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02x05 - Episode 5

Posted: 09/19/23 11:33
by bunniefuu
- Shh-shh-shh-shh.

Here he comes.

- Who? The new teacher.

Hey, he's a A he.

We could get a room.

Sorry, what? I mean a flat.


With rooms.

W-with many rooms that we would share.

Should we foster a child? We let some of the more competitive parents run it out of their system.

I'm not competitive.

She's my sister.

I'm relaxed.

She's not relaxed.

Where's the beer? No alcohol, mate.

We're on school grounds.

Have a scone.

Oh, there's the enemy.

Where's Abi? You haven't left yet, have you? Oh! I'm coming! I won't let you be thrown to the wolves.

It's no wolf.

It's a wolverine who's trying to take my presidency.

Well, she'll have to get past me first.

Hurry up.

P&C meeting.

You're actually gonna go? I'd rather cut myself with a rusty razor, but Kane needs my help.

Now, moving on to agenda item number six.

We need to discuss money-raising initiatives for the OC.

Sorry I'm late.

Apologies, everyone.

We ARE the only school in the district without an OC.

What's an OC? Outdoor classroom.

What's wrong with the indoor classrooms? Well, it's not an outdoor classroom.

How much do you need? We're short about $3,000.

Well, that's not a lot to rustle up.


You wouldn't think so.

Well, need I remind everybody, we've already raised $20,000 for the outdoor play equipment.

Well, what about a walkathon? Walkathons require a certain amount of parent supervision, which we just can't provide.

A raffle, then.

Get the kids out in the community selling tickets.

Stranger danger.

Cake stall? We've already had three.

It's the same parents contributing every time, and they're complaining about being baked out.

Let's try and stay solution-focused, yeah? Oh, I'm solution-focused.

I'm Mr Solution.

Well, Mr Solution, I've just offered three suggestions and you've blocked all three of them.

The trouble is there's only a handful of parents getting involved, and they're exhausted.

You sure it's not you who's exhausted? Maybe it's time we had a new president.


Fresh blood is always good.

Well, Abi has some good ideas.

She seems smart and on the ball.

She doesn't have the time.

She's already overcommitted.

I'd make time.

Are you kidding me? I nominate Abi.


I accept.

What?! What? Oh, you have finally lost it.

You hate the P&C.

Oh, 'hate's a bit harsh.

Uh, yeah, so is cutting yourself with a rusty razor.

How did Kane take it? He was surprised.

I bet he was.

Dimity was the one who nominated me.

Oh, and you just had to accept it, did you? I was put on the spot.

She's a very forceful, bossy woman.

Are we still talking about Dimity? Kane started it.

He kept making all these digs about my lack of involvement.

Oh, I didn't pick up on that.

"Parents who bake" - i.


"not Abi".

"Same old parents who get involved" - i.


"not Abi".

You don't get involved.

I help where I can.

I want to do more.

Well, you don't do a lot more when you're present.

Don't! Oh, I feel terrible.

I'm the worst sister in the world.


You're allowed to disagree with me.

I'm gonna go to Kane's and tell him I'm not running.


You can take Poppy to school.

I've got to be at the hospital at 8:00.

Well, I've got to be at work at 7:30.

My 7:30 beats your 8:00.


So, uh, if you don't mind doing drop-off again, that'd be really helpful.

You know, just 'cause I work from home doesn't mean I don't work.

I'm sorry about yesterday.

I don't need to run.

I don't understand what happened.

Dimity flattered you into taking my presidency.

That's what happened.

I wasn't flattered.

Yes, you were.

You love to win.

You'll compete at anything.


Uh, Scrabble, Christmas 1987? 'Zoo' is not a word, it's an abbreviation! I want you to run just so I can beat you fair and square.

Dimity's handing out how-to-vote flyers for Abi.

Check it out.

Abi is but a pawn in Dimity's scheme to take control of the entire school.

Have you guys got time to get together later? I need to have a campaign meeting.

Mate, you're not running for president of the United States! Nepean South IS my United States, and I need to raise money now.

Sausage sizzle? Yeah, outside the hardware.

Oh, that's a good idea.

Course it is.

I thought of it.

Did you get sausages? Yeah.

Got 'em donated.

And the gas for the barbecue.

And the rolls.

All we're up for is the time we put in.

Oh, yeah, look, I'm not sure I'll be able to Um, yeah, I'll, um I'll let the product manager know.




Tomorrow, I'm having lunch at Garibaldi's with some key clients.


I'd love to go to lunch.

Mark .


you're a really nice guy.


It's not a compliment.

See, the staff likes you, and that's a problem.

You can't be their boss AND their mate.

You're too hands-on.

You have to learn to delegate.

While you do all the work, there's only a certain amount of output you can produce.

You get your team to do what you do and your productivity increases.

Follow? You're asking me to do less work? Are you up for it? Swish.


Too good at this.

Yeah? Too good at it.

Oh! Just missed.

Don't quit your day job, mate.

Hup! OK, guys, what have you got for me? Yep.

You ready? "Get your rocks off with Mr Rocket!" Huh? That's it? You've had two weeks.

Guys, you've got to lift your game, OK? I want 50 fresh ideas on my desk .


by the end of the day.

Uh, how many onions do you want cut? All of them, thanks.

I thought you weren't going for president.

Kane insisted.

Kane did? He's got ego issues.

Very competitive.

After this, I think we need to look at other ways to raise your profile.

What's wrong with my profile? Well, people don't know you.

You're never at school.

That's not entirely true.

I'm gonna set you up a Twitter account.

And you might want to adjust your look.

A little less inner-city try-hard.

What the hell's going on?! We're having a sausage sizzle.

To raise money for the outdoor classroom.

WE'RE having a sausage sizzle to raise money! We were here first.

Look, just to be all clear, we ARE all working for the same cause, aren't we? Well, we can join them up and just have one big stall.

All the proceeds go to Nepean South Primary! Get your sausage! Come on, ladies and gentlemen! $2! Sausage! All the proceeds go to Nepean South Primary! Help our school! Buy a sausage! Get your sausage! $2! Succulent sausages! Proceeds go to Nepean South Primary! Wow.

You've got two stands running.


ONE stand, mate.

We don't know them.

So, now's the time to decide which horse you're gonna back, sunshine.

Alright, give me just give me a second.

What? Is there even a choice? Step right up! $2 a snag! Hey.

You're just in time.

Hey, um I thought you weren't running.


Kane insisted.

Did he? Mmm.

He's got ego issues.

Grill or till? Oh, um uh Well, you know They called me first, so I should Sorry, who are you married to again? Alright! Yes! Alright, my man! Oh, no, no, no.

I-I've, um really got to get back to work.

I'm What, you came all the way down here to tell us that? Yeah, l-look, I'd like to, uh, make a donation.

So, there you go.

Whoops! - Hey, Kane.

- Yeah? It's Barry James.

Barry who? Barry James.

He's the local MP.

He's the one that stumped up the cash for the sausages.

Oh, yeah.

I promised him a publicity photo.


Hey, Baz! Barry! Hey.

How are you going? Hey.

Hey, come and have a snag.

G'day, Baz.

Thanks for coming.

Not at all.

Have a snag.

Just come and stand over here next to Kane.

Kane? Mr Jones.


Stand around Thanks for coming down.

- Cheers.

Yeah, right.

Just here.

- Uh Mr Jones? Hi, Barry.


Find your own MP.

Oh, sorry.

Just one sec.

Tommy? Hey, I can't really talk right now.

What? I'm on my way.

Hey, Kane! Where are you going? Kane? Uh Abi? Abi? Hi.


Abi? Oh, hi.

Just shake hands.

Oh, right.


Come on.

Shake hands.

Everyone say "sausage"! Sausage? Sausage! Where is he? Uh, with Stella.

What's he like? Well, he's an 11-year-old boy and his name's Jack, but apart from that, he hasn't said a word.

How long do we have him for? It's an emergency foster care case, so, uh who knows? Who's his regular carer? Well, his grandad, but there's been an accident and he's in hospital.

He broke his hip in a fall.

I thought we'd get a bit more notice.

Oh, it only happened this afternoon.

The ambos found the kid and they called DOCS, so DOCS called the agency and you know, they were desperate to place him.

And how's Stella? Oh, she's excited.

Go on.

Say hello.



Here's my other dad.

Daddy, this is Jack.

He's my new foster-brother.

G'day, Jack.

My name's Kane.

Very happy to meet you.

This is your room.

Has he eaten? Are you, uh, hungry, Jack? Oh, here.

I'll clear some space for you.



So, did you bring your PJs? Toothbrush? No.

Oh, that's alright, mate.

I'll nip up the shops.

You want to play snakes and ladders? Maybe just give him some time to settle in.

Is that your grandad? Tom tells me you rang the ambulance when he fell.

That's very grown-up.

I'm not a kid.

When can I see him? Grandad? Oh, it's too late now, but I'll take you first thing in the morning.

Is there anything else I can get you? Final coat of paint.

What do you think? Nic? What is this? So, we're officially divorced? Cool.

High five.

Baby, it's just a piece of paper.

It's OK.

We're OK.

Are we? Of course we are.

We're here, aren't we? All of us together under the one roof.

I mean, dodgy roof that it is, but we'll fix that.

And anything else that goes bust.

Getting divorced is the best thing that could happen to us.

How do you figure that? We can date again.

Whoa! Motherf! Hey, wh? Where's all the hot water? Um what? It was lovely and hot for me.

Yeah, OK.


Why are you backing Camp Abi? Oh, come on.

I'm not backing any camp.

I was just asked to help out on the sausage stall.

That's all.

You picked a camp.

I don't care about school politics.

I just you know, want what's best for the kids.

Why do I feel like you're grilling me right now? I just want to know what sort of a person I'm sharing a house with.

Someone who doesn't like cold showers.

Right, well, can you call me as soon as you locate him? That was the agency.

They've got no information on where his grandfather is.

They don't even know what hospital he's in.

I wish I could stay, but I can't get out of this shift.

Whoa, hey, hey, hey! What are you doing there, buddy? Lighting the stove.


I don't think that's such a good idea, buddy.

I've been using a stove for years, buddy.

I'll go.

Where do you go to school, Jack? Jeffrey Street.


And that's in Altona.


Because while you're staying with us, we probably need to get you settled in somewhere a bit closer.

Don't want to go to school.

Abi dropped her off.

Work crisis.


And you told her today was not good? Oh, I couldn't.

She shoved that in my hand and then said something about a project due today, and then she buzzed off.

Oh! The project! Mm-hm.

That's right.

We have to draw an Australian animal.

Right, well, you can do it with Stella, 'cause she hasn't done hers yet either.

I'm drawing a platypus.

I want to draw a platypus.

I thought of it first.

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.

Poppy's the guest.

She can decide.

Poppy's always the guest.

When do I get to be the guest? Stop carrying on like a pork chop.

Who's he? Your foster-cousin.

Hi, foster-cousin.

Stella, how about drawing a koala? Got enough textas? Mmm.


These are my friends Lewis and Justin.

Jack's staying with us for a while while his grandad gets better.


How you doing, Jack? Right, well, we'd better go see the deputy principal about you getting enrolled.

I don't like deputy principals.

Hey, we can look after him while you see Looby.

You OK with that? OK.

I won't be long.

Hey, Jack.

That's a pretty cool swing set over there.

Put that up myself.

Swings are for kids.

I like this kid.

You got any tips? Alabaster.

It's odds-on to win in the fourth.

She always runs well on a wet track.

Are you sure he said he went to Jeffrey Street Primary? Is there a problem? Firstly, Jeffrey Street goes from prep to two only.

So, you mean it stops at? Year two.

And if this boy is 11, then he should be in year five or six.

There's never been a Jack Kirby enrolled at that school.

There's been a Finn Kirby.

But he left two years ago.

His brother, perhaps? I just don't understand.

Well, it's simple.

Your boy doesn't exist on any state school register.

Can I talk to the case officer in charge of Jack Kirby, please? Well, can you get her to call me when she gets back? Kane.

Hey, Kane.

Um do you have a minute? Uh, actually, no, I don't.

Can it wait? Actually, no, it can't.


Yeah, well, that's Stella's version of a koala.

We were a little rushed this morning.

Yeah, yeah, it's not so much her version of the koala that I'm, uh, concerned about.



Kane, hi.

I meant to call.

Sorry about dumping Poppy on you.

Did you know there was a drawing of a giant doodle on the pad of paper you gave Poppy this morning? Ooh! What kind of doodle? The kind of doodle you don't want a class of five-year-olds looking at! Are you laughing? It's a little bit funny.

Well, Mr Tuck didn't think so.

Well, what did the kids actually see? Well, they didn't see anything.

He's on the back of the koala.

So? No harm done, then.

Oh, except to my reputation! OK.

I'm sorry.

I don't know why it was there.

Yeah, well, sort it, Abi.

I've got a foster kid at home.

He's worried sick about his grandad, lost in some hospital bed somewhere You have a foster kid? You didn't Well, it's only temporary, just until he gets Hey, do you know any hip surgeons? Mmm.


What's the name? Kirby.

I'll see what I can find out.


Hi! Have you seen today's 'Nepean Mail'? Enjoy.

What was that about? Come on, Jack.

Have a look at this.

So I gave Poppy a notepad to take to Stella's, but I didn't give her a notepad with a giant doodle on it.

You don't do that, do you? Well, you do all sorts of weird stuff, so I don't know.

I'm pretty sure that notepad came from Mark's work.

Hey, here's that list of hip surgeons that you wanted.

Oh, thanks.



I got your 50 ideas.

You didn't like them? Oh, I haven't read them.

Got someone else onto that.


Point is - you've proven you can delegate.

Come on, Mark.

Pick up.

Which leaves you free to do more important things.

Forward planning? I'm thinking the 10-course degustation at Garibaldi's.

Oh, hi, Jack.

I'm Abi, Kane's sister.

Nice to meet you.

Where's my grandad? Hey! It's me.


Jack, my boy! Good to see you! How are you feeling? Does that hurt? No.

They have me so doped up.

I can't even feel my snoz.

Is it still there? How long till he's mobile? I'll go see what I can find out.

G'day there, cobber.

What can I do for you? I'm Kane.

I've been looking after your grandson.

Kane's a cook.

He sells pies.

Good for you, mate.

I spent 40 years as a cook in the merchant navy.

Young Jack's following in my footsteps.

He can cook up a storm.

So I've seen.

You've done well.


I bought you today's form guide.


What's happening in the cricket? It's still footy season, remember? Course it is.

Of course it is.

Have you opened your bowels today? I have.

What about you? Oh.

Um yep.



Can we come back tomorrow? Uh sure.

I think so.

Oh, Jack.

Good news.

The surgeon was very happy with how the surgery went and he said your grandad should be up and about in no time.

Well, we don't want to jump the g*n.

These things can take much longer.

Does this mean he can come home soon? Yes.


Well, we don't know ALL the facts.

Actually, we do.

Complications can arise.

Remind me who has the medical degree.

You know what? I think I left my keys in the room.

Can you just wait here? I'll be back in a tick.

G'day, cobber.

What can I do for you? I forgot my car keys.

I'm Kane? Looking after your grandson? Oh.

Here they are.

They're Jack's keys! Arggh! Hang on, mate.

No, they're Kane's keys.

Who's Kane? I'M Kane.

Calm down.

It's OK.

Kane cooks pies.

He's our friend.

Who are you?! I'm Jack.

You're not Jack! You're Jack's boy, Finn! Where's your dad, boy?! Come on, mate.

WHERE'S JACK?! Hey, now, come on.

ABI! Come on.

Come on.

Why don't you take a gander at the form guide? LET GO OF ME! Calm down.

It's alright, Doug.

Come on.

LET GO OF ME! LET GO OF ME! Let go of me! Calm down.

Can we get some help in here, please?! Jack, out of the way.

Out of the way.

It's OK.

It's OK.

It's OK.

It's OK.

It's OK.

Here we go.

It's alright now.

That's it.



It's OK.

It's OK.

So, let me get this straight.

Is your name Jack or Finn? Finn.

So, who's Jack? Jack's your dad? And you pretended to be your dad? He mixes us up.

It's easier if I go along with it.

Because your dad died in a car accident and you don't want him reliving that every day? Mmm.

That's a big thing for you to deal with all on your own.

It's OK for me.

I was only a baby when Mum and Dad died.

But it's hard for Grandad.

What's happening to him now? He's having some tests to see if his memory is working properly.

What if he fails? Well, he'll probably be moved somewhere where people can look after him.

I can look after him.

I can cook.

And clean.

I know you can, mate.

But who'll look after you? You said he would be home soon.

I'm sorry, Finn.

This is your fault.

You confused him.

I'll go.

I'm sorry.

I shouldn't have told him his grandad was coming home.

I was trying to help.


You're always trying to help.

School pick-up's soon.

Well, I can get the girls.

Why don't you stay and deal with Finn? OK.


- Hey.

- Hey, Abi.

What do you know about this Mr Rocket business? How do you two know about it? It's all people are talking about.

Kane's been hung out to dry.

Well, it's not Kane's fault.

If anything, it's mine.

And Mark's.

I think it came from a notepad Mark brought home from work.

Stella ended up using it for her marsupial project.

So, why is Kane the one copping it? Abi.

Are you doing school pick-up? Ah.

Nice campaign tactic.

It's not a tactic.

I'm picking my daughter up.


Well, we don't need to worry about that.

We don't need to campaign anymore.

Not after what happened in class.

OK, Kane was not responsible for that.


Well, there will be an extraordinary meeting of the P&C committee first thing in the morning - just to discuss the issue.

And you're gonna use it to bring Kane down? I'm withdrawing from the race.

Oh, well.

There's other candidates.

I might even run myself.

I'm buggered if I'm spending a year with her as president of the P&C.


Obviously, I'll have to discuss this with my partner first, but Daddy, can Poppy stay and play? Please? OK, great, yep.

Thank you.


Um, girls, can you head outside and play? Please? Uh, that was the agency.

Finn's grandad has been diagnosed with stage two dementia, so once he recovers from the operation, they're gonna put him in an aged care facility.

So, what happens to Finn? Well, he stays with us until they can find more permanent fostering arrangements.

But they do want to know, do we want to take him on full-time? Oh, I think we should.

Don't want to dump him with strangers.

Well, it's not about dumping.

It's just about what we can manage.

Tom's right.

I wouldn't rush into it.

There's Stella to consider.

Oh, I'm sure Stella's up for the challenge.

Don't you think you're being a bit naive? I'm sorry, it's just you're taking on a lot.

These kids come from tricky backgrounds.

You always thought the foster thing was a bad idea.

Oh, I don't think she's saying that.

I just I'm Mr Hopeless, she's Miss Fix-It.

That's what she's saying.

Hang on.

I'm the bad mother who's too busy working to bake a cake, remember? Good luck with your campaign.

Make sure those edges are nice and smooth.

I don't want the kiddies getting splinters.

Remind me why this has to be finished by tonight.

Well, it's about getting some positive spin for Kane.

You know, for the Mr Rocket thing.

Oh! Yeah, keep the change, mate.

Boys! Boys, sorry I'm late.

I got your text.

What about the messages? I left you three.

Yeah, I was at this lunch, and it You should have been there.

You should have seen this wine list! It's, like, this big! It's Yeah.

Go home, Mark.

Oh, come on.

Give me a job.

Go home.

You're drunk.

It's one pissy lunch! Go home, Mark.

Well, that explains why he hasn't been to school.

Too busy looking after his grandad.

Yeah, we need to get on top of that.

Might want to look at some tutoring too.

Do you really want to do this? Yeah, course I do.

So do you, don't you? Yeah, Finn is different.

What do you mean by that? "Different"? Well acts like a 70-year-old, for a start.

His grandad.

Yeah, I'm just saying, it's It's a lot to take on.

Daddy! I'm really bored.

Can somebody play with me? Stella, quiet, please! We're trying to talk! No! Stella, please! Nobody cares about me! So, you're out of the race? Yeah.

But Kane still hates my guts.


I'll get it.

Are you sure you don't mind me rummaging through your wardrobe? No.

So, uh, where's Justin taking you? Bistro 224.

Mmm! Swanky.

How do I look? Stunning.

Really? What about this one? Stella? What are you doing here, darling? Will you foster me? You OK? I'll put you to bed, sweetheart, yeah? I guess this proves you're right.

The whole foster thing IS a bad idea.

I only meant that you shouldn't rush into it, that's all.

I was only trying to give her what you and I had.

And you should.

I think you'd make a really I'm gonna go check on Stella.

I'm sorry I yelled at you, sweetie.

I'll see you in the morning, OK? OK.

Goodnight, sweetie.

Thank you.

Are you crazy? We can't afford to eat here.

It's a first-date splurge.

It's fine.

Could we get a dozen of your oysters, please? Cheers.

Have you seen the price of the oysters? They're $10.

It's fine.

Per oyster! I can buy 10 litres of paint for that.

I could buy a new rug for the family room with that.


Check out the wine list.

That's a back deck.


Remember when we chose this? Yeah.

Gosh, we were so young.

And dumb.

OK you were young and I was Yeah, I was dumb.

Was? Really? What are you doing? Well, it belongs on your finger.

We're not married.

Well, maybe we should be.

Will you marry me? Oh! Oh! Oh, no! What are you doing? Stop it! I am telling you You'll never find it! Stop it! You idiot! I'm gonna find it.

Oh, my God! Don't you dare! What are you doing?! I'll be right back.

Stop it.

Don't You know what? I'll just go back tomorrow and have another look.

It's fine.

There are worse things in the world than losing a wedding ring.

Like that! Hey there.


Kids are asleep.

They've been angels.

And? Oh.

Apart from that.



We'll have to paint over it.

Wha?! What are you doing? Tomorrow, we'll pop Angie's in the middle.

What do you say? Yes? Yes.

I'll marry you.

I love you so much, and I don't need a ring to prove it.

Mark, can you call me, please? Kane's in the shit 'cause of some drawing from your office.

Call! Where are you? Are you coming to bed? Is Kane alright? Oh, I'm such a Rocket? Yeah.

Big one.

Me too.

We're perfect for each other.


How are we looking? Mark.

Meet you at the Duck and Pig.

We're meeting with HR.

Oh, actually um I don't think I want to do any more lunches.

Really? I'm happy being a backroom boy.

I'd rather roll up my sleeves than have a 10-course lunch.

And I was just about to offer you a car space.

Really? Level 1.

Your own nameplate and everything.

It's worth about $40k a year.

But if you want to stay backroom, then Well, if you want to throw in a company car, I'd have something to park.

Let's talk about that over lunch.

Let's eat! Lewis?! Oh, good.

You can give me a hand.

You built an entire outdoor classroom?! Jus and Lucy helped.

Thank you.

For the kids, Kane.

Now, thank you all for turning up at such short notice Actually, I'd like to address the meeting, if that's OK.

Um Hello.

My name's Abi, and I'm a control freak.

I don't know whether it's because I'm a doctor or whether it's a first-child thing, but I have this need to micromanage everything.

Are you catching this? You know, not just my own stuff, but everyone else's as well.

And as a result, I spread myself pretty thin.

I make mistakes and I say and do things that I later regret.

And that is how rockets end up on the back of koalas.

Uh, that drawing was brought into class by his daughter.

Is that really a fitting president? There is no-one more fitting than Kane.

He is the guy who actually knows all of your names.

And your children's names, and what they like doing.

He's the kind of parent that doesn't just ask, "Where's MY kid?" Abi He checks to see if everyone else's kids are OK as well.

Because that is the kind of person my brother is.

And if anyone is going to win Capable Parent of the Year Award, it would be him.

Thanks, Abi, but I'm actually resigning from my post.

I won't let you.

Uh, on behalf of the parent body, we accept your resignation, and I'd ask the meeting for some nominations for a new president.

But .


as vice-president and someone who cares deeply about the school .


I nominate myself.

Before we get there, Dimity, as outgoing president, I'd actually like to nominate my own candidate.

Well done, Lewis! Congratulations, mate! You're the best man for the job.

Uh what job? Oh! Kane put you up for president and I seconded you.

You're the new president of the P&C.

Which makes me the Michelle Obama of Nepean South.

W What, I'M the president of the P&C? Hey, no, no, no, no! Please, please, please.

I have shorter showers.

Alright? I'm going first this time.

My dad just got made president of the P&C.

Oh, so, what, you get to go for a first shower? I teach your half-sister.

So? So you should be nicer to me.

Well, what if I don't want to be nice? Wait.

We're housemates.

Doesn't this make things even more complicated? Possibly.

OK, last ball.

Here we go, Zac.

Let's go.

- Come on, Zac.

- Go, Stella! Hup! Oh, let's try it again.

Not a bad ball.

Maybe go for a yorker near her toes.

Doesn't like it.

Let's go.

OK, last ball from Zac.

Here we go.

Nice! Ooh! If it's OK with you, Finn, Tom and I would like you to stay for a little while.

And if you like it, maybe we could make it permanent.

Finn, do you want a bowl? Come on, Finn.

Go on.

Have a bowl.

Do you want a bowl? Nah.


Um Pop, do you want to have a go? There you go.

Off you go, darling.

Let's go.

Here it comes.

Aim for the wicket.

Aim for the wicket.

Use your feet.

Move your feet.

Oh! Nice ball.

Nice Maybe it moved with the tide.

Don't worry about it.

I'm worrying.

So, Finn.

What do you reckon the odds are of finding a ring the night after it got lost? 800,000 to 1.


Not bad odds.


Hey, what's that? Hey, there you go! I wish I had a dollar on that.

Hey! He's got it! Finn found the ring! What?! No way! Oh! - Wow! - Ooh! It's beautiful! Finn found Nicole's ring! You saved my life, Finn.

He's a good man to have around.

Sure is.

What are you waiting for? Oh, yeah.

I should Wish me luck.

Do you really have it? I love you, baby.

I love you too.

Three cheers for Justin and Nicola! - Hip, hip! - Hooray! Hip, hip! Hooray! Hip, hip! Hooray! And three cheers for Finn! Hip, hip! Hooray! Hip, hip! Hooray! Hip, hip! Hooray! Hey! Alright! That's not your ring.

But Finn doesn't know that.

Where did he get it? Oh it belongs to Lewis.

His first wife threw it at him.

Ooh, ooh! I've got to catch him out.



That was really great what you did for Finn.

I owed him one.

He gave me a great tip on the gee-gees.

You're gone, Baynie! Take the walk to the pavilion! - I'll have a bat.

- Dear God! - Move back, everyone! Move back.

- I'm going long.

Calm down, everyone! Calm down! Come on, girl.

Mine! Yeah! Oh! How was that, mate?!