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Fourth Down and Love (2023)

Posted: 09/14/23 08:01
by bunniefuu
Oh oh oh oh oh

Oh oh oh oh oh oh

oh oh oh oh oh oh

(crowd cheering)

Oh oh oh oh oh oh

- [Announcer] Ladies

and gentlemen,

we're getting ready

for kickoff here.

- [Trainer] All wrapped

up, ready to go.

(crowd cheering)

- Watch the line, buddy.

- Come on, Jackson.

(crowd cheering)

(upbeat electronica

music continues)

- [Announcer] Ladies

and gentlemen,

please welcome your Whalers.

(fireworks popping)

(crowd cheering)

- [Jimmy] Aha, there he is.

- Is Uncle Mike playing?

- [Danielle] Sure is.

- Yes.

Is Grandma Gertie coming over?

- [Jimmy] No, she's watching

the game with her friends

at the pub in her complex.

- It's the only pub in town

where the minimum

age is 65 and over.

- You're just jealous.

- Yeah, I know.

It's awesome there

and here,

but when I'm old, send me there.

- Got it.

(people chattering)

(mellow big band music)

- Oh, there he is.

There, that's my Mikey.

Oh, you go get him, kiddo.

I taught him everything

he noticed. (laughing)

- You taught him how to

cheat at poker? (laughing)

- Oh stop. (laughing)

- I know that Whalers and

Football League of America fans

are absolutely ecstatic that

Bay Area native Mike Hanson

is having an incredible

start to the season

after missing all of last year

due to that brutal ACL tear.

- Yeah, Mike Hanson has been

on a whole other level

these first few weeks.

I actually spoke to

him before the game,

and he really feels that this

is really the year that

he will win his ring.

- You know, Roy, I think a

few of Mike Hanson's fans

are quite happy to see

that he still isn't wearing

that other kind of

ring on his finger.

- You know, they are a very

intense bunch, Al. (chuckling)

- Was your brother always

this popular with the ladies

back in high school?

- Yeah, but he was so

focused on football

and getting into a D1 school,

he didn't even notice,

which made him even

more attractive.

Man, we hated him.

(Danielle chuckling)

- [Game Announcer]

Ladies and gentlemen,

we're getting ready

for kickoff here.

(gentle piano music)

- [Video Narrator] As

the prospective buyers

are shown this new colonial.

- Mom, what are you watching?

The Stallions-Whalers

game is on.

Can I please change it?

- Ah, yeah, sure.

- Yes.

Don't you wanna watch?

I know how much you

hate the Whalers.

- I don't hate them.

- You make a weird face

every time they're on.

- Well, I'm from Dallas.

It's genetic.

Yes, I will watch with you.

I just have to finish

something for work.

Georgina asked me to

write up a listing

for a 1200-square-foot

in Lafayette

without using the word charming.

It can't be done.

Do you wanna help?

- Let's go, Stallions.



- And she's gone.

- [Players] Break. (clapping)

(upbeat electronica music)

(crowd cheering)

(referee whistle sounding)

- [Quarterback] Red 15, Blue 26.



- [Roy] Here we go.

Opening drive for the Whalers.

Slot receiver's in motion.

- [Al] And it's a deep

ball down the sideline.

- [Roy] What an impossible catch

by Mike Hanson for 34 yards.

Wow, what a tackle by Burns.

- Oh, and we heard that

one from the booth, Roy.

- [Roy] That did not look good.

Given his previous

injury, this is bad.

- [Gus] Don't watch

any more, Gertie.

It will drive you crazy.

- If he's hurt again, he's

gonna be inconsolable.

- Yeah.

- And that kid who hit him,

I got half of mind

to call his mother.

Where is my phone?

(playful music)

- Ah, gee, you had

it a minute ago.

(crowd applauding)

- Is Uncle Mike

going to be okay?

- Yeah, of course he is.

- I'm sure he just got the

wind knocked out of him.

- And, Roy, you can see

it in Hanson's eyes,

just total shock that

he might be hurt again.

Let's hope this injury

isn't too serious.

- Who got hurt?

- Mike Hanson, Whalers receiver.

- Is he okay?

- I don't know.

- Well, just another reason

why I am glad you

play flag football.

No tackling.

- I tackled Lucas Murray.

- Yeah and got benched

for the rest of the game.

- He said nobody

wanted me on the team

just 'cause I was a girl.

What was I supposed to do?

- Out play them.

- I can't.

They never give me the ball.

- Still?

- If Dad was at his place for

longer than a week at a time,

he could be the coach.

- I know.

(gentle music)

(sighing) I'm sorry, sweetheart.

- I can play with a

broken rib, Coach.

Everybody does.

- It's not a rib, Mike.

Ribs, plural,

multiple fractures.

I don't even know how

you're sitting up straight.

- Can we just try the cortisone?

- I don't think

it's gonna be enough

to even dull the pain, Mike.

- Yeah, but it might.

Coach, come on.

I can't be out again,

not after everything

that happened last year.

Come on, you gotta let me try.

(Coach sighing)

- I think it worked.

I feel great.

- Music to my ears, Mike.


(Mike groaning)

- We'll take some more

detailed scans tomorrow,

but we're probably looking

at a minimum four weeks.

Could be six or eight.

- No, no, no, I can

make it back in four.

Coach, come on.

You know how hard I worked

after my ACL repair.

- This is different, Mike.

If you wanna heal, there's

no lifting, no training.

Just rest and therapy.

- We're probably gonna have

to put you back on

injured reserve.

- So I just sit on

my hands for a month?

- No.

We'll expect you to

keep up with game film,

do whatever PT you can,

and attend team meetings

when we're home.

You're a leader, Mike.

When we do get back,

we're gonna need ya.

- What you need as a receiver

who can win you a ring.

- Hey, look at me.

We're not givin' up on ya.

I promise.

Chin up, son.

(somber piano music)

(can clunking)

(Mike groaning)


(cell phone ringing)

(can clunking)

(cell phone ringing)

(cell phone beeping)

- Hey.

Richard, Richard, I don't care

about losing my bonus, okay?

I just wanna get

back on the field.

- As a Whaler, right?

- Yeah, as a Whaler.

Coach said they were

gonna take care of me.

What are you hearing?

Are they trading me?

- (laughing) I'm not

hearing anything, Mikey.

I'm just making sure I'm ready

for whatever comes your way.

That's my job.

You rest up.

I'll call you tomorrow.

- (grunting) Yeah.


- (sighing) Unbelievable.

Do you see what they're saying,

after everything he's

given to this team?

- Sweet you're wearing

that jersey today, honey.

Uncle Mike would be proud.

- He's on the injured

reserve, Danielle.

He's not dead.

- Same thing.

(doorbell ringing)

Oh, carpool's here.

Have a great day.

- See you at practice, kiddo,

and make sure you hydrate.

We're doin' shuttle runs.

- Manner of Coach is mean.

- [Jimmy] Isn't he?

- Bye.

- Bye.

- Mike Hanson

bleeds Whaler Blue.

He has given

everything to this team

and his fans for

his whole career,

and you just wanna write 'em

off like a business lunch?

- Okay, Jimmy, enough.

You can't respond to

every single post.

- I can with enough coffee.

(playful music)

Come on.

(coffee gurgling)

Thank you.

- Come on, Kira,

let's get going.

I've got some buyers

coming to look

at a property in the Woodlands,

and don't forget

your football stuff.

I'm gonna take you straight

to practice after school.

- Got it.

- [Erin] Maybe I can

talk to your coach, huh?

- No, please don't.

I can handle it myself.

- I have no doubt about that.

You are the strongest

girl I know.

- So, you won't say anything?

- I won't, unless I

absolutely have to.

- Mom.

- It's my job.

- [Kira] Your job

is selling houses.

- Well, this one's

more important.

Come on.

(playful music)

- [Georgina] So, I ran into

Kurt Woodford this morning.

- Uh huh.

- Mmm hmm.

- Uh huh.

- He told me he asked you out.

You turned him down flat?

- Yeah, you know I don't date

other real estate agents.

Too complicated.

- Well, why did you turn

down Jim from the gym?

- And when it doesn't work out,

we have to fight over

who keeps the membership?

No, thank you.

- Fine, what about that guy?

- Hang on, hang on.

Bring, bring, my

phone's ringing.


Hi, excuse to stop talking to

Georgina about my love life.

Yeah, no, no, no,

perfect timing.

One second.

- I know what you're doing.

It's not even a real phone call.

I heard you say bring, bring.

- So funny.

- [Georgina] Yeah, okay.

(playful music)

(cell phone ringing)

(cell phone beeping)

- Hey.

- Mikey, where you been?

I've been trying you

for an entire day.

You okay?

What am I sayin'?

Of course you're not.

I'm real sorry, bro.

- [Mike] Yeah, me too.

- So, you really

sittin' out for a month?

- Looks that way, but hey,

at least I got good snacks.

Look at all this stuff.

- This is just sad.

Come home.

You're only two hours by car.

Stay with us.

We'll take care of you.

You can have the entire

in-law suite to yourself.

- [Mike] I can't drive.

- I'll come get you.

- Aren't you teaching

or something?

- [Jimmy] Then I'll

send you a Town Car.

- You can't afford a Town Car.

- Yeah, but you can.

You can pay me back.

Look, I'm not takin' no

for an answer, Mikey.

Your team's on the

road for a month.

You've got no reason

not to come home.

- Jimmy, I'm gonna be

fine, man. (groaning)

Sort of fine.

All right, (sighing) I'll

see you in a couple hours.

- Good, have the

car drop you off

at the middle school field.

Zoe's got flag practice.

- All right, I'll see you soon.

(upbeat soft rock music)

- That a boy, Lucas.

Hey, you're late.

Get out there.

You off.

- Hi, ladies.


Oh my my, it feels so good

- [Boy] Right here, right here.

Right here, right here.

- Ah, all right.

I'm gonna make my move

I'm all in

- [Boy] I'm open,

I'm open, I'm open.

- [Coach] Good catch.

Oh my my gonna take it on

It ain't no thing

It ain't no thing

Oh my my doin' what I want

- [Boy] Right here, right here.

Do my thing, do my thing

Play it up high, take it low

- Throw me the ball, Lucas.

I'm wide open.

(boys laughing)

Are you ready, ready to go

Are you ready,

ready for more

Are you ready, ready for me

Are you ready

- [Coach] Girls, there we go.

Nice one.

Are you ready

- Ah, are they in our league?

- Yeah, their practices

moved here last week.

- [Girl] Hut.

- [Coach] Go hard,

let's go, let's go.

Find her.

There she is.

- I didn't know that there

was an all girls team.

- Hmm.

- Why wasn't I on it?

- I don't know.

Their team was formed with kids

from the other middle school.

Now get back to practice please.

You're at center.

- I wanna be on that team.

- Are you asking to be traded?

- Yes, I am.

- This isn't pro football, Kira.

You don't just switch teams.

The roster is the roster.

- Mom, uh,

remember when I said

I didn't want you

talkin' to the coach?

- Yeah.

- Well, I changed my mind.

- [Erin] Why?

- [Girls] One,

two, three, break.

- [Kira] I wanna

be on that team.

- [Girl] Ready, set, hut.

(kids chattering)

- What do you care if

Kira goes to another team?

You don't even play her.

- It's not my call.

The other coach would

have to agree to it.

- [Erin] All right, and if

he does, you'll let her go?

- Whatever you wanna do, lady.

I'm just here so I can start

my kid at quarterback, you know?

(playful music)

- (sighing) Okay.

We have got to get you

off this team, honey.

Come on.

- Yeah, Lucas.

That a boy.

(whistle blowing)

- Zoe, could you

throw a ball with?

- [Kira] Kira.

- Nice to meet you, Kira.

Thanks, kiddo.

- [Zoe] What about an in?

- [Kira] Okay.

- Hut.

- Nice.

- Look, I know it's a long shot,

but she just wants a

chance to prove herself.

- No, I get it.

Zoe went through the

same thing last year.

It's actually why I

started this team,

and I think we can

work something out.

- Really?

- Yeah.

- Thank you.

Thank you, and if you need

anything, just let me know.

I'm happy to help

out, except coaching.

These flag rules, so confusing.

- I know.

Even my brother gets confused,

and he plays in the pros.

- (laughing) Really, what team?

- Ah, the Whalers?

Mike Hanson.

(playful music)

- Um, he just got hurt.

How is he?

- You can ask him yourself.

He just got here.

- Uncle Mike, I can't

believe you're here.

Are you okay?

- Yeah, I'm gonna be.

Pretty good out there, kiddo.

Some tight lookin' spirals.

- Don't be nervous.

He's a really nice guy.

- Oh, no, that's not.

- Mike, I'd like

to introduce you

to one of our newest

players, Kira.

- I'm on the team?

- You bet.

Welcome to the Whalers.

- Yes.

Okay, let's go.

- And this is Kira's mom.

I'm sorry I didn't

catch your name.

- Um.

- Erin.

- Hi, Mike.

- You two know each other?

- Yeah.

- We do.

(playful music)

- Care to elaborate?

- So, we dated in college.

- Ah, wait, she's

the, you're that Erin,

the one that broke

my brother's heart?

- I'm pretty sure I

didn't break his heart

so probably not that Erin.

- Yeah, she is.

You did.

I'm gonna watch, uh,

practice from over there.

(whistle blowing)

- Okay girls,

let's do somethin'.


- Well, ladies, I hope you have

a great rest of your season,

and hopefully we will

see you in the playoffs.

(pleasant symphony music)

(chair clattering)



Here you go.

- Thank you.

- No problem.

- So you live in Chestnut?

(whistle blowing)

So you live?

(whistle blowing)

- [Erin] Sorry, what was that?

- You live in Chest.

(whistle blowing)

So you live in

Chestnut Creek now?

- I, uh, yeah.

(whistle blowing)

We moved here after

Kira was born.

- Great place to raise a family.

- Yeah, I knew you

were from here.

I just didn't think we were

ever gonna run into each other.

- So you're married?

- Uh, divorced, actually,

three years ago.

- I'm sorry to hear that.

- Oh, don't be.

It's for the best.

(Mike laughing)

- What's so funny?

- You said the same thing to me.

- And I was right.

We never were gonna work

out, and look at you.

Look at your life.

You're living the dream, right?

- You don't know anything

about my life or my dreams.

If you did.

(bee buzzing)

- Oh, oh, oh no, bee.

(playful music)


Oh no, oh.

- That's literally the opposite

of what you should be doing.

- I don't care, I don't.

Oh, oh, oh, oh.

Oh, quick.

- Save yourself.

- This was the best

practice I've had, ever.

- That was great

work today, ladies.

- Great practice.

Let's get going.

- Oh, mom, the team's

going out for pizza.

Can we go?

(playful music)

- Yeah, sure.

- Thanks.

She said, yes. (laughing)

(people chattering)

(gentle Italian music)

I knew we shouldn't have

stopped at home first.

Now we're late.

- No, honey, it's fine, okay?


- Hi, glad you

guys could make it.

I just, I need the grab

some plates and stuff.

- So, I guess Mike already

went back to Santa Clara.


- You wish.

- Hi, I'm Kira.

- Mike.

- Hanson, yeah, I know.

Everybody here knows.

- I guess I don't really notice

that sort of thing anymore.

- (chuckling) Okay.

- What?

- Nothing, no.

- I just wanted to say that

even though I'm a Stallions fan,

it was a bummer to

see you get hurt.

- Thanks.

Wait, you're a Stallions fan?

- Yep, just like my mom.

- Is that so?

I seem to recall you being

a pretty big Whalers

fan when we met.

- Just tryin' to fit in with

all the Bay Area people.

- Wait, you, you

know each other?

- Yes, we went to

college together,

and, well, we had a

bunch of mutual friends.

You know how it is, hon?


- I better get over there,

but I hope you feel better.

- [Mike] Thanks.

- I'll see ya.

- Mmm hmm.

- Seems like a pretty great kid.

- Yeah, she is.

(gentle piano music)

She's my whole heart.

- No room for anything else?

- Kinda like you and football.

- Is that really all

you think I care about?

- It's fine.

You wouldn't have

gotten to where you are

if you weren't 100%

focused on the game.

It's all good.

And, look, you got

what you wanted.

- And what exactly is it

that you think that I wanted?

- Well.

- You know what?

Actually, don't

even answer that.

I'll, uh, I'm gonna go see

if Jimmy needs some help.

- No, stop, stop.

You can't help anyone right now.

Just, why don't you take a seat,

and I will see if

Jimmy needs any help?

- [Mike] Okay.

- Okay.

Hey, can I give you a hand?

- Nah, we're all set.

Thank you.

(gentle piano music)

(bottles clinking)

(heels clicking)

(pleasant symphony music)

- [Georgina] Uh oh.

- What?

- You're juzzing.

You don't normally juzz

unless something is wrong.

- I'm not doing that.


- Right there, juzzing.

- Okay, fine.

- What's goin' on?

- You are not gonna

believe who I ran into

at Kira's flag

practice last night.

- Oh, was it that mom,

the one that tells you

that you cut the

orange slices wrong?

- No, worse.

Mike Hanson.

- Oh.

- Oh?

That's your reaction?

I was expecting something

a little bit more dramatic.


I can't believe it, huh?

- Okay, um, what?

I can't believe it.


I actually already heard

that he was in town.

- From who?

- My cousin.

She's one of the Handsomes.

I think that there is an

entire caravan of women

just driving around Chestnut

Creek looking for him.

- Okay, so he is

doing just fine.

I didn't break his heart.

- Who said you did?

- Mike's brother and, and Mike.

- I'm sorry, sorry,

what was that?

- Mike, Mike said.

- Wait, you broke up with him?

- It's complicated.

- No, no, don't say complicated.

You don't ever get to use that

word in my presence again.

- I am just saying.

Okay, aside from his

injury, which is terrible,

he's got everything he

ever wanted, you know?

So do I.

- [Georgina] So,

did you talk to him?

- [Erin] Who?

- Who?


- Yes, I talked to him.

- What did you talk about?

- The stock market.

(playful music)

- Current events.

- What, no, Mikey, there's.

- I don't believe you.

- Politics.

- Right.

- Religion.

- Ah, just give us something.

- There's nothin' to give.

It's all in the past.

- I'm not even thinking

about him anymore.

It's done.

- Come on, you can tell me.

- (groaning) You gotta

give it a rest, man.

Come on.

- Okay.

(card slapping)


(people chattering)

(traffic noise)

(door creaking)

- Hi, everyone.


(people chattering)


Thank you all for coming to the

Chestnut Creek Flag

Football fundraiser.

- Oh, is she gonna do air

quotes the entire time?

- Yes, Danielle, I am

because the most important

part of the fundraiser is,


- Fun?

- Yes, you get it now.

So, we're only four weeks out,

and things are going

to get super busy.

We're in great shape with

the flag championship game.

It's being played

throughout the day at

the high school field.

What we need help

with now are the other

money making events

happening between games.

- It's a PowerPoint.

We're doomed.


- Let's begin.

Danielle, you're with

me the entire time.

Let's do this, okay.

Then, we have Emily and Karine.

- Yeah, I know Murray's doin'

well, and I'm happy for him.

I am.

I just, that doesn't mean that.

Yeah, I know.

So what, so I come

back in a month,

and I end up on the,

on the practice squad?

No, I know, I know.

I just.

I just wanna keep my spot.

(birds chirping)


(cell phone beeping)

- [Announcer] And

Mike Hanson has just

broken the high school

receiving record.

(crowd applauding)

- [Reporter] And we've

got breaking news.

Mike Hanson has made high

school First Team All-American.

- [Reporter] Mike Hanson's

going to keep it local.

He has committed to

Sequoia University.

- [Al] Mike Hansen has just gone

from Whaler's Fan

to Whaler's Phenom.

- [Roy] Oh, he

certainly has, Al.

- Hey, we're all set.

Sorry to keep you waiting.

- Yeah.

- Woo, a lot of TDs

in this end zone, huh?

- Yeah.

Only 'cause I had the best

blockin' tight end in the state.

- [Jimmy] Tell that

to the D1 schools.

- You won more championships

playing D3 than I won, ever.

- You know, even if you're on

the IR, you still get a ring.

- Yeah.

Not the same if I'm not

on the field, you know?

- Yeah, I hear ya.

(playful music)


- So, we've covered

raffles, food trucks, games,

gift baskets from local

businesses, the silent auction,

but we still need a

big ticket moneymaker

for championship Saturday.

Any ideas?

- Oh, Mike Hansen

is still in town.

I'm sure he'd love to

donate some signed jerseys

and footballs to raffle off,

maybe take pictures with fans.

I'll talk to him.

- Danielle, I'm sure

every woman here

would love to think they could

just talk to Mike Hanson.

- What?

- It's for the kids.

Come on.

- I can talk to him.

I know him.

- Good luck with that.

Any other ideas?

- So, we just got an

offer on the cottage.

- Mmm, great.

- So one of us is

gonna have to go.

- Yeah, I can take care of that.

- Yes, thank you.

- You're welcome.

- Call me later.

- Hi, I didn't introduce myself.

I'm Danielle Hanson.

Mike's my brother-in-law.

How do you, um?

- So, you're married

to Jimmy, Coach Jimmy.

He's a wonderful coach.

- Sorry, I didn't get your name.

- Yeah, I'm Erin.

- Erin.

- So, yeah, Mike and I, we

were just college friends.

So obviously you

should be the one

to talk to him about the raffle,

given that you're

related and everything.

- Of course, it's much easier.

I could still use some help

with the raffle though.

Christina put me in charge of

the whole thing, which is fun.

- (laughing) Yeah,

sure, of course.

Whatever you need.

- Actually, we are

having a fire pit

in our backyard tonight.

Why don't you come on over?

We can brainstorm some sponsors.

You can bring Kira, of course.

- Sure, yeah.

Just so it's just you and

Jimmy and Zoe and Kira and me?

- And maybe Grandma Gertie

and her new

gentleman friend Gus.

Never too late to

find love, right?

- I guess not.

That's it then, no one else?

I'm just thinking if I bring

some stuff for s'mores.

- Oh no, we've got

tons of that stuff.

All you need to do is

bring yourself and Kira.

Eight o'clock sound good?

- Sure, great.

- Yes.

So, you can help sign

some of the stuff

for the fundraiser?

- Yeah, yeah, of course,

and I can get some

of the other guys

to sign a bunch of stuff too.

- Thanks, Mikey.

I mean, if we want

to expand the league

and bring in more girls teams,

we need as much

funding as we can get.

- Do you think we'll have

a chance to play that day?

- I guarantee the Whalers

will play for the title.

- We should probably

scooch our chairs back,

make a little bit of room here.

- For who?

- Gus and Gertie are coming.

Oh, and one of the

other flag moms.

She's helping me

out with the raffle.

- [Mike] Oh.

(playful music)

(frog croaking)

- Hi.

- Yo.

- Yo?

- I don't know.

(playful music)

- Hey, have a seat.

- Wanna toss a ball around?

- Is there enough light out?


Mom, can I please

get one of these?

- Christmas.

- Yes.

Okay, this thing is so fire.

- I remember when

fire was just fire.

- Ew, Mom, don't use our words.

- [Zoe] I hate it

when my mom does that.

It's so cringe.

- I heard that.

That is so cappsy.

Quit being suss.

- Stop.

- Oh, I totally forgot.

I was gonna make some

hot buttered rum inside.

Come with me.

- I'm good.

- But you're better at it.

- Oh, it's your recipe, hon.

I'm gonna go help

Danielle with stuff.

(playful music)

- Not a word.

We get cold.

- Actually, before you sit,

I was hoping that you could

help me reorganize the pantry.

It's a mess.

- Come on, Gus.

- I've been waiting all

day to make s'mores.

- Oh, well, I've been waiting

to reorganize her

kitchen for years.

- Uh huh, okay.

- Oh, but not like the

whole kitchen, right?

- [Gertie] We'll see.

- Beer?

- Yeah.

- Yeah.

(bottle clinking)

- Thank you.


(bottles clinking)

(toad croaking)

Do you want me to

make you a s'more?

- No, thank you.

I'm not really

working out at all

so I kinda gotta watch

my diet more than usual.

Not like back in college

when we could put down

our weight in pizza.

- (chuckling) That dining

plan didn't know what hit it.

- [Mike] (chuckling) Yeah.

- I guess I'll put some

more wood on the fire.

- No, no I got it.


- Are you okay?

- Um, I think so.

- [Erin] Okay.

- No, definitely stuck.

- Okay, okay, so I'll,

just give me your weight

and relax your muscles.

- (groaning) Okay.

- I'll ease you back

to where you started.

- [Mike] (groaning) Okay.

- All right.

Are you good?

- Yeah, yeah, thanks.

(gentle guitar music)

- It's happening.

- So, what, we're just

gonna spy on them all night?

- Yes.

- Yes.

- Yeah.

- Well, I'd better

get my glasses on.

- Thanks for the assist.

Got to put that

kinesiology degree

to good use after all, huh?

So, are you a physical therapist

like you used to talk about?

- No, I was a stay-at-home

mom until my ex and I split.

And then, you know,

I wanted something with a

little bit more flexibility.

- It still sounds

like physical therapy.

- I meant life-wise.

You know, I used

to let other people

influence the decisions I made,

but I don't do that anymore.

Now, I do what I

know is right for me.

So, I went into real estate,

and I opened up an agency

with my friend Georgina.

And we're doing really well.

- I'm glad to hear that.

I understand feeling like

you're not in control

of your own future.

I don't know what's

gonna happen to me

when I get back with the team.

- Well, they'll

just put you back in

like they did last time.

- Maybe, maybe not.

Gettin' hurt once is bad luck,

but gettin' hurt

twice and so soon.

When they start talkin'

about whether or not

I should come back at all.

- I'm sorry.

It doesn't seem fair.

- I just wanted

one shot at a ring.

This was supposed to be the

year that it all fell in line.

It's everything that

I've been working for,

all I could think about,

'til I saw you again.

- Well, you will

forget all about me

once you get back

with your team.

(gentle music)

- You think I ever

forgot about you?

- Well, you seem to

move on pretty quickly.

- Not much choice.

You wouldn't even talk to me.

You just disappeared

from my life.

- You don't understand.

You know what, nevermind.

We can't change the past.

We obviously can't

even talk about it

without reopening old wounds.

So, while you're in town,

I will just steer clear.

- Probably a good idea.

- I will, um, I guess

I'll just get Kira,

and I will say goodbye

to Jimmy and Danielle.

- Okey-doke.

(gentle acoustic guitar music)

- Hey, you guys, I'm

really sorry to do this,

but we, is everything okay?

Where's Gertie and Gus?

- They're fine.

One drink and they fell

asleep on the couch.

- Look, I know you had certain

ideas about me and Mike.

- No, it's not that.

- Hey, the girls are askin'

if you got any more chocolate.

Everything okay?

Where's Gus and Gertie?

- Couch.

- Couch.

- Oh, hey, listen,

I know you guys

obviously have some sort of

plan for Erin and I, but.

- Okay guys, it's,

it's not that.

We just found out that the

high school's assistant coach

is gonna take a leave

of absence for a year,

take care of his mom.

So he can't coach the

rest of the season,

and the head coach has

asked me to step in.

- Well, what about your team?

- Well, that's

the problem, Mike.

I can't do both.

You know, I'm just

gonna tell him no.

I've already committed

to the girls.

- No, you've been waiting

for this for 10 years.

- Yeah, I know, but I.

- Jim, we'll find another coach.

The girls will understand,

especially if it's someone

that they already know.

- Yeah, no, no, no, we

can't ask Mikey to do it.

- Yeah, that, I mean, that's

probably not a good idea.

- I would if I could guys,

but I have Pappointments every day.

- Practice is at six.

Those places close at five.

- Yeah, but I'm only gonna

be here for a month tops.

- [Erin] Right.

- We only need one month,

and the season ends the same

weekend as the championship.

- I thought you

weren't gonna ask him.

- I wasn't.

I'm not.

- Yeah, Jimmy,

I'm never coached.

- Yeah, but come on, Mikey.

I saw that interview

where the younger players

said you're like

a mentor to them.

That's basically coaching.

- Yeah, but I can

also barely move.

- But you can point

and blow a whistle.

- And Erin and I can be

your assistants, right?

- Um, um, can I talk

to you for a minute?

- Yeah.

- Just, um.

- Yeah.

- Oh.

So, this would be the

opposite of steering clear.

- Why are you so

afraid to be near me?

You're the one

that ended things.

I don't get it.

- I'm sorry.

- For what, for walking away?

It's a bit late.

- For trying to avoid you now.

Look, we're both adults.

There's no reason we

can't be friends again,

right, for the sake of the team?

For Kira, for Zoe?

- Yeah, sure.

Friends, for the team.

(gentle piano music)

- So, you'll do it?

- Yeah.

- Yeah.

(hands slapping)

- So, now it is

time to officially

hand off the whistle

to Coach Mike.

(everyone applauding)

(playful music)

- Right, sorry, I will

get you a new one.

- Thank you.

- Okay.

I will be at your game on

Sunday morning, ladies,

but until then, I want you

to listen to Coach Mike.

He knows almost as much

about football as I do, huh?

- Ow.

- Sorry.

Okay, hands in.

Whalers on three.

- One, two, three.

- No, no, no, stop, pause.

- Mom, what are you doing?

- Okay, just one

second, one second.

- On three, seven

very excited tweens

were about to launch your

arm into the stratosphere,

and then take your rib

cage along for the ride.

- Good point.

- [Erin] Mmm hmm.

- Thank you.

- Take it easy.

- Sorry, armless.

Game on.

- Whalers on three.

- [Team] One, two,

three, Whalers.

- Okay.

(whistle blowing)

Warm up.

- Warm up.

- That's you.

- Yep.

- [Jimmy] I think they are

in good hands with you two.

- Isn't Danielle coming?

- She's on her way,

but I gotta get to the high

school because big leagues now.

Have fun.

Be a leader, Z.

- I will.

- You really went all-in

on the Whalers gear

for coaching the

flag football team.

- Oh yeah, I got it for here

jersey and an away jersey.

I've got helmets, cleats,

jackets, hats, lots of hats.

- That is commitment.

- I take it that since you're

such a huge Stallions fan,

that you don't have any

Whalers gear of your own.

You want some?

I could get you some.

I know one of the players.

- No way, I used to date one.

- How'd that work out?

(gentle music)

(bee buzzing)

- Oh, uh, oh no.

- Are you like allergic

or something or?

- [Erin] No.

- [Mike] You get

stung as a child?

- [Erin] No, actually

I've never been stung.

- Interesting.

- What is that supposed to mean?

- Nothing.

I'm, I'm gonna get.

- Mmm hmm, okay.

(pleasant piano music)

- I think flag might have

more rules than the league.

No running plays

within five yards

of the end zone or

first down line.

Play's dead on a fumble.

What is flag guarding?

- Okay, so you know the way

you run a real football,

chin to pocket?

- [Mike] Mmm hmm.

- That's illegal in flag.

You have to run with your arms

above your waist like this.

- So, how do you avoid a tackle?

- You mean flag pull.

- You mean flag pull.

- Yeah, that.

- Spin moves, jukes, side steps.

- Which I always forget to

do once I catch the ball.

- Okay, well then we gotta run

it until it's muscle memory.

So, let's set some cones up,

and I'll show you a drill

we do in training camp.

So, you're gonna head fake.

Get 'em to commit left.

Then you spin right.

Take it to the house.

- Can you show us?

- He can't.

- Yeah.

- Okay, maybe in extreme

slow motion, hmm?

- Okay, maybe like that.

All right, break.

- Break.

(playful music)

- Okay, you're gonna run,

do the head fake, and then

you spin so you're open.


You don't have broken ribs

so it should work better.

That make sense?

- Yeah.

- All right, now you.

- [Kira] Like that?

- [Mike] That's good.

(whistle blowing)

- Well, honey, there is

a lasagna in the fridge

from Pasta Vida

with our name on it.

(playful music)

- Hey, Erin?

- Mmm hmm.

- Hey, uh, Jimmy's runnin' a

little late at the high school,

and Zoe already headed

home with Charlotte's mom.

Could I maybe get a

ride back to his place?

- Yeah, yeah, of course.

- Or we could have Coach Mike

over to our house for dinner.

- I'm sure he has

better things to do.

- Better than eating lasagna?

Doubt it.

It's really good.

- I'll bet, but I'm

pretty sure your mom

wasn't plannin' on having

somebody over for dinner.

- Yeah, I mean, the

house isn't even clean.

- Mom, you keep the house

clean like it's on the market,

and we're not even selling it.


I wanna go over the

playbook with coach.

(gentle symphony music)

- Okay, yeah, sure, if

you wanna come over.

- Yeah, I mean, if you're sure.

- Yeah, it's a, it's a

football thing, right?

- And a lasagna thing.

- (laughing) Okay, good.

- So, here we could run

a trip stack formation,

and that way the

center could just

sneak right in and get the TD.

What, you don't like it?

- I like the plays where

I catch the ball better.

- Yeah, me too, but I like

to win the game even more.

And that's what this is about.

It's about the team.

See, the guys that make

it all about themselves

miss out on half the fun.

- [Kira] Do you miss being

with the team right now?

- Yeah, yeah, more

than anything,

but this is a pretty great

way to pass the time.

Better than I thought.

- I call.

- Dibs on the edge.

(Kira and Mike laughing)

- There's enough for everyone.

All right.

- Well, thanks again

for having me over,

even if you were coerced.

- Mmm, it wasn't that bad.

Hey, go long.

- [Mike] What?

- Yeah, you heard me, go.

- All right.

(sighing) Go easy on me.

- Okay.

(pleasant piano music)


- It's pretty good.

You're welcome, by the way.

- For what?

- I believe it was me

who taught you how to

throw a ball like that.

- You did not.

(gentle music)

You did, under the

stadium lights.

- Yeah, I didn't wanna leave.

- Well, you did win a

bowl game that night.

It's kind of a big deal.

- That wasn't why.

(car horn honking)

There's Jimmy.

Thanks again.

Best night I've

had in a long time.

- Me too.

- There's that not wantin'

to leave thing again.

(car engine starting)

(car door banging)

- Shotgun formation.

(referee whistle blowing)

Ooh, and the ball is dropped.

The Whalers have just

let the winning TD

slip through their fingertips.

- Why didn't you just

run a quarterback sneak?

- Well, I know the

Whalers are really missing

Mike Hanson right about now.

- You know, Roy, if he

can't come back and soon,

I think we have to ask ourselves

if a trade is in his future.

(gentle piano music)

(footsteps tapping)

- It's gonna be okay.

- Yeah, not so sure about that.

The entire Western

half of the league

is on a winning streak.

If we don't get

our act together,

we're not even gonna

make the playoffs.

- All you need to focus

on right now is healing.

- Kind of hard to do when

I'm also thinkin' about you.

- Don't say that.

- [Mike] Why not?

- Because if you don't finish

what it is you started,

then this was all for nothing.

- What was my career?

- You're gonna be back

with your team soon,

and you'll have your life back.

- On the field, yeah.

Off the field, I kinda

like how my life looks now.

(gentle music)

- Yes.

- [Erin] I'm sorry.

- No, I'm sorry.

- No, you are?

- Are you?

- No, I, I don't,

I'm not really.

- (laughing) Me neither.

- Right.

- Oh, do you think they saw?

- Yep, definitely saw.


(playful music)

- Okay, I'm gonna hit

some stores up the street.

- Great.

- Yeah, it's coming together.

- Yeah.

- Great work

getting the donations

from the league

for the raffle, ladies,

but I don't see anything

about Mike Hanson.

It's okay.

I knew it was just

wishful thinking.

Oh, well, fantastic.

I knew you could do it.


(whistle blowing)

- We're all here, Uncle Mike.

I mean, Coach.

- So sorry.

So one of the intangibles

that makes a receiver great

is the ability to make

somethin' outta nothin'

and make the impossible catch

over and over and over again.

So, we're gonna run

a bad pass drill.

Can you throw clunkers?

- On purpose?

- [Mike] Mmm hmm.

- Okay.

- All right, that's

what you're gonna do.

(whistle blowing)

- Oh, that was not good.

- Nice one.

- [Danielle] What

did he teach Zoe?

She's throwing bricks.

- Should we say something?

- I don't know.

- It's a bad pass drill.

Helps the receivers learn

how to catch bad passes.

- (sighing) Oh, thank goodness.

We thought maybe you were just.

- A terrible coach?

Oh, ye of little faith.

Bring it in, ladies.

All right, two laps to

cool down, and you're good.

(girls chattering)

Hey, what are you doin' later?

- I told Kira that we would be

having breakfast for dinner so.

- Actually Zoe invited the girls

over for a movie

and a sleepover.

So, technically you're free.

- But I didn't say she could go,

but obviously she can go.

- Yeah.

- (laughing) Yeah.

- Well, great,

you can go with me

to this charity thing

I just got invited to,

a Harvest Hoedown.

- Is this like a football thing?

Because I'm not sure it's.

- Erin, stop.

It's just a fundraising thing.

Hey, you don't by

chance still have

your country Western

gear, do you?

- (laughing) Okay,

I haven't worn it

since you and I went to

visit my family in Dallas,

but, yes, I still have it.


- You'll see. (laughing)

- Okay.


- Oh, wow, you're

really wearing that

to a Whalers fan's house.

Okay, brave girl.

- It's mostly just

to troll coach.

- Which one?

There are two living there now.

- Oh, both.

(Erin laughing)

You look pretty.

- Oh, well, thank you.

- Zoe said that you're going

to a line dancing

thing with Coach Mike.

Is it like a date?

- Oh, no, no, it's just

this charity event.

- For who?

- I actually don't

know, (laughing)

but I do know it is

definitely not a date.

We're just old friends.

- Okay.

- So, you would

be okay with that?

If I did wanna start dating

someone more seriously?

- Yeah, why wouldn't I be?

- I don't know.

I, I, I guess I thought

we'd have this whole,

you can't replace my dad.

I'm not trying to.

Yes, you are.

I hate you.

Door slam.


- Okay, Mom, no more '90s

TV movie marathons for you.

- You're pretty

amazing, you know that?

Come here.

- Oh, Mom, we're gonna

be late for the movie.

- And a sleep over,

but just one more.

- Okay, okay, okay. (laughing)

(doorbell ringing)

(door creaking)

Oh, hey, Coach.

Cool boots.

- Come on in.

- Yeah, you.

- Oh, uh.

Okay, bye.

- [Kira] See you in the morning.

- Well, you look beautiful.

- Well, thank you.

You look very nice.

- Why, thank you.

- (chuckling) I

remember that tie.

- I remember you hated that tie.

- [Erin] I did.

- How about now?

- Cool boots.

- Fair enough.

You ready to go?

- I am, yeah.

(door creaking)

But are you gonna

be able to dance

with your ribs still hurting?

- I can pretty

much guarantee that

this is gonna be at a

pace that I can handle.

- What does that mean?

- You'll see.

- (laughing) Okay.

(mellow country music)

- I told you. (laughing)

- Ah, you made it.

Oh, I am so happy.

Oh, everybody's been so excited

to meet a real football player.

- It's so great to see

you up and around, kid.

- Oh, oh, oh, ribs, ribs.

- [Gus] Oh, of course.

- Good save.

- Yeah, no problem.

Mrs. Hanson, I'm

so sorry I didn't

get a chance to introduce

myself the other night, but.

- I know who you are, dear.

Don't go breaking

his heart twice.

- So, I didn't mean to

do it the first time.

- We'll see.

(upbeat country music)

(gasping) Gus.

- [Gus] Here we go.

(Gertie laughing)

- [Mike] Well.

- Do you regret bringing me yet?

- I don't.

Do you regret coming?

- Only if Gertie

poisons my drink.

- I promise to

have the first sip.

Shall we?

- Are you sure you're

okay doing this?

- Well, it couldn't

hurt to try, right?

- It might actually.

- Only one way to find out.

- Okay, here we go.

- Go easy on me.

(laughing) Go easy on me.

Come on now.

(Erin laughing)

So hold me tight

- Whoa.

- I'm gonna have your

card as much as I can.

I'm on like every other beat.

- All right.

(gentle symphony music)

- Uh, well, thanks

for drivin', again.

- Anytime.

You know, just be sure

to leave me a good tip.

- Tip, uh, never watch Gertie

take sh*ts of tequila

out of a ceramic boot.

It's disturbing.

- I thought that was

awesome actually.

- I mean, who knew

that Creekside

was basically just a frat

house for old people?

- Gertie and Gus, apparently.

(gentle piano music)

- So, I will see you

tomorrow at the game?

I mean, obviously I'll see

you tomorrow at the game.

I'm the coach.

- And I'm the team mom, so.

- Yeah.

Yep, yep, yep.

(toad croaking)

(playful music)

- This is feeling very much

like our first date in college.

- Our first date in college,

your whole dorm was watchin' us.

- Oh, we're definitely

being watched right now.

- Good night.

Good night.

- Good night.

Good night. (laughing)

- Oh, hey.

- Hi, we're just tidying up.

- Yeah.

- Uh huh.

- How was the hoedown?

- Yeah, you guys are

really gonna need

to up your game before

Zoe starts dating

'cause that was really

not slick at all.

(Danielle sighing)

(Jimmy laughing)

Good night.

- Seriously, that's it?

- What?

- [Mike] Yep, yep, yep.

- Huh, well, now what?

- The place could use a tidy.

- Ooh, hard pass.

(playful music)

- Okay, well, thank you

so much for stopping in.

If you have any more

questions, let us know.

- Oh, yes.

About, yeah, how, um, thank you.

Take care.

- What is going on with you?

- What?

- The kitchen has all

the kitchen things.

The living room is

great for living.

- Did I say that?

- Yes, you did, more than once.

- (laughing) I'm sorry.

I'm just a little

bit distracted.

- Yeah, well, bein' in love

will do that to a person.

- No, it is not love.

Don't, I just, just

enjoying remembering

what it was that we shared.

And you know, he makes me laugh,

and we just get each other.

He's so good with Kira

and really the whole team.

- And you can't stop

thinking about him,

and you're counting

down the minutes

until you see him again.

- Oh, no.

- Oh, yes.

You love him.

You are in love.

- Stop, stop.

- Don't push me. (laughing)

You love him.

- Stop.

(both laughing)

(gentle piano music)

- Wait, I thought we were

playing the Golden Eagles.

What are the Bucks doing here?

- Yeah, they had to

change some games around.

It's gonna be okay.

All right, honey?


- Mmm hmm.

(people chattering)

- Hey, Kira.

Come on, we're warmin' up.

- I don't, I don't

think I can play.

I think I'm sick.

- Erin, let him coach.

He's got this.

(gentle piano music)

- I get it.

It's a little nerve-wracking

to play against your old team.

- What if I drop all my

passes during the game?

They'll make fun of me

for the rest of my life.

- Yeah, but what if you catch

all the passes in the game

and make all these touchdowns?

Come on, go with me on this one.

Close your eyes.

Visualize catching pass

after pass after pass.

Right, they're tryin'

to distract you

because they know

that you're better,

and they're afraid of ya.

And they know they made a

huge mistake lettin' you go.

The best way to get back

at 'em is do what you do.

Turn on those jets and

leave 'em in the dust.

So what do you think?

You ready to play?

- Yeah, I'm ready.

- All right.

- Thanks, Coach.

- Yeah.

(hands slapping)

All right, Whalers, line up.

(upbeat soft rock music)

- [Zoe] Ready?

Eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh

I'm gonna make my move

I'm gonna my own way

Eh eh eh eh

I'm on higher ground,

and I'm makin' waves

(crowd cheering and applauding)

'Cause I'm on top,

and I won't stop

Can you feel the whole

earth start to quake

Can you feel it shake,

shake, shake, shake

Shake shake

(whistle blowing)

Shake, shake, shake, shake

(crowd cheering and applauding)

- Great catch, Kira.

And, Zoe, what a throw.

Shake, shake

- I can't believe we just

got beat by a team of girls.

- Get used to it.

- Ah, she gets all her

strength from me. (laughing)

- Great game, Coach.

- All right, thanks.

Well, I know almost as

much about football as you.

- Almost.

(Mike laughing)

- Hey, um.

- [Mike] Hey.

- I wanted to say thank you

for helping Kira

before the game.

- Oh, I just helped her

believe in herself a little.

- No, no, it was a

lot more than that.

- [Mike] Richard, hey.

I thought we were

havin' dinner at six.

- We are.

I just wanna see

Coach Mike in action.

- Hey, yeah, well.

You remember Erin, my

college girlfriend?

- Of course, good

to see you, Erin.

- Yeah, you too.

Um, well, Kira's probably

starving so I'm gonna get going.

Great game, Coach.

(gentle piano music)

(people chattering)

- That's weird.

- Yeah, it was.

You know how people

get around celebrities.

You're a pretty big deal.

- [Erin] Woo hoo, yes, girls.

- Okay, boys, slot

left under, on one.


- [Team] Break.

- Let's go.

I've been waiting

for a lifetime

- So, you wanna keep your eye

on the QB and on the receiver.

To get up in the light

Wakin' up for the weekend

Pushin' further into fight

- All right, toes up.




Good job, good job.

Locked into overdrive

Straight into turbo

Now I'm racing

to the other side

No need to turn it down

Let's step it up

And we won't stop movin'

No, we won't stop now

Don't stop movin'

No, don't stop now

Don't stop moving

- Woo hoo.

- Yeah.

- All right.

Uh huh.

- Oh, yeah.

(soft rock music ends)

(birds chirping)

- Thank you for doing

this, all of it.

Coaching and the fundraiser.

You being here has

really made a difference.

Now, I just hope that the

girls win this next game

and move on to the championship.

- They will.

They worked really hard.

- [Erin] Well, so have you.

- Jimmy did most of

the heavy lifting.

- I mean with your recovery.

I can barely even tell

you're in any pain.

- Yeah, well it's

'cause I'm not.

- [Erin] Really?

- Yeah, I'll prove it.

Hit me on a go route.

(pleasant music)

You forgot what a go route is?

Have I taught you nothing?

- No, no, I remember.

I just, are you sure

this is a good idea?

- Yeah, yeah, come on.

- Really?

- Yeah, set, hut.


- Well, how about

this? (laughing)

- I bet that was an

end zone celebration

they haven't seen before.

- I'm so happy for you.

So, what does this mean?

Are you clear to go

back to your team?

- Yeah.

Yeah, Richard called.

He says he thinks two

weeks from Sunday.

I gotta pass the physical

first, but after that.

- It'll be like none

of this ever happened.

- Don't say that.

It did happen.

It is happening.

It doesn't have to end.

- I just don't wanna

get in your way.

- You can never do that.

(microphone feedback)

- [Jimmy] Excuse me.

Do you have permission

to be on this field?

I'm just kidding, you two.

Have fun,

but seriously, high school

practice is starting.

So, time to skedaddle.

He could go all the way.

(Erin laughing)

(playful music)

- Ready and break.

- [Man] Let's go, girls.

(crowd cheering and applauding)

- [Woman] Come on, ladies.

- Ready, set, hut.

(crowd cheering and applauding)

(referee whistle blowing)

(Danielle laughing)

- Yeah, oh.

- Ref, time left?

- Last play, Coach.

- We gotta make a decision.

We could go for

one point and tie

or two points, win, and go to

the championship this weekend.

- It's up to you, Mikey.

(people chattering)

- No, it's up to them.

All right, Whalers, bring it in.

- Nice one.

Yes, Z.

- Thank you.

- You're welcome.

Okay, remember, just

like before super.

- You know, I don't

really believe

that tall kid's

only 12 years old.

- Oh, no, that's Lincoln.

His mom is 6' 1".

Dad is 6' 8".

He's in Zoe's class.

He's legit.

- It doesn't matter.

Zoe and Kira have

this in the bag.

Let's go, Z.

- Ah.

- Ah, ho.

- [Team] Break.

- [Teammate] Let's go, guys.

- [Zoe] Ready?



(crowd chattering)

(crowd groaning)

(referee whistle blowing)

(gentle piano music)

- Too bad, huh?

- I wanna see that

kid's birth certificate.

- Come on, that's not

good sportsmanship.

Are you sure that kid?

- Yeah.

(playful music)

- Look, I know you're

all really disappointed,

but look around the room.

It's more than just a team.

It's a family.

I can't think of anybody

else I'd rather be with,

win or lose.

- And next year

we'll go all the way.

- You got it.

(hands slapping)

(people chattering)


(gentle music)

- Well, thank you

so much and enjoy.

- [Gertie] Hi.

- Gertie, Gus, what is all this?

- (laughing) When I

was a little girl,

I would've given

anything to play football

like my brothers did.

And now you are making

the dream come true

for Zoe and Kira and all the

girls who just wanna play.

I can't play now, but I con

bake, and so can my friends.

And we are gonna make

this league a fortune.

- Thank you.

Thank you, thank you.

- Thank you for making

Mike happy again.

- I think he was already

plenty happy in the pros.

- No, not like he is with you.

(people chattering)

- Isn't this the part where

you usually threatened me?

- (laughing) Nah, you passed.

- This one?

- He's shorter?

- Hey, hon, I know you wish

you were playing today.

You had a great season.

I'm proud of you.

- Thanks.

Hey, Coach Mike?

- Yeah?

- Are you gonna come back and

coach for the spring season?

- Jimmy and I were

talkin' about that.

I think I might

be able to balance

some off-season conditioning

with a little more Whalers flag.

- We might not be the

Whalers next season.

It's random, remember?

What if we're the Stallions?

- Ah, then I'm out.

(Gertie laughing)

What's goin' on here?

- One of the Beats players

lied about his age.

- Ah, I knew it.

- I told you that

tall kid was a ringer.

- No, no, no, no,

it was actually

the little guy

who played center.

He's too old.

He lied so he could

play with his brother.

- So, what happens now?

- What happens now?

Ladies, go home

and get your gear.

We're playing for the

championship in an hour.

- Hey.

(Gertie laughing)

(hands slapping)

Go get 'em.

- Go, go, go, go.

(pleasant music)

(people chattering)

- Is Dad coming?

- No, he tried to change

his flight schedule,

but this was just

all so last minute.

I'm really sorry, sweetheart.

He, he wanted to be here.

- If he wanted to, he would.

- All right, ladies,

it's game time.

Come on.

- [Danielle] Woo.

- [Announcer] Ladies

and gentlemen,

welcome to the Flag Football

County Championship.

- All these people

are here to watch us?

- Well, you girls are

the talk of the town.

With the money

we're gonna raise,

we're gonna have

enough for at least

three girls teams in the spring.

- And now I'm nervous.

(Danielle laughing)

- All right,

ladies, bring it in.

All right, you beat

this team once already.

You could do it again.

You already did

all the hard work,

so now all you

have to do is play.

So, hands in.

Whalers on three, all right?

- [Team] One, two,

three, Whalers.

(crowd cheering and applauding)

- Hey.

- Hey.

- What are you doin' here?

How'd you know we were

in the championships?

- Oh, (chuckling) I didn't.

I came to get ya

and take you straight

to the team facility.

You're getting activated, Mikey.

- Well, I know, in two weeks.

- No, no, no, right now.

You're suitin' up

for tomorrow's game.

A couple of guys got high

ankle sprains in practice.

The team needs you.

We gotta get goin'.

- I can't leave, man.

The girls are countin' on me.

- A $5 billion football

franchise is counting on you.

You gotta get cleared

by the team's doctor.

Your appointment's in two hours.

There's traffic.

We gotta go.

- Mike, you've done a

great job with the girls,

but it's time to

do your real job.

We got this.

- [Roger] Thank you.

(referee whistle blowing)

- Coaches to the 50 please.

(gentle music)

- [Roger] Mike?

- I just need an hour, man.

We can leave after, I promise.

I just need an hour.

- You're killin' me, Mike.

- [Announcer] Drawing.

The jackpot is already at $200.

Tickets are five for

$20 and are available.

- One month outside the bubble,

and already because of

you, he's lost focus.

He has to get back, and

he has to give it 100%.

He can't have all

these distractions.

This is exactly what he

doesn't need right now.

- I already walked away

once before the draft

because I believed you that

that was what was best for him.

And because I love him.

- I know, and it was

the right decision.

Because of it, he's

had a great career,

but it's not over yet.

This is, he can't give you

what you want right now.

- You have no idea what it is

that I want or what he wants.

I'm not walking away this

time, and neither is he.

(somber music)

- He has to play tomorrow night.

- Yes, I know.

I heard.


- Great?

- Yeah.

- Okay, 'cause the timing

couldn't be more perfect.

The better he plays tomorrow,

the more we get on the trade,

and the deadline's

tomorrow night.

- Wait, what?

He's getting traded, where?

- We're talking to

a couple of teams.

He doesn't want to have to

fight for his starting job back.

This way, he's back on top.

It's practically a done deal.

He didn't tell you?

- No, he didn't tell me.

- Weird.

(somber music)

Mike, Mike?

(somber piano music)

You're forgettin'

about something.

- Can I have a minute?

- Yeah.

- Hey, I'm really sorry.

I have to go.

It's a contractual obligation.

- Yeah, of course.

I totally understand.

You have to do what

you have to do,

and you have to go

where you need to go.

- I can't.

I know it looks like

things are gonna change,

but we'll figure it out.

We'll make it work.

- I, I think we need to put

whatever this is on hold.

- Are you seriously

doin' this to me again?

- Me doing this to you?

Good luck, wherever you end up.

- So, that's it?


- Okay.

(bee buzzing)

Oh (inhaling).


(gentle acoustic guitar music)

- [Announcer] And

welcome to the Whalers,

an all girls team that fought

their way into the finals.

(crowd cheering and applauding)

- [Team] Break.

- I can't believe she's

doin' this to me again.

- Mike, you gotta

focus on the playbook

and get your head in the game.

- I know.

I didn't think she'd

walk out on me again.

You know, it's just

like draft day.

- Well, she knew it was for

the best that day and today.

(gentle music)

- For the best?

- Yeah.

- You're the reason she walked

on draft day, aren't ya?

And today.

What'd you tell her?

Did you tell her

I'm being traded?

- I said what needed to be said

for you to have the

career you wanted.

- Turn around.

- We're on the highway.

- Turn around.

- Can't do that, Mike.

(cell phone keys beeping)

(phone ringing)

(cell phone keys beeping)

(phone ringing)

(cell phone ringing)

- Mike, hi.

There's still no score.

- Hey, can you give

the phone Erin?

- She's at the scoreboard.

- Hut.

(girls chattering)

(crowd cheering and applauding)

- Hey, what happened?

- Kira just got a touchdown.

- Danielle, that's great.

I really need you to

give Erin on the phone.

- Mike, what?

You're cutting out.

Look, Georgina's

recording the whole thing.

We'll send it to you

as soon as it's over.

I gotta go.

We'll keep you posted.


- Wait, tell Erin

I'm not being traded.

- That's not exactly true.

- What do you mean

that's not true?

Wait, so you are

tryin' to trade me?

Don't you think I should be

involved in that decision?

- Your job is to play.

My job is to make sure

you're getting paid.

Come on, Mike.

You're in the final

year of your contract.

After that, you're

too expensive,

and with all those injuries.

- I know, I'm not worth

the hit to the salary cap.

I get it.

- The good news is

you are worth it

to about 10 other teams

who would love to have you.

I'm lookin' out for you, buddy.

(upbeat symphony music)

- You sure you wanna

try this again?

- We got this, Dad.

- Okay, oh.

(cell phone pinging)

Hey, Mikey, listen,

we need one more surefire

two-point conversion.

You got anything for us?

- Yeah, yeah.

Okay, look, so everybody expects

Zoe to throw to Kira, right?

Right, so what if Kira

does a double reverse,

and the wideout gets

the ball on a sweep,

and hits Charlotte in

the end zone on a slant?

- You okay with that, kiddo?

- Yeah, whatever it takes

for the team to win.

- Thanks, Mikey.

All right, Whaler's on three.

Let's go.

- [Team] One, two,

three, Whalers.

- [Jimmy] Let's go, come on.

(crowd cheering and applauding)

- [Other Team] Ready, go.

- [Whalers] Ready, break.

- [Jimmy] Here we go, girls.

Here we go now.

- Ready?



(inspirational symphony music)

(crowd cheering and applauding)

- Hey, great job, ladies.

(crowd cheering and applauding)

(phone button beeping)

- Send him in.

(gentle music)

Come on in, Mike.

- Yeah.

(people chattering)

(gentle Italian music)

(phone beeping)

- Oh, it's Mike again.

Erin, you have to call him.

(phone pinging)

- (sighing) Oh, make it stop.

Just talk to him.

(phone alerting)

- Save us.

I'm running out of battery.

Please, just text him back.

- You guys, there is

nothing to talk about.

It was wonderful

while he was here,

but it wasn't meant to be.

And I, I'm fine with it.

- [Announcer] It's good news

for Bay Area football fans.

All-pro wide receiver Mike

Hanson has been activated

for tomorrow's

divisional rivalry game

against the Stallions.

- [Announcer] They'll

definitely go and review with.

- [Georgina] You're fine, huh?

- Kira already has one father

who she can't count

on being around.

I'm supposed to do that to her

again, but with someone else?

- Hey, that's not the same

thing, and you know it.

Kevin was never present,

but, Mike, he wants to be.

- Well, it's hard to be present

when you're living

across the country.

He's getting traded, remember?

- Tons of players' families

make this work, Erin.

I know it's not easy,

but you'll find a way.

- And if we don't, then what?

It would hurt too much,

and I'm not gonna do that

to Kira, or to myself.

- Erin, a lifetime

spent wondering what if

is way worse than

knowing what is.

Mike loves you.

He always has.

And if you don't talk to him,

I'm gonna show up to

all your open houses

pretending to be a ghost,

and you will never

sell another thing.

(upbeat symphony music)

(crowd cheering)

- [Quarterback] Red 15, blue 26.

Hut, hut, hut.

(players grunting)

(crowd cheering and applauding)

(fireworks popping)

- Bring it in,

boys, bring it in.

All right, we're goin' for two.

Saturn Z to Mike at the post.

- It's a classic way to

make a comeback, Hanson.

- Yeah.

- But, Coach, I barely played.

- You can't hand this back.

- Well, I know.

That's fine.

What I'm saying is

if you put me in,

they're gonna think the

ball's comin' to me.

- True.

- Okay, so have me

run a decoy out route.

Ben, on a zig.

Throw to Rusinko on the post.

They'll never see it comin'.

- I like it.

Let's do it.

- [Team] Break.

(pleasant symphony music)

- [Roy] How's everything looking

on the sidelines, Kimberly?

- The atmosphere is

tense down here, Roy.

The Whalers are

desperate for a win,

especially with Mike

Hanson back with the team

and now taking the field.

- [Al] You know, not a lot of

action for the veteran today.

- No, no, but when the

game is on the line,

you do turn to your

most experienced guy,

and that guy is Hanson.

- [Quarterback]

Blue 26, ready, hut.

(players grunting)

(crowd cheering)

- [Al] Quarterback rolls

out looking for a receiver,

and, ooh, Hanson draws

the defense to the right

leaving Rusinko wide open

for the walk off

two-point conversion,

and, Roy, this stadium

is going absolutely nuts.

(fireworks popping)

(people exclaiming)

(crowd cheering and applauding)

- Great game, great game.

- Great play, Hanson.

- Good game, Coach.

Good game.

Hey, it's too bad you

didn't make that catch.

If you had, you could gotten

more money in the trade.

- Yeah, that's the thing

about the trade, Rich.

You see, the team asked you

to restructure my contract

so I could stay here until

the end of my career.

That's what I'm gonna do.

- I can't tell you what

a bad idea that would be.

- No, you can't

'cause you're not my

agent anymore, Rich.

You're a liar.

You're fired.

- Mike, I'm hearing

that it was your idea

to give Rusinko the game

winning catch tonight.

What was the thought

process there?

Any concern that you

might have gotten

injured again before

the trade deal tonight?

- No, no, not at all.

I just thought it was the

best play for the team.

And as far as a trade

is concerned, I'm

not goin' anywhere.

I love this team.

I love the fans.

I love the Bay.

And I love.

(gentle music)

Excuse me.

- [Kimberly] Great job tonight.

- She's good.

You have no idea how

happy I am to see you,

unless you're here to

set fire to your jersey.

- Are you kidding?

I just got this thing.

- Yeah, does it make

you a Whalers fan now?

- It makes me a Mike Hanson fan.

And wherever you go, that is

the jersey I will be wearing.

- That's the only one you need.

I'm not gettin' traded.

- (laughing) You're not?

- Well, like I just

told 16 million people,

this is where I belong.

- I'm really sorry I walked

away without giving us a chance.

I think I was just afraid

I was holding you back.

- I'm sorry that Rich made

you feel like you would.

I never felt that way.

Not back then, not today.

You have to know that.

- I do know.

I should have come

to you back then.

I think I was just

scared he was right.

I can't believe I

almost did it again.

- Yeah, but you didn't.

You're here.

What made you change your mind?

What's that?

- It's a bee sting,

and it wasn't as bad as I

thought it was gonna be.

All that worry, for nothing.

All that wasted time.

- Yeah.

You know, for a long time

I always felt like I

was missing something.

I thought it was a

championship ring.

It was you.

Now I have everything I need.

- You kind of did win a

championship with the Whalers.

We didn't get a

ring, but it's close.

- Hey.

(Erin laughing)

- I love you.

- I love you too.

(gentle symphony music)

(pleasant Italian music)

- To the Whalers.

- And the Whalers.

(everyone laughing)

(glasses clinking)

- Cheers, to the Whalers.

(glasses clinking)

- I know this is a

lot of Whalers stuff.

Maybe next year

you'll be a Stallion.

- Nah, I'm good.

- Yeah, this is good.

- Yeah.

(people chattering)

(plates clinking)

(gentle music)