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02x07 - Episode 7

Posted: 09/19/23 11:35
by bunniefuu
You know, Nicola is out of a job.

It's up to you, if you want to give her the job or not.

You're the big boss.

Well, I'm a fast learner.


You saved the day.

Nobody but Mark Oliver could have pulled a table out of the hat when all seemed lost.

I just pulled a few strings.

You know how it is.

Nicola, you coming back to mine for some port? Oh.

I should get home to the family.


What? What is it? It was Nicola who sorted the table.

I should have said something.

Oh, deal with it tomorrow.

She'll be fine.

Oh! Oh, my God! Nicola? Can you hear us? Nicola? Come over here, babe.

Dad and I want to talk to you about something.

Something really sad has happened.

Who to? Zac and Jacob's mummy was in an accident.

What kind of accident? A car accident.

A car hit her and she died.

Did the car give her cancer? No.

But it broke her.

And the doctors couldn't make her better.

Just like Mum.

On behalf of Paul and Carol, I'd like to welcome you here today to celebrate the life of their beloved daughter Nicola.

Nicola was born in Northwood, in 1987, where she blossomed into a bright-eyed girl.

Is that Mum? Shh.

Yeah, that's Mum.

I never knew her then either.

With an infectious smile and a kind heart.

However, it wasn't until she became a mother It was a lovely service.

It's bullshit.

All of it.

That wasn't her.

The photos, the music.

None of it.

I don't even know who half these people are.

It was all for her parents.

Sure as hell wasn't for me.

And don't tell me this is doing anything for the kids.

They don't need this.

We all don't need any of it.

We've just got to keep moving.

Keep doing what we always do.

You guys should go home, get on with your lives.

Jam or maple syrup, Zac? Here you go, baby.

Do you want jam or maple syrup? What does 'cremated' mean? Where did you hear that? Grandma said Mum was getting cremated.


Do you remember when we talked about how Mum's body stopped working? And the important parts of her, they're inside all of us, right? Well, instead of burying her in the ground, they put her body in the machine and it turns into a special dust.

Does it hurt? No.

No, it doesn't hurt at all, mate.

And if you want, we can keep the dust here or we can take it somewhere you think Mum might like.

Who's gonna make our lunch? I am.

Who's gonna hang the big disco balls? What disco balls? Jacob? Welcome, everyone, to the Disco Committee.

I actually considered cancelling the disco altogether, but I've decided to forge on and dedicate it to Nicole's memory instead.

So there was a bit of back and forth with regards to a theme, and and it, uh, came down to a choice between '70s and fairytales.

So, in honour of Nicole, I think we should bite the b*llet and go with fairytales, just as Nicole would have wanted.

NICOLA wasn't a fan of fairytales.

Yeah, the boys actually gave me this this morning.

A little thing that she did.

Looks like she was pretty keen on the '70s idea.

Well, that Nothing says 'disco' like the '70s.

I've got a couple of disco balls at home.

Oh, that's great, Kane, but I've organised a fairytale backdrop.

I can make a backdrop.

Not a problem.

Lewis can give you a hand.

I might even have one.



Well, that's decided, then.

Uh thank you all for coming.

I'll have a poke around at home and then meet you at yours? Thanks, mate.

How'd the boys go this morning? Oh, they just wanted to come to school.

Hey, Gemma, I know we've been through this before, but I just really need to know about the driver of the car.

Uh, well, she was young.

How young? Um30s? And what did she look like? Well, she was brunette and just kind of normal.

I need to know her name.

I don't know her name.

I don't.


And even if I did, it wouldn't do us any good.

She wasn't speeding.

There was no alcohol in her system.

Nicola just she just stepped out.

It was an accident.

I didn't even know what to say to him.

Well, there's probably not much you can say.

I know.

I just I keep playing the accident over and over in my head.

We'll get this.

Can someone get a wheelchair, please? Hi, I'm Dr Albert, this is Gemma, and this is? A barbecue skewer.

I was carrying the skewers out to the barbie and I tripped over Will's skateboard and Youchie! Ouch.

Oh! What are you reading? It's a love letter.

What? Who wrote you a love letter? Wouldn't you like to know? Yes.

Yes, I would.

Wow, that's OK, that's a lot of love.

What, is that an old flame? New flame? You're the new flame.

This is just a little spark.

Are you sure about that? 'Cause that's a pretty big pile for a little spark.

Hey has Abi said anything about the woman who was driving the car? No.

No, she hasn't, but I didn't ask.

You know what I don't get? They can tell me exactly when she died and how she died, but they can't tell me a thing about who k*lled her.

G'day! Hey, Lucy! The door was open, so I just Gemma said you guys were all here working hard.

I thought you might be hungry.

No, I'm right.


I heard what you said about no-one telling you anything.

For what it's worth, there are procedures and protocols and just a whole lot of rigmarole that would Why? What are you talking about? Well, in a case like this, just legally speaking, you know, they have to protect the identity of the driver.

And she's not culpable.

What? Protect them from what? I know how hard this must be.

You know how hard it must be, do you? I heard enough of that shit at the funeral.

I don't want to hear it from you.

Come on, darling.

I'll walk you out.

Actually, I wanted to have a word to Kane.

He's not gonna know himself for a while.


I really came over here to see Justin, but then I upset him, so I pretended that I had to talk to you.

I do.

It's just not really that urgent.

Well, I'm all ears.

It's about Finn.

Finn? Yeah, he's been sending me love letters.

He's a really sweet kid - smart and charming.

It's really flattering.

Bit wrong, but lovely.

They're not offensive or anything? No, no, no.


I just think that he might have his heart set on something that is probably not going to happen.

I had no idea.

I could talk to him.

But I thought maybe No, no, I'll do it.


Good news with the scan - the skewer hasn't hit any major arteries, so I'm going to sedate you, which you'll probably enjoy at this point, and de-skewer you.

How does that sound? Great.

OK, I'll be right with you.

Just try to keep still.

What are you doing? I saw the scan.

That skewer is pretty far in.

It's nearly hit the scapula.

Yeah, but it hasn't.

It should be a simple procedure.

You're gonna do it yourself? Well, there's no nerve damage.

Yeah, but CTs don't always show up the nerve injury.

I examined him.

No pins and needles in his hand.

No numbness.

Reflexes were fine.

Movement was good.


I'll handle it.

Is she sick? Nah, mate, she's not she's not sick.

Then why is she in hospital? Well she, uh she she WAS sick, and, uh When will she be coming home? She's not coming home.

She's not coming home.

How are you today? Were you after something in particular? I'm not sure.

Well, that's what I'm here for - help you make sense of it all.

I hope so.

Uh, OK, well, it really boils down to what you're used to and what kind of support you're after.

It does not get much better than this one over here.

It's endorsed by the Osteopathic Association.

It's great value with a three-zone continuous coil.

It also has antimicrobial properties, which is great for allergies.

And it allows couples to choose from different levels of support on either side.

I'm the husband.

The woman you ran down with your car I'm her husband.

II didn't know she was married.

Did you know that she died an hour after she got to the hospital? She she came out of nowhere.

She just stepped into the road.

I didn't see her.

You didn't see her.

We've got three kids.

I am so sorry.

"Sorry"? What am I supposed to do with "sorry"? "Sorry" is not gonna bring my wife back, is it? Can I help? Hey, just don't touch me.

Are you OK? I understand you're upset.

I said don't touch me.

You just need to back off a little bit, OK? You can't just come in here and Whoa! Hey, look Arggh! Oh! Sh! He's not usually like this.

No, his wife's funeral was only yesterday, so he's still really coming to terms with that.

And he's not a violent person.

No, not at all.

He's not.

Well, except for that time he was charged with as*ault.

That was different.

That was against a guy called Rodney.

And we all wanted to hit Rodney.


The guy was sleeping with Justin's wife.

He was supposed to be his manager.

What we're trying to say is he's had more than his fair share of grief.

They're, um they're not gonna press charges.

What did you say? Not much.

Can I go? Yeah.

Thanks for coming.

She's devastated.

Maybe we should What? I don't know.

Apologise or help her.

She's not the one that needs our help.

I've never lied to the cops before.

What did you lie about? His history with the v*olence and going off the rails.

I said he'd only been charged once, but how many times has there been in the past? He shouldn't be on his own.

I'll take first shift.

Hey, thanks for talking to the cops.

No worries.

Didn't mean to hit him.

No, of course you didn't.

So, how are the kids? Yeah, I don't know, you know? They cry a lot, and then it's like it never happened.

They sleeping? Mmm, Zac's had a few nightmares.

What about you? Are you sleeping? Do you want me to talk to Abi and she can maybe get you something? Uh, I don't really want anything.

No, I just want to know how it happened, you know? Was she having a good time at the awards? Oh, it was a work thing, so Yeah, and she left early, right? Yeah.


And where were you? Oh, I I went out after.

You know, she wanted to get home, so Mmm.

She might not have been, um all that happy with me at the time.

Why not? Remember how she was struggling at work for the first few days and then she had a bit of a win with finding the venue? Yeah.

I might have, um let my boss think that that was me.

What, you took credit for her idea? Oh, it was stupid.


Then what happened? I went and had port with my boss.

And Nicola didn't want to go because of what you'd said? Maybe.

So are you saying to me that she wasn't even supposed to be there, Mark? With Abi and Gemma on the road? I mean I guess Why didn't you tell me this before? I didn't know how to tell you.

I didn't want it to be about me.

What, you didn't want to tell me that if it wasn't for you, my wife would still be alive? Oh, no, come on Get out! Come on I said get out, Mark! Was it the rhyming? 'Cause I did struggle with a few verses.

No, no, it's not the rhyming.

The thing is, women are individuals.

There's no two that are alike.

Look, mate, she's 24.

And she's already got a boyfriend.

One a bit closer to her own age.

Who? Mr Tuck.

Mr Tuck from school? Tilda told me.

As you get older, age won't matter as much.

Yeah, but for now, you want to pitch within a two- to three-year radius.

But you're gay.

What would you know about women? Well, as a matter of fact, gay men tend to fare pretty well with the ladies.

A little too well a lot of the time.

You said to make friends.

So I tried.

And now you're saying I'm doing it wrong.

Told you we should have left it alone.

Yeah, you also said he'd bounce back.

You must be Mark.

Yeah, that's right.


New PA.

David has told me so much about you.

He hired you already? Yesterday, yeah.

Pretty exciting.

Interview the day before, then, wham, got the phone call, so here I am.


I, uh, heard about the last PA.

So sad.


Do you mind if I, um? No.


I should, um get this to Oh.

Excuse me.

You done those disco flyers yet? Um uh, not yet.

I was round at Justin's.

Oh, yeah.

How is he? I don't know.

What do you mean, you don't know? It's your shift.

He didn't want me there.

He was angry.

About the night I took her out and she didn't come home.

Don't be an idiot.

It's not about what you did last week, it's about what you do now.

He told me to leave.

Well, you didn't have to listen, did you? You alright? Yeah, I've got to go.

OK, well, I was gonna drop this off on my way, but do you want to take it with you now? Knock knock.

If you came here to plead Mark's case, you can piss off, 'cause I'm not interested.

I'm not here to plead anyone's case.

I don't need a babysitter, Lewis.

I never said you did.

Then why are you here? 'Cause I want to be.

Uh excuse me? Tamara? I'm sorry to bother you.

I was just wondering if we could talk.

I know I probably shouldn't be here, and this whole situation must be terrible for you too.

That's very gracious.

I just wanted you to know that he knows it wasn't your fault.


Thank you.

Last week, I I was devastated 'cause I missed my sales target.

I actually cried.

And then something like this happens and Everything changes.

Just make sure you finish the whole course, OK? Will do.

Now, would you like to take this for show-and-tell? Just make sure you don't leave your skateboard lying around.

I know, 'cause dads get a bit excited, don't they? Especially with the barbecue.

Sometimes a bit overexcited.


You feel better? Sorry? Having saved the day.

Look, neither of us could have saved Nicola.

But you don't see me doing procedures just to prove a point.

You don't need to prove anything to anyone.

You're right.

I can do this.

I'm a good doctor.

Of course you are.

Which is why I should quit.

What? This will all still be here if I take some time off, but Poppy - Poppy's Poppy's gonna grow up and leave home, and this baby we're meant to be making, it's not gonna happen if I'm here all the time.

Slow down.

Knowing I can do my job makes it easier for me to go.

It's not like I'm running away.

You can't quit.

Leave without pay - just for a year or two.

You can't quit! Oh, Mark.

You're still here.

I was hoping it might be Karen.

I heard the photocopier.

Karen? New PA.

You've met her.

Yeah, I have.

Didn't waste any time there.

Real little firecracker.

Is it just me, or are all young women sexy as hell when they just do what they're told? Nah, it's just you.

You don't have any respect for anyone.

Is that right? Yeah.

It is.

Are you having some kind of epiphany here, mate? I think I am.

And you are an arrogant, sexist, gutless bully.

You have no soul, you have no moral compass whatsoever, and you're a w*nk*r.

Is that it? Not quite.

You can take this job and shove it up your arse.

I will march out of here as soon as my disco flyers are finished.

Shouldn't be too much longer.


Hey! What are you smiling about? What are YOU smiling about? You go first.


You go first.


I've got some news.

I quit! What? I quit.

What did you say? Did you say? Did you just say you quit? No, I didn't.

No, that was you.

I could have sworn you said it too.


So, you quit? Well, that's incredible.

I know.

You know, with everything that's happened, II had this moment of clarity.

I realised I want to be here, with Poppy.

And and you.

And, you know, if we're gonna make another baby, then I need to be here now.

So, what was what was your news? I got wine.


I asked the kids where they thought she might want to be.

You know - her ashes.

And Jacob said she should stay home.

Near the fridge.

Zac said he needed to think about it.

What are you doing up? Can't sleep.

Did you have another nightmare? No, I just woke up.


And I might have wet the bed.

You know what? I just wet the bed too.

So did I.

Come on.

Zac woke me up.

Dad wet the bed.

Did you, Dad? Mm-hm.

So did Lewis.

How did I go? Pretty good? I can't believe that you wrote this for me.

Well, I I borrowed some of it.

I bet you the other guy did not find two words to rhyme with 'Lucy'.

Actually, no - he only got 'juicy'.

Are you serious? He actually thought of 'juicy'? Can you believe it? Yeah, OK, good.

Well, look, I'm glad you like the letter.

Do you want to tell me who the other guy is now, or? Are you trying to manipulate me with poetry? Yes, I am.

Not gonna happen.

Are you seriously not gonna tell me who he is? I'm seriously not gonna tell you who it is.

OK, then.




Just, uh I just wanted to just check you were alright with that that ribbing yesterday.

Is that what that was? Yeah.

Yeah, it was pretty convincing, wasn't it? Totally.

Oh, I I didn't mean any of it.

Really? Oh! Not one word! I see.

In fact, I like working with you - under you - so much that, um, I'd like to go full-time.

Is that right? Mm-hm.

Yes, it is.


See I took you so seriously, I cancelled your contract.

Fair enough.

Uh Is there any way you could maybe uncancel it? That's a lot of paperwork.

Well, I mean, you know, I could do the paperwork.

I could do that, if that would help.

You know, because, um, I'd also I'd also like a little bit of a pay rise too, if I Pay rise? Yeah.

Just to you know, to reflect my my full-time status.

But I'll just let you have a think about that.

You just reflect.

I will, um, give you some some, um some space and some time.

Uh, not too much time, hopefully, 'cause I've actually I'll have to, um leave a little bit early - to go to the school, um - .



Finn? I don't think he wants to go.

Well, we can't just leave him here.

Well, we can't make him go, either.

Hey! Wow! You look amazing! So, uh, you changed your mind about the disco, then? Well, we got the suit, so Good on you, mate.

You look sensational.

Really? Absolutely! 'Cause I really want to impress someone.

Not Lucy.


I'm trying to move on.

Got my eye on someone new.

I want to give her this.

A corsage.

Keys, wallet nappies, wipes.

- Suits.

- Check.

Glitter vest - check.

Alright, ready to rock'n'roll.

I think we should take Mum.

Hey, hey, hey! Nice suit, Finn.

I'll just have you know I'm stepping down.

Sorry? I didn't realise she was spoken for.

My mistake.

Sorry, Finn - what are you talking about? You're a lucky man.

Thank you.

Have you seen anyone move like that? What, Kayla? Go and get her.



Hey, boys.

Do you want to come and dance with the other kids? Yeah, do you want to have a dance, Jacob? Enjoy.


Look at this.

Did he sleep last night? Yeah, on and off.

What's with the mirror ball? Oh, Zac wanted to bring her.

Uh, I didn't want to bring the urn - I thought it would freak people out.

So I put her Oh, you put her ASHES in the? Right.


Dad, I need to show you something.

What? Hey! Can you just keep an eye on Angie and Jake for me? So, uh he's your poet.

No, no, no, no, no, he's a sweet kid.

And he's got excellent taste in women.

Where are we going, Zac? What do you want to show me? What's this? Did Mum die because I didn't eat my crusts? What?! What? No! No.

You had nothing to do with Mum dying.

Do you understand? Are you hearing me, Zac? Are you listening, mate? Mate, I've, uh I've been angry, I know.

Like like, crazy angry.

Like Squidward from 'SpongeBob' angry, you know? I've just been trying to find someone to blame, you know, so I can be angry with them.

'Cause, secretly, I've been thinking it's my fault.

You know? This is not your fault, Dad.

No, it's not my fault.

And it's not your fault, either.

Is it, mate? It isn't anybody's fault.

Why Kayla? You know she's Dimity's kid.


OK, this is not good! Hey! Hey, hey! John Travolta! Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa! Where are you going? You gotta have a dance first.

I'm not dancing by myself.

There's nothing wrong with dancing on your own, is there, Stel? You know that Kane's done a lot of solo work on the dance floor, eh? And that's supposed to get me out there? Well, why don't we all dance as a family? Oh! Everything alright? Yeah.

Zac's decided he wants to take Mum to the beach.

Can we take her now? You guys ready? Yeah? Want to help, Jacob? OK.

Put your hand on it.

I love you, baby.

Are you guys OK? I'm hungry.

You're hungry.



Who am I gonna play with when you're not at work? But we'll still see each other.

One year - that's all.

And then I'll be back.

I only read a couple, but, um, I think you've got a real way with words.

Did Lucy show them to you? No, I just found them when I was going through her bag.

Why were you looking through her bag? That's not important.

I'm just trying to tell you that I think you're really talented.

Really? Really.

She left this at work.

I wasn't sure how to I thought you should have it.


Who are you meant to be? Bjorn.

From ABBA.

You look like a Bee Gee.

No, I don't.

Which one? You know how there's a tall, good-looking coordinated one? Yeah? Not that one.

Here we go.

What have we got? Dad, can I have Vegemite on my sandwich? Yep.

And no banana - they go all stinky.

OK, no stinky banana.

Here you go, Dad.

Cheers, mate.

Hey, boys.

What news? Gemma's building a bridge over troubled waters.

Gemma will fix it - like she always does.

She's the one who's always there when you need it the most.

You are a rock.

But has she bitten off more than she can chew? You don't look 100%.

Are you alright? You're not well.

Go home and get some rest.

Is she about to make the biggest mistake of her life? Lewis Over the coming weeks Let's cancel everything and have a dirty weekend in.

There's gossip, romance and drama.

Your wife is trying to talk to you.

She's not invisible.

Who the hell are you? Abi I'm the woman who's telling you your wife wants a divorce.

That feels quite good.

Um has Mark told you about his bad back? This is a bad idea.


Will you marry me? Sure.

Why not? You know this is illegal.

Are we really gonna do this?