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Abyss, The (1989)

Posted: 09/17/23 17:44
by bunniefuu
[ Sonar Beeping ]

[Choir Vocalizing *]

60 knots?
No way, Barnes.

The Reds don't have
anything that fast.

Checked it twice.

I mean, it's a real
unique signature--

No cavitation,
no reactor noise.

It doesn't even
sound like screws.


What the hell is it?

I'll tell you
what it's not.

It's not one of ours.

Sir, contact changing
to heading 214.


80 knots.

80 knots.

Still diving.
Depth, 900...

Still diving.
Depth, 900 feet.

Port clearance,

150 feet from
the cliff wall, sir.

It's getting
tight in here.

Yeah? We can still
give them a haircut.

come right to 069er,

down 5 degrees.

Coming right 069er,
down 5 degrees, aye.

Portside clearance,
120 feet.

Narrowing to 75.

Sir, we have a proximity
warning light.

It's too damn close.
We've got to back off.

Sir, range
to contact, 200.

Contact just jigged
to bearing 260

and accelerated to...

to 130 knots, sir.

Nothing goes 130.

Sir, range to contact,
100 yards.

80 yards, sir!


It's turbulence.
We're in its wake.

Helm, all stop.
Full right rudder.

Hydraulics failure.
Planes not responding, sir.

restored, sir.

Oh, my God.

Collision alarm!

Collision alarm!

Fire control to sonar!

Let's get out of here!

Lighten her up,

Torpedo room
is flooded, sir!

Blow all tanks!

Blow all the tanks!
Blow everything!

All back full!

All back full.

Give me a damage report.
What's our depth?

Passing 1,400, sir.

Main's forward tanks
are ruptured!

Still descending,


Passing 1,500, sir.

Still descending.

We're too deep
to pump auxiliary.

Passing 1,550.
Still descending, sir.

We're losing her.

Passing 1,600, sir,
and still descending.

Launch the buoy.

Passing 1,650.

Passing 1,700, sir.





Benthic Explorer.

Salvor 1 on final.

Copy you, Salvor 1.
This is Benthic Explorer.

You're cleared to land.



They're coming.

This, uh, could
get pretty ugly.

Yeah. It does not
look good at all.

Oh, no! Look
who's with them.

Queen bitch
of the universe.

how you doing?

I got two more welds
on this bypass valve.

No light from
the surface.

How deep
are they?


1,700 feet.

I need them
to go below 2,000.

No problem.
They can do that.

So that's it?

You just
cheerfully turn

the whole thing over
to the goon squad?

Look, I was told
to cooperate.

I'm cooperating.

you're pathetic.

Get Brigman
on the line.

Hippy, get me Bud.



Get them
old buns up here

and give me
a hand.

Hang on.

I'll be up there
in a second.

Hey, you guys are
milking that job.

Yeah. It's because

we love freezing
our butts off

out here for you
so much.

Hey, Bud!


on the bitch box!

It's a call
from topside.

Benthic company man.



That guy don't
know his butt

from a rat hole.

Hey, Harry, do me
a favor, will you?

Square away
this mud hose.

Get rid of some
of these empty sacks.

This place is starting to
look like my apartment.
You got it, boss.

Bud, pick up the topside line.
It's urgent.

I'm coming.
I'm coming.

Jesus, keep
your panty hose on.


Brigman here.

Yeah, Kirkhill,
what's going on?

At 0922 local time today,

an American nuclear submarine,

the USS Montana
with 156 men aboard,

went down
about 22 miles from here.


There's been no contact
with the sub since then.

The cause of the incident
is not known.

Your company's authorized
the navy's use of this facility

for a rescue operation
code-named Operation Salvo.

You want us to
search for the sub?

No. We know where it is,

but she's
in 2,000 feet of water,

and we can't reach her.

We need divers
to enter the sub

and search for survivors,
if any.

Don't you
have your own stuff

for this kind of thing?

By the time we get
our rescue submersibles here,

the storm front
will be right on us.

You can get your rig in
under the storm

and be on site in 15 hours.

That makes you
our best option right now.

Why should we risk our butts
for something like this?

I have
been authorized

to offer you all
special bonuses

equivalent to three times
normal dive pay.

Yes, sir, buddy!

Hell, for triple time,
I'd eat Beanie.

They could
set me on fire

and put me out
with horse piddle.

I don't know
what kind of deal

you guys made
with the company,

but my people are
not qualified for this.

We're oil workers.

This is
a paycheck, man!

Just shut up!
Hold it down.

This is Lieutenant Coffey.

He will transfer down to you
with a SEAL team

and supervise the operation.

You can send down
whoever you like, Commodore,

but I'm the tool-pusher
on this rig,

and when it comes to
the safety of these people,

there's me and then
there's God, understand?

If things get dicey,
I'm pulling the plug.

I think we're all on the
same wavelength, Brigman.

Now let's get the wellhead
uncoupled, shall we?

All right.
Let's get ready to move.

Let's take it
about 5 degrees left,

all right?

5 degrees left, Bud.

Plot these numbers
to our position.

I need to know
when they're...

Well, it's official,
sports fans.

They're calling it
Hurricane Frederick,

and it's going to be
making our lives

real interesting
in a few hours.

Fred, huh?
I don't know, man.

I think hurricanes

should be named
after women, don't you?

I can't believe

you're letting
them do this.

Hi, Linds.

I thought you
were in Houston.

I was.
Now I'm here.

Only here isn't
where I left it,

is it, Bud?

It wasn't up to me.

Jesus, we were
that close to proving

a submersible drilling
platform could work.

I can't believe you
let them grab my rig!

Your rig?

My rig. I designed
the damn thing.

Yeah, and Benthic
Petroleum paid for it.

So as long as they're
holding the pink slip,

I go where
they tell me.

I had a lot
riding on this,

and they bought you,
didn't they?

More like
rented you cheap!

I'm switching off now.

Oh, O.K., Virgil,
you wiener!

You never could
stand up to a fight.



I hate that bitch.

Probably shouldn't have
married her, then, huh?

Roger, Cab 3.
You're clear to launch.

Hang on, gentlemen.

She's clear!

Crowd goes wild.

Explorer, this is Cab 3.
We are styling.

How are you boys
doing back there?


this is Cab 3

starting our descent
along the umbilical.

Roger that, Cab 3.
Good luck.

Luck is not a factor.

* And I've been from Tucson
to Tucumcari *

* Tehachapi to Tonopah

* Driven every kind of rig
that's ever been made *

* Driven the back roads
so I wouldn't get weighed *

Deep Core, Deep Core,

this is Cab 3
on final approach.

Roger, Cab 3.
Is that you, Lindsey?

None other.

Oh, no.

Howdy, boys.

Hey, Lindsey.
I'll be damned!

Y'all shouldn't
be down here,

sweet thing.

Might run
your stockings.

The bad news is,

we got eight hours
in this can blowing down,

and the worse news is,

it's going to take us
three weeks to decompress later.

We've all been
fully briefed,
Mrs. Brigman.

Just don't call me that,
O.K.? I hate that.

All right.

Well, what would you
like us to call you?


O.K., here we go.

Y'all start equalizing...


Let's watch
each other closely
for signs of H.P.N.S.

nervous syndrome--

Muscle tremors,
usually in the hands first,

increased excitability...


* And a partridge
in a pear tree **

About 1 person in 20
can't handle it.

They just go buggo.

Look, they've all made
runs to this depth.

They're checked out.

No, I understand that.

What I'm saying is
that it's impossible

to predict
just who's susceptible.

They're checked out!

These guys
are SEALs?

Yeah. These guys
ain't so tough.

I've fought guys
plenty tougher than them.

Now do we get to hear

how you could have
been a contender?

Hey! Hey!
You see this?


They used to call
this the hammer.

Y'all are done to a turn
and ready to serve.

Everybody O.K.?

They're really
very sweet.

Hey! I don't remember
putting a wall here.

How you doing,

Pretty good.
How are you,
little lady?

I'm O.K.

I want a full check
on their gear.

Yes, sir.

These guys are as much
fun as a tax audit.

You got that right.

Hippy, you're going to
give that rat a disease.

Hi, Linds.

Well, well.
Mrs. Brigman.

Not for long.

You never did like

being called that,
did you?

Not even when
it meant something.

Is that One Night
in flat-bed?

Yeah. Who else?
Here. Say hi.

Hey, One Night,
it's Lindsey.

Oh, hi, Lindsey.

So, what are you doing
down here, hot rod?

You need me.

Nobody knows
the systems on this rig

better than I do.

Once you're disconnected
from the Explorer,

you guys
are on your own

for however long
this storm lasts.

What if something
was to happen...

What would you
have done?

Wow. You're right.
Us poor, dumb old boys

might have had to
think for ourselves.

It could have
been a disaster.

What to know what I think?

Jesus, look where
this thing is set.

You want to know
what I think?

Not particularly.

I think you were
worried about me.

Then that
must be it.

No, seriously.
I think you were.

Come on. It's O.K. It's O.K.
You can admit it.

I was worried
about the rig.

I've got over four years
invested in this project.

Yeah. You only
had three years

invested in me.

Well, you have to
have priorities.

Oh, shit.

I'm cutting you
loose, Bud.

O.K., One Night, stay clear.
We're setting her down.


This is us.

We're sitting right on the edge
of the Cayman trough.

This is the Montana,

300 meters away,
70 meters below us.

We think she slid
down the wall

and now sits here
on this outcropping.

So we're going to have to
drop straight down here.

This tell us how much
radiation we're getting?

Whoa! I'm not going
near no radiation.

No way!

Aw, Hippy,
you p*ssy.

Yeah? What good
is the money?

Six months later,
your d*ck drops off.

What is
your problem, huh?

On this dive,
you'll do absolutely nothing

without direct orders
from me,

and you'll follow those orders
without discussion.

Is that clear?

All right.

I want everyone
finished prep

and ready to get wet
in 15 minutes.

All right. Let's throw it
in the water.

Keep it coming.

Hippy, throw me one of
them cyalumes, please.

Yeah, sure.
Good. Good.

Excuse me.

What is
all this stuff?

Fluid-breathing system.
We just got them.

You use it when
you go really deep.

How deep?


How deep?

It's classified.

you breathe liquid

so you can't
get compressed.

The pressure
doesn't get you.

You mean you got liquid
in your lungs?

fluorocarbon emulsion.


Check this out.

Can I borrow
your rat?

What are you doing?

You're going
to k*ll her!

It's O.K. I've
done this myself.

Oh, man! What? Are you
just drowning her?

She's going
to be fine.

I've breathed
this myself.

It's going
to be fine.

No, man.
She's going to drown!

She's freaking out!

Just going through

a normal
adjustment period.

He's taking the fluid
into his lungs.

He's taking the fluid
into his lungs.

There he goes.

There's a bit
of anxiety here.

Now he's
starting to relax.

He's breathing fine.
See his chest moving?

He's getting
plenty of oxygen.

Ha. Damn rat's
breathing that shit.

That is no bullshit,
hands down,

the goddamnedest thing
I ever saw.

See, the fluid's

to push in
and out than air.

It's a little more
work to breathe.

He's doing fine.
He's digging it.

She's doin' it.
She ain't diggin' it.

All right.
Let her out now. Now!

O.K. All right.

O.K. Now we let
the fluid

from his lungs.

All right.
Give her here.

Give her. Give her.

Here's your rat.

See? He's fine.

It's a she.

Going over the wall.

Coming to bearing 065.

Flat-bed, you on line?

10-4, Lindsey.
We read you
loud and clear.

Starting our descent.
Divers, how you doing?

O.K. So far.

Hang on, boys.
It's all downhill from here.

Hey, how deep's
the drop-off here?

This here's
a bottomless pit, baby--

2 1/2 miles
straight down.

Cab 3, it's Bud.
You on-line?

Cab 3, check.
I'm right behind you.

Cab 1,
do you see it yet?


but I don't
see anything yet.

Hang on. I want
to test my strobes.

Cab 1,
do you have a visual?

Cab 1, do you copy?

Yeah. Roger that.
Found it.

Cab 1,
radiation readings.

Neutron counter's
not showing much.

All right. Just continue
forward and along the hull.

Copy that.
Continuing forward.

You want me to get sh*ts
of everything, yes?

Roger that.

Document as much as you can,
but please keep moving.

Remember, we're on
a tight time line.

Copy that.

Coming up
to the midship's hatch.

Do you see it, Cab 3?

Yeah. Roger.
I got it.

How do you want me?

Just hold above it.

Roger. Holding.

O.K., it's all yours,

All right,

Let's do it.

O.K., Perry, Hippy,

let's get
that R.O.V. launched.

O.K., we're on it,


Little Geek
is on the case.

Monk here, sir.

We got the midship's
outer hatch open.

We're going in.

Coffey, these are
the m*ssile hatches, right?

That's right.

Looks like a couple
of the hatches have sprung.

Radiation's nominal.

Warheads must
still be intact.

How many
are there?

24 trident missiles.
8 MIRVs per m*ssile.

That's 192 warheads,

How powerful are they?

is a tactical nuke.

50 kilotons
nominal yield,

say, five times Hiroshima.

Just set it down here.

Copy that.

There's a breach
in the pressure hold.

That's where we go in.

We're solid.

Let's go.

All right.
Let's go.

O.K. Let's just take it
slow and easy going in.

Don't take any chances.

Where are we,

This is the forward
berthing compartment.

This way.

Come on.
Let's keep up.

All right. Up this way
to the control center.

It's jammed.
Give me a hand.

Get up here
with that pry bar.

It's moving!

All right.

We knew we were
going to see this.

Just move on.

Come on, Jammer.
Let's go.

Let's stay cool.

Everybody stay cool.

We can't help
these guys,

but we might find
somebody further in.

[Breathes Sharply]

Hey, Jammer.
You O.K.?

Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

How you guys doing?

I'm dealing.

Triple time sounded like
a lot of money, Bud.

It ain't.

We're here.
Let's get it done, O.K.?

take your men

and continue aft.

Split up
into two teams.

Come on.
Let's get moving.

We head back
in 14 minutes.

Let's go.

You still with me, Jammer?
Where are we?

m*ssile compartment.

Those are
the launch tubes.


Shit, shit, shit!

Hey, Jammer.

Hey! Hey! Hey!
Hey! Hey! Hey!

You O.K.?

Deep and slow,
big guy.

Deep and slow.
Just breathe easy.

Everybody's dead!
They're all dead!

O.K. I'm taking
you back out. Let's go.

No. I'm O.K.
I'm O.K.

I just can't go
any further in.

O.K., Jammer. No problem.
You stay right here.

I've got to check out
this compartment, all right?

We'll stay
in voice contact.

You hold on the end
of this rope here.

You have any problem
whatsoever, you tug twice.

I got it.

Just relax, all right?
You'll be O.K.


Be right back.

[Heavy Breathing]

You still
reading me O.K., big guy?

Read you fine, Bud.

O.K. Just a few
more minutes.

There's a couple compartments
up ahead that might have air.

O.K. No problem.

We got to be sure, right?

Hang on, Jammer.
You just hold on to that--



Bud, can you hear me?



g*dd*mn it!


Oh, Jesus!


[Breathing Slows]

Bud, is that you?

Hang on, Jammer.

Lew, Cat, hurry up!
On the double!

I'm on my way.



What's the problem?

He's convulsing!

It's his mixture.
Too much oxygen.

Got to get the O2
cut down!

Turn him over!

Crank it down, man!
You're losing him!

All right. We got to
get him out of here.

Let's go.
Let's move it.

Easy, big fella.

That's it.

One Night,
do you see the divers?

Are they out yet?

Negative, Lindsey.

Haven't seen hide
nor hair.

Let's give them
two minutes more max,

and then I'll sound
a diver recall.

Lindsey, do you copy?

Meet me at flat-bed.
This is a diver emergency.

Linds, do you copy?

Uh, yeah, copy you, Bud.
I'm on my way.

I'm just a medic,

which is mostly about
patching holes.

This type of thing,

There's not much
I can do.

A coma could last
hours or days.

So you didn't get
anything on the cameras.

No. I didn't get
a picture of it.

What about the video?

No. We lost power
right then.

Look, I just don't want
to talk about this, O.K.?

Fine. Be that way.

Look, I don't know
what I saw, Bud, O.K.?

Coffey wants to call it
a Russian submersible, fine,

it's a Russian submersible.

No problem.

Yeah, but you think
it was something else.


One of ours?


Well, whose then?

Come on, Lindsey,
talk to me.

Look, Jammer saw
something down there,

something that scared
the hell out of him.

His mixture
got screwed up.

Jammer panicked.

He pranged
his regulator,

and his mixture
got screwed up.

But what did he see
that made him panic?

Well, what do you
think he saw?

I don't know.

Did any of you see it?

No, sir.
The Brigman woman saw it.

It could have been
a Russian bogey.

Oh, Cinclant fleet's
going to go ape shit.

Two Russian attack subs,
Etango and Evicto,

were tracked within
50 miles of here.

Now they don't know
where the hell they are.

O.K. I haven't got
any choice.

I'm confirming you
to go to phase two.

You'll recover
one warhead, arm it,

and wait for
further instructions.

We got a problem
with that?

Negative, sir.

Better come on.

Turn it up, folks.

Sources have not
confirmed any reports

that the Montana

a Soviet fast-attack sub
prior to its sinking.

and the Kremlin continues
to deny any involvement.

Oh, that's us.
That's us, man.

Shut up!

...participating in
the recovery operation.

There is a tremendous
amount of activity.

With Cuba only 80 miles away,

the massive buildup
of American forces

has drawn official protest
from Havana and Moscow.

Russian and Cuban trawlers,

surveillance vessels,

have been circling the area,

and Soviet aircraft have
repeatedly been warned away.

This sucks.

Hippy, what's
the matter with you?

What's the matter
with me? Nothing.

We're just in the middle

of some big-time
international incident

like the Cuban m*ssile
crisis or something.

Figured that out for yourself,
did you, Hip?

We got Russian subs
creeping around.

Anything goes wrong,

they could say whatever
they want happened,
give the folks medals.

Relax, will you?

You're making
the women nervous.

Cute, Virgil.

You know, those SEALs
ain't telling us diddly.

Something is going on!

Come on, come on.

Hippy, you think

a conspiracy.

Everything is.

Coffey's splitting
with flat-bed.

I showed him how
to work the controls,
and they're out of here.

Didn't you tell him
we need it right now?

Yeah. He didn't
pay any attention.

Where the hell
is he taking it?

I have no idea!


Coffey! Come back!

We need the big arm
to unhook the umbilical.

There's a g*dd*mn
hurricane coming!

He switched off.

It's unbelievable.

Go back down.

Tell those men
to get below

and stay there.

We need to
get unhooked and get
out of here now.

All right,
do it then.

No problem,
except your boys

went sightseeing
with flat-bed.

My people
need flat-bed

to get unhooked
at their end.

Back in two hours.

Two hours?
We're going to get

the shit
kicked out of us

by our pal Fred
in two hours.

O.K. It's clear.

It's all yours, sir.

Swing it away
and drop it.



Bypass the ground

on the separation

Got it?

Separation sequencer

Remove expl*sive bolts
one through six

in counterclockwise

Removing bolt one.

All right. Let's get
their gear off!

Then clear the sub.

We got to get it
out of here!

Come on. Let's go!
Let's move it!

One Night, you're up.

Get ready to roll,

Don't touch that.
Just back away.


Hey, Coffey,

we are a little
pressed for time.


This ain't no drill,

Make me proud.

Piece of cake,

What's the problem,
One Night?

All hell must be
breaking loose up there.

This cable's
pissing me off.

I can't get
a grip on it.

Well, keep trying, baby,
just keep trying.

Son of a bitch!


We got a problem!

What's going on?

We're losing
number two thruster!

Bearing's going!

She's not going to
take the pressure!

It's not holding!

We're swinging
out of position here!
g*dd*mn it!

Ooh! Jesus.

Ah, shit!

The rig is moving!

I can see that.

Topside! Topside!
Pay out some slack.

We're getting dragged.

Down on number one winch!

Down on one!

Bud, we're headed
right for the drop-off.

What the hell?

We just lost all
the topside feeds.

Shit! Get him on the UQC!


We lost the crane!

Say again. What?

The crane!
We've lost the crane!

It's on its way
down to you!

All right, everybody!
Everybody ready for impact!

Close all
the exterior hatches!

Let's move it!
Let's go! Go!

Go! Go! Go! Go!


Wait! Wait! Wait!

Get in here!

What the hell is
going on around here?

I don't know.

You two help
secure the rig.

Let's go.

One Night, you hear me?
Get the hell out of there!

The crane's coming down!

I'm O.K.
I'm clear, Bud.

[Radar Beeps]

I've got it.

It's headed
straight for us!

Oh, shit.

Oh, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no.

Oh, my God!


Grab on to something!


Battery rooms front.
Let's go!

Cat, put that out!

Bud, drillroom's

Get back down there!

Uhh! Go! I'll take
the battery room.





Get out of there!

Close the door!
Seal the room!

let's get out of here!


[Squeak Squeak]

Let's get the hell
out of here!


Let's go! Let's go!
Get the door!

Get the door!

Ah, Jesus!

Bud! Bud!

cut the hose!

Cut the line
to the motor!

I can't open it
from out here!

cut the hose!










Come on, Sonny!

Hey, Cat! Cat!
Help me out, man!

Hang on!

Uhh! Uhh!

The hose! Cut the hose,
the line to the motor.

Hurry up, man!

Come on, Cat!


Come on, Sonny,
help me out.

Come on, push!

Come on, Sonny!

O.K., let's go!
Come on, let's go!

We got to go, go, go!

Get out of here!
Come on! Move it!

Go, go, go, go,
go, go, go, go!

Get the hatch, Cat!

Get the hatch!
Will you get the hatch?

You all right?
Everybody O.K.?


Son of a bitch.

Oh, man.

Benthic Explorer,
Benthic Explorer,

this is Deep Core-2.
Do you read me?

Benthic Explorer,
Benthic Explorer,

this is Deep Core.
Do you read me? Over.

Forget it, Sonny.
They're gone, man.

Mayday! Mayday! Mayday!


They're gone.

Hey, Jammer.

Shh! I got it.

I'll do it.

Do it yourself.

Find your buddy?





I was under orders.
I had no choice.

How's it going, Cat?

What's the scoop,

Well, I can get power
to this module and sub bay

if I reroute
these buses,

but I got to
get past the mains,

which are a total meltdown.

Bud, there won't be enough
to run the heaters.

In a few hours,

this place is going to be
as cold as a meat locker.

What about O2?

Yeah, well,
brace yourself.

If we close off
the sections we're not using,

we have about
maybe 12 hours' worth.

The storm's going to
last a lot longer
than 12 hours.

Yeah, well, I can
maybe extend that, maybe.

There's some
storage tanks outboard

next to
the wrecked module.

I'll have to
go outside, though,

and tie on to them.

Hey, Linds.



I'm glad
you're here.


I'm not.

Where are you now,

I'm under the starboard

Still with me, Hip?

Right behind you,

How's it look?

Well, you guys really
screwed up my rig.

There's a lot of wreckage
out here.

don't get fouled.

Hit me with
that 9/16, O.K.?


Thank you.

Come on.
Let's see those muscles.

Bingo. That's one.

Two for two.

Hey, hey.

do you read me? Over.

Copy you, Hippy.
What's the matter?

Shit. The power's

jacking around
with us again.

Lindsey, come back.

I just lost video.

[Audio Fades]

do you copy?

Linds, you copy?

Oh, shit.

What the hell?
Hippy, do you copy?

Damn it.

Bud, do you copy?

I seem to be having
a problem here.


Damn it.

[Shutter Clicking]

That's a great shot,

Did you drop
your dive line?

Come on, you guys.
Now that's the small one.

You can kind of see
how it's zigging around.

whatever it is.

I'm telling you
what it is.

You're just not
hearing me.

Now, Lindsey--

There is something
down there.

Something not us.

You could be
more specific.

that zigs.

Not us.
Not human.

Get it?

Something nonhuman,
but intelligent.

A nonterrestrial

A nonterrestrial

N.T.I.s! Oh, man,
that's better than UFOs!

Oh, but that works,
too, huh?

Underwater flying objects.

Are we talking
little space friends here?

Hell, yeah!
Hot rods of the gods.

Right, Linds?

No, really.
It could be N.T.I.s.

The C.I.A. has known
about them forever.

They abduct people
all the time, man.

Hippy, do me a favor.
Stay off my side.

Will you step
into my office, please?


Come here.

Jesus, Linds.

Bud, something really
important is happening here.

I'm trying to keep
this situation
under control.

I can't allow you
to create this kind
of hysteria.

Who's hysterical?
Nobody's hysterical!

All I'm saying is

when you're hanging on
by your fingernails,

you don't go waving
your arms around.

Look, I saw something.

I'm not going to go in there
and say I didn't when I did.

I'm sorry. Please.

You are the most
stubborn woman I ever knew.

Yes, I am,

but I need you
to believe me right now.

Now, come on.
Look at me. Come on.

Am I stressed out?

Do I have any symptoms
of pressure sickness,
tremor, slurred speech?



Bud, this is me,
Lindsey, O.K.?

You know me better
than anybody in the world.

Now watch my lips.

I saw these things.

I touched one of them,

and it wasn't some
clunky steel can

like we would build.

It glided.

It was the most
beautiful thing

I've ever seen.

Oh, God, I wish
you'd been there.

It was a machine.

It was a machine,
but it was alive.

It was like
a dance of light.

you have to trust me.

Now, I don't think
they mean us any harm.

I don't know how
I know that.

It's just a feeling.

Geez. I'm supposed
to go on a feeling?

How can I go
on a feeling?

Coffey's going to
go on a feeling?

We all see what
we want to see.

Coffey looks
and he sees Russians.

He sees hate and fear.

You have to look
with better eyes than that.


I can't, Linds.

I'm sorry.

Got it.

All right.

Come on. I just
square it away

a little
to the left.

What is that?

Oh, this is not

Oh, man.

I'm shaking, man.

All right.
Wait, wait, wait.

And now...

here's MIRV!

Come on, man.
What else could it be?

Why bring it here?

It's got to be
some kind of emergency plan

to keep it away
from the Russians, right?

They hot-wire
one of the nukes.

They use some kind
of detonator

that they brought,

then they stick it
back in the sub.

Fry the whole
thing up. Bam!

Slicker than snot.

I'm telling you,

and I'm not being

Hi, Linds.

Linds! Will you
just wait a second?

g*dd*mn it!

If you don't do something
about it, I will!

Lindsey, we'll do
something about it!

Wait a second.


Just stop and think
about this for a second.

You know,
you got some huevos,

bringing that thing
into my rig.

With all that's going on
up in the world,

you bring a nuclear w*apon
in here!

Mrs. Brigman--

Does this strike anyone as
particularly psychotic,

or is it just me?

Mrs. Brigman, you
don't need to know

the details
of our operation.

It's better
if you don't.

You're right!
I don't need to know!

What I need to know is
that thing is off this rig.

Do you hear me,
Roger Ramjet?

You're becoming
a serious impediment
to our mission.

Now you either do
an about-face

and walk out
of here,

or I'll have you
escorted out.

I will not do
an about-face

and get out of here!

Who the hell do you think
you're talking to?

[Alarm Rings]
Maintenance room B!

Everybody move it!

On the double!


In here! Come on!
We've got trouble!

What's going on?

All right!
All right!

What's up?
What's happening?

All right.
You let her go, man. Do it.

Do it now!

Let her go.

The smartest thing
you ever did.

Coffey, you son--


Cool it.

What's the problem?


We were just leaving.
Weren't we?

We don't need them.

We can't trust them.

We may have to take steps.

We're going to
have to take steps.

Linds, I want you

to stay away
from that guy.

I mean it.

The guy is gone.
Did you see his hands?

What? He's got
the shakes?

Look, he's operating
on his own.

He's cut off from
his chain of command.

He's showing signs of
pressure-induced psychosis,

and he's got
a nuclear w*apon.

So as a personal
favor to me,

will you try
to put your tongue

in neutral
for a while?

I got to tell you,
I give this whole thing

a sphincter factor
of about 9.5.

Look, you can just
punch into his
primary guidance chip

where you want him
to go and he'll go
there, right?

No. Bad idea,
Lindsey. Bad.

Why, Hip? Come on.

Because even if
it could take

the pressure
at that depth, which
I don't think it can,

without the tether,
you know what would happen
when it got down there?

It would just sit
like a dumb shit.

Something would have to pass
in front of the camera
for you to see anything.

I know, but we could
get lucky, right?

So we should go for it.

I really ought to
talk to Bud about this.

No. This is
between you and me.

We get proof, and then
we tell the others.

Hippy, look. If we
can prove to Coffey

that there aren't
Russians down there,

maybe he'll ease off
the button a little bit.

I got to tell you, man,
that guy scares me

more than anything we're
going to find down there.

He's a g*dd*mn,

A.J. Squared-away,
jar-head robot.

All right. Give me
a couple hours.
I'll see what I can do.

Great. Thanks.


turn on your side.

All right.
You're all set, big guy.

Hey, I told you

to wipe that grin
off your face.

Good night,
little buddy.



Bud, get up!




Hey! God--
leave me alone.


Oh, wait. It's O.K.

Sweet Christ almighty.

I think
it likes you.

It's trying
to communicate.

It's Bud.

That's wonderful.

It's me.

No, no, no.

Shhh! It's O.K.

What is it?

Is it alive?

Lindsey, no.



Come on.
Come on!


Where the hell's
it going?


Hurry. I think it's
headed for "B" module.

Linds, you see it?


[Lindsey] So raise your hand
if you think

that was a Russian
water tentacle.


No? Well...

a breakthrough.

Hey, ace,

you done
impressing yourself?

No way that thing
could just be seawater.

They must have learned
to control water.

I mean,
at a molecular level.

You know, they can
plasticize it.

They can polymerize it,

do whatever they want
to do with it.

They can put it
under intelligent control.

Maybe their whole technology's
based on that.

Controlling water.

Was it
the same thing

that you saw
the last time?


You know,
I don't think that

that thing you saw
was one of them.

What are you
talking about?

I mean, I don't
think it was an N.T.I.

I think it was like

their version
of an R.O.V.,

like Big Geek.

Hippy, you mean

they was just
checking us out?


How come?

Curious, I suppose.

We're probably
the first people

they've ever seen.

It went straight
for the warhead,

and they think
it's cute.

You need to
get some sleep.

We have no way
of warning the surface.

And you know
what that means.

It means
whatever happens

is up to us.


Sniff something?

Did you, rat boy?



Don't move!

That's right.

You O.K., Hip?

They're using Big Geek

to take the b*mb
to the N.T.I.s.


We set it up
to go right to them.

Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.

Take this.

We're going
to phase three.

What? We don't have
orders for that.

I programmed Big Geek
to go down

to the bottom
of the trench

and sh**t some video.

Now they got the warhead
tied to it.



No. Come on.

Coffey, just
think about

what you're
doing, O.K.?

Just one minute.
just think about
what you're doing--

Get back!

This is something
I've wanted to do

since we first met.

[Tearing Sound]

Easy. Easy. Easy.

All right.
Into the kitchen, let's go!

Move, partner!

Get your damn hands
off of me!

I know the way.

Your boss is fixing
to pull the pin

on 50 kilotons!

And we're all going to
be ringside!

He's having
a full-on meltdown!

What's the timer
set for?

Three hours.

Shut up. Don't talk.
Three hours.

We can't get to
minimum safe distance

in three hours.

We can't go to
phase three.

What about
these people?

Shut up. What's
the matter with you?

Everybody just stay calm.

The situation is
under control.

Anybody touches
that door, k*ll them.

your lieutenant's about

to make a real bad
career move.

The guy's crazier
than a shit-house rat!

We're trying to
make contact!

Can't you see
he's lost it?

Shut up!

The shock wave
will k*ll us.

It will crush this rig
like a beer can.

Shut up, man!
What are you talking about?

We've got to stop him.
Shut up!

This is not
our mission.

We can't detonate
without orders.

Schoenick, please!

Schoenick, listen.

He's about to declare w*r
on an alien species

just when they're trying
to make contact with us!


I don't know.
I think I'm reaching him.
[Scoffs] Yeah.

Ho ho ho ho.
I'll be damned.


Is everybody O.K.?

Oh, man!

Don't move, jar face!

Look, I'm the least
of your problems.

Take it easy, Hip.
I'm all right.

How you feeling,
big guy?

I'm O.K., Bud.

I just figured
I was dead back there

when I saw that
angel coming for me.

Uh...yeah, O.K.

Yeah. Why don't you
tell us about it later?

Come on.

He's got it tied off
with something.

Come on. Ready?

We're not going to
be able to budge it.

Now what? This is
the only door to sub bay.

What are you doing?

I'm going to swim
to hatch six.


I'm going to get inside,

and then I'm going to
open the door

from the other side.

this water is freezing.

Then I guess you better
wish me luck, huh?

Wish us luck.

You coming along?

Looks that way.

All right, Cat.

Come on, Bud.

In case I don't die.

This is insane.

Come on, Bud.

Let's go, partner.
I ain't got all day.

I got it.



We're going to have to go
to the moon pool.

It's the only way.

I can't.

I can't make it,

I'm sorry.


O.K., Cat. You head
on back, all right?

What is he doing?

He can't make it
to the door.

He's going to try
and take him out himself.

God, he couldn't
be that dumb.

That guy's
a trained k*ller.



Coffey, listen.







you all right?

Get him, Cat!

He's locked it, Bud.

We got to get this
off of here.

Come on, help me.

Pull the gripper!
Pull it!

Cat, get the door.


Come on.

sh**t! sh**t!

Are you
all right?


The safety's on.
Safety's on!

Give me that.

Come on, let's go!
Help me out!

Give me a hand.
Let's move it!

One Night,
what about Cab 1?

Ready to launch.


You're better
in these than I am.

You got air?
Come on. Come on.

You got air.
You got air.

You got air.


[Music Plays]

[Music Stops]

Bud, get out
of the way!


Get in!

Hurry up!

I'm coming, baby.
Keep your panty hose on.

Are you O.K.?


Do you see Big Geek?

Yeah. Right
out in front.

Oh, my God!
Get after him.

O.K. O.K.
Get on the arm.

You missed.
Try it again.

Steady. Steady. Steady.
Steady. Steady.

O.K. Grab it!

Got it!

Pretty slick,

Hold it really steady.
Hold it still.

I am. I am.


We lost Geek!

Where is he, Bud?
Do you see him?

I'll take a look.

He's coming up fast.
Step on it.


Go to the right.
Swing to the right.


Keep moving,

Come here.

Son of a bitch!

Hard left, baby.
Left, left, left!

Jesus Christ, lady.

Bud, if you think
you can do any better,

then you're
welcome up here.

Son of a bitch!

Is he right on us?

Yeah, he's right
on your ass.

O.K. O.K.

Where are you going?

Hang on.


Deep Core, this is Cab 1.
Do you read?

Deep Core, Deep Core,
this is Cab 1. Over.

I'm not getting
any answer,

and we're flooding
like a son of a bitch.

Yeah. You noticed?

You know, you did O.K.
back there, Virgil.

I was fairly impressed.

Yeah? Well,
not good enough.

We still got to
catch Big Geek.

Yeah? Well,
not in this thing.

Deep Core, Deep Core,
this is Cab 1. Over.

Try it again.

Deep Core, this is Cab 1.
We need a--


You all right?


Well, that's that.

Yeah. Wonderful.

There's a light
coming from somewhere.

It's off to the right.

That's the rig.

It's a good 60,
70 yards, I'd say.

Well, they'll
come after us.

Yeah, but it's
going to take them
a while to get here.

We got to get
this flooding stopped.

Can you see where
it's coming in?

Yeah. Can you hold
the lamp for me?

There's a busted fitting
behind this panel.

Problem is, I don't
think I can get to it.

You got any tools?

I don't know.
I'll have to look around.

Yeah? Well,
I looked already.

g*dd*mn it!

All I need's a damn
crescent wrench.

Come on.

Son of a bitch!

O.K. Calm down, Bud.

Calm down.




We got to get you
out of here.


I don't know how.

All right. We've
only got one suit.

I know, but we've got to
come up with something.

Oh, my God!
I'm freezing!

Come here.
Give me your hands.

Listen. You're smart.
Think of something.

Can't you think of something?
Think of something.

O.K. Why don't you
swim back to the rig

and bring back
another suit?

That would take me
about 7, 8 minutes to swim,

get the gear, come back.

I wouldn't make it.
Look at this.

By the time I got back,
you'd be--

O.K. O.K.
Let's look around.

Just look.
Oh, my God.

Is that working?


All right.
All right.

Bud, I'm getting cold.

You put this on.

No! No!
What are you doing?

Don't argue with me,
g*dd*mn it! Just put it on.

No. Look, this is
not an option,

so just forget
about it, all right?

Lindsey, shut up
and put this thing on.

Look, will you
be logical?
f*ck logic!

For one second, please
listen. Just listen
for one second.

Now, you've got
the suit on,

and you're a much
better swimmer
than I am, right?

Yeah, maybe.
Right? Yes!

So I've got a plan.

What's the plan?

I drown, and you tow
me back to the rig.

No! No!

Yes. This water is only

a couple of degrees
above freezing.

I go into
deep hypothermia.

My blood will go
like ice water, right?

My body systems
will slow down.

They won't stop.


You tow me back,
and I can...

I can be revived

after maybe 10
or 15 minutes.

put this on.

No. It's the only way.
You just put this on.

Put this on.
You know I'm right.

It's the only way.

You've got all the stuff
on the rig to do this.

Put this on, Bud,

This is insane.

No. Oh, my God.

You O.K.?

It's the only way.

Here. Hold this.

Son of a bitch.
Hold on, Lindsey.

You can do this,
you know.

You can do this.

Oh, God, Lindsey.

I know. You can
tell me later.

Oh, God.


This is maybe not
such a good idea.

Oh, my God!


I can't, Bud!
Oh, Bud, I'm scared!


I got him.
I got him.


Oh, my God.
It's Lindsey.

Deep Core. Deep Core,
do you read? Over.

Yeah. We got you,
Bud. We're here.

Go to the infirmary.

Get the cart oxygen,
defib kit,

adrenaline and a 10.CC syringe,
some heating blankets.

You got all that?

Got it. Over.

Now! Come on!
Let's go.

get the hot packs.

Got it.

Here he comes!

Get her up.

Watch her head.
Watch her head.

I got it.

Watch her feet.

Watch her head
coming down.

Watch her head.

First we got to
clear it out.

Is she cleared?
Is she cleared?

Get the defib ready.
Hurry up, Cat.

O.K. O.K. I got it.



3 one thousand,
4 one thousand, 5.


1 one thousand,
2 one thousand,

3 one thousand,
4 one thousand--

No, no,
it won't work.

She's got to
have bare skin,
or it won't work.

3 one thousand,
4 one thousand, breathe.


Is that right?
Is this it?

I've got it.

Well, do it!

All right.

Come on,
zap her!


Come on, baby.



I'll check
out 300.


It's going. It's going.
It's charging.

3 one thousand,
4 one thousand.

charging, charging...


Is there

No pulse.

Come on, baby.

It's charging.
One more time.

Zap her again.

Come on!
Come on!


No pulse!

It's flat.
g*dd*mn, it's flat.

3, 4, 5.
One thousand.

1, 2, 3, 4.


1, 2, 3, 4,

3 one thousand.
Come on, baby.

1 one thousand,
2 one thousand,

3 one thousand,
4 one thousand.

Come on, baby.
Come on.

1 one thousand,
2 one thousand,

3 one thousand,
4 one thousand,

5 one thousand.
Come on, baby. Breathe.

Come on.
2 one thousand.

3 one thousand,
4 one thousand.

Bud. Bud. Bud.

It's all over, man.

It's all over.

I'm sorry.

No pulse.


No. She has
a strong heart!

She wants to live!

Come on, Linds.
Come on, baby!

Zap her again.
Do it!

Do it!



[Steady Hum]

Come on, baby.
Come on, baby.

Clear. Clear!

Get out of here.

Come on, breathe, baby.
g*dd*mn it, breathe!

g*dd*mn you,

you never backed away
from anything in your life!

Now fight!

Fight! Fight!

Right now!
Do it!

Fight, g*dd*mn it!





That's it, Lindsey.

That's it, Linds.
You can do it.

That's it, Linds.
Come on back, baby.

Come on.
You can do it, baby.


Get her some air.

Breathe easy.

All right.
All right.

You did it, ace!

Yeah! Yeah!

You did it, baby.

She's breathing.
She's breathing.

Make sure
her heart's O.K.

Make sure her heart's
doing O.K.

Big boys don't cry,

Hi, lady.

Hi, tough guy.

I guess it worked,
didn't it?

of course it did.

You're never wrong,
are you?

How you feeling, huh?

I've felt better.

What did
you do to me?

Next time, it's
your turn, O.K.?


you got that right.

O.K. These are so
your eyes can focus

in the breathing fluid.
How's that feel?
There it is.

If you can't see,
you can't disarm
the b*mb, right?

O.K., with this
much weight,

you're going to
fall like a brick.

We've still got
about an hour,

so you should get there
in plenty of time.

When you get down there,
all you got to do is

cut one wire,
drop the weights,
and come on home.

Hand me that wrench
over there, will you?

Maybe I ought to
check and see.

Yeah, that's
a good place.


That's loose.
I'll fix that up.

Bud, you don't
have to do this.

got to do it.

It doesn't
have to be you.

Who, then?

So I can hear you,

but I can't talk,

The fluid prevents
the larynx from making sound.
Excuse me.

You'll feel
a little strange.

Yeah? No shit.

I got to
warn you all,

I'm a pretty
lousy typist.

Moment of truth.

Come on,
let's go.

Let's go.

Careful. Easy.

In the front,
clamp it.


Thank you.

Got it.


Set. Clamp?


O.K. Let's
rock 'n' roll.

Crack it.

Headset, please.


Relax now, Bud.
Just relax.


Relax now, Bud.
Watch me. O.K.

Relax. O.K.
Doing fine.

Now, don't hold
your breath. Take it in.

Just let yourself
take it in.

Take it in. That's it.

Oh, man.

Don't hold
your breath now.

Take it in.
There you go.

Don't hold your breath.

Take it in. That's it.
There you go.


This is not normal!

This is normal!
It'll pass in a second.

It's perfectly normal.

This is normal?

Perfectly normal.

We all breathed liquid
for nine months, Bud.

Your body will remember.

That's it.
That's it.

Perfectly normal.

he's breathing.

Give me that.

Can you hear me?

There he goes.

Yes? Yes, O.K.

That's it.

Bud, try your keypad.


I already have.


Let's go.


That's O.K.
I got it.

I got it.

O.K., Hippy.
You done yet?

Hold on, Jammer.
Okay, Bud.

Easy. Easy.
Watch out.

Watch the side.
Watch the back.


I rigged in
Little Geek's chip

the same as Big Geek!

It should take you
straight there!

All you have to do
is hang on!

What's his depth?

3,200 feet.

Your depth
is 3,200 feet.

You're doing fine.

You better watch out
for crane wreckage.

You should be
almost to it.

4,800 feet.
It's official.


Bud, according to
Monk here,

you just set a record

for the deepest
suit dive.

Bet you didn't think
you'd be doing this

when you got up
this morning, huh?

One mile down.
Still grinning.

8,500 feet.

8,500 feet, Bud.

Everything O.K.?

Ask him about
pressure effects--

vision problems, euphoria.

Ensign Monk
wants to know
how you feel.

It's starting.

It hits the nervous
system first.

Keep talking, Lindsey.
Let him hear your voice.

O.K., Bud. Your depth
is 8,900 feet.

You're doing fine.

No, Lindsey.

Talk to him.

there are some...

some things
I need to say.

It's hard for me,
you know.

It's not easy being
a cast-iron bitch.

It takes discipline
and years of training.

A lot of people
don't appreciate that.

Jesus, I'm sorry

I can't tell you these
things to your face.

I have to wait

till you're alone
in the dark,

freezing, and there's
10,000 feet
of water between us.

Coming up
on the big ten thou.


12,000 feet.

Jesus, I don't believe
he's doing this.

Please. Shut up.

What's wrong
with you?

how are you doing?


He's losing it.

Talk to him.
Keep him with us.

Coming up on 16,000.

No, Bud, Bud,
it's the pressure,
all right?

You have to listen
to my voice.

You have to try.

all right?

Just listen to
my voice, please.

17,000 feet.

Christ almighty,
this is insane.

Bud? I'm not
getting anything.


Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Oh, come on! No, no!


Little Geek just folded.


He can still
make it.

Bud, I know how
alone you feel...

alone in all that
cold blackness.

But I'm there in
the dark with you.

Oh, Bud,
you're not alone!

I'm with you.

I'll always
be with you, Bud.

I promise that.

How you doing,

You still with us?
Come back.

You talk to us,
buddy boy.

Come on.

Bud. Talk to me,

Now, come on. You
hanging in there?

Just-- You have to
talk to me, Bud.

Please. I need to
know if you're O.K.


You see--
you see a light.

What kind of light,

hallucinating badly.

He made it.

Oh, my God.

Oh, man.

O.K., Bud.

We'll go
step by step.

Remove the detonator

by unscrewing it

All right, Bud.

You have to cut
the ground wire,

not the lead wire.

It's the blue wire
with the white stripe.

Not--I repeat--

Not the black wire
with the yellow stripe.

Ah ha ha ha!


Quiet! Quiet!
Save your air!

Bud, give me a reading off
your liquid oxygen gauge.


It took him 30 minutes
just to get down there!

Bud, do you hear me?

You drop your weights
and start back now, Bud!

That gauge
could be wrong!

Do you hear me?

Just drop your weights
and start back now.

Your gauge
could be wrong!

Your gauge
could be wrong!

You drop your weights
and start back now!

No, you won't
stay there!
Do you hear me?

You drop your weights.

You can breathe shallow.
Do you hear me?

Bud, please!
Listen to me, please!

g*dd*mn it,
you dragged me back
from the bottomless pit.

You can't leave me here
alone now, please.

Oh, God, Virgil, please.


I love you.



how you guys doing?

Deep Core,
do you read?

This is Benthic Explorer.

Do you hear,
Deep Core?

Deep Core,
do you read?

Do you read me,
Deep Core?

Deep Core,
do you read?

This is Benthic
Explorer. Over.

Hell, yes! We read.
Good of you to join us.

Copy, Deep Core.
Hey, I've got them!

How's that storm
going up there?

Well, it's strange.
It just sort of

blew itself out
all of a sudden.

Well, hell, son,

you'd better get
a line down to us.

We're in moderately
poor shape down here.

We lost seven people,
including Bud,

and we're about out
of O2,

so whatever you're
going to do,
better do it fast.

You boys make up
your mind how to get us
out of here yet?

They're talking about flying in
a D.S.R.V. from Norfolk.

It'll come in
to Guantánamo on a C-133.

O.K. How long is
that going to take?



Hey! It's Bud!

That's impossible.

No, it's not.

Do you hear,
Deep Core?


Wa-Wait. We got
a message from Bud.


What's it say?

Uh, here.

Oh. It says, "Virgil Brigman
back on the air."


"Have some new friends
down here."


What the hell's
going on?

One Night,
get to sonar.

Good God almighty.

Fellas, I'm getting

some awful big
readings here.

Something's coming
up the wall.

What is it?

Whatever it is,
it's major!

Something's definitely
going on down there.

Active is pinging back
something really big.

It's huge,

and it's coming up
right underneath us.


It's everywhere.

There! Starboard bow.

This is
the Benthic Explorer.

There! Look! Look!

Help, Cat.

We should be dead.

We didn't decompress.

They must have done
something to us.

Oh, yeah.

Yeah, I think
you could say that.

Ha ha ha!

Ha! Hooo!

Hi, Brigman.

Hi, Mrs. Brigman.