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Bad Guys, The (2022)

Posted: 09/05/23 19:28
by bunniefuu

I'll stop if you just
explain it to me,

- because I don't...
- Would you please just drop it?

All right, all right,
fine, fine, fine, fine.

Consider it dropped.
It's dropped.

- It's on the ground.
- Good.

But, I mean, come on,
everybody loves birthdays.

You got decorations.

You got balloons.
You got parties and cake.

Look, I don't need presents,

I don't want decorations,
and I'm-I'm not a cake guy.

Seriously, though,
you don't like cake?

Name one food better than cake.

Guinea pig.

Oh, again with the guinea pig.

I bet if I blindfolded you,

you wouldn't be able
to tell the difference

between a skunk
and a guinea pig.

Wrong. Snakes have
impeccable taste buds.

- I can taste air.
- Air?

Yes. Air.

Mm. Nice.

I don't know.
They're a little, uh...

a little cute for my taste.

That's what makes them
so delicious.

You're not just eating food.

You're eating pure goodness.

It's not about the pig.

It's about what it symbolizes
on a deeper level.

So, you can...
you can taste air?

What else you got?

- Forget about it.
- W-W-Wait.

Can you also hear color?

- Can you see sound?
- All right, all right. Okay.

'Cause we should really be
capitalizing on these skills.

Okay, all right, fine.
Get it all out.

- Get it all out now.
- Okay, okay.

Look at that. 4:00 p.m.

Now I know the exact moment
our friendship died.

- Let's bounce.
- Yep.

Tastes like, um, you're gonna
stick me with the bill.. Again.

Well, it is my birthday.

So now you play
the birthday card?

That's interesting.

Can we get a check, please,
when you get a chance?

Hello? Checkity-check-check.

You know what?

We're just gonna leave
the money right here, okay?

You know the one good thing
about this place?

- What?
- We never have to wait for a table.

Well, isn't that every place?

Hey, man. How you been?
I haven't seen you in...

Snake attack!

Oh. Mints.

Sorry, folks.
I'm switching him to decaf.

All right.

Let's do this.

Guinea pig, huh?

It's the Rolls-Royce of rodents.

Yeah, but it's still a rodent.

You know what I mean?

Don't mind us,
just robbing this place.

Whoo! Yeah!

- Go bad...
- Or go home.

Hey, you. Get over here.

Little bit closer.

Oh, I know what it is.

You're afraid because
I'm the... the Big Bad Wolf.

Well, I'm not surprised.

I am the villain in every story.

Isn't that right, Mr. Snake?


Say hello to Mr. Snake.

safe-cracking machine.

Imagine Houdini
but with no arms.

Kind of guy who'd tell you
the glass is half empty,

then steal it from you.

He's also my best bud.

And today's his birthday!

- Not relevant.
- He's a sweetheart.

You're a sweetheart.

Well, look who's here.

Took 'em long enough.

Watch this.


Two. One.

And over here is Ms. Tarantula,

our in-house hacker,
our pocket search engine,

our traveling tech wizard.

We call her Webs.

Very slick, Webs.

I also took over
the police dispatch,

blurred their satellite
imaging system,

grounded their chopper.

And one more thing.

You didn't.

I got a special delivery for...

Ah! Ooh! Don't eat me!

Please! Don't eat me!

Happy birthday,
Mr. Grumpy Pants.

I think I hate you.

Guys, it's me.

I was the construction worker.

And this is Mr. Shark,

master of disguise,

apex predator
of a thousand faces.

Stealing the Mona Lisa

disguised as the Mona Lisa.

Dig that.

Watch it, big tuna.

I'm trying to work here.

Keep it cool, baby.

Birthdays should be chill.

And rounding out the crew...

Surprise! Mr. Piranha.

He's a loose cannon
with a short fuse,

willing to scrap
with anyone or anything.

He's brave.

He's fearless.

Uh, who am I kidding?
He's crazy.

Santo cielo,
that's a lot of po-po.

Uh, Piranha,
did we forget something?

- What?
- The present.

- You know.
- Oh, um...

Of-of course I didn't forget.

You know you fart
when you lie, right?

What? No, I fart
when I'm nervous.

Yeah. Nervous about lying.

I'm sorry.


Don't breathe it in.

I breathed it in!

Yeah, they're a bit eccentric,

but when you're born us,
you don't exactly win

many popularity contests.

- Shark!
- Shark!

Do I wish people
didn't see us as monsters?

Eight legs,
eight times the cardio.


- Sure, I do.
- What's up, papa?

But these are
the cards we've been dealt,

so we might as well play 'em.




- What the thorax?
- Are you crazy?

What? I just wanted
a longer car chase.

It's the best part.

Chief! It's...


Webs, hit it.

Get them!

♪ Hooked on hip-hop phonics ♪

♪ Yeah, it works for me ♪

♪ So jump aboard,
yeah, this train is free ♪

♪ The conductor,
let me toot my whistle ♪

♪ The instructor
of the funky uncle fizzle ♪

♪ We be dancin' on a lake
when it ain't froze over ♪

♪ We be walkin' on water while
you're sinkin' your rover ♪

♪ If you step any closer,
you'll be eatin' some teeth ♪

♪ So please step back... ♪

I'm gonna put you guys away
for so long,

your fleas will have fleas.

Chief. You want some cake?

You seem a little hangry.

Get that thing
out of my face before I...

- Excuse me, Chief.
- What?

♪ Stop ♪

♪ Drop ♪

♪ Roll, roll ♪

♪ Stop... ♪

You're mine.

♪ Roll... ♪


♪ I'm gonna get mine, mine,
stake mine, really ♪

♪ Chi-Town cat
gettin' cheese like Philly ♪

♪ Order steak at the grilly,
I flow chilly... ♪

♪ And you's a chicken nugget
head, dip it in my chitchat ♪

♪ Stop... ♪

Yeah, we may be bad,

but we're so good at it.

♪ Stop ♪

♪ Drop... ♪

Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!

Keep running, Wolf!

One of these days,
your luck is gonna run out!

All right, Piranha, you're up.

♪ Oh... ♪

♪ Happy bir... ♪

- Seriously?
- Snake, come on.

At least make a toast.

- Toast! Come on!
- Come on.

- Okay, okay. All right. A toast.
- Whoo!


I've made a lot of enemies
in my time.. I mean, a lot..

But out of all the people
in the world,

I hate you guys the least.

- Aw.
- That was actually kind of beautiful.

You're a poet, man.

To Mr. Snake and his strange
dislike of birthdays.


Everyone say, "Robbery."



Look at those dimples.

- Happy birthday, buddy.
- Okay.

- Now, dig in, fellas.
- Yes!


Don't do that.

That was so gross.

That was my lunch!

You snooze, you lose.

You like that.


Ooh, wow.

I forgot we had those Push Pops.

Man, my tummy is rumbling
like a kraken right now.

Yeah. Want it?

You know he's not
gonna give it to you.

No, I believe that deep down.

Snake is a kind
and generous soul.


Here. Take it.

Oh, yeah!

Pop me, please.

- Ah...
- Ha!


Come on, man. Now you gonna
make me get all aggressive.


Spit it out! Spit it out!


Let's see what they're saying
about us today.

What up? It's Tiffany Fluffit,
Channel 6 Action News.

The Bad Guys
have struck again...

Guys, guys, stop it.
We're on TV.

- Ooh, ooh!
- ...proving once more that they

are the most diabolical
criminals of our time.

Ooh, "diabolical." That's new.

Know what it sounds like?
A cologne.


To address
this heinous crime spree

is the newly elected governor,
Diane Foxington.

- Governor?
- Okay. Yeah.

I hear you. I hear you.

Listen, listen. We all know
how dastardly the Bad Guys are.

- You bet we are.
- But more than anything...

I feel sorry for them.


These so-called Bad Guys

are really just
second-rate has-beens.

Behind their amateurish antics

and, frankly,
unoriginal capers..

I mean, really, another bank?

Is nothing but
a deep well of anger...

I ain't angry! You're angry!

- ...denial...
- Not true.

...and self-loathing.

The only one I self-loathe
is you.

And those are holes
that no amount of cash

or priceless art can ever fill.

What's on the Food Network?

So, can we just forget about...

Who-who is she to judge us?

...and focus on more positive things?

And what could be more positive

than the Annual
Good Samaritan Awards,

where tomorrow night I will
present the Golden Dolphin

to this year's goodest citizen?

I can't believe I voted for her.

You voted for her?

She's good on climate change.

Wait. What's going on?

You've got that twinkle
in your eye.

Guys, who's up for another job?

A big one.

The Golden Dolphin.

- Seriously?
- Oh.

I thought I was the crazy one.

That job has broken
every criminal who's tried it.

The Bucharest Bandits,
Lucky Jim.

The Crimson Paw.

Actually, the Crimson Paw
was never arrested.

Yeah, but he never stole
anything again.

Snake, what better way

to wipe that smirk
off the governor's fuzzy face

than stealing the Golden Dolphin

from right under her whiskers?

This is the Holy Grail
of thievery.

If we pull this off,
we'll cement our legacy

as the greatest criminals
of all time.

Whoa, whoa, buddy.

I thought we weren't supposed
to make things personal.

Besides, we've got
a good thing going here.

Friends, freedom,
and just look at this loot.

All right, you're right.
Forget it.

- The Dolphin job is off.
- Good.

I guess the pig
will get his trophy after all.

Yeah, I guess he would...

What do you mean, "pig"?

Oh, yes, did I not mention that?

That's weird. I thought
I mentioned that it was, uh...

The Good Samaritan is...

A guinea pig?

What do you say, Snakey?

Better than cake.


Okay. Fine.

But he better be delicious.

Are we all in this together?

♪ ♪

So here's the plan.

Like every year,
the ceremony will be held

at the Museum of Fine Arts,

where the Golden Dolphin
will be positioned

just beyond
the backstage curtain.

Sounds easy.

Sounds easy, hermano,
but to get there,

we'll need to bypass
three levels of security.

So, step one:
We'll need to blend in.

♪ Baby, I'm howlin' for you ♪

♪ Da-da da-da da,
da-da da-da da... ♪

Professor Marmalade,

this year's recipient
of the Golden Dolphin,

the most annoying good creature
on the planet.

Professor, in the past year,
you've stopped wars,

fed the hungry
and saved countless pandas.

Some have described
your goodness

as second only to Mother Teresa.

Oh, Tiffany,
it's not a competition.

And if it were, it would
really be more of a tie.

But we can all agree that
there is a flower of goodness

inside all of us,
just waiting to blossom.

Once inside,
there are two armored doors.

The first can only be opened by

a special key card
that is carried

by our dear friend,
the chief of police.

The second is outfitted
with a retinal scanner

and guarded by
an elite special ops unit

trained to strike first
and ask questions later.

Governor Foxington
is the only one

who has clearance
to open the second door.

So, step two:
She and I will need to get

up close and personal.

Enjoy your evening,
Mr. Ambassador.

Thank you, ma'am.

Interesting piece.

Trashy, pointless
and pretentious.

Hmm. They say that art reveals

more about the viewer
than the artist.


Poodleton. Oliver Poodleton.

Uh... okay.

It's about time someone stood up

to those diabolical Bad Guys.

Though, I've got to say,
no one's succeeded yet.

Eh. I don't think
it'll be that hard.

I have a feeling it'll be
harder than you think.

I'd say they're
one epic job away

from cementing their legacy.

Mr. Poodleton,
you're-you're funny.

I am?

The only legacy they're
cementing is life in prison.

Did you see their last job?

Ugh. Unsecured exits,

crude disguises,
compulsive showboating.

I mean, it was a mess.

All the classic signs
of a crew in decline.

Next, they're gonna
make it personal.

That's when you know
they're toast.

Uh, well, that's your opinion.

It is, and I'm the governor.

As for the sculpture,
I think it's about perspective.

If you look closely enough,

even trash can be recycled
into something beautiful.

How about that?

I guess some things
aren't always as they appear.

That reminds me.

May I? I can't miss a photo op

with the governor
and a pile of garbage.

Oh, Mr. Poodleton,
you're too hard on yourself.


Okay, friends.

It's showtime.

Once we're in,
it's on to step three:

We split up
and we take our positions.

Officers, if the Bad Guys
crash this event,

I am definitely
going to lose my job,

and I will not hesitate
to take you down with me.

- Now, move out.
- Yes, ma'am!

Hut, hut, hut, hut,
hut, hut, hut, hut,

hut, hut, hut, hut, hut,
hut, hut, hut, hut...

Mic's on.
Everyone on comms, do you copy?

- Copy.
- Copy. -Copy.


A drink for the pretty lady?

No, thank you. My life is
too complicated right now.

Uh, uh...

Boys, it's Dolphin season.

Copy that. I'm on the move.

Unit two, is the backstage
area still secure?

Unit two. All clear.

This is where
all the training pays off.

Oh, pardon me.

- Terribly sorry.
- Not a problem, sir.

Keep your eyes open, boys.

They could be anywhere,
just waiting to humiliate us.

Wolf is in position.

Piranha, you all
penguin-suited and booted?

Affirmative. I'm a clean, mean,
Dolphin-stealing machine.

What's going on, guys?

- Here, let me help you.
- Ooh.

Are you okay, ma'am?

Oh, my gracious, yes.

I may be dizzy, but I'm alive,
thanks to you.

- What are you...
- Oh.


Thank you, dear.

You're such a good boy.

All good, brother?

Yeah, all... a-all good.
Yeah, yeah.


Webs, what do you say about
moving on to step four?

Copy that. Shark, you're up.

- Do your thing.
- Do I get to improvise?

Yes, fine. Improvise.

But please be subtle.


I'm having a baby!

Is there a doctor?

Or perhaps
several security guards

that could leave their post
and help me?

♪ ♪

"Fish surprise"?


Hey, Webs,
can you enhance this...

Done. Eight steps
ahead of you, Wolfie.

Ladies and gentlemen,

your emcee for
the Good Samaritan Awards...

All right, Shark, we're in.

I forgot, I'm not pregnant.

...president of the committee,

Governor Diane Foxington.

Thank you. Thank you.
Thank you so much.

Thank you.

Last year,
we faced our biggest test

when a meteorite crashed
into our dear city.

That meteorite didn't just make
a hole in our city.

It made a hole in our hearts.


But even in tragedy,
Professor Marmalade,

he did what he does so well.

He made us look
at things differently.

And thanks to you, Marmalade,

the Love Crater Meteorite
will forever serve as a symbol

of how there is good
even in the worst places.


Hurry up.

...and successfully reversed
climate change

for the well-being of all of us.

This is going
surprisingly smoothly.

What the molt is that?

The Wolf Piranha
Snake Shark Tarantula.

- Protection System.
- The WPSST?

- This was not supposed to happen.
- What?

Guys, calm down. I'm on it.

Initiating WPSST override

Get it, queen!

- Did it work?
- Just give me five minutes.

And now, please join me
in welcoming to the stage...

We don't have five minutes.

...Professor Marmalade.


We love you,
Professor Marmalade!

The pig is on the move.

I repeat, the pig
is on the move.

Webs, Webs, the curtain's
going up any minute.

It's not letting me in.

Check your system preferences.

You probably need
to download a driver.

Try rebooting.

Oh, my gosh, you fixed it.

- Really?
- No!

Hey, Larry.

Come on, open up.

What did we say
about locking doors?

Oh, no, no, no, no, no.
Shark, I got a situation here.

Copy that. I'm on my way.

Hurry up, guys.

Time to turn this baby
on beast mode.

Eat it, WPSST!

Please, not now.

- Wolf.
- Wait, wait, wait. No, no, Piranha!

This award is for...

As I was saying...

No, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no!

- Piranha! Are you kidding me?
- Sorry!

And that's why
my Gala for Goodness

will raise all the money needed
for those less fortunate.

Come on!

I'm starting
to get mad here, Larry.

Webs! Webs!

And now the moment
we've all been waiting for.


Excuse me.

Is this the ladies' room?

Oh, uh, y-you need
to take a right

at the end of the hall, ma'am.

Yes. Whoop-bam!

Oh, come on!

And now it is my honor
to award Professor Marmalade

with the Golden Dolphin!

- No.
- No.


I mean, yes!


Everyone, everyone, uh,
please don't panic.

Just stay calm.

I'm-I'm sure there's
an explanation for this.

I repeat, uh,
please do not panic.

Nice work, everybody.

Now, let's make like a wolf
and get the pack out of here.

Ah, wordplay.

I don't get it.

Diane, Diane, if I may...

You have to understand,

I didn't bring hope back
to the city for an award.

I did these good things because
of how they made me feel.

That tingly feeling I get.

That shiver up my spine.

The wag in my tiny tail.

Because, you see,

being good just feels so good.

And when you're good,
you're loved.


- Wolf?
- What are you doing?


It's the Bad Guys!

Arrest them!

Hut, hut, hut, hut, hut, hut,

hut, hut, hut, hut, hut,

hut, hut, hut, hut, hut,
hut, hut, hut, hut.

They stole the Golden Dolphin!

Come on, you can't prove that.

My baby!

On your knees, Bad Guys.

With your hands up.

Never! We're out of here.

♪ ♪

So long, suckers.

Well, this just got
a little weird.

The Bad Guys go bust.

The nefarious fivesome
has finally been captured.

And I, Tiffany Fluffit,
am first on the scene.

Wow. You know, I-I just
realized that I have devoted

my entire adult life
to putting you in jail.

You are my purpose.

Without you, who am I?

Ah, I'm just kidding.

This is the best moment
of my life!

It's the end of the Bad Guys.


Get your hands off of me!

Ooh, you're begging
for a biting right now.


Professor Marmalade!
Madam Governor!

Ooh, Professor Marmalade!
Madam Governor!

- Madam Governor!
- One at a time. One at a time.

- Hey. Hey!
- Excuse me.

Sorry to interrupt.

I just wanted to congratulate
the governor here.

I got to say,
you really got us pegged.

We're just a deep well
of anger and self-loathing.

- Denial.
- Sure. That, too.

- Narcissism.
- Yeah. Yeah.

Emotional emptiness.

- So we're on the same page.
- Hmm.

What is he doing?

Sadly, we were never
given a chance

to be anything more
than second-rate criminals.

If only there was someone
who could help

the flower of goodness
inside us blossom.

Some icon of love
and forgiveness,

like, uh, I don't know,
Mother Teresa.

Best thing is to just
throw us in jail

for the rest
of our hopeless lives.

Yeah, that's the plan.

Wait, wait, wait, no, no.

- Get in there.
- Ow!


Uh, beg... beg pardon?

Mr. Wolf may be a savage beast.

Basically walking garbage.

Sorry, I'm making a point.

Do what you need to do, pal.

But how can we say
they're hopeless

if they've never
been given a chance?

What if... what if we tried
a little experiment, Diane?

As you know,
my Gala for Goodness,

the "hashtag charity event
of the year," is coming up.

If I can prove
to everyone at that gala

that the Bad Guys have changed,

will you set them free
and give them a clean start?

- What? Professor Marmalade!
- Ow!

No, no, no, no, no.
Don't you see what he's doing?

He's playing you.

But it was my idea.

It was his idea.

But only because
you made him have it.

Madam Governor,
you can't just let them go.

Professor, I'm not about to put
the safety of the city

on the line for an experiment.

Excuse me, Madam Governor.

I seem to remember that
a wise person once said,

"Even trash can be recycled
into something beautiful."

Okay. I'm game.

But only because it's you,


We'll hold on to the Dolphin
until the gala.

Just to remove
any unnecessary temptation.

Of course. Good thinking.

That's why you're governor.

Now that everyone's happy...

Not happy.

...I, Rupert Marmalade
the Fourth,

will turn the Bad Guys into...

the Good Guys!

I think these belong to you.


Not everyone gets
a second chance.

Make the most of it,
Mr. Poodleton.


What are you doing?

- What?
- Yeah.

Oh, that.

I-I-I'm sorry.
I thought it was, uh, obvious.

We're gonna go good.

Uh, you totally lost me.

I told him to stop drinking
out of the toilet.

Hey, did you get hit
on the head?

What? No, I didn't
get hit on the head.

My cousin got hit on
the head with an anchor,

and after that,
he only swam in a circle.

No, no, g-guys, guys,
you're not following me.

We're gonna pretend to go good.

Just a few days with Marmalade.

And then we roll into the gala
as Good Guys

and roll out scot-free with...

The Golden Dolphin.

You got it.

Since when do we not
finish a job?

The Bad Guys become
the Good Guys

so we can stay the Bad Guys.

You know what I'm saying?

Bad Guys acting good?

It's the ultimate Bad Guy thing.

It's fantastic.

Wolf, you're a genius.

It's gonna be, like,
the most relaxing con ever,

like a vacation.

Oh, oh. A con-cation.

Ooh! My parents met
on a con-cation.

♪ ♪

Oh, goody.


Big and fancy.

Rodent's got taste. Okay.

Huh. Almost makes me
want to be cute.

They say experience
is the best teacher.

And they are wrong.

I am.

Good morning,
students of goodness.

And welcome to the first day
of the rest of your best life.

A giant butt.


Uh, it's-it's not a butt.

It's a lamp in the shape of

the Love Crater Meteorite,
my greatest...

- I wonder whose butt it is.
- Uh...

Once again, it's not a butt.
Thank you.

It's a heart.
Now, as I was saying...

- Then why does it have cheeks?
- -Shut it!

What? I've never seen
a heart with cheeks.

It's not a...

- Booty!
- It's not a butt! Not a butt!

Does he know what a butt is?

As I was saying,

on the outside,
the five of you are villains,

remorseless sociopaths.

Oh, stop.
You're making me blush.

But inside, there's a flower..

The flower of goodness..
And when it blooms

and you feel that tingle
of positivity

radiating through your body,

you're going to want to feel it
all the time.

So we're going for a tingle?

Not any tingle.

The tingle of goodness,
which you'll feel

in my state-of-the-art
Sharing Laboratory.

Okay, Mr. Snake, I'm going
to give you a Push Pop.

Great! Push Pop just for me!

- No, to share.
- Why?

Well, on a fundamental level,

it's about putting
someone else's needs

ahead of your own.

Oh, no. No way.


All right, all right.

This is going to taste
extra sweet,

'cause I know how bad
you want it.

Pop me, please. Ah...

Nope. Sucker.

That's it!

I'll teach you to share!

Mm, I like sharing.
It's yummy. Mm.

Totally worth it.

Well, that's terrifying.

Let's try something simpler.

A good person always
pays attention

to the needs of others.

Now, here's a kindly,
frail grandma.

Mr. Piranha, help grandma
across the street.

Sure, sure, sure.
I do this all the time.

Here you go, ma'am.

Oh, he is totally gonna blow it.

What was that? What did you say.

You think I can't do this?

No, no, no, Piranha!

Maybe simpler?

Hey, look.
It's a cat stuck in a tree.

It doesn't get much simpler
than that.

Now, what in this scenario

would give you that good tingle?

Eating it?

This is why I always carry
two pieces of bread with me.


I want you to s...

- Smack it.
- Skin it?

- s*ab it.
- Sauté it. -Sing to it?

Save it. I want you to sa...

That's obv... It's so obvi...
I want you to save it.


- Right, right.
- Right, right, right. Sure.

Here, kitty, kitty, kitty.

Whoa, that cat is
obviously defective.

What is wrong with you?

You're gonna give it
a heart attack.

I'll handle this.

What's up, papa!

Get him off my face!
He's on my face!

No, no, no, no, no, listen!
Wh-What are you doing?

Okay. What, may I ask,
are you good at?

Stealing stuff.

Oh, yeah, we're great at that.

- Robbery.
- Larceny.

- Wire fraud.
- Extortion.

- Tax evasion.
- Heists.

- Mail fraud.
- Wait. Heists, you say?

Well, that's... yeah,
that's kind of our specialty.

I might just have an idea.

Free the pigs! Free the pigs!

That is an animal testing lab.

Within, 200,000 helpless
guinea pigs,

all being poked and prodded
by sadistic scientists.

Guinea pigs, you say?


I want you to rescue them.

But this is a heist for good,

so I brought something
more friendly for you to wear.


Well, there goes
our street cred.

At least it's comfy.

♪ ♪

All right, we need
to distract that scientist.

- Shark, you're up.
- Copy that.

Okay. We're gonna need
a rope and a hook.

- I got this one.
- What?

You're volunteering?

You've never volunteered
for anything.

Sure, I did. Right now.

- Uh...
- Throw me up there. Giddyap!

- Really?
- Yep.

I'm 99% sure you can make it.

- Okay.
- Let's do it!

Hey there, son.


I know you've got
an important job,

but I hope you still have time
for a catch with your old man.

- Hey, kiddo. -Huh?
- 96% sure.

You'll always be my special boy.


Maybe 90%.

I've been waiting
my entire life for this moment.

- I don't know.
- Okay. Now, go long.

Oh, boy, oh, boy, oh, boy!

Thank you, Daddy!

50... What day is it?

Who am I?

The guinea pigs are locked

behind a three-foot-thick
steel door.

The only way in
is through the vents.

I got it.

Upsy-daisy. ♪ Over the filters
and through the vents ♪

I have never seen him
so chipper.

Has he been meditating?

♪ To Guinea Pig Land we... ♪


Snake attack.

Oh. Hey, look,
it's Professor Marmalade.

Yes, that's right. It's me.

Help has arrived.

Just keep your eyes glued
to that door.

Snake. Come on, Snake. Open up.


These doors are complicated.

Are you kidding me?

What do you think you're doing?

We're supposed to save them,
not eat them.

Well, I'd say they've gone
to a better place.

All right, that's it.

- Spit them out.
- Hey.


We gonna save you
whether you like it or not.

We're saving you,
you stupid hair balls.

Not that door. The other door.

Hey, hey.


Any second.

It-it's not what it looks like.

Trespassing, burglary, mayhem,

as*ault with a deadly reptile?

As if those poor rodents

haven't been through
enough already.

No, Diane, please.


I'm sorry, Professor,
but I'm calling the chief.

Please. Come on.

This experiment is over.

Experiments take time.

You couldn't help yourself?

So I had a moment of weakness.
Sue me.

That's gonna be difficult to do
from prison.

Guys, what do we do now?

Hmm. Time to launch
a charm offensive.

Oh, yeah. The full Clooney.

Madam Governor.


Do not Clooney me, Wolf.

Oh, I see what's going on.
You think I'm still a Bad Guy,

trying to bamboozle
my way to freedom.

But we've changed.

That flower of goodness is
blossoming all over the place.

Don't you ever
get tired of lying?


I mean... Fudge.

That was... that was
a trick question, right?

I gave you an opportunity..

A chance to show the world

that you're more than just
a scary stereotype..

But you're too proud

or too gutless
to take advantage of it.

Gutless? I'm gutless?


I'm sorry, have we met?

I'm the villain of every story.

Guilty until proven innocent.

Even if by some miracle
we did change,

who's gonna believe us, huh?

Of course you wouldn't know
anything about that,

with your Little Miss Perfect
power suits.

Is that so?

Wait a second.

What did... How did you...

A wolf and a fox
are not so different.

Maybe they will believe you,
maybe they won't,

but it doesn't matter.

Don't do it for them.
Do it for you.

This is a chance
to write your own story.

To find a better life for you
and your friends.

Come on,
what have you got to lose?

I don't know. My dignity?

Yeah, well,
that ship has already sailed.

Believe it or not,
I'm rooting for you, Wolf.

So you're not gonna
call the chief?

I'll see you at the gala.

♪ ♪

I think we got off
to a bad start.

The name's Wolf.


I get that a lot.

First impressions and all.

No, no, no, no.

Uh, it's okay. It's okay.

I'm not gonna hurt you.
I know you're scared.

I would be, too, if I were you.

Just give me a chance.

Truth is we actually have
a lot in common.

Don't tell anyone,

but I love a little scratch

on the spot behind my ears.

You know, right there.

The best.

Come on, kitty.

♪ ♪

Yeah. Who's a good kitty?

- Who's a good kitty?
- Uh, Wolf?

Um, you saved him?


Yes. It's working.

You-you filmed that?

Yes, and they're starting
to like you.


All right!

This might just be enough

to win over the guests
at the gala.

- Now we're talking!
- Yes! -All right!

Yeah, we did it! All right!

Uh, Wolf?

I must say,
you've really turned a corner.

- You're really getting it.
- Really?

Oh, uh, thanks.

Now, I mean it.

And I can see it
from tip to tail.

It's just a shame that you
have to carry all that baggage.

What are you talk...
You mean the guys?

What do you mean?

You have great potential, Wolf,

but at some point,
you're going to have to choose

between your friends
or the good life.

Hey. You still awake?

You-you brought the cat in?

Yeah. Yeah, yeah.

I'm just...
I'm just saving it up for later.

Why? What's up?

I was just getting
a little worried,

since you've kind of become a...

Become a what?

You know, teacher's pet.

Getting all cozy with Marmalade.

Your tail wagging
and everything.

Well, yeah, because
it has to be believable.

Uh-huh. Yeah, I guess so.

As long as it's all
part of the plan.

It is all part of the plan,
isn't it?

Snake, buddy,
who made the plan to begin with?

You did.

So I'm the one who sticks
to the plan the most, right?

Yeah, ri... Uh, yeah, OK...

I guess that makes sense, yeah.

But if the plan
were ever to change,

you'd-you'd tell me, right?

You have my word.

Go bad...

Or go home.

Hey, Snake. -Yeah?

You ever wonder
what it'd be like?

The world loving us
instead of being scared of us?

You ever...
you ever think about that?

Loving us?

Yeah, right.

I don't waste time
thinking about stuff

that's never gonna happen.

I can't wait for things
to get back to normal.

Yeah. Back to normal,
back to normal.

What up?
We are just moments away

from Professor Marmalade's
Gala for Goodness,

where the legendary
Love Crater Meteorite

will be on display
for the first time ever.

But what everyone
is really buzzing about

is the Bad Guys, whose
heart-melting rescue video

has made them an overnight
viral sensation.

All right, guys,
this is the big one.

The Golden Dolphin

is inside a titanium case

controlled by a randomly
generated five-digit code,

a code kept safe and secure

inside a briefcase handcuffed
to the chief of police.

She's not messing around.

The code is only
accessible with

- her authorized fingerprints.
- Leave that to me.

While Snake gets the code,

Shark will secure
the fake Dolphin.

I like the sound of that.

Meanwhile, the rest of us
plant circuit jammers.

Allowing me
to hack into the power grid.

At the end of the night,
we toast the professor,

"Blah-blah-blah, yada yada,"

and when I say "Marmalade,"
lights go out,

and we'll have exactly
four seconds to make our move.

The old switcheroo.

Chief hands Marmalade
the fake Dolphin,

we get our pardon, applause,
applause, exit stage right,

and by the time they realize
what happened...

So long, suckers!

...we'll be driving off
into the sunset,

legacy cemented.


Got to hand it to you, buddy.

You're a real artist.

Well, Good Guys, this is it.

Good luck out there.

Remember, all eyes will be
on you tonight, not me.

Friends, meet the Good Guys!

Uh, this is different.

- Is this a prank?
- What's that sound?

Like screaming
but not terrified.

All right, guys,
let's, uh... let's mingle.

It's crime time, baby.

♪ Fly me to the moon ♪

♪ And let me play
among the stars ♪

- Hmm?
- There you go.

♪ Let me see
what spring is like ♪

♪ On Jupiter and Mars ♪

♪ In other words... ♪

Okay, fake Dolphin,
fake Dolphin, fake Dolphin.


- Mr. Shark, Mr. Shark!
- Ooh!

Is it true sharks
can smell blood a mile away?

What? No. That's freaky.

♪ Fill my heart with song ♪

♪ And let me sing
for evermore... ♪

- Oh, Mr. Wolf! Mr. Wolf!
- Hey. Whoa.

It is a pleasure to meet you.

- Pleasure is all mine.
- I loved your video.

Can I get a picture for my kids?

Uh, hey, just a minute, guys.
Let me... let me, uh...

I got... I'll be right back.

♪ In other words,
I love you... ♪

Okay, Wolf, what are you up to?

Yeah, with criminals like this,

you got to be crafty,
subtle, invisible.

And then the moment
they let their guard down...


You gotta spring the trap!

Always one step ahead.

I think I've earned
a tonic water.

Put it in a fun glass, huh?

Oh! Nice.

Oh, no.



That's right.

Be intimidated.


No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!

♪ Look... at me ♪

- What?
- Hmm?

♪ Tell me what... you see ♪

♪ Am I good... or bad? ♪

♪ Don't you judge... so fast ♪

♪ Hey, hey, hey,
I know you think you know me ♪

♪ You've made
your own conclusion ♪

♪ You think that I look scary ♪

♪ Well, that's
your own delusion ♪

♪ Listen when I tell you ♪

♪ There's more
than meets the eye ♪

♪ So take a closer look ♪

♪ To find a real good guy ♪

♪ We're not the Bad Guys... ♪

Mr. Wolf.

Diane. Yeah, what a surprise.

You know,
if I didn't know better,

I'd think that
you were avoiding me.

Avoiding you?

Wh-Why would I do that?


But I have to say,
I'm a little disappointed.

I was hoping you were gonna
ask me to dance.


♪ Get up on the floor ♪

♪ We're gonna be good tonight ♪

♪ Wanna get you feeling right ♪

♪ We're gonna be good tonight ♪

♪ We're the Good, Good Guys ♪

♪ We're gonna be good tonight ♪

♪ Wanna get you feeling right ♪

♪ We're gonna be good tonight ♪

♪ We're the Good, Good Guys ♪

♪ Come on! Ooh... ♪

I see.
You lost the sheep's clothing.

Yeah. Figured it was time I got
comfortable in my own fur.

If you're
feeling good in here...

I said, if you're feeling
good in here...

♪ Oh, yeah ♪

I think I like the new you.

Well, that makes two of us.

♪ We're all here to have
a good, good time ♪

♪ Let the rhythm move you
and open up your mind ♪

♪ Next time you see me
in your neighborhood ♪

♪ Don't you be thinking
that I'm up to no good ♪

♪ I just want you
to give me a chance ♪

♪ I know your body
really wants to dance ♪

♪ So leave your judgments... ♪

Break out the umbrellas,
because it's raining money.

All because of.. I can't even
believe I'm saying this..

All because of the Bad Guys.

♪ Wanna get you feeling right ♪

♪ We're gonna be good tonight ♪

♪ We're the Good, Good Guys ♪

♪ We're gonna be good tonight ♪

♪ Wanna get you feeling right ♪

♪ We're gonna be good tonight ♪

♪ We're the Good,
Good Guys, whoo... ♪

So, how does it feel

to have everyone
not fear you for a change?

It feels good.

Real good.


It belongs to you.

-♪ We're gonna be
good tonight ♪ -♪ Uh-huh ♪

♪ We're gonna be good tonight ♪

♪ Ah, one, two, three,
we're the Good, Good Guys ♪

-♪ We're gonna be
good tonight ♪ -♪ So good ♪

♪ Gonna get you feeling right ♪

-♪ We're gonna be
good tonight ♪ -♪ So good ♪

♪ We're the Good, Good Guys ♪

♪ Oh, yeah... ♪

Thank you. Thank you, Mr. Wolf.

As you know,
the money raised tonight

will be delivered tomorrow
to schools, hospitals

and other worthy causes
across the city.


I just want to take
a moment to recognize

the one responsible
for our new outlook.

Our brilliant mentor,

- a paragon of enlightenment...
- Do it. -Come on.

...the one and only

- Wolf, do it.
- ...uh, Professor...

...Professor Marmalade!

Chief, may I do the honors?

That's not the plan.

What is happening?

He's gone rogue.

A deal's a deal.

By the power vested in me,
it is a pleasure

to grant the Bad Guys
a full par...

- That was weird.
- The meteorite is gone!

Somebody stole it!


- Wolf.
- Come on.

You can't possibly think
that we did this.

So long, suckers!


Get them!


Here. Here.

- What are you doing?
- I'm giving it all back.


Excuse me.

- What happened back there?
- I couldn't do it.

What do you mean,
you couldn't do it?

- I-I-I just... I...
- No!

- I do not run.
- Hut, hut, hut...

That is not how I roll.

don't do anything crazy.

Crazy is what I bring
to the party, chico.

Hey, you're making a mistake.

We didn't do it.

I know we always say that,

but this time
it's actually true.

A-la-la-la-la. Can't hear you.

- Guilty, guilty, guilty.
- Talk to Marmalade.

We're really good now.
He'll tell you.


Change is impossible.

You should always judge
a book by its cover,

and all stereotypes
have been affirmed.

Stop, for goodness' sake!

Let me speak to them.

I'm-I'm sure there's been
some misunderstanding.

Ah, Professor Marmalade.

You've got five minutes.

No deals this time.

Y-You have to help us.

Tell 'em.
Tell 'em we didn't do it.

There, there.
Of course you didn't do it.

How could you?

After all,
you're such a good boy.

You're such a good boy.

That shiver up my spine.

The wag in my tiny tail.

Arrest them!

What if we tried
a little experiment, Diane?

As you know,
my Gala for Goodness...

Where the legendary
Love Crater Meteorite

will be on display
for the first time ever.

All eyes will be
on you tonight, not me.

You're such a...

Good boy.


It was all you.

What are you talking about,

The old lady,
the Golden Dolphin,

good training..
It was all to get us here,

so he could steal the meteorite
and let us take the fall.

Whoa. Whoa, what old lady?

And-and why would a guinea pig
want a meteorite anyway?

Uh, guys, he's creeping me out.

Wait, what? What's going on?

Someone turn me around.

Well, well.

So, you finally get it.

- Wait.
- What?

You stole the meteorite?

Oh, it's not just a meteorite.

I told you guys it's a butt.

It's not a butt!

It's the ultimate power source.

You see, when it struck,
scientists found that

it emitted
an electromagnetic frequency

unlike anything else on Earth.

I'm going to harness its power

to pull off the greatest heist
the world has ever seen.

You should've eaten him
when you had the chance.

- Yep.
- But why us?

Because you're
the perfect patsies.

Come on, when people look up
"bad" in the dictionary,

do they see a sweet,
adorable guinea pig?

No. They see you.

And they always will.

Okay, fine.

But you set us up.

Oh, pish-pish.

Let's be honest..
Evolution set you up.

But Wolfie here
really clinched it.

You fell for every one
of my traps,

starting with saving
a helpless little old lady.

Wolf, what's he talking about?


Did I say too much?

Anyhoo, looks like, yet again,

the Big Bad Wolf got outsmarted
by a little piggy.

You little pouchy-cheeked rat!

I'll k*ll you! You hear me?

- You're dead! You're de...
- Help! Help! Help!

The Big Bad Wolf
is attacking me.

Oh, now you are done
forever, Wolf!

Professor, Professor,

any thoughts
on how the Bad Guys managed

to steal the meteorite
in plain sight?

Well, off the top of my head,

perhaps they accessed the site

and set up an intricate system

- of tunnels and trapdoors...
- Uh-huh.

...that could be
remotely triggered

to suck the meteorite down
into a holding area,

- but how should I know?
- Totally.

I mean, they're the
deranged masterminds, not me.

I'm giving it all back.

♪ ♪

I can't believe
we got double-crossed

by a tiny rodent.

Oh, we got double-crossed
by a rodent all right,

- but, uh, not a tiny one.
- What?

This was supposed to be
us conning Marmalade.

It turns out
it was Wolf conning us.

Does that sound familiar
to you, Wolf?

Why-why would you think that?

Oh, I don't know, maybe because
you just sabotaged

the biggest heist of our lives.

I think you owe us
an explanation, buddy.

Okay. You're right.

This is what happened.

Back in the museum, I just tried
to steal an old lady's purse.

Classic snatch and grab.

Tried to? Since when do you try

to steal something
and not just steal it?

I was trying to steal the purse
when the old lady fell and...

I kind of helped her.


I kind of helped her.

But then you stole her purse.

No, I didn't.

I saved the old lady,
and she hugged me,

and my tail wagged,
and I didn't know what it was,

but it felt, uh,
you know... good.


But then you stole the purse.


You know, I heard
what the pig said to you

about cutting us loose.

Wait. Like, "us" us?

But I never thought
you'd actually do it, man.

Hey, hey, hey, hey.

I-I would never...
I was trying to...

I was trying to find us
a better life.

Our life was perfect
until you decided to ruin it.

I didn't.

You guys felt it at the gala.

The clapping, the cheering.

We were more than...
than just scary villains.

They loved us.

Oh, yeah?
If they loved us so much,

how come we're in prison
for a crime we didn't commit?

You know what?
I'll give Marmalade this.

At least he sees the world
for what it is:

A place where
some people are scary

and some people are scared.

Oh, yeah?

Well, I'm tired of being scary.

I'm-I'm tired of
being an outcast.

Maybe I don't want to be a...

What? A Bad Guy?

Don't want to be
a Bad Guy anymore, huh?

Say it, Wolf.

Yeah, I thought so.

And us, your lifelong friends?

We're just holding you back?

Yeah, maybe you are!

Take it back!

Take it back! Apologize!

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!

Prison is no place for fighting.

Tell that to him.


♪ ♪




- Oh!
- W-W-Wait, wait. Ho-Hold on.


But how do you know how to do

all of that

Wait a sec,
you're the Crimson Paw?

♪ ♪

The queen of cons,

acrobatic Swiss Army knife.

Stole the Zumpango diamond

Once for profit,
second time just for fun.

Never identified, never caught.

Guess I'm still
the best bad guy

the world has ever seen.

Ugh, at least I used to be.


Nope, I'm still the best.

Just like riding
a stolen bicycle.

Oh, uh, you got a little...

Hey, wh-why did you
save us anyway?

After the gala,
I knew something wasn't right,

so I did some investigating,
and that meteor...

I know. Some kind of cosmic
mega-super-antennae thing.

Right. If conducted through
an array of ionized crystals,

it will generate a massive
psychokinetic field

the size of a city.

Oh, my gosh.
Did I interrupt you?

Were you gonna say that?

Uh, I-I-I was gonna be
a little more technical,

but you got the gist of it.

Marmalade needs to be stopped,
but I can't do it alone.

You know his compound
better than anyone.

You can count on us.

Right, guys?

There is no "us."

We're through, Wolf.

Done. Finito.

Because of that little tiff
back there?

Come on, man, that's what we do.

You serve, I volley.

That's our little dance.

Not this time.

♪ ♪



Sorry, Wolfie.






You want to know why
I hate birthdays, Wolf? Do you?

When you grow up a snake,
nobody shows up to your party.

Birthdays are a constant
reminder that out there

I'm just a scary,
good-for-nothing monster.


But nothing compares
to having the one guy...

the one guy I thought
I could trust

s*ab me in the back.

Come on, guys.
Let's get out of here.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

Now, this is what
a true bad guy looks like.

What do you say
we have some fun?

Hey. You okay?

No, I'm not okay.

I'm very, very un-okay.

Just left the only friends
I have ever had,

so what am I...
what am I doing?

I know this isn't easy,

leaving everything behind.

- Do you?
- Yeah.

I was the best thief
in the world.

Fast, fearless, inventive.

I just had one thing
left to steal.

The Golden Dolphin.

So you went after it.

I didn't just go after it.

I had it.

And a clear escape route.


all I saw in the end
was the tricky fox

that they always told me I was.

It changed everything.

So, now,
instead of hurting people,

I'm helping them.

I'm still me.

I'm just me on the right side.

You're doing the right thing.

And someday your friends,
if they're real friends,

I think they'll understand.

Now, come on, let's get inside.

You look like you just busted out of a prison.

Guinea pigs?


Let's bounce.

♪ ♪

So this is the hideout
of the great Crimson Paw.

Snack break?

Okay, oddly timed,
but you do you.

Identity verified.

- What?
- Welcome, Diane.

Whoa! Holy moly!

It's so good to be home.

Are you kidding me?

Laser-sighted zip line?

The XM-2400 radar jammer?
No way.

I actually prefer
the earlier model.

Agree to disagree.

Uh, this stuff is nice, too.

Yeah, that's a blowtorch.

Also, not really your color.

All righty, Marmalade.

What are you up to,
you fuzzy little weirdo?

We need eyes on the city.

Let's see if we can't hack

into the government's
surveillance satellite.

But you're the governor.
Couldn't you just ask?

Yeah, but...
the paperwork.

I am definitely picking up
on suspicious activity here.

Those are guinea pig
heat signatures.

Marmalade seems to be
controlling them.

But to do what?

There are no obvious targets.

That's because
they're moving targets.

His charity fundraiser.

He's gonna steal the money
raised in his own name?

It's the greatest heist
the world's ever seen.

$1 billion inside trucks,

on their way to charities
all over the city.

We need to cut off
Marmalade's communication

with his guinea pig army.

If there's no signal...

There's no heist.

We have to steal the meteorite.

That was very cute,

- that thing we just did there.
- All right.

Put on your big-girl pants.
We're gearing up.

♪ ♪

I wouldn't take that.

Those things rip your pants
right off.

Huh. Try wearing
clean underwear.

Just in case.


You stole my car?


Let's do this.

- No!
- What?

All our stuff?

- Where is everything?
- No, no, no, no, no.

- No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!
- All our stuff.

- It's all gone.
- My disguise closet!

Where's my things?

Wolf gave away all our loot.

We stole it fair and square.

Now I understand
what it feels like

to have things stolen from you.

I don't like it!

I really don't like it!

We got no food.
We got no money.

We got no money
we could use to buy food.

No food we can sell for money.


All right, okay, okay.

Here, here. Take it.

Now, stop crying, buddy.

Um, Snake, what did you just do?

What? My friend was sad.

I was just cheering him up.

You... you did a good thing.

- For me.
- Don't be ridiculous.

I just put your needs
before my own.

- Yeah. You're being good.
- I'm not.

I was simply making a sacrifice
so Shark could be happy.

That is the actual definition
of being good.

Snake, you,

the worst one of us,
the most selfish.

- Spiteful.
- Terrible.

- Sneaky.
- Dishonest.

- Insensitive.
- Manipulative.

- Snakelike.
- Stanky.

And your point is?

I think Wolf was right.

Maybe we could be more
than just scary villains.


Oh, wow.

Is this... is this wagging?

We're-we're wagging.

No, no, no!

We'll always be Bad Guys!

Faster, faster, my little pigs.

♪ ♪

Once we steal the meteorite,

we take it straight
to the police.

And all will be forgiven.

I don't know about "all,"
but it's a start.

♪ ♪

That's strange.

Why would Marmalade leave
the Golden Dolphin unprotected?

- Because maybe it's a trap.
- Or maybe...

Wait, wait, wait!

Yeah, it was a trap.

Well, well, well.

If it isn't my prized pupil.

And you've brought along
the governor.

Or should I say...

the Crimson Paw?

Mm, what an ingenious way
to disguise a Zumpango diamond,

hiding it in plain sight.

You got to be kidding me.

What? I'm sentimental.

You always did have panache.

And yet, you still fell
right into my trap.

But how did you know
we'd even be here?

Oh, I got a little tip
from a friend.

Hey, buddy.

How's it hanging?


What can I say? We just clicked.

Oh, yeah? How's it feel to be
working for your favorite food?

Ah, you're just jealous

to be missing out
on the heist of the century.

It's got everything:

Betrayal, a meteor,
mind control.

Can I try it on?

Of course, partner.

Nice. All the crime
with none of the exercise.

What about all that
"flower of goodness" talk?

Was it all just a lie?

Uh, pretty much, yeah.

You see, I never cared
about what's "good."

Only what's good for me.

Like, say, a billion dollars.

Ooh, I just got a tingle.

Go bad...

Or go home.

Cuddles, finish them.

Poison gas.

Don't breathe it in.

Wait a second.

That's not poison gas.



What? Ah, guys.

I can't believe it's you.

- You were right, Wolfie.
- We felt the wag, man.

- And the tingle.
- It's good, right?

This is super moving,

but can we do this later?

Feels like I got
a rhythm section in my fin.

- Ah, ah!
- Ugh. Come on.

Spinning blades!

Oh, yeah. Right.

Sorry. I got it.


Am I happy to see you.

Now it's time to huff and puff

and blow this little piggy's
heist down.

Game over, guinea pig.

With this meteorite,
we will be able to commit crimes

people have only dreamed about.

Not bad for a butt rock.

Once again, it's not a...

Don't mind us.

Just robbing this place.

No, no, no!

Here, kitty, kitty,
kitty, kitty.

♪ ♪

- All right!
- We did it!

Now to get this thing to
the chief and clear your names.

Weird. Usually, we drive
away from the police.

Hey, chico, are you sure
we stopped the heist?

- Yeah.
- Relax.

Marmalade can't control them if
he doesn't have the meteorite.

So, who's driving those trucks?

The meteorite.

- It's still transmitting.
- Uh-oh.

The charity money.
Change of plan, guys.

Webs, is there some way
to override

the truck's navigation system?

Uh, we'd need some kind of

magnetized cross-circuit

You mean this?

Ooh! She just keeps
getting cooler!

Oh, yeah!

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

Oh, no.

We got to split up.

Webs, you feel like
a girls' trip?

Um, yes.

Later, boys.

♪ Everything gettin'
harder to find ♪

♪ Everybody jumpin'
out of they mind... ♪

I want to go on the girls' trip.

♪ That's where we begin,
you feel it ♪

♪ Mannequins say,
"We breakin' the mold" ♪

♪ Breakin' out
and we breakin' the codes ♪

♪ Similar to
the Jacques Cousteau ♪

♪ To the depths and you're wet,
so your t*nk explodes ♪

♪ So get it out,
send your body to flight ♪


♪ Everybody got
a target tonight ♪

♪ Everybody come along
for the ride ♪

♪ All you studs
and you duds... ♪

- You're insured, right?
- Yeah. Why?

Hey! That's my car!

It's ceviche, baby!

♪ No time to rest ♪

♪ Just do your best ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ What you hear is not a... ♪

♪ We're only here to make you ♪

♪ We're only here
to make you... ♪

♪ We're only here
to make you go ♪

♪ Go ♪

So long, suckers.

♪ Go ♪

- Whoop-bam!
- ♪ Go ♪

♪ Go ♪

♪ Go ♪

♪ Go ♪

♪ Go... ♪

Where'd you learn to do that?

Well, I'm, you know,
kind of a natural.

Mostly YouTube.

Nice work.

Meet me at the police station.

Don't be late.

What do you say we deliver
this butt rock to the chief?


♪ Just do your best ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ What you hear
is not a test... ♪


No, no, no, no!

That's my stolen money.

What good are you
if you can't even

anticipate their next move?

- Oh, so it's my fault?
- Yes.

♪ We're only here to make you,
we're only here to make you ♪

♪ Go. ♪

- Chief.
- This better be good.

Trust me,
you don't want to miss this.


Well, butter my crumpets.

Can it be?

The Bad Guys are returning
the meteorite?

Perhaps this is
the feel-good story we all need.

- Woo-hoo! Yeah!
- Woo-hoo! -All right!

Do you guys think
they'll throw us a party?

Yeah. With fireworks,
piñatas and cake.

We can't do this without him.

He might be
a Mr. Grumpy Pants...

But he's our Mr. Grumpy Pants.



I'm starting to see
why your friends dumped you.

I don't have any friends!

Snake! Snake!


Snake, come back!

We need you, baby!

And you need us!

Oh, there you go again,
making it personal.

I'll give you one last chance
to give me the meteorite.

Oh, yeah?
What you gonna do, Whiskers?


What the...?

We've got adorable company.

Floor it!


Maybe I shouldn't have
called him Whiskers.

When I woke up this morning,

this is not where
I saw the day going.

Come on.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Hey, hey, let's dial this down
a notch, huh?

Besides, you'll never get him.

He's too good a driver.

Hmm. You're right.

But now that I think of it,
maybe it would be better

to exploit
his greatest weakness.



Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa. Hold on.

Hold it, hold it, hold it.

Okay, okay. You win.

You can have the space rock.

Good boy, Wolf.

Take the wheel.

Not so fast.

Pull him up first,
or I'll use this.

Oh, come now.

Do it, or you'll lose the rock.

If you insist.


You want him? He's yours.

Snake! No, no, no!

- Snake!
- Oh, no!

Guys, I know it's crazy,
but we're gonna jump it.

Crazy? You're finally speaking
my language, chico.

We're gonna make it!


You came back.


I should've been honest
with you.

I was afraid that if you knew.

I-I wanted to be good
that you'd...

Act like a jerk
and never talk to you again?


Point is I... I-I-I, you know...

Yeah. I love you, too, buddy.

This-this is so beautiful.

Do you know how beautiful
this is, you guys?


Now you're gonna make me cry.

I know!

So pathetic, right?

Come on, guys.

Who said it was the end?

No, no, no, don't...
No, no. Cuddles!

We're losing altitude!

We're losing altitude!
We're going down!

What happened? Did we blow up?

Is this heaven?

That is it.


There is absolutely no way
you're getting away this time.

- Wait, Chief.
- Governor Foxington?

- Don't do this.
- Ow!

They didn't steal the meteorite.

They were bringing it back.

Ha! How could you know that?

unless you were conspiring

with a bunch of known criminals.


As a matter of fact,

it's time I came clean
about something.

The truth is I'm really...

Really a big fan
of redemption arcs.

Yeah, we know.

We're done running away.

- Yeah.
- Mm-hmm.

- Yeah.
- Yep.

Chief, do what you need to do.


Y-You're turning yourself in?

We might not have stolen
the meteorite,

but we did steal
a lot of other things.

It's time we took
some responsibility.

Start a clean state.

Take us in, Chief.

Wow, really?

You finally did it.

This is your moment, Chief.

Drink it in.


You know, I should...
I should give a speech.

I... Well, I-I should,
shouldn't I?


When I was six years old,

I decided that I wanted
to play the piccolo,

only to find that
my fingers were just

too powerful for that
fragile little instrument.

And that's when I discovered
law enforcement.

I'm proud of you, Wolf.

You know, a fox and a wolf
are not that different.

You got a good thing
going here, Governor.

So, it turns out the saga
of the Bad Guys

has come to a simple and
totally satisfying conclusion.

Though I wonder,
what happened to the meteorite?

Cuddles! Faster, faster!

It's Professor Marmalade!

He's bringing
the meteorite back.

Huh? Uh, yes, yes.

Bringing... bringing it back.

That's precisely
what I am doing.

Look no further.

Your hero has arrived.

Professor, care to comment?

I tried to help them, Tiffany,

but in the end,
it's the same old story.

Bad guys bad, good guys good.

So true. So wise.

for the good of the city,

I have generously decided
to take the meteorite

back to my compound
for safekeeping.

Is he seriously gonna
get away with this?

Thank you. Gosh, you're kind.

Give it up for me!

Wait a second.

This isn't the meteorite.

It's a lamp.



Snake, what did you just do?

What? My friend was sad,

and I was just cheering him up.

I think Wolf was right.

Maybe we could be more
than just scary villains.

I'm bad. You're bad.

Let's be bad together.

You've got yourself a deal.

- Can I try it on?
- Of course, partner.

Don't mind us.

Just robbing this place.

No, no, no!

But if that's a lamp,
where is the...

The old switcheroo.

It's a butt.

Hold on.

This is the Zumpango diamond.

But this was stolen by the...

By the Crimson Paw.

Me? Oh, oh, no, no, no.

- OMG.
- No, no, no. No, you've got it wrong.

- And a shocking twist.
- You're making a huge mistake!

The notorious bandit
known as the Crimson Paw

- has been revealed to be...
- No! No!

...none other
than Professor Marmalade.

I'm not the Crimson Paw.

Sh-She's the Crimson Paw.

Sh-She's the Paw!

I'm a flower of goodness. No!

Ooh! That's my reptile
right there.

- That's what I'm talking about! All right!
- Yeah!

Come on, somebody had to
destroy that meteorite.

That thing was dangerous.

That was pretty good there,

Good? It was genius.

Not only did I foil the pig,

I got you to admit
how much you care about me.

Sure, yeah.

I just wonder about
one little thing.

Oh, yeah? What's that, Wolf?

Who do you think put that
one Push Pop in the fridge?


You... No.

I knew you were good.


- We good, baby. We good.
- Yeah!

♪ You feelin' all right? ♪

♪ Uh-huh ♪

♪ I'm not feelin'
too good myself ♪

♪ Uh-huh ♪

♪ Yeah, you feelin' all right? ♪

♪ Uh-huh ♪

♪ I'm not feelin'
too good, little girl ♪

♪ Uh-huh ♪

♪ Seems I've got to have ♪

♪ A change of scene ♪

♪ Every night, I have ♪

♪ The strangest dreams ♪

♪ Imprisoned by the way ♪

♪ It could have been ♪

♪ Left here on my own ♪

♪ Or so it seems... ♪

Okay, so imagine
it's your birthday.

It is my birthday.

Yeah, I know.
So, but we're walking along

and you meet a genie.

Okay. What's his name?

What's the genie's name?

Yeah, I want to know
who I'm talking to.

I don't know,
Genie or Gene for short.

So he offers you three wishes.

Why three?

You know, industry standard.

Now, what do you wish for?

- Uh...
- Good luck out there, guys.

I'm gonna go with nothing.


Come on, it's your birthday.

All right,
but what do I need wishes for?

I got my freedom.

- Hey.
- Guys!

Looking good, hermanos.

- I got my friends.
- Aw.

I got the skin of a reptile
half my age.

I don't know about half
your age, but you do look good.

Well, that's because
you just molted.

- Yes, I did.
- You smell good, too.

I'm shiny. I'm gorgeous.

Uh, so what do we do now?

- Steal a car?
- Piranha!

I was joking.

It was a joke.

You know,
on second thought, Wolf,

maybe I'd, uh, wish for a ride.

Oh, yeah? Alakazam.


Hey, guys. Ready to get to work?

Hey. Whoa.


Hey, you.

That's right. Come here.

Little closer.

I said closer.

Now that we've had some time
to get acquainted, uh,

not so scary now, are we?

Webs, hit it.

♪ Well, I'm so excited ♪

♪ There's no disguising ♪

♪ I'm on the road ♪

♪ To a brand-new horizon ♪

♪ Time is right ♪

♪ To change this life ♪

♪ Give me the sunshine ♪

♪ Bring me the light
so I can see it ♪

♪ Believe it ♪

♪ I'm gonna seize it ♪

♪ It's a brand-new day ♪

♪ I can see it ♪

♪ Believe it ♪

♪ I'm gonna seize it ♪

♪ It's a brand-new ♪

♪ Brand-new day ♪

♪ A brand-new day ♪

♪ A brand-new day ♪

♪ For my brand-new ways ♪

♪ Somebody tell me ♪

♪ Are you ready for change? ♪

- ♪ Oh, yeah, huh! ♪
- ♪ I know, I know ♪

♪ Different paths seem strange ♪

- ♪ Oh, yeah, huh! ♪
- ♪ When the future's calling ♪

♪ Don't waste your time ♪

- ♪ Oh, yeah, huh! ♪
- ♪ Carpe diem ♪

♪ And go blow your mind ♪

- ♪ Oh, yeah, huh! ♪
- ♪ I've seen the light ♪

♪ And I'm coming to get ya ♪

- ♪ Oh, yeah, huh! ♪
- ♪ You gotta make your luck ♪

♪ Gotta paint the picture ♪

- ♪ Oh, yeah, huh! ♪
- ♪ I'm the same same ♪

- ♪ With a different mind ♪
- ♪ Oh, yeah, huh! ♪

♪ This new life
got me feeling right ♪

♪ 'Cause I can see it ♪

♪ Believe it ♪

♪ I'm gonna seize it ♪

♪ It's a brand-new day ♪

♪ I can see it ♪

♪ Believe it ♪

♪ I'm gonna seize it ♪

♪ It's a brand-new ♪

♪ Brand-new day ♪

♪ A brand-new day. ♪