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02x09 - Episode 9

Posted: 09/19/23 11:39
by bunniefuu
Which is the one for the boot?
That one.


You know this is illegal.

Oh, look...

Oh, shit!

JUSTIN: Give me the control.




Are we really gonna do this?

Payback's a bitch.

Oh, come on, not again.

Here we go. Sorry it's cold, honey.

Hot water's gone.

BOY: What a kick!

What's up? What's wrong? What is it?

That's a goal!

Boys, I said no soccer in the house.

We're playing footy.

Yeah, well, Angie's upset,
so please stop.

She likes the pink one.


She's a girl -
she likes different stuff to us.


Angie's a girl.

What was I thinking?

Says here that abstaining from sex
makes no difference to sperm count.

I'm thinking I might have another
crack at roast chicken tonight.

What do you think?

I'm not thinking about
roast chicken.

We have already been over this.

Yes, yes, you read an article.

In a medical journal
with very solid evidence

that abstaining is good for motility
and sperm count.

Three and a half weeks -

my swimmers are ready
to lap the English Channel.

My fertility window's almost open.


I will cook you an amazing dinner...
and then we'll make a baby.



It's nothing to be ashamed of, darl.

I'm not ashamed,
I'm just a bit distracted.

That's all.

Mr Tuck needs me in Craft.

We're folding origami cranes
for the auction.

You do know it happens to all men
at some stage in their lives?

You know Class W
raised over bucks last year?

We're trying to double that.

Just stop, OK?

It's happened a couple of times now

and I think
we need to talk about it.

There's nothing to talk about.


You look a bit deflated, mate.

What's that supposed to mean?

How's the hot water?

Get a plumber.

I told ya,
I can fix plumbing issues.

I need pink stuff.

Hey, when did your kids
stop being blobs

and start being, you know, girls?

Eight months,
Stella was reaching for the bangles.

Yeah, I'm putting her
in the boys' hand-me-downs.

no wonder you're having trouble.

I've got a cute little tutu
and a matching fairy wand.

It's Tilda's.

Poppy, wait, your shoe's undone.
You'll trip, sweetheart.

Can I have money for the tuck shop?
I made you a sandwich.

You don't like my sandwiches?


You right?

Loving school drop-offs.

What are you putting on
the sandwiches?

Cheese and tomato.

rookie mistake.

Sog factor.


..could you help with
the craft today?

We're folding some origami.

It's supposed to be
very therapeutic.

You think I need therapy?

It's for the art auction
tomorrow night,

we need all the help we can get.

So, Justin, with Angie,
you sure it's just a pink thing?

Have you tried green?

Yep, she only wants pink.

The more frills the better.

Girls will be girls.


And boys will be boys.

You cheated.
Shut up.

You shut up.

Boys, come here. Outside.
No, YOU shut up.

Let's go.
Lucky I've only got the girls.

Although their father's one big boy.

All those hours
spent in his man shed.

Fast cars, golf six times a week.

Six times a week?

Oh, I'm a golf widow
more weekends than not.

If Mark played golf six times
a week I'd leave him.

Lucky Mark sucks at golf.

You having construction issues,

This is Tilda's. I'm helping her.

This is mine -
a strong, firm construction.

Hey, look at me.

You can't be doing that
rough stuff in class, OK?

It's not fair on the other kids.

BOTH: Sorry, Dad.

Alright, good. Go back inside.

They always like that?
Ah, a bit.

But it's OK.

I would have expected it
with what they've been through.

And you as a single parent now...

Single parent?

Well, yeah, you are a...
single parent.


Well, you can't speak to him
because he's at work.

Paper towels...

Sorry, I'm not talking to you -
I need some paper towels.

My name's Abi. Abigail Albert.

Yes, I know that's not the name
on the billing account,

but I assure you, I exist.

Oliver is my husband's name.

No, don't put me on hold!


I took your advice.

You really nailed it
in craft this morning.

I only meant I wouldn't put up with
the whole golf thing.

I didn't mean you should
actually leave him.

I... I haven't LEFT him
left him.

I just need some time out.

And maybe if I'm not there,
he'll appreciate me more.

I'm sure he appreciates you.

I'm not.

So you left her at home
in your house by herself?

She needed a lie-down.
What was I supposed to do?

I need your advice.
I feel partly responsible.

Only partly?

She can't stay, she's Dimity!

We have zero in common.

Oh... and I'm supposed to be opening
the window for Mark tonight.

The ovulation window.

Oh. Half your luck.

What's going on?

Oh... nothing.

Excuse me?

Don't say anything to Mark.

Lewis is having trouble... when we... know.

He has no trouble starting up,
but then he just stalls.

But he's so fit.

I don't think it's physical.

I think there's something
going on in his brain and I just...

I hope he still finds me attractive.

Oh, stop it! You're a goddess.


They've crossed my name off!
Well, you did leave, remember?

Emergency Room. OK, what's your ETA?

OK, I gotta go.

Yeah, of course.

You are not touching
my water heater.

I can fix it.
Oh, what, just like last time?

That was Mark's fault.

You're seriously
blaming Mark for this?

You fixed it, Lewis.

Or, ah, didn't fix it.

Justin, get off. Can't have two
blokes on here, it's dangerous.

You are not a plumber! Face it.

Just like I'm not a mum.

I'm a single dad with a little girl.

What do I know about girls?

KANE: Justin!

Where do you keep the nappies?
Spare room.

Are the pants dirty?

My only pink ones.

What are your plans
for the spare room?

I'm thinking fairy corner,
doll's house,

you get a frilly pink mobile

and some stick-on
glow-in-the-dark stars.

You with me?

You're more in touch with your
feminine side than you think.

Shut up, Kane.
Yeah, I like it.

Testosterone-free zone.

We should give Mark a call,
see if he can spare us an hour.

No, he'll just whinge the whole time
he's not at work.

(CALLS) Hello, anyone home?

You called for a plumber?

I did.

Got his name from
the school newsletter.

He's a professional
registered plumber.

Runs the biggest company
in the area.

Simon, right?

Hey. Do you have a scourer?

Some of these grime stains
just won't come off.

That's the design.

Really? Oh.

Dimity... you need to go home
and talk to your husband.

I've already tried.

When Mum said that she'd
take the kids for a week,

I thought, "Great - a chance for us
to sort things out."

He saw it as a chance
to play more golf.

Avoiding him isn't gonna help.

Call him,
tell him you wanna meet up.

I've tried to call him
three times already.

He doesn't pick up for me.

Try one more time.

Hi. It's me again.

Could you call me back, please?

See? I'm the invisible woman.

Hey, you're not invisible.

You're... really visible.

I notice you. All the time.

Before I met my husband I was this
intelligent, attractive woman.

Now I'm just someone's wife.

Someone's mother.

What you do doesn't define you.

It's... it's... the other things
that... count.

Are you OK?
Yeah, yeah, great.

This whole swapping roles thing
with Mark, it's really going well.

You know, him working,
me having time off

to do all the things
I've been wanting to do

like... cleaning and, um,
sorting clothes.

Finding pink baby gear for Justin.

Well, I've got lots of pink.


Ah, that water heater's
on its last legs.

The thermostat and element
are stuffed.

How much for a new one?

,, ,.

More if you go solar,
which I'd recommend.

I've got a second-hand element in
the truck I pulled off another job -

you can have that.

It won't last forever, but you'll
get a few years out of it.

Oh, yeah? How much?

You can have it for nix.
I'll just charge you for labour.

Mate, you're a life saver.
No probs.

I'll get back onto
that mess up there.


Oh, Lewis, you're meant to use
more of a circular motion.

Shut up, Kane.
Don't tell me how to paint.


This is looking good.

I hear your daughter likes pink.

Dim, how did you know I was here?

This is Simon - as in Simon Simon?


I think we need to talk.
Just... Hang on, hang on.


(LAUGHS) You're a nut job, mate.

There's always time
for a game of golf.

You're talking about golf?
Why haven't you taken her calls?

Simon's helping Justin
with the hot water system.

He's giving him
a really good deal.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.
The weekend works for me.

You can't treat her like this!

We had plans for the weekend -
just the two of us.

Look, I'll call you back,
but I'll meet you at :...


Your wife is trying to talk to you.
She's not invisible.

OK, I'm sorry, who the hell are you?

Abi, um...

I'm the woman who's telling you
your wife wants a divorce as of now.

Come on, Dimity, let's go.

Excuse me?!


Friend of yours?


Are you OK?

Yeah, I'm better than OK, I'm...

..I'm a divorcee, thanks to you.

I will be, anyway.

Ah, about that,
I may have jumped the g*n.

I was upset on your behalf and...

Oh, Abi, you were fantastic.

Let me do this for you.
I've got it, I've got it.

It's kind of like my Everest -
something I need to conquer myself.

You want it ready for when Mark
gets home? You let me do it.

Go and get me an onion.

You know, I've been so terrified
of divorce,

and as soon as those words
came out of your mouth

I just felt... so light.


Still, you really need
to think this through.

We made the right decision.

We?! Dimity, I'm sort of...
I'm not really myself at the moment.

I'm sort of having my own
adjustment issues.

You probably shouldn't
take much notice of me.

(LAUGHS) You're so funny.

We... you haven't
thought this through.

Where will you stay?


I mean, obviously you would be
welcome to stay here, but...

I'd love to stay with you, Abi.
Thank you.

Now... let's get this in the oven
before Mark gets home.

Where was that onion?


Lookin' great, guys.

Man, that is the ugliest doll
I've ever seen.

This belonged to Nicola.

Oh, it's lovely.
It's perfect.

Yeah, absolutely.

Nice unicorns.

You all done?

Nah, not quite.
I've got to, um, pick up some parts.

I'll be back tomorrow.

I'm really sorry
about you and your wife.

I hope you sort things out.

Poor guy.

Looks like the walking dead.


You're going pretty hard.

Since when do you work out?
Since before you were born.

Hey, love.

Look, the school auction
is gonna be a Latino theme.

So, there's gonna be some salsa.

Do you wanna do a practice session?

I don't salsa.

Well, I just thought it could,
you know,

loosen up our hips a little bit.

Help us relax.

You've been a bit tense lately.

I have not been tense.

Where are you going?

For a run.

that chicken smells delicious!

Look at you.

Oh, I thought you'd like it.

Dimity. I...

Dimity's sort of... (SIGHS) with us for a while.

I so appreciate it.

What the...?
I thought we didn't like her.

Things change.

Well, obviously - somebody's moved
into my house without me knowing.

I'm sorry. It just happened.

She's having a terrible time.
She just broke up with her husband.

Well, that's not our problem.

It kind of is.
I sort of broke them up.

You what?

I just need you to be nice to her.
She's really not that bad.

You'd like her
if you got to know her, maybe.

This is gonna affect our window.

No, of course not.

Just me. Not interrupting, am I?



Just, um, dinner's served.
Don't want the chicken to get cold.

Here it is - look.

See? There.

Pink enough for you?

Yeah, I thought so.

Tomorrow, we'll move you in.

There we go.

Have you spoken to Lewis lately?

I'm kissing your neck and you're
talking to me about Lewis?




It's just...


Gemma will k*ll me if I tell you.

Don't tell me.

He's having trouble in the bedroom.
The elevator's playing up.


This is not my idea of foreplay.

I'm sorry.

What, you and Gemma
talk about stuff like that?

Only sometimes.

About us?

Never about us.

I don't believe you.


This is like Lewis's private stuff.
I mean, it's his...

Maybe he wants to talk about it
but can't,

'cause you blokes never
talk about anything.

Trust me,
he does not wanna talk about it.


Shhh. Forget I mentioned it.

DIMITY: I don't need you
stick up for Simon, Mum.

I need you to support me.
I'm your daughter.


No, but...

(SIGHS) I can't get to sleep

with that angry lady
talking all the time.

OK, up you hop.


I should go and check
to see if she's OK.


He doesn't. I'm telling you,
he doesn't want me back.

Yes, he told me.


It's OK, baby. It's alright, honey.

It's OK. I'm here.

It's just the rain, OK?



Oh, Angie,
what's happened to your new room?

The bad news is that Kane's plumber

took your hot water service
out through the roof

and didn't replace the tiles.

So the rain's got in
and soaked the plaster.

Well, what's the good news?
There isn't any!

I thought he was getting me
the reconditioned hot water thing.

Yeah, well, that's what he said.

Well, why wouldn't
he put the tiles back on?

Well, I don't know.

But being a registered professional
plumber, you'd expect better.

Kane, any ideas?
He was pretty distracted.

Come on, his wife just left him.

You think he did it deliberately?



Sorry, I sometimes forget
we've got company.

I hope you don't mind -
I'm lost without my yoga.

I'm just grabbing my shoes.




Your posture's not great.
How's your back?

Ah, fine.

Have you ever done yoga?

No, not... no.

I could show you a few poses.

Oh, I'm fine.

No, come on.
It's helped me immensely.

OK, hands like so. OK?


There we go.
And, up!

Ooh! Ah!

Ooh, you need to relax.


That feels quite good.



Oh, we were just...
Um... we were... yoga.

Has Mark told you
about his bad back?

I've told him to stretch.

I told you to stretch.

We have library today.

I did know that and I'm gonna
make you the world's best sandwich

with yummy leftover chicken
and no tomato.

But Dimity's already made me a wrap.

I'll get it!

My girls just love them,
so I thought I'd...

Look, Mum. Yummy!

Isn't Dimity nice?

KANE: Morning.

Hey, nice wrap.

We've been trying to
reach your husband,

but he's not returning my calls.

Where do we find him?

I can't be late for work.

Say it again and I'll punch ya.


Having a round?

We're here about the tiles
you left off my roof.

The rain came in -
his kid's room's wrecked.

The unicorns are ruined.

Sounds like you had a shocker.

What went on, mate?
My hot water's gone.

What do you want me to do about it?
You took it.

What are you talking about?

When you left the job yesterday.
What job?


You must be getting mixed up
with somebody else.

Hey, steady.


Look, this is between you
and your wife.

It's got nothing to do with us.


You lot put ideas into her head with
all your sensitive new-age bullshit.

It's not enough that
I've gotta work / -

now I'm expected to do craft
sessions and tuckshop duty,

and school drop-offs.

Look, mate, your wife just wants
to spend some time with you.

See? You have been talking to her.

Mate, we've hardly spoken.
I just want my hot water fixed.

You better sort it out.

Or what?

We'll get you through Fair Trading.

Good luck with that.

So, he stole your broken
hot water t*nk?


What a psycho!

You should call the cops.

And tell them what?
It's his word against ours.

Was Angie's bedroom fixed, at least?

Yeah, we sorted it.
It's just a hassle.

You know? And still no hot water.



Um, I'm just here
to collect the wines

that the pub's donating
for the fundraiser tonight.

Yeah, sure.

Are you, ah, coming?

There's gonna be salsa.

Ah, tempting,
but I don't have a babysitter.

Oh, I can do it.

I thought you were coming.

I should study.

It's time you had some fun.

Yeah, she's right.

We can salsa another time.

Thanks for the wine.

When are we gonna play snap?

When I finish this.

You said that, like, like, ages ago.

Pop, I asked you to
hang your uniform up.

We're never gonna play snap.

(CALLS) Hello.



No. No!

You should not be cleaning up!
You've been working all day.

Come on. Sit down. Beer?

Oh, no, I shouldn't -
I've got salsa rehearsals.

Stop it.





How's it going?

I was just saying that the worker

deserves a nice cold beer
at the end of a long day.

Yeah, that's not really
how we roll here.

That's how we used to roll.

Really? Is that right?

I might just leave you both to it.

I'm just saying...

..when you'd come home
from a -hour shift,

I would have a dinner
coming out of the oven,

and I would give you a foot massage.

You want a foot massage?

No, that's not what I'm saying.
What I'm saying is...

..when you were working full-time,
I was there.

You know, I was helping you.

No, don't stack them like that.

Stack the plates
along there like that.

You've got more room for the...


I've told you before,
I have my own way of stacking.

If you want maximum efficiency...
I know how to stack a dishwasher!


..won't you both be late
for your salsa lesson?


Nice, Gemma. Lovely.

Lewis, I wanna see some passion.

Move your hips.

Please make an effort.

I told you, I hate salsa.

Don't know why we have to do it.

I'm hoping it'll help you
get your mojo back.

Gemma, there's nothing wrong
with my mojo.

So would you prefer it
if I was just some little wifey

who had the dinner on the table
every night?

Is that a trick question?

Maybe you should try
not to jump around so much.

I'm not jumping.

Oh, you're a little bouncy.

Lewis, come on.

Not like that. Where's your passion?

Look at this beautiful woman.

If you're not careful,
one of these days,

a guy's gonna come along
and sweep her away.


Get your hands off my wife!

Lewis! Lewis!

I think that's enough dancing
for one night.

So do I.


Do you wanna talk about it?

Talk about what?

I think you know.

Yeah, well, we should be getting
along to that auction night.

Abi told me...

..about your... plumbing problem.

Bugger of an issue.
Happened to me once.


So Gemma told Abi.

What does it matter?
You're a builder.

What's that got to do with it?

Well, you can't expect
to be % with everything.

The trick is not to stress.

Stress - stress is the enemy.

How did you sort the problem?
Oh, it just went away.

It fixed itself up.

This is not going away.

there's only one thing left to do.

Hire a plumber.

What are you talking about?
What are you talking about?

Plumbing problems.
Yeah, so am I.

No! Plumbing problems.

Oh, well,
then I've got nothing for you.

It's Damo's fault.

I should have punched him
when I had the chance and I blew it.

Pretended to be a SNAG.

there's a natural order to things.

Even if nothing did happen, you find
your wife in bed with another bloke,

you punch him.

I went against a primal instinct
to please Gemma and now...

Now you're stuck.

Sorry, I let myself in.

Oh, hi. That's... that's OK.

Hey, boys!

I brought some wool over.

I thought maybe
we could do some finger knitting.

Can I go first?
We can do it together.

But then how do we win?

No-one wins. It's not a competition.

Sounds dumb!
You might be surprised.

Who wants a smoothie?

OK, you can help me.


Enjoy yourself.


I know you must miss being a doctor,
but the work you do now,

it's worth a lot, you know.

Well, you add up how much a cook,
a cleaner, and a nanny would cost.

, a year.


That's very exact.

We went to a financial planner,
had me valued.

Simon wanted to know
how much to insure me for.

My allowance is a lot less.

I'm sorry,
he gives you an allowance?

He's cut all that off -
as of this morning.

Stay as long as you need...

..under one condition.

Stop showing me up as a housewife.

You are pretty bad at it.


Yeah, but how good's my wine?


Ah, welcome everyone
to Nepean South's

first salsa-themed fundraiser.

I can't believe he showed up.

Ah, very soon we're gonna
start our famous art auction

followed by tapas.

After that, salsa. Whoo! (LAUGHS)

(LAUGHS) Thanks, Mrs Looby.

Ah, but now for the art auction.

First we have PT's fabulous cranes.

Let's have a round of applause
for our clever children.

Can I have an opening bid?

I have a conservative
opening bid of $.

I'd love to get that for the girls.

Bid for it.

Oh, I can't. I don't have any money.

Simon will have to pay.

Man hours? Kid hours!


Now we're getting there, Miss Looby.


Wow, nice to see someone
who appreciates fine art.

Do I have another bid?


What are you doing?



$ to the table in front -
go the cranes!

What are you doing?
I'm helping the school.

OK, so we have going once.


Miss Looby, you are my witness.

OK, the bid stands at $.

Going once.

Going twice.

Going three times -
and sold to the Lawson-Wests.

Congratulations, Simon and Dimity,

on your purchase of
the mobile cranes.

I'm not paying for that.

Well, you had the chequebook.
I didn't bid.

Hey, mate.

She's your wife,
she bid for the artwork.

Cough up.

This is none of your business.

It's totally his business.

He's P & C President.

You guys are jokes.

Just hand over the cheque, buddy.

Make me.

Hey, look,
I know that it's been very tense

but let's just remember
why we're here, OK?

Yeah, for the school.

Stay out of my way!
Come on!

Let's break it up! Hey!


MISS LOOBY: Eyes this way.

Next up we have Class H's
wonderful mosaic letterbox.

Ahem, yes. So, do we have any bids?

You should have let me punch him.

That wouldn't have helped anyone.

We have to hit him where it hurts.

What does he care about
more than anything in the world?

Not Dimity.

I know how to get him.

It's Simon, isn't it?

Look, I just wanted to say how sorry
I was to hear about your situation.

And if there's anything
that I can do to help...

Pull this off,
and the window will be open.

Righto, boys.
We've got some work to do.

Good luck.

Are we really gonna do this?

Payback's a bitch.


SIMON: And then it was
the fourth hole, I think.

No, wait, wait, wait.

How many holes are there?
Ah, .

? That's awesome.

Here, Simon.

That's my limited release
signature driver.

Where did you get this?

My husband would like a word.

Her husband and his mates
have all of your clubs.

And a set of bolt cutters.

And if you don't agree to their
terms, well, your putter gets it.

What do you want?

It's hot!

All up and running?


Give the man his clubs.

Feel better?


Operation Golf Clubs
a success, Agent Oliver.

One special undercover mission
to be completed before dawn.


Keep up!
I'm trying!

(CALLS) Hello.

Hey, you're back.

Hey, don't worry about that.

I'll... I'll tidy up.

How was it?
It was great.

You know,
you should have been there.

School fundraiser? No. No, thanks.

Don't knock it till you try it.

Someone moved the hook.

How are the boys?


Yeah, right.

We had fun.

They... they really like you.

I really like them.

Your boyfriend raised $
for his... for his cranes.

Well, I better...
Thanks again.





Ah... Dimity.

I think you forgot your jumper.

Ah... that's not my jumper.

Are you sure?



I stole someone's jumper.

You want a drink?

Yes, a water would be great.

Thanks for standing up to Simon.

No worries.

It was...

This is a bad idea.



That was really worth waiting for.

Did you take something?

Only a set of golf clubs.


What, again?!

Keep up.

You giving yoga a go, are you?

(LAUGHS) I'm guiding your swimmers
in the right direction.


Hey, I don't expect you to be
a domestic goddess.

You know that, don't you?

Just as well -
'cause I can't cook, can't clean,

can't pay bills.

(SIGHS) And I still don't
have time to play with Poppy,

which is the whole reason
I've taken time off work.

Hey, I don't care if we have
cheese sandwiches

for the rest of our lives,
just hang out with Poppy.


You'll be back at work
before you know it.

You don't get this time back.

Thank you.


I'm out of action,
I'm guiding traffic.


I should go.


Do you want me to get it?

I don't mind. I'm good with babies.
I'll do it.

What's up?

What's up, darling?

Alright, here we go.

It's OK, honey.

It's alright, baby.

Do you want dolly?

Look at dolly. You love dolly.

It's alright, baby.

Everything's gonna be fine.