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05x14 - If the Shoe Fits

Posted: 01/31/14 22:35
by bunniefuu
Previously, on Republic of Doyle.

You're afraid to tell Jake that you and Tinny are a couple.

How'd you know? Does everyone else know?

I'm dating Tinny.


Hold on, buddy. You're gonna be fine.



Smallwood was a good cop.

They gave me his job.

Acting Inspector.

Sloan. What are you doing home?

I'm not pipping off from school. I'm genuinely sick.

Ah, no. You're not.

How do you know? I mean, how can you be so sure?

I just am sure, okay? And I'm not in the mood to be lied to.

Jake. I'm not lying to you.

Okay. Look. I'm sorry, okay. I don't mean to be insensitive. I'm sorry.

It's okay. Look, I gotta go.

Please, just go to school. Okay. Go to school please.


Luke. Where are you?

They got it, Sloan. They took it all.

Calm down. Who took it?

The cops.

They raided the warehouse.

They're confiscating everything.

Wait. So the cops have our shipment of designer knock-off merchandise.

All of it. I drove up. I saw the whole thing go down.

You're an idiot. You were supposed to pick it up last night.

Look. What are we gonna do?

We owe Saul big time. I told you we shouldn't have borrowed from him.



Des: It's tough, isn't it. Raising a child.

I'm still not talking to you.

Oh come on. You're not gonna kick me out of the apartment because I'm dating Tinny.

We both know that you're not that guy.

Des, I never, ever wanna hear the words...

"Dating Tinny" and "My apartment" in the same sentence ever again.

Just so you know, we don't do anything out of bounds-- while we're in there. We don't do anything ever.

When I say we don't do anything, anywhere-- obviously, I'm being dishonest.

That's ridiculous. But, I'm really glad we have today to talk and reconnect about the whole thing.

Des, when I told you to buy a locker-- it was to take all your piles of useless stuff and put it inside. Not buy more piles of useless stuff.

What do you want me to do?

They're auctioning off an entire locker full of treasure.

Just think about it. The deal I got.

There could be anything in there, man. Anything.

Gold, whatever.

Well, it looks like your treasure chest has been broken into.

Did she come with the auction?



Wanna tell us what you're doing in my friend's locker.

We're still friends. Good.

This is my locker. And I wanna know. Where did you put it?

What are you talking about?

Okay, look. As much as I'd love to see you kick Des's ass right now-- why don't we all take a breath, have a conversation.

And you tell is what it is that you want.

Of course.

Wait, wait, wait! Ah, my eyes.

We just wanted to have a conversation.


Des. Des.

Uh, Jake. You might wanna see this.

Is the pepper spray messing with my head?

Or are you holding a human foot?

Murdoch: It's not the pepper spray.

Now if you'd kindly raise your hands.

And don't move.

Who the hell are you?

Bill Murdoch. Who are you?

♪ Oh yeah ♪
♪ Oh yeah ♪
♪ Oh yeah ♪
♪ Oh yeah ♪
♪ Oh yeah ♪
♪ ee yay ee ya ee yay ♪
♪ Oh yeah ♪
♪ ee yay ee ya ee yay ♪

Look buddy, I just had the eyes burnt outta my head.

Okay. Can you not sh**t me in the face as well?

How could you cut off a woman's foot?

Is that Felicity's?

Jake: What? Who?

Look, we didn't cut off anyone's foot. Okay. Give me that.

Why don't we just, you know--

sit down, put down the g*n and just have a normal conversation.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. I paid good money for this storage locker.

Which means everything inside. So technically, that's mine.

Which I would like to re-gift to you, sir.

This is too strange, even for me to process.




Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Okay. Jake's half blind, and you're a stranger to us.

So why don't we all just stop fighting.

Give me the g*n.

Are you gonna forgive me for dating your amazingly hot niece?

Give me the g*n.


What's going on?

I'm just gonna reach into my pocket here.

You're a cop?

The woman who assaulted you-- her name is Felicity Shephard.

She's a friend of mine. She asked me here to help her.

Now, I fear, you two have scared her off.

[Knock, knock.]

More reports from the morgue.

You're welcome.

Find a hole somewhere.

There's no room left in my office.

How's-- being the boss, Inspector?

Acting Inspector.

And I feel like I'm dying a slow, painful death due to paper work.

Why are you looking at me like that?

I'm not.

Jess, I know ya. If you got something to say, just say it.

I mean, I shouldn't be saying anything.

I mean, I'm not saying anything.

Oh my God. Does this have to do with Jake?


No. I mean, I just--
I don't know.

Yes. This was such a bad idea.

Jess, Jake can do whatever he likes.

And so can you, for that matter.

We've hung out a few times. That's all.

I don't care.

If were to-- you know, be something. I don't want it to be weird--

with you and me.

The only thing that's weird right now is that you're even having this conversation with me.


If you guys are happy, I'm happy.

Bye now. Please.



Oh, come on.

It's not gonna be that bad.

Are you joking? You're mother's in town.

Yes. And it's just a layover. She's just here for a day.

Just wants to see the Irish Loop.

It's all gonna go fine.

That woman can do a lot of damage in a day.

We should probably give the Southern Shore a head's up she's coming.


Lock there's doors, and all.


What? You need me?

Well, I'm free.

What did you say?

I'm free to help you any way that I can, son.

Okay. I need you to run a name for me.

Of course I can, son. I'll be right there.

No, no, no, dad. I'm gonna text you the name.


Urgent business.

Jake's in serious trouble.

Have fun with your mother.

Before you say anything, Jake already told me off.

I'm sick. That's why I'm not in school.

Nice try.

As a punishment, you get to meet your step great great great grandmother.

Have fun. And leave your valuables at the house.


Did you your mother try to k*ll him, or something?

Or something.

Come on.

I'm dropping you off to school on the way. Let's go.

Where's Murdoch?

He um. He had to go--

He had to look into a bit of a lead.

But he said he'd be back.

But I have him my cell and my e-mail.

He really wants to find Felicity.

The woman who pepper sprayed you.

Yeah, I wouldn't mind talking to her either.

Good. 'Cause he hired us to find her.

And he paid in advance.

He flew all the way here to help her.

Probably on points, but still.

So we find a severed foot. Some Toronto Cop, and a really good looking missies who pepper sprays me.

And we manage to get a gig out of it.

Only us, right?

It's your cut.

Wow. Thanks.

He paid us a lot.

He paid us a lot.

I need you to stay here and somehow figure out why Murdoch wants us to find Felicity so badly.

Alone? So when comes back, I'm teamed with him?

I thought today was supposed to be about us.

Des, I gotta try and figure out who's the owner of this foot.


Jessica: This is real.

Jake, why are you-- why do you have a severed foot?

I don't.

So am I hallucinating?

Look, I just need you to find out some information for me, okay-- on whoever owns this foot. If you wouldn't mind, on the QT.

On the QT? Is this your way of trying to get me into bed?

Because it's a terrible strategy.

Sorry, I didn't mean to--
I just came to get a file.

That's okay, Simon. Jake, this is--

Simon Eagleson. Also a medical examiner.

How are you doing?

Simon is from the Mainland.


He's in town for an exchange for a few weeks. You know--

Police Forces exchanging information.

I gotta go.

Cool man. Right on.

We have to talk-- later.

What am I supposed to do with this?

Um-- I don't know what--

Oh. You're back. How was your lead?

I was searching some of the local hotels and hostels to see if one of them might be where Felicity is staying.

Any luck?

Unfortunately, no.

You know, no offence. But I'm really not happy that Jake paired us up together.

Today was supposed to be a Jake and Des day.

Not some stupid you and Des day. Now, we've got some issues that we're trying to work out and I'm not gonna get into it with you.

We're having some problems. Because I'm dating his insanely hot niece, Tinny.

I'm pretty sure we love each other.

So Felicity was standing here when you entered the locker.

Did she look like she was searching for anything particular?

Yes, man. I told you. That chest over there.

Anyway. Tinny is wicked.

You'd really like her. Everybody does.

Look, buddy. I knows what you're thinking.

Okay. I went through that trunk.

Up and down. There's nothing.

Except that.

Those look like a bunch of tools people who rob things would use.

Umhmm. This doesn't look good.

I was hoping Felicity might have moved on from this.

Des: You do know, that
when I saw her, she was holding a severed foot.

Yes. Felicity has a history of criminal activity.

But she would never hurt anyone.

Someone's coming.

Oh, hi.



I'm Chad King.

Can we help you?

Chad: No, no, no.

I'm just doing my, you know, security rounds and--

I'm the owner of this establishment.


Well, this is my locker.

Okay. I'm just making sure that everything's safe.

And, from the looks of it, it is. So-- okay. Good for you.

Desmond, is it?

I'm gonna check out more hotels.

You stay here.

If Felicity shows up, call me. I need to speak with her.


Took you long enough.

Oh, yes b'y. You would've camped out here for three weeks if it meant staying away from Rose's mother.

Shut up.


Murdoch's a detective.

Comes from a long line of cops.

Blood's as blue as it comes. But for some reason, his file is blocked. I got a call through to a guy from his department.

What about missus here?

She's got a reputation of being a pretty successful criminal. B and E's, heists, you name it.

What's her connection to Murdoch?

She's only been caught once. By Bill Murdoch, years ago.

Okay, so she's a felon.

Bill Murdoch, he arrests her.

And then he follows her all the way to Newfoundland. Why?

She was sprung because she copped a deal to keep her out of jail.

And Murdoch-- helped her, apparently.

Yeah, look at her. I dare say he did.

Where's she now?

Planning a job?

Murdoch's chasing her?

Okay. Why did he hire us?


Hi, so are we still being jerks to each other or-- - No.

I just wanted to let you know that Rose dropped me off at school.

So you're not sick.

You were lying to me.

Right. Look. Any chance I can get a hike in my allowance?

Since when do you get an allowance?

That's what dads do. They give their kids money.

Wait. What did you do?

Why do you need this cash?

I just do! Why do you always think I did something wrong?

Look, Sloan. I don't know if you noticed, but I'm an investigator, okay?

It's my job to figure out when people are lying, or not.

So why don't you just come clean with me right now.

Tell me what you want. See if I can help you.

You know what? Never mind.


She's sixteen. It's almost the worst year of all of them.


Do me a favour. Just keep looking into Felicity and see if you can find a connection between her and that severed foot.


Shut up and stop whining.

I've got a way to get some of the cash.

Where's Murdoch?

Oh, he's out looking into every B&B, every hotel, every anything, trying to find out where Felicity is staying. Here.

He really wants to find here, huh?

Yes, he does. Can I run a theory by you?

Keep in mind, it's just a theory at this point.

But I think I'm onto something.

Give 'er.

Okay. So, Murdoch, right?

He flies all the way here to help out his friend Felicity, which is so sweet, right?


But-- I think that Murdoch has a thing for Felicity.

And I can tell, because I knows when a man's in love.

And I don't wanna get into why you know that, okay.

We show up, right?

She has a severed foot. But she's looking or something else.

And she's frantic. She's going crazy--


Anyway. So, she can't find whatever it is she's looking for, right?

And then buddy shows up.

This guy-- Chad King.



So I think he's stealing from all the lockers.

Jake: Is he the owner?

Des: Yes, he's the owner. And I looked into--
his wi-fi. Turns out he's been auctioning off and double and triple renting all the lockers which is why I ended up with the same locker as Felicity.

And I think he's storing it all in here.

So he's using this place as his own personal vault.

It's a pretty hefty lock. He's obviously protecting something.

Liquid nitrogen.

Been saving it for a special occasion. Stand back.

Oh, hand me that, hand me that.



Just hurry up.


That's heavy. Okay...



It's a good job, Des.

It was a great job, Des.

What are we looking for?

Who knows? I think he's after robbing a good few spots, so--

Look at this.


Hey there.

Mal: Check your phone.

You're new pretty friend Jessica at the police station sent me this.

Is she the owner of the foot?

Felicity's cousin, Robin Shephard.

She's an avid hiker who's been missing for the last few days.

Felicity's cousin?

Robin's family has a fortune.

They own a nickel mine. Robin's set to inherit it but, if she's out of the picture...

Felicity's next in line.

I'll look into it.


Look at this. Felicity's locker invoice.

There's no address. But look, there's a phone number.

Why don't we just give it a call?

Male voice: August's B and B.

Yeah, I'm looking for a guest--

Felicity Shepherd.

Yeah, I know here name.

Her name is Felicity Shepherd.

One moment please.

Call Murdoch. Tell him I'm gonna pick him up.

You know. I have a theory about why you came back to help Felicity.

Is that so?

Okay, it's not my theory, it's Des's but I fully endorse it.

We think that maybe you might have some romantic history with this woman.

All right, it's true. Felicity and I do have a past.

But that was a different place and different time.

Why I'm here now is purely--


Purely what, Murdoch. Why are you here?

Where did you put my pocket watch. I do not have any time for this!

Easy, easy, alright. I told you we could come up with some sort of arrangement.

That's why I come up here.



Hey. You look beautiful.

Thank you.

But I gotta take you in.

No, no, Billy. You think I hurt my cousin? I'm trying to save Robin.

I know you robbed the two million dollars. I knew all along.

But now I have proof.
Bill straps from the bank.


Give me that!

You gotta stop pepper spraying everyone that you see!

Great job.

You just k*lled my cousin.

What are you talking about?

Robin's been kidnapped and Chad is the only thing that can get her back.

Chad has my pocket watch. And unless I get it back, I'm never gonna see Robin again.

Do you understand that?

Slow down, okay? What are you talking about? What do you mean your cousin is missing?

Slow down? This idiot just told me to slow down? Robin's been kidnapped.


Who kidnapped her?

And what do they want?

Murdoch: The robbery.

Whoever's got your cousin knows you have the two million dollars.

Whoever it is knows I pulled the job.

And if I don't get them the money--

Robin's gonna be sent to me piece by piece.

Okay. The pocket watch has something to do with where you got the money stashed. How?

I buried the money at a remote location.

And I left a GPS transmitter. So I could dig it up-- later. The receiver is in the watch.

And Chad has that.

Where could he be?

Right, drop me off the Chad's locker.

If he shows up there I'll find him.

Billy. Don't be mad, please.

You. I'm just gonna leave you with my father, alright?

Until I figure out what to do next.

Come on.

Where's Jess?

I ran the test for Jessica.

She's a busy person. And I don't think she appreciates her-- whatever you are-- asking her to run errands for you.

She doesn't appreciate it. Or you don't.

I'd say both of us.

Look. it's a human foot. Okay, not a cat.

I couldn't run this through the proper channels at this station.

It's actually kind of a complicated situation.

Yeah, I don't care if it's a complicated situation.

Just-- Don't get Jessica tangled up in anything that'll get her into-- trouble. You got me?

It's the only reason why I'm not reporting any of this.

What did you ask him to do? Run a check on a severed head?

Ha, ha. No, I think your buddy Eagleson there is--

a little bit in love with you. He just got very, very protective.

Maybe it's because you brought in a severed foot. And asked me to run it for you without telling my boss.

Yeah, he might be a little bit protective about that.

That was stupid thing for me to do.

You should be thanking Eagleson.

I was gonna report the whole thing, but he stopped me from telling Leslie.

Tell me what?


I should-- I should go.

What's this?

A human foot I found.

It's connected to a case I'm working on.

I asked Jess-- to run some tests for me. And she--

So, you're getting her to your dirty work for you now?

Don't, Leslie.
It isn't like that?

Leslie: Is this anything
we should know about?

We ran it against a sample of DNA.

A woman name, Robin Shepherd owns the foot.

And it was removed while she was still alive.

It's a missing persons case I'm working on.

So if you happen to hear anything about a missus missing a foot, it would be great if you could let me know.

Um, excuse me.
Des: There's nothing on this computer. Nothing of use, anyway. Are you having any luck?

I thought, stupidly-- I thought that maybe Felicity had changed her ways.

Now I find out I was wrong, I feel like an idiot.

Look-- I know we just met, but sometimes the women that we want, they're not the women that we want them to be.

You sound like a man with first hand experience in these matters.

No. God no. Tinny's exactly like the way I want her to be.

I just know people who've been in you're position.

It sucks.



Let me see that.

We're looking for Chad.

We got Chad's sports car lease.


So this type of car is I-Star Assistance. I can find his car, no problem.

Just a sec.

There it is. Chad's car. It's downtown across from Hotel Newfoundland.

I'll call Jake.

Very good.

Actually, Des.

I need that phone, just for a second.

Where are you going?

No! No, no no!

So she's alive.

That's what we think, yeah.

What kind of sick person would do this?

What can you tell us about Murdoch?

What do you mean?

He told us he was a cop, but I just found out he's been off the force for a while.

What's he hiding?

When I do jobs, it's normally big scores.

Before he took me down-- he was the only cop to do that, by the way--

Billy and I had a personal relationship.

Wait, if Murdoch's the one who took you down--

He made a deal with the judge to get me off if I help the cops on other cases.

It ended up getting him fired because people suspected--

Murdoch was working with you from the inside.

He risked everything for me. And in the end, it got him.

And he's doing it again.

I mean, by showing up here. I never asked him to. I had no idea.

Wait... no. Murdoch told me that you asked him to come here.

No, I have already done enough damage to that guy.

I wanted him to stay away.

So, who else knows about you and the latest two million dollar robbery?

No one.

But I guess I am the number one suspect on file with the police.

Even though he's not a cop anymore, he could have access to all of this information.

Revenge? Could be.

I better call Des and warn him. He's with Murdoch right now.

[Ring. Ring.]

Thank you gene pool for these unusually long arms.

Jake. It's Murdoch. He locked me in the locker.


Where's he headed?

Chad's car. We tracked it down, it's in the Great Big She, the strip club.

Okay. Bye.

How am I gonna get out of here? Hello? Oh my--

I gotta go to a strip club.

Hey now. What are you doing here? You knows I can't be having no trouble.


Relax. We don't want any trouble. Okay?

We're looking for this guy. Have you seen him around today?

Pay the cover and you can go in.

Finn, we only wanna go inside for a couple of seconds.

Yeah, but the girls are naked, no matter how long you're in there, Jake.

So, twenty bucks each.

And, if you're nice, I might throw in a Kaluha and Coke.

Bill us.

Chad. Remember me?

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Ladies, this is not my wife. You can keep dancing.

Watch, now, or this will get ugly.

Chad, we just want the watch, okay. We don't want any trouble.

And why would I give it to ya?

'Cause I'll k*ll you if you don't.

Okay, you know what? Neither of you have any right to interrupt my lap dance.

I paid for that dance. Don't dance for him.

If you don't mind. It's not too much to ask, maybe?

You know what? Forget this. I'm outta here.

How exactly would you like this to go down, Chad?

Because at your current pace, it's gonna end very badly for you.

Pocket watch. Where is my GPS?

Well, you know the thing about that is--


I warned you.

Hey! Get off me.

Hang on now. Put her down now. Okay?

Finn: All ye crowd out!

Ah! You see what you made me do!

All ye crowd out!

Get off!


Police? Yeah.

Oh, wait. Hold on.

Why don't we just have a-- drink.


Finn: Jake Doyle is causing a racket down here at Great Big She.

Here. I think there's a drop left in that.

Finn: Jake, your missus got this place-- broke up!

Did you get it?

Yeah. With this we can find where the money is buried and get Robin back.

Felicity Shepherd?

Come on!

I did a little check in to Robin Shepherd.

Jake's so-called missing persons case.

Oh man.

I need you to come with me.

I'll come with you.

Just find Robin.

Whoa. Sorry, I'll get out of your hair.

You guys just carry on doing whatever it is that you-- are doing.

Dad. I'm coming to pick you up.

Mal: The money should be up here if this GPS thing is working.

Ah... Murdoch?


This is nothing like what it looks like.

Drop the shovel. Now.

Here's the tracker.

At least Chad's still alive.

Were you trying to k*ll him?

Of course not. Chad was like that when I got here.

And how is it that you got here, if we had this?

I followed Chad out of the club.

He got yanked into a dark SUV. I pursued them, but then, I lost them.

You lost them.

By the time I got here...

All you found was an empty hole with no money in it.

You're not a cop any more. You didn't tell us.

You were kicked off the force. Why?

I was trying to help Felicity go straight.

But they thought I was working with her.

I lost everything because of her.

And you followed Felicity to Newfoundland because--

I followed her because I'm in love with her.

Where is she?

Mal: She's in custody.

Leslie picked her up for questioning about the two million bucks.

Apparently she's the Toronto Police's prime suspect.

Felicity's cousin. She's still missing.

We have to find that money so we can get her back.

If we had the GPS, how did Chad know the money was here?

He must have came here before. He grabbed the money, and then took off.

If you just found two million bucks, where's the first place you'd go?

I know where you'd go.



I managed to get out of that locked storage locker. "Oh, how did you manage to do that, Des? Are you okay?" Yeah, I'm totally fine, Jake.

Thanks so much for asking.

Yes. Sorry about that.

Well, more importantly--

we gotta very interesting delivery here at the office, and it... it's beyond gross.

It's a human ear.

Oh Dear God. That poor woman.

The kidnapper left a number to text when we had the money.

How long do we have?

They're threatening to k*ll her if we don't have it in an hour.


Let's go.

What is that?

That is--
That's a long story.

And what are you planning to do with it?

Well, I was gonna put it in ice, but Jake doesn't really fill the ice trays.

So maybe I'll just use-- the bar downstairs.

And put it in the freezer.

Because that's really cold and I'm some smart. Right?

He's gotta have some money in here somewhere. Where is it?

Finn: Well, well, well.

Look who's back. Jake and-- the old man Malachy. Well-- he's not getting back in here. You know how much trouble he got me into with my boss?

Finn. Someone's live is at stake. I' sorry.

Chad King. He left a bag here.

Now, just a question now.

Is there anything, say, worth anything in this bag--

that's allegedly on the property?

Get out of my way, Finn, or I swear to God. Get out, up.

Got it.

Finn: Now, now.
No need to go rushing off, mate.

Finn. Thanks for for being a gent.

Here it is.

I don't see a missing girl.


Leave the money and go.

Jake: Robin 1074.

Pass me that bag.


Good call.

Is that a compliment?

Let's go to 1074.

Okay. I'll go get Robin. You stay here and see if anyone comes or goes.

Yeah. Hurry.

1074. 1074.

Don't worry. I'm here to help.


I was drugged. I didn't see much.

What's wrong?

What are you doing?

Your foot isn't missing.

You are Robin Shepherd?


What's going on?

You find Robin?

Yeah. She's out in the car, and guess what?

She's got both ears and both feet.

Wait a second.

Jake. The money.

That's impossible.

I was outside the whole time. Didn't see anyone come or go.

Um... the money is long gone.

So is the kidnapper.

Mal: Robin's back at the hospital being checked out.

How is this possible?

It doesn't make any sense.

I mean, both her and the mainland medical examiner guy, Eagleson--

They said that the body parts were Robin's.

Well, that's not the only thing.

The GPS transmitter is broadcasting from the Police Station.

Who else would have a bunch of body parts lying around?

Someone who works in the morgue?

We know it's not Jessica. Come to think of it-- Eagleson.

He's the one who actually ran the DNA tests. Not Jessica.

Des: That makes sense. Anyone on the Force has access to the police files.

And the speculation that Felicity had robbed a bank.

Check into Eagleson. Find out where he's been staying.

Yeah. Will do.

Jake. Please. No more surprises.

What's wrong?

Where's buddy, buddy--
What's his name? Eagleson.

You're jealous, aren't you?

No. Well, actually I was at one point.

But I'm not anymore.

We found the missing girl. We found Robin.

The kidnapped girl? My God, is she okay?

Yeah. She's okay. Guess what? She has both feet and both ears.


Where did Eagleson get the DNA to match the foot to Robin?

DNA? I don't know. He said you gave it to him.

I knew it. Eagleson.

He had access to all the information on the case that we were working on.

Son of a--

Are you sure?

Run a check on all your cadavers, your dead bodies.

I guarantee you, one of them's missing a foot and an ear.

What ear?


Where's Felicity?

We let her go. We didn't have any evidence to hold her.

What's going on?

Good question.

If Eagleson's got the money. Why would he go after Felicity?

They have nothing to do with each other.

Maybe they do.

Murdo38ch was kicked off the force because they suspected he was Felicity's partner.

Felicity had inside information that only a cop would know.

Or someone who works at the Police Station.

Eagleson. Eagleson must be Felicity's partner.

Felicity cuts him out of his share of the money and runs here.


Des, what do you got?

So, I did what you asked, I looked into where Eagleson's been staying.

Anywhere remote?

A hotel downtown.

No, there's too many people around.

He could never kidnap someone there.

Yeah, that's what I thought.

So, I looked into any relatives he might have in the area.

Turns out he has an uncle who owns a cabin out in Middle Cove.

That must be it. Good job, Des.

So this means you're good about me dating Tinny.

Yes. But don't tell anyone I said that.

And call Murdoch and tell him to meet us there. Right away.


There he is.

Well, you see anything?

Cabin's back there.

I checked it. They're not in there.

I'm worried that Eagleson's got her.

[Eagleson in the distance.] No!



Okay. This is not what I expected.

Tell me about it.

Back off. Everyone back off, or he's dead.

Felicity. Why are you doing this? Put the knife down.

He kidnapped my cousin. He's never gonna stop coming after me.

This is the only way.

Because you cut me out. Give me half the money and you'll never see me again.

Buddy, you're not in the best bargaining position here.

Felicity. Okay. It's cold out, and we wanna go home. Okay.

So can you please, please not be at this.

Maybe I wanna be at it.

Put down the knife.

Billy please.

You're never gonna sh**t me.

We both know it. So why don't you just-- [Bang]

The money! No!

Okay! Let go of the bag and give me your other hand.

No! I'll lose the money.

If you don't let go of the bag, you're gonna lose a lot more than that. Now come on!

Give us your hand.



No, the money!

Give me your other hand. Come on.

You okay?


Come on, Dad.


You shot me.

I can't believe you did that.

You were gonna k*ll him.

You didn't exactly leave me any choice.

Why'd you do it, Felicity?

You ruined everything that I believed in for you.

You know what? I never asked you to do that, Billy.

I'm just... I'm not the woman you think I am.


I never was.

I'm starting to realize that.

Well, you'll never have to see me again, Felicity.

I'm sorry, Billy.

You okay there, pally?

About as good as can be expected?

Thank you again, Mr. Doyle.

I needed closure. I owe you one.

Nudding to it.

If you have a love, and they love you in return, cherish that.

Take it from me.


Is it just me? Or does it feel like we've done this before?

I don't know. Maybe it all happened in another life, hey b'y?

You know, if I wasn't so overworked and understaffed, I'd be mad at ya.

Oh yeah. I mean, I only solved a bank robbery and took down both the culprits.

Obviously, I'm a huge jerk.

Some wouldn't disagree with that.

Oh, and I solved a kidnapping, too.

I thought you said Robin was missing.

Well, technically missing--
Kidnapping-- it's a subset of missing.

You know the whole Venn Diagram thing.

Oh right. That's brilliant. You know, I should hire you in the Department.

I got that kind of authority now.

So I heard. Congratulations, Inspector.

You know, that's very, very sexy.

Jess: Jake.

Hey. I'm not interrupting.

No. Jake and I were just talking business.


Thank God. I mean, I have to take this. It's my daughter.

Hi. Hold on for a second.

I'll call you-- both anon.


If you weren't so cute, I'd be mad at you.


It's fine. Mom says hi.


Be sure to send her my love.

You know, we went out to that lighthouse in Ferryland.

And I coulda sworn she was casing the joint.

Wow. What a score that would be.


Well, would you look at this. She's doing her homework.

Are we okay? Or--

Yeah, I'm sorry I hung up on you.

It's all right.

Look, Sloan. You and me. I'm new at being a father.

You're new at being a daughter.

So what do you say? Let's make a deal.

Let's not put too much pressure on ourselves.

I'll drink to that.

Ha. Ha.


Now, I realize you have a cash flow situation.

To be honest with you, it won't be long before Father has you working here.

So, to avoid that--

I have a plan.

What are you doing?

You'll see.


This is lot of money for someone your age, Sloan Daniels.

I wanna know exactly what you plan to do with it. In writing.

Now, it's gonna go towards your first year of university.

And yes, you will be going to university.

But I think you can use some of it until you get to that stage.

I don't know what to say.

Come on.

Let's go to father's house and get some supper.

Can I just meet up with you in-- just a minute.

I got some stuff to do downstairs, so don't be long.

Jake: What are you doing?
Are you okay?

Yeah. Great.


Announcer: - Next Wednesday...

Get down!

On the two-hour season finale of Doyle.
A dangerous alliance.

An old grudge.

I will end you.

Announcer: And an unexpected betrayal.
Republic of Doyle, at a special time. - Drop the knife!

Next Wednesday at 8:00 on CBC.

Announcer: Recipe to Riches, starts February 26th, only on CBC.

Take the shot.