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02x08 - Episode 8

Posted: 09/19/23 11:38
by bunniefuu


Oh, my...

OK, he's category one.
Let's get him to Resus.

I've got a head injury.
His BP is dropping, but he's OK.

His pupils are dilated,
but they're still responding.

He's got a suspected
fractured skull and ribs,

and he's probably
bleeding internally.

Car accident?
No, he's a BASE jumper.

He parachuted off the roof
of the Beecham Tower in the city.

Apparently, no-one told him
that it would hurt him.

OK, mate, can you hear me?

You're in hospital.
You're gonna be OK.

What's your name?
Can you tell me your name?


Ma... Mag... Magnus?


Are you gonna miss
this merry-go-round?

Won't know till it stops.

You look tired.

Oh, it's my make-up.

I'm going for the emo look.

You seriously need
to take some time off.

You just want someone to play with
when you're a housewife.

Well, we could go camping,

use those bags under your eyes
to sleep in.


When is it you're becoming
a housewife again?

Day after tomorrow, like magic.

One more shift.

It's come round really quickly.

Do me a favour, and get some sleep.

Mmm. See ya.





KANE: I think Winston's
feeling a little... sleepy.

Why don't we put
the cover on for a while?


I'm simply asking you to apply
a little bit of common sense.

That's right.

I don't think he's feeling...

Come on, guys,
I think he needs to have a sleep.

When you took on the tuckshop job,
I made that perfectly clear.

PHOEBE: Gemma.

I know I've got to take Jem to his
immunisation sh*ts this morning,

but I can't remember the time.

Do you remember it?
Uh... :.

Oh, was it that early?

You're missing the point!
The tuckshop has to make money!

Hey, Gemma, your turn
to take care of the guinea pig.

To take care of the guinea pig?

Yes, the class's guinea pig.

You have to take pictures of him
hanging out with the family,

and then put the photos in here.

Right. Well...
What educational value is that?

Well, I don't know. He goes
to a lot of interesting places.

I meant for the kids.

He's not feeling very well.

Um, maybe he's on the way out.

Do I need to take him to a vet?
Already done that.

Two drops, once a day.

Responds really well
to Christmas carols.

Probably not good
to leave him on his own.

You don't look % yourself, Gemma.

Are you alright?
Yeah, I'm bulletproof.

That woman is gonna drive me nuts.

Dimity? Tuckshop manager?

I make one request
to change the menu,

and it's tears and screaming...

If you're going to be P&C president,
you've got to be diplomatic.

I AM diplomatic!

She just needs a list of foods
that kids will actually eat.

I'll do it myself.

Gemma, can you make Jem
a new appointment?

I'm not gonna make it today.

He needs to go for the sh*ts.

Well, I'm so late.

Just give him to me. I'll take him.


And I'll drop him off
at occasional care after.

Oh! You're a lifesaver!
Thank you, thank you.

I really don't think writing Dimity
a list is gonna do the trick.

It'll be alright, Kane.
I'll turn up the charm.

Oh. Would you like me
to talk to her, darl?

Enjoy the luxury while you can.

Only a couple more days
till seven o'clock starts.

Then all this...
all this will be yours.


Is that the time
the other people at your work start?

Well, management does.
We spoke about this.

Yeah, but did you just use
the actual word 'seven'?

Yep. Yes, I think I did.

And I also used the words

and 'I've got a lot to prove'.

That's pretty scary.

Though I have to say

I am rather looking forward
to having no work to do.

Oh, like vacuuming, cleaning,
shopping, cooking, paying bills,

taking Poppy to school,
picking her up...

Yeah, but I just mean...

Well, it'll probably take me
a while to do it as well as you.

Let's go, Pop.


Dad, can we have breakfast?

Help me out, guys.

Hey, Zac, grab the cereal
from the cupboard, please.

Jacob, here - grab some bowls.

Good man.
Alright, I'm gonna make some space.

That enough?

We have no milk.

Are you sure?

Check again.


Jacob, grab Angie.



Oh, no.



Sorry, is this a bad time?

No. It's cool...

I... if you need to go
to uni, I can come back.

Justin, it's fine.

OK, good.

I just need your advice.

They've cut off my electricity.

And the account was
in Nicola's name, and...

..I've got these reminders from the
banks and the public trustees and...

We'll sort it out.

Sit down.


Oh. Uh... g'day, Justin.
How you doing?

Good. You?

Yeah, good. The, um...

I wanted to let you know,
the boys seem to be

handling everything
really well at school, so...

..that's a credit to you, mate.


Yeah, I'll... I'll have one.

Oh, I can't. I'm flat-out.

Left the kids
with a neighbour, so...


So, the bank,
the electricity company

and the council -

they're gonna need proof
that Nicola is dead.

It's to stop fraudulent claims,
and that sort of thing.

You know, so... account names
and direct debit authorities

don't get changed willy-nilly.

Well, I've made some calls.

They'll want to see copies
of her death certificate.

How many do you have?
I don't know.

Who's the executor of her will?
Uh, didn't have one.

Well, it was just one of those
things we kept meaning to do, but...

It's OK. It makes no difference.

Everything she had goes to you,
even without a will.

Are you sure?

Leave it with me. I'll sort it.


I'm lucky I've got you.

You know, for all this...
legal stuff.

Uh, well, uh... I'm just gonna
go and chuck some clothes on.

Well, I've got to drop the kids.

Hey, thanks again.
I really appreciate it.

So Lewis isn't brave enough
to do his own dirty work.

Oh, absolutely not.

He appreciates everything
you've put into the tuckshop.

It just didn't seem
that way on the phone.

I know. He can be a bit abrupt.

But you know what?

He's a bit stressed,
with the P&C presidency.


Play with Finn at lunchtime.
Alright, enjoy yourself. Alright?

Have fun.
Alright, be a good girl.

Have fun!

You HAVE to look after Winston.

Yes, darling, I will. Don't worry.

Hey, uh, what's going on over there?


Gemma's building a bridge
over troubled waters.

Oh, finally lost your temper,
El Presidente?

Hysterical woman.

Don't worry, Gemma'll fix it -
like she always does.


Not always.
Mostly always.

Off you go. Mwah! Have fun.

(SIGHS) Hey, boys. What news?

Oh, Gemma's managing a Lewis crisis.

No, it's not... it... I...

Hold this.
Wha... I've gotta go to work!

Just do what you're doing,
which is great.

It just needs a couple of tweaks.

Oh, you see,
I'm not an unreasonable person.

No way!

And you know what, no-one
is suggesting that for a moment.

I am so sorry.
No, that's fine.


Hi... Hi, Dad.


I need to drop Jem off first.


Eight-year-old kids are not
gonna eat eggplant casserole

and chicken couscous salad.

Your menu needs an upgrade.

And I've taken the liberty
of writing down a few things

that kids will actually buy.

Eugh. Does she look angry?

Does her face always look like that?

So, who's up for tuckshop duty?

I'm late for work.

She resigned, didn't she?

Kane, there comes a point in time

when talking just doesn't
achieve anything.

Do you know how to run a tuckshop?

Where is she?!
What did you say to her?

Can you hold this?


Don't say I never take you anywhere.



Who's this?

Oh, it's Winston.

It's a long story.

You gonna fight me on the beaches?

I'm hoping we're over the fighting.

Remember the first time
we were here?

Yeah. Absolutely.

Your mother was appalled
that I let you drink that day.

I never told you that.

It was my th birthday.

It was the first time
I ever really felt grown-up.

I want you to do something for me.

Susie and I are having a, uh...
a commitment ceremony.

I'd like you to organise it.

Oh. When?

Tomorrow night.

Well, short notice, I know,
but it's...'s like we're on this
spontaneous roller-coaster,

and we've just gotta go with it.

So I've just gotta drop my life
and ride on your roller-coaster?

Well, it's exciting, Gemma.

Look, I've got a list
of some possible menu options.

Now, I'm not trying
to tell you how to do it.

I'm very happy for you to own it.

I don't suppose Mum's coming?

No, Damian's gonna give Susie away,
and so you could do the same for me.

It might be a nice
sort of a... a symmetry.


How you been?

You're seriously gonna
organise this function?


Yeah, I think it'll be
kind of sweet.


You're not keen, are you.
No, I am not keen.

It's probably not a great idea that
you and I are hanging out, either.

I'm seeing someone,
if that makes... any difference.

You're working hard?
Night shifts, all week.


You look tired.

You know, the next person
that says that to me,

I'm gonna s*ab in the eye.


And what's the punishment

for asking why we're
carrying a guinea pig around?

It's a school project for Tilda.

Actually, do you know what,
can you take a photo of us?

Yeah. Of you and me? Sure.

No, of Winston and I.

Oh, Winston?!


Oh, look at him.
There he is.

Say, "Cheese."

Oh, that's beautiful.


There you go, mate.





KANE: We divide the food
into three categories -

stuff we can use...
No, hang on, hang on.

..stuff we can make better
and stuff we should change!

No, no, no! We've gotta
find a way to use it ALL.

JUSTIN: Mate, you said it
yourself - it's inedible.

Yeah, well, we're gonna mix it
with other stuff and MAKE it edible.

You know, pies and stuff.

Kane, you're good at that shit.

I mean, there's bucks
worth of P&C money in here.

I mean, look at Mark -
he's pitching in already.

I'm just making
a chicken sandwich for lunch.

I'm late.

Hey, that's four bucks!

You sacked Dimity for making stuff
the kids didn't want,

now you're still trying
to make them eat it!

I did not sack her -
she sacked herself.

Hey, how about I just go and buy
some bread rolls, ham and cheese...

No, I'm not spending any more money!
I'll buy it with my own money.

My idea's still the best.
No! No!

I will not be the president
that bankrupts the P&C.

It's my call.

Kane, you take the chicken
out of that salad.

Justin, unroll those cabbage rolls

and see if there's anything
in there we can use.

And check out how many loaves
of bread we got in the freezer.

Is that...? Is he...?

This is your fault -

you're the one who
nominated him for president.

Yeah, well, we all
make mistakes, don't we?


OK! OK! Just...

Wait! Wait! Wait! One at a time!

Alright. What do you want?
Fried rice?

Alright, one more, coming up!

There's one more salad, here.

Put that down there.
Alright, there you go, buddy.


Some more rice!
Is anybody ready?


Need more fried rice.
We need fried rice.

There you go - $..

Hey! Kane! Kane, over here!


Have a nice lunch, boys. Alright.

It's coming up! There we go!

Great job, men.

How are you placed tomorrow?

Oh, I've got this appointment...

Yeah, me too. this place.

I've got a... (CLEARS THROAT)
..I've got a horse... riding...

Hey, am I, uh, too late for lunch?


Oh, bummer. I, uh... I really like
the chicken and couscous stuff.

We've got one chicken
sandwich left - six bucks.

Take it or leave it.
Six bucks?


LUCY: No, you're not listening -

she can't sign anything
because she's dead.

Oh, yeah, OK, well,
what would you do

if your partner was
run down by a car and k*lled?

No, I... I... I won't hold.

How was uni?

Didn't go. I've been doing
this stuff for Justin.

What, since this morning?

How, um... how long were you
and... Justin... you know?

Not long, really,
but it was kind of intense.

Hi. Yes.

The power needs to be
restored today.

He has kids.

Put the power back on,
and THEN email me the form.

Then it could be an hour
to explain to the bank

that sending Justin letters
with Nicola's name on them

might actually be hurtful!

And even then,
I don't think that they got it!

How'd you go
with the tuckshop, darl?

Like a knife through butter.

OK, I've peeled all of the vegies,

and I reckon leave it about ,

then put them
in the oven for an hour.

Yeah, righto.

Hey, are you working again tonight?

Can you get me some of those
free nappies from the hospital?

They're awesome.

Those nappies aren't free.
The hospital has to pay for them.

Yeah, but, technically...

How's your dad?
He's alright.

He's asked Damo and I to organise
his commitment ceremony to Susie.

Was Damo there?


When is this ceremony?
Tomorrow night.

Should I be going?

Uh, yeah, you can go.
I'm not gonna go.

I would rather
stick pins in my eyes.


Mum, it's supposed to be ME
in the photos with Winston,

not you.

We're supposed to show
we're having fun with him.

He looks like he's having fun.
We're the fun family!

Uh, Lewis speaking.

Mark tells me
you took over the tuckshop.


Yeah, we started a bit rough
in the morning,

but we came home with a wet sail.

You should have chucked the chicken.

It was off, Lewis.

I poisoned the school!

Dimity, you left me
with a container of poison chicken!

Well, you can talk
about hygiene all you like,

but I'm telling you,
people are getting sick!

No, that's a great idea, Mrs Woods.

OK. Thanks so much.
I appreciate you letting me know.

Well, the mature thing would be
to take responsibility.

That was the school secretary.

She's set up a phone tree.

There were seven kids
who ate the chicken,

but they all spat it out
'cause it tasted horrible.

(SIGHS) You are a ROCK.

OK, why don't you go
and clean out the tuckshop,

and I'll stay on the phone,
make sure the kids are fine.

Mummy, I feel sick in the tummy.

You didn't eat anything
from the tuckshop?


Just what was in your bag?

Alright. I think what you might have
is called psychosomatic.

Is that bad?

I'm outta here.

I don't want Winston to get sicker.

Winston won't get sick.

Who's got Winston next?
Emma Ross.

Emma. OK.

Well, why don't I
take him to Emma's house,

and we'll swap turns with Emma?


Nicola? Can you hear me?





Oh. I'm so sorry I'm late.

I got a flat tyre in Chester Street,
and I didn't have a spare.

What is that?
It's Winston.

Yeah, I know it's Winston.

You can't bring a guinea pig
into the hospital.

Well, I couldn't leave him
on the seat of the car.

Gemma, take him home.
Borrow my car.

He's fine. He's not contagious.

Look, I'll just put him
in the locker room.

How's Mark?

Like the Incredible Hulk - green -
but with less muscles.


Where are you going?

I need someone to get this thing
out of my arm, so I can go.

You get rid of that,
I'll deal with this.

You have a fractured skull.

I'm glad you're feeling better,
but this is not a minor injury.

Gemma. What is it
with you and that critter?

Oh. Damo.

Now, listen - I guess
you're ignoring my calls.

No, I've... left my phone in the car.
Yeah, right.

Well, tell me to bugger off
if you want, but...'ll mean the world to John
and Mum if you do show up tomorrow.

No, thank you.

Gemma, come on, this is family.

Your dad really wants you involved.

Well, is that why
he sent you to do his begging?

No, that was my idea.


..I can organise the catering.

How's that?
Not quite what I was hoping for.

That's all I can offer.



BOYS: Yaaaay!

Alright, take your
school uniforms off

and put them in the wash - come on.

Jacob, run a bath, please.

Not too hot.



Water. And lots of it.

No, I won't be able to keep it down.

Well, that's what the bucket's for!




Let it out.

Come on - better an empty house
than a bad tenant.

Are we going through
an unattractive phase?

You are, but I'm still hot.

(STOMACH GURGLES) Here it comes.


You are doing everything right.

Don't feel too bad.

Tilly's been trying to get hold of
Gemma, to ask about the guinea pig.

Oh, she left her phone in the car.

She got a flat tyre on the way here,
and didn't have a spare.

Chester Street.

Alright, well, listen,
can you just ask Gemma to ring Tilly

and tell her
the bloody guinea pig's OK?



Go back to bed.

Me and my mates have got
another jump lined up.

Another jump? Tonight?

You know, some people get injured
through no fault of their own,

and they never even
make it to the hospital.

You do know that?
I don't have to stay here.

You know what, you're right -
you don't.

And I'll tell you something else -
I don't even want you here.


Good. So why do you just go out
and jump off another building?

Only this time, don't even bother
to put on your parachute,

'cause then you can squeeze
what's left of your brain

through the little crack
in your skull.

Then you can just go
straight to the morgue,

which is where you belong,

instead of coming in here

and taking up a bed
from someone who deserves it!

Hey, come on.


(SINGS) ♪ Deck the halls
with boughs of holly

♪ Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la... ♪

I think we've got bigger issues
than Winston.

Kane said he likes Christmas carols.

I cannot be the mother
that loses the class guinea pig!

(SINGS) ♪ Don we now our gay apparel

♪ Fa-la-la, la-la-la, la-la-la

♪ Till he gets his yuletide... ♪
What are you doing?

You're not YOU.

The person who just screamed
at that kid out there is not you.

Go home and get some rest - please.

I can't have Winston roaming
the halls of the hospital.

What am I gonna tell Tilda?

So, when you think about it,

the hospital is the perfect place
for a sick guinea pig to go missing.

Is Winston going to die?


No, he'll come back.


I promise.

Who's the present for?

It's for Aunty Abi.
It's her last day at the hospital.

Hey, Til, do you want to make sure
you pack your raincoat in your bag?

So, tell me about the car.


It was...

..making some funny noises, so...

Yeah, well, why'd you tell Abi
you had a flat tyre?

Does it matter?

It's a weird thing to lie about.

Can we not talk about the car?

So, you walked three k's to the
hospital, carrying the guinea pig,

when you could have driven,

then you lost the pig.

What's going on?

Has Tilda got her lunch?

Has this got something
to do with Damo?


He left three messages
for you on your phone.

You've been through my phone?!
It was on the front seat of the car.

I... I don't have
the energy for this.

You know, every time
that bloke shows up,

he drags his crap with him.

You know what, Lewis,
sometimes things happen

that have absolutely nothing
to do with your fragile ego!

And this is one of them!

If there's a problem
that eggs and toast don't fix,

then I don't know what it is.

Oh, well, now I know why

I've never seen you and Florence
Nightingale in the same room.

Florence would tell you
to go back to bed.

I can't -
places to be, kids to teach.

Don't be so arrogant.

The kids will actually be fine
without you for a day.

I, uh, thought you should
have it in writing.

On loo paper.
Yeah. Hang the expense.

I hope you cleaned your teeth.

Arrogant, yes - unhygienic, no.

GEMMA: There is no feeling
in the world

that is quite like
the stomach-ache that you get

from laughing
with your best friend.

I think that's what
I'm gonna miss the most

when Dr Albert isn't here
every day with us.

I know we're all gonna
miss a great doctor

but, for me, I'm really
gonna miss the laughs.

So, to Abi.

ALL: To Abi.


ABI: That wine was seriously awful.

We should've gone straight for
the hospital-grade alcohol.

I don't suppose Winston's
in there, is he?

Hasn't shown himself, I'm afraid.

Would it be wrong to just go out
and BUY another Winston?

Feels like the last day of school.

We should totally
sign each other's clothes.

I'm serious.
So am I.

It's just occurring to me
that I have no paid work for a year.

I'm gonna be a kept woman.

I'm really gonna miss you.

It's not like I'm moving to Nepal.

We'll see each other all the time.

It's us!

(WEEPS) I told her
to get out of the car.



It was me who told her
to get out of the car

for a stupid washing machine.


Why would I do that?

It's not fair.

The 'what-ifs' will drive you nuts.

I'm so sorry.
Oh, for God's sake.

Can you stop being so bloody stoic
and let yourself have a cry?

Let's go out tonight.

Feels a bit personal.

Should I be here?


Anyway, you are my driver.

Oh. No, I'm good.

Anyway, after the way
my dad has behaved recently,

the least he owes us is a drink.

Maybe we should call Lewis.

Uh, nuh.

Have you spoken to him
about how you're feeling?

You should.

That's what 'for better or worse'
is all about.

Lewis doesn't want vulnerable.

He's just interested in rocks.

Hey! (LAUGHS) You made it!

Yeah. Free booze.
Where else would I be?

Come here.

Damo, this is Abi.



Damo used to watch me
through the fence

when I was sunbaking in my bikini.

Hey, hang... hang on a minute.
To be fair, I was .

Oh, please. Show me the boy
and I'll show you the man.

Don't listen to her.

By the way, Kane -
what a suggestion.

Beautiful food.
Obviously, he works in hospitality.

No, he doesn't - he's just gay.

Have they had the ceremony yet?

No, no.
That is a shame.

I was really hoping
that we'd missed it.

Thank you.


There's Pete. Pete!

He told me that he loves me.

When he was ?

A month ago.

JOHN: There's nothing
more embarrassing

than being caught naked
on a foreign beach.

Hey, Dad!

Can I have a word?

I've been summoned.

Dad, I cannot give you away.

Oh, well, that's OK.

It was just an idea.

Yeah, no, I'm just...

I don't really think I'm
used to the whole... idea

of you and Mum... just...
not being you and Mum, you know?

I ju... I would feel
like a hypocrite.


Hey, Tim!

Great to see you.
Thanks for coming, mate.

How's your dad going?
He's fine.

Provided you're not telling him
stuff he doesn't want to hear.


Do we have to stay
for this whole 'I love you' stuff?

Well, that's why
we're here, isn't it?

You might just be
the hit of the party.

What better way
to celebrate my farewell

than with a bunch of old strangers?


And I need
to keep an eye on Gemma.

What kind of an eye?

The kind that stops her
pushing the self-destruct button.

Excuse me, everybody.

Eyes to me.

We've come to the
official part of the evening.

Would you please join me
and our guests of honour over here?

Why is it that celebrants
always have to talk to us

like a bunch of four-year-olds?

Gather round.
That's right. Over here.

Where is she?

She was just here!

She wouldn't have left without me.



Have you seen Gemma?

(LAUGHS) It's good, eh?

Yep! Um... she's fine.

Everything is fine.


I... I'm thinking we'll probably
end up staying at my place tonight.

Anyway, I've gotta go.
Sorry. Bye.

Gemma! Don't be stupid!
You're drunk!

I'm not drunk! YOU'RE stupid!





Oh, what a night, eh?


Oh, no!
I forgot to pay the celebrant.

Do you have to pay her extra
for her big hair?

I don't have that much money.

Sorry. Oops.

Oh, OK. Wine.

Abi, where's the wine?

You don't need wine, you need water.
I'll put the kettle on.


In a storm? That'd be a yes.


(GASPS) Twister!

Sorry, don't have Twister.

Yeah, you do.
I gave it to Poppy for her birthday.

And I gave it away when Mark
did his knee on left-hand-yellow.


Would you please keep it down?

I have to be at work at :am.


OK, I... am going to the bathroom.

I'll be back in a moment.

So, you don't have Twister, eh?


How about a round of Hungry Hippos?





Why don't you hop
on the bed, sweetie?

It'll be much more comfortable.

Mmm, I'm OK.

Oh, thank you.



What you saw -
that wasn't the real Gemma.


Seemed pretty real to me.

No, I mean...
the normal version is more sensible.

Well, I've seen this version
many times over the years, and...

..well, it's certainly fun.

Which version made you
tell her you loved her?


She's a great girl.

Did you mean it?

Yes, I did.

But I, um...
you know, said what I said,

and she - quite rightly -
stated her position, and, um...

Ah, you move on.

So, one month later,
you don't love her anymore?

Just like that?

I never said it was easy.

Hey, Abi, you, um... wouldn't have
a spare bed, would you?

Yeah. Take Poppy's.

It's, um... the second door
on the left.

Great. Thanks.


Hey, Abi.

You're a good friend.






Lewis. Lewis!

Lewis, wait!

Lewis, wait! Nothing happened!

Baby, we were drunk!

Nothing happened, I swear to God!

Baby, please, stop!

Look, we... we didn't sleep together,
we just slept next to each other!

Lewis, STOP!

I've been having flashbacks.

To the accident.

It's why I haven't been able
to drive my car.

Baby, please, believe me.

I just wanted one night
without any responsibilities.


Just forget about what's happened.

Please, Lewis, I just
wanted to have some fun.


I'm sorry!


I was just passing through.

Uh, I thought I might
pick up those papers...

Yeah, of course.
..if you've still got them.

Off to uni?

Yeah. I've got a bit
of catching up to do.

Hey, thanks
for everything you've done.

You've been... you've been amazing.
No worries.

Seriously, sometimes,
you just have to sound like

you're about to slap
a subpoena on the table.

Yeah, right.

Been redecorating?

Well, uh, yes, yes.

Harry did that. Yeah. (LAUGHS)

Is that... toilet paper?


I'd better go.

Hey, thanks again.

Have a great day, OK?

We need to find Winston.

I know. We will.

We lost him when it was my turn!

Chook, I'm gonna have a really
hard look, and I bet I find him.


Now, go on.
I'll see you this afternoon.

Give us a kiss. Mwah.


Give me the key to the tuckshop.

You're sacked.

I'm taking over.
It's a bloodless revolution.

On whose authority?

If you'd listened to me,
no-one would have been poisoned.

Actually, listening to ANYBODY
isn't really your strong suit.

I'm sorry, I don't recall asking
for this character assessment.

Did you see the state
that Gemma was in last night?

I saw the BED she was in!

She needed someone to lean on.
You weren't giving her that.

I wasn't even there!
Maybe there was a reason for that.

No offence, mate, but your radar for
other people's issues is a bit crap.

You don't read signals.

Now, give me the key.

Gemma's not answering her phone.

Let them work it out.
She'll call you if there's news.

Shouldn't you have left,
like, ages ago?

I have been working since :,
while you were sleeping.

I've already had
three phone meetings.


Oh, no, you don't
stack it like that.

You want all the plates
to be in a line down the bottom.

They'll still get clean.

But you can fit more in that way.
It's only half full.

Well, you're not gonna
run it half full.

OK, run it. Run it hard.

Uh, what are we gonna
have for dinner?

Oh, dunno. I could buy something.

I was thinking I might have a bit
of a wander around the shops.

Maybe even see a movie.
Well, if you can find time.

There's a lot of stuff
that needs doing,

so I thought it might be helpful
that I made a list.

Um, so, if you could
drop the car off,

uh, when you pick up the computer
that's been repaired.

Um, and the drycleaner,

that's in that little row of shops
near the supermarket,

so maybe if you
do the shopping there.

And, um... and Poppy
needs some socks.


GEMMA: Hmm, what do you reckon?

Do you think we'll get away with it?

Got another pig?


Me too.

He's not even the right colouring -
he's got two black ears.


It's not even a he?
They sold the last one.

You've reached the Crabbs.
Leave a message.

So now we've got two pigs.

WOMAN: Oh, hi.
This is Linda from the hospital.

Gemma, I've found your guinea pig.

I'll drop him in
on my way home. Bye.

Come with me.


Come with me.


Let go!

Where are we going?

I thought we'd start
with the end of the street and back,

and then, if you can manage that,
we'll drive to the shops.

You've gotta be able
to drive, Gemma.

You've gotta put
Nicola's accident behind you.

I'm not sure that I can.

Course you can.

Here. Let me help you.


I'm just not sure I'd be as classy

if I'd found you in bed
with another woman.

How long's it be like this?

About two weeks.

It's been getting steadily worse.

Why didn't you say something?

There's been so much going on.

And you don't exactly like
hearing about people's problems.

Oh, Gemma, it...
It's OK.

I'm exactly the same.

It's one of those character traits
that makes us so compatible.


Off we go, slow as you like.

Lucy told me that when
you taught her to drive,

she threw
the street directory at you.

It was a long time ago. Come on.

OK. Well, don't get angry.
I won't!

Come on!