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Host, The (2013)

Posted: 09/17/23 17:36
by bunniefuu
The Earth is at peace.

There is no hunger.

There is no v*olence.

The environment is healed.

Honesty, courtesy and
kindness are practiced by all.

Our world has never been more


Only it is no longer our world.

We've been invaded

by an alien race.

They occupy the bodies

of almost all human
beings on the planet.

The few humans
who have survived

are on the run.


Come with us.

We only want to help you.

Please be careful.

Please don't hurt yourself.

We don't want to hurt you.

Like hell!



Barely a bone not broken
or organ ruptured.

I cannot tell you
why she is not dead.

This one wants to live.


I am Healer Fords.

What shall I call you?

You have lived many
lives on many worlds.

A wanderer such as yourself,

there must have been a name.




When will she be able to work?

Not now.

Of course, Healer.




I didn't die.

I didn't die.

That's right.

I'm still here.

Don't think this is yours.

This body is mine.

No, mine.

I don't know how much you know
about this new world.

Almost every human

has been successfully occupied.

As with the other planets
you've inhabited,

we do not change this world.

But experience it.

And perfect it.

What did you think?

Did you think I'd just give up?

However, there are still
pockets of human resistance

that thr*aten our peace.

Your host was part
of that resistance.

You want me to
locate her memories.

Yes. From those memories,
we can locate other rebels.

Good luck with that.

But I must warn you.

Most humans fade away, but a
rare few fight their occupation.

Her name is Melanie Stryder.

She was born in Louisiana.

Her family escaped the
initial waves of colonization.

But it was only a matter of time.

Her father was discovered alone.

He took his life rather than
be taken by our Seekers

and risk the lives of his children.

Melanie has been on
the run ever since with...

No! Don't say it!

Don't you say it!


I beg you.

Is she resisting?


His name is Jamie Stryder.

I hate you.

If only I could hurt you.

I understand why
you are resistant.

You believe that
the loss of your will

is too great a sacrifice.

But we have to think
of the common good.

Call it whatever you
want. This is m*rder.

One sound and you die.

Do it. I'd rather die.

That's impossible.

You're human.

Come back!




Look! Look! Look at me!

I'm human.

Just like you.

Get off me.

I'm sorry.

My name is Jared Howe.

I didn't mean to scare you.

I haven't spoken to another
human being in two years.

I'm guessing you haven't been
kissed in a while either.

Melanie Stryder.

I've got someone
waiting for me.

You're not alone?

It's my kid brother.

He's hungry. I ran two
hours to get to this house.

I can give you a ride.

Hey, it's faster than running.

It's even faster than your running.

Are you gonna pretend like you
didn't feel something just now?

I know you felt that.

Stop that!


What you're doing is wrong.

And you know it.

After meeting Jared Howe,

Melanie and her
brother stayed with him.

They settled in an
abandoned place

yet to be explored by our souls.

Left, right.

They could almost forget the
invasion happening around them.

You haven't kissed me
since that first night.


you don't have to.

We could be the last ones.

And even if we are,

the last man and
woman left on Earth,

you still don't have to.

I want to.

When you touch me,


I don't want you to stop.

You should sleep.

Then sleep with me.

All I'm saying is

we have time.

You don't know that.

You don't know if we've
got months or days.

We could be taken
at any moment.

We only have this, now.

Wanderer? Wanderer?


Yes, Seeker.

You have not spoken
for several minutes.

They were lovers?

These humans are not like the
other bodies you have inhabited.

They have unusually
strong physical drives.

You have to be vigilant.


They saw Seekers nearby.

They were not found,
but knew they had to move .

They were headed...

I can't see where.

A safe place with others.


Before the long journey,

they spent the night in an old
hotel they thought was safe.

Jared was out searching
for supplies for the trip.

Come on. Come on. Come on.

Stay here. Don't move.

I want to go with you.

I'll lead them away
and come right back.

I promise. Come on.


Now you know.

I will do anything.

Go on.

There's nothing more now.

There has to be more.

I will keep trying.

Please do, Wanderer.

No! No, no! Wait! Stop!

You were not meant to see
that. You can't know that!

That could k*ll them!

Get rid of it. Get rid of it!
Now! Please!

You were not meant
to see that. Quiet.


Wanderer, please.

After everything you've seen,

how can you still help them?

Surprise, surprise.

Look who's here.

What a pleasant
surprise, Seeker.

Did you follow me?

Only in case you needed me.

Yeah. Right.

She is so full of it.

What are you doing here?

I thought a change of
scenery might help.


Wasn't your last planet
completely covered by water?

It's been a week since
you've had new information.

Do you know where they are?

If you can't say no, say nothing.

Walk away.

Do you pity them?

The humans?

Don't you?

In your other lives, have you
ever felt anything like this?

They were brutal.

k*lling each other.
k*lling their planet.

They're lucky they survived
as long as they did.

I do have some good news.

Your identification of
Jared Howe has helped.

There was a sighting. I am
confident we will find him.

No! No!


Seeker, I am so sorry.

I don't know what I was doing.

Perhaps because
you weren't doing it.

We have put you through enough.

Your host appears too resistant.

You are going to be re-implanted
into a more compliant host.

Is he saying what
I think he's saying?

What will happen to this body?

It is time for someone else
to search her memories.




My body can be held for me.

I will return to it when we
have the information we need.

Then what will happen
to Melanie Stryder?

She will have the death
she originally desired.

Unlike the way humans k*ll,
it will be done humanely.

Stop her! Do something!

My Healer has agreed to this?

No. He transferred to Fort Worth.

Don't feel bad. You
are not the only one.

There are others who have
not had the strength of will.

- When?
- We make the transfer tomorrow.

We will stay outside your door tonight

so no harm will come to you.

Or to others.

Please. I don't care if I die.
I can't have her inside me.

Melanie, I have to do my duty.

You have to do what's right.
She'll k*ll my family.

Jamie, Jared, she'll k*ll them.
Wanderer, please.

Your Healer. Do you
think he would help?

I think so. But I don't
know how to reach him.

We need to find him.
We have to get out of here.


Put the chair against the door.

No. The other way.

How does this help?
There's no way out.

Yes, there is. That way.

Do it, Wanderer. Move.

Open it.

Come on. You can do this.

It's not so high. This is nothing.

It's gonna be okay.

Climb up.

Now jump.

I can't.

It's a good thing I can.


Wanderer? Are you all right?

You could have k*lled us.


Step aside.


I'm sorry.

We need to steal a car.

Don't worry. I've done it before.

Let me handle this.

You? What are you doing? Wait!

Shh! Quiet!

Do you need help?

May I borrow your vehicle?

Please. It is important.


Can I be of assistance?

No. Thank you.

This is an extremely reliable model.

The t*nk is full.


It was no trick. We do not
lie. We trust each other.

You guys take the
fun out of everything.

Where are we going?

I will take you to my
Healer in Fort Worth.

Even if your Healer agrees
to keep me inside you,

I'll still be a prisoner.

You will still be alive.

That Seeker is a lot of
things, but she's not a fool.

Sooner or later, she'll work
out where you're going.

We need a map.

I'll show you the way.

What's wrong?

Are the memories too painful?

How do you think I feel?

I know how you feel.

That's the problem.

When you take the body,
the feelings come with it.

It's a package deal.

You tell me. You're the
one with the steering wheel.

You sent us in the wrong direction.

You have been putting thoughts
in my head to distract me.

The Seeker was right. You
are an unreasonable species.

I try to help you and this
is how you thank me.

We are going to Fort Worth.


Will it still work?

Not anymore.

Now what do we do?

We walk.

- Which way?
- You can go my way,

or you can go your
own way and k*ll us both.

I made a promise. I promised
my brother I'd come back.

How could I have been so foolish?

How do I know I can trust you?

I'm giving you exactly
what you wanted.

Taking you to my family
could get them k*lled.

We head east.

Come on.

Don't leave tracks.

Walk on the rocks.

Did you really think
you could beat me?

Save the water.

We're gonna need it.

I need it now.

We've been walking for ages.

How do you think you're
going to find them?

My uncle had a cabin
out here in the desert.

We were heading
out here to join him.

If he survived.

It's farther than I thought.

I don't know how
much farther I can go.

We've walked too far
to walk back.


Come on, girl.

Stay with me.

Uncle Jeb.

You found us.


Jamie? Jared? Are they
here? Are they safe?

I told you I saw one.

Why did you give it water?

On account of it was dying.

Uncle Jeb! I'm in here!

Hold it, Kyle.


It's one of them.

Well, yeah, she surely is,

but she's also my niece.


I'm just saying
it's complicated, Ian.

I can make it simple.

Yeah, me, too.

Aunt Maggie!

Aunt Maggie!

You don't fool us, parasite!

Oh, God. They don't see
me. They only see you.

Now, Maggie.

Don't you "Maggie"
me, little brother.

It could bring a whole
army down on our heads.

I don't see anyone.

I'm in here.

I'm in here.

This is unkind, Jebediah.

Let's go.

Life is unkind, Magnolia.

Watch your head.

Where are we, Wanderer?

I reckon it's safe enough now.

So many humans alive.

We haven't lost.


Jared! Jared's alive! Jared's...

Enough, Jared.


I know it's hard.

But we gotta do what's
best for everyone.

She's gotta go to Doc's
place. Just like the rest.

Ain't that right, Doc?



I don't see any tracks.

She didn't fly away.

This Wanderer is
living up to her name.

We find her, we
find the resistance.



They don't know a human
can stay alive in a body.

You can't tell them I'm in here.

They won't believe you.

They'll think you're
lying to save yourself.

Oh, God.

They're gonna k*ll us.

I'm sorry.

Move aside, Jared.

Get out of the way.

We can't keep her
prisoner forever.

It's gonna escape
and lead them to us.

I don't want to
hurt you, Jared.

But I will.

No! I am what you want!

Stay back!

I am what you want!

Ian! Get it!

Leave him alone!

Keep breathing! Come on,
Wanderer! Fight him! Fight!

Finish it!

Good evening, everyone.

I hate to remind you, but this is
my place, and you are my guests.

For the moment, she is, too.

I don't take kindly to my
guests strangling each other.

Jeb, it's got to die.

We took a vote.

This ain't a democracy.

It's a dictatorship.

It's a benign dictatorship, but
it's a dictatorship just the same.

You mind telling us what
you plan on doing with it?

This ain't never happened before.

One of our own coming back.

For right now, this
tunnel is off limits.

If I find any of you back here,
I'm asking questions second.

I'll take the next watch, Jared.

Keep it away from the kid.

I do not think we are
looking for Wanderer.

I think we are looking for a body.

Even if she were not
hurt in the wreck,

how long could she
survive in this place?

From my experience, this
host has difficulty dying.

There's too much
land for us to cover.

I am requesting more Seekers,

ground and air patrols.

Are they really such a threat?

We outnumber them
a million to one.

He's still pissed you hit him.

I told him you were sorry.

I'm not.

I know.

No one's ever sorry
for hitting my brother.

It looks like they're
calling off the search.

Not that one.


Little brother.

Do you know who I am?

You are Jamie.

But you're not Melanie.

I want to know what happened
to my sister that night.

She said that she
was gonna come back.

he deserves to know
what happened to me.

I'm not a kid.


To protect you and Jared,
she tried to take her life.

Our healers mended
her and put me in her

hoping I could find out if there
were other human survivors.

Do you have a name?

They call me Wanderer.

Where do you come from?

Another planet.

What the hell?
Damn it, Jeb, I told you.

You never said nothing about
keeping the kid away from her.

Jamie, that is not Melanie!
She's never coming back.

It's still her body
that we've hurt.

Get out of here now, Jamie,

- or so help me, I'll...
- Jared.

I'll look after Jamie.

We'll watch it.

I don't trust it.

Could be another Seeker.

She... It

is the furthest thing from
a Seeker I've ever seen.

I mean, she jumped between
you and Kyle. They don't do that.

It was trying to find a way
to stay alive and escape.

What, by giving Kyle the
go-ahead to k*ll her? It?

That's a good plan.

What the hell has
gotten into everybody?

It is the enemy. Don't forget it.

You don't feel bad at all.
I mean, I half k*lled her.

It doesn't matter.
It's not human.

So we stop acting human?

This is a big planet.

There has been a sighting
of humans in your area.

We are commencing a
full-scale search immediately.

Something, ain't it?

Found this place by accident.

Really, it found me.

I fell through the roof.

Almost died trying to find
a way out of these caves.

There's only one.

No one's found it on
their own since I did.

Kept the place to myself.

Good thing, too. Without
this, we're all dead. Right?


Sound travels in these caves.

Your name is a mouthful.
You mind if I shorten it?

Life's short. Especially right now.

Mind if I call you...


We get our power from the
sun, Earth. Any place we can.

It's actually an extinct
volcano not quite extinct.

Watch yourself.

Fall in, you're not coming back.

Afternoon, everyone.

It's all yours.

Don't you all look pretty?

You all got your shades?

Yeah, yeah.

Make sure you wear them.

You already look like an alien.

Makes you feel like a
human being again, don't it?

Bad joke?

You have the resources
you wanted, Seeker.

I know you must have seen a lot,

but you ain't seen
nothing like this.


Same way the
magicians do it. Mirrors.

And they all said
Jeb was crazy.

How many crazy people
could pull this off?

It's almost ready to harvest.

Can't come too soon.
We sure need the grain.

Everyone here thinks you're
going to betray us to the Seekers.

Makes sense.

Why else would you be here?

What I can't wrap my head around
is what kind of a plan was that?

Walking into the desert
with no backup

and no way to get yourself back?

So if, like you say, you weren't
coming here for the Seekers,

why were you doing it?

Then I started thinking, when
they put one of you in our heads,

do we still exist?
Trapped in there?

If our memories are
still alive, are we?

You gotta believe some people
wouldn't go down without a fight.

Hell, I know I
wouldn't go quiet.

And I've never seen
fight like in Mel.

What she'd fight for, more than
anything, is the people that she loves.

I wonder

if a love like that might
play on someone's mind.


It might get somebody to do
something they wouldn't ordinarily do.

Maybe you're here

'cause you do actually care
about Jared and the kid.



He sees everything.

He's not crazy. He's a genius.

I think he's both.

Yeah, I wonder

a lot about a lot of things.

And I'm not the only one.

Care to join us, Jamie?

Uncle Jeb.

How did you know I was here?


Mirrors! Mirrors!

Help him!

I saw something!

Now, come on!


I saw evidence of humans.

I see evidence of us.

There's nothing here.

Thank you.

They're gone.

They're gone for now.

Jared and the others
are still out there.

Jamie, why don't you take
over guard duty for a spell?

What do I do?

You just keep an eye on
her. You'll figure it out.

This way.

You can't give a
boy a loaded g*n.

That's why I didn't.

Where is he taking us?

Aren't you taking me to my cell?

I miss the outdoors.

And I was thinking that maybe
you're starting to miss it, too.

Be real quiet.

Okay. Sit here.

You can open your eyes now.

What stars are these?

I've never seen this constellation.

They're not stars.

They're glow-worms.

You have to be quiet or they
get scared and stop shining.

When I miss the
sky, I come here.

It's beautiful.


I heard what Uncle Jeb was saying.

He thinks that Melanie
might still be alive.

Inside there with you, I mean.


Can that happen?

Does it, Wanda?

Why won't you answer me?

Is Melanie still alive?

Wanda, please.

Forget what I said.

Tell him.

She promised she
would come back.


Has Melanie ever broken
a promise to you?

I love you, Mel.

She loves you, too.

She's so happy you're safe.

Is everybody like that?
Does everybody stay?


Not like Melanie.

She's special.

She's very strong.

She wanted to keep her promise.

She couldn't have
kept her promise

if you didn't help her keep it.

Thank you, Wanda.

It's our secret. Okay?

Good evening, sir.

Can I help you?

I think you can.

Come on, hurry.

- You guys all right?
- Yeah.

- No racing.
- Yeah, sure.

It's ready.

I figured it's time you
started earning your keep.

I'll see you both in the east field.

Morning, Jamie.


Come on.




Why is he looking at you?

Why are you looking at him?

Don't forget. He tried to k*ll you.

Did you hear me?
He tried to k*ll you.

Don't you dare smile at him.

You better take care of that.

There. That one drives
faster than the limit.

Please stop your vehicle
and safely exit.


It ain't doing any good.

I don't care! Keep firing!

Don't get caught.

Take him out!

Please stop your vehicle
and safely exit.

Switch off your engine
and safely exit.

There are others.

I always liked science fiction stories.

Never dreamed I'd be living in one.

How many planets have life?

Just remember, Wanda,
you're not one of them.

Twelve that we know of.

Four I've never been to.

We've just opened up a new world.

You've conquered 12 planets?

That's not how we see it.

We have always lived by
bonding with another species.

It is how we survive.

We try to live in harmony.

Speed up! Lose it!

No! Let him catch us.

Let's go! We've got enough!

Let's go!

We almost had them.

Seeker. This is not who we are.

You have k*lled a soul.

We have to make sacrifices.

This is a w*r.

This w*r is over.

The last of the resistance
will die out on its own.

They will become extinct.

But I think there is a w*r
raging in you, Seeker.

We're going home. So are you.

You don't know what's going on.

We are losing control.


If you don't mind me
asking, how old are you?

Over a thousand of your years.

I have not completed one
full revolution of your sun,

yet I have found that
Earth is more beautiful

and harder than any
place I have ever been.

I've gotta say, this is the most
interesting conversation

- I've had in forever.
- What is this?

This has gone on long enough!

Out of the way!

- She's not a threat.
- No?

Aaron and Brandt are dead

thanks to the Seeker looking for it.

Almost got us, too.

I'm gonna end this
once and for all!


You can't!

Why not?

Because if you k*ll Wanda...

Oh, no, Jamie!'ll k*ll Melanie.

She's still alive in there.

I believe it.

You're all letting it fool you!

Come on, Jamie.

I'm so sorry.
I'll go back to my cell.


This'll blow over.

You can stay in my place.

She'll be safe there.


You tried to k*ll me and
now you're protecting me?

Strange world, isn't it?

The strangest.

What's wrong with you, Doc?

You want to try? You try.


I just want you to
know that I trust you.

And I believe you're
telling us the truth.

But I... I gotta ask.

What's it like for you and
her, living in there together?

It's crowded.

Let me know if
you need anything.

I'll just be right out here.

I think he likes you too much.

What is too much?

If I've got anything to do
with it, you'll never find out.

I know it's with you.

Oh, God.

I'm not gonna k*ll it.

I just want to talk to it.

It's okay. I will talk to him.

Her name is Wanda, not "it."

I'm so sorry about what
happened out there,

to your friends.

I never meant to hurt anyone.


Jamie and Jeb believe,

Ian, too,

that Mel is still alive
and kicking in there.

I am!

I am!

In fact, Jeb has this crazy notion
that you're here for Jamie and me.

You brought Melanie back to us.

I can't believe it.

I don't want to believe it
because her being in there,


that makes it so
much worse somehow.

But I gotta know.

Is Melanie in there?

Just tell him I'm here.
Tell him I love him.

I'm afraid.

You see, the thing is, Wanda,

I haven't stopped
dreaming about Melanie.

I dream about you, too.

I miss everything about her.

And I would do anything
to get her back.

You know what makes
this so much harder?

It's still her body.

If it wasn't for those eyes...

I got to thinking.

If I can't kiss her,

I can kiss you.

What? No! What is he doing?

No! Stop it!

Stop! Now!

Don't do this!

No! No!

I knew it.


You're really in there.

You hit me for kissing it.

Mel, I love you.

I know you can't say
it back, but I love you.

So now he believes it, too.

It doesn't help anyone.

Knowing I'm a prisoner in
here just hurts them more.



Hide! Hide!



Wanda, get out of here!



Grab my hand!

What are you doing? Let go!

Good! If he dies,
he can't k*ll us!




You're lucky your head's harder
than any rock in this place.

He'll live.

Don't be too sure
about that, Doc.

What happened?

Tell him.

It was an accident.

Like hell!

I thought you didn't lie.

Kyle slipped.

Sure he did.

If that's what it says happened...

Oh, come on. We all
know what happened.

He tried to k*ll her.

And for some unknown reason,
she saved his sorry ass.

If it's true, Kyle, you're out.

Did he try to k*ll you?

It's not saying he did.

You're the one who has to
live under the same roof.

Kyle, I'm warning you.

Don't you even look at her wrong.

I haven't shot anyone in a long
time. Kind of miss the thrill of it.

We gotta get back to work.

Come on, let's go.

Hey, Jeb.

I'm going back out.

- Too many Seekers out there.
- No.

We lost a lot on that last run.

There are a couple of
things that I need.

Take Kyle with you.

Come on, Kyle.

And, you,

keep away from her.

You want to take a walk?

Didn't Jared tell you
to stay away from me?


This is not a good idea.

You can open your eyes now.

I'm outside!

That really is the sky.

I like you, Wanda.

I like you, too, Ian.

You did not say that.


Not like that.

Get his hands off me!

This can't work.
What are you doing?

Let me guess.

You're of two minds about it.

Is this about Jared?

Yes, it's about Jared.

Melanie is in love with him.

And you?

Tell him. Tell him!

This body loves him.

Since it is now my body,

so do I.

But I also have
feelings of my own.

No, you don't.

Wanda, no.


You are not going there.

What about Jared?

This is very complicated.

Is there any way Melanie
can give us some privacy?

Look the other way a moment?

Step into the other room?

You wish.

I don't think that's
possible right now.

You know,

it's not really me you like.

It's this body.

You couldn't care for me.

If you could hold me,


in your hand,

you'd be disgusted.

You would crush me.

You don't know that.

Wanda! No! This is so wrong.

You're not even from
the same planet!

I'll do something.
I'll hurt him!

Strange to be in a body
that won't let me use it.

I think you'd better take me back.


As you say,

I'm still of two minds.


You're angry when I
kiss a man you do love

and angry when I
kiss a man you don't.

It's very confusing.

I am not weak.

I am in control.

You will never win.

Jamie. Where is everyone?

I don't know.

Why is he lying?
He never lies.

Your leg should be better
by now. You need to see Doc.

I just came from there.

He told me to go and lay down.

I'm going to wash up.
I'll meet you in your room.

This doesn't make sense.

What is Doc thinking?

What's more important
than getting Jamie better?

Hold on.


Wanda, go back. Go back!

Wanda, don't go in there!

Turn around. Go back!

Oh, God! Enough!



Wait! Wanda!


Wanda! Wanda! Stop!

Get out of my head! Get out!

I'm sorry.

You know, there are easier ways
to die than starving yourself to death.


I could always visit Doc.

What did you expect, Wanda?
You expect us to just give up?

This is our world.

We haven't just lost
a w*r. We're dying out.

We're trying to
get our people back.

What you're trying
to do is impossible.

It doesn't work like that.

All you are going to do

is keep murdering
more of both of us.

For what it's worth, I'm sorry.

I can't stay here.

Not with you slaughtering
my family in the next room.

If you say our way won't work,

I'll tell the boys no more hostages.

It's probably for the best. I don't
think Doc could take much more.

How can I trust you?

I trusted you.

There's something else.

Melanie? Are you there?

Melanie, where are you? Jamie
is hurt. I need you. Talk to me.

Melanie, please come back.
I can't do this without you.


I want you to know about

Doc and everything.

Don't worry about that now.

We have to get you better.

You sound like Melanie.

Did Melanie say that just then?


Wanda. I need you to kiss me.

- What about Melanie?
- Don't worry about Melanie.

No. Kiss me like you
want to get slapped.

What? Was she stopping you?

No. That's the problem.
We're alone. She's gone.

Ever since I told her to
get out of my head, she's...

I'm afraid I've lost her.

She got so angry before
when you kissed me.

I thought she'd come back.

Then I guess you'll have
to make her really angry.

Kiss her.

I lost Melanie.

I don't know if she's still there.

You need to bring her back.
She hates me kissing you.


Melanie, come back.

I will not lose you.



Oh. Stop!

Melanie, you bit me!

Wanda, what the hell?

Melanie, I'm so glad you're back.

Did I leave?

For three days.

You don't know what I've
been through to find you.

Yeah, you look like
you were suffering.

We have to help
Jamie. He's hurt.

Come on.



Where are you going?

It's infected. It's got into
Jamie's bloodstream.

He needs medicine.

There's no medicine out there.
You souls have destroyed it all.

He doesn't need your medicine.

It's too late for that.
He needs ours.

You have to take
me out of the cave.

You'll have to trust me.

Cut me. I need a
wound like Jamie's.

I can't do that.

I'll be healed in minutes.

Take it from him.
Do it yourself.

They'll be suspicious of this
scar. I can cover it with a cut.

It's gonna be okay.

Excuse me.

Goodness. We have an emergency.

You can do this, Wanda.

I'm Healer Skye.

What happened?

Tell her you tripped.

Tell her you tripped!

I tripped.

With a knife in your hand.

With a knife in my
hand, cut myself.

You poor thing.

Let's fix you up.



If it is no trouble, could
I please have some water?

Of course.

Hurry! Take it!

What do you think?


Thank you.


What are you doing?
We have to go.

Is he alive?


What is all that?


Wait! No. No. We don't
know what that'll do.

She knows what she's doing.

We all know what will
happen if we do nothing.

He'll die.


It's okay.


Do it.

Doc, do it.

That's it.

Come on, Jamie.
Open your eyes.


- Jamie.
- Hey, buddy.

You're getting good, Doc.

I've walked out of plenty
of stores without paying.

First time anyone's
been happy about it.

I liked it better
when we were stealing.

You spoil everything, Wanda.

No, Wes!

Hello, Wanderer.


Why did you waste
the medicine on me?

Aren't you going to k*ll me?

Can I speak to her alone?

Does that include me?

I guess it does.

We'll be outside, Wanda.

You just say the word.



Surely, you go by "Melanie" now.

Did you ask to k*ll
me yourself, Melanie?

What are you waiting for?

I'm not here to k*ll you.


You're my interrogator.

I do want to know something.


Why couldn't you just let me go?

Because I was right.

I know the threat a weak
soul like you represents.

Unlike you, I am doing my
duty. I am fighting for us.

We cannot live with them
like the other worlds.

You, more than
anyone, know that.

Did you come alone?

Other Seekers will
come looking for me,

just like I came looking for you.

No one else is coming to find you.

You die, and the
danger dies with you.

The people here will be safe.

So you are going to k*ll me.

Wanda, what is this?
What are you thinking?

Don't put up walls
against me. Talk to me.


I never got the chance
to say how truly...

There's a way to make up for it.

I know how to do what you have been
ending so many lives trying to do.

I can take a soul from a body.

You can do what?

What are you saying, Wanda?

I will only give you this knowledge

on the condition you do as I ask

and promise that no harm
will come to any soul.

I can promise you that.

There's one other thing
you must promise.

And you must promise
to keep it a secret.

You have to let me die.

No! No! No!

I can't do that, Wanda.

I... I can't.

It's the only way I can
give you what you want.



She's out.

So you don't want
us to k*ll the Seeker.

She k*lled Wes. Who
knows how many others?

She wouldn't blink
about butchering us.

There's been too much k*lling.

Not death. Exile.

You want us to forgive her.

And let them go, just like that?


We souls can leave the
same way we arrived.

I will send her away.

By the time she
reaches another planet,

your grandchildren will
have died of old age.

You have always tried
to extract it by force.

The secret is, you
do not remove it,

it removes itself.

You coax it out.

You have always seen it as
the enemy. It can feel the hate.

It can only be
captured by kindness.


Ian, help me.

Thank you.

What is your name?

I'm Lacey.

My name is Lacey.

I've been screaming
inside for years.

Nobody could hear me.

You're the reason why
she wouldn't leave me alone.

Yes, she wasn't
just after humans.

She was hoping to find
a way to fight the hosts.

Like me.

And you, Melanie.

Who fight back.

Have a safe trip.

And a long one.

Always send the souls to
the most distant planets.


Do you miss it out there?

The other worlds?

I miss many things.

Don't you miss Melanie?

Don't you want your sister back?

She's here now.

You know he's right.

Not the way she needs to be.

I think it's time to move on.

Leave us?


But you can always
come back, right?

I asked you here so
no one would shout.

I wish I could shout loud
enough for them to hear.

As soon as I knew
what to do with the Seeker,

I knew there was a way for all
of you to get your loved ones back.

Without hurting the souls.

But, of course,

I knew I had to give
Melanie back to herself.

And leave.

That can't happen,
Wanda. We need you.

Tell them the truth.
You're not leaving this world.

Tell them what you're
really gonna do.

Now that you
have this knowledge

of how to extract
a soul from a body,

you can survive without me.

And what does Mel say?

She's always wanted her life back.

Don't speak for me.

You're lying.

I have to go.

You don't have to
decide right now.

Think about it.

Promise me you'll
think about it.

You are not leaving me.

I can't stay.

But I love you.

I love you.

Don't say it like
you're saying goodbye.

I love you in every way that I can.

And I'll miss you the most.

I miss the future I
might have had with you.

You're willing to sacrifice that?

Sometimes we have
to make sacrifices.

No, I can't let you go. I won't.
Let me talk to Melanie.

She's not there right now.

She stepped into the other
room, so I can kiss you.

I really can't talk you out of it?

No. It's time.

I want to die.

If you had lived a millennium

always in the body of another, you
might feel the same way yourself.

Wanda, my sister.

Yes, sister?

Please don't do this.

Don't you want to be
with Jared? And Jamie?

It doesn't have to be this way.

You don't have to die.

You really could
go to another world,

the way you've been
telling everyone.

Thank you,

but by the time I got
to the closest planet,

you, Jamie, Jared, Ian,

everyone on this world I
care about would be long dead.

I don't want to
go on without you.

I love you, Mel.

I love you.

You are the purest soul,
human or not, that I've ever met.

The universe will be a
darker place without you.

Be happy, Mel.

Be happy

that after living so many lives,

I finally found something to die for.

- Goodbye.
- Goodbye.




Wanda, can you hear me?

Where am I?

Who am I?

You're you.

Hello, Wanda.


You might want to see yourself.

You still do that with your hair.

Doc, you broke your word.

They broke it for me.
They made me keep you alive.

But I told you I didn't want to

take another life in any world.

We've been taking souls out
of humans for a month now.

But when we took the
soul out of that body,

she never woke up.

The body was dying.

The only way to save her
was to put you inside.

You haven't k*lled a body.
You've given it life.

I miss you in my head.

What are you thinking, Wanda?

I'm thinking how happy I am.

It's a strange world.

The strangest.

Our world isn't like the
other worlds they came to.

The way they see it,

human beings are just so alien.

But if one of them can find a way
to live with one of us,

I wonder.


No one gets taken.

Everybody out.

Seeker, I can...
Everybody out.



Little bright out
tonight, is it?

You're human.



Not all human.

Are you their prisoner?


I'm not their prisoner.

I'm their friend.

They're human.

Human as you.

We thought we were
the last survivors.

So did we.

Till we found three other groups.

Now four.

Thought I was the only one
who switched sides.

I guess you never know where
you're gonna find your home.