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Scouts Honor: The Secret Files of the Boy Scouts of America (2023)

Posted: 09/06/23 06:44
by bunniefuu
The values

of the Boy Scouts of America

were taking young men

and giving them a role in life.

It was different. It was a guiding tool.

I thought Scouts

was a great thing. I really did.

It was Norman Rockwell.

It was Mom, Pop, and apple pie.

Memorial Day parades,

and the Scout troops

would be holding the flag.

It was America and patriotism.

To be a Boy Scout

meant something.

It grew into the biggest youth club

in America,

and maybe the most famous

youth club in the world.

Your Scout law commands you

to be trustworthy, loyal, helpful,

friendly, courteous, kind, obedient,

cheerful, thrifty,

brave, clean, and reverent.

Pitching tents,

making fires,

cooking things on an open fire,

and just sitting around telling stories.


how to fend for yourself,

learning to cook,

learning to set up a camp,

learning to identify plants...

...and poison ivy especially.

You go to summer camp,

and you learn to sh**t a r*fle,

and you learn archery,

and you learn how to build a rope bridge,

and you learn life-saving first aid.

Boy Scouts, for me,

just represented the best of America.

But the Boy Scouts

had this dirty little secret.

It was all just veneer

to mask what was

a very dangerous organization.


the Boy Scouts of America,

one of the biggest

youth organizations in the country,

filed for bankruptcy protection.

The Scouts face an onslaught of lawsuits

from men who claimed

they were sexually abused,

sometimes going back decades,

by scoutmasters and other leaders.

More than 82,000

alleged victims span generations.

People need to understand

what happened. What took place.

A day of reckoning

for the Boy Scouts of America.

An American institution

in turmoil.

The Boy Scouts of America

filing for bankruptcy.

This is history's

largest case of child sexual abuse

connected to one organization.

Larger than any other

youth-serving organization,

larger than the Catholic Church,

larger than the Southern Baptist Church.

They wanna know what happened.

They want the truth to come out.

And they want to know who knew what,

when did they know it,

and how did this happen to them?

They don't want to face

the evil that lurks within.

There's a cancer in the Boy Scouts.

This is something I held on

as a secret, even after everything.

Something I never told anybody.

Not even my own children.

I got a text

from one of my children today.

They said, "I wanna let you know

I'm very proud of what you're doing."

"And I know it's not easy,

but, uh, I'm proud of you."

This is a human rights

movement we're talking about today.

A civil rights movement for children

against one of the biggest offenders

in the world, the Boy Scouts of America.

I don't care if I bring

the whole temple down

on everybody's heads.

I will not stand for this.

This is an abomination.

I am Detective Mike,

former detective

of the City of Plano Police Department.

I became a detective,

and I got on the SWAT team

about the same time in '86.

Always investigated

crimes against children.



So, a child- and family-friendly

room like this is where

any police detective or an advocate

for a victim, child or teen,

that has experienced

any type of abuse or sexual abuse,

this is where we sit and talk to them,

interview them.

This is huge, this whole area

for all police departments.

Uh, that commitment to the, you know,

that victim-sensitive

trauma-informed care, uh,

that we provide to families

and victims after they've experienced,

what for many of them is arguably,

the worst, uh, experiences of their life.

For 16 years, I did nothing

but investigate child sexual abuse.

So I've interviewed a lot of kids,

varying ages,

and interrogated a lot of perpetrators,

talked to a lot of parents,

been to a lot of crime scenes,

as well as worked on some things

federally and nationally

with two different administrations.

Before we get

into what happened later,

I mean, just start with when you were

first hired by the Boy Scouts.

You were the youth protection director

at national headquarters.

Uh, why did you decide to take the job?

So I will, uh, you know,

I always ask people when I get asked that,

"Do you want the truth,

or what I was told to say?"

I mean, just... You know, so...

I'm gonna tell you the truth, all right?

- I actually wanna know both.

- You wanna... Okay.

I wanna tell you the truth.

How's that? I can do the truth.

When I started in 2010

as youth protection director

for the Boy Scouts of America,

I was excited.

I was pumped.

I was a little anxious because,

you know, what is it?

This was the first position like this

for any major youth-serving organization,

or any youth-serving organization ever,

especially somebody

with my background and skill sets.

I thought I was going to work

to keep kids safe in a major institution.

The Boy Scouts are, at the national level,

and even at the council level,

all about the brand.

It's a beautiful brand.

Boy Scouts of America

conjures up parades, and apple pie,

American flag, you know, and all that.

And they don't like anything too negative

that's associated with the brand.

So I come in and I say,

"Okay. We're a high-risk organization,"

just as a general discussion point,

because it is.

"What can we do to keep kids safe,

given that we're

a high-risk organization?"

You are a youth-serving organization.

You're the Boy Scouts of America

youth-serving organization. All right?

You have no choice.

You have to be beyond reproach

on something as very basic as that.

What were they telling

you to say?

Oh, that Boy Scouts of America is safe.

That Boy Scouts of America

is the gold standard.

That Boy Scouts of America has a rigorous

application of screening process.

That the Boy Scouts of America

conducts criminal background checks

of all of its leaders.

Uh, you know, that the youth protection

program is better and by far

than any other, uh,

youth-serving organization program.

They wanted you to project

their image of safety.

- Market this image of safety.

- That's not what you were seeing though.

That's totally not what I'm seeing.

I became aware

that they weren't telling me everything.

They were withholding information.

I kind of stumbled

onto the story just out of pure curiosity

as a reporter.

I had read a news brief

in the New York Times back in the '80s

about one Scout leader

being convicted of abusing Scouts.

And I clipped the brief out and put it

in my ideas file that every reporter has,

and I forgot about it.

Then years later,

I was working in Washington

and read in my own newspaper

about a lawsuit in Virginia

in which a boy, who had been molested

by a Scout leader, had sued the Scouts.

And, as a part of that lawsuit,

the Boy Scouts had to turn over

to this... the lawyer for the boy

confidential files about people

who had been kicked out of Scouting

for alleged child molestation.

And I said, "Wow."

I went over to Virginia naively

with one legal pad in my hand

to look at the files.

I figured I'd spend a few hours there.

And I began reading them and taking notes.

And I quickly realized there is a lot more

information here than I even imagined.

I was blown away by opening these files.

Oh, this is from Scouting in 1923.

I've never seen this.

So, these are pages

from Scouting magazine in the 1920s

where the Scouts have actually written

about people kicked out from Scouting.

"Red flag... "There's a headline here.

"Red-flag this man."

"Red-flag this man."

"Warning." Wow.

The Confidential Files, as they're known,

really began back in England

right at the beginning.

Soon after the Scouts

were founded in England in 1908,

the Scouts there realized

they had a problem

because Scouting has always attracted

men who are attracted to boys.

The struggle for the company has been

to keep them out and keep it quiet.

And these efforts started back in England

when they had to kick out the doctor

at the very first

Boy Scout camp in the world.

In the United States, they created,

what they called, the Red Flag List.

There was a Times story in 1935

where they talked about the Red Flag List.

This Red Flag List in the United States

eventually evolved into what they call

the "Ineligible Volunteer File."

But in the Scouts they call it

the Confidential Files,

and for very good reason because they

intended to keep everything confidential.

Some people called it

the "perversion files."

During that time, we didn't know

how many files there were.

I had the 231 original files,

plus I supplemented it

with my own information.

These files were so sensitive

that the Boy Scouts

did everything they could to make sure

that they could not be seen by parents,

by police, by prosecutors,

even by other Scout leaders.

They had it under lock and key

in national headquarters.

And they knew how sensitive this was.

The Boy Scouts knew

that for this product to sell well,

that they had to have the highest

integrity among the Boy Scout leaders.

So, parents were convinced

that when you put your boy

in the hands of the Boy Scouts,

you are handing them over

to the most responsible men,

the most honest men,

the men of the highest integrity.

So, not only was your boy safe,

but these men

were great role models for your child.

I have to suspect part of it

was also strategic.

They didn't want to open this up

because if they started talking

very bluntly about sex abuse in Scouting,

it might scare parents, scare sponsors,

and they didn't need that.

'Cause they were doing fine. The program

was making money, lots of Scouts.

I was just stunned by the fact

that I would talk to Boy Scout officials

about my discoveries in the files,

and I was giving them news.

I knew things about abuse in Scouting

that nobody in Scouting claimed to know.

I knew what your numbers were.

I knew what the patterns were.

I knew where your vulnerabilities were.

They were naive

about sex abuse in general,

but they had essentially

a product defect that they were ignoring.

And it was that this organization

was built in a way

that molesters could get in,

abuse kids and get away with it.

When I first did the story

and said there were 400 cases,

people told me I was making

a big thing out of nothing.

That, really, there's not that many cases.

I got a lot of angry letters

from people saying,

"You're smearing the Boy Scouts

over a problem that's minuscule."

People kept using that word.

"How dare you accuse the Scouts of this.

You're trying to ruin this organization."

You really had to go out on a limb

to make a public accusation

against the Boy Scouts

because you were accusing, usually,

a respected community leader

of what many people would consider

the worst crime imaginable.

But there is a truth there,

and even if it's an inconvenient truth,

I'm gonna get at the truth.

And I ended up being one of the ways

that these files became public.

Every file was stunning

first because of the story that it tells.

But collectively,

they told a different kind of story.

I'll give you an example.

It wasn't unusual for a leader to get

into the Scouts after having been banned.

Thomas Hacker was based

primarily in Illinois.

Our troop,

we did a lot of campouts.

We did a lot of camping.

At the time, it was just, uh, a nice guy

that was taking an interest in me

and wanted to get to know me.

He became a leader, and then ultimately

became our scoutmaster of the troop.

He was deacon of the church.

He was very much so a authoritarian figure

in my life growing up.

It took me until I was in my early 40s

to realize I was a victim,

and I hadn't done something wrong.

That somehow at 10,

I should have known better.

Somehow, at about 11 or 12,

I should have been able to see

what this guy was doing.

Somehow at 13 or 14,

I should have said something.

The touching, it was pretty much

every campout.

There's, you know,

six to eight kids in there,

and everybody's pants down.

It was a tough conversation.

I really didn't tell my parents much.

I gave them enough of what they needed,

but I didn't go into details.

Just feeling...

Like, dude, you... you...

You took my childhood.

You took my... my growing up.

I was so angry.

I was never really good

at controlling my temper.

And just being frustrated and...

punching holes in walls.

Eagle Scout is the highest rank

in Boy Scouts.

It's a pretty big achievement.

And it's just this big ceremony,

at times solemn.

You get dignitaries, state senators,

or the local mayor

come in and give a speech.

- He's there watching this.

- Mm-hmm.

How do you take this award ceremony

and then try to tie it together

with this hidden-in-plain-sight

type of abuse that's going on?

I want to take some of the stigma

away from it, from boys being victims.

I don't care what anybody says,

there's still a very bad stigma

about a boy being a victim

of sexual abuse by another male.

I want to take that stigma away

because it's not the boy's fault.

A South Suburban scoutmaster

is in jail tonight on $500,000 bond,

charged with sexually abusing

three boys in his troop.

Thomas Hacker faces five counts

of aggravated criminal sexual as*ault.

The boys were members

of a scout troop at an Oak Lawn church.

Hacker began working as a scoutmaster

for the troop eight years ago.

Hacker was,

in fact, in the IV Files.

When he was discovered at the time,

he was the most prolific pedophile

in the history of... maybe of America,

or of the world, honestly.

He... He had molested hundreds of boys.

And they knew that.

And they knew he used

their organization to do that.

He would abuse kids, get caught,

say, "I'll get help."

"Please don't charge me with a crime.

I'll go away." And he'd go away.

And he'd move to another town

or move on to another youth group.

This was full sexual, oral, a**l,

sexual abuse on dozens of occasions

for many of them,

and in group settings.

The extent of notice

that the Scouting organization had

as to his propensity

to molest boys was off the charts.

I'd never taken the deposition

of a serial pedophile,

and I didn't know what to expect.

My question to him is,

"Why did you choose the Boy Scouts?"

And he said,

"Because they made it so easy."

They did nothing. They... They did nothing

to put up barriers for him.

And he knew it, and he used it.

We represent 4,000 victims.

The thing I've learned,

from now the bankruptcy

and all the other clients I represent,

is that there are more Hackers out there.

There are more that have managed

not to get caught.

It takes incredible courage for guys

to come forward, and they've... And...


I'm... I'm proud

of every single one of them.

It's not easy, and...

You know, you... you worry...

You know, the burden, you know...

The burden I carry is, you know,

disa... is possibly disappointing them,

so I don't want that.

"Sexual abuse."

Those two words are kind of PG.

It's easy to say.

People are uncomfortable

with sexual abuse.

People don't wanna visualize

that these young men, and now men,

that are on this lawsuit

were having sex with men in their cars,

in tents, at their house.

I say these things,

and I'm not trying

to say 'em to incite you,

but that's what sexual abuse is.

We're talking about these men

who have experienced

or suffered X-rated activities

as children in the Scouting program,

and who are they gonna talk to about it?

They're still grappling

with their own internal experiences,

demons, some of them, with what happened.

My full name is Douglas Kennedy.

I go by Doug.

My father passed away from cancer

when I was 13 months old.

Never knew him.

My mother never remarried.

And this was back in the day

when being a single parent

wasn't as common as it was today.

There were a lot of days

where we didn't really know

where the next meal was gonna come from,

but we were proud.

Eventually, my mother, in the summertime,

got me involved with the YMCA

and working at a YMCA day camp.

Around that same time,

I was pretty active

in... in the Boy Scouts.

It was meaningful to me in my life.

But the Scouting movement as a whole,

it was fun,

and I thought it had the right mission.

I'm quoted in Boys' Life.

"Set the table for lunch."

"'Hamburgers ready in three minutes, '

Doug Kennedy shouted."

And my picture's there.

I can still see... the window.

There's a porch to the lodge.

Bare light bulb light shines through.

I go to sleep like it's any other night.

And I woke up in the middle of the night,

and the camp director had...

pulled the sleeping bag back.

He had pulled my shorts down.


his head was down in my crotch,

and his legs were up

wrapped around my head.

And when I say "wrapped around my head,"

he was naked.

Wrapped around my head,

and I... I could not move.

He was bigger than me, wiry,

strong for his size.

And I remember thinking,

"What's going on?"

Like this is a joke or funny or something.

And then I realize

that he has me in his mouth.

I'm trying to get his legs off

from around my head,

and I can't do it.

It's always about power.

It's a power dynamic.

He has the power over me,

and he knows it on so many levels.

He's my employer.

He's the person who's putting food

on the table, the person my mother trusts.

He's the person

everybody else is gonna believe.

If I had said anything,

the solution would have been

I would have been sent home.

You disassociate.

It's almost like

you're looking at yourself.

It's part of a mechanism to say,

"Something bad is happening to you."

"But let's get our head somewhere else."

You're separating

from the physical part of this.

But what happened to me...

just took something away.

It felt like forever.

It's a moment in time

that's burned into my head.

Christopher Haywood.

Grew up on the South Side of Chicago.

My abuse lasted nine years.

It would continue till I was 18.

Being told by him,

"No one will believe you. You're a kid."

"And what I'll say, people will believe.

They wouldn't believe you."

So, that type of thing

has... has stuck in my mind,

so even him making threats, you know,

of hurting somebody close to me.

It could be my mother, my sisters.

Going to the point

where he'd say "k*lling."

Just hearing that as a child,

it messes with your psyche.

I just felt at the time

just not to say nothing,

just to make sure everybody was all right.

In my case,

he was an older Scout

that had been bullying people.

I tried to say,

"Can you leave? I don't want to be here."

And that's when he pulled out the knife.

I tried to push past him once, um...

He pressed the knife right here.

Barely pierced the skin,

but that was enough.

I... I knew I was powerless.

As he was assaulting me, he kept saying,

"You're nothing,

and you're never gonna be nothing."

That shame became mine.

And it's still there.

And when something goes wrong,

it confirms in my mind

what I have always known to be true:

I am nothing,

and I'm never gonna be nothing.

That's what the as*ault did.

My abuse happened about 200 yards

away from my mother, my father,

and hundreds, if not thousands,

of Scouts and parents.

It was that close.

The... The weight of it was too high.

I couldn't handle it.

In senior year of college,

I'd climb to the top

of, uh, one of the research buildings

on campus.

Um, it was a place I'd snuck up to a lot.

And it was kind of...

Uh, it had a great view of the city.

And, um, while I was up there, I...

wanted to jump.

I tried to convince myself to do it,

and I just couldn't get that...

I think that strength, honestly,

to... to do what I needed.

And so, I looked at my watch,

which this is what I had on.

And it read 12:32.

And I tried to trick myself into doing it.

I said, "Okay, well, when this hits 12:33,

I'm just gonna do it."

"Um, it's not gonna be my choice.

It's just, snap, that's the moment."

And I took off the watch,

and I was trying to work up the courage,

and, you know,

bang my hand against the wall,

and I was trying to...

...I don't know, find a way

to do the thing I was too afraid to do.

And in the act of that, I broke the watch.

And it never got to 12:33.

Interesting story

about that picture of me as a Cub Scout.

My mother died,

and my father

had al... had already passed away,

and we had to pack everything up

and put it into storage to get rid of

the, you know, sell our house.

Years later, within a month of me going

to work for the Boy Scouts of America,

I went to the storage room,

knew the quilts would be

in this big cedar cabinet, opened it up,

pulled one of the quilts out,

and literally being protected

by the quilt,

whoever put it in there, put it between...

was that picture

which I'd never seen before.

So I felt like it was, you know,

kind of a thing,

that this was something

that was destined to be,

destined to happen.

I thought when I started

with the Boy Scouts

that I was gonna get support and,

"Mike, here's what you need to know."

"Boom, here's the stack.

You need to start going through this."

"This is our history,

this is what we do, and why we do it."

The desk was clear. Nothing.

So, I literally went to my then boss,

VP level, Jim Terry,

and I said, "Is there

any standard-of-care type documents?"

He says, "No, no, Mike. I'm not aware."

So, I reached out to a colleague of mine

at the Center for Disease Control.

She works in the division

of v*olence prevention.

I said, "Hey, is there a standard-of-care

document for youth-serving organizations?"

She said, "Oh, yeah, Mike. Boy Scouts

participated in it." I'm like, "What?"

So, she sends me

the document I just referred to.

So as soon as I get it,

I start reading through it.

I get to the back, the participant list.

And it literally... I think the second

or third name on there is James Terry,

Boy Scouts of America.

So, I take this doc...

This is what he's telling

you they don't have.

Never heard of it. Like it doesn't...

You know, so I take that book.

Literally, it's a book.

I take it to his office.

I'm like, "Uh, Jim,

would you explain this to me?"

And he basically just tells me,

"Well, I really didn't participate in it."

"It was a man by the name of Doug Smith.

They just put my name on it."

I'm like, "Did you know it existed?"

He goes, "Yeah, I knew it existed."

"Well, who is Doug Smith?"

He was a national staff person

at the national headquarters

of Boy Scouts of America there in Irving,

who got arrested in a child porn sting.

I'm like, "Excuse me? What?"

We prepared, uh, materials

to... to help, uh,

local councils and local units,

uh, provide safe programs for children.

What were the circumstances

under which you ceased

working for the BSA?

Uh... I... Uh...

I submitted my letter of retirement

after the police had come to my house.

Federal child porn sting.

Went to prison.

Here I am,

I'm the new youth protection director.

They never told me about this guy.

They were withholding information.

I go, "Wait a minute, how am I gonna

protect kids in their organization

if I don't have access to the information

about kids in their organization?"

So, I guess that's

an organizational decision that they made.

Well, to me, to help me figure out

what the policies, procedures,

the content needs to be,

I need that information.

My frustrations in Scouting,

I'm going into these meetings sometimes,

or sometimes I'm literally going

to the general counsel,

because I'm reporting to him.

I was the general counsel

of the Boy Scouts of America.

Both youth protection

and membership standards came under me

until some point during the bankruptcy,

at which point we moved it over.

I came in as a kid.

Went through all Scouting.

I'm an Eagle Scout.

When my son came of age,

he became a Scout leader

and was a leader in a unit.

I would tell you that

we're a microcosm of our entire society.

If we had a problem,

our society had a problem,

many other institutions had the problem.

We just happened to be the one

with the deep pocket right now.

And the one that's willing

to make the social commitment

to try to make it right

and to try to apologize,

to try to do everything we can

to keep kids safe,

and to try to compensate

for these victims.

But then to continue the mission.

And many of the survivors are very clear.

They want Scouting to continue

because of the good it did.

And we want to continue to do that.

Michael Johnson was a youth

protection director of the Boy Scouts.

He said that the organization

is still not safe for boys or girls.

How do you respond to that?


Personally, very, very disappointed.

He never expressed that sentiment.

He approved and, on a number of occasions

while he worked for the Boy Scouts,

championed our program and how effective

our safe... youth safety programs were.

He and I worked very closely together

on developing many of our new, current,

modern youth protections,

and we did not have many disagreements.

I remember him saying

that he felt that we supported...

I supported the reforms

that he was suggesting

more than he had felt

anyone had done before.

He tells a different story.

He basically says that he's frustrated

trying to put some of these

youth protection programs in place,

and that he's getting resistance.

All I can tell you

is I was shocked.

I don't know how else to put it.

He's lying.

I can put it...

I guess there's a softer term.

Uh... B... Being deceptive,

not telling the truth.

How... Whatever term is comfortable,

uh, you know, for people.

Uh, the fact is, especially in the last

three or four years,

he and I were constantly, uh, battling.

Contentious on each various item

that I was trying

to get through with Scouting.

Uh, I literally referred to it

as the gauntlet.

The messaging he wants out there is,

is that Boy Scouts is like

any other organization in America,

and that these guys

could come from anywhere,

and there's nothing we can do

to prevent them.

All of that is not true.

Boy Scouts is exceptional

in the opportunities that it presents

to perpetrators to access children

in no to very low supervised situations.

Name another youth-serving organization

that has overnight access to kids

over multiple days.

Name another organization

that a scoutmaster has the power

over whether or not this youth

can become an Eagle Scout.

Now you back up a little bit

and you think to yourself,

"How easy is it to get into Scouting?"

And so now you start to see

where those weaknesses are.

It's removing those risk areas,

known risk areas,

that helps you create

this safer environment

for kids who participate

in the Scouting programs.

You talk to a lot of these young men,

they'll tell you,

"My parents dropped me off at his house."

We've had cases where the adult

stayed the night at the kid's house.

Troop 137 in New Orleans

was a nightmare for the Boy Scouts

in a very special way.

It was one of the few cases

where you could say

a troop had actually become a sex ring.

Several men became leaders

of a troop in New Orleans,

specifically to get access

to boys to molest.

They literally recruited boys

into this troop.

And they had sex parties at their houses.

They took pictures of the boys naked.

They traded pictures with other pedophiles

around the country.

I grew up

in New Orleans back in the '70s.

My parents separated very early so,

uh, my brother and I lived with my mom.

Two men, they approached my mom.

They told her that they were

in the, uh, neighborhood

looking for new Scouts

for their new troop.

They agreed to pay for everything

"because you're a single mom."

"So don't worry

about the cost or anything."

Boy Scouts of America should never let

a bunch of single men start a troop.

There were four primary leaders.

Tom Woodall,

Lewis Sialle,

Richard Halvorsen,

and Harry Cramer.

They take you out to eat.

They bring you to the trampoline park

to help Mom out.

Sea monkeys.

My mom wouldn't buy me any

for Christmas.

And so Harry Cramer, uh, said, you know,

"Uh, you can have sea monkeys,

but they have to be at my house."

"You can't tell Mom."

None of the scoutmasters

had children of their own.

And, you know,

I'm not old enough to be a Boy Scout.

There was a lot of red flags

that should have been caught.

The boys came from single-parent homes.

They were all poor.

There was never merit badge work to do.

You know, we did campouts,

but that was just, you know,

a convenient thing to do

where you can r*pe a kid.

So, it appeared on the outside

like we were actually a real troop,

but we weren't.

Men would fly from out of town,

from all over.

Mostly Western Europe,

but all over the United States as well.

And we were r*ped by them as well.

We were... We were sold to them, you know,

rented out, whatever you want to call it.

And, uh, they always took, uh, pictures

and videos of us all the time.

They would bring you to hotels

primarily in the French Quarter.

In fact, uh, my mom dropped me off

at the hotels a couple of times.

What did she think

was happening?

Just visiting a scoutmaster

from out of town.

Especially when it's done to you

by authority figures,

you don't trust anybody.

You're hurtin'.

You don't want

to go to school the next day.

You cry when nobody can see you.

My mom, she brought me to a doctor.

He was an older gentleman.

Always had

a cigarette in his mouth.

And I don't know why,

but I trusted the doctor.

You know, he pulled up his chair,

and he said, "What's goin' on?"

I... I told him about the r*pe.

Um, he said, "Who's raping you?"

I said, "A lot of people are raping me

in the Boy Scouts."

And he was like,

"Get me their information."

"And I'll take care of it."

"Nobody will know it's you."

They raided the houses,

got the kiddie porn, arrested them.

So, it hits the Nightly News.

The aggressive, cruel, crass nature

of these violations

is such that these little minds

are going to be affected

for a long, long time.

When I got older,

I was one of the first people

to get a copy of the perversion files.

It was leaked to me.

And just reading through all of it

and what they knew

was going on at the time,

and they did nothing about it,

it makes you angry.

Did you ever get an apology

or attempt to make amends from the Scouts?


- Nothing?

- Never.


How do you feel about that?

Pissed off. Angry.

Angry. Very angry.

What failures do you think

the Boy Scouts made

that could've contributed

to the scope of that problem?

I think it's bigger

than the Boy Scouts.

Remember, the Boy Scouts of America

did not abuse these kids.

We had some bad people that got in.

- We read about...

- People under the banner of Boy Scouts...

- We have school...

- ...or were volunteers at the Boy Scouts.

- Scoutmasters...

- Sure.

...or people that were

largely involved with the program.

- That's what this number represents.

- Well, they're people.

Just like schoolteachers

and everybody else. There are bad people.

There's no way

to profile them ahead of time

and to identify people ahead of time.

All you can do

is use a program like we do,

which is to keep kids as safe as we can

and to continually improve that.

And to try to continually, you know,

improve our efforts.

But nobody has a profile

of a would-be abuser

that you can apply

as a litmus test to keep someone out.

The Confidential Files

do show you the risky situations

for the Scouts.

What situations are likely,

or more likely,

to expose your boys to somebody

who wants to molest them,

regardless of who that person is.

I went down to Texas to talk

to the Boy Scouts down at headquarters.

I'm interviewing the guy

whose name and stamp

is on the front page

of just about every Confidential File.

His signature is right next

to where they describe the incident

in a couple lines.

Joe Anglim says to me

he's never read a Confidential File.

- Never read it?

- Never read it.

I said, "I've got hundreds of files

with your name on it."

He said, "But I don't read them."

I said, "Did you ever count your files

or analyze them

to learn about sex abuse in Scouting?"

He says, "No." And I said, "Why not?"

He said, "Because nobody's told us

we have a problem,

and that we have to do that."

I said, "How would you know you have

a problem unless you read the files?"

And he said, "Because we know

we don't have a problem,

because we have a great program,

and we don't have any reason

to believe we have a problem."

"So we didn't look at the files and study

them because nobody said we should,

and we didn't ask anybody to look at them

because we didn't think we had a problem."

- That's the response.

- That was the response.

One of the things they had

in their marketing messaging

that used to drive me nuts is,

"The Boy Scouts has a rigorous

application and screening process."

Like, that's bullshit.

And it's not true. That's never been true.

I said, "Why don't we at least

use a government ID?"

You have to use it to buy groceries,

right, show your ID.

You have to use it to get on the airplane.

Show your ID.

What don't we at least check

a government-based ID,

driver's license or passport

or state identif... identification card

to see and make sure?

And, uh, they refused to do that.

- They refused to do that?

- Inconvenience and cost.

They didn't want to check

a government ID

on scoutmasters or volunteers.

They didn't want

to check a government ID

on scoutmasters or volunteers

interacting with your children.

Because it was inconvenient.

And cost.

And whatever cost it'd take

for that person's time to check the ID.


Whether the information

is to identify fugitives

or criminal history records.

The Boy Scouts stood out

in their opposition

to the Child Protection Act.

Most of the big youth organizations

supported it.

And it reflected the Boy Scouts' fear

of two things.

One of which was spending more money,

because they had a lot of volunteers.

And two, they didn't want to spend

the money on... on the fingerprint checks.

But also, the Scouts really kept resisting

putting added requirements

on the local organizations

in order to weed out child molesters.

Because they felt there was

only so much they could do.

And because they always

were in dire need of volunteers,

they didn't want to scare away volunteers.

I'll never forget, a chief Scout

executive I was working under at the time

literally caught me in the hallway

and said, "Well... Well, Mike, you know,

we were told by our lawyers

and our risk management people,

or whomever, that...

"Don't contact the parents if there's

an allegation of child sex abuse."

I said, "Sir, well, I guess

you need to make a decision."

"You can listen to them,

or you can listen to me."

"I'll tell you this,

I know what the hell I'm talking about."

One of the many big arguments

I had with general counsel is

I insisted on anybody

that's placed on the IV File,

perversion file, or volunteer screening

database, whatever it's called,

for anything that has to do

with sexual abuse of a child,

allegation, grooming, whatever,

needs to be reported to law enforcement.

Well, he comes into my office,

he was very upset.

"The law doesn't mandate that we report

all these allegations of abuse

unless there's reasonable suspicion

that there's sexual abuse."

We've found lots of examples

where in these files, time and again,

the scoutmasters are told

not to tell parents

or not to tell law enforcement

about abuse.

And we have a lot of first-hand experience

about the people telling us this too.

When mistakes were made,

mistakes were made.

And if people did that,

they were wrong, and we failed.

And I'm ho... I know we're doing better,

and I hope we'll continue to do better.

But the fact is,

people sometimes have made mistakes.

Just to be clear,

that's wrong.

If kids were repeatedly told

not to tell authorities or parents...

- Absolutely wrong.

- ...that is wrong.

We train kids to do just the other,

and have for the last 20 years or more.

Be clear

what you train kids to do.

Resist. Report.

Know what the barriers to abuse are,

and to make sure that those barriers

to abuse are respected

by the adult leaders they work with.

Report means

go straight to law enforcement.

Well, for a Scout,

it means go to a trusted adult.

Could be a parent, could be a leader.

But they're trained to go

to someone they're comfortable enough with

to tell the information to.

And from there,

the trusted adult is responsible

for making the communication

both to law enforcement and to the BSA.

The perpetrator

who's sexually abusing the youth

or sexually harassing them

or bothering them

is typically what was formerly

a trusted adult.

My recommendation was to create a hotline,

uh, that kids could call on their own.

There's been some wonderful research

that kids of today, especially,

really use a text and chat feature

for anonymous reporting.

Because the fact is,

while some kids will tell their parents,

some kids will tell

what they identify as a trusted adult,

most kids want to kind

of figure things out for themselves.

You know, they got these computers

in their hands now,

uh, especially the older teens.

But when I took that proposal

to Steve McGowan

and the then-vice president John Mosby,

it was, like, not "No," but "Hell no."

"We just want kids reporting

to their trusted adults, to scoutmasters."

The Boy Scouts,

over the years, have had

what they call

their youth protection policies.

They have evolved over time.

One of the cornerstones

of their youth protection

is two-deep leadership.

No Scout is ever going to be alone

with another person.

There's been a number of other changes

that have happened over time,

but it obviously hasn't worked.

When they developed

their protection training,

their education materials for kids,

they developed some really nice programs,

uh, and videotapes

for the leaders and for the kids

about sex abuse.

For a long time, they didn't require kids

or leaders to go through that training.

I said, "Why don't you require it?"

They said, "It's more work."

"But we'll make it available."

What's interesting about this

is they'd tell parents and the media,

"Well, we developed

this great child protection program

that goes out

to the kids and the... and the leaders."

And people assume everybody

goes through it, but it wasn't true.

One of the things I used to get

from our old general counsel was,

"Well, we have to be careful

of defaming anybody's character."

And I said, "Well, have you ever...

Has the organization ever been sued

for making a report of child sex abuse?"

Guess what?


We've never been sued.

And on top of that...

...I think we'd be

in a better position if we did report.

I'd rather defend ourselves

for trying to protect kids

than have it not reported and have

to explain why we never told anybody.

What better way to protect the community

than to make sure

to report it to law enforcement?

I am hardwired to protect my community.

That's what I did in law enforcement.

That whole "protect and serve" thing?

I hope you can tell

where I'm gonna stand on... on that issue.

We're talking kids.

We're talking people's children.


The early Scout movement

was built largely on religion.

It is almost a religious movement,

even though it's technically secular.

The Boy Scout program was set up in a way

that was perfect for religions

to adopt it as their youth program.

And, in fact, religions became

the foundation of Scouting.

You could be a Mormon, a Catholic,

you could be Jewish,

you could be of Islamic faith.

When you've read a few hundred

of the Confidential Files,

it becomes a little bit hard

to be shocked anymore.

One of the cases that really shocked me

was the case of Christopher Schultz.

Christopher went to a local

Catholic school where brother Edmund...

He was a Catholic brother, was a teacher.

Brother Edmund was also the head

of the local Scout troop,

which Christopher belonged to.

So he was the scoutmaster,

and he was the teacher.

It's like this bad intersection

of crossroads is what we got sucked into.

And he was good at being able

to pick out his prey and isolate,

and do whatever he was looking to do.

I was a... a target,

but to be used as leverage

for the real target, which was my brother.

And my brother was his... uh,

was his preferred, uh, victim.

He'd been at their house.

They trusted him.

So, they go up to this camp

over the weekend.

Brother Edmund commits some pretty serious

sadomasochistic sex acts on Christopher.

He started to, uh, break down

and have panic att*cks,

and he started to go

through bouts of hallucinations,

auditory and visual,

for the rest of that year.

He could see and hear Brother Edmund

reminding him not to tell anybody,

you know, otherwise he was gonna k*ll him.

This is the first time I've gotten out

of the car and walked this area.

And it... it's hard.

It's a time that I wish

I could forget and erase.

And it reminds me

of a period of my life that I lost.

It's one of the last pictures

of my brother and I.

That would have been probably May of '78,

I think I was saying.

Uh, so I was in eighth grade.

So it would be, like,

our eighth grade graduation.

Even though it's small, it's probably

the last formal picture of my brother.

I was supposed to look after

my little brother, to protect him.

Christopher Schultz epitomized

the worst thing that could happen

to a family in an abuse case.

Not only was your son abused,

but he was so emotionally distraught

that he took his own life.

Brother Edmund was kicked out

of the church and fled the state.

What happened to the Schultzs

was they were also ostracized

by part of their community,

by people from the church.

In several of the cases in Scouting,

people say that people

in the Scouting community called them

or saw them at meetings and said,

"How dare you accuse the Scouts of this?"

"You're trying to ruin this organization."

We were 100% shunned.

I remember one of the parish priests

coming to the house

when my father was at work,

sitting down, talking to my mother,

trying to leverage

and pressure her to drop all this stuff.

If we didn't drop it,

"You're gonna be run out of town."

"And there's nothing I can do about it.

I'm trying to help you."

"All you have to do is

stop what you're doing."

"If you don't, bad stuff will happen

to you and your family."

"Do you really want

that to happen, Mrs. Schultz?"

The length certain people were going to,

to try and get you to shut up

and... and get this to go away

to protect the Church.

To me, the hypocrisy of both organizations

are what got me the angriest.

I hold them accountable.

There is blood on their hands.

Religious leaders were

on the board of directors of the Scouts.

If you think of the Boy Scouts

as a corporation,

these Church leaders

that are on the board of directors

are essentially their investors.

All the boys

in the Mormon church,

I'm not talking about just in one state,

nationally, in the United States,

go through Scouting.

That is their youth ministry,

whereas the other churches,

it was dependent

on the Catholic Church's diocese

if they had a Scouting program,

or the Methodists, or Episcopalians,

or what have you.

For the Mormons, all boys went through it.

So, that is a significant membership,

as well as volunteer,

as well as money contribution

and resource issue.

Scouts are

an independent organization,

but felt that they had to honor the biases

or perspectives of their sponsors.

And the Catholic Church,

and the Mormon Church,

is historically h*m*.

In 1978, they officially

put in their ban on h*m*.

That was the first time

the Boy Scouts stepped in

and put on a requirement like that.

The thought was it would end all these

pedophile cases that were springing up.

Outside people will say

who the perpetrator is.

"Oh, it's a gay problem."

Right? Gays are pedophiles.

There's research that most perpetrators

are straight men.

I also think h*m*

plays a really big role

in why a lot of men can't come forward.

It plays into their shame

and pain and struggle.

My abuse took place

when I was 12.

I came forward when I was 13.

Growing up in the '90s as an abuse victim,

as a closeted h*m*,

when the organization was

still very outwardly h*m*,

this is the worst thing

that you could be as a man.

When I told a teacher about what happened,

I was immediately told,

"You've done the right thing.

This is a good thing."

"Now, this hasn't made you

question your sexuality, has it?"

"Because, you know, uh,

being gay is... is a terrible sin."

The initial letter that my abuser,

Dr. Crosley, wrote me was,

"Yes, I'm sorry."

"But this doesn't make you gay,

and this doesn't make me gay."

I think it takes years

to shed the shame that is, you know,

sort of heaped on you

directly or indirectly your entire life.

I don't think there was

a separation in people's minds

between pedophilia and h*m*.

One of the first

national meetings I went to,

I was walking with one

of the assistant chief Scout execs,

who commented

that h*m* are pedophiles,

and that's our primary problem

in Boy Scouts with youth protection.

And I said, "Uh, no, no." Yeah.

And, like, he goes,

"Yeah, Mike. You need to understand

that h*m* are pedophiles."

I'm like, "No, they're not."

And he's like, "Mike, no, yes, they are."

Understand, this is a VP-level assistant

chief Scout executive saying this to me.

I'm like, "No, they're not."

I said, "Who do you think..."

"I mean, you realize

that's my whole world, okay?"

"It's interviewing victims

and interrogating perpetrators."

"If they were, I would tell you.

All right? But that's not the issue."

Here's someone

at the top level conflating

h*m* and pedophilia.

Not only at the very top level,

he wasn't the only one.

This was a reoccurring theme.

More than one person

told us in the organization,

even at the very top levels,

h*m* was equated with pedophilia.

Was that belief common

among leadership in the Scouts,

that there was a connection here?

I can't speak to what they thought.

But I think...

Well, you can attest to

what the tone is inside the leadership

and what was being said.

- You were there at that... at that time.

- No, I never experienced that in my time.

I experienced it in my life

for many years as I grew up in society,

and communities, and churches,

and things like that.

That there were a number

of common misperceptions.

But I never experienced that

while I was in Scouting.

- Do you believe there's a link?

- No.

Did the focus for so long

on gay Scout leaders

lead the organization down the wrong path?

In other words,

away from solving the problems of abuse?

I can't answer that. I don't know.

- Is that a distraction from the problem?

- No. I don't think so.

- You don't think it was a distraction?

- No.

I remember thinking

this organization

is focused more on getting gays out

than protecting kids from child molesters.

They think getting gays out

is protecting kids from child molesters,

and they're, like,

going down the completely wrong path.

Then I learned

about the Dale decision.

The U.S. Supreme Court

heard arguments today

over banning gays

from being Boy Scout leaders.

The issue is a New Jersey Court's ruling

that it violates

a state anti-discrimination law.

Is not being a h*m*

a core issue to being a Scout?

The message of the Boy Scouts is what

kind of behavior boys should engage in,

and that's morally straight

and clean behavior.

Why did Boy Scouts defend

this so rigorously in the Dale decision

that went all the way

to the Supreme Court?

- I wasn't there or part of the decision.

- You were a lawyer and general counsel.

No, I can't tell you what happened

in 1990, 2000, whenever.

Whichever year that decision was.

You have no thoughts

on why they went to the Supreme Court

to defend... to defend the right

to discriminate against gay Scout leaders?

Well, I think that... reflected the values

of the organization at the time.

Which have changed,

as have society's values.

h*m* was considered

by the organization

to be inconsistent

with the values of Scouting.

We have adapted,

and we have embraced diversity.

We have brought girls in the program.

We have evolved,

and we'll continue to evolve.

And in some ways, we are right alongside.

In some ways, we may be a little behind.

In some ways,

we may be a little bit forward.

It's a private organization.

Until the constituents

of that organization

are ready for that change,

then it's very difficult

to try to implement those kind of changes.

The people need to be

brought along in time.

They need to be able to adjust to it.

It's like any other changes that we have.

I'm the new youth protection director.

As I was starting wanting to do some,

what I thought

were very medium-level policies

and content training upgrades

for youth protection,

I kept getting told

that the Mormons may not like that.

Mormons don't like that.

And I told them, I said, "I came to work

for the Boy Scouts of America."

"I came here to protect the kids,

the boys and girls of the Boy Scouts."

"I am not working for the Mormon Church

and the Catholic Church."

And I'll remember...

I'll never forget this, Jim Terry,

the same assistant

chief Scout executive, told me,

"Mike, you need to understand something."

I'm like, "What is that, sir?"

He says, "The Mormons are sacrosanct."

At the time of the change,

there was no pressure

being exerted on us at all, and...

- By the Mormons?

- No.

No pressure from the Mormons

to keep the gay ban in place.

- No.

- Was that a concern by...?

Was it a concern?

Well, sure it was a concern.

I mean, we were concerned

about all of our constituents.

We're concerned about our stakeholders,

and... and the organization continuing

to be able to maintain that relationship.

But, uh, no, there was no...

There were no threats.

There was no gnashing of teeth.

Legally, the Scouts

continually succeeded for decades

by basically hiding the abuse

as best they could,

not even look at their own cases

and playing hardball in court.

When they did go to court

against a family, they'd ask the kid,

"You know, did you enjoy

the sex with the adult?"

They would tell the juries,

"This kid was damaged goods

by the time he came to us

because the kid

had been emotionally troubled."

- Damaged goods?

- Damaged goods.

Because one of the ironies of this

is that, abuse experts will tell you,

that kids who are troubled in some way,

emotionally troubled,

are particularly vulnerable

to the attention of an adult

who is grooming them,

and then, among other things,

starts luring them into sexual activity.

Lawyers would call me.

"Can I come see your files?"

Lawyers had always been generous to me.

I consider these public record.

So I said, "Sure, come by my house."

One of the attorneys who came

to get the files was Tim Kosnoff.

I tracked Boyle down

and he was living in D.C.

I said, "What I'm gonna do is I'm gonna

hire a high-speed scanning service

to come and set two scanners up

in that bedroom

and they're gonna scan all those files."

There were about 150,000 pages.

We litigated that up to the Supreme Court,

and the Supreme Court said

the Boy Scouts had to produce

an additional 3,200 files.

You'd read about the Boy Scouts

going to trial somewhere,

and they usually got the snot

kicked out of them.

One huge blunder came in Portland.

That was a case

involving the Mormon Church.

The Mormons wisely settled that case.

But the Boy Scouts

threw the dice in Oregon,

which was the worst place in the world

for them to roll the dice

because Oregon has punitive damages.

The Portland lawsuit brought

by Kerry Lewis was a watershed moment,

and it was really a big expl*si*n

in the face of the Boy Scouts.

Kerry was moleste by Timur Dykes.

Timur Dykes was a Scout leader

in a Mormon-sponsored troop.

There was a warning about him

to the local bishop.

The bishop still allowed him

to stay in the troop.

And he molested at some point, I believe,

15 to 17 of the 31 kids in the troop.

We wanted to put for the jury

that Kerry Lewis was a victim

of not just Timur Dykes

but of the Boy Scouts of America.

We wanted the jury

to have a granular understanding

of what the Boy Scouts knew historically

about the problem of sexual abuse.

The jury came back and awarded

the plaintiff in that case $18 million.

That, of course, made a lot of headlines.

And then those lawyers got the court

to order that these perversion files,

that they come into the public record

as evidence in that trial.

And therefore, the public had

a right of access to them.

We are today releasing,

pursuant to court order,

uh, about 1,200 files, uh,

kept by the Boy Scouts of America

historically from 1965 to 1985,

that the Boy Scouts of America

has historically referred to

as the "perversion files."

Kerry Lewis became

the voice of a lot of voiceless people.

The significance to the public

is the same significance

as it was at trial to the jury,

which is that they represent

a body of knowledge

that the Boy Scouts of America had

that no other youth organization had

at that time or... or since.

I just don't believe

the Boy Scouts understood,

really understood,

the gravity of what it was.

The femoral artery was cut,

and they were slowly bleeding out,

but they didn't see it that way.

The Boy Scouts

had knew this stuff was going on

and just swept it under the rug,

or didn't call the cops,

or didn't call social services

and let the lives of these boys

just be torn asunder.

The Boy Scouts

have resisted legal efforts

to make more of the files public.

Now, however,

details have been put online,

listing the names

of some 1,900 Scout leaders

suspected or convicted

of abusing children.

Victims' rights attorney,

Tim Kosnoff, posted the list.

The cat was pretty much out of the bag,

involving the Boy Scouts of America.

They have abused their privilege

and their position since the beginning

because they never told people

about the nature

and extent of the problem.

They never told parents.

They never warned Scouts.

So they became an organization

which was lying to the American people,

to parents, and to Congress

in their annual reports

about the actual risks of Scouting.

It's frankly hard for me

to understand, even to this day,

how you could have all those files

about sex abuse in your organization

and not think you had a problem.

And let's just give the best intentions.

The guys running the Boy Scouts

had a very good program,

they believed in it,

and didn't want to put it at risk

by scaring people unnecessarily

about a small problem.

The question is, when do you decide

a small problem isn't small?

It's a lot like the Catholic

Church with its secret archives.

Adults are keeping track

of their potential liabilities.

They see that this is potentially

problematic for them and their reputation.

The Boy Scouts represents itself

as a place of honor.

And so, these files are the evidence

that could hurt their reputation

as being honorable.

So the instinctual move

was to just make sure they buried it,

because the institution

is more important than the individual.

The only defenses

that the Boy Scouts

and their insurance companies have had

in all these years

is the statute of limitations,

where these regressive,

predator-friendly laws

have closed the courthouse doors

to victims at age 21.

A statute of limitations

is just a deadline.

It's the arbitrary deadline

set for when you file a lawsuit

or you prosecute.

We don't have

a statute of limitations for m*rder.

We tend to have shorter statutes

of limitations for contract disputes.

Child sex abuse in this universe

is a lot more like m*rder

than it is like a contract

because the victim didn't understand

what happened to them.

Child sex abuse festers and lives on

in the soul of the child for decades.

It's not a broken leg.

The more I worked

on statute of limitations,

the more I saw

that we were just suppressing the victims

across the United States, silencing them,

and empowering the organizations.

When I started looking at this

in the midst of the Catholic

sex abuse scandal,

I started to ask

what would happen if you just said,

"Forget the statute of limitations.

Let's just get rid of it."

So I started working on those issues.

Right now, we're in the midst

of this vibrant social movement

in which survivors are coming forward

and demanding justice.

And they changed the world

with their stories, no question about it.

And lawmakers,

even those who love the Boy Scouts,

or love the churches,

or love the boarding schools,

those people are actually paying attention

and siding with the children.

And so now, a third of the states

have completely opened

the statute of limitations at some point.

When the statute

of limitations changed

in New York, New Jersey, and California,

three very, very populous states

with lots of people,

lots of children, and lots of Scouts,

the Boy Scouts faced exposure

that they'd never faced before.

The Boy Scouts concluded that

they were gonna get inundated with claims,

which they were,

and they felt that the easiest way

for them to manage that

would be bankruptcy.

The clock is ticking

for survivors of abuse

by Boy Scout leaders.

Monday is the deadline

to file a proof of claim

before potentially

losing that chance forever.

When the bankruptcy occurred

and claims started to get filed,

I was asked for a prediction, and I said...

"I'm gonna say, on the high end,

maybe 10,000 people are gonna come forth."

You start to see the numbers

come in, and we're passing 20,000,

we're passing 30,000,

we're passing 40,000, passing 50,000.

And it's like, "Oh my God."

We knew

it was gonna be a big number,

but I have to say, I was amazed

at how big that number got.

A staggering 82,000 alleged victims

have made sexual abuse claims

against the Boy Scouts of America.

We've gone from 231 files about abusers,

didn't know how many victims then,

to 82,000 victims,

which is just mind-blowing.

I think at the heart

of the experience for a lot of survivors

is that notion of not being in control.

I wasn't in control when I was abused.

My abuser controlled that situation

leading up to it, and during, and after.

So, anytime I can take back a little bit

of control for what happened to me,

it's very, very powerful.

I'm not out

to be a millionaire.

I'm not out to get a bunch of money.

I have a great retirement

from the military.

I... I don't need that.

What I'm hoping to get out

is that no child

will ever be hurt again the way I was.

That has always been my goal,

that has always been my number one thing,

was that the Boy Scouts

not only are responsible,

take responsibility for what happened,

but they have a new campaign

and a new challenge,

and that's to make sure

this never happens again.

There isn't a single survivor

that's in this for the money.

That is not the driving force

for any of us.

We want to feel like our voices are heard.

We want to feel like

there's an opportunity to heal.

I'm speaking on behalf

of no other survivor or no other group,

but I will tell you unequivocally,

I want to speak for the dead.

I wanna speak for those kids

who did not survive,

those kids who were lost to su1c1de,

alcohol, addiction, mutilation,

self-mutilation, self-harm.

I'm here to speak

for my Pa... friend, Patrick... um...

who I miss to this day.

The time has come for a full accounting

of what has gone on in this organization,

which, in my opinion,

is nothing less than an atrocity.

And it has to stop.


in a bankruptcy are often heated.

This particular case has been

unusually and extremely difficult.

The Boy Scouts' case

may be one of the most complicated

and structurally difficult

bankruptcies ever.

In the simplest bankruptcy case,

typically the debtor will have assets.

If it's a business,

then that business will have assets.

It'll have airplanes,

it'll have machinery.

If you think of a typical corporation,

figuring out its assets

is just not that hard.

At... At some fundamental level,

you can just sell the assets,

turn it into cash.

It becomes much, much harder

when what you have

is not one neat pile of assets,

but many related organizations,

all of whom may or may not

be legally responsible.

If, for example, you are victimized

and you were in South Dakota,

not clear you should have

any claim to assets

that are owned

by a local organization in New York,

and vice versa.

It's not clear that you might all have

rights against the national organization.

But how many assets does the national

organization actually have?

Put simply, pooling together the assets

in this case is enormously complicated.

Ultimately, we really should care

about the victims

and whether they're actually getting

their rights vindicated.

And in this complicated a process,

with this many moving pieces,

it's hard to say

that's actually happening.

No one was thinking

about child sex abuse

when Chapter 11 was put into place.

So, now you get a bad actor is the debtor,

and the whole legal scaffolding

that is now around the debtor

is all about protecting the debtor.

All of a sudden, sex abuse victims

in the thousands are now creditors.

They are legally equivalent to the roofer

that wasn't paid yet.

And they're told they're now a herd,

and they're not going to have

individual lawsuits.

We've drafted legislation to amend

the bankruptcy code because of that.

I mean, it simply was never intended

to be a warehouse for sex abuse survivors.

You worry a lawyer

will settle on the cheap.

Why litigate a case in full

if, with a one-minute phone call,

I can get half that amount?

It's not great for the victim,

but very good for the lawyer

because they're still getting 30% or 50%

for doing almost no work.

That's what you need to worry about,

the ways in which the lawyer's incentives

are gonna depart

from the incentives of the victim.

Chapter 11 bankruptcy

is not the place for child abuse.

It's a legal proceeding that

turns the victims into collateral damage,

just like they were as a kid.

And then you reach the settlement,

you know, the end of the bankruptcy,

and what is the glory of that?

The offending institution gets to live on.

And they get to say,

"If you didn't come forward during

the bankruptcy, you don't have a claim."

Bankruptcy is constructed

for the powerful.

And the powerful win.

The Boy Scouts argued

for a very long time

that sexual abuse was a minuscule problem.

This was a minuscule problem.

This was a small thing.

Given the existence of the files,

everything that we know now,

82,000 people coming forward,

this is a lot of real individuals in pain.

That was a lie.

That was a cover-up, right?

The Boy Scouts lied about that

not being a problem.

Oh yeah, 82,000 over what period of time?

And we don't even know

that that's the number.

But one is too many.

- But why should...

- One was too many.

We're a microcosm

of the society that we're in.

Ninety-five percent of abuse

happens in the home,

or with someone within the family.

What have you read lately in the news

about kids that are being sexually abused?

It's happening in the schools,

and it's happening in other places.

We believe one of the best ways

we can do it,

in addition to all the things we're doing,

is to set up a basis by which

you can track these people

and keep them

from getting into organizations.

Because that's what we know they do do,

is they seek access to youth.

Until we can prevent them

from getting access to youth,

we will never be as far along the road

in protecting these kids.

And that, to us,

is the most important thing.

Is it absolutely, perfectly safe,

and you guarantee

no one will ever have an accident,

no one will ever have

an undesirable person doing something,

or trying to do something with them?

No, you create

as many safeguards as you can.

There's no perfect plan,

and there's no endless stream of money.

And no amount of money is gonna compensate

any of these survivors,

any of these victims,

for what happened to them.

No amount of apologies

is ever going to erase,

and that's not what we're trying to do.

We're bringing them into our governance.

We're bringing them

into our youth protection.

We're asking survivors that are willing

to come out and come forward

and to monitor what we're doing

because we are committed to this.

But nobody is more sorry,

and nobody thinks that the compensation

these survivors get will ever be enough.

Kind of the way I see it

is that trust is key to the Scouts.

I mean, I don't want to put my kids

in the Scouts unless I trust them.

You can go ask... go ask the leaders.

What... What?

I'm asking you. I'm asking you.

I'd go visit units.

I'd go look at the units.

Why should Americans

trust the Scouts?

Why should we look at this and say,

"They've got it"?

Look at what we're doing

to keep kids safe.

Look at the protections

that we're offering,

and then make up your own mind.

The whole 95% thing,

he talks about things

like he's an expert on this,

which he's not even

factually accurate or correct.

He's deflecting to general society,

and schools, and all that,

and not focusing on... I mean, listen.

The Boy Scouts of America is coming out

of an 82,000-plus and counting

boys-to-men survivors of sexual abuse.

And he's deflecting

to talk about other entities?

Boy Scouts wants society to think

that sexual abuse

in the Boy Scouts of America

is all in the past.

Look at the numbers,

because there are a lot more

40, 30, 20 years ago.

But what they're not telling you

is it takes a man,

not as a boy, a man, at least 20 years...

And again,

"if they tell anybody about it."

"Most men" only tell somebody who's, like,

their wife or a therapist,

or somebody that's trusted to them,

but most of them never tell anybody

that can do anything about it and stop it.

I want you to think about that for boys

that are currently in Scouting right now.

Keep in mind,

there's been no congressional

statewide investigation

into what happened.

The only way this isn't going

to continue to happen

is if someone steps forward and says,

"We need to investigate this."

Whether it's a congressperson,

senator, president,

that's willing

to have the courage to say...

Department of Justice, some other entity.

"Let's figure out what happened here

because by understanding it,

we can prevent it."

And I use the word "courage"

very, very specifically

because part of the Boy Scouts charter,

that's authorized by Congress,

lays out they're responsible

for teaching patriotism and courage.

So that's what we need on the behalf

of our elected leaders right now,

to step in and say, "What happened?"

"Let's get an idea

of what we can do to solve this."

You came forward

in a pretty spectacular way

and spoke out against the Boy Scouts.

Why'd you want to come forward?

To me, being silent knowing what I know

is being complicit.

You talk to the people

who "know me" know me,

they know I don't yield, I don't quit.

And I was working up to the day I left

to keep Scouts safe,

even though I knew that it was,

like, four steps forward, two steps back.

Part of my employment contract had a part

in there that, to get my severance,

that I had to sign a form,

a waiver with them.

And they said, "No, you can't talk

to anybody about anything

that has anything to do

with the Boy Scouts of America."

I don't do excuses.

Either you do it, or you don't.

That's how my daddy raised me, you know?

Either you do it, or you don't.

I went in the Boy Scouts of America

to do a job.

I went in there to help the organization

do a better job of keeping kids safe.

I was... And I would say

I had some successes,

even going up against the crap

I was having to deal with.

Uh, but ultimately, I... I failed.

I'm here to tell you that the organization

is still not safe for boys and girls.

I have investigated

and protected children my whole life.

I am not gonna sit here and be quiet

while I know kids are still at risk

of being sexually abused in Scouting.

So, if I am not saying anything,

I am complicit.

That's not gonna happen.

I can't be complicit.

I said, "I'll walk away from it."

One of my epiphanies in life

is I get to choose who defines me.

That's a big deal.

Today I will be introducing

first Michael Johnson.

This call to action

is not meant to end Scouting.

Anybody who knows me,

you Scouters that are out there...

If you know me,

you know that's not what this is about.

We must instead create

the independent accountability

and oversight that is necessary

for a safer Scouting program right now.

The organization, as it now stands,

fails to meet this ideal.

It fails our nation,

it fails our families,

it fails every Scout in the program.

My good friend is a national survivor.

He's talked about his story.

He said, "Mike, let me explain

something to you."

He said, "You show me

a man that's been sexually abused,

I'll show you a lot of shame."

And I think about that.

"Shame" is a big word for a man.

And I told him, um...

And I said, "You know what? I don't like

the idea of these men carrying any shame."

"If anybody ought to be carrying shame,

it's the Boy Scouts of America."

To you survivors, and I feel strongly

about speaking directly to you.

I've had the opportunity to meet

numerous of you over the years,

while I was at Boy Scouts

and since I've left.

And then the Scouts...

that left Scouting...

...because they didn't want to put up with

their sexual abuse...

their continued sexual abuse.

So, this is for each

and every single one of you.

Because I never forgot you

while I was there,

and I will never forget you

and your experiences.

The survivors have been very kind.

Uh, you know, the guys...


These men have validated what I did.

They're the courageous.

They're the ones that are heroic.

What made me

want to say something?

I got tired.

It was either now or never.

I can remember on the night,

my mother was staying on 73rd and Coles.

And Carl lived 72nd and South Shore Drive,

which is right around the corner.

I had just built up the courage in me,

and something in my...

in me said, "Leave. Leave."

He was there at the house. I ran out.

And it's a high-rise building.

I didn't even take the elevator.

I ran down the stairs. Left everything.

Just whatever I had on

is what went with me.

And, you know, I ran in with this look

on my face and the feeling over me.

So, I get to my mother's house.

She just keeps saying,

"What happened? What happened?"

It just was building. It was...

It was building. And my blood was boiling.

The following day, I wind up telling her.

It felt like a lot of stuff was released.

I knew it was over

after me leaving there that night,

that it was done.

I feel like now

I can better share my story.

I felt justice could come my way.

I kept this bottled up

until I was about 50,

and was going through some struggles.

Midlife crisis, I guess.

My wife and I,

we had grown apart a little bit.

And she knew

there was something else going on.

She knew that there was

something I wasn't telling her.

And I told her.

Her initial reaction, I was so proud,

was she was so angry.

She was so angry at what happened to me.

And... And she said, you know,

you know, "g*dd*mn Scouts."

My mother, the number of times

I wanted to tell her,

"I just need to let you know

something that happened to me,

and the reason why I became so distant

at the end of high school and in college."

I mean, we never talked in college.

She eventually

ended up getting lung cancer,

and the doctor called me in and said,

"Either you or me has to tell your mother

she has inoperable lung cancer."

She ended up living three months.

Um, we... we shared

a lot over those three months.

But... But I never told her.

I never told her.

When did you first tell

somebody, come forward, talk about it?

Maybe, like, 15 years ago

or something like that.

Like, when I was an adult already.

I never even considered telling anybody.

Maybe it's just because so many people

did come forward or whatever.

For the most part,

this right now is the first time, uh,

most people are gonna find out, you know?

I'm embarrassed of this shit.

I really am.

It embarrasses me. It's like...

It sucks, man. It just sucks.

It makes me so...

I have such anger problems.

I just get so mad, I feel like I just got

cheated out of so much shit in my life

because of this shit, like,

for real, just cheated out of it.

It's cathartic. I mean, really and truly.

I mean, it feels hurt,

but it feels good too

because, you know, I don't want

to have this feeling forever.

I don't want to have it anymore.

I just wish, uh...

I wish they were alive today,

so I could tell them what happened to me.

You know,

keeping that a secret for so long.

I honestly think, uh...

I think my parents would...

My father would have been receptive

and understood.

He probably

would have been angry.

Angry that I didn't tell him sooner.

It's just something you keep.

And I'll let you all know this, uh,

five people in the room,

you're the first that ever heard that.

Why now?

Because I just feel

like I, uh, unloaded

a ton of rocks off my shoulders.

To know you're not alone,

though, is a different story.

To know you're not in a fight alone.

A fight for what?

To be normal. To feel normal.

This is the trophy award

my father got for being a scoutmaster.

It's seen better days,

but it's also the thing that gives me

that connection to him

more than anything else, and, uh...

This is...

This is why I'm speaking up, 'cause, uh...

It's what an Eagle would do.

I can't tell you

how many times I look at this,

and I'll just hold it this same way

and I'll cry.

Some of the wings you can look and see

there's kind of a haphazard

glue job on it 'cause...

at some points in the past, I've gotten

so angry at what this represents

that I've just chucked it

at the wall and then...

...struggled to piece it together.

This bankruptcy isn't the end.

This is just one step in the process.