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01x12 - Big Time Jobs

Posted: 04/18/10 22:56
by bunniefuu
Okay, the first to race around the palm woods and ring the bell at the front desk wins the palm woods 500 invitational all terrain decathlon classic.

And super Champion of the world.

And wins a palm wood 500 world cup.

You will be mine!

No, mine!

No, mine!

On your mark, get set, go.

One, two, three!


It's Carlos.

You are all going to pay for this!

Two thousand dollars!

And 30 cents.

They destroyed the palmwoods' computerized registration system two lamps, three vases, and my pants.

But I won the palm woods 500 world cup.

Here you go.

Well, guess that settles it.

No because I'm sick and tired of you dogs breaking stuf claim.

We don't break things.

Oh! It's a fruit smoothie and it's mine, all mine.

Okay, so we do put a little wear and tear on things from time to time.

But that's showbiz, right?

Wrong, and it's time you take responsibility for your actions LA LA LA LA LA LA.

Isn't there a cheaper way to learn responsibility?

Like a goldfish.

Guys, Griffin's cracking down on us for overspending.

And Gustavo's right. This has got to stop.

Oh, and until you pay me back you will not dip a toe intoyour beloved palmwoods pool.

You cannot keep us away from the world's greatest pool!

No, but freight train can.


You guys are on my "no swim" list.

Gustavo, $2,000?

That's $500 a piece.

Kendall is good with math.

Well I guess you guys are just gonna have to get jobs.

In fact, one of you can work off your debt for me right here at rocque records.

Carlos it is.

Rest of you go get jobs and get me my money!

Bio taste tester, volcano cleaner, dentist?

Job found.

Russian translator, pays 20 bucks an hour.

You know you have to speak Russian, right?

This is not fair.

All you and I have ever done for work is shovel snow.

We shall never swim again.


We're supposed to be looking for jobs not at fashion magazines.

It's not a fashion magazine.

It says "man fashion" on the cover.

Where? Where?

I can't see it. I mean, where does it say it, hmm?

Sign spinners!

I heard the best ones make like, 20 bucks an hour.

Which means we can make money fast and back in the pool in no time.

James! You coming?

No, I'd rather find a better job that doesn't involve work.

Let's go.

Are you the new face of cuda?

You bet you are. Look at your self. Who is handsomer than you?

No one.

Who has more style than you?

No one.

Who is smarter than you?

Well lots of people but that has nothing to do with being a model.

Sounds like somebody needs a manager.

And I only charge 40%
for all your earnings.

Tell her it's 50-50 or we walk.

Deal, now, we need new headshots, new clothes, a personal stylist, and you have got to stop talking to a mirror.

Know we can turn it up all the way what are you doing?

My new assistant job.

Your pencils were really dull.


Just get me a cup of coffee.

There's a brand-new
,fancy-schmancy coffee machine that even you can't mess up.

One coffee coming right up.

Coffee, one coffee for the boss man, coffee.


Hello, user.


So you guys are good, right?

Yeah, 'cause you got to make these signs dance if you want to get cars into my carwash.

Are you kidding?

We teach classes in spinology. Check it!

How about a little "around the world"?

Oh! Walking the monkey.

Then you can do a little roll it up catch it sell it awesome.

Now, give me new customers.

All right.

Let's do this.

Have a look at the carwash!


Make a punch, then you kick!

You are fired.

I am Cal, your coffee assistant liaison.

What is your name?


How may I assist you, Carlos?

Make Gustavo a coffee?


Would you like foam?

Sure, Cal.

Throw down some foam.

More foam, Carlos?

More foam it is, Cal!

More foam, more foam, more foam, more foam, more foam.

Okay, Cal, yeah, that's enough foam, Cal.

Come on, Cal.

Okay, Cal, that's..

That's enough foam, okay?

No, Cal, no! Stop it, Cal!

Oh, crime scene clean up.

Sword swallower.

Chicken inspector.

How much do you think we can get for our kidneys?

I'm sorry is your mom here?

My baby sitter fell through I need someone to watch wendel.

No she's not here.

We could watch him.

Would you?

What do you charge an hour? $10?

$10 an hour.

Right, how is 15?

Ok 20,but that's as high as I ever pay for a babysitter.

Ah, you're lifesavers.

Be good, sweetie.


I was gonna watch him for free.

Yeah, but I've never babysat before.

He looks happy to me.

Yeah, but at this rate, we're still not gonna pay Gustavo back anytime soon.

Watch your baby.

Yeah! Babysitters!

Babysitter! Oh, my gosh!

Katie, where did you get the money for these clothes and the styling team.

My new portfolio.

Hey, it's my job to worry about the money and your job to be pretty.

Now, which two headshots do you want to go with?

Let's go with sassy speed skater and luscious lumber Jack.

Let's show them some handsome.

Whoa! Lots of handsome!

Don't panic. You can take these guys.

Now, just show them the face.

Too much handsome.


Too much face.

Oh, this can't be good. Here's my card.

Each kid $20 an hour means we will have all of Gustav's money and back in the pool in two days.

You're confident we can handle 8 kids right?

What, are you kidding?

It will be easy.

All thanks to the power of two little words I learned from my mama.

Nap time!


Five minutes later.

It's nap time nap time it's nap time nappy time I think they're starting to settle down.


What is going on?

The whole story.

We broke a few things.

Gustavo is making us get jobs to pay him back.

We were terrible at sign spinning so we decided to start a babysitting service.

And they won't nap, and they tied us up, and they are evil!

Help us, mom.

They are not evil. They're kids.

And they need to be occupied.


"Occupy evil kids." Got it.

Now, the ziggle zagglesends in about five minutes, so you need to find something else to keep them busy and active.

Where are you going?

As far away as I can get in five minutes.

Good luck.
One coffee, Mr. boss man.

0not bad.

Will there be anything else, sir? Mr rocque sir?

No, I'm good. Thank you.

More foam, more foam, more foam, more foam, more foam, more foam.

No more foam, Cal. No more foam!

I just want to make 500 bucks!

500 cubs coming up.

There's got to be a way to shut this thing off!

More foam, more foam, more foam, more foam, more foam, more foam...More ..


Switching to reserve power.


Self-defense mode activated.

No, Cal! Agh!

No! No! No!

No, Cal! I just want to go to the pool!

Oh, who cares?

What are you doing? We have auditions to go to.

What's the point.

In Minnesota I was the face.

Now I'm just a face.

I'm just a handsome grain of sand on an extremely beautiful beach.

Okay, so you didn't get the cuda man job, but are you gonna let one little failure stop you?

Yeah, pretty much.

Well, according to this text, your manager--that's me--

just landed you a modeling job.

But I guess I'll tell them you don't want it.

No, I want it! I want it! Show me the text!

No time, now hit the shower.

Get your face on, and let's move!

You didn't really book him a job, did you?

No, and here's a bunch of modeling agencies.

Help me out and start calling. He needs a job!

Well, they're occupied.

But I can't take another day of this.

There has to be another way to make even faster money.


Your mom said we got to keep the kids busy.

How are we gonna do that and make money at the same time car wash! - Car wash!

Buff and wax. - Buff and wax.

Hey, Kelly.

You cannot stop me, Carlos.

Humans are futile.

No, no, no! Don't scream! Don't scream!

I'm just making coffee!

I will cover the earth with foam.

Bow to my foamy powers!

Ah! We have to destroy it!

No, Gustavo said you can't break anything else.

Kelly is dumb. Women are weak.

What did he just say?

You heard me, cupcake.

Oh it's on.

I was just kidding.

Can't you--ow!-- Take a joke?

Tell the blender I love her.

I'll call a cleaning crew before Gustavo finds out.


By the way, do I get a lunch break?

This amazing.

I'm really going to model a cuda product?

It's a product owned by cuda, yes.

Is it aftershave?

Or teeth whitener?


There's our elbow model!

Now, let's have a look at that beauty.

Uh, excuse me?

James, when we got this picture from your manager, we knew your elbow was the one.

I'm sorry. What is this an ad for?

Make your elbow look young again with Uncle Vinnie's chapped elbow cream.

Uncle Vinnie's is made by cudo cosmetics.

It's just a senior line.

My elbow?

My dream is not to be an elbow model!

Hey! It's a job!

And it pays 500 bucks, after I take my cut.

You tricked me.

I'm gonna model-walk away now.


What are you doing? Take the job.

And model an elbow.

Not just an elbow, the elbow.

They could of chosen any elbow in the world.

They chose the best and I want to go back to the pool!

It is pretty good.

You bet it is.

Now let's rock this joint.


I love it.

Show me some more bend.

Flex it, flex it.

Stir the pot, James! Stir the pot, yes!

Yes, hold that.

Yes! Yes!

Okay, less face, a little less face.


Oerbs, look at them sleep.

How did you get them to nap?

You know kids, you just have to keep their busy mind and busy bodies occupied.

And they're so clean.

They made us wash cars.

Looks like somebody had a wild dream.

Ya, he did.

Wash and wax.Buff and wax.

We did have lots of snacks.


All right, and if you ever need babysitting again, please call somebody else.

$960,$980,one thousand.

Plus my five hundred from my modeling job.

Plus Carlos' pay check.

That's $2000.

Oh, and 30 cents.

I have to say I'm very impressed.

I hope you guys have learned your lesson.

Lesson learned.

You're free to swim.


Yes, yes.

No. No. No, no.

Who is paying my bill for palm woods towels, soap and a fine from the city for running an illegal day care center.

Here is the bill for foam clean up and new pitch forks.

And this coffee machine was a sanyoy prototype that costs $8000.

And who is paying this bill for James' wardrobe and style.

I might of mentioned Gustavo is paying for everything.

Which adds up to a grand total of $14,089.

Which is a small price to pay for such a valuable lesson.

You know what this is great, no, no this is good.

I mean, who needs a lesson in responsibility?

Let's just break more stuff!

I mean, how about this lamp, huh?

That'd be fun, right?

Ha-ha! Oh, this is fun!

How about this vase?

Ooh, this vase is too new.

Let's hit this vase.

And while we're at it, why don't we just bust up my whole studio?

I mean, it's just money! Right?

Gustavo, what did I tell you about breaking things?

I didn't break anything.

You have a bat in your hand.


So, we may put a little wear and tear on things from time to time.

But that's show biz, right.

No, it's time you take responsibility for your actions.

By paying me back $14,089.

Come on.

Get a car wash.

Be sure to buff out the rims.

I want them to shine like a pirate's boots.

Not the pool but we're wet.