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Harley & Katya (2022)

Posted: 09/17/23 16:42
by bunniefuu



Next young lady on the ice,

from Russia, Ekaterina Alexandrovskaya.


[MAN] Honestly, I couldn't tell you

at what point it went wrong.

And, yes, maybe some people

could have helped more

or done this more, or, you know...

I don't know, I don't want

to blame anyone.

I guess a lot of people were like,

"Oh, how could you not, like,

see any of this?" You know?

Like, "You should have, like, done this

and you should have done that,"

and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.



End of the day,

they can all go f*ck themselves

because no one was there,

so no one really knows the full story

besides me... and Katya.


I need you to know

You make me whole

And I can't let you

Be alone



First in the free program...

[BOY] And today, I'm going to be

making my famous egg flip.

And I'm gonna be drinking it raw.

And I'm gonna be cracking one egg...

[MAN] There's kind of two stories

that resonate with readers.

One is winners,

everyone loves the winners.

The other ones are

the human interest stories, okay?

These are the ones that

weren't born with a silver spoon

in their mouth,

who have defied the odds

and gone on and represented Australia.

Um, the importance of having good tucker

is very important

for your health and for your diet.

[WOMAN] So, why do you have this

high... high-nutritional diet?

Well, I skate a lot.

Katya and Harley was one of

the easiest feel-good stories

that you could possibly imagine.

Tastes very nice as well.

Well, he never really thought about

skating or... or anything like that

until he was about, I think,

eight years old,

when him and his mother drove past

an ice rink at Blacktown.

And they went in,

got on the ice, and away he went.

This place, it's more than

just a skate rink.

It's a place for these kids to come along,

get fit and enjoy the ice.

[WOMAN] I could see Harley

zipping across the ice,

back and forwards, back and forwards.

And I called him over and I said to him,

"Harley, I didn't know

you could ice-skate."

He said, "I didn't know

I could either, Mum."

[HARLEY] Once you're out on the ice

and you're, like, in the zone, it's...

you get a massive rush of just,

like, sort of freedom

and the cold air blowing on your face,

and you feel free across the ice

and you sort of can do, you know,

basically whatever you want.

[PETER] You don't know at the time,

but there's coaches there watching,

and they come up and approach the parents,

and, "Oh, that's your son.

How long has he been skating?"

"Oh, first time." [LAUGHS]

[JOSIE] He flew through skate school

and he was already competing

at a competition that year.


[PETER] It was his passion, you know,

just to keep going.

Didn't worry about his mates and that,

just wanted to ice-skate.


[REPORTER] Midnight in Moscow.

Happy New Year, Peter,

and to all of you folks back home.


Katya was born and raised in Moscow.

[IN RUSSIAN] This was in 2000.

She was born January 1st, 2000.

[IN RUSSIAN] Mum had a dream.

We had an ice skating rink open nearby.

[IN RUSSIAN] Mum thought,

"I should take her there."

[IN RUSSIAN] I started skating

at the age of, like, four and a half.

[WOMAN IN RUSSIAN] She was so tiny,

small even for her young age.

[IN RUSSIAN] I took a closer look at her.

[IN RUSSIAN] This girl was amazing

right from the start.

[IN RUSSIAN] She was so swift,

with her little feet...

[IN RUSSIAN] An absolutely

fearless little person.

[IN RUSSIAN] She was always smiling,

always in good spirits. Very joyful.

[IN RUSSIAN] Katya was probably

[IN RUSSIAN] the most positive

person I've ever known.

[IN RUSSIAN] I've never seen her upset.

[IN RUSSIAN] She was a very strong person.

[IN RUSSIAN] Katya was adventurous.


The girl was very courageous.

[IN RUSSIAN] She loved to win.

[IN RUSSIAN] I remember

my first competition.

[IN RUSSIAN] I took second place

because I fell doing my triple jump.


[IN RUSSIAN] If I hadn't fallen

on that triple, I would have been first.


[JOSIE] Morning, Harley.

Merry Christmas, Harl.

[HARLEY] I used to get up really early,

ride my bike

from home to Rooty Hill Train Station,

catch the 4:45 train,

stand up the whole way,

you know into Redfern,

change at Redfern, Canterbury,

then ride my bike into the ice rink.

[PETER] You got the coaching fees

and... and the boots

and the uniforms and that.

It was expensive, but...

we seen how Harley, like, over the time,

as he got better and better at it,

we seen his potential and that,

we... we just always stuck by him.

We're probably the only parents

in the ice skating fraternity

don't have a background in ice skating.

If Harley's doing a jump now,

I still don't know what it's called.

I don't even know what it is.

So, Harley grew up

in Rooty Hill area of Western Sydney.

Very big Aboriginal community

in Mount Druitt,

so always involved in

Aboriginal community,

very natural dancer as well.


Harley is Ngemba Weilwan

on our maternal side of the family.

Harley's dad is Kamilaroi from Moree.

Even before ice skating,

he was always very keen

to give anything a go, really,

and just get into it.


I don't think we ever looked

at any of the obstacles,

none of us, really.

We just support each other

and just go for it.

Mum, this is mine! Mum, look.

This is mine.

[HARLEY] Oh! Rollerblades!

[BOY] I got a bike at home.

Yay! Just what I wanted, rollerblades.


I think it's the dream

of every young athlete,

in no matter what the sport,

you know, "Mummy, Daddy,

I'm gonna go to the Olympics one day."


But there are funded sports

and there are unfunded sports,

and Ice Skating Australia

is an unfunded sport.

There's not a huge amount of sponsorship

for anybody really,

unless you're right, right at the top.

Costumes and flights and all that,

trying to get to competition.

Buying new boots, blades,

training gear, you know,

the travel cost of going

back and forth to the ice rink.

[GREG] You're paying

all those costs yourself.

It's an expensive hobby at that stage

and most of us are working

day-to-day to help pay for it.

Within Australia,

there's a three-tier system.

So we have the clubs that are based

within each ice rink.

Each ice rink will have an

in-house figure-skating club,

which then feeds onto

our state association...

...the state bodies...

And then they feed through to our...

[BELINDA] ...national federation,

Ice Skating Australia.

The administration is all volunteer-based. run by volunteers.

...all volunteers, including myself.

We have a board of seven.

And then above them in Australia, we have...

Olympic Winter Institute of Australia.

- Olympic Winter Institute.


[MAN] It was set up by the

Australian Olympic Committee. 1998.

Sort of an overriding body

for a lot of winter sports. achieve success at the Olympic Games.

...prospective Olympic skaters...

The one per cent. the top of the tree.

[LYNCH] Beyond Ice Skating

Australia, there's...


...the International Skating Union...

which runs the sport around the world.

And that's affiliated to

the International Olympic Committee.


I personally don't think

it's that complicated.

That doesn't happen

in some other countries.

They get identified as early

as seven years of age.


[MAN IN RUSSIAN] When kids are accepted

into these clubs, it's no longer a hobby.

[IN RUSSIAN] Ice rinks and gyms

are very expensive.

[IN RUSSIAN] The government

pays for it all.

[IN RUSSIAN] Many of these kids are being

trained to become champions.

[IN RUSSIAN] At about age ten

is when most children get dropped.

[IN RUSSIAN] And those

who conquer these milestones

[IN RUSSIAN] can then try

to compete and strive for the top.

[IN RUSSIAN] Competition within

the national teams is always very strong.

[IN RUSSIAN] The athletes I've coached

have won over 100 gold medals

[IN RUSSIAN] at World and European

championships and Olympic Games.

[ANDREY IN RUSSIAN] And for those

who make it, skating is a ticket


to fame and fortune.






[ANDREY IN RUSSIAN] Katya's mum brought

her here for a professional career.


Who was your partner in Moscow?

[IN RUSSIAN] Aleksandr Epifanov.

[IN RUSSIAN] But we didn't get anywhere.

[IN RUSSIAN] Competing for sixth place

in a Russian Cup series,


it's not something...

[IN RUSSIAN] At the time,


Katya did not have a Russian partner


who could take her to the podium.


It all depends on finding a partner


with whom you can become successful.

[IN RUSSIAN] Andrey Khekalo supported me

during challenging times.

[IN RUSSIAN] When you are a teenager,

you are happy one minute,

[IN RUSSIAN] and the next minute,

you want to jump off the balcony.


[HARLEY] Australian coaches is...

it's a completely different world,

skating here.

Most of them don't know

what they're doing at all.

I think his first coach

could only take Harley so far.

So that's, you know,

when Galina and Andrei

came on the scene.

And we could see that difference

in their style of skating.

They were Russian.

[BELINDA] After the break-up

of the Soviet Union,

a lot of Russians went to

a lot of different countries.

[GALINA] Myself and my husband,

we're both pair skaters.

Like, former Russian pair skaters.

And we already did make a few

pair teams in Australia,

and one of them were competing

in Junior Worlds as well.




[HARLEY] They're very passionate coaches,

but they're very driven

for results as well.

They're always sort of looking for

the next pairs team to bring up.



Galina, she was like my second

mum. [LAUGHS]

I saw her more than my own mother

for, like, ages, you know?

I was always at the rink.

She was the one that sort of got me from

doing two double jumps to triples.

Harley going from singles to pairs I think

was always on the cards,

being under Galina and Andrei.



[ANDREI] Careful!

[HARLEY] You know, I wanted to compete,

and, honestly, at the time,

there was no one really... that good.

[JOSIE] There was one young girl,

when Harley would throw her up in the air,

she was so scared coming down

because he'd throw her up too high.

So she pulled out.

Then somebody else pulled out,

and then somebody else pulled out.



Don't be sausage!


[HARLEY] You know,

after a certain while of just

nothing's working,

nothing's working, nothing's working,

you kind of just lose that flame.

[ANDREI] Look.

[GALINA] You know, in pairs

it's very difficult to find

matching partners.

- It's very difficult.

- [JESSICA] Yeah.

[GALINA] Sometimes trying, not one or two

or three, could be more than that.

Until you find one... which one's matching,

or you never find one.

We decided to look overseas

because my husband was

in Moscow that time,

and he came to look at the girls.


[HARLEY] Andrei called me up at, like,

three o'clock in the morning

and was like, "If you still

want to skate in pairs,

then you need to come to Russia."

I was like, "f*ck it,"

a week and a half later,

I was on a plane to Moscow.



This is how it happened.

[IN RUSSIAN] A coach from Australia,

also Russian, Andrei Pachin,

[IN RUSSIAN] came to our ice skating rink

during his trip to Russia

[IN RUSSIAN] with a boy named Harley.

[HARLEY] Andrei and I arrived

to the ice rink.

And he was like,

"Okay, just put your skates on,

warm up a little bit,

and we'll just come out on the ice

and just see what happens."


There was Katya.


I didn't speak any Russian at all

and she didn't speak any English.

And they kind of just

put us together and said,

"You two are partners."

Wow, this is, like, super good.

We didn't have to kind of awkwardly try

and match each other,

it was kind of just comfortable.

[IN RUSSIAN] I went to the Figure Skating

Federation of Russia and said,


"Guys, I have a good pair. Let's try."

[IN RUSSIAN] I was told, "Oh please!

We have plenty of our own athletes.

[IN RUSSIAN] An Australian?

What are you talking about!?"

[IN RUSSIAN] And I said, "We need to let

the girl go so they can compete together."

[IN RUSSIAN] "No problem at all."


And they were very nonchalant about it.

[WOMAN IN RUSSIAN] It is easier

to represent another country.

[IN RUSSIAN] All doors are open to you.

[IN RUSSIAN] I must admit,

I was scared to go to Australia.

[IN RUSSIAN] At first,

I didn't even understand.

- It's Australia? It is Austria?


[IN RUSSIAN] Mum and I

took two days to think it over.

[IN RUSSIAN] We decided it was

worth giving it a try.

The process of transfer,

it's primarily paperwork.

Ekaterina wanted to be released

from the Russian Federation

so that they could represent Australia.

We started the visa process.

I don't know much about that,

but Galina and Andrei were sorting that.

[GALINA] Because of the visa regulations

because Katya and Harley are

from two different countries,

and we invited Katya

to come over to Australia

to train with Harley for three months.

January 2016,

I get a call from Galina Pachin,

"We've found a partner for Harley

and she's here in Australia."

Do I want to come and watch them?

Part of my role with the OWIA

was to assess who would be

capable of making it

onto Olympic winter teams.

I could not believe what I was looking at.

They are amazing.

They're, like, world-level now.

The first thing I saw

was the similarity in technique.

Their split twist was so new

and so high and so well ex*cuted.

Watching them skate together

was like they'd been together

for two or three years.

It was mind-blowing.

He was a transformed young man.

But I had questions.

"Tell me about this girl. She's only 16?"

"What are your plans?

She's staying with you?"

"Then what? How's this work?"

"How much is this gonna cost?"

[GALINA] She had no money, obviously.

In Russia, they get paid

for their ice time and everything.

- Most of them get paid by government.

- Yeah.

- Yeah.

- By Russian Federation.

Australia's, like,

different way of coaching,

different payments,

different arrangements.

Everything is different.

[BELINDA] I have no idea

what the arrangement was

other than she had this

three-month tourist visa

and she was staying at

Andrei and Galina's house.

[GALINA] We offered her to live

in our house for free

because we have a big house

and she could have her own

bedroom and her own bathroom,

and she was attached to us.

She was... became, like,

a part of our family.

Obviously, you don't want to, like,

stay with your coach 24/7.

But at the time, like,

both of us had no money

and it was, like,

just something we had to do.


It's hard living with your coach.

[IN RUSSIAN] Because my coach, well,

you know. It's just hard, you know.

[IN RUSSIAN] When you come

home from practice,


you try and take a break from training.

[IN RUSSIAN] And here he is...

Yeah, it's hard, it's hard.

[BELINDA] I wanted her to be able

to get English lessons

so that she could communicate,

so she could start expressing herself,

so that she could lead her life.

[KATYA IN RUSSIAN] The language, yes,

it's hard. It's hard to learn

[IN RUSSIAN] when you are in

a Russian-speaking environment.

[IN RUSSIAN] The coach is Russian

and will translate, explain everything.

[IN RUSSIAN] There is no need

to learn the language.

Clearly, they needed organisational help,

they needed planning help,

but most of all, they needed money.

[RINK ANNOUNCER] Ekaterina Alexandrovskaya

and Harley Windsor.

[BELINDA] To get funding,

they needed to compete.

[COMMENTATOR] Ekaterina is

16 years old, born in Moscow.

Harley is 19, born in Penrith.

They're coached and choreographed

by Andrei Pachin.

This is their first

Junior Grand Prix season.


Our first ever Junior Grand Prix,

we got eighth place or something.

[COMMENTATOR] I'm not sure they

know how good they could be.

They're big, they're strong, they're fast,

but they're also a little rough,

or unrefined, in some areas.


[HARLEY] It wasn't that great.

We went back to Moscow

and we were training,

like, day in, day out,

drilling ourselves every single day.

Three weeks later, we got first

at our second Junior Grand Prix.



Improvement in those three weeks

was, like, huge.

And I think a lot of people were like...

[COMMENTATOR] From Australia,

Ekaterina Alexandrovskaya,

Harley Windsor.


[COMPERE] Here in Tallinn

with the pairs champions from Australia.

First gold medal ever

in the Junior Grand Prix

for Australia in any discipline.


We have Ekaterina, Harley,

and Andrei, the coach.

[HARLEY] A few days

after our first Junior Grand Prix,

we were at our first, like, senior event.

We were just, like,

thrown straight into the deep end.

One after the other,

bam, bam, bam, bam, bam.

The more comps we did, the better we got.

Together, this... this team can...

can actually place.

- And also, that's not...

- Not just participate, place.

[BOTH] Yeah.

What it showed Australians is that

it's not just the rest of the world

that can win these championships,

you can actually do it

if you're an Australian skater.


we were in Tallinn, and they won

the very first gold medal for Australia.

[BELINDA] It had been a magnificent season

with all of these wins.

They were on a golden wave.

[COMMENTATOR] First in the free program.

A 173.85,

and that's first overall.

[GALINA] Well, she was really

determined young lady.

She was determined.

She wanted to do well.

She wanted to succeed.

She wanted to work hard

and there was, like,

discipline, no question.

You tell her do and she will do it.

[IN RUSSIAN] You realize that

for the best results, it's better

[IN RUSSIAN] when the child comes

from a disadvantaged family.


When the family is worse off financially,

[IN RUSSIAN] the child is ready to work

tirelessly to succeed.

[INNA IN RUSSIAN] Katya lived with

her mum and dad as a two-parent family.

[IN RUSSIAN] The father took on the

responsibility of providing for them.

[IN RUSSIAN] He was working.


Dmitry, Katya's father, died suddenly.

[IN RUSSIAN] To say that they were

devastated is saying nothing.

[IN RUSSIAN] It was like they were

cut off from their roots.

[IN RUSSIAN] Her mum had to go to work.

[IN RUSSIAN] Katya had to take on

certain responsibilities too,


including supporting her mother.


She often thought of him.

[IN RUSSIAN] I remember how she would

sometimes think of him and cry.

[IN RUSSIAN] She would say,

[IN RUSSIAN] "If Dad were here,

everything would have been different."

[BELINDA] I think that probably

those early months

must have been very difficult for her.

You know, she was an only child

who's in a strange country

whose father has passed away.

She told me this story.

"It was the one-year anniversary

of my father's death.

That was the worst day of my life.

It was the day that, you know, we give,

you know, our coaches a gift.

I had a bottle of vodka

and I was so upset about my father,

my best friend and I,

we took the bottle and drank it all."

She felt like she'd dishonoured her father

and dishonoured her coach,

and let herself down.

And she said, "And the next day...

is the best day of my life,

when I met Harley."

[PETER] Harley was driven,

but I think Katya did push him

a bit too, you know.

They don't speak each other's language,

they come from a different culture,

so what is the only thing that

they have in common?

And that's the desire

for success in figure skating.

The young elite Russian skater

we had with us

expected these results.

But she also expected

the best from Harley.

So if he made a mistake...

she would be telling him, like,

in no uncertain terms.

Yeah, all was not bad, not perfect.

We can much better.

Yeah, there's always room for improvement,

but, you know, it's the best what

we could do today and we're happy with it.

Not best. It's not best what we

can do today, we can do better.

You can always do better,

I can understand.

Did Katya and I like each other?

Not really.

In the first year, absolutely not,

not at all.

I think the language barrier

kind of helps us a little bit.

Um, you know, when we do get

quite angry at each other

on the ice and stuff, it sort of

stops us from being too verbal, I guess.

Katya more expl*sive.

Harley a little bit, uh, more gentleman.

And so that's, like, little

Katya more rough

and he is more softer.

[GALINA] She tried to adjust to the

condition in life where she was.

She would never whinge,

she would never say:

"Oh, I miss my mum,

I miss, like, this and this."

She would never say that.

Harley would say,

"Oh, she's just really angry."

And I would say to Harley,

"She's young, she's left her country

to come to Australia.

She has no family. She has no friends.

Like, maybe there's a reason

why she's angry,

and we need to help her."

[BELINDA] That's when it's really

in the hands of the coaches

who are working with them

to look after each other,

to trust each other,

to respect each other as people.

[GALINA] My husband,

he was with them every session,

every competition,

day in and day out, all the time.


even sometimes, like,

sharing room together

because... to save money.

The coaches can only watch the kids

to a certain degree,

and then I think they all sort of

run off throughout the hotel

and go a little bit wild

after the competition

to celebrate a little bit.

I would ask Katya,

"Where did everyone go? Where's Harley?"

"Oh, he's gone with his friends."

"And where's Andrei?" "I don't know."

Yeah, well, I always told Harley,

"Be nice to her."

You know, "She's only young.

Look after her."


[COMMENTATOR] Quite a journey

for all these junior athletes.

During the Junior Grand Prix season,

we visited seven nations

and now it comes down to six

intensely-determined, young paired teams.

[HARLEY] We went there for that Worlds

literally just for experience.

The Russians are, like, top of their game.

We just were, like, go out there

and skate what we can.

We skated first in the last group, and...

So, you know, we looked at it,

and we're, like, sitting in fourth place.

The team after us skated

and they did a few mistakes,

and we were like, "Oh my God, like, wow,

we've got, like, third place already."

There's still teams to skate,

but they were, like, strong Russian teams.

Lifts, jumps, throws, death spirals.

There were, like,

a few mistakes here and there.

And I'm like, "Oh my God," you know,

"We got second place at Junior Worlds."

Scores came up...

[ANNOUNCER] Ladies and gentlemen,

we will now...

[HARLEY] ...and we were still in first.

And I was like, "Oh,

when's the last team skating?"

Then we realised the event's finished,

and I looked at, like, Katya

and I looked at Andrei,

and we were like, "Did we just win?"


[ANDREI] Russian Vice-President

was talking quite loud

with the Russian coach.

"You beat by Australian already,

like, what you talking about?"

Yeah, the Russian Federation

wasn't too happy

that we did well at that competition,

to be honest.

[IN RUSSIAN] I was told,

"From now on, we are not letting

[IN RUSSIAN] any of your athletes

represent another country."

[IN RUSSIAN] I was like, "Guys, I told you

[IN RUSSIAN] they were going to be

a good pair, but you didn't listen."

[SHARON] For Katya to come to Australia,

compete for Australia

and then to go back and beat them,

that was achievement for her.


And they were like, "Okay, you know,

you've shown that you, like, can do it,

so here's, like, the funding

to back everything you need."

[BELINDA] When they got OWIA gear

for the first time,

you know, the jackets and, oh...


[BELINDA] Katya was in seventh heaven.

And so was Galina.

They loved it, you know,

and it was just joyous.

[SHARON] It changed a lot of things.

They were able to just focus,

not worry about

where the funds were going to come from.

It was quite a relief for them

to be able to just concentrate

on what they wanted to do.

[HARLEY] Winning the Junior Worlds

changed our mentality.

We started to, like,

know each other a bit better

and we were like, "Okay, we can actually,

like, probably go somewhere with this.

We're, like, junior world champions now.

We need to act like

professional athletes."

I could feel that she was

putting everything,

like, all of her trust into me.

[BELINDA] They had a strong opportunity

of having a long, successful career.

There was no doubt in my mind

that they should go to the Olympics.

So now it was time for them

to start planning the next four years.

I rang Andrei,

trying to piece together the plan.

He said, "I came without a dream,"

said Andrei,

"I came without dream.

All the time dreaming now.

All the time I listened to Katya.

Now I know Katya has to follow orders.

We don't expect you to just participate,

we expect top result."




[BELINDA] I wasn't a fan of

Andrei Pachin's style of coaching

because he would yell a lot.

Katya felt that

she knew more than Andrei did.

I think that that's when

it started going south.

She just said he was angry all the time.


[GREG] What exactly was being said,

I can't tell you.

It's not even the fact that

it was, like, the yelling,

there was, like, this air

of disappointment.

But anybody that hears negativity yelled

knows the intent of it.

They hear the intent of it.

And the yelling about

faster, faster, faster,

that's definitely in English

and very loud.

He's a coach, he's not, like, a parent.

Is he meant to be a coach,

is he meant to be a parent?

Is he like... He can't be both.

Honestly, for me, it's what I needed.

You know, if someone has

a whip to me constantly,

then it's, like,

it pushes me more and more

and more and more and more.

And, you know, if they tell me

I can't do it, then I'm like,

"Okay, well, watch me,

I'll prove you wrong."


I was, like, physically, like, shaking.

My legs were weak.

And I remember turning to Andrei

and I was like, "Andrei, I can't skate."

I didn't watch it.

All Harley's competitions, I don't watch.

The morning practice was probably

the single worst practice

that we've ever had in our lives.

Like, it was, shocking.

Because I think it's just that I thought,

"Oh, are they gonna fall?

Are they gonna stuff something up?"

We were standing there holding hands,

like, shaking together.

They were like, "Okay, last group,

please step to the ice,"

and it was really strange,

the second I stepped foot on the ice,

it just... [SNAPS FINGERS]


All those hours of training

just, like, turned on.

She knew exactly what she had to do,

I knew what I had to do,

and we were just bam, bam, bam, bam, bam.


We ended up doing, like,

the best program we've ever done.

Like, perfect, clean program.




[ANNOUNCER 2] A final total

of 125.80 points for the free skate,

giving them a new season's best.

With a combined total of 190.31,

they are currently in first place.

Thank you.


He rang me.

"Dad, I'm going to the Olympics."


Mm, he was over the moon.

I was too. [LAUGHS]

He said, "Did you watch it?" I said,

"Yeah, fantastic skate," you know.


I... I did watch it afterwards.

Wow, he's actually done it.

He'd done what he said he was going to do.

And he fought and he fought

and he got there.

And not just him,

they both worked hard

to really achieve that.

And both having really difficult

backgrounds to deal with,

they just fought really hard to do that.

[YOUNG HARLEY] Merry Christmas, Mum.

Merry Christmas, Mum.

Merry Christmas, Harley.

[YOUNG HARLEY] Merry Christmas, Fifi.

Merry Christmas, Fifi.

- Merry Christmas, Dad.

- Merry Christmas, everybody.

- What about Boris?

- Merry Christmas, Boris.

[JOSIE] This is one of Harley's costumes

that he wore at

the New South Wales Championships.

It was made on a $5 budget.

Skated a couple times in it.

As you can see, an Aboriginal design,

that's the rainbow serpent.

And that's the back of it.


[SHARON] It's taken a lot of people,

not just one person,

to be able to support his journey.

We were, you know,

a struggling Aboriginal family...

doing what we could to support each other.

[HARLEY] Sharon's been looking after me

since I was literally born.

Um, she would, you know,

change my nappies,

and, like, if my parents were

working at the time,

Sharon would be looking after me.

She's always been super, super supportive,

both emotionally, financially,

with my skating, with my life,

and I wouldn't be where I am

today without her.

[MAN] That's right.

[SHARON] Being proud

of who we are and our culture,

our beliefs, our spirituality...

not only for our people,

but for all young people

to go, "Wow, this kid went through a lot."

He... he grew up in Western Sydney.


There's kind of been lots of

trauma in our lives

that has caused lots of... lots of distress.


I've wanted to try and break that cycle

because it's not their trauma

to carry in life.

So you try and protect them from it, so...

It goes back further than that.

Me and my sibling,

my elder sisters and that,

we grew up on a mission

in the Stolen Generation era.

That's where Harley's ancestors are.


I put myself through uni to be educated,

to pay for my children

to get through life.

And I always said to him,

"I want you to do what you want to do.

I'll be there to support you, me and Dad."

We would support him anyhow, you know,

no matter how much it cost.


...division at the New South Wales

Amateur Figure Skating Championships...

[HARLEY] Instead of having to

worry about, you know,

I can't go to the rink, or, you know,

because there's not enough money

or we can't really afford it

sort of thing like that.

[ANNOUNCER] Okay, I'll hand

over the mic back to...

My parents did a really good job of, like,

keeping that side away from me.

We had to deal with other things

before he got on the ice.

He did cop that a lot.

Like, "No, you're not...

you're not Indigenous."

"No. Why say you're Indigenous?" You know?

Look at you, you're fair-skinned."

[JOSIE] Even any sort of funding

that come up for Harley,

that he needed to apply for,

he would never allow me

to apply for it.

Because I think that he was worried

about the stigma attached to it.

Harley just pushed it aside.

You know, "No, this is what I want to do

and I'm going to do it.

I don't care what you say."

Oh, wow.

Oh my.

"My dream is to go to the Olympic Games

and get a gold medal in figure skating."

I've not seen this one for a long time.


We can get a bit of a comparison there.

We weren't 100% sure

that we were even going to go

to the Games, to be honest,

because at the time,

Katya still didn't have

Australian citizenship.

The next part of that process,

which was always well in hand

by that stage,

was Katya becoming an Australian citizen.

There is an opportunity

for skaters from one country

to transfer to another.

And it's not just in skating,

it happens across all sports.

And I wrote a letter of support

for their application

to the Minister,

and the Minister used their discretion

to approve the speeding up of the process.

That's what it is,

the process is still the same,

it just short-tracks it,

if I can put it that way.

We have been opening the doors

and giving visas to athletes

from foreign countries

for a considerable amount of time.

And she got the same red carpet treatment.

I pledge my loyalty

to Australia and its people.

[KATYA] I pledge my loyalty to Australia...


- Australia and its people.

- And its people.

Whose democratic beliefs I share.

Whose democratic beliefs I share.

Whose rights and liberties I respect.

- Whose rights and liberties I...

- I respect.

- I respect.

- Yep.

And whose laws I will uphold and obey.

- And whose laws I'll uphold and obey.

- Obey.


I had to sit a citizenship test.


The history of the country, etc.

[IN RUSSIAN] I don't know why,

but I was told I didn't need to.


I got this email saying,

you know, come on down

to the Australian Olympic Committee House,

which is down...

down at Circular Quay.

I went along

not really knowing what to expect.

Sun was shining, perfect day,

and they kind of

rolled these young athletes out.


and I remember them asking, asking Harley,

this big, strong guy,

to sort of pick...

pick Katya up and sort of hold her

above, ah, head.

And one of the photographers

missed out on the photo

and sort of came running back

out onto the balcony and said,

"Listen, can you pick her up again?"

It was almost like Katya was a prop

rather than a person.

[REPORTER] The Russian-born skater

only became Australian in October,

happy to leave

her doping-plagued homeland behind.

[WOMAN] You two have only been

together for two years.

Yeah. Two years and...

It works well?

Yeah, it works and I like skate with him,

and we... good pair.

Good. And it's a short time to

be together to go into a...

into a Games.

Yeah, absolutely.

I mean, not just to go into...

Every interview,

they never, never bothered

to get an interpreter.

And I'd say to Harley,

"Harley, can't you tell them, son,

to get an interpreter for her?"

He said, "Mum, I tell them."

Katya, how have you found

your partnership here with Harley?

Ah... can you say slowly?

- Question again.

- Slowly.

Slowly. You're skating with Harley.

How have you found skating with...

Harley Windsor!


2018 will also see

our first Indigenous Winter Olympian

compete: Harley Windsor.

Our first Australian

Indigenous Winter Olympian,

from figure skating, Harley Windsor.

[REPORTER] The first Aboriginal athlete

to compete at a Winter Games.

You know, I didn't really believe it.

I thought, I just assumed

that there'd been other

Indigenous winter athletes before.

Most of the questions were,

like, just directed at me.

You know, like and, again,

the same questions.

I was running out of ways to, like, say

the same answer in a different way.

So, like, I didn't know

what people wanted me to say.

[REPORTER] The 21-year-old

believes his achievements

can inspire other Indigenous athletes

to strive for the Winter Games.

[REPORTER 2] ...use his achievements

to inspire other Indigenous Aussies.

[REPORTER 3] Do you feel like

something of a role model

to inspire other Indigenous kids

that are coming through

that might take up the sport?

I didn't think he was,

you know, prepared for

the kind of onslaught of the media

and talking about things

that he hadn't really

spoken about before.

I guess they had, like,

their sort of vision

of what they wanted the answers to be.

I didn't really know what

to take of it at the time

because we were so focused

on preparing and training.

Yes, he's an Aboriginal person,

but, you know, at that moment,

he's focusing on being an Olympic athlete.

Well, the hardworking mum of Australia's

first Indigenous Winter Olympian

has received the surprise of a lifetime.

You're going to Korea.

Aw, Peter!


[REPORTER] A wish comes true.

[JOSIE] You know why I sang out "Peter"?

'Cause I thought they were

going to give him one.

[REPORTER] Josie Windsor

has spent everything

on her son's Olympic dream.

Today, some help to fund her own.

She'll be there as Harley enters history.

When they ambushed Harley at the gates,

and then I jumped on Zoom

and telling him that I was coming,

they were standing there

telling me what to say.

[REPORTER] And we connected him to Mum.

I'm coming over to you, son.

Oh, that's exciting.

[REPORTER] How are you feeling, Harley?

So, Mum is going to come over

and be here with you.

[REPORTER] A moment Channel 7

helped make possible

when Josie revealed she simply

couldn't afford to come.

There were lots of people going,

"Well, if they're going to do that

for them people,

why aren't they doing it for

all the athletes' parents?"

And, "Why are they getting

treated special?"

Negative comments on social media.

There was lots of r*cist comments

and people saying,

"Oh, there must be..."

"He," you know, "He's so white,

that there must be something in it

for him to say that he's Aboriginal.

It must be money."

He knows who he is.

His family knows who he is.

His community knows who he is,

so he doesn't have to answer

to anybody else.

[KATYA IN RUSSIAN] When we came into

the stadium it was unforgettable.

[IN RUSSIAN] So cool.

[IN RUSSIAN] Besides,

I was almost in the first row.

[IN RUSSIAN] In all the photographs

there were close-ups of me.

[IN RUSSIAN] Most important for us

[IN RUSSIAN] is to have

a clean performance in both programs.

[IN RUSSIAN] Try not to make errors

and get in the top 12.

You know, I walked up into that stadium

with the flag hanging over my shoulders.

I think I pretty much cried

the whole time.

It was all sorts of emotions.

It was happy, proud.

I get all these flashbacks,

all those big moments in life

that could have easily

prevented all of that.

Just the fact that he was there

and I was there watching and...

Yeah, lots and lots of emotions.

Canterbury Ice Rink had a screen set up

so the community there were all watching.

People were just so proud,

the fact that they were both there.

And they knew what the struggles were

and how hard it was for them to get there.

Regardless of what happened there,

for them they were... they were superstars.

[COMMENTATOR] Well done, Australia.

Well done, Harley and Katya. Look at you.


You can breathe now. [LAUGHS]

A good score, 61.55. They might

have been looking for more.

[REPORTER] A clean performance,

it just fell short of progression,

finishing 18th.

We made our debut, and it's...

it was a good program.

You know, obviously, the results

weren't what we wanted,

but, you know, we can't be upset.

[REPORTER] What can we expect, Katya?

What can we expect?

Ah, what again?

- Sorry?

- What can we expect?

[BELINDA] So it was a disappointment,

but it happens.

You know, they'd had a golden wave

and they'd made it to the Olympics,

they skated great.

They did well.




Who came over to support you?


No one from the family came, no one came.

[IN RUSSIAN] It's too far away.


The flights are very expensive.

[IN RUSSIAN] Maybe they will come

to the next Olympics.

[BELINDA] From a media point of view

and from a government point of view,

your value is where you place.

The big story was them getting there.

What they did there wasn't

necessarily a big story,

so you move on very quickly.

The story was done, you know, when they...

When their competition finished,

you know, that was the end

of the road for their story.

[IN RUSSIAN] This was not a failure as

I saw them say in the newspapers.

[IN RUSSIAN] Failure?

[IN RUSSIAN] Don't you understand that

these guys are just newly-fledged?


They have just graduated from juniors.


And you are already saying it's a failure?

[BELINDA] After PyeongChang,

they were due for a big break,

and that's really advised for

after Olympics.

It's such a big emotional build-up,

it takes it out of the skaters big-time.

[HARLEY] You've got all the stress,

all of the strain on your body.

You know, I feel like a lot

of athletes, they try and...

get to a point where it's like perfection.

And, you know, it's hard

for us to stomach that

when it's not perfect.

[BELINDA] There are some coaches think

that you can just keep doing that

the next month and the month

and the month after that.

Andrei is...

Andrei's repetition,

repetition, repetition.

Don't go home until it's perfect.


Protective gear was definitely not...

not on the list of things to be used.

Even though the sport had sort of gotten

faster, higher, bigger.


[SHARON] She couldn't confide in Harley

probably as much as she wanted to.

[GALINA] When we were training

Olympic season,

she had, like, a little seizure.

Collapsed unconscious.

I thought, "It's the diet."

She's trying not to eat

because she wants

before competition, look good,

lose a couple of kilos.

She had another seizure.

That time I said, "Katya, look.

You know, we have to go to hospital."

They said probably dehydrated,

very low potassium.

So, I said, "Katya, look.

Now, every single time you're eating,

you are eating in front of my eyes.

There was talk about her being on, um...

weight-loss tablets,

you know, fluid-retention tablets,

and stuff like that, and drinking.

No way I could be a pair girl.

Like, that is terrifying to me.

Like, the idea of that is, like, insane.

You know, I'm very happy

staying on the ground.



You need to have 100% trust

in your partner.

If you hesitate for a split second...


[HARLEY] You know, I'm six foot one.

They're, like, nine feet in the air,

and if they come down,

they're falling directly on their head

from nine feet.

And it's, you know, it's ice

and it's not soft, it's hard.


[JESSICA] I mean, did she ever hit her

head or anything like that?

[GALINA] Of course,

in pairs, you do knock your head.

- [JESSICA] Mm-hmm?

- I had four concussions myself.

Not very heavy concussions.

- But just the lighter concussions.

- [JESSICA] Yeah.

[GALINA] But I don't know what happened.

Maybe she did before.

- [JESSICA] Yeah.

- [GALINA] I have no idea.

I asked her, she said, "Oh, I did have

another concussion once

but I don't know how heavy."

I asked her if she's okay,

and she just said,

"Oh, I have a headache.

I just have a headache."


[KATYA IN RUSSIAN] January 1st

is my birthday and I want to be home.

[IN RUSSIAN] Because it's hard for me

to be alone in Australia.

[IN RUSSIAN] Without my mum,

without my beloved dog.

[IN RUSSIAN] I just want to go home

to feel the New Year.

[IN RUSSIAN] I don't care if there is

slush and mud, I just want that feeling.

[IN RUSSIAN] It will give me

an emotional boost at least.



[BELINDA] When I finally did

broach it with Katya,

she said she was angry that

she couldn't afford to go home

for her 18th birthday,

so she told me that she drank his beers.

[IN RUSSIAN] She didn't like Andrei

because, "He is always yelling."

[IN RUSSIAN] I said to her, "Katya,

he must be yelling because,

[IN RUSSIAN] because he wants

to get the most from you."

[IN RUSSIAN] You know,

breaking discipline in sport


is strictly prohibited.

[IN RUSSIAN] And she was doing that.

Katya was saying things like,

"I hate Andrei.

I don't want him to be my coach

and I won't skate."

She didn't go into a lot of detail,

except for things like

she's sick of him yelling and screaming

and saying nasty things to her,

and she didn't want to do it anymore.

He was quite happy to keep

training under Andrei,

but for some reason,

Katya just got sick of it.

He said, "What can I do?"

He said, "I had to go with her."

Because he wouldn't have had a partner.

He didn't fight Katya over it.

He didn't say, "No, listen,

let's try and work this out."

He didn't say nothing like that,

he just went with it.

It was a bit of a shit show.

But we sort of said it to Galina, but we

didn't have a chance to say it to Andrei.


[BELINDA] Harley and Katya rang me to say...

"We will not ever be with Andrei Pachin

ever again. Ever."


[ANDREI] I would like to let you know

about coaching ethics.

Harley can't sign any contract

at the moment

until he pay me money.

He owe me 52 weeks. 52 weeks.

For two and a half years.

52 weeks he owe me.

When he will be winning money

in a competition

he will be paying me back.

Like Katya did.

But we spent a lot of money

to continue them skating.

You understand that?

He has to pay money first

and after he is free.

Ringing over and over and over

and leaving messages.

[ANDREI] We win in Worlds without you,

without Belinda, without your help,

we win in Worlds

without any choreographer,

without anything.

Soon as you started to help,

it ruined everything.

And tell me if you understood everything

about alcohol problem?

If something happens, you will be guilty.

Make sure you inform Geoff Lipshut

about all these problems.

About how well we did it

without your help.



[BELINDA] A plan and a budget

was prepared by the OWIA

for Harley and Katya

with the first year in Montreal.


So, they went to Canada

[IN RUSSIAN] because they were

promised more money there.


They didn't need me anymore.


I was a burden when it came to money.

[IN RUSSIAN] So they left.

[SHARON] Canada would provide

them with more stability

to be coached at a different level

to further their career to the next level.


[HARLEY] We had a few friends there,

but it was, like,

we were pretty much there on our own.

She lived about a five-minute drive

away from me.

And she kind of just had her own place

and I had my own place.

We were kind of just pushed there

and, like, kind of...

Like, that sort of thing,

and we were like,

"Well... what do we do?"

There might have been enough money

to pay coaches and for accommodation

and to pay the ice and the travel,

but there wasn't enough money

to eat properly

because if you can't earn money,

where do you get it from?

You know, if your parents don't have money

and you're in another country...

Most people have an impression that

because we see them marching in

at Olympic stadiums,

that these kids are all rolling

in the big bucks, okay?

They're not.

Our athletes in this country

are on minimum wage.

They're struggling.

[HARLEY] It's, like, just little things

that can help, I feel.

You know, it's even if it's just, like,

a phone call, like, once a week.

Like, "Oh, hey, how's it going?"

Like, "What's happening?"

Like, "How's training?"

You know, we've got you these,

I don't know, protein bars,

or something like that,

you know, just, like, little things

that can make, like,

such a big difference, I feel.

I mean, the conditions

may be good for other people

and the training styles good

for other people,

but the way we learnt, the Russian style,

it was, like, completely different.

I couldn't see

the progress myself in training,

so I couldn't see the progress

even being possible in a competition.


We had, like, a shocking season and, like,

we weren't ready for any

of those comps whatsoever.

That was the first season that we had,

like, Senior Grand Prix,

and, you know, we had, like,

a name for ourselves

and we, like, did nothing with it.

[IN RUSSIAN] When they were skating here,

they had decent scores.

[IN RUSSIAN] When they left,

they could hardly score 90 points.

[BELINDA] They didn't cope there

well enough by themselves.

They needed a grandma there

that they could go to,

or an aunty, you know, that sort of thing.

[HARLEY] That season was a shit show.

We were like, "Look,

Canada's not going to work, so..."


[SHARON] Katya started working

at the ice rink

to be able to start earning some money.

I think she went to two other

different parents' houses

at this time,

and they were teaching her

some English as well.

[BELINDA] Having a job, having

self-respect, having confidence,

having her own friends,

these were important goals as well.

I don't think things were going perfectly,

but there was, you know...

I was looking after them

in Australia while they sort of sorted out

who they were going to go

and be coached by.

Harley had made a few comments to me

about some weird goings-on,

but the days where she'd be

at the ice rink and working,

she'd be in quite good form.

But then there were other days where

she was just struggling to do anything.

Yeah, I mean, she was definitely

drinking a little bit.

But, again, it's, like, super hard

for me to say because,

you know, on one hand,

there's like that, you know,

very typical 18-year-old phase

where, you know,

every 18-year-old's going to go out

and, you know, party and drink and stuff,

you know, it's... I did it myself.

I know every other 18-year-old

does the exact same thing.

There was definitely

a history of drinking.

I'd been told by people

who were at competition with her

that, like, when it was party time,

she'd go hard.

And I'm pretty sure that

the coaching team,

the first coaching team,

were well and truly aware of it.

[SHARON] Harley had told me that

she had drank quite a lot on the flight

and by the time they got there,

she could hardly stand up.

And Harley had to basically

carry Katya off the plane.

I think I remember a time where,

just after one of the comps,

Andrei had come back into the rink

and made comments about

how obliterated she was

getting onto an aeroplane.



to Australia, when I saw Katya,


I had never seen her like this before.

[IN RUSSIAN] I said to Belinda,

[IN RUSSIAN] "Let's face it, we can only

aim to get into the top 10.

[IN RUSSIAN] If we get into the top 10,

we are superstars."

[GREG] And then I had found out from

somebody that she'd been staying with

that some alcohol had been going missing.

That's when I sort of put

the call in to Belinda.

Because there were so many ups

and downs with those guys,

I think it was denial more than anything,

and I was, like, no, like,

there's definitely a lot more

going on here than...

than we know about.

[BELINDA] Greg thought that

he could smell alcohol in the morning.

We couldn't believe it.


And I made the decision

to go look in her skate bag.

I was shaking when I did it,

and I opened the drink bottle

and I could smell wine.

This is eight o'clock,

8:30 in the morning.

[HARLEY] This wasn't just like

a thing that happened

in, like, the last few weeks,

it accumulated over the last,

you know, year and a half.

[BELINDA] This required professional help.

[GREG] Basically just packed her up

to go get blood tests,

general health check stuff.

I think we thought we were going

to get a lot more resistance

from Katya than we did.

[BELINDA] I started seeking help

through OWIA,

the outreach programs,

and the professionals that

Sports Australia have on board

to deal with this.

It took weeks to get one appointment.

The OWIA wasn't aware

as much as your sources

might be telling you,

and that information

certainly wasn't passed up

to the OWIA chief executive,

nor to the board.

I can tell you that

because I sit on the OWIA board.

We have heard talk about that since,

but it's not something

that we were aware of

or ever reported to us.

[LAUGHS] Welcome...

welcome to minority sports.

[BELINDA] For weeks, you know,

we'd been working on

small plans with Greg,

you know, that were easy to achieve,

that were confidence-builders,

and they had targets to reach,

to keep their funding alive for this year.

And I thought, "Okay, that's fair enough."

So they had until May 30th

to achieve all of those goals,

yet I received this phone call on May 22...

pulling the plug.

And I think that they expected me

to tell them.

I said, "You ring. You tell them."


I was so disgusted

that you could abandon kids

when they need you.

And I haven't spoken to them since.


If Katya and Harley hadn't achieved

the success they did,

then there would be no funding.

You know, I'm saying, it's, like,

you don't get the funding

unless you're on track

to achieve something, yeah.

So many moving parts, like,

so many moving parts.

It's, like... [SIGHS]

My first instinct was to go,

"It should have come from

Harley and Katya."

Harley should have been like,

"No, like, we can't get on a plane."

But he only knows one thing.

He only knows to skate.

That should have come from me.

I should have said,

"You can't get on a plane,

it's the wrong choice."

But I'm an interim coach.

Then you've got the base of volunteers

who could have been like,

"No, you can't go."

But is that a realistic thing to expect?

Most things are preventable.


I don't think anybody wanted

to feel like they were

the factor that ended something

that could have been great.

[ANNOUNCER] Representing Australia,

Ekaterina Alexandrovskaya

and Harley Windsor.







...Alexandrovskaya and Harley Windsor.


[HARLEY] We ended up going

back over to Russia

and we sort of scraped by, and, uh...

But then, at the time,

we didn't really have, like,

a proper training base, and it was still...

we were still trying to, like,

settle into everything, and...

then everything sort of went to shit.



Dulcinea, Ducia, come here.

[BELINDA] She was going home.

She was excited for that because

she'd be home with her mother.

[IN RUSSIAN] After New Year's,

we resumed training.

[BELINDA] Harley and the coach

that they wanted,

you know, was there.


It seemed to me that everything was fine.

[IN RUSSIAN] I told them,

"Don't expect it to happen right away.

[IN RUSSIAN] Do what you need to do

and everything will fall into place."

[BELINDA] But in January, she collapsed.


And they said she should

never skate again.

They told her she should

never skate again.


It's your purpose every day,

like, the sport

and everything you put that energy into

is your daily purpose,

it's the reason you get up in the morning,

it's, you know, it's the reason

you go to bed early at night.

Um, it's... it's everything.

[BELINDA] This is all she'd known

since she was three.


[HARLEY] There was only

so much I could do.

Like, what am I?

Like, I can't be, her, like, therapist,

her partner, her friend.

You know what I mean? I can't be

all those things and, like,

try and keep sane myself.


And Harley made the announcement.

[IN RUSSIAN] Katya said to me,

"Veronika, I will have to quit sports.

[IN RUSSIAN] I'll have to quit sports.

I am afraid of dying."

[IN RUSSIAN] She would ask,

"Veronika, what should I do?"

[IN RUSSIAN] And I would say,

[IN RUSSIAN] "Since you love

figure skating, go coach the kids."

[IN RUSSIAN] And she would be like,

"No! I will k*ll those kids.

[IN RUSSIAN] No way.

Anything but coaching."

I sent her messages,

and she kind of didn't reply.

She was communicating less and less,

like, isolating herself.

[SHARON] We sent some flowers

to her and just told her

that we were thinking about her,

and we send lots of love.

She sent me back a photo

of the flowers that she got,

just saying thank you with a love heart.

To have everything that

was worked for gone,

being told that

the health is as good as gone

if you don't make some

major, major changes...

feeling like a parent has already gone,

without somebody going in there

and doing, like,

a proper, like,

grab and hold onto and start to help,

of course it's gonna, like,

something's going to slip.


You can't focus on the sport only.

[IN RUSSIAN] Life doesn't end there.


And, you know, the pandemic started.


This person who has been highly active


since the age of four is now isolated.


She was always in the midst of things.


There was always something happening.

[IN RUSSIAN] Practice, competitions,

training camps all this time.

[IN RUSSIAN] And now suddenly...


[IN RUSSIAN] ...silence.

If she wished us to know,

then, yes, we certainly could have

provided services, yes.

Simply if we'd been appro... or she...

Well, it's important for

the athlete, or the Olympian,

to... to wish to do that.

Now, it's only relatively new, I think,

and probably wasn't in place,

sadly, for Katya

because it's only come in

the last couple of years.

It was there, it's improved,

it's in a better space now.


[HARLEY] We'd split up

and my visa ran out.

[JULIAN] I'd kind of, you know,

lost track of where they were,

and completely out of nowhere,

I spotted this story out of Moscow.

Harley was here and he got the message.

And he rang me.

I was over at me mate's place, and I had

all these missed calls from Harley.

And I just... I rang him back and said,

"Yeah, what's up?"

And he was in tears.

Then he told me.

I got a message

from some friend of her mum's.

[JULIAN] We were right on deadline,

and I rang the Sunday editor

and I said, "Listen, I really think

this is an important story.

We need to get something

in tomorrow's paper."

[HARLEY] And I remember

trying to call Katya.


No answer. Try to call her mum, no answer.

So the details are very, very thin

at this stage, but, um...

I remember... I remember this girl, and...

Katya Alexandrovskaya has been found dead

by Russian police in Moscow.

[NEWSREADER 2] Police say

the circumstances are not suspicious.


The 20-year-old Russian-born...

[NEWSREADER 4] The Olympic pair skater

fell from a sixth-storey window.

[NEWSREADER 5] ...paired in

the 2018 PyeongChang Olympics

with skating partner Harley Windsor.



[INTERVIEWER] What do you wish that

you could say to Katya now,

if you could say something to her?

"I love you. Here is a ticket. Come home."

"Come back."

"Here's the money,

here's a ticket. Come back."

I think about that a lot.

It wasn't real at first.

Like, it didn't seem real.

So, it was, uh...

It was hard.

[INTERVIEWER] Do you need

to, ah, take a minute?

Yeah, if I could.



[SHARON] He went to the ice rink,

to Canterbury a couple of times,

and he said they cleared

the ice rink for him.

He went to get on the ice

and he ended up just sitting

on the ice and crying.

He would do a turn or something

and think that she was going to be there,

and she just wasn't there.


Look at me floating

Floating on nothing

I am the echo

Of your love

Like when you named me

A storm on a white sea

The dream falls apart

We became quite under pressure

from the media point of view,

questioning the credibility of the ISU.

How come that you allowed

such young skaters to compete

under this emotional pressure?

This should not be allowed.

And this is what happened with

one of the pair skaters

who was Russian, and Australian then.

When she was told that

she cannot skate anymore,

and she didn't know what to do,

and this is what lead to

the tragic consequence.

I pose the question,

is a medal worth risking the health

of a child or a young athlete?

The most important thing here

is the health

of the children and the young people.

They need to be able to develop

both physiologically,

their skills in skating,

the passion that they love,

but also psychologically

to be able to deal with

the pressures of skating

but also the pressures

of being an adolescent,

and being able to carry on

in their careers

and their lives.