- and it's...
- I'm sorry.

I wish I could help.

- Hey.
- Big Man Tate.

Hey, did I wake him?

We got it, baby.

Insurance coming through.

I lose faith in this world
on a daily basis.

But not in you, though.

- Hmm.
- Yeah.

Yeah, we're gonna be all right.

You think you could handle him
for a few hours?

Oh, yeah.
We're gonna sleep, right?

Maybe not.

Another interview?

Uh, yeah. A warehouse job.

- A forklift driver.
- Ah.

That's good, baby.

You can drive anything.


All right.

Celebrate when you get back.

Somebody called from
a blocked number earlier.

I know what you're thinking.
It's not Danny.

Good. I know you love him.
Don't know why.

But we don't need your brother.

I got all I need right here.

Turn on the alarm.

Armed stay.

Hey, I thought
you wanted to come see me.

- I'm on my way, Danny.
- Well, I'm tight on time.

Unit 3, incident,
2515 accident in Downtown.

Possible injuries.

Copy that. Coming in.

Floor it.

All right, Unit 3.
Two minutes out. En route.

ETA two minutes. You good?

Copy. Yeah, I heard it.

- Floor it.
- Fire says it's gnarly.

I haven't heard "gnarly"

since I was surfing
gnarly waves.

Unit 3, LAPD at scene.

Be advised, child impaled,
critical condition.

Does it always sound that bad?

Here we go, here we go.

Oh, Jesus.

Oh, my God.

No matter what, stay focused.

Code three, incident.

Copy. On scene.

Let's go.

Let me see.

Stay clear, stay clear!
I need to check.

My baby.

Careful with the girl!
Move, move, move, move, move!

No, let me see her!

Is it still there?

- I don't want to look at it.
- Hey, hey, sweetie, sweetie.

Hey. Just got to look at me.

You don't have to look
at it, okay?

- Right in my eyes. Good job.
- No.

Okay. I'm gonna take
a quick look at you.

- Let me know if anything hurts, okay?
- No.

Don't move.
Just use your words.

Take a deep breath for me.

Deep breath. Deep breath.

- Good job. Deeper.
- Ow, ow.

Good job.

Good job, good job.

Okay, lungs are clear.

Scott! Scott.

- Holy...
- Set me up two bags...

Scott! Set me up two bags
in the rig. Quick!

Where's my mommy?

Mommy's outside. Mommy's okay.

Mommy's okay.
What's your name?

- Lindsey.
- Lindsey. My name is Cam.

Give me your hand. Okay,
I'm gonna be helping you, okay?

- Okay.
- Now, I need you to do something for me.

Can you be brave?
Can you do that?

- I can be brave. Yeah.
- Okay, I knew you could.

Okay, when you hear
that loud sound,

you're gonna squeeze my hand
really tight.

And whatever happens,
you're not gonna let go, okay?

- Okay.
- Okay.

- Go.
- All right.

I'm right here. Lindsey.

Lindsey. Lindsey.

I'm right here. I'm right here.
I'm right here.

All units, 20-23, responding.

Code three with RA three
to Children's Hospital.

Oxygen in.

Put it at eight.

Both IVs going.

Hey, you're gonna be okay.

The light was green.

I didn't see anybody coming,
and I...

Ma'am, ma'am, look at me.

I need you to do
something for me.

Can you hold her hand? Okay?
Hold her hand. Good job.

30 seconds out from Children's.

Just let them know to have
trauma team ready and hot.

- We're gonna need lots of blood stat.
- I already did.

- I'm one step ahead of you.
- We're here. Okay, look at me.

Look at me. In three seconds,
the doors are gonna open.

When we do that,
we're gonna bring her in.

Don't let go of her, okay?

Is she gonna be okay?

She's gonna be fine.
She's gonna be okay, okay?

Thank you guys.

All right,
she's going to bay two.

- Thank you.
- Got it. Watch the line.

Nine-year-old. Superior lobe
and sternum puncture

with a wrought iron fence.

but I got it down en route.

- Coming through.
- Her name is Lindsey.

- Ready? Up! Up!
- Steady, steady.

12 minutes.

Hey. You all right? Is it...

This what
your first time was like?

I'm starving.

I know a good enchilada place.
Want to go?

- En-Enchiladas?
- You're gonna love it.

I'm gonna throw up.

We've got barf bags.

- What's up?
- What's up, homes?

I'm looking for Danny.

He in the back.

And don't touch nothing,
either, n*gga.

For real.

You're not supposed
to be in here.

Rich people don't like it
when you envy their shit.

It makes them feel guilty.


What's with the 'Vette?

Which one?

'50s hit job. Some lawyer
outside of a courthouse.


Makes them worth a lot...
I don't know.

And they hire you
to protect it.

- Yeah.
- What up, Danny?

The hero returns.

Good to see you.

- Yeah, you, too.
- Yeah?

- You look tired. You all right?
- Yeah, I'm good.

For a second, I thought
you weren't gonna call me.

Yeah, family stuff.
I got hung up.

How's Big Man Tate?

He's good. Loud.

How's Amy?

She's cool.

- You want coffee?
- Nah.

Let me make you a coffee.

I have one of those
Keurig things.

They're new. You want it?
It's good.

Yeah? You want one?

Yeah, sure.

Boss finally splurged on us.

Hey, will you tell him
to get off the phone?

What is this?

What are you doing, Randazzo?

Ah, my wife's breaking my balls.

What are you on the phone for?

- Let's go!
- I can't do this shit.

Just come on.
Sit down, all right?

Sit down.
You're making me anxious.

Enjoy my break room. Here.

It's good coffee, huh?

Yeah, great. Uh, look, man.

You can definitely, uh,
tell me to go eff off,

but, uh, I could use some help.

Yeah, when you need something,
you call me, huh?

Okay, yes,
I'm here because I need help.

I know there was shit
between you and LT.

I know you and Dad had shit.
I had shit with Dad.

None of that changed anything
between you and me.

At least, I didn't think so.

I love you, bro.


And I miss you,
but let's not...

Let's just... let's just
call it what it is, man.

I left because that life
wasn't good for me.

How is that right?

You put your life down
on the line for this country.

You leave your family,
your home, you miss your kid

being born, and what did they
give you in return?

It gave me purpose.

I knew what I was getting into.

It's good.


Is that Dad's watch?

Yeah. I found it when I was
cleaning out his house.

You didn't show,
so I just... I took it.

Yo, check this out.

Look what I found.

Look at this.

Dad's booties.

Look at these pictures.

- You and me.
- Hmm.

Look at you.
And who's that? Wait.

Wh-What class is that? Um...

Ah, Ms. Burns.

Ms. Burns.

Yeah, right after you stood up,
embarrassed me

and told the whole class
that your family took me in.

I owe your family a lot.

- It's our family.
- Yeah.

Maybe one day, you'll let me
see my nephew, yeah?

How much do you need?

- 231.
- Mm-hmm.

Experimental surgery.

Except insurance doesn't
cover experimental

because, they tell me,
it's experimental.

How about more?

Is this the guy?

- No, it's not the guy, Mel.
- That's not my name.

Yes, it is. It's Mel Gibson.
That's your name.

- It's not my name.
- Well, it should be.

- No, I'm not the guy.
- You look like Mel Gibson,

like from that movie Braveheart.

It's, like,
one of my favorite movies.

Yeah, I get...
I get the reference, man.

It's a great movie. It won,
like, a lot of Grammy...

Doesn't he look like that...
that guy?

Don't you have somewhere to go?

Yeah, we all do.

So who's this new dude
he's got, man?

I don't like rolling
with new dudes.

Hey, guys. Let's go.
Get those boxes outside.

What the f*ck are you doing?

Danny, you told me
you were done.

I was then, but this is now.

First Federal Downtown,
32 million.

I have this wired.

What? No banks hold $32 million.

I know. It's a one-off.

A fuckup 'cause the feds
are vacuuming up paper.

But I need another man.

Four inside and one driver.

Feds are moving it out tonight
after hours.

We get in there now, it's ours.

- No. Jesus, Danny.
- It's ours.

Hey. This is extraordinary.

Let's go. Five minutes.


That is an ugly beast. Ugh.

It's a ground-up build.

Swapped out the engine
for a six Cummins 550.

- Should roll nicely.
- Nice.

You want to make some
deliveries while you're out,

no one's gonna stop you.

Hey. Please thank Papi
for me, yeah?

- He knows. Be safe, huh?
- All right. All right.

Hey, Will. Come check this out.

Danny, why aren't we
taking our car?

The Mercedes is faster.
Come on.

Because this can be tracked
and this is clean. All right?

Plus, we'll look like clowns
coming out of that car.

Do you even know how to get
to the f*cking bank? No.

So it's my city,
my rules, my job.

Just listen to that, all right?

- Who is this guy?
- What?

That's my brother Will.

Doesn't look like your brother.

Oh, wow. That is original.

Yeah. It's original.

I'm just saying.

Hey, where are you going?

Hey, Will. What's up?

- What's going on?
- I came to you for a loan.

Maybe... maybe a small job,
at the least.

- Not this.
- Look. All right, look, I don't have it.

Everything I have
is tied up in this score.

All right? And it's tight.

Look, I-I can't...
I-I-I need your help.

I can't do this alone.
I need you.

I can't do this with Mel Gibson.

I can't do it. No.

"Is this the guy?"
I'm not stupid.

Neither am I.
Dad was a f*cking psycho.

I know that. You know that.
Even the FBI knows that.

But I'm not him. Look, have I
ever gotten you into anything

that I couldn't get you out of?

Anything? No.

- Yes.
- The g*ns are for...

Hey, hey, the g*ns are for...
Come on, what-what do you...

What do you want me to say?
What-what are we gonna do?

We're gonna... "Oh, please,
can we please have some..."

What, are we gonna fake it?
No, dude, we have real g*ns.

It's just for protection.
You know how it works.

We're not cowboys.
We're not sh**ting anything up.

This is my job.

Come on.
We can do this in our sleep.

Danny, let's roll.

All right!

One second!


Bang-up crew that you dragged me into, Danny.

See, that's what I like about
you, though. That's what I...

- I like the shit you give me.
- It's a bang-up crew

- you dragged me into, Danny.
- I like the shit.

Everyone's gonna love
Uncle Danny.

I mean, I'm gonna be over back
for turkey, Christmas.

Your second-born is gonna
be named after me.

I mean, Danny works
for both sexes.

- This is not funny.
- It works for both sexes.

It's not funny, Danny.

Look, we've got five minutes,
and I need to know

whether you're in or you're out.

You're my brother. I love you.
I will do anything for you,

and all I'm asking is for you

to do this one
little thing for me.

And now you're here
on my doorstep

asking me for help,
and what am I giving you?

I am giving you the world!


It's time for you
to do something for yourself.

For your family.

For your family.


God, I'm broke.

Here you go. Your latte.


Drinking a beer on the job?

So you were a little
traumatized after all.

- Zero alcohol, dude.
- Oh.

Heard from dispatch.

Little girl from earlier,
Lindsey, she's gonna make it.

- I, uh, figured you'd want to know.
- No.

- No?
- No, Scott.

- I don't want to know.
- What?

No, I saw the way you-you
handled the whole situation.

And you were just so calm
and cool. I was freaking out.

That's why I want to do
this job, you know?

Scott, Scott,
I'm gonna give you some advice

'cause you're new
and you talk too much.

Yeah, I-I do.

It's just a job. Nothing else.

You pick 'em up,
drop 'em, forget it.

The worst day of their lives
is just your Tuesday afternoon.

Ah. I see what they say about
you is true. That's a bummer.

What, you're just
gonna drop that?

Oh, you want me to take
the bait. Okay. Give it to me.

You're the best paramedic
in town,

you can keep anyone alive
for 20 minutes...

20 minutes. Mm-hmm.

...and no one wants
to be your partner.

I already did my research.

Well, there's definitely
something wrong with me, Scott.

Okay, maybe I'm just trying
to get to know you.

You think about that?
So we don't have to sit

in that car
and be awkward the whole time.

Like what kind of music
I'm into.

I feel like I may have said
something too much,

so I'm just gonna rewind,

retract a little bit here, okay?

We could maybe take a picture
at the end of the day. Uh...

Scott, just eat your sushi.


Um, I'm from Thousand Oaks,
but I was raised in Tarzana.

- My dad...
- Wow. Tarzana.

Wait, hold up.
So you don't know her name?

I do know her name.
Her name's Kim.

- Kim?
- Yeah.

Okay, so did you ask Kim out?


But I'm seeing her
across the bank, right?

And there's energy flying.
And it's electric.

And I'm just kind of waiting
for that right moment.

Zach, we've been to the same
bank three times this week.

I thought you were just
shitty with money.

Keep getting the wrong teller.

- The wrong teller?
- So, yeah.

What are you doing?

We're going back.

they don't get the girl...

at all.

You remember
when Sean Connery said,

"Losers whine, winners get
to f*ck the prom queen"?

- Hmm?
- That was super aggressive.

No, I don't remember that.

The Rock?

The Rock? Yeah, he's an actor.

He was a wrestler first.

f*cking L.A. drivers.

Drive like a bunch of mamalukes.

By the way,
who wears Birkenstocks

to-to a bank robbery, Trent?

I do.

We're set, guys.

You okay?

I'm okay.

He don't f*cking look okay
to me, Danny.

I'm not sure soldier boy here
would hack it back in Brooklyn.

- How bad you want to find out?
- All right, all right.

He's seen more action
than all of you, all right?

Let's get ready.

We're gonna rock this today.

Let's get ready to roll, boys.

Pull your balls out.

We're going to w*r, baby.

We're here.

Let's go, let's go.

Out of the car, boot.

I got an idea.

We go in together like Bad Boys.

Out of the car.

No Benz. I'm not sure
if they switched rides.

What's this guy doing?

It might get stupid here
real quick.

- What do you got?
- So I got this guy in a delivery truck

wearing sunglasses
down in the parking garage.

So this might be going down now.

Are your boys ready?

Come on, buddy.

You wait, Nitro. You hear me?

You wait. Yeah?

Amigos, no Mercedes.

Well, shit. I thought we had
a tracker on the Mercedes.

What happened to that?

- It hasn't moved yet.
- g*dd*mn it.

They could be
inside the bank, boss.

You want us to hit 'em now?

No, that'll be a bloodbath.

You drop 'em later.

Okay? You hear me?

And you wait till we get
to the dog park. Ugh, buddy.

What's going on?

The building's locked.

Why is it locked?

I don't know why it's locked,
but it's locked. Hold on.

Manager's coming up.

"Hey, Kim. Howdy."

What can I do you for, Officer?

Uh, why are you closed?

Oh, we're just doing a transfer
in the back. It's procedure.

- Okay.
- You worried me for a second.

- I saw you talking to yourself in the mirror.
- Oh.

Yeah, you know,
I was thinking about

starting a savings account.

Oh, nice. We've got some great
junior accounts.

- I'll let you in in 20 minutes.
- Yeah?

You know what, though,
'cause, um...

if I could just get it done
real quick,

'cause I'm on the clock.

Uh, promise not
to rob the place.

- What do you think?
- Promise?

- I won't rob it.
- Seriously.

'Cause that would be bad
for my job, you know.

- I promise.
- All right, okay. All right.

- All right, come on in. Okay.
- Okay. All right.

Thought I'd give you a try.

I saw your commercials.

- Really emotional.
- Oh, thank you, thank you.

Yeah, the one with
the airplane and the dog.

- I mean, gets me every time.
- Yeah, that was really cute.

Well, I'm sure Big Bob
can help you over here.

Uh, I can help you
right over here.

- Oh, that's-that's okay.
- Yes, sir.

Can the woman next
to him help me out? Over there.

Uh, I think her name is Kim.

Kim? Could you just
tell me her last name?

I just want to be thorough.


- Last name. Her-her name.
- Sorry, what?

Her full name.

- Kim?
- Uh, yeah. Just, Kim who?


Park. Okay, swell.

Okay, Kim's fantastic.

Kim, you have a visitor.

Make it quick.

Hi. Hello.


This is gonna sound
a little crazy, uh...

- What is it?
- Well, I-I've...

I've been in here
in the bank a few times...

Wow, it's really
just me in here.

Um, uh, I-I was personally
gonna... gonna try

and play it a little cooler,
but my...

my-my partner in there,
you see...

He's right out there
in this... in the car.

He just wanted me
to come in and...

say something to you,
'cause I told myself

that if I ever got
the chance to,

that I would ask you out...

on a date.

Like, right now?

Doesn't have to be.

It-it could be another time.

Maybe this weekend or something.

Um, but obviously,

it doesn't seem like
a great time...

right now, so I, uh...

Hey, are you okay?

f*cked up the name, didn't I?

No. Uh-uh-uh-uh. I wouldn't
do that if I were you.

No, no, no, no, no.

These are the decisions
that matter in life,

so let me give you all the
information before you decide.

Okay, I have two g*ns,
fully auto.

One's aimed at you,
and the other one's at Kim,

your girlfriend.

I have you, the tellers,
and nine employees in the back,

and your partner outside,
and it's up to you

to make sure
that they are all safe.

Yeah, kind of a heavy burden.

I need you to nod
if you understand, Officer.

Now, take your f*cking hand
off the w*apon.

Give me a big smile
and wave at your partner.

There you go.
Yeah, there you go.

- Yeah. All right.
- f*ck.

Let's go, D. Let's go.

$32 million, guys.

It's all yours. Please take it.

We don't want any problems.
I'm out of here.

- Hey.
- Hello, sir. Yes, sir.

Million per block, man.
You ever seen

any shit like this
in Afghanistan, brother?


I was giving it to the Taliban.

Hey, work fast.

My wife's gonna be very happy.



Eight million per bag.

Hey, pick up the radio, dude.

Been out here so long. Come on.

You've got
nothing to do all f*cking day

but bust my balls.

I told you I'm busy.

Yeah, I'm glad
you're taking a bath.

I hope you f*cking drown.

Babycakes, kiss the kids.

I got to go now.

Oh, f*ck.
There's a cop around front.

God, this f*cking truck.

Son of a bitch!

Randazzo, let's roll.

- Here we go.
- It's down.

Pig's not working, Danny.

I told you this thing's
a f-f*cking pig,

piece of shit.

f*ck. He's coming.

Yeah, the copper's coming over.

Let me see... let me see if I
can bullshit this f*cking guy.

- Oh, how you doing, Officer?
- Hey there. No go?

Yeah, you know
the way these trucks...

they're funny sometimes,
you know?


Why are you using
my real name, dude?

What the hell are you doing?

- Shopping for my girlfriend.
- Leave the lady alone.

Let's go, dumbass.

He's not swearing at you,
Vivian. He's just a d*ck.


- That's a nice-looking engine.
- I got him in front.

Should I f*cking k*ll him?
Should I run him over?

We're gonna leave one by one.

Nobody raise their head.
Do not get up!

You are almost there.
You are almost there.

Try it now.

All right, what do you know,

You saved the day.

Sometimes you just
got to look at her.

Officer Ranshaw,
I'm gonna drop you off

one of my mother's cannolis.

- You have a great day. God bless you.
- All right.

Thank you, Officer.


You are all gonna have
the greatest story

to tell at dinner tonight.

Hey, you! Stay down!

Let's go, let's go, let's go.
Come on.

Let's go! Let's go!

Randazzo, it's time to party,

f*ck. What's taking him so long?

Let's go. Let's go.

- Let's go.
- Move, move, move, move.

Shit. Get down! Get out!

Move, move, move! Come on!

Ah, you m*therf*cker!

Come on! f*ck!

Get outside!

Get outside now!

- It's go time.
- Oh, shit. Let's go.

Shit. Get SWAT.

- S.I.S.! S.I.S.!
- S.I.S.!


Wrong door!

Go, go, go, go! Mel!

Mel Gibson, go!
Don't sh**t a cop!

Ah, you idiot! Come on!

Go, go, go, go, go!
Get down! Down, down, down!

Come on, come on, come on!

Come on, Will.

Where's Randazzo?

Let's go, let's go, let's go!

Let's go, Will. Come on!


Ah, f*ck you! f*ck you!

Randazzo, what the f*ck
are you doing, man?

- S.I.S.! S.I.S.!
- S.I.S.!

Split, split, split, split.

All right, what?

Let's talk about the job.

No, this is great.

I feel like
we're really connecting.

You know what, fine.

I'll just put in for a transfer.

All right, you get
one question a day. That's it.

Boyfriend... do you have one?

Of course you're gonna ask that.

Yes, I have a boyfriend.

He's a doctor at Mount Sinai.

- What was that?
- a*t*matic g*ns.

Oh, shit.

Unit 3, sh*ts fired.

First National Bank, Grand.

Copy. We're on the go. Let's go!

Move, Scott!

I'm going!

Oh, shit.

Be advised, I'm going in.
They've got my partner.

Let's go!

You f*cking move!

Contact, front!

Oh, shit!

- You're f*cked up, man!
- I'm good.

g*dd*mn it. Shit.

Oh, shit.

You shouldn't have worn
f*cking sandals, dude.

What did you do to my legs?


Go! f*cking move!

Hey, let's go.

- You crushed him, man!
- Who cares? Get his bag.

He was at your wedding, bro!

Come on!

It's getting tight.

- f*ck, we're stuck. g*dd*mn it.
- Hey! What's happening?

- Who's sh**ting? Randazzo? Mel?
- Will, stop it. Will.

- Mel? Mel? Randazzo?
- Will, just forget about it.

- Who-who is sh**ting?
- Will, forget about it.

Just f*cking stop!
Will, just forget about it!

Hey, hey, hey!

Hey, get back! Hey, hey!

Oh, shit!

Oh, shit. What did you do?

- Look, man, I'm sorry.
- No. Hey, hey. Uh-uh. Hey! Okay.

No, no, you're good, you're
good, you're good, you're good.

We got to go. No, we got to go.

No, we got to f*cking...
got to go!

- We can't leave him.
- What are you doing?

Just hold your hand like this.

- Will. Hey, Will, come on.
- Give me your hand. Give me...

- Let go. You hear me? We have to go.
- No.

- Listen to me. Leave him. Let's go!
- Hey, hey, hey.

- Let's go!
- Hey, put your hand here.

- Yo, you want to stay here?
- This is gonna help.

- Somebody's gonna come, okay?
- Look how this looks.

- Somebody's on the way.
- Look how this looks, Will.

- Okay!
- Look how this looks!

Just take one second in your
mind and see how this looks.

We got to go. We have to go.

Let's go right now.

Move. Move.

You f*cking punch me,
and that's what happens.

He's a f*cking Marine, man.

- Hey, let's f*cking go!
- What were you thinking?

Drop it! Drop it!

Multiple sh*ts fired.

sh*ts fired.

Multiple officers
down in front of the bank.

a*t*matic weapons being fired.

20-45 is requesting a perimeter

First and Main,
First and Spring,

First and Broadway,
and Second and Main,

mid-block between Main...

To all units responding
to First and Broadway...

Whoa, whoa!
Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop.

What we got?

Come on!

Come on.

Ah, shit!


Man, they're everywhere.

Go, go! Back, back, back! Go!


Shit. I didn't mean to sh**t.
I didn't mean to sh**t him.

- I shot him.
- Go, go, go! Come on!


Why'd we stop?

What are you doing?

What are you doing?

We gonna sh**t our way out?


- f*cking had to sh**t a cop, huh?
- Oh, no.

- Not this, not this.
- This is how we roll.

Tell me this is not the plan.

What, you think I enjoy this?

- f*ck.
- f*cking...




Zach! Buddy!

Over here!

Zach. Ah, okay.

- Ow, ow, ow, ow!
- Okay, okay. I got you.

- Okay. You're okay.
- Oh!

It's in my leg.
It's in my leg! It's in my leg!

- 1-Adam-25. Officer down.
- Ow, ow.

Officer down.
Parking garage level three.

We need an ambulance
f*cking now!

- That is too close for comfort.
- Let's go.

Blow the lockup.
Go, go, go, go, go!

- They're here.
- You're okay.

- They're still here.
- Listen-listen to me.

- Okay. Listen to me, okay?
- They're still here.

- Hey, hey, look at me.
- They're here still.

You're okay. Stay with me.

Yeah, I've got you. You hear me?

- Huh? Hey. Hey, hey.
- They're running away.

How's the prom queen, bud? Huh?

You gonna ask her out?


Hey, get over here!

They're coming. Hey.

Look at me. Look at me.

You're okay.

You got to go on that date.

You hear me, Zach? Zach!

Go! There's two suspects...
one Black, one white. Go!

Go. Squeeze through.
Squeeze through.

Just go.


Shit. Oh, shit!

They're locking this place down.

I don't know, man!
Just, come on!

Come on, let's go!

- Hurry!
- Where did he get shot?

- In the leg.
- Oh, shit.

Any other g*n wounds?

- I-I don't know.
- Are you sure?

- I don't know.
- Okay. Move.

No exit.
Probably got the femur.


Shed me light, shed me light.

Over here.

- What's his name?
- Zach.

Okay. Give me this.
Give me this.

Zach. Zach, buddy.

Come to me.

Zach. Hey, buddy.

Come to me. Come to me.

There he is. There he is.

Let's carry him up.

Help us. One, two, three.



- Hey, hey. You're okay now.
- Come on, go, go.

I had him go in for a girl.

It's my fault.

- I had him go in for a girl.
- Mark, save it.

Call Memorial.
Tell them we have

an ETA of seven minutes, okay?

'Cause you're driving
like a goddamned granny.

Zach, I'm gonna be
helping you, okay?

God, he's losing so much blood.


Shit. Call trauma.

Tell them to activate the team.

We're gonna need lots of blood.

He's hypotensive
and tachycardic.

We need to move fast, okay?

Where is this blood coming from?


Stop! Get out.

Get out.

Cam. Cam!

- Get out now.
- Cam, there's a guy with a big

f*cking g*n pointed
at me right now.

That wasn't a question.

- Get out now.
- What?

- I mean, we...
- Now.

Will, get the paramedic's
jacket. You drive.

We don't have a choice.
Let's go.

Step back up.

What do you want?

Just gonna borrow it.

All right? Come on.

Did you sh**t him already?

No, I did not sh**t him.

Will, bring the bags here.

All right. Let's go.

You got point?

I got point! I got point!

- Overlap!
- Go!

Move. Move. Go.


A lot of running.

Just like any other day
for you, Camille,

except the life you save today
might be your own.

Do your job, all right?

It's-it's Cam. My name is Cam.

Oh, no way.

My name's Daniel,
but I prefer Danny.

I don't give a f*ck.

Cam, okay?

We got cops ahead.


Cops, cops, cops.

All right, look, Cam,
we can sh**t our way

out of this,
or you can help us, all right?

I'm gonna need you to help us.
Why don't you help us?

- Officer down!
- Nod if you understand.

- Get out the way!
- Do you understand, Cam?

What's your hospital, Cam?

It's-it's L.A. Memorial.

- Will, you got it?
- I got it, I got it, I got it.

Oh, shit, shit,
shit, shit, shit.

Who let you in here?
Who let you in?

Whoa, whoa, whoa!
I got an officer down!

- Check the back.
- I've got an officer down.

- We're going to Memorial.
- Let me see your hands.

Wade, check inside.

Who let you in here?

Let me see your hands.

Keep 'em up. Don't move.

Chris, Chris, hold it.

Hey, I'm just a...
I'm just a driver.

I've got an officer down.

Ready? Go.

Who is it? Who is it?

I got a...

I got a cop shot.
We got to go. Move your cars.

We got to get him
to the hospital.


It's a cop!

Let me do my job!
What are you doing?

- Go!
- All right. Fine.

He's a cop.
Let's get him out of here.

All right, let's go.
Get him out of here.

- Go! Go, go, go!
- All right, let's go!

Let's go! Let's go, people!

Make a hole. Get 'em out.

All right, move!
Get out of the way!

Out of the way!

There we go.

See? That wasn't so hard.

Give me your phone.
G-Give me your phone.

Yeah, yeah.

Lights. I need lights. Lights.

Center console. The red button.

- Which one? Which one?
- The red button. Right there.

Hey, Will. We got through it.

Not as tight as I wanted,
but we got through it.

$16 million. $16 million.

Say, Cam, how does
your company track this thing?


Found it.

I'm gonna work on him now.

Is that okay with you?

Yeah, yeah.
Work on saving the rookie.

Hey. Hey, hey, hey, buddy!

What happened?

Hey, what happened?

Where's the ambulance?
What happened?

- Huh?
- They took the ambulance.

- Say "they"?
- They took...

1-Adam-25 to Control.

Suspects have h*jacked
a red and white ambulance.

The ambulance got my partner.

They got my partner.

Hey, hey. Hey, hey.

Hey, listen. Hey.

You tell me exactly
what they look like.

Backup car's on Flower, Will.

Just at the end of the street.

- Got it?
- Yeah.

- Hey, give me your radio.
- What?

Give me your radio.

What are you gonna do
with those?

Don't worry about that.

You're not gonna put those
on me, are you?

When we're clear,
I'm gonna call 911.

I'm gonna tell them
where you are. Okay?

All right?

Yeah. Hey.

Look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean
to point the g*n at you.

I don't really
like pointing g*ns at anybody.

It's not really my thing,
but, like, when you...

I mean, what was I
supposed to do, you know?

I know it's funny, but it's...
I'm sort of more of

the sensitive one
of the two of us. It's...

Hey, boss.


Talk to me.

How does something
like this go down

right in front
of LAPD headquarters?

So the Brooklyn crew we've been
following, they're all dead.

Yeah, we think it's an L.A.
crew inside the ambulance.

Oh, we got a new crew?

We don't know.
It's looking that way.

Talk to me about that ambulance.

- Who f*cked that up?
- We did.

- It was a clusterfuck.
- You think?

But the rookie screwed us up

trying to get his future
ex-wife's phone number.

What's that? What'd you say?

You're the one
that caused this mess.

- Huh? What'd you say?
- Hey!

- What'd you say? Huh?
- All right, all right!

- Say it again!
- Hey!

Calm down
before I smash your ass

- back to the academy.
- Stop.

- You're the reason we're in this.
- Stop!

Mark, right?
Can I call you Mark?

- Yeah.
- That was my call, Mark.

You want to blame somebody,
you blame me.

Now it's my job to get
your partner back, okay?

- His name's Zach.
- All right.

Three months out of the academy.
Good kid.

- He's gonna be all right.
- You know that for sure?

No, but I know I got the best
possible people on it, okay?

Air 11 over City Hall,
southbound 900.

Be advised, suspect
fled from a parking garage.

Ambulance marked "Unit 3."
Injured officer inside.

Whoa! What's going on?

What the hell?

We're screwed.

- We got an airship.
- What?



Oh, no, no, no.
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

You sure they see us or not?

- Yeah, no, no. Shit. Look.
- I'm not sure.

They just flew right
over us. They didn't see us.

Really, really wasn't expecting
helicopters today.

- You think we should bounce on foot?
- No, no.

The stash car's too far.
We won't make it.

- Shit.
- Just drive.

Drive, Will. Come on.

Will, drive.

We're a sitting duck, Will.
We got to move.

We're not gonna do anything.
We're just sitting here.

I got to get back to my wife

and my son, Danny,
no matter what.

You're going to.
You drove generals

and politicians in Kabul.
You can do this.

- This ain't Kabul, man.
- I know. It's L. f*cking A.

Nobody knows this city
better than you.

Nobody drives better than you.

Will, come on.

I'm gonna get you back home,
little brother.

I'm gonna get everybody home.

Come on, little brother.
Come on.


All right. Yeah?

Let's go.

Hey, what is it?
What's going on back there?

It's good.
I'm just helping him.

- Hey, hey! What?
- Hey, what the...

What? What?

Hey! Don't you move!

Stop it!

Come back here now.

Turn around and go.

Come on! We do not have time.

Come on, Cam.

Oh, shit.

Hey, wake up. Wake up.
Hey, hey. Shit!

Hey, help!

The heart machine is buzzing!

Come on, Cam. Let's go.

f*ck you.

I don't know what happened.
It just started beeping.

Shit. He's V-fib.


Come on, Zach.

Oh, God. Come on.
One, two, three, four, five.

I don't know what happened.

- It just started beeping.
- He's about to die.

It's cashmere!


Save that cop's life!

Okay, we got to stay
in the alleys.

What? No.
Just-just take Spring.

You want to drive,
or can I drive?

Just drive fast.

- We're doing hostages now?
- What?

- Hostages.
- The ones in the back?

Yes, we are, Will.
Is there a problem with that?

L.A. Sheriff's 172,
1.7 southbound along the 101.

Uh, coming up to Scientology.
He'll be Downtown...

We're now approaching
the Bonaventure Hotel.

Hey, Cap. Air support
just spotted the ambulance

six blocks east.

Lock everything down.
Nothing gets out.

I want mobile command
moving in five.

- Let's go, boys.
- Hey, Cap. What about your dog?

Yeah, you take Nitro home.

Treat him like
he's your own, okay?

- Yes, sir.
- Good boy.

Oh, Cap, what's that smell?

Oh, we had Mongolian barbecue
last night.

Good boy. Good boy. All right.

I'll treat you good.

Okay, keep pushing,
keep pushing, keep pushing.

Oh, God.


It's clear I'm not a priority.

That's not true.

I mean, it would be great

if we could talk
about something

- other than bad guys...
- Mmm.

...and bank robbers
and murderers.

I'm not quite sure what else

I'm supposed to talk about
when I get home.

Something other
than bad people, maybe.

Maybe me.

You could ask me how I'm doing.

He got a promotion. Yeah, yeah.

He's a big FBI agent now.

Finally, I have a chance
to run my own unit.

What kind of unit?

Special agent in charge
of L.A. Bank Division.

People still rob banks?

Kyle, do we have to pay
for the dumb questions,

or-or are these ones
free of charge?

You're so rude.

Can you put that away, please?

I got to go, boo.

Hey, boss.

Chief Moore just gave us
full tactical control.

Of course he did.

No one else wants
this shit show.

Hey, the mobile CP just arrived.

I got to go.
My ride's finally here.

Mobile MCU on site.

Damn, you're young.

You're old.

Let's hope you keep up.

I like her. Talk to me.

You better know the city.

- Like the back of my hand.
- Tell me, then.

We have mutual aid
with Sheriff's, the CHP.

Suspects' vehicle's
heading south on Flower.

Ambulance is a Type III,
15,000 pounds

of reinforced metal
on a V-8 monster.

It looks brand-new,
and the guy driving

is possibly Lewis Hamilton.

Who's that?
Basketball player or something?

Best F1 racer.

F1... that's for fancy people.
I'm a dog guy.

Oh, that's nice.

It's pronounced "Zaga."

And, due respect, sir,
we don't have time to flirt.

Rush hour's in 45 minutes, and
Dad's making gomgush tonight.

Okay. Dhazghig.

Don't let 'em out of your sight.

Copy. CP-One to Control.

Have additional air units
respond to our location.

Air 11 en route
from the heliport.

One minute ETA.

Commander Four King to Control.

I want Major Crimes' cyber unit
to use Triggerfish to find

whatever communication devices
they have on board.

Get 'em fast. Over.

Target is proceeding
down Broadway.

Have all units respond
southbound on Broadway.

Southbound 101 at Vermont 1000.

I run a different game
than most,

and you're gonna
help me execute.

S.I.S. deals with

the smartest and
the most dangerous criminals.

I need to know who I'm dealing
with, everything about them.

I'm requesting units
to set up a perimeter.


Kind of like a mix between
a chess match and a cage fight.

Great analogy.

Put a little
pressure on, then I pull back.

Then I push harder,
get 'em off balance.

In two hours, they're
either dead or in cuffs.

Uh, not the fluffy ones, though.

The real hard metal. You know,
the cold metal on the skin.

All right. We're on the clock, Dhazghig.

Okay, this is Captain Monroe.
Listen up.

We're not throwing down
spike strips.

We're not crashing
into this ambulance.

We got a brother cop on board.

Cam, we're almost
out of your hair.

You just keep pumping.

But I'm gonna call 911
for you, okay?

- And sorry about that g*n thing, really.
- Yeah, all good.

Just call 911.
You're rich now, boys.

No. No, no, no, no, no. No.

- Shit.
- No. Shit. Where did they come from?

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

Quiet. I need it quiet.

Crossed traffic,
due head-on. He's head-on.

- Whoa. Easy, easy.
- Come on, come on, come on.

No, no, no, no, no, no.
Two cars! Two cars!

There are two cars!
They're right...

- We got to ditch this.
- I'm on it, I'm on it.

- We got to ditch this ambulance now.
- I'm on it.

Find me a street, Danny.

- What?
- Just find me a street.

Air 11,
suspects are now southbound.

He's coming right at you.

Shit. Shit.

I can't do this alone.

I need more hands than this.

Get your ass back here.
He's dying.

- I need your help. I need more hands.
- What?

You need to help me.

Go help her.
Help the cop. Help the cop!

You're gonna have a cop dead
any minute now, and you're

going to prison for the rest
of your f*cking life.

- What's going on?
- I'm about to lose him.

Get the defib pads.

- The what?
- The defibs on the right pocket.

Grab them quick. Move, move.

Turning into the bus
yard underneath the 10 freeway.

We're gonna lose sight.

Grab them quick. Move, move!

Help me with his neck, please.

- His neck keeps...
- Just let it go.

I need the pads urgently,
or he's gonna die.

- Do I look like an EMT?
- Jesus! Daniel!

Your yelling doesn't help.

g*dd*mn it,
I'm not used to being

in a police chase, okay?

- Open them.
- All right, all right. Just give me a...

One, two, three.
I need the pads urgently,

- or he's gonna die.
- I got it. Hold tight.

Black pocket,
next to the monitor.

- Right and left ribs.
- One has a little heart.

- It has a picture.
- And then one has a one on the pad.

So, the right chest, left rib.

Right there and there.

M-My right or your right?

His right, you f*cking moron.

Hang tight. Shit.


Charge it to 300.

Yellow button. Yellow button.

- It says "charge," and then it says...
- Yeah, that button.

- The yellow one.
- Then there's, like, a squiggly...

Yeah, I know. I just-just...

Danny, the only f*cking button
that says "charge"!

It looks like a f*cking Atari
game! I don't f*cking know!

- Just... Charge? Charge? What?
- Clear. Stay clear.

- Move, move, move!
- Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Sure.

Go. Clear.

Whoa! Shit. Whoa.

We need to take him
to the hospital now!

Yeah, well,
I wish I didn't have herpes,

but, you know, we all
got to go with what we got.

Oh, man.

You are lucky
you just get to drive.

We just zapped him.
We did that shock shit.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
Dead end. Dead end.

Can you get
just a little closer?

'Cause I can't read the sign.

My bad, my bad, my bad.

You're not listening
to my directions.

Units responding,

it's a dead-end street.
Slow down.

Yep, that's on me.
I f*cked that up.

Yeah, yeah.


He's knocking my cars around
like tenpins.

Yeah, it's a very expensive
car chase right now.

That cop helo's got us.

We should've parked the stash
car under the bridge, man.

Well, sorry I didn't
think of that.

We need cover.

Enough time to ditch and run.

In Afghanistan, we'd have Preds
track t*rrorists under bridges

and they'd Texas-switch on us.

Texas switch is like
when a t*rror1st

drives under a bridge
with one car

and they pop out
with five identical cars.

I mean, it's crazy,
but it worked.

Whoa, it's only six blocks away.


In the ambulance yard,
do they keep the keys

in the gas cap or in the visor?

In the cap. Why?



- Danny Sharp.
- Thank you, son.

Burner? Qué drama.

Danny boy.

You're interrupting
a very exciting police chase.

They're chasing some ambulance.

Yeah, I am the ambulance.


It's a bit tense
in here right now.

Jesus, vato.

Never a dull moment with you.

Why are you calling me?

Look, I need help.
I need a diversion.

I'm kind of in
a dealmaking mood.

All right. Start boxing them in

You should've thought of that
before, Danny.

You're on your own now.

Look, I got 16 million
in here right now.

You throw me a lifeline,
I'll give you half.

Come on, Papi.

Do it for my dad.
You're family.

I know about the Zetas, Papi.

I know about the money
you owe them.

You save my ass,
you can buy 'em out tonight.

What's the plan?

Look, it's simple.

I just need your guys to
pick up some trucks Downtown.

We got a deal?

We just steal them
from the yard, yeah?

Yeah, yeah, yeah, man,
we'll pick 'em up. Don't worry.

I'll get Roberto right now.


Saddle up. We're on the move.

What's up?

It's insane,
and it's our ticket.

Make your moves.

All you got to do is go that way.

Pass it, though. Oh, my God.

That's what they pay you for.

- Hello?
- Hey, Castro.

Boss man, what's up, man?
Your flamingos just got here.

What you want me
to do with them?

They came to the office?

No, they're supposed to be at
the Turks and Caicos property.

She turns six tomorrow.

I'm gonna get
in so much trouble, man.

We have the elephants.
We have the bouncy castle.

Tommy the Clown
is already there.

We've gone over this
so many times.

Danny, slow the...
First of all, slow down.

- Castro...
- My blood pressure high.

Are you... you good? What's up?

What? I'm fine!

Yes, I need your sprayer,
blue paint, and you...

and meet me at that pin
that I just sent you.

And I'm going to give you
$10,000 when you get there.

- You hear me? Blue paint.
- Got you.

But I'm watching the game
right now, and I got

money on it, so what's going on?

What, soccer? What? I...

It's football,

and it's actually
the most sophisticated

and the biggest game
in the world, but continue.

I don't care about
your dumb sport

- or your dumb ball!
- Okay, I got you.

Blue paint, sprayer, flamingos.

No! Not the flamingos!

Listen! No.

The blue paint comes
with the spray g*n.

Just leave the flamingos alone!

They are two separate events!

Get out of the way.
Get out of the way!

I'm running low on fluids.
He could use some blood.

What's the problem now?

I'm O negative, universal.

Oh, my God.
You can donate blood.

Come here. Come here. Help me.

I will run an IV to your arm,

and I can just connect you
to him.

It's almost rush hour.

We got to wrap this up,

or a lot of innocent people
are gonna be in danger.

Bank surveillance was corrupted.

They got into the computer.
Oh, they're good.

FBI database facial rec

has him as Danny Sharp.

Holy shit.

Tell LAPD we want in now.

Air 64 confirmed off Flower

to Figueroa, approaching
Convention Center Drive.

Dhazghig, give me a code 100.
Stagger the units ahead.

Setting all lights
to green for eastbound Olympic.

So far, RHD cyber found
a sat phone

and police scanners on board.

So they're hearing us.

Well, we'll use that.

Hey, what's up?
What's happening?

They're gonna try to trap 'em.

All right, our target's
near Staples Center.

Let's roll.

Let's roll!

Hey, that's my car.

Swap the cars out.

Get our aggressive guys
up front.



Send a unit
to the driver's-side door

and irritate him a bit.

They don't lay back,

we're gonna crash this whole
m*therf*cking thing!

Why do you keep
switching the cars around?

It unnerves them,

makes them feel like
we're coming from everywhere.

Switch so he can hear me.

This is Captain Monroe,
LAPD Special Investigations.

Okay, well, you need
to tell them to lay back.

Big message for LAPD...
you pull your helos up and out,

or I hurt people.

Who am I speaking with?

I don't want to call you
Mr. Bank Robber.

Come on, buddy.

There's a Dodgers game
tonight at 7:30.

Ooh, I love Dodger Dogs.

I want to wrap this up
so we can both...

You get your helos
out of here now!

You don't want me
hurting this cop.

Why don't you listen to me now?

You give me my officer
and one paramedic,

not only will I get rid
of the choppers,

I'll throw in a Dodger Dog.

What do you say?

This assh*le.

We're a locomotive.
We don't stop.

Look, I'm not trying
to trick you.

I don't think
you're getting the message.

We don't stop!

Well, neither do we.

our investment, Danny.

Getting ready right now.

We're bringing one of our
special cartel builds.

We'll be there, brother.

Three minutes! Let's go!

- Papi.
- Jesus.

Roberto's ready to go.

Get me a Topo.

I got this very nice gift
from the Zetas.

Very charming.

Seems like
the police are playing

some sort of cat-and-mouse game
with these suspects...

Let's go watch crazy Danny
on TV.

as you can see in the studio,

what's going on right now
is there are a lot of cops

staggered around
a bunch of blocks

around the Convention Center.

We have
a-a massive police presence

forming around
the Convention Center.

It's gonna be
a hard one to lock down.

18, you on for 11?
You available?

A hundred percent.
Yes. Come on.

We're gonna trap 'em here.

Lock this place down.

We have no visuals
around the corner.

f*ck, f*ck, f*ck!

Oh, shit!
They're gonna box us in.

Just keep it steady, Will.

Who the hell is this?
I can't shake this guy.

Jesus. Careful.

Slow down. I'm gonna sh**t one.

- What are you doing?
- Steady.

I'm right on you.


Hey, what... Hey!

Stop! g*dd*mn it!

Stop! You hear me?

You're gonna hurt someone.

I'm going inside.

They're going into
the Convention Center.

Ah, you got to be kidding me.

This guy's a hell of a driver.

Blockade every exit.

Keep leapfrogging the teams.

Block 'em in!

Come here.

I'm gonna teach them a lesson.

Hey, let her go!

Get back!

This boy is certifiable.

- Danny, what's going on back there?
- Get the f*ck back!



Back up! Back up!

I'm not backing up!

Whoa! Shit!

f*ck it!

Who the f*ck put you back here?

Is that my... Is that my...

Is that my dog?

Who brought my f*cking dog
on a police chase?

And who puts a big-ass dog
in a cop car?

Pull back, everybody. Pull back.

Nitro, down. Get down.

Nitro. Nitro, get down, boy.

Pull back. Pull back.
It's too dangerous.

Calm down, Danny.

I'm pulling everyone back.

I'm gonna give you some room
so we can talk.

We're not hurting her.

Look, I just need them
to think that we will.

Danny, we are not
hurting her, okay?

Look, I'm not him. I'm not LT.

I don't know how many times
I have to tell you that.

You shot a cop, an LAPD cop.

Okay? They're gonna k*ll us
the first chance that they get.

So forget about her.
It's all about him.

He is the reason
that we're alive.

Suspects are now
southbound on the 110 freeway

at a high rate of speed.

L.A. 5-0.
They can extend the Sigalert

for one more hour.

This is Sky 4. As you can see,

Highway Patrol, uh,
out on the forefront

stopping, uh, traffic,

trying to close, uh,
the highway down.

Several helos are following
these two suspects.

And with police cars
in pursuit, it just...

I don't know how much longer
these two suspects

can, uh, go on.

Uh, got to wonder
what's going on

through the minds of these...

You know that feeling
when you're a kid

playing hide-and-seek...

...and you're about
to get caught?


I'm real good at making people
feel that way.

This, uh... just
such a crazy day. It just...

It reminds me of, uh, years ago

the North Hollywood sh**t-out.

Suspects are southbound

on the 110 freeway, approaching
Manchester in the ExpressLane.

Where's that blood coming from?


Where's it coming from?

- You shot him twice.
- No.

- What's going on?
- He's bleeding out.



I'm Captain Monroe.
You're wasting my time.

Why didn't S.I.S.
hit the robbery?

Oh, that's old-school S.I.S.

That'll get you sh**t-outs
and kidnappings.

Yeah. We hit 'em
when they come out.

Oh, wonderful.

Well, that's working out
real well, huh, guys?

Are you from L.A.,
Special Agent Clark,

with your suspenders
and looking like you're 20?

20? No, Toledo.

Oh, great, another tourist.

Okay, can we just
skip over the whole

"I don't know shit and
you fought in Vietnam" speech?

How old do you think I am, man?

Look, I can help you here.

This isn't a bank robbery.
It's a hostage situation.

- Oh, it's far worse than that, sir.
- What?

The guy who held your paramedic
out the back

is named Danny Sharp.

Danny's been robbing banks
since he was 17.

His father LT was a legend,
bona fide psychotic.

k*lled six bank managers,
two tellers in the '90s.

Oh, tremendous.

Well, he is causing a shitstorm.

- Oh, wonderful, FBI.
- Oh, great.

We could run a mini w*r
from in here.

Plus, RHD can stagger
our assets.

Wade, tell D-Team to get ready.
We're gonna trap this fucker.

- Roger that. On it, boss.
- Don't.

That is a mistake.


Danny is a different breed.

He could've easily
k*lled your cop

back there at the bank,
but he didn't.

All right?
He is looking for a way out.

How do you know that?

We used to be friends.

Let's roll.

Get this bitch rolling!

We'll be there in a few.
You just-just stay there.

- We'll be there in a few.
- Y-You're just

more uptight
than you normally are, man.

You know, I don't know.

Uh, everything is gonna be okay.

I got your... I got the spray.

I got the flamingos that landed.

Counted them by hand,
all of that, man.

Okay? So everything
will be fine.

You just got to take
a deep breath,

'cause you
stressing me out, man.

Hey, Toledo.
So you're telling me

you went to college
with Danny Sharp?

I was getting my doctorate
in criminology at Maryland.

Ooh, you're a regular
Doogie Howser.

Don't know who that is, boomer.

So, what, they were bringing
criminals in to study?

No. He was in the program.

He was there to study us.

Daddy's idea.

Yeah, he lasted
about two semesters,

took every class he could.

Then, one night,
after sharing a bottle of rosé,

telling each other
bad-father stories,

poof, he disappears.

- Rosé? Ugh.
- Yeah, rosé.

You got a problem with that?

- It's just gross.
- I like rosé.

In the last ten years,
he's robbed 37 banks.

No, make that 38.

- That's good.
- How is that good?

'Cause he'll talk to you.

- Prognosis?
- He needs an OR.

He doesn't need more blood.

He needs a doctor
that knows what he's doing

to open him up,
stop the bleeding.

I don't know how to do this.

All right, so call one.
Have him talk you through it.


Mm-mm. No, no, no. I can't.

Wh-Why is the answer no

- when it has to be yes?
- No, because I'm not...

- Know someone in your ER?
- I'm not qualified.

Yeah, doctors, doctors...
All right, Dr. Franken?

- Huh?
- No.

Dr. Williams?

That's my shrink.

Dr. Waters?

What is that picture from?

What is that, Cancún? McDreamy.

Colin Waters.

- Where's he work?
- At Mount Sinai.

- All right, I'm calling him.
- I-I can't do this. Please.

- Yes, you can. You're gonna do some doctor shit.
- Please.

Yes, you can.

Yeah, I'm microwaving.
Hold on a sec.

Loud, yeah?

- Colin, it's me.
- Hey, Cam.

It's been a while.

I know. It's been six months.

Yeah, listen, uh,
this isn't really a good time.

- I'm on my way to work.
- I need you to walk me through

a GSW to the abdomen.

What are you talking about?
You're not a surgeon.

You can't do that.
You're an EMT.

Yeah, I f*cking know that,
Colin, but I have a situation.

Situation? What situation?

I'm a hostage.

Oh, shit.

That thing in L.A.?
You're in the ambulance?

- Colin.
- Yeah. Who's this?

Yeah, I'm the guy who's gonna
k*ll her if you don't help us.

Okay, no, no, no, no.
All right, don't hurt her.

Cam, give me his stats.
Tell me what you see.

His vitals are dropping fast.
He's losing blood. I'm...

I'm gonna call
some trauma guys. Hang on.

What's up, Colin?


You got to pair my phone
to the screen.

He needs to see the surgery.

Dr. Resnick and Dr. Farcy.

We're trauma surgeons.

Hey, Cam. What do you got?

Surgeons are walking her

through an operation
to remove the b*llet.

- Come again?
- RHD are on with her,

with doctors
on with her right now.

Do you hear
what's going on right now?

Cam, what's the vital sign,
blood pressure, pulse?

It's not good.
I'm sending through.

Vitals are crashing.

We need to start working faster.

Hey, Danny!


- Come and switch with me, man. I've done...
- What?

I've done this before.
I can help.

All right, Cam,
these are trauma docs.

We're all gonna help.
What do you got for supplies?

Yeah, I got everything
but no anesthesia.

- Will.
- What?

Don't forget she's the hostage.

All right,
show us what you got.

You can see the abdominal area
is really swollen.

I'm thinking there's
internal bleeding.

He's likely
bleeding out from the spleen.

Hey. Do you have EMT experience?

Combat triage.

- I can follow orders.
- Good.

You're a soldier?


Gloves. Move.

Sir, did you sh**t him
with an AR or with a handgun?

You got to slow down.

We're about to do
surgery right here.

We're a shark. We don't stop.

Well, hey, pal.

Nice to see you haven't changed.

Oh, my God.

You got time for an old buddy?

Well, I recognize that voice.

If you're calling me, you're
the head of Bank Division.

It's about time.
It's always been your destiny.

I guess you're wondering
why we're slowed down.

I'm actually wondering
why you would ever

put yourself in this situation
to begin with,

but sure, yeah,
let's start there.

We're just trying to keep
a cop alive back here.

- It's a little tense.
- Camille can't do this.

- She's not a doctor.
- Yeah, no shit she's not a doctor.

She's actually competent.

- Danny, Danny, Danny...
- Uh, I got to go,

but, uh, I-I'll drop you
a line sometime.

- We got to catch up.
- Oh, yeah?

Well, I got a funny feeling
you're about to have

a lot of free time
on your hands.

Mm. Yeah, on a tropical island.
I'll send you a postcard.

Yeah. Who's the other guy,
your driver?

Get a pen and paper.
Write this on it:

f*ck off!

Poke a hole in the skin,
then take the scissors.

I need you to open him up.
Open the skin.

Here we go. Here we go.

I got it.

I'm going for the skin.

Okay, I'm cutting, cutting skin.

Out of the f*cking way! Look...

We're an ambulance!

Skin is open.

Then you and your
criminal friend right there

put both of your hands
in the wound,

and I need you to spread
the muscle apart.

Man, the way people drive
in this city.

- Stop yelling.
- Slow down.

You cannot do this
at 60 miles an hour.

Just pull it
like a rubber band.

- You have four minutes to do this.
- Go.

Okay, and pull.

Pull, pull, pull, pull.

I need you to blunt-dissect
with your hand.

All right? Totally down.

- You're doing good.
- Slow down, Danny.

Danny, I need you to slow down.

How about we all just
get out and walk?

Get... Danny, just give me 20!

Now is not the time to argue!

This is as slow as I go.

- I need you to slow down, man!
- Slower.

We're playing live Operation
back here. Just slow down!

This is gonna be the slowest
cop chase in the world.

- Lots of crazy shit going on back here!
- Just shut up!

- Just... Okay.
- Shit.

Tell everyone to calm
the f*ck down.

What are you doing?

The aorta. Yeah, I can feel it.

I need you to squeeze it now.
Squeeze it hard

to stop the blood to the spleen.

God, I'm trying.

You're do... you're doing good.
You're doing good.

It's working. It's working.

Drop down to 20 miles an hour.
Give 'em some distance.

She's operating
on our brother right now.

his blood pressure's dropping.

He's about to code.

Palpate for the b*llet.

- You got it.
- Okay.

It should be a sharp object.


I can't find it.

- Oh, God.
- What?

It's on the spleen. Colin,
it's pressed onto the spleen.

What do I do? What do I do?

- I've never done this before.
- Okay, Cam, Cam, Cam, Cam.

Calm down. I need you
to show me the spleen.

I need to visualize it.

- Where's he bleeding from?
- Hey, look at me.

- You're just nervous, okay? That's it.
- Okay.

- You're just nervous.
- Okay.

My wife, she gets nervous
all the time.

You know what we do? We breathe.

You're doing good.

Okay, I got it, I got it.

I think he's waking up.

I think he's waking up.
Oh, yeah, yeah.

He is fully awake. Oh!

- Hold him down. I'm in his gut!
- Yeah, yeah.

I think he knows.

- Stop.
- He's fully awake!

- Oh, my God. This is insane.
- That's insane.

- Stop him, Will.
- Trying to save you.

No! Hey, whoa, whoa.

Just trying to help out.
Stop. Stop.

We are trying to save you.

Oh, sh... Go to sleep!

What are you doing?!

I-I let you back there
for like five minutes,

and now you're punching the cop?

That worked.

- Is... is he out?
- Yeah, he's out, he's out, he's out.

All right,
all right, listen to me.

The spleen has an artery
attached to the bottom of it.

You need to pull it out slowly.

Pull the spleen.

I don't want it to burst.

Cam, you can do it.

- Gentle. Don't let him die.
- You got it, you got it.

It's coming out.

Colin, if this spleen ruptures,
he's got 60 seconds.

I got it.

I'm gonna grab it.

I got it. Okay.

I'm taking it out.

I got the b*llet.
It's coming out.

Okay, I've almost got it.

I've almost got it.

It's out. It's...

Oh, God. It burst.
It burst, Colin.

What do I do? I don't know
what to do in this situation.

You got to clamp that right
now. He's gonna bleed out.

I-I used all the f*cking clamps!

- I don't have anything to clamp it.
- Hey, hey,

hey, hey, hey!
Look at me. Look at me.

Listen. Listen.
Do you know what we do?

We breathe. Okay?

- That's all. We just breathe, okay?
- Okay. I got it.

Clamp. I got to clamp it.

I got a clamp in my hair.
I got a clamp in my hair.

Grab it, grab it,
grab it, grab it.

Okay. You got to clamp

You got to clamp the artery.
Fast, fast, fast.

Oh, f*ck. Oh, f*ck.

It worked.

Oh, shit.

Did it work?

It worked.

Oh, shit.

This shit is crazy.

Yeah, we're doing crazy today.

Does your wife know
you rob banks?

Why you asking?

Situational awareness.

That's all.

Let's tape him up.

Why they have slowed
down to 20 miles an hour...

because that heroic EMT
in the back of that ambulance,

Camille Thompson,

is performing surgery

on that officer,
trying to save his life.

- Hey.
- How you doing?

We're good here. How about you?

Yeah, no, we're good.

We're good.

We're bringing
some party favors:

C-4, special package,
Papi's gift.

Hey, yeah, listen to me.
We're just trying to get away.

We're not trying to start a w*r.

Can't believe
what we got for you.

Tell Papi
I appreciate it, all right?

Just protecting
our investment, Danny.

We roll strong. We're familia.

Hey, Will.

Your big brother
is making moves!

So you and that doctor, Colin?

Yeah. We met at med school.

I made it to my third year
of residency.

I got addicted to speed.

And I blew it.

And now I'm here, so...

What about Colin?

Well, I found a way
to screw that up, too.

Hey, get out of the way!

Mm, mm. Yeah,
I know what you mean. Shit.

Out of the way!
Will, you got to drive!

- Get back up here.
- Hey.

I'm gonna get you out of this.



I got cut off as the officer's
spleen was rupturing.

Bottom-line it for me.

Is our guy alive?

I just told you.

It's a tough procedure,
even for the best of doctors.

She tried her best.

Chief's on the line.


Our guy's dead.


These sons of b*tches
about to have a really bad day.

Hey, Will, I got on the 105,
a-and I headed to the airport.

- Really? The 105?
- I don't know what f*cking happened.

- How did you get to the 105?
- I don't know, man!

There's so much shit going on!
If we just...

Do you know how many cops
are at the airport, Danny?

Know how to get...
How can we get back Downtown?

They're on the 105,
heading toward the airport.

Give me a code 100 for D-Team.

Have 'em jump ahead
to the 105-405 overpass.

Leapfrog the teams
if you have to.

I got a plan I've been working
for about 45 minutes.

You need to take me
to this bridge.

Olympic Bridge... you know it,
along the L.A. River.

Everybody converge
at the 105-405 interchange.

- You should wait.
- For what?

They won't talk.
They won't negotiate.

What am I supposed to do,
FBI boy?

All right, for one,
cut the "boy" shit.

Chief wants this.

Mayor wants this.

He's a Silver Lake liberal.

What's the move?

Remember that place we used to
boost cars by the L.A. River?

I need you to take me there.

Olympic Bridge is
right next to where

we used to ditch
and scatter cops.

Want to take 'em on
a Kobe-to-Shaq alley-oop?

We'll shake 'em. All right?

We didn't necessarily
steal a Jag.

I can't do those moves
in this thing.

You can do anything.

You can do anything.
You don't need a Jag.

f*ck it. Leave 'em in the dust
just like the old days.

Then I'll get us
right by the bridge.

I'm gonna take you home.

All right, let's go. Fan out!

We got to think about this.

There's nothing to think about.

Nobody gets to k*ll a cop.

We're herding them into a place
that's already prepped.

D-Team is taking them out

They're gonna be dead
in three minutes.

This might be our last chance.

Blockade every exit. Push 'em.

The paramedic is still alive.

And I want
to keep her that way.

Coming at us about 65,

70 miles an hour,
about a minute out.

- What are your odds?
- Well, it's not 100%.

She's in the back, sir.
It'll have to be head sh*ts.

Then we've got a ground team
that'll come in and sweep it up.

Give me your odds.
What are the chances, Dyle?

80, 90 percent.

No more waiting.
Wait broke the wagon.

D-Team, that's a green light.

You got to negotiate her out.
This is a mistake.

This is a mistake, Toledo?

- Not your buddy k*lling a cop?
- He's not my buddy.

Why haven't they tried
to stop us?

'Cause our lucky
rookie cop is on board.

Mobile unit is in position now.

Hey, we got to turn around.

We got to get back Downtown.

Zach's phone.

Zach's ph...
Hey, give me the...

the cop in the ambulance,
give me his phone number.

sn*pers, 45 seconds.

- Hello?
- Cam?

Don't talk. Just listen.

This is Agent Clark, FBI.
I need you to get down

under the stretcher,
and do it now.

sn*pers, 20 seconds.

I have eyes on the target.

Two-nine, negative.
We're still on the freeway.

Light brown car.

The sn*pers are gonna
take them out.

You need to stay
as low as possible.


We still green?

We're still green.
Green for go.

Take-take the shot
if you got it.

Target one, green.

k*ll sh*ts.
Nothing gets in the back.

We've got friendlies.

On my call.

Target two, red.
Target two not clear.

Wh-What about Zach?
I can't protect him. Can you?

What are you talking about?

- He's alive?
- Yes, he's alive.

Hey, he's alive.

- Our cop's alive.
- God!

- Three.
- No.

- Cam?
- No.


- sn*pers! sn*pers!
- What?

Where? Black building!



Oh, shit!


Ten-David, stand down.

- Stand down.
- f*ck! The billboard!

He knows what he's doing.

Must be a vet.

I see what's happening now!

Oh, you want to play?

Now we just pissed them off.

- So, where are they going?
- Anywhere he wants.

She warned them.

All units, fall back.
I repeat, fall back.

And give me an assessment.
Anybody get hurt?

All right. You want to play?
Let's go.

I only want two

undercover cars on them,
500 feet.

These are smart L.A. boys.

Danny's studied FBI.

He's studied
LAPD pursuit tactics.

He knows it's all standard shit

But what he doesn't know,
super special agent,

is I'm S.I.S.

We set traps.
We let the bad guys come to us.

So you text Cam.

You make her an asset,
you hear me?

You find out
where they're going.

I'll set a trap
nobody gets out of.

Where's Monroe?

We got contact.

I'm here.

You're supposed to save
the hostages, right?

You're supposed to
keep them alive, right?

Or did I get that wrong?

I want everyone alive, Danny.

So why the f*ck
are you sh**ting at us?

That was a breach.

A what?

A mistake. Miscommunication.

Bullshit! You don't think
I'm gonna hurt anyone, do you?

That's not true.
I know what you're capable of.

Oh, yeah? Did Anson tell you
what my father would've done?

Why don't you tell me again?

He would've k*lled your cops
and the EMT back at the bank,

and then he would've had
a snack afterwards.

Just take it easy,
all right, Danny?

Everybody knows
how dangerous you are.

Do you?

Hey, you need to keep it cool
back there, man.

You don't got to prove
a thing to me.

Danny? Did I lose you, buddy?

Take it.

- No.
- Take it.

- Why?
- Go on, take it.

Come on. Just click it open

and make sure
they can hear everything.

Tell him what I'm doing.

He's standing up,
and he has a g*n in his hand.


I saved you.

I saved both of you. Okay?

Why does everybody think
they are so special?

I don't know
what's going on nowadays.

You're just like the rest of us.

You're just not important.

Yo, Danny, relax.

No, I'm not important,
but he is.

And I'm keeping him alive.

You need me, Danny.

Careful, kid.

No, we don't need you anymore.

Danny, relax!

You're full of shit, Danny.

Am I?


- Will!
- Danny!


- Are you crazy right now?
- What are you doing?

What did she say? Will?

Was that a name?

What are you doing?

They need to know...


William Sharp.

He's Danny's brother.

You always got a f*cking plan.

Stop the car!

Who's fighting? Can we see?

You f*cking stop!


That hurt!

Hey! All right, all right,
all right, all right,

all right, all right,
all right, all right...

- Do it again. Do it again!
- All right, all right...

Easy, easy. Easy.

- You're crazy.
- Say it! Say it!

- Look! I have a plan!
- Shut up!

Papi's guys are
setting a diversion

for us at Boyle Heights.

She says they're going
to Boyle Heights intersection.

Boyle Heights intersection.

He's gonna try to lose us there.

Shit, the FBI. Let go.

It's Anson, FBI.
Danny, you there?


No, we just got a change
in the pitching rotation.

Hi, Will.

You boys having a little
squabble in there, huh?

What's your plan here, man?

Guess you're in charge now,
little brother.

Bad guys can't hear me.

Our fixed-wing has
high-altitude eyes.

Make it look like
we disappeared.

Air 11 to every team.
We're pulling off.

You know, it seems to me like
we're the only ones trying

to keep these people alive,
Special Agent.

Oh, yeah? How you figure?

Just give us some space.

I thought you were supposed
to be the smart one, no?

Yeah, apparently not.

I've seen your file.
I mean, you joined the Marines

so you wouldn't have to end up
like dipshit brother Danny

or your psycho dad LT, right?

I mean, you're
a f*cking w*r hero, man.

What are you doing?

That was yesterday.
We're talking about today.

You take a hostage,
it's 30 years.

Just shut the f*ck up, Danny.

What are you,
his f*cking lawyer?

I'm giving him
great legal advice.

Will, listen to me.
You got a family.

You got your whole life
ahead of you.

You gonna tell him
it's 30 years?

You take a hostage,
it's 30 years?

- You gonna tell him, Anson?
- It's time to call it quits.

Just pull over, man.

f*cking reading you
out of the playbook.

- Don't listen to him.
- You take a hostage,

- it's 30 years.
- Danny, this is between Will and I.

- Will, focus.
- This guy.

Your wife... you want me
to call your wife right now?

Do not call my wife.

He's got your best interests,
my friend. That's it.

There's only so much
I can do for you, Will.

- 30 years.
- You've got a family.

- Ask him what happens when you sh**t a cop.
- Shut up!

Tate will only see his daddy
behind plexiglass.

What the f*ck are you doing?

The truth is he probably won't
even want to see you at all.

Okay, everybody...
everybody just shut up!

Everybody just shut up, okay?

You're gonna dig your
own grave on this one, my man.

I can give you an out,

but I can only do that
right now.

We don't stop.

That's my brother!

William Sharp is the weak link.

He is not gonna k*ll anyone.

Cam, you need to work Will.

Rerouting to surface streets.

Don't lick your fingers
and touch my shit.

All units, Boyle Heights,
set perimeters.

Where is that? I don't usually
go east of Downtown.

You realize
four million Angelenos

live east of Downtown?

Sorry. My husband is
an environmental attorney.

Okay? We like the beach.

That's, like, the whitest
thing I've ever heard.

Well, I'm white.
I can't help it.

Save it for Oprah, buddy.
We got shit going on.

You get any of that freaking
Cheeto dust in my hair,

I swear...

Please. You could lose
a raccoon in there.

Easy on the blood bank, Cam.

- Will needs some of it, too.
- Okay.

It's fine. Just take it.

So you were a Marine?

Until today.

It's my wife.

Hey, babe.

Will, where are you?

Yeah, the interview
went long, and, uh...

and they needed somebody
to start today, so...

You got the job?

Yeah, I got... I got the job.

He got the job.

He got the job.

Oh, we'll celebrate.

Wait, are you driving now?

Yeah, there's a lot of traffic.

Yeah, some car chase
bank robbery thing on the news.

Only in L.A., huh?

Yeah, you know,
they probably don't want me

to be on the phone
on my first day, so...

call you back, all right?


Yeah, baby?

I'm so proud of you.

Not just for taking care
of everything

with the insurance
and the money, but...

for being a man.

Aw, babe.

One our son will look up to.

- Can I see him?
- Yeah.

Hey, vampire princess,
are you done?

Are you done sucking
the life out

of every person
in this ambulance?!

Hey, what's up, big guy?

Just waking up?
You're so beautiful.

So beautiful.

I love you.


Yeah. Cancer's expensive.

You know what's gonna happen?

You're gonna get all his blood,
and then we're gonna die

in some perfectly preventable
traffic accident.


That's why you're
robbing the banks.

Yeah, that and everything else.

I'm not blaming nobody.
I'm here because of me.

You're not blaming your brother?

I think you need to be
a little more careful, Cam.

That's my brother
you're talking about.

I know it's your brother
I'm talking about,

but he's putting
people's lives at risk.

- Let me help you, Will.
- Stop.

What you talking about?

Nothing. It's okay.
I-I have everything I need.

Castro? Castro?

You tuck way under?

Danny, listen. Um...

what the hell is going on
right now, man?

Is this shit legal?

You cannot be arrested
for possession of paint.

Yeah, I understand
that, but th-these guys are

giving me
Grand Theft Auto vibes,

man, and it's throwing me off.

I don't know,
the expl*sives, th-the g*ns.

These guys look like they do
this type of shit all the time.

Man, I just...
I just really want to go home.

I really want to go home, man.

You're not going
anywhere, Castro.

- You stay right there.
- Is that Danny?

- Um, uh...
- Just say yes.


Give him the phone.

Hey, we're all set up.
You close?

- Yeah. Five minutes.
- All right, good. The money?

I'm a man of my word.

Good. Papi's gonna be glad
to hear that.

We're tapping
his AirPods right now.

These guys are nutjobs.
What's going on in there?

Whew! I got to
chill out. I got to chill out.

I got to chill out.

Hit me up. Hit me up.

♪ Oh, the canvas
can do miracles ♪

♪ Just you wait and see ♪

You rock the '80s.

♪ Believe me ♪

Right, here it is!

♪ Sailing ♪

♪ Takes me away ♪

♪ To where I've always
wanted to be ♪

♪ Just a dream
and the wind to carry me ♪

♪ And soon I will be free ♪

♪ Soon I will be free ♪

- ♪ Fantasy... ♪
- You might be, too.

- Stop! I can't.
- Oh.

It doesn't chill me out.

All right, we're here.

The next moves, I need you
to follow me to the letter.

All right, here we go.

Guys, are we on a tour of L.A.,

or can we get to a hospital?

Why the L.A. River?

It's 40 miles of empty concrete
in either direction.

Might be trying to lose us

in the tunnels that go
under the street or...

Pull over. Pull over.

We can see him,

but we can't hide
from him, either.

He's watching us,
trying to draw me in.

Fixed-wing aircraft,
zoom in, please.

bogey stepping out of vehicle.

Dial that sat phone of his.

Air 11, I want you to be
real aggressive.

Drop down and buzz him.
Chase him out of there.

I see you, Danny.

We're coming by to say hi.

- You sure you want to do that?
- Incoming!

Drive. Drive.

Where's my bag? I need mags.

We're in pursuit.

They got two on us.

g*n, g*n, g*n.


He's coming back.
Caution. Watch out.

Will you just stay
out of the water?!

I'm driving through
the f*cking L.A. River!

There's water everywhere!

If the air team
can take him out, do it.

- We're hit. We just took fire.
- I think I got them.

How long
till I get fresh helos?

Yes! I did, I did.

Let's do the alley-oop
right now, okay?

All units, here he comes.

You press him.
You press him hard.


♪ And the sky is gray ♪

♪ I went for a walk
on a winter's day... ♪

Here they come.

Off-ramp's coming up.

Here we go!

♪ If I was in L.A.... ♪

I didn't sign up for this.

Haul ass! Haul ass!

- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Shit!
- Whoa, whoa, whoa! Brace!

Yeah, yeah, yeah,
yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

They're not following.
It f*cking worked!

It worked!
Come on, get... Oh, shit!

I'll bet you a million dollars

they've been practicing
that move.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

We still got eyes on them.
We know where they're going.

Let's go. Boyle Heights!

f*cking great driving, man!

Looks like
you're having fun now.

♪ On such a winter's day... ♪

Here they come!

Castro, let's go. Spray.

- Spray what?
- The ambulance.

- Wh-Why?
- Wh... Just...

Just spray the whole thing.

The whole
m*therf*cking ambulance?

- Yeah. Spray it.
- It's gonna be like five hours.

You have 45 seconds.

All right. Gonna be sloppy.

All right.

They thought
they were being tricky

going the wrong way
down that one-way.

But now they're cornered
three blocks away.

They think they shook us

and that our air support
is having mechanical issues.

Police Cessna is watching 'em
under a bridge.

We're gonna let 'em relax.

Then we're gonna close the net.

All right?
All four exits are covered.

- What's going on?
- Will, come on.

Let's go. You can walk.

- Just walk.
- What?

It's your time. You can walk.

I'm not... No. No.

I'm not leaving you, man.

I mean, I would prefer you stay,
just in case these guys k*ll me.

Green? What are you doing
with green?

Neon green? I told you blue.

I said blue.
What is this, 1992?

Boss, this is all I got.

Are you in trouble?

No. It's just called stress.

It's called stress. That's all.

You got 45 seconds.

Just spray. Spray.

Set it up! Let's go!

- Hey, who stole Nitro?
- Got him.

Mark, that pissed me off.
Get him out of here.

L.A. Air Support?

I want you to come in low
over the L.A. River,

then you pop up
and surprise them. You got me?

Show me.

I don't see any helos yet.

This is the real deal.

It's fully loaded.

Yeah, all right. Let's go.

Let's go.

Who are these guys?

- No idea.
- What's going on, Will?

Five minutes, 45 seconds,
or whatever the f*ck he said.

No, man, don't cover
the f*cking window.

How am I gonna drive?

Better hustle before they find us here.

I hear one coming.
Let's go. Let's go. Let's go.

Castro. Listen. Listen.

I need you to take
this ambulance.

I need you to go that way.

- Okay? Here's 10K.
- Wait, what?

Anybody stops you, you tell them

that you don't know why
you are in an ambulance.

- Okay?
- Who's gonna... Who's gonna ask me that, man?

Nobody's gonna ask you that.

I don't think. All right?

- You don't think?
- Okay?

This m*therf*cker's crazy.

locked down and ready to go.

Air 11.
We got six cars leaving.

Three look-alikes.

Helos, split up.

That's a military trick.

He's going east. You go west.

I need a hard lockdown now.

Air 18, direct all ground units

- Get out of the f*cking car!
- On the ground now!

Whoa, whoa.
All them g*ns, for real?

Cool, be cool. Keep it cool.

They got your boy.
Let's hope he don't talk.

I'm having an episode.

Yo, I don't even know
how I got here.

I wasn't feeling well.
I went to the doctors,

and they told me
to go to the hospital.

I had the m*therf*cking
wine cooler with the medicine,

and I don't know...
I-I thought it was Kool-Aid.

My-my niece, she-she's in
seven-seventh grade.

They said I didn't have enough
medicine, then I had too much.

Roberto, we made it. We made it.

Go, go, go, go, go!

Here he comes!

Get down!

Oh, Jesus Christ.

Oh, f*ck.

g*dd*mn it.

We got medics?

What are you doing, Danny?


Move back!

Ambush! Ambush!

...the massive
sh**t-out at the intersection.

Several officers
on the ground right now...

Papi special!

f*ck off!

Oh, hold...
Whoa, whoa. Apparently...

What was that?

That's Roberto.


We can't see
if he's moving or not.

Rick, pull up. Zoom out.

We're gonna get off of it.

we hear it was a code four.

Apparently, the suspect is dead.

Blue-One to Control.

Give me a clear frequency.

All units, be advised.

This is Special Agent
Anson Clark, FBI.

Land immediately.

Yes, yes, yes, yes!
Hey, we made it.

Who are these guys?

Just relax.
They just saved our asses.

Who saves us from them?

You heard about Roberto?

He's dead.

Hey, is it true?

It's a sad day today.

Papi's in his office.



Watch the cop.

No matter what, do not get out.

I know, Papi.

I'm sorry for your loss.

It's terrible.

Can't imagine
how you feel right now.

I think I have something
to ease your suffering.

Pay me my f*cking money.

You think you're so tough
with that g*n.

Eight million. It's yours.

Let me see it.

I'll handle our money.


Keep it down, keep it down,
keep it down.

It's a shitshow.

I don't think
they like cops here.

Was your...

Was your hand in my stomach?

Like, way in.


It's all there, Papi.

Hard to put a price
on the life of a child, Danny.

Yeah, I know, Papi. I'm sorry.


I worked for your daddy
a long time.

Long time.

He never came close
to nothing like this.

Y-You think how proud
he'd be of you now.


Zach's phone
is in the ambulance.

- Triangulate it and find them.
- It's dead.

You hear all that?

They're getting hot
out there, Papi.

You two need to sit down
and relax for a couple hours.

We'll get the van ready for you.

We can talk business
while we're waiting.

Nah. We're good.

Yeah, no, look.
And all due respect, Papi,

you don't need an MBA
to figure it out.

That's yours. We got ours.
Business is closed.

Uh, no, you're right.
You're right, Danny.

You're right. It's not business.

It is personal.

My son died for this money.

Yeah, and that's
a hell of a lot more

than most people get
when they die.

Well, I guess
that makes him lucky, huh?

No. That's not what he's saying.

Just a straight split, Papi.

That's what
we talked about... 50-50.

Papi, there's a cop
in the van, huh?

We're hostages, you know?

Yeah, but one of them
is trying to help us.


You've got a lot of his blood
through you right now.


It's my partner's.

It was under my leg.


There's too many of them.

They're going to k*ll us.


We're family, Danny.


- Great. Let's go.
- Let's go. Get the van. We out.

Yeah. Let's go.

Espérate, Danny.

The cop.

We're gonna take him
off your hands.

- Wait, what?
- Yeah, all right.

You can have the cop.
We keep the EMT.

No deal. We want 'em both.

No, no, no, no.

You brought that woman
into my inner sanctum.

She laid eyes on all the shit
I got going on in here,

everything I do
for all these special people.

You brought her here,
regrettably, so now she stays.

No, she comes with us.
We take 'em both. Let's go.

- Now, that's dumber than a box of rocks.
- Yo.

I would've thought
your pretend father

schooled you better
than that, Will.

Yeah, he schooled me on a lot.

He schooled me on exactly
what not to do.

And yet here you are!

- Yeah, here I am.
- Will, c-come on. Come on. Hey, look.

Listen to me.
Listen to me. Stop.

Stop it, Will.
What are you doing?

Stop. Stop it now.

You want to get k*lled for her?

She f*cked us.

How do you think
the police knew how to block

- all those intersections?
- Because she told them.

What? What, they just all
appeared out of nowhere?

- No, because she told them, Danny.
- She f*cked us.

She did what she was
supposed to do

- with the bad guys, Danny. How do you...
- No, no, no.

No, we are not the bad guys!
It is not that simple, Will.

It is not that simple.
We're not the bad guys.

We're just the guys
trying to get home.

Danny, we've been trying
to get home for the whole day,

and you know
what we've been causing?

- A whole f*cking wake behind us.
- Listen, listen...

There's a whole f*cking wake
of bodies behind us

because we've been just trying to get home!

- We don't get home, Danny!
- Listen to me. Listen to me.

We are almost there. Just...

We've already lost, Danny.

What are you trying to do,
some f*cking cowboy shit?

Stop. Stop it.

Just come. Let's go.
We get the money.

We get the money
for your family. Let's go.


We're there. Do you understand?

We're there.

Let's go home.

I can't do it, Danny.

What's going on with you?

Honestly, what's going on
with you?

We run the town.
We're there, man.

Will. Will, brother, come on.

Look, look.

I'll give you all of it.

Okay? I'll give you all of it.

Danny, you know what
your problem is?

You think you can get away.

You hear those helicopters
out there?

What happens next?
What's the plan next, Danny?

What's the next plan, Danny?

I've rolled with you
all this way.

- What's your next plan?
- We got to go.

- And what's the plan after that?
- We got to go.

- And what's the plan after that?
- Stop your talking.

- We got to go.
- No, it's over, Danny!

We don't get to walk off
into the sunset, Danny.

We f*cked up! We f*cked up!

We f*cked up!

And I'm not f*cking up again,

I'm not leaving
nobody else behind.

Then I guess we've reached
the end of the road, huh?


I'm sorry.


I'm sorry.
I'm just not like you.

That's it. We're done.


Yeah, you're not like me.

- You got that right.
- Yeah.

I'm not leaving.

We caused enough trouble
for today.

I'm not leaving 'em.

Strong choice.


What a f*cking waste.

Everybody just...

Everybody just calm down.

Just calm down.


I'm sorry, brother.
I'm just...

I'm not like you.
I-I don't...

I'm not up
for these kind of heroics.

I'm sorry that
I brought you into this.

I just wanted things
to be the way they were,

the way they used to be,
you know?

But I guess so much has changed
that we're just different now.

It breaks my heart.

Don't be sad, Danny.

Ain't like
he's your real brother.

We used to be so in sync.

And now you want to do this,
and I want to do that, you know?

You want to go right,
and I want to go left.

And I wish we just both wanted
to go left together, you know?

We should just go left together.

Go left. Go left.

What'd you say,
that he's my pretend brother?

He's my real brother!

sh*ts fired. sh*ts fired.

Damn it!





- Who shot him?
- I don't know.

Just the shoulder?

You all right?

Shit. f*ck.

Damn it!

sh**t at me, you fucker?

f*ck you! f*ck you!
Don't sh**t at me!

sh**t me, m*therf*cker?

Get out of my f*cking car!

Cam, you save his life!

You saved that cop.
You save him.

- Almost there.
- Cam, Cam, is he okay?

Just get us there.

I love my brother. You hear me?

Okay, Will. Just hold on.

Will, stop moving, please.

Will. Will, just stop moving.

Will, please stop moving,

Give this to my wife, please.

My wife needs this.

Okay, I got you.
Now let me do my job. Come on.

Got their asses now.

Stay with me, Will.
Will, come on.

God f*cking damn.


Hey, pull them back.

They're not gonna listen to you.

They've just lost their friends.

Danny, we have a code red.

He's fa... He's fading.

Will. One, two, three.



Okay, you're gonna stay with me.

We're gonna do this
for your kid. Okay.

Will, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no.

Will, come on.

Come on. Come on.

Four. Five.

That way!


Cam, we... Oh, shit.

Two, three, four.

One, two... It's not working.

- How-how is he?
- He's fading. I need to shock him.

Shit! No, this isn't happening.

Come on, come on,
come on, come on, Will.

His heart is slowing down.
His heart is slowing down.

Let's go. Let's go.
Take me down there now.

- Come on. What?
- Think.

- Is he okay?
- I'm trying.

I'm trying everything I can.
Come on, Will.

Please stay with me.
Please stay with me.

- Just stay where you are.
- No, you can't, not right now.

- Back up.
- What's happening?

Sierra-One to Sierra-Three.

You have a shot?

Sierra-Three set.

Eyes on.

Lieutenant Dyle.

The windows are murky.

We don't have a shot.

Repeat, no shot.

I know this man.
I can talk him down.

You give me some time.

Sierra-One. Stand by.

Give me that.

Danny, it's Anson.

- Come on, Will.
- W-W-Wait.

- It's over, Danny.
- I have to think.

I-I got to think.
I got to think.

I don't know what to do.

This is your last
chance, man, so talk to me.

- What is that?
- Danny.

What is this? What is this?

This is a cop's g*n.
This is a Glock.

Is this your g*n?

Where'd this g*n come from?

You sh**t him?

- You shot him! You shot him.
- No.

- Danny, I did.
- You're lying.

I did. I didn't know
that it was Will.

- I just opened the door, and I just didn't know...
- What?

And I'm so sorry. I'm so...

- You shot him?
- Danny, it was me.

- You sh... Bullshit.
- Danny, I did. I did.

- Bullshit.
- I'm sorry.

I'm sorry. I...

You should be dead.

I'm sorry.

This cop should be dead!

He was trying to save you!

That's you on a stretcher.

What's happening in there?

- Danny? This is it.
- It's okay.

Danny, they're gonna blow
your f*cking head off

if you don't come out right now.

We're gonna go outside...

...and I'm gonna sh**t you
in the head on live TV.

Okay? Okay.


We're gonna die together.

You ready?

Let's go. Let's go.

Get ready to breach.

You stand down.

Stand down!

You hold. Hold. Wait for my...

Danny, I can't hold
these guys off.

I don't know what the f*ck
you want me to do here.

Don't do anything.

Keep your hands where they are.

Okay? Just keep your hands
where they are.

Danny, these guys are
gonna sh**t you if you don't...

It's your last chance, man.


I've got movement at the door.

He looks agitated. Stand by.

I may have the shot.

I'm opening the door!

- You tell everyone to back up!
- Stand down, Dyle.

- Do not sh**t.
- Back up!

Talk to me, Danny.

Wh-Where's your brother?
Where's Will, huh?

He's dead!

Danny, this is it.

I've got nothing else for you.

You've got to come out
right now.

Get those guys back!

You're gonna pull
your men back, or I'm gonna

sh**t her in the head.

There's nothing more
I can do for you.

- sh**t him!
- You think I'm stupid, Anson?

No, I...
I don't think you're stupid.

- Just come...
- You're gonna pull your men back,

or I'm gonna sh**t her
in the head.

They're not moving back,
and those choppers are up there!

You f*cking come out right now.

I'm done!

- sh**t him. sh**t him!
- Oh, I'm done, m*therf*cker!

He's cracking the door.

I-I may have a shot. Stand by.

Anson, you were right.

My brother didn't do
anything wrong!

He was a good man!

Just sh**t him!

But I'm not!

- No!
- Come on. Let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go.


Got to clear a path
for transport to get in here.


Will, I'm sorry.

- It's okay.
- You really helped us out with the phone.

- I'm fine.
- You helped us out a lot.

Come on.
Sit down, sit down, sit down.

What happened? Huh?
Tell me what happened.

I don't know. Uh...

Danny said he was gonna
k*ll me, and-and...

Will must have heard him.

They need to get him in there.

Cam, Cam, Cam, Cam,
he's not your friend, okay?

He never was.
He's not your responsibility.

He's a criminal, all right?


Excuse me.

The situation is now over with.

Uh, uh, suspects on the ground.

The heroic EMT
was safely extracted.


- Somebody help him!
- Ma'am.


- Will!
- Come on.

- Don't let him die, please!
- Behind the tape, please.

Don't let him die.

- Will!
- Ma'am, please. The police did all we could.

- Will!
- Ma'am, calm down.

Somebody help him! Will!

somebody help my husband.

- You need to forget him.
- Please. Please.

No. I didn't finish the job.

He's gonna die!

We need you to calm down, ma'am.

He's my husband. Please.


Hey, stop!
This is a crime scene.

Get off of me!

Back up! Back up!

Will. Come on, Will.

Good. Come on.

Hey. Look at me. Look at me.

Your wife is right here.
You can do this.

You can do this, Will.

Come on, Will.
Will, you got this.

What is wrong with you?

My God.

We'll get to him soon.

He'll be dead soon.
Help me now.


He saved your partner's life.

Come on, Will. You got this.

Come on, Will.

Come on. Move.

Come on. Come on, Will.

Come on, let's get him...
Come on, let's get him up.

Let's go.

Make a hole!

Make a hole. Make a hole.

You got this. Hey, hey.

Come on. You're almost there.

Tell my wife I'm sorry.

- I'm sorry.
- You tell her yourself.

Here you go.

- His name is Will.
- Yep.

Is he gonna make it?

I don't know.

I hope so.

I saw you on TV.
You're the one they took.

- I'm so sorry.
- It's okay.

He saved me.

He saved me.

Try to forgive him.

For him.

Hi, cutie. Hi.

Hello. Hi.

Hi, baby.

Hi, cutie.


You okay?

Ma'am, you can't...

It's okay.

Who shot you?

He saved my life.

I'm sorry.

Don't let go.