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02x01 - Episode 1

Posted: 09/19/23 11:31
by bunniefuu
Do you want something functional, or something to make a statement? Both.

You want something with good handling, speed, comfort, not too exy.

Yeah, I'd like something a bit hardy, for off-road action.

What about that one? Hey, since when do you fork out that sort of dough on a vehicle? I just feel I'm ready.

Well, when a man overpays for a set of wheels he's usually compensating for something.


It means you're having a midlife crisis.

I'm not having a midlife crisis.

We both need it, that's all.

I want the Game-Changer Excelsior IV.

Well, maybe he needs changing.

I just changed him.

Well, is he hungry? He won't take the bottle! Well, did you heat it up? I ALWAYS heat it up! Well, maybe you heated it up too much.

Dad! Oh, look, we're fine here.

We just fed him, darling.

Go back and get some sleep.

I'm on top of it.

Ow! Ooh! I'm totally on top of it.

I am.


How was it? Where's the baby? Oh, he's on your chest, darl.

Did he take it? Come to Mum.

Seven mils.

I'm pretty sure it was eight, wasn't it? I should feed him.

He'll get there.

He's just taking his time, that's all.

Do I look taller? Yeah, baby, you do look taller.

And I'm bigger because? Um Stop being silly.

You know.

Oh, my gosh.

It's My birthday! Yeah.

We What about Dad and I, we're pretending we didn't know.

When, really, we did know.

Where are my presents? First day of a new term.

Oi! What's with the suit? Oh, just a meeting.

Hey, uh, how's the new wheels going? Very happy with the suspension.

And everything else is OK? I'm not having a crisis.

He's the one you should be worried about.

What's happening with you? A private thing.

It WAS a private thing.

He's being desexed.

Can you stop calling it that, please? It's just a minor incision.

The snip?! Ouch! Yeah, no, it it's nothing, alright? I mean, we've already got one healthy, happy child - that's enough for us.

Why is Tilda handing out wedding invitations? No, they're party invites.

See the balloons? Yeah.

And the bottle of champagne? Oh, I thought I crossed them out.

What, you were so tight you would not get proper invites? You've recycled your wedding invitations? We were running late this morning, and we forgot.

Her birthday?! Ohh Temporarily.

You have raised neglect to a whole new level.

Not even Abi and I have done that one.

It's a busy time.


Here he comes.

Who? New teacher.

Hey, he's a A 'he'.

Uh, Mr Crabb? Yeah.

Uh, Mr Tuck.

Um, you're Tilda's grandad? DAD, actually.


Uh, you brought the invitations? Yep.

You're not aware of the protocol? The what? Uh, with party invites, we ask for the parents to hand them to us, and we give them out discreetly, just so no feelings get hurt.


Oh, well, maybe next time, eh? Nice to meet you.

I don't like him.

Nah, me neither.

Me neither.

Hey, where's he off to? Is your shirt tucked in? Yeah, baby, my shirt is tucked in, yeah? Sorry.

It's just you know what banks are like.

Nah, that's alright.

We have to behave like grown-ups.



How else would I behave? I just Hey, Nic.

Yeah? Just relax.


It's just, this has to go well.

And it will.

I just can't believe I've got Justin Baynie in my office.

You know how many times I've replayed that grand final? You get that handball and weave your way through four tackles, was it? Yeah.

And then slot that game-changing goal right through the posts.


It's a while back now, but Oh, still feels like yesterday to me.

So, have you had a chance to review our loan? Uh yeah.

Uh guys, you're kidding me, right? I mean, you're a legend, mate, but I can't approve this loan.

We're not that crazy.

Uh we we have two steady incomes, though.

I'm hairdressing full-time, and Justin has the kids during the day, but he has regular bar work at night.

Plus, we have money left over from the sale of our old house.

Yeah, but you want to borrow HOW much? Uh, it was, uh Are you are you laughing at us? It's pretty funny.

Nic, let's go.

Uh, no, no.

I'm sorry - you spent the first 20 minutes of this interview all over him like a rash, and now you're laughing at us.

Nic, come on.

We want to buy a house for our family.

Is there something funny about that? I think you'd better go.

I think you'd better apologise.

Nic Do I need to call security? No, no, no, mate.

I don't know.

Maybe NOW you do.


Um I'm so sorry.

Uh We're just leaving.

Thank you.


Just get So, is that what you meant when you said behave? I can't believe I just did that.

Yeah, it was, uh it was kind of sexy.

It's such a great home.

Yeah, I know.

I'm sick of this one-bedroom rental.

The kids are climbing up the walls, all our stuff is in storage.

I'm being an idiot, aren't I? No.

It's not important.

Hey, of course it's important.

We're gonna find a house.

OK? I promise.


This is tough.

My friends and family don't know I'm here.

They wouldn't understand.

I'm having big problems with the bottle.

I'm his grandfather.

My daughter's only 17.

She's still growing.

She she needs her sleep.

She doesn't need to be up all night, feeding.

I'm sure there's a bond.

But, whenever I try the bottle, it's flat-out rejection.

My name is Lewis Crabb and this is my first mothers' group.

The most important thing to be sure of is that you don't want any more children.



We have a lovely little girl.

Yeah, gorgeous.

We thought we were having another one.

I thought I was pregnant, but Yeah, it was a false alarm.

And the fact that we called it an "alarm" Rather than a "happy surprise" Or a "gift" You know, got us thinking No more.


Yeah - no.


And you're aware of what the procedure involves? Yep.

Obviously, being a doctor, I'm across it, but Yeah, I'm across the basics.

It's a very simple operation.

So, testicles here - the "sperm factory", as I like to call it.

And this is your vas deferens, taking sperm from your testicles on their little journey, which we don't want, do we? No.

So I'll be making a small incision here.

You're not squeamish, are you? No.

No, I'm, like, the opposite of squeamish.

Is there an opposite of squeamish? No, sweetie.

Oh, well, there should be, 'cause I'm It's a very small incision.

Just a few millimetres wide.

Then, I'll pull out the vas, cauterise both ends, and pop them back inside.

All good.


Mum! Where is she? The birthday girl? She's at school.

You made her go to school on her birthday? Cruel, isn't she? How's my favourite son-in-law? This place looks like a b*mb's hit it! And you two have aged 10 years.

It is great to see you too, Mum.

Just a bit higher.

Have you got a cleaner tea towel that this somewhere? Don't worry about cleaning up, Mum.

Someone has to.

Why aren't you at work? I've taken the day off.

I'm just a bit weary with it all.

How's Dad? I thought you were supposed to be managing that A&E.

That hospital is relying on you.

Well, they're fine.

Doesn't look fine.

You're skipping work, the place looks like a pigsty, the baby isn't in a routine yet, and you all look dreadful.

Thank you.

Anything else? I'm only saying it because I worry about you.

Your mother still in Portsea? Yeah.

Didn't she want you to stay with her? Mum! I'm just saying, a girl needs her mother.

Not always.

Hey, hey.

Actually, I've been thinking living with Mum would be, you know, a good idea.

Why? Just because it's kind of nuts around here.

It's not nuts.

Just busy.

Not nuts.

Lucy's having to share her room just to give Jem a nursery.

I don't mind.

Well, that's absurd at your age.

I think it's a great idea.

Don't be ridiculous.

She can't just go off to Portsea.

What's little Jem gonna do? He'd come too, Dad.


I'm sorry I sprung this on you.

But Mum knows babies, and I know babies.

I mean I wasn't hands-on with you or Lucy or Tilda, but I'm hands-on with Jem.

We get along.

We've got a lot in common.

You know, and the bottle thing We'll get there.

Maybe I'm just putting too much pressure on him.

What about if I back off a bit, give him a couple of days? I think I'm doing the right thing.

I know Wendy's kind of annoying, but she's got a point.

This is too much for you guys.

Gemma's meant to be at work.

Yeah, but that's why I'm stepping up.

And what about TAFE? What about your leaving certificate? You said you'd finish your schooling.

I can't do it all, Dad.

None of us can.

We'll still see you.

I'll, um, come up on the weekends.

You will stay for Tilda's party, won't you? You need entertainment at this party? What have you got in mind? Me.

Super K, action hero.

Parties, corporate gigs - it's a natural extension of my pie empire.

Catering AND entertainment.

I won't charge you.

I need the practice.

Phoebe's moving out.

Oh, yeah? So, it's good.

Takes the pressure off.

So I've got a bit more time on my hands.

I can do a building inspection on that property you like.

Uh, it's OK.

Oh, mate, you need an inspection.

Could have termites, damp, structural problems Like I said, I'm fine.

Mate, you can't buy a house without an inspection, you know.

You're out of your mind if you're thinking I'm not buying anything, OK?! It didn't work out - the loan.

So you don't need to worry.

That's too bad, man.


You liked that place.



Oh, no.

Oh, here we go.

Just what we need.

We have a clash.

I'm sorry? Well, I gave my invites out weeks ago and suddenly you're saying Matilda's party's tomorrow.

I'm sure there's enough kids for both parties.

Yes, well, Stella did RSVP yes to Melody's party, so she'll be coming with us.

I want to go to Tilda's party! You made a commitment to Melody.

I hate Melody.

'Hate' is a very strong word, young lady.

That's why I used it.

You're going to Melody's party, and that's that.

Discussion closed.

Not fair! Well, I still get to go to Tilda's party, right? Hey, can you make up this sofa bed for Mum, please, darl? She's staying the night? She banished my grandchild! She didn't banish Look, we're all gonna miss baby Jem, but this is not Mum's idea.

It sounds like Phoebe's been thinking about this for a while.

Oh, so, you reckon it's a good idea? Well, we're not exactly coping, darl.

We're coping.

How are we not coping? Well, we forgot our daughter's birthday, for a start.

And now we've got 11 children coming tomorrow, and all I've got is an an un-iced cake.

I'm all over that.


I've organised Kane to do the entertainment.

Kane? Yeah.

Well, for a start, he's free.

Uh And kids are always too excited to eat much, so I'll just take the barbie down the park and I'll cook them all a snag, alright? OK.

Just leave it with me.

I'm coping just fine.

Ta-da! Look what Nanna Wendy gave me for my birthday.

Doesn't she look cute? She needs a bigger size! That's the look.

I told her you didn't let me wear heels.

And I said, "Isn't Mum boring?" Oh, yeah, well, it's a breaking-her-neck issue.

Is that make-up? Little bit.

She's five years old.


Oh I'll take him for a walk.

Come on.

I was a bit older than you when I left home.

But I remember my old man saying to me, "Son, you're always welcome for a Sunday roast.

" And I'm saying that to you.

What do you think? You dragged me here for this? Like it? Mate, it's a dump.

It's potential.

That's what it is.

Mate, you are looking at your future dream home, waiting to happen.


There's no shame in having a general anaesthetic.

Oh, no, local's fine.

It's a local area.

You want a general, don't you? Yeah, I'd prefer it, yes.

What's what present are we getting Tilda? Oh, it's a science kit that teaches kids about climate change.

Mark? Yeah? She's a really good doctor.

And I will be right there with you for the whole operation.

Wha? You're gonna be there? Of course.

It's just Well, you might freak her out, that's all.

You know, the doctor.

Why? Because that's what you do, sometimes to people.

You've got very strong opinions.

And that's, you know, a very admirable quality, but it can make people uneasy, and if that person is is making an incision - you know, even if it's a very small incision I freak people out? Yes.

Sometimes, yeah.


Some peop people.

Most uh people.

We've forgotten something.

I just know it.

Was there anything left in the house to bring? Is that for me? Looks like someone has had the same idea.

Yeah, well, there's plenty of room for us too.

It'd be good to get some shade.

Hey! Oh, you're joking.

Is that the mother? Yep.

Uh, we've tried already, but I told you there would be a clash.

Uh, well, we didn't realise you were coming to the park as well.

It's a community park.

It's meant to share.



Um, it's Dimity, isn't it? Yes.

Yeah, I think we've met before.

I'm vice president of the P&C.

I virtually live at the school.

So, probably.


Uh, you guys have taken up all the tables and all the shade, which is fine, 'cause you didn't know we were coming, but I've been here since 5am.


That Good for you.

But do you need ALL the tables? Well, we have a lot of guests.

And we need room for the jumping castle and the llama.

Llama? Do I have a llama? No, but we've got lots of exciting games for you - pass the parcel, pin the cape on Super Kane I'm glad I'm going to Melody's party now.


Here we are, ladies.

Oh, great.

This is alright, isn't it? A bit of shade.

See? We're coping.

And still 17 minutes till the guests arrive.

Hey, Abi.

Yeah? Do you reckon I should get someone to bring another blanket? Oh.

I don't know.

I'm trying not to have too many opinions at the moment.

I find it freaks people out.

I'm just gonna pour myself a nice Ooh! WARM glass of chardy and say nothing.

Well, I'll be in that.

Oh, Mark, Gemma tells me that you're having a little operation.


Are you feeling emotional? I've heard a lot of men get very emotional.

No, no, I'm OK.

You know what the secret is? You plonk yourself down on a packet of frozen peas for a couple of days after.

That's what Uncle Ray did, remember? Worked wonders.



Well, I'll, um I'll keep that in mind.

Happy birthday, Tilda.


Jacob, Zac, do you want to give Tilda her birthday present? Bang! You're dead.

Hey! Zac! Hey, you can't say that, mate.




So, you gonna buy it? Buy what? A house.

Oh, he's got this silly idea that me buying this house.

Buying this great house in this great area at a great price - it's a bargain.

Right next to a school.

Ha! Idiotic idea, eh? What does Nicola think? Uh, I haven't told her.

Well, the auction's today, you know.

It's way too quick.

Oh, shit.

What? Anybody got any matches? Nup.

Oh, I'm dead.


Have you got those heels on? Yeah.

I said that she could wear them.

What's the big deal? The big deal is that I don't want her looking like a child beauty queen.

And nor do I want her in Emergency on her birthday when she falls flat on her face.

Why are you being such a crashing bore? Why are you being more difficult than usual? Your father's left me.

It seems he's bonking another woman.

Fairy bread, anyone? Mum, are you alright? Don't fuss.

I'm alright.

Gemma, I've just got to duck to the shop and get some matches.

You forgot matches? Yeah, but I'll be quick.

Plenty of time.

That's awful, Wendy.

Men can be such Pigs.

- .



- Pricks.



Such morons.


Hey, uh, I might give you a hand there, mate.

Uh, yeah.

Me too.

Yeah, I'll come with.

Yeah! Uh, coming! Oh, poor Wendy.

Yeah, you've said that.

Three times.

Hey, uh, why are you going this way? I'm gonna buy a house.

You're what?! Yeah, it's a deceased estate.

It's got good bones.

It'll be a great investment.

I'll make a fortune.

Mate, you can't buy it.

Why not? Phoebe's moving out.

I've got a bit of time on my hands.

Renovation would be perfect.

Hey, you can't buy it.

You just don't want me to buy it 'cause YOU want to buy it.

Oh, crap! Crap? Well, it has a certain charm.

If you don't look too closely.

Renovator's delight, ladies and gentlemen.

This property is calling to you, "Fix me now!" This is a deceased estate Simon says, "Put your hands on your head.

" Um, we're a bit hungry.

Have some more fairy bread, kids.

We've eaten it all.

And the chips.

Or did I eat those? Yeah.

Maybe go a bit easy on the wine, Mum.

Melody's party has pies and cupcakes.

And a jumping castle.

How long does it take to get a packet of matches? Yeah, this better be good.

OK, kids, how about we play Chinese whispers? That's r*cist.

Yeah, we're just getting the matches now.

What? Well, we had to stop and buy something.

Like what? A house.

Maybe don't tell Nicola.

What?! I know you're angry now, but if you saw it, you'd really like it.

Justin's got himself a bargain.

Yeah, we'll be quick.

I promise.

Box of matches, thanks, mate.

We don't have any.

They're right behind you.

How much are they? Oh, just I haven't got Have you got any Hey, this Is this a new bottle? I haven't seen this model before.

I don't know.

Well, do you know if the teats are silicone or latex? What?! OK, guys, let's make a move, eh? I think I'll get this.

These bell-shaped teats.

Really good for the young ones.

Hey, do you really need that? He won't take the bottle, alright? OK.

So, it's $14.

95 and I'll take that stuff as well.

Oh, mate, only got a 50.

Oh, no, we should go, mate.

Let's go.

Come on, mate, let's just go back to the Hey, I gave him 50 bucks.

I want my change.

You don't need your change.

Come on, let's go.

I gave the bloke 50 bucks.

I want my change! All of you, freeze! Now! Take it off him! Get away from him! You can come up, mate.

He's gone.

Come on.

Why did you do that?! We could have all been shot! Oh, it's a toy g*n.

Really? The boys have got the exact same ones.

Maybe a bit different.



This is not how it looks.

I can explain everything.


I shot the g*n because I thought it was a plastic II thought it was a toy.

Is it the outfit? Because I know dressing up's a big thing with armed robbers.

That is not what I was going for.

He's He's Super K.

It's a natural extension of my pie business.

Kane's Pies.

You might have heard of them.

The robber got away because I accidentally hit Justin with a bottle.

I'm a little bit off my game at the moment.

I'm, uh I'm having a small incision tomorrow.

I was just trying to buy this bottle.

Do you know how hard it is to find a bell-shaped teat? You might want to talk to the shop assistant too, 'cause he can he can testify.

Yeah, well, he's in shock and he's not making any sense.

Unlike you lot.

Can I just call my wife? I'm supposed to be hosting a birthday party.

Nobody's calling anybody and, uh, no-one's leaving until we get all of this sorted out.

Llamas at her sixth birthday party.

What's it going to be by her 21st? Disappointment, that's what.

By the time she's had 45 years of marriage and discovers her husband's been having an affair, she won't be prepared, because nothing has ever gone wrong in her perfect life.

Were you prepared, Wendy? No.

You do realise that's normal? If someone had have told me everything that was gonna go wrong in my life You don't look like the sort of girl who's had anything go wrong.

I assaulted a bank officer yesterday.

Yep, I whacked him clean across the head with my handbag.

I'm sure he deserved it.

He did.

Where are your husbands? I do not know.

But if they don't turn up soon, they're all gonna get a vasectomy.

What's taking so long? Some sort of technical problem with the robbery footage.

Something to do with the hard drive.

That'd be right.

I leave to buy matches and come back with a house.

How do you explain that to the wife? You'll be fine if we don't get arrested.

Well, looks like we owe you guys an apology.

So you owe us a favour.

For she's a jolly good fellow For she's a jolly good fellow For she's a jolly good fellow And so say all of us.

- Hip, hip - Hooray! Hip, hip Hooray! Hip, hip Hooray! Alright, baby, blow out the candles.

How can I blow? There's nothing to blow.


Good girl.

What a disaster.

There's a cake.

She's the centre of attention - now, that's a party.

Phoebes, you moving out, it's not because of me, is it? I've liked living in the same room.

It's been kind of fun.

It's not you.

It's not.


Jack! Jack, come back here! Ooh, I'm sorry.

Um, he loves babies.


Oh, hi, Jem.

Oh, hey, look, Archie, it's Jem.

Oh, you must be Phoebe.

Yeah? Oh, I'm sorry.

I forgot.

He, um he doesn't want you to know about the meetings.

I am so sorry.

Come on, let's go.

Wait! Hi, Tilda! Hi.

Sorry we missed your party.

We had important work to do catching bad guys in the city.

Thanks, Super K and friends, for all your help.

No problem, friend.

I guess we can give these back now.

There you go, mate.

You guys have fun? Yeah.


Did you really help the policeman? Yeah? Sure did.

And you know what it taught me? g*ns are bad.

From now on, no more g*ns, OK? Go.

I can't believe you tackled an armed robber, you idiot.

Are you OK? Yeah.

Although, there is something else that happened while we were gone.

Something I've gotta tell you.

Work called.

Yeah, I've gotta do an extra shift this afternoon.

Is that all? Yeah.


I thought you were gonna say something scary.

Boys, let's hop in the car.

Oh, well, that could have been a lot worse.

It was a great party.

Your sixth birthday, you ate so many lollies Oh, I threw up all over Dad's new car.

Never smelt the same again.

Mum, this woman that Dad's Do you know who it is? Some floozy.

I suppose I've let myself go, started wearing sensible shoes, and he found someone else.


I know it's not just about the shoes.

I'll help get you sorted and get out of your hair.

You're not going anywhere.

I love you in my hair.

That was the best party in the whole wide world.

Next time, can we cook the sausages? We could try that.

OK, bath time, miss.

Come on, Nanna's gonna help us.

Yay! See? I coped.

You were lucky.

Very lucky.

You know, the next time you run into an armed robber, you might not think so.

What's with the meetings? Some woman came up to me at the park and recognised Jem and said she met you at a meeting, and then she got all weird and scurried off.

Dad? What's going on? She might be from the mothers' group.

She what? You know the mothers' group? It's like a bunch of women and they get together Yeah, no, no, no, I know what it is, but you went to mothers' group? Yeah.

For Jem.

He loves it.

I mean, we get along great, but he needs to mix with people his own age.

What? Nothing.


You haven't told Tilly you're leaving yet, have you? I didn't want to spoil her party.

I'll tell her in the morning.

Yeah, lucky, 'cause it went so smoothly.

I guess we'll leave early and beat the traffic, eh? She's gonna miss you a lot.


Yeah, me too.

This is it.

I shouldn't be here.

I've got an operation tomorrow.

Don't you want to take your mind off it? I could have k*lled a man today.

I should be in counselling.

This place is a hole.

Shut up, Kane.

So, what did Nicola think? You haven't told her yet.

Well, I'm still finding a way to package it, you know? And that's where you guys come in.



Beer? That's the first sensible thing you've ever said.

Are you nervous? About tomorrow? What? No.

It's just a small incision.


I reckon it's unnatural.

Bloke needs to feel he can spread his seed at any port.


Why? Well, I don't know.

In case something happens and the human race needs us.

Well, luckily we have you.

So, where do they go, your, um your army? Oh, they just, um they just they just get diverted, that's all.

Well, that's OK.



There's no, um performance issues? No.

No, it just, uh just means, um no more babies.

And you're cool with that? Have you tried that new bottle yet? Bit late now.

Are you kidding? We risked our lives for that bottle.

Oh, look at little bubsy.


Gonna join us for a drink there, mate? Cheers.


Bottoms up.

Now, Jem, there's no pressure, mate.

No need to scull.

Take the bottle.

Here we go.

He's taking it! Oh, he's drinking it! He's wolfing it down.

I'm doing it.

I'm breastfeeding.

If any of you ever repeat that I said that, I will k*ll you.

First they'll shave you.


Then they'll give you the general anaesthetic and The small incision.

And I will be miles away freaking people out with my opinions in Emergency.

See you when you wake up.

170 mils? 210 at the 2:00am feed.


Wait till you tell them at mothers' group.

I've been thinking it would be a shame for you to stop going.

Seeing as you've, uh, made all these new friends to hang out with.

Did you hear that? We're going back to mothers' group.

Well, that is great news, darl.




Apparently Phoebe's staying.

What changed her mind? Well, apparently the chaotic and stressful environment that we're providing for her son is character-building.


Well done.

Well, thank you so much.

Sorry, excuse me! Abi! Excuse me.

Excuse me! Hand me a pack.

OK, let's get this thing going.

I've got a facial in half an hour.

Hand me the knife.

Stop, please! I've changed my mind.





How did it go? Um Abi? I know you think I have strong opinions, but deep down, I'm not sure of anything, ever.

You know, half the time, that's why I mount such full-on arguments - I'm trying to convince myself.

Is this about the operation? I changed my mind.

I like chaos.


It suits us.

Feels too neat, our family.

So I pulled the plug.

You what? You've still got your bits.

You're ready to go.

You hate me.

I know.

I should have worked this out faster.

But I want another one.

A baby.

Me too.

Really? Yeah.

I think so.

With you.

I do.

Oh! Oh.

Oh! Sorry, she, uh made the small incision.

What? She didn't perform the operation, but I didn't get there in time.

I'll go get some ice.

Oh! Where are we going? Told you, it's a surprise.

What have you done? Come on.

I know it was a little impulsive.

A little? It's gonna take some getting used to.

Justin, it's a mess.

Hey, sometimes, you know, you have to see things in terms of potential.

Do we really have to live here? Of course, mate.

Wait till I show you your room.

Come on.

Come on.

Wow! Can we sleep here tonight? Please? It's gorgeous! How did you I just had a bit of help.

Well, what about us? Where are we gonna sleep? Hey? Come on.

Is that your room? For now.

Like it? It's perfect.

So, my advice - don't force it.

When they want to take the bottle, they'll take the bottle.

Simple as that.

Oh, and sleeping through? I've got a few tips on that as well.