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No Sudden Move (2021)

Posted: 09/05/23 20:22
by bunniefuu
You said a man wants to see me.

Alley out back.

He can't come in here?
What is he, white?

Oh, boy. Man.

Who is he?

Never met him before,

but he said his boss
was looking

for a reliable guy
to do some work.

Who's his boss, Jimmy?

No one I knew.

But I heard you were looking
for something quick.

See, I thought
we were cool, man.


And now you're gonna bring me
into some sketchy shit?


Well, you're lucky
anybody's calling

after that Gotham Hotel mess.

Now, I get my fee
no matter what.

Just go hear the man out.

Give me your Roscoe.

Curtis, now that's...
Curtis. Curtis.

See? Trouble.

Just trouble.

You Curt?

Who are you?


You work for Frank?

I've done work
for Frank. This is not Frank.

Okay, 'cause if he's in,
I'm out.

What did I just tell you?


Do I look like I work
for Aldrick Watkins?

So what's the score?

We're sending a man
that works in an office

to pick something up
from that office

and bring it back to his home.

You are part of
a babysitting team

watching his family while
he does it. No one gets hurt.

Three hours of work.

For this, I'm offering
you two grand now,

and three on the other end.

For three hours?

They said that your number
was five grand.

Is this something
you think you can do?

Then he
calls me an opportunist,

like being married to him
is some kind of opportunity.

When he's out doing,
you know, whatever.

You know how he gets.

Well, you used to, and it is
way worse, now that he's fancy.

Do you think
I'm a schemer, Ronald?

I think you have
ulterior motives.

But I find that sexy.

Oh, I get it.

So, this is my scheme, is it?

Don't kid yourself, Ronald.

We both know who
you're really f*cking here.

How could you say that?

Oh, and that's another thing
that ticks me off.

How many times a week
do I put on this dress?

And he has yet to notice

I couldn't hit a tennis ball
to save my life.

I can't reward
that kind of inattentiveness.

I simply will not.

You look cute.

Come here.

Mmm. Lipstick.

Do you love me?

Of course I love you, Ronald.

You better.



We're almost there, okay?

I'll be calling you.

Where's the fire? It's five of.

My watch must be fast.


Close the door behind you.

Imagine my surprise
when I got your call.

Self-interest is the
sincerest form of flattery.

They want you, Ronald,

much as I mighta tried
to dissuade them.

Then are you gonna
tell me who they are?

Because this
"Outfit outta Chicago"

No, they're not prepared
to do that.

If Frank is involved,
you can let yourself

Everyone has a problem
with Frank these days.

Who's "everyone"?

For our purposes, no one.

Look, they agreed
to match your price.

Three grand up front,
4,500 upon completion.

What's this?


You think I'd be
all right with that?

Maybe that's how they do things
in Chicago now. But not here.

All right, give me
that envelope back.

I'm gonna find someone else.

He sits up front.

You're not gonna get stabbed
in the neck, Ronald.

I like to sit in the back.

So sit in the back.

Mister, you mind
sitting up front?

I do.

I'd like to sit in the back.

This is ridiculous.
We're wasting time.

Be my guest.

Curt, meet Ronald.
Ronald, Curt.

The other man's inside.

Now there's another man?

It's a three-man job.

You never said that.

He said we wasn't
gonna be working alone.

So who's this f*cking guy?


Not that guy. This f*cking guy.

And who the f*ck is Charley?

Like you, I'm meeting
'em both today, too.

Do we need
to go over anything?

Instructions seemed
pretty clear to me.

Ask Sambo.

Name's Curt.

Like he told you
in the car.

You're Curt Goynes.

You didn't hear about this guy?

Why would I?

I don't know anybody
that knows him.


Well, you know Frank.

Frank who?

No. Frank Capelli.

How do you know Frank Capelli?

I met him once, briefly.


Yeah, and if you're Ronald,

then you got to
be Ronald Russo,

'cause you sure as hell
match the description.

What the f*ck is that
supposed to mean?

You seem worried about
how you might be described.

Let's be clear,

the only thing
I'm worried about

is this thing getting f*cked up
because of you.

What's that supposed to mean?

It's not your fault.

You were born like that.

Born like what?


All right. This isn't why
we were hired.

And who did hire us,
Charley, huh?

You gonna tell me straight up

this ain't some
Frank Capelli production?

No. No, no, no, no.

It's, uh, some outfit
out of Illinois,

wants to expand to Detroit.

The guy pitched it like

"get in on the ground floor"
kind of thing.

They grow their presence
and we have an in.

What's with the f*cking eye?

Sometimes when people lie,

they tend to over-explain.
Kind of thing.

So he's been
running numbers for Watkins,

but then decides that he wants
a little bit of his own turf.

And Watkins stakes him,
like, 25 g's.

But Goynes wants
a bigger score.

Exactly. They always do.

They're never satisfied.

So he goes to the Italians

and he sets up this big meeting
at the Gotham.

And he wants to play
them off each other.

You know, the blacks
and the Italians.

But Watkins gets tipped off

and things get
really f*cking ugly.

Both sides lose people,

Watkins loses his 25k.

And both blame Goynes.

But not for the deaths because
that's, you know... people.

The big thing?

Watkins' code book
goes missing.

Every bet, every debt,
every bribe, every payoff.

The real names.
Ten years' worth.

So he has Watkins'
code book, huh?

That gets
out in the open,

everybody's going down.

Cologne again.

Hmm? Oh, yes.

Mary. Yes, I do.
I sometimes wear cologne.

Maybe it covers up
the other odors.

-Yeah. Sure. Maybe that's it.

So I was awake for
a while last night.

How is that news?

That is not news.



There's no clean socks.

Just borrow some
from your father.

Dad's are too big.

They're not that big.

Peg, you need help
tying those?


You sure?
'Cause I can...

I don't need help.

Okay. Amy's coming early

so you can set up
show and tell.

I know.

Good morning.

Hey, shh, shh, shh.


Shh, shh, shh.

This is a typical morning.
Nothing changes. Okay?

Now, what would you do now,

normal Monday?

I would make breakfast.

Well, there you go then.

What do you want?

Is that something
you'd say, normal Monday?

I don't know.

Can I just... Can I just...
Oh, God. Oh, God. Thank you.

Mom. Mom?

Go ahead. Move.

It's okay, Matthew.

Hi, kiddo.

Good morning.

Everything is normal, Matthew,

exactly like any other Monday.

So, have a seat.

It's fine.
Go ahead, sit down.

It's okay. It's okay.

So, Matthew...

are you a Sugar Smacks guy
or a Trix guy?

Can you please stop pretending
this is a normal conversation?




What is this? Who are you?

Go on. Get in there.

Mary? Mary, are you all right?

What's happening?
-We're okay. It's okay, Matt.

Why are these guys
in our house?

Hi, Matt.
Good morning.

There is a document
in a green safe

You and me are gonna go get it.
These guys are gonna babysit.

-What are you--
-Everyone is going to be fine

as long as we get
what's in that safe

-by 10:00 a.m.

-Can you shut
your f*cking kid up?

I don't care. Keep it quiet.

Come on, I'll take you
to the playroom. It's okay.

Okay, we're gonna go
to the playroom.

Hey. Stay in sight.

If you want her quiet,

then let her go into her
g*dd*mn playroom,

- Mary.


- Come on.

put her in the room

and you sit right there.

It's okay.

I'll be right here, okay.
I'll be right here.


Forbert won't be in the office
all week. My boss.

-Mel Forbert?

I don't have
the combination to that safe.

That's okay,
his secretary does.

And from what we understand,

you have the combo
to his secretary.

Do you mind
if we have this conversation

Do I mind? Pleasure.

Matthew, go to your sister.

Matthew, go to your sister.

he knows Mr. Forbert.

He doesn't know anybody.

Get in the room.

Hey, do not be a hero.

Do you understand me? Do not.

All right. Go on.

Hey, listen to your father.
Get over there.


I'm not allowed in that safe.

I'm not interested
in any of that.

You'll figure it out.

He sure wasn't
smiling like this

about the combo
to his secretary.

Drop it.

Actually, there is something
I'd like to know.



Answer it.

Oh, darn.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Door is that way.

Bird feeders.

-Just... This way.

-Is Peggy here for carpool?
-Ah, sorry, Amy.

I forgot to call your mom

and let her know that
Peggy's staying home today.

So, I'm so sorry. But, here,
you're gonna have to do

the hummingbird thing
all by yourself, okay?

Just tell your mom
everything's fine. Okay?

-We're good.


Well, I don't think
that's the end of that.

Yeah. No, it's not.

-Hi, Dawn.
-You okay?

Everything's fine.

-No, I'll call you later, okay?

Everything's fine.

Had a fight
and Peg's real upset,

stay home and sort it out.

Oh, I'm very sorry
about the bird feeder.

-You sure?
-Yeah. It's fine. I'm fine.

Everyone... Everyone's fine.
It's fine. Seriously.


I'll call you later.
Okay? Bye.


That was good work, Mary.

Come here.

They don't want to hurt us.

That's why
they're wearing masks.

Okay. Now what?

You got 30 minutes.

Look, it's not that easy.
All right?

I can't just walk in there--

Twenty-nine minutes
and 54 seconds

my boss calls your house.

Fifty-one. Fifty--

Good boy.

Good morning, Mr. Wertz.

The weeklies are in
and Mr. Forbert needs you to

compare them to the budget
because I guess

Okay. Okay. Okay.
All right. Okay. Good.

You can just leave those.
Uh, I'll just...

Leave them there.

-You told her.
- What?

Oh my God, you did it.
Was she okay?

Is it strange that I'm actually
worried about Mary?

What? What? No.
I didn't. I didn't.

I was gonna tell her and then
Peggy had a bird feeder thing

It doesn't matter.
And now's there another thing

-Okay. Right.
-I told Phil.

-As per our promise.

I need to get into the green
safe right now.

Why? He cried, Matt.
Phil. He cried.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry. What...
The combination

I came to work
from the Humpty Dumpty Motel.

I'm sorry.
I need the combination

Oh, "I"? "I," Matt?
Because what about our thing?

-What drawer do you keep it in?
-It is not in a drawer.

Everything will be fine.
I promise you.

Yeah, sure,
another "promise."

I am going to tell her.
I don't--

We're fine. I'm fine.
We're f... We're fine.

Well, did you even talk
to the guy like

Yes! But, no. I...

I'll call you.

But, Matt!
Matt, what are you...

You can't do this.
Matt, you can't do this. Wait.


He took it, Matt.
That's what I was

Why would Mel Forbert...

Why would Mel Forbert what?

He moved on it anyway.


-Oh, Paula, this is bad.
-What do you mean "anyway"?

-This is bad.

Matt? What do you mean

Are we finished?
Can I... Can I go home now?

Wait at the house after,
I'll call with instructions.

wouldn't mind stopping

Well, he said that
we should go home

I'm sorry, I'm sorry,
I'm sorry. Uh, let's go.

Let's go home now.
I just want to see my family.

So, how does
he know my dad's boss?

He doesn't.
I already told you that.

Did he...
Did he work there

I don't know.
I just met him, like you.

So how do you
know he doesn't?

Why are you doing this?

There's a piece of land
out there.

A man took it from me
and I want it back.


Look, kid, we're gonna be
out of your hair

Okay? Just relax.

Is my dad gonna be okay?

-Yeah, that's the plan. Okay?

Can I go see my mom, please?

Thank you.

What happened to your plane?
It run out of gas?

Actually, it crashed.

You want to go
see your mom, too?


What did he mean "after"?


He said "Wait at the house
after." After what?

After we get there.

How do you do it?

I don't like
doing the dishes either.

I... I don't know why,
but I can't bring myself

I don't want to know
anything about you.

-We're more alike
than you think.


What if you don't want
the things that you're

Keys in the ignition.

What? Why?

'Cause that's
what I said to do.

-Hey, your mask.
-Uh, it itches.

- We're good. It's done.

Okay, I need everyone
in the living room. Now.

Why? What is going on?
-What's going on, big guy?

Hey, family.
I need the whole family

Where's the, uh, girl?

The little one?
The little girl?

-She's in here.

Well, get her then.
Will you give me a hand here?

Hold on a minute,
mister. Hold on, okay?

You're scaring them
and they have been

Yeah, what are we doing here,

We're following instructions.
Living room.

Are you helping me
or are you not helping me?

No, no, no, no.
The man in the alley said

and he would call you
with instructions.

Those are
other instructions,

which are none
of your business.

The instructions at present
are to get your family

close together.
Do you understand me?

-Sir, I must
respectfully ask that--


What the f*ck was that about?

Put it down. Ronald.
Ronald, just think.

-I am not putting it down.
-All right.

Think. Think.
It's a setup, man.

Where's his mask, man?

This is wrong.
-Think, Ronald.

Someone answer
the f*cking phone!

Calm down, man.


Answer the phone.


Who is this?

Mary Wertz. Who is this?

Put the one on
who just came back.

Um, he's just...

Put your husband on.

He wants to talk to you.


What were you thinking,

I'm actually asking.

-What do you mean?
-What's going on?

Do you think
we're f*cking idiots?

what is going on?

Matthew, shh!

-Mom? Dad?
-Matt, what is going on?

Matthew, please.
Your mother said "be quiet."

Put Charley on.
Don't tell me he stepped out.

-Who's this?
-I said put Charley

Uh, he didn't show.

Are we getting f*cked here,

Put the other one on.

Put the other one on, now,
or I will go

you will find yourself
in all 48 states

-What is it?
-I said Charley.

He's indisposed, man.

All right.
Listen to me carefully.

k*ll Ronald and the others

and meet me at the
Flame Show Bar in half an hour.

You'll get your share
and theirs.

Got it.

What'd you do?

The safe was empty.

Forbert must have taken
the document home.

I had to put something
in the envelope.

You put us at risk?

-What was I supposed to do?
-What is wrong with you?

Hey, hey, hey.
Shut up. Shut up!

Keys. Give me your car keys.

He said
leave them in the car.

- Hey, hey, hey.

Whoa, Ronald.

Listen, you shot him.

Okay, he broke in,
you disarmed him,

-What the f*ck are you doing?
-Here. Take it.

Okay, let's go.

Look, I'm gonna need you.

And when I do,
I expect you to help me.

Understand? Hey!
You understand?

-Okay. Come on.

We need to find
someplace to stay tonight.

Charley knew the bagman.

He knew Jones.
You couldn't tell that?

I got cash up front.

Yeah, which they were
gonna pick right back up

He told me to k*ll
everybody in the house.

Who told you to k*ll me? Jones?
On the phone? Or before?

Oh, shit. Oh, shit.
Go, go, go, go, go, go.

They see me?
They're Frank's guys.

I know why Frank wants me dead.
Why's he want you dead?

No f*cking idea.

f*ck Capelli.

This thing
is bigger than Frank.

I mean, think about it.

They gonna give us $5,000
for just three hours

And the thing they want
is in a f*cking safe at GM.

Maybe this outfit
out of Chicago is real?


Try to k*ll me.
Think you're the only one

Yeah, I can make a move, too.
They can consider this shit

-Excuse me, sir.
-You're excused.

-Wait. Wait. Jesus, Curt.

Aldrick Watkins
or Frank Capelli?

You can tell me the truth now.

I don't know.

Uh-huh. Get up.

g*dd*mn, man.
I just got back to sleep.

Get your big ass up.

Who set me up, Jimmy?

Go open that door right there.

Turn around.

Now back up. Back. Back.

Back. Back, back, back, back.

I got two kids now, Curtis,

they threatened to...
to k*ll 'em both

-Fish me,
specifically, out? Who?

Jimmy, I will put
a b*llet in your gut,

and let you
bleed out down there.

All I know is that a guy
called me a half an hour ago.

Offering me $10,000
to turn you in.

$15,000 for the white guy.

Was it Jones?

He wasn't white.

He just said that Mr. Watkins
would appreciate it,

Wait a minute. Wait.

You're telling me that Capelli
hired Watkins to fish me out?

I don't know. "Hired"?
I don't know. They got

-Oh, they're working
together now?

-That's bullshit, Jimmy!
-I don't know!

You can throw me over this rail
and I still won't know.

Sounds like
the man of the house,

says he surprised the intruder,
disarmed him, and shot.

Okay. All right,
thanks for your time.

Mr. Wertz?
I'm Detective Joe Finney,

Michigan State
Attorney General's office,

Organized Crime Task Force.

Organized Crime?

Yeah. Uh, Detroit Police, uh,
got two phone calls.

One from a friend,
Mrs. Atkinson,

she said she was concerned.

And then another
from a neighbor,

Organized Crime?
Like the mob?

Well, I guess that's
the $64,000 question,

Yeah, her badgering
was annoying him,

out of the way.
He was only in there a minute.

I had followed,
and so I was turning.

Um, and then I kind of
came up behind him,

All three sh*ts then
from this angle?

No, I moved to here
and I saw him

and then I shot again twice
as he was falling.

But you told me
you had his g*n.

How many were there?

One of them.

"Of them"?

One person.
One person. Him.

First, I didn't see anything.
I just heard a g*nsh*t.

I was in the playroom
for most of the time.

"most of the time".

When did you go
into the playroom?

When my dad told me
to go in the playroom?

Why did he tell you
to go in the playroom?

I don't remember.

I closed my eyes, honestly,
for the whole thing.

I just couldn't believe
what was happening.

It's very scary.
-Yeah. So, I...

I mean, is there anything
you can think of?

Any reason for this man
to have targeted

He doesn't like happiness?

Can I have the keys?

I'd like to listen
to the radio.

Oh, my.


Uh, I only need a minute.
If you don't mind.

Thank you.

Clarisse home?

Angel? You have a visitor.

Okay. Just a minute.

Been all right?

So, uh, I hear they're
flattening the neighborhood

to the cemetery. Pulling up
those trolley tracks too, huh?

-Yeah, "urban renewal."

More like "n*gro removal."

Yeah, that's right.

Hey, Clarisse.

When'd you get out?

Uh, day before yesterday.

They said
it was overcrowded, so...

Well, Detroit.

How can we help you, Curtis?

Uh, I believe she still
has my suitcase.

Heard you knifed someone
day one.

It wasn't like that.

All them fellas was mad at me
when I went in there.

Guy came at me with a knife.
I had to defend myself.

Well, guess it worked.

Time being.

So, what'd you do in there,
all that time?

Thinking. You know.
Just... Just a lot of thinking.

How long are you gonna--

Oh, not long.
Today, tomorrow, maybe.

-Where are you gonna go?
-Kansas City.



Man wants forty-seven-fifty
for it now.

He build on it
or something?

You'd think, right?
Nah, he just knows

You know Aldrick Watkins
is never gonna let you

I know. I know.
I'm working on that.

Thank you.


Good luck, Curt.

Curt. You're not
to come back here.

I wouldn't think of it.

Is that
what I think it is?

It depends on
what you think it is.

You'll, uh, let me know
if you need anything else?

Oh, yeah. Don't you worry.
I'll... I'll definitely


I got it. I got it.
I got it. I got it!

- Can you talk?

-This is that call I promised.

It stays between you and me.
Do I have your word?

-Get the keys

Meet us at the auto shop
on Lafayette and Russell

Alone, Matt. Now hang up.

What did he say?

What is happening?
-Pack a bag.

Pack a bag? Why?

Why do we need to pack a bag?
I don't want to go.

Matthew! Matthew! I'm done
with your lip! All right?

Okay. Okay.
-Pack a bag! Jesus Christ!

Okay. Thank you, Dawn.
Appreciate it.

Here he comes.

Hurry up. Come on.

Get in the car. Hurry up.

Where your boss live?

Northern Ohio.
About an hour away.

Well, that's where
we're headed then.

Wait, wait, wait.
I can't promise anything.

I'm not even sure
that he's home.

Only outcome
is that we get

What are you doing?

Making sure you don't do
something stupid.

-Wait, I--
-I'm Matt Wertz.

-Accounting. Well, payables.
-Ah, yes.

Is there something I can do
for you, Mr. Wertz?

I need to speak to Mr. Forbert,
please. These are, um...

We work together.
It's, uh, it's urgent.

Where is your husband?

He's in his office.

-Where is his office?
-It's upstairs. I know where.

All right. You got it?
- Yeah.

Let's go inside.
Let's go inside.

Come in.


Hi, Mel. Hi.
Louise told me to come up.

I've never done this.

I've never, uh, I've never
come to you in this way,

-I absolutely need...
-What? borrow
whatever that document was

Oh, well,
that's not possible.

And why would you need that?

Because the person
that put it together

And, uh, they...
I told him that I would

sneak it back to him
so that he could come

Uh, I put it together.

Not one other person
at the company

Okay, that was a lie.

That's how important it is,

that I would lie to you.

And that I would do
what I did at work,

which I never would do
if it weren't that important.

Okay, well,
you need to leave, Matt.

I can't.

I'm gonna slowly
reach for the phone.

No, no, no.

You need to go.

-Oh, for Christ's sake.
-I can't.

what are you doing?

This is me warning you
that I'm going to have

It is literally life or death
for me, sir.

Look, do you know
what will happen to you

I do. I'm sorry.

I'm gonna punch you now, sir.

What the f*ck, Wertz?

I'm punching you.
This is going to be a punch.

I can't give it to you.
This is proprietary

I'm sorry.

I love my job, sir!

I love my job and this is
how important this is

that I'm willing to be fired.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

Don't worry.
Nothing's gonna happen.

We're gonna be
out of here in no time.


It's been a long day.

And I'm gonna have to
put this over you

You understand? Thank you.


We got it. We can go.

Bye, Louise. Thank you. Sorry.

You have a good time?

Mel! Mel?

What happened?
Oh, my God, Mel.

I'm calling the police!

-I'm calling the--

No police! Please, hon, please.
No police.

Wow. Though once we
had in that bar, Coogan's!

Dawn, you remember that?
When the guy, the colored guy

and I got in the middle,
but I'm a big guy.

He was
one of the small ones.

But a guy with a g*n?
That is...

That is not what
I imagined old Matt would do.

-What? It's not.

I'm sorry, Mary, your husband
surprised me, that's all.

Often wondered, myself,
what I'd do,

Don't want to put that
to the test, though.

-I'll be back for dinner.
-Oh, you are not

Matt is Dad.
My name is Matthew.


Come here for a second.

Don't worry,
I'm not gonna bite.

You're not in trouble.
Nor is your dad.

It's the men that put you
into this position

that we're concerned about.
You understand?

One day, you want,
you can come to my office,

I'll show you diagrams
going back 20 years.

All the way back to Italy,
believe it or not.

For right now,

you can help us
fill this picture

just by answering a couple
few easy questions. Hmm?

I already answered questions.

Well, you did, but there's just
this one thing that keeps

You said that, uh,
that "one of them"

One of them. One of them.
One of who?

No, I...
No, I said "him." He--

Well, no, no, you changed
it to "him." You changed it.

But me, I'm more of
a "go with your first instinct"

So what I'm asking you,

I'm asking if you can
remember any names...

or any identifying
characteristics, at all?

You know, Doug Jones?

Frank Capelli?
Aldrick Watkins? Anything?

Is my dad in trouble?


Honestly, Matthew, the...

the only time
in my experience people

get into trouble
is when they

There were three of them.

There were three of them.

I'm sorry, Dawn.
He's gonna do what he's

It's okay. It's okay.

Poor thing.

It's okay.
This is a really hard time.

No, it's something else,
and I can't...

You can talk to me about
anything. You know that.

How do you do it?
Actually, how does

-What do you mean?
-Just anything.

All of it.
This, and this, and...

It's impossible.

I was thinking that maybe
we could go away somewhere?


Us. A trip.

Together, somewhere.

Good luck
explaining that one.

So, is that
the real one, Matt?

I just want this to be over.

What is it?

Some new exhaust system.
Like a muffler.

Is that what it is, Matt?
It's a muffler?

I don't know.
They don't tell me anything.

I just push numbers around.

You're pushing more
than numbers now, big guy.

You got that right.

All right.

May I have
my car back, please?

We like your car, Matt.

please just put her on.

Not tonight.

Everything is so weird
right now.

Oh, Paula Cole, Matt?

Sorry. I shouldn't
have said that.

Dawn, please.
Just put her on.

Matt, not tonight. I'm sorry.

Gee, what a beautiful room.

Do you have it?

Wait. Wait.

-Wait. Just wait. Just wait.

-You went to Forbert's?

-And so you got it?

-Okay, so you--
-Wait. Just wait.

-Wait, wait, wait.
-So you have the document.

Wait, wait, wait.
There's a conversation

intended to have with you.

That I've been...

That I set aside time
to have, with you,


But if you remember
Peggy had that bird feeder...


the conversation
that I intended to have

I'd like to have with you now
so that you understand

that led to this moment,
where we are right here now.

So this conversation
that I'd like to have now,

which I recognize
at this point is conceptual...

-Matt, where is the document?

Where is it?

Did you even
reach out to Naismith

-Yes. Yes,
I spoke to him a week ago.

I... Let me finish.

I told him what you told me.
I said that

at my company
has a document that

that I think
your bosses at Studebaker

-You said that? You--
-Yes. Let me finish.

And he agreed.
He agreed to buy it.

Okay. And?

Imagine this is two days ago
that I'm telling you this,

You never called him back.

No. I did. I did.


But what I wanted
to tell you is that--

You chickened out. Mmm.

No, I decided it was wrong.

And so you chickened out.
Oh, God.

No, it was a process.
A proc... A thought...

-I did not just "chicken out."
-No, no, no, no, no.

I contacted a realtor.

I rented us a car
for when we got to California.

I didn't know
that you'd move so fast.

-Oh, God.
-I didn't know

Oh, my God,
you said "anyway".

Back in the office,
you said,

"He moved on it anyway"
and I was thinking,

But now I know exactly
what "anyway what?" means,

it means you chickened out
and Naismith

knew about it
and he moved on it anyway,

and now I am stuck
in the Humpty f*cking

with a guy who could
see the brass ring

coming around the corner
and then literally

while he was making a plan
to grab that brass ring.

I was not making a plan.
I was executing a plan.

To not do the thing.

That I acknowledge
that we said we would do.

-"Executing" how?
-Calling Naismith.

And telling him we were out.

Which is what I was gonna
tell you two days ago.

No, no, no, no, no.

-And now--
-Here we are.

Yeah. Here we are.

I guess I'll call
the rental company.

And, I guess I'll call Phil.

It's all the way back.

Hey, uh, can Jones
activate on his own?

No idea what you mean.

Can he call sh*ts
is what I'm asking?

Are you planning
to bring Frank in?

I am considering it.

How are you
gonna approach him?

Well, from what
I could discern,

So you want me to go
and knock on his door?

He's not gonna
mess with you, Ronald.

We got what he wants.

All you need to do

is convince him to show up
at Cafe Roma with $50,000.

-Fifty? Mmm.
-That's right.

And we'll give him
the document. 25. 25.

Now if he balks,
we'll know we hit

But if he bites,

then we know
there's a lot more

You know, he's not
gonna move a hair

Yeah, you probably right
about that.


Take it.


-Take these, too.

Curt, man,
you've got to go.

I just can't have
the scrutiny here.

What scrutiny?

Man, we're talking about
12 hours tops. I'm gonna

-And they just raised
the bounty.

I'm talking 20 for you now.
25 for the white guy.

Wait, you telling me
that the bounty is 45

-That's what they told me.

Both gangs.
Capelli and Watkins.

Shit, I thought Jimmy
was just lying.

No, man, that's what
I'm telling you, Curt,

things are different
everywhere now, man.

Okay, this bounty. Is it...
Is it dead or alive?

The white dude, either.
But for you?

Capelli wants you dead
and Watkins wants you alive.

That's not good.

And that's why I can't
have you here, man.

I been on the up and up
since you went in.

I haven't touched them
numbers in four years.

I got a job now.

I'm a bellman at the Gotham.

I got a good girl.

And I don't wanna
have to lie to people,

but I also don't want people
in my shit here.

All right. All right.
How much you make

It's good. $11 a day.

Okay. Here's 200.
That is five times

Okay, and get me
a couple more guys.

Uh, I'll give them
200 each, too.

See if you can find
some of them Purple g*ng boys

unless the Italians
done run them out

-Why are you doing this?
-'Cause I'm gonna

And since when you--

I don't need a f*cking
lecture from you, Lonnie.

You ain't got no g*dd*mn idea
what's going on.

Now, you gonna
do this shit or not?

All right. So you just
make sure you tell them

and I'm gonna make a move
or knock over my glass

And when I hit the deck,
they go to work.

I just got to
ask you this, man.

In case the fellow
I'm working with

And how you gonna know this?

It's Ronald Russo.

Frank, if you're not
gonna peel 'em,

can you at least
come get the eyes out,

You know how I feel
about the eyes.

- Mmm-hmm.

-Are you gonna get that?

What do you want?

-Hi, Frank.
-What do you want?

We had a little slip up
at work.

Well, we're about to eat.

We'll be quick.

And you must be Veronica.

It's Vanessa.

Oh, excuse me. Vanessa.

Go upstairs.

Gotham Hotel.
Twelve noon.

And what if he says no?

Well, sell it, god damn it.
He's got to go for it.

but you got to tell him
the whole plan.

Okay. I'll tell the boss.

Yeah, and also tell him
that he's got to show up

He's got to.
That's the only way

He says he can deliver
the code book

and guarantee you 50,
maybe more.

-A lot more.
-And what does he get?

Safe passage.
And five grand for himself.

So the 50 isn't really 50,
it's 45.

At that price,
ain't it worth more

to just turn Goynes in
to Joe Finney?

And that other guy,
what's his name? Russo?

That's more like
Capelli business.

Either way, what you
want me to tell Goynes?

Tell him...

I'll be there.
With pleasure.

A Cadillac convertible.

I was set up to die
for the plans for a Cadillac

It's what I heard,
that's all I know.

See, Frank,
now I know you're lying.

Because I happen to know
it's about some

Well, maybe it's
an exhaust system

What f*cking difference
does it make?

We were hired
to steal some car shit,

Why are you even here?
What do you want?

Because I have
a proposition for you.

Okay, I'm going in my pocket.

But first, I need you
to admit you picked me

Now, I'll admit I know
why you want me gone.

Just like you know why
I want you gone.

I never aced you for my job.

I was in line,
and you know it.

Well, you might've
been in line,

but you were walking
the wrong direction.

It's never your fault, is it?
Is it?

And since you're so sure about
why I apparently want you dead,

you might want to get yourself
checked for the clap.

Consider it a gift
from me to you

through my lovely
wife "Veronica."

I don't know what
you're talking about.

She already told me.

And I could k*ll you,
but I'd rather give you

You can have her.

Frank. Frank, she's way
out of my league.


She's your wife.

Yeah. Exactly. Fine.

Now that we've established
a line of open communication,

okay, why don't you tell me
what your proposition is?

Okay. Here's the deal.

Where's the other half?

Goynes wants 50 grand
for the whole thing.


but I got a plan.

He thinks you'll think
it's a drop in the bucket

just to keep whatever deal
you got going on track.

But here's what I think.

You call Jones off the case.

We meet the moulinyan
at Cafe Roma, 08:30.

He brings the other half.
We do the trade,

then we dump Goynes,
and we split the cash.


Yeah. My 25 comes out
of the bounty,

which I deserve because
I'm salvaging your deal

and delivering the black guy.

You ask me, he's worth more
than the whole thing.

Why is that?

Goynes has Watkins' code book
on him at all times.

The code book.

You ask me,

he's running some
side game with it.

Then we're done.


Then, uh, okay,

I heard you guys are
shorthanded in Reno.

Maybe you send me out there.

I would... I would like...

Frank, I would like
something permanent.

I can walk forward, Frank.


I just need a place
to start from. You know?

Let's take care
of this first, okay?


Thank you, Frank.

You are f*cking him.
I was right.

- He just confirmed it.

Frank, I don't know
what you're talking about.

I wouldn't-- I don't--

He just f*cking admitted to it.

Frank, I would never do that!
No, please, no! Please, please!

You're f*cking
kidding me.

He said Goynes
keeps it right by his chest.

What if there's
some bigger deal

that he's not letting on to?

It's a plan of Ronald Russo's.
How big a play could it be?

Hey, you think that Reno's
gonna put up with this

Ron f*cking Russo's
amateur-hour f*cking

Reno is never gonna
have to worry about it.

You hearing me on this?

f*ckin' Russo's blind greed,
he just gave us

Drink your f*cking bourbon
before the ice melts.

You staying for dinner?

-Pour you some Chianti?

Wine is good for you.
Ask Jesus.

Yeah, well, so's a clear head.
Ask Pontius Pilate.


Nice to see you again, Curtis.

-You got the fifty?
-Yeah, right here.

You got the two halves

-of the document?

Let's dispense
with the bullshit.

We got the document.

You want it and it's yours.

For a price.
But it's a new price.

What new price?

Twice the bounty
you getting for us.

-Really? 90,000?
-That's right.

-Fifty, forty.

-You're not serious?
-Yeah, I'm dead serious.

Well, it's not my money,
so I'll of course have

-From who?
-Who the f*ck do you think?

-The people that I need...
-No, no, no, no, no. get to
approve everything.

-We're here now
and we're gonna sell it.

-Hey, Ronald, how about
you let me do this--

-for the price we agreed--
-Hands on the table.

Oh, Ronald.

It's not my fault.
Frank f*cked us.

You see, Ron, the problem is
you're not smart enough

to know how not smart you are.

Which makes you unpredictable.
Which makes you untrustworthy.

And sloppy.

-You f*cking heard me.

This whole f*cking thing
is offensive. Let's go.

Whoa. Wait, wait, wait.
Where are we going?

Get up!

Where are we gonna go?

Well, it ain't gonna
be no place good, Ronald.

-Where are we gonna go?
-But, you, know...

-...sometimes things

Oh, my lord.
Stay down. Stay down.

Frank! Don't f*cking move.
Don't f*cking move.

Get your ass against that car.

Now who hired you?
Who sent you, Frank? Huh?

Your m*therf*cking pimp,

Your mother's mother f*ck--

Ah, f*ck.

God damn it.
Who f*cking hired you?

Your mother's pusher.

-Who hired you, Frank?
-It was her pusher, that's who.

Dude, you gonna make me
ask you again?

I offer you an olive branch
and you f*ck me with it, huh?

Goynes. Goynes,
don't let him hit me.

f*ck you, Frank!

-f*ck your Reno
and your bullshit--

Hey, hey!
For the last g*dd*mn time,

who hired you to get
that f*cking document?

Ow, ow, look, guys,
please don't, don't.

I'll sit in the back.
I'll be fine.

-Get your ass
the f*ck in there.

f*ck! No, no, no.
I'm claustropho--

Shut the f*ck up.

Hugh Naismith.

Mr. Naismith, um,

I'm taking over your account
from Frank Capelli

and I'm calling to arrange
for payment and delivery.

Hang on, hang on, hang on.
I'm sorry, who is this?

Don't matter, uh,
we have the items

and I'm calling
to arrange payment.

I don't know you.
They had me dealing

How do I know you
even have what I want?

This is very irregular.

Hang on. Hang on.


Okay, "compound consisting
of a mixture of propane

and butane fractions containing

approximately 25%
of unsaturates

was fed to a catalytic mass

at a temperature of about 495."

Do you want me to keep going
with this bullshit?

May I ask, how did you get it?

A man named Mel Forbert.

I can clear my morning.
When can we meet?

Okay, and you're gonna
have the cash, right?

As arranged.

One-- Yeah, one-twenty-five.
That's correct.

But it's the same deal with you

that I had with Capelli
and Chicago.

Nobody at Studebaker,
or Studebaker-Packard,

or anywhere knows about this.

Yeah, of course.
Uh, so 12 noon. Gotham Hotel,

you're meeting us
in the Holiday Room,

but you wait down
there in the lobby,

we'll come down
there for you.


Yeah, that's what the man said.

Well, shit.

Where is the son of a bitch?

He's going home.

And when he gets home,
he's gonna call the cavalry.

If he goes home,
he ain't calling anyone.


Ow, f*ck. Ow, f*ck.


What the f*ck's going on?
What are you do--

-Vanessa, don't. Don't--

Hey, Mom? Um...

When I was walking earlier...

the policeman, Finney...

saw me, and... I...

may have told him some things.

You mean, you told the truth.


No. No. It's not your fault.


We all make choices.

And your dad's
gonna have to deal

But you did what you did,
and it was the right thing.


If we stop at Naismith,
we're selling ourselves short.

Actually, I was thinking
the same thing.

I was.

All right, listen,
the point is,

there's somebody above Naismith

and there's somebody
above Forbert.

And that's who we should
be dealing with.

-So, what? Ditch Naismith?

-Ditch 125,000?
-No, no, no.

-Come on.
-I'm not saying that.

-That's crazy.
-No, no.

We're not ditching nothing.

We adding. Whoever they trying
to hide this thing from.

Let's not get greedy, Goynes.

I need more.

Never satisfied, huh?

All right. Forget it.
You don't want to partake,

you definitely don't have to.

That is not what I'm saying.

It's f*cking bold.
f*cking bold.

Okay, okay, okay.
Where, then?

Anywhere. Sandusky.

Maybe Toledo. Maybe we
can move back to Detroit.

Look, Louise, listen,

I need you
to think about this rationally.

There's no logical reason for
them ever to come back here.

Look, they got
the thing they wanted.

I literally have nothing
they need.

Well, that's not exactly true.

-Sir, we'd like
to know actually--

-We would like to know--

Do... Do I know you?

No idea what you're
talking about, buddy.

Listen, who paid you?

I... I don't know
what you're talking about.

Who paid you
to hide the document?

Mike Lowen's office,

Yeah, it's Mel Forbert
for Mr. Lowen.

Please tell him it's urgent.

You cancel the rental car?

What do you think, Matt?

I think you did.
Of course you did.



-Yeah, I kept the car.

And the appointment
with the realtor.

-You did?

Paula? Paula, what about
the desk? Everything?

Just the third drawer,
everything else can stay.

-Hey, Matt.
-Hi, Phil.

You're going...
You're going with Phil?

Phil. You had a good idea.
California. So...

Maybe one day we'll see you
and Mary out there.

He was early.
And he came alone.

-That's good.
-Confident man.

Certainly gives
that impression.

Mike Lowen.
Afternoon, Mike Lowen.

You don't remember, do you?

Staked out the liquor,
which is, counterintuitively,

not entirely terrible.

Pour you boys something?

Nothing for me.
-I'll trust you on that scotch.

Excellent choice.

You should have seen the look
on my face when my caddie

came running
across that fairway.

I never show up anywhere
on short notice,

just ask my wife,
and yet here I am.

Here we are. Congratulations.

This moment...

stings like a m*therf*cker.

Of course, we're gonna
have to count it.

I'll do my arithmetics
right there.

Excuse me.

So where'd we blow it?

What's the, uh, what's the word
I'm looking for?

The bridge between you and me?

Who was it?
How did we get to this place?

What does any
of this matter right now?

Well, I believe all truths
must be acknowledged,

however painful they are,

or else there's no growth.

And growth is the key.
Growth! Progress!

Of course there's no growth
without reach,

and the risk being overreach.

So what I want to know is
where was it my guys,

my weak links, my overreach,

and where was it
I was just simply outplayed?

Well, all that
really matters is

we're here, like you said,

and, uh, we know everything.

What do you know?

If I may.

I mean, it's a hefty bite
and I want to know

Black Bottom. Paradise Valley.
You heard of 'em?

You leveled
entire neighborhoods.

You tore up the trolley tracks

and now you got this redlining
bullshit everywhere.

Where are people
supposed to live, Mike?

The country is re-landscaping
itself, gentlemen.

I hate to break it to you,
this is happening everywhere.

A hundred cities and counting.
So again--

-What am I paying for?

And you got no control.

I did not
create the river,

I am simply paddling the raft.


So again,
what am I paying for?

Same thing you paid
Forbert for. Silence.


You know what about.

There is no conclusive evidence

that the automobile
has anything to do

with the pollution levels
in Los Angeles,

or in any other city
on the planet for that matter.

And the catalytic converter
will never be scaled to a size

where it makes any sense
under the hood of any car.

-Ah. I'll get it.

Tell him to sit tight.


Uh, this is Naismith.

Sit tight, Hugh.

Quite a grab.

As long as we're talking about
overreach. I give Studebaker--

No, sorry, "Studebaker-Packard"
a year, two tops,

even with the merger.

Fine, I'll address it to him.
Finally this makes sense.

The clown, Naismith,

somehow hears the Big Four
are working together.

On what, he just has to know.

Desperate to impress his bosses

who know nothing of his plan,
he hires who he hires.

They hire you.

Somehow you sniff your way
to the head of the pack.

And hence, the twain has met.

You and me.

Against all laws of history,
nature, class--

No, caste.

All right. How we looking
on the count, Ronald?

I count 375 even.

I know you think we are
playing by "your" rules,

but let's be clear,
you do not "make"

you follow them,
even when you think

even when you think
you have control,

you are under the illusion
of control, at all times,

it is a fact
you will never understand

and you will go to the grave
not understanding,

the same way I will
go to the grave

not understanding the genius
of God's magnificent universe

because I did not create it.
But I and others like me

did create these rules,
in this world, on this field,

and you are playing by them now

even if you walk out of here
with my money.

Am I clear?

What is clear is that
we got your money.

Ah, it's money.
I have a lot of money.

I will continue
to have more still.

It's like a lizard tail.
Cut it off,

the damn thing just grows back.

I work, it grows.
I sleep, it grows.

In fact, however
we end up here,

I'll go home,
I'll call my banker,

and I will sleep
like a baby tonight.

You still don't remember,
do you?

Don't blame you,
it was years ago

and I was one
of a panel of four.

I was at Ford at the time.

We were trying to recruit you
just out of the service.

Hard sell. I guess GM
made a better pitch.

-Okay, you got me.

Yes, I remember you.
Michael Lowenstein.

Umlaut. Lowenstein.
I'm Swedish.

The "stein,"
I found misperceived,

as you can imagine,
inhibited some of the traction

I needed for our
overseas business

the last few decades.

And it wasn't entirely
helpful here, either.

I'm sure you can understand.

Oh, yes, "stein",
real drawback.

Certainly you do, Mr. "Russo."

All right, enough.
The money's here,

we're leaving. You can too.

Then I shall get my hat.

That was a watershed year
for me. That year.

1928. I thought...

we're losing guys to GM now?

That same year,
they surpassed us in sales.

We, who invented
the whole damn thing,

Well, I left Ford
later that year.

Decided I'd put my chips on
the industry as a whole.

Smart. Individual companies,
to me?

It's a distinction
without a difference.

I remain agnostic
as to how they choose

And I create some space for
them to spread their wings.

It works well.

So far.

There's a mutual trust.

I believe you have
something of mine.

He's got the other half.

Mutual trust.

You know what I love?
When characters you've

in this great novel called Life
show up at the end

and the whole story
gets filled right in.

Good to meet you both.

Defiers of rules.
Two men who,

somehow arrived
in the same spot,

from entirely different places.
Reach, gentlemen.

Reach for the moon!

So GM, huh?

That was a long time ago.

Good. Now let's go
get that Naismith money.

Oh, no.
This is as far as I go.

What do you mean, "Oh, no"?

I'm done. You can have the
Naismith money all to yourself.

So you're just gonna
abandon the plan?

You just don't know
when to stop, huh?

It's the bellhop.


Let him in.

Sorry, Ronald.



What's... What's going on, man?

-Aldrick, it's all right there.
-Let's go.

I'm sorry, man.


Aldrick, I put this whole thing
together for you, man.

You're not gonna
take that money?

That money is too expensive.
I got what I want.

So? How'd it go?

It broke my way, baby.
It broke my way.

Oh, look at those. Ronald!

There's more?

How much is this?

375, baby.



I have 31. That's...

That's $406,000.

Ronald, I can't believe it.

How did you... How did
you manage this? I can't--

Oh, my gosh, Ronald, baby.

Oh, my goodness.
We could do anything.

We could go anywhere.
Around the world.

Oh, we could even take
an airplane, Ronald.

We could take ten airplanes if
we wanted to. I mean, I just--

You did it.

We're not there yet. Here.

-Where's the car?
-Spot 5.

Okay, get it and wait for me
at the entrance.


No, no, no. I got that one.


I'll be right behind you.

- Hello, Joe.

Chatty little bird
in a tall tree

said you might have
something of mine.

So, I suppose
I should thank you.

Before you do, let me
play out two scenarios.

And to be clear,
both end with

Curtis Goynes dead.

Scenario one, you solve
the m*rder of Charley Barnes,

Douglas Jones,
and Frank Capelli.

After an arduous trial
that plunges an already

racially-divided Detroit
into chaos,

you get a promotion of

a thousand a year? If that?

And I make sure
Goynes dies in prison.

Or number two.
You still solve the murders,

but the perp himself

is taken care of by his own.

Which leaves you a hero

and which sets an example
to others like him

that might be tempted to
play outside of their league.

And instead of 25 grand

that trickles out over
the rest of your life,

you get a bonus,
paid instantly,

that equals twice that.

No runs,
two hits for the Senators.

No runs, no hits for Detroit.

Beautiful day here
at Briggs Stadium.

Couple of scattered clouds
out there.

But all in all, a gorgeous day,
and why not play two,

a double header
scheduled today.

As the first one from Schmitz
misses outside.

One ball and no strikes,

didn't quite connect there
with his receiver.


Can you believe it's 45 cents
to park with no grace period?

-Did you bring a map?
-It's in the glove compartment.

That's my girl.

You know,
you're not the only one

that can think ahead, Ronald.

-Change of plans.
-Oh, yeah?

we're gonna go far.

Take this turn off right here.

Keep it running.

Ronald, would you relax?
Nobody followed us out here.

Look at us,
in the middle of nowhere.

It's your favorite!
Come on, open it.

Just open it.




-Oh, shit.
- Bye, Ronald.

Oh, f*ck me.

-Could you step out

Well, may I ask
what this is about?

Please step out of the car.

Well, I think I have a right to
know why you're asking me--

Stand over here.

Safe travels, Mrs. Capelli.

Oh, hey. Come in, I guess.
We're eating.

Thank you.

I'll get Mary.

Matt's here.

Jesus, Matt.

My God, it's only Tuesday.

Officer Finney.

Right this way.

I believe I have
something of yours.

It's all there.

Uh, you'd said $375,000
but I think you made

The actual number
is 406 and change.

I must've miscounted.

Oh, and, uh, this 50,000
presented itself as well.

Hmm. Well, I wish
I could cut you in--

Hey, it's your money.

Right. Of course.

Listen, uh, pick one
of those bottles there.

Uh, that one on the left
is pretty good.

And that's $88 wholesale.

Well, you let me know
if there's anything I can

Of course.

-Thanks, Joe.

m*therf*cker's got eyes,
they just can't see.

Including me.

Let me
ask you something.

What made you think
that you could trust me?

You can be trusted, Aldrick.

I took the 25 I staked
you back then, plus interest.

Took another 50
for the federal man.

How do you imagine the rest
of it should be divided?

I just want 5k.

Just what's yours.

Just what's mine.

So we're good?

Enjoy Kansas City.

I done got over at last

when I first met you

such a sweet little thing

you got so bad

a cryin' shame

I done got over at last

was so miserable

my love was in vain

I turned my back

with some other man

I done got over at last

to be no angel

some good woman

I done got over at last