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01x01 - Over Tokyo

Posted: 09/19/23 17:10
by bunniefuu

[Boco] Mission control: this is Boco.

Joe, can you hear me?

Do you remember our promise?

That we'd still be friends,
even if we were apart?

When I thought about next summer,

I used to imagine all of us
laughing about our adventures.

I bet you imagined it too, didn't you?

[wind blowing softly]


Our very last summer together, Joe.

It really was beyond anything
we could've possibly dreamed of.

[ocean waves lapping]

[Boco] Joe, I promise you.

I'll do my best.

Because this time,
it's our job to protect him.

[ocean waves lapping]

[theme music playing]


[wind blowing]


[tense music playing]

[researcher ]
No changes detected in radioactivity.

Atmospheric pressure remains stable.

- Ready to descend.
- [leader] Proceed with caution.

There's gas accumulated
at the bottom of the chamber.

[researcher ] Same as Indonesia?

[researcher ] No, this one's much bigger.

[soft whirring]

- [beeping]
- [leader] Don't touch the specimen.

The goal is to determine the best--

[researcher ]
Method for extraction, I know.

Everyone, move carefully.
Don't disturb the eggs, understood?

[researchers] Roger.

[researcher ] We've landed.
Starting our investigation.

[ominous music playing]


- [electricity crackling]
- [man screaming]

Hey! What's wrong?

- [leader] What's going on? Status report!
- [researcher] Can't tell!

- [screaming]
- [researcher] What's that?

- [electricity crackles]
- [grunts]

[screaming echoes]

- [creatures screeching]
- [screaming continues]

[unsettling music playing]

[creatures continue screeching]

[screeching fades]

[fighters humming]


- [Joe] Is... that it?
- [Junichi] Mm-hm, that's the one.

- [Boco] Looks kinda old.
- It's used, but it should work fine.

- Long distance too?
- Sure, that's what it's for.

I know! The antenna'll go
at the top of the hideout!

Junichi, you can't even climb.

Not sure why I'd need to,
you're the expert.

Ugh, alright.

But you gotta help, Boco.


[Joe sighs]

Still, who knew that hunk of junk
would cost so much?

[Junichi] It was worth . million yen
when it first launched.

- Really?
- That's a bargain.

Sounds like it. Whoa.

[gentle music playing]

Oh, man, the Apollo Program.

I'd love to go to the moon base,
it'd be cool to work there, huh?

- [Joe] What's on the moon anyway?
- [Boco] I think resources and stuff.

D'you know, Boco?
The Apollo Project's a cover-up.

Watch out. Junichi's going off
about conspiracies again.

[Boco] I think you've been reading
too much Monthly Mu.

[Junichi] Am not!

Everyone thinks the Apollo Program

focused on lunar resource development
years ago.

If you think about it,

we'd waste more energy
transferring resources back to Earth.

So the only explanation
is m*llitary occupation of the moon.

Yeah, yeah.
Apollo's a big government hoax.

Like the Yoshinogari site
and Halley's Comet, right?

What are you talking about?

Halley's Comet
and the Yoshinogari site aren't hoaxes.

You gotta get better at knowing
when we're messing with you.

- [Junichi] You were messing?
- Sure.

Don't you know sarcasm when you hear it?

[Junichi] No, but I can ride a bike.

You're the only sixth grader
who doesn't, Boco.

[Joe] Junichi's got a point.
You've gotta learn soon.

[Boco] I know, I know, I'll practice.

- [Joe] I'll go, make sure you do it.
- [Boco] Alright.

[gentle music continues]

[Boco] It's not much, is it?

I'd have more, but I had to buy
Mu, Wonderlife, and Maya this month.

Aren't they all kind of the same?


You two don't know anything.

I can't ask my mom.

She said I've spent all my pocket money.

Sounds like your
"buying textbooks" excuse is wearing thin.

How 'bout you sell your old copies of Mu?

What? You might as well tell me to die.

Hmm, how much more do we need then?

Umm, looks like,

, yen.

- We'll save it in a few weeks.
- That's when summer vacation is over.

Well, we can't spend money we haven't got.

- And don't tell me to sell my magazines.
- [grumbles] Really?

Alright you two, hold on a sec.

You guys haven't even
asked me yet about my money.

Uh, historically speaking--


And we'll probably have change to spare!

[Boco] No way!

Joe, how did you manage to get that much?

Oh! I robbed a bank with my bare hands!

- Wha--?
- I'm just messing with ya.

[Junichi scoffs]

So, d'you think we got enough?

Mm-hm! Joe, this is incredible!

That means
we can buy it tomorrow and set it up!

Mm-hm! So that means even when you move...

We'll all be able
to keep in touch then! Right?

Like you promised?

Of course, as long as we figure out
how to install the antenna.


What's up? D'you need to pee?

Or did you go already?

You're the only one who's wet their pants.

- Hey!
- [Boco chuckles]

Let's see, we were in first grade,
and you were about to fight some kid.

- Then you got this look on your face...
- No, come on. I told you I didn't pee!

[sighs] Whatever you say, Joe.

- [Joe grumbles]
- [Boco chuckling]

Uh, on second thought...

Don't tell me you actually
have to piss now.

Joe, have you ever heard of "delicacy"?

Huh? "Delicacy"? Hungry?

[Junichi] Ugh, for heaven's sake...

- What did I say?
- It's fine. What time should we meet up?

- Hey!
- Oh, jeez!

You peed already?

Uh, no, but I think you should see this.

[turtle chirping]

- Poor guy.
- What should we do?

We can't help him.
The pond's too deep, it's too risky.

But, if we leave it--

I know, but if we get stuck
in the mud, we'll drown.

[Boco sighs]

Unfortunately, I think Joe's right.
Too risky.



[decisive music plays]

- Huh?
- [Joe] What the hell are you doing, Boco?

Hey! Stop it! Get back here!

[Junichi] It's dangerous!

- [Boco] Oh.
- [Joe] Hey, it's too deep!


You dumbass! [grunts]

- Boco!
- [Boco coughs]

[Joe grunts]

- [coughing]
- Why do you always jump in the deep end?

- [sighs relieved]
- [Joe grunts]


C'mon, let's get out of here.


[Joe sighs]

All right, fine. We made it this far.

[both gasping]

Oh, it's massive.

You know guys? We might want
to bring him to a museum researcher.

And why is that?

Could be a species
no one's discovered before!


I'm pretty sure
it's just a big-ass turtle, right?

But it could be a new species of turtle.

Yeah, but it wouldn't feel right

if we took him away
from the pond, his home.

[Joe] Mm.

[gentle music playing]

[Joe] See ya later, buddy.


What is it?


You two reek.
You smell like the toilets behind the gym.

Uhm. [sniffs] Really?


Wait, Junichi. I thought you had to pee.

Oh, I guess I forgot to. [grunts]

[grunts] Whoa!



- [both laughing]
- Oh God, it's disgusting!

I guess we all smell like crap now!

- Aah!
- Well, don't just sit there!

[both continue laughing]

[Junichi] Mm.

- See ya.
- Bye!

See you two tomorrow.


[gentle music continues]

- When does it start?
- What?

Summer school.

The week after next, I think?

So, that means that
we have about ten days left together.

Yeah, but when I'm done
we can hang out again.

Are you sure?

'Course we can!

You know, I... got your back, right?


If there's bullies, at your new school.

I'll come and smash their faces in.

Any time you need me, just tell me.

Thanks, but I won't need your help.

Hey, Boco?

Is somethin' wrong?

No, I just... don't want you to worry.

[Joe] Oh.

- Alright, c'mon! [laughs]
- Whoa!

- C'mon Joe, I'm gonna fall!
- [Joe laughing] I gotcha, hold on!

- [Boco] I'm already holding on!
- [Joe] Alright, final stretch!

See ya.

See ya tomorrow.

[gentle music playing]




[gentle music continues]

[Boco] Mom, you home?

[insects chirping]

...there are people in the village now.

Most of them are still missing.

US troops stationed in the Philippines
lead search efforts with authorities.

[reporter ] It's been hours
since the first search party was deployed.

- So far, only one body has been found--
- [changes channel]

[soft music playing over TV]

[woman over TV] Each person is unique.

- [groans]
- A color for each one. Parque.

- Ugh, lame.
- [changes channel]

[reporter ] We've received
an alarming report...

- [door opens]
- [Boco's mom] I'm home.

- Hey, mom.
- [reporter ] ...human remains scattered...

Did you see the ad today?

- Eh?
- My commercial.

[changes channel]

I swear they told me that
the broadcasts would be starting today.

I didn't see it.


Hiroki, what is this?
There's mud all over your clothes!

You were supposed to be studying,
not running around outside!

I know you were out
playing with those kids again.

Once school starts,
you won't see those two anymore.

It'd be better if you spent your time
on more important things.

[Boco] They are important to me!

You think that because you believe
you'll be friends forever,

but you're just kidding yourself.
Reality is different.

However close you three may think you are,

friendships tend to fall apart
once something changes.

Since summer school starts soon,

I suggest you stop wasting your time
rolling in mud. Do something productive.


I further my education,
they waste time at the arcade.

Each person is unique,
a color for each one.

[Boco grunts]

In the end, that's always how it goes.

Who cares what you think.

[reporter] The Vietnamese government
confirmed two additional att*cks...

[Joe] Crap, it's burnt.

Why do I always end up burning it?

- [reporter] ...distance between the att*cks...
- Ready in a sec, dad.

[reporter] While we still know little
about these creatures,

experts warn that a similar att*ck...

Little crispy, but it smells good.

[reporter] ...volunteers and investigators...

[Junichi's mom]
Jun, do you want some ice cream?

- They had your favorite flavor!
- [video game running on TV]


-...mysterious picture.
- Huh?

- Deep scars carved across the land.
- Whoa!

[reporter] While experts
suspect the work of some large mammal,

local media reports
and eyewitnesses are certain

they saw a flock
of mysterious flying creatures.

Flying creatures?

[reporter] ...but the image is horrifying.

Despite the amount
of evidence and testimonies,

many experts are still skeptical
that such a thing could exist.


[traffic noise]


Hold on. What is it?

I thought I saw something.

Huh. What did you think it was?





[tense music playing]

[officer clears throat]

- [screeching]
- Whoa!

[tense music rising]


[officers scream]


- [g*nsh*t]
- [body thuds]

[officer screams]

[screaming fades]

[Boco] At last.

[Joe] Yeah.

- Ah, look at that machine!
- Oh.

I might never get tired of looking at it.

- Oh...
- You'll have to if we wanna buy it.

Alright, let's go in.

- Hey, Junichi, c'mon, let's go.
- Hurry up!

- [Junichi] Alright, coming. So impatient--
- Yeah.

Whoa. [grunts]



What do you want?

Well hello there, kon'nichiwa!

Isn't it just, phew, a real scorcher out?

I gotta say, fellas...

[chewing] ...I don't think you boys
have paid your taxes yet.

Huh? What "taxes"?

It's in the Japan-US Security Treaty.


You've heard of it, right?

You've got a weak lil' m*llitary here,

so us Americans
are here to look out for ya.

- What's he talking about?
- I've got no clue.

He's trying to convert us or something? you would be more than happy
to pay for our services?


- Pay for what?
- [Brody snickers]

"Pay for what?"

- Did you hear that?
- God, the Japanese are so dumb.

'Cause they only eat rice.

That's why their brains
are so underdeveloped, huh?

[laughing heartily]

Alright, calm down, let's not be rude.

It's not their fault
they've got rice for brains!


Hey, shut the hell up!

Knock it off!

Wait, um, are you even qualified?

You guys don't look like tax collectors.

- Eh?
- Mm!

[Joe gasps softly]

[tense music playing]

[Brody snickers]

Since you're confused,
why don't we have a little chat?

Hey, what are you doing? Hey!

- Hey! Don't touch me!
- [Joe] Get your freakin' hands off us!

[Boco] Let me go!

[Brody] I'll make it easy
for you idiots to understand.

If you shut up and hand us the money,
we'll rough you up a little.

If you don't, we'll just k*ll ya.

- What if we're broke?
- Hmm?

- Whatcha gonna do?
- Oh? Good question!

- [thud]
- [groans]

- [Boco] Joe!
- [Brody] Ooh.


Hey! Give it back!

- Whoa!
- Gimme!

- [chuckling]
- That's ours! Stop! Give it back!

You know, tax evasion's a serious crime.

- Isn't that right?
- Ours! Let go!

- [guys laughing]
- Get your f*cking hands off it!

You... piece of sh*t!

- [thud]
- [coughs, groans]

Turns out you're not broke after all!


- [grunts] Leave us alone, you d*ck!
- [yells]

Ow-- sh*t!

How dare you, you little runt!



I said hands off, you f*ckin' pig!

- [grunts]
- Ahh!

[sucks teeth]


[breathing shakily]

Now you've done it.

I'll kick your ass.

[Junichi] They really did a number on you.

[Joe grunts]

Who gives a sh*t?

Well, I've got some ointment.
D'you want some, Joe?

I'm good, thanks.

Hey, Boco, you--

[Boco cries softly]

Mm. Hey, what's wrong Boco?

D'you need to rest or something?

Let's get it back!

[Joe] Eh?

Pfft-- oh! [laughs]

I get it, Boco!

You're joking, aren't you?

- [Boco sniffles]
- [Junichi] Oh.

Wait, hold on.

Are you serious?

They nearly k*lled us back there, Boco.

They took our money!

It took us a whole year to save that up!

[Joe] Mm.

Even so, if you think about it logically,
trying to fight those--

[Boco] I don't care!

I can't let them get away with this,
I just can't!

[Joe exhales]

[Junichi] I don't want that either, but--

We needed that transmitter
so we'd be friends, even if we're apart.

We promised, remember?

[Junichi sighs softly]

[Joe sighs deeply]

Well, Boco,

you sure about this?


All right. [grunts]

Hold on, you two.

If we don't wanna die,

we'll need a plan to att*ck them first.

[upbeat music playing]



[upbeat music continues]

[music stops]

- [helicopter blades whirring]
- [beeping]

[door clanks]

It's larger than we thought!

[operator] The First Interceptor Squadron
should've stopped them.

We should brace ourselves
for a land att*ck.

[sonar beeps]

What's the situation?

[announcer] Attention, this is
an emergency broadcast announcement.

Did you use a reliable source?


That American pig, his name is Brody.

He and his friends
seem to be notorious around here.


[announcer] ...evacuate to your nearest
Designated Emergency Shelter immediately.

If you don't know where
your Designated Emergency Shelter is,

please, contact your local police...

- What do you think that was?
- [Joe exhales]

- [Junichi] Eh?
- This must be the place.

[announcer continues in distance]

[Boco] In there? Are you sure?

I'm sure of it.

Alright, are you ready?

- I'm all set.
- Yeah.

Let's go.

[doors whirring]

[indistinct chatter]

- [boy ] Too slow.
- [boy ] Come on, hit the left.

- [boy ] C'mon!
- [boy ] Yeah, yeah!

- [boy ] Drift. You gotta drift.
- [Brody] Piece of sh*t!


Now I wanna punch someone.

Hey! Brody!

[all] Eh?


Sounds like they know your nickname.

Oho, you're a real celeb, aren't ya?

I guess I've collected
quite a bit of tax around here.


Hey, we're talkin' to you, assh*le!


Alright then, boys, what do you want?

You got more pocket money
ya wanna fork over?

Or are you here to pick a fight?
I'd be happy to teach ya another lesson.

[all laughing]

We want our money! Give it back!

You f*ckin' bastard!

Your actions are unforgivable!
I wonder what your parents would say!

- [grunts]
- [gasps]

Fine, you damn brats.

I'll kick the crap out of you
'till you pass out from screaming.


- Now, Junichi!
- [Junichi] Okay!


[all grunting]

- [loud whooshing]
- [rumble]

- Huh?
- [Junichi] What was that?

[Boco] It just an earthquake, right?

[boys panting]

- [all gasping]
- [distant explosions]

- [a*tillery hits]
- [rumbling]

[Boco] What is it?

- [Joe] Is it a fire?
- [Junichi] More like an expl*si*n.

- [fighter whooshing loudly]
- [all gasp]

[fighter whooshing]

[distant expl*si*n]

Those are F- Eagles.

They probably came from the FUSSA base.

They're flying low
with the afterburners open.

And they're loaded up with
Sidewinders and Sparrows.


It can't...

We can't be at w*r, can we?

[Brody gasps]


[intense music plays]

[all breathing shakily]

[distant screeching]


[intense music continues]


[pilot] ] Approaching target destination.
Beginning enemy search.

[afterburner blasts]

[operator] There are eight creatures
with a wingspan over meters.

And there's at least creatures
about half that size.

Prioritize the eight.

- Roger.
- [whooshing]

- [pilot ] There they are.
- [pilot ] They're eating civilians.

Locked onto target.
Launching millimeters.

- [operator] Watch your line of fire.
- Roger.

[intense music continues]

- [g*nf*re]
- [screeching]

- [crowd screaming]
- Oh my God! Go, go!

[loud whooshing]

- [crowd screaming]
- [creature screeches]

[intense music continues]

- [g*nf*re]
- [screeching]



[loud crash]

- [creature screeching]
- [screams]


- [thud]
- [expl*si*n]

[music fades]

[Brody] Both Eagles down...

There's just no way.

But... how?

What the hell are they?

- Those wings.
- Not birds, right?

[Boco] They look like birds,
but that light...

[Junichi] I'm tempted to say
it's Aura Battlers, but...

They look like... Thunderbirds?

- Huh?
- Eh?

From folklore of indigenous people
in North America.

A beak that's long and curved,
eyes glowing like fire.

Most notably,
it can hit anything with its thunder.

[Boco and Joe gasp]

- [ringing]
- [gasps]


There's been a lot of articles
about them lately,

But I never thought
they'd reach as far as Tokyo.

- Hold on; "articles"?
- [Boco gasping]

You mean your weird Monthly Mu articles?

Yep, that's right;
What do you mean "weird"?

[creatures screeching]

[man screaming]

[bones crunching]


[guttural growling]


[somber music playing]

[operator] Status report.

Do you two copy?

Marcus! Jeremy! Do you copy?

[static burst]


General, the signals are lost.

Unable to confirm bailout.

Status unknown.

[grunts softly]

Assemble all aircraft.

Yes, right away, sir.

- Where's that Eustace agent?
- [operator ] Unable to make contact.

"Unable to make contact."

What the hell is the point, then?

[operator] General!

[Osborn] What is it?
Are there any improvements?

Well, um, sir.

[Osborn] Continue, soldier.

The fleet deployed
off the shore of Yokosuka has...

has engaged
with a supersized flying creature.

In just a few minutes,

major damage was done
to one carrier and three destroyers.

What the hell?


[fighter engine howling]


[researcher ] Have you heard anything?
Do we know how many?

[researcher ] They haven't said much,
we just know there's a lot.

[researcher ] Have you seen
the agent and support scientist?

[researcher ] They took the helicopter
to get a look but fighting's bad,

they couldn't get close enough.

[researcher ] There's talk they're
the same specimen from New Guinea.

Are you worried?

[researcher ] What happened
was an accident, preventable.

Had they moved faster to secure them,
nothing would've happened.

[researcher ] You sure
the shield containers

are strong enough to hold them?

[researcher ] Think we haven't taken
that possibility into account?

[researcher ] Right, sorry.

It's hard to think straight
with everything going on.

[researcher ]
You're not thinking like a scientist.

If we want to understand them,
we have to analyze them ourselves.

[energy crackling]

[intriguing music playing]

[hatch clanks]

Commander Sasaki.

Major Enatsu, what's the latest?

Latest report says
they've identified flying creatures.

Shinjuku remains under att*ck.

The battle between them
and the US fighter jets

has caused massive damage and fires
around the western part of the city.

The Tokyo Fire Department

has requested immediate aid
from the Chemical Protection Unit

to try and control
the large-scale fire in the area.

This evening at hours,
the government held an emergency meeting

to determine whether
the Self-Defense Forces can be deployed.

The troops are standing-by
and awaiting instruction.

That's it.

- Y'want one?
- Mm?

Thank you, sir, but I'm alright.

Suit yourself.

[operator] Head's up. Another entity
is approaching western Shinjuku.

We believe it's of the same species.

Given the gravity of the situation,
the use of missiles has been authorized.

[pilot ] Wait, another entity?

- Is there more information?
- [operator] Working as fast as we can.

Oh! Down there.

[pilot ] What is it?

[pilot ] I-I thought I saw--

Nothing. False alarm.

[pilot ] Approaching designated targets.
All aircraft, commence att*ck.



[creatures screeching]

Good, it's working!

[operator] The other one
is rapidly approaching the combat area!

Let's deep-fry that bird too!


God! Fan out! Fan out, now!

The hell was that?

[pilot screaming]


- [operator] What's happening?
- That other "entity" flew in!

It destroyed three of our planes!

- [roars]
- [pilot] It's much larger than the others.

[operator] Contain it
until reinforcements arrive.

Roger. All units,
concentrate your fire on the large target!

- [blast]
- [all gasp]

Are Thunderbirds
supposed to be that large?

Guess legends will need to be rewritten.

[Joe] Something that powerful...
we're dead if it finds us here.

We should b*at it.

Let's get out of here.

Let's go, Douglas!

Will you shut up?

That Air Force is the best in the world!

- We can't lose, I'm telling--!
- [blasts]

[all gasp]

There's no way.

[Junichi] Hmm.

I wonder if air-superiority fighters
like the F-s

are the appropriate choice
for this type of att*ck.

Maybe they should've deployed
the F-s instead. Not as flashy,

but they have a newer design that may have
worked better in this kind of combat--

Shut up!

No one asked for your opinion,
little dweeb!

Now I'm really pissed off.

Might feel better if I b*at your asses!



[gasping and whimpering]

What's wrong?

Weren't you three
looking for a fight earlier--

- [low screech]
- [all whimpering]

- Mm?
- [ominous music builds]




- [all screaming]
- [screeches]

[intense music playing]

- [Joe] Junichi!
- [Junichi grunts]


Get down here! Jump!!

- [yells]
- [Joe grunts]


- [Joe] This way!
- [creature screeches]

- [yells]
- [electricity crackling]

[creature screaming]

[electricity dying down]

[creature screeching]

[intense music continues]


But how? That's impossible!

None of the Eagles survived?

[Osborn sucks teeth in frustration]

Contact the Pacific Rim
Joint Headquarters.

Send a message to Misawa, Okinawa,

Guam, and the Pacific Fleet
currently deployed there.

Ask them to send
every last aircraft they have available.

Yes; understood, sir.

What about Self-Defense Forces?

The Japanese government has been talking
and coordinating with Washington,

but it's a little odd.

Is that your political opinion?

No, I--

Sorry, General.

- Can't rely on them either, can we?
- [sonar beeps]

- General, another flying entity spotted!
- What do you mean "another"?

Where is it?

[operator] Report came from Sagami Bay,
but it's heading towards us.

[Osborn grunts]

- Hurry the reinforcements!
- Yes, sir!

[children panting]

- [Joe] What the hell is that?
- [Junichi] Told you, it's a Thunderbird!

What else could it be?

[Boco] Come on,
before it catches up to us!

[electricity crackling]




There's more of 'em! Run for it!

[screeching continues]

[ominous music playing]



- [clang]
- [screeching]

[menacing music playing]

[creature screeching]

[creature screeches]

[menacing music continues]

[arcade machine beeping]

- [gasping]
- [screeching]

- [screeches]
- [all scream]

[menacing music rising]

[all] Aah!


[menacing music builds]


[screeches loudly]



[creatures scream]

[all coughing]

[arcade machine blares]

[weakly] Is this the--?

Is this the great awakening
of paranormal phenomena?

- [coughs]
- [Joe] Who gives a sh*t?

Let's get the f*ck out of here.


Hey, Boco!

[flames crackling]

[Junichi coughs]

[Joe grunts]


- [wind howling]
- [Joe grunts]

- [loud cracking]
- [rumbling]

[ominous music playing]


[thunderous music playing]

[electricity crackles]


A turtle...


[thunderous music continues]


[electricity crackling]


- [blast]
- [all] Whoa!



[roars in pain]

[thunderous music continues]

[creature screeches]

[Junichi gasps]

- [Joe] f*ck! Boco, Junichi, run!
- [creature screeches]

[Junichi] Y-yeah!


Boco, come on!
What the hell are you doing?

We-- We can't just leave them behind!

[creatures screeching]

[thunderous music continues]


[Joe] Now, Boco!

Move it!

It's right behind you!

[Junichi gasps]

[Joe] Come on!

[creature screeching]

- [blast]
- [roars in pain]






[all] Aah!

- [boys screaming]
- [high-pitched buzz]


Hey! Get out of there!

[boys grunting]

[creature screeching]

Hey! Hey guys! Wait--

I can't-- Don't leave--!

I can't walk! I don't want to die here!


[electricity crackling]

- [Joe] sh*t, you're heavy--
- Faster!


- [loud thud]
- [all scream]



- [grandiose music playing]
- [coughing]

It looks like the turtle from the pond.

There's no way in hell...


[Joe] Great, he pissed himself too.

I don't understand
why we came back for him anyway.

- [Boco] And let him die?
- We didn't have a choice.




- [blast]
- [roars in pain]


[pilot] Well, General,
it appears that, uh...

the large flying monster
is attacking a large turtle creature.

The northwestern part of the town
has been decimated.

- Tell me you can get closer.
- They can't get closer.

[operator] Footage suggests
that the turtle monster

has been destroying the flying monsters.

Given the description
in the Sagami Bay report,

the conclusion is that it flew
to Tachikawa at supersonic speed.

[Osborn] Do you believe a living creature
can fly at supersonic speed?

Well I... I'm not sure, sir.

What do you call those creatures,
those monsters the Japanese love?

In those movies. You know the ones.

Uh, Kaiju, General?

Yeah, that's it.

It appears those Kaiju
have walked off the screen

and are laying waste
to everything in sight.

I'm guessing the Academy
didn't bother to teach you

how to fight these ridiculous
Kaiju creatures, did they?

[Osborn sighs]

Alright, then.

Do we have the reinforcements?

Yes, they're in-route.
Scheduled to arrive in about ten minutes.


[hatch clanks]

Commander Sasaki.

At ease, Major.

Any developments?

The flying creatures
which devastated Shinjuku

have all moved toward Tachikawa.

They are fighting with another creature
that appeared suddenly.

They say it looks like a turtle.

[Sasaki] Hmm.

Do you know what happened
to the US Forces?

[Enatsu] One carrier and three destroyers
from Yokosuka had major damage.

The Interceptor Squadrons
of the Air Force were sh*t down,

first and second waves.

At the moment, the air reinforcements
from the Pacific Fleet and Okinawa Base

seem to be on the way.

- That's gonna have a hefty price tag.
- [Enatsu] Mm.

[Sasaki] So tell me,
have we've been ordered out?

[Enatsu] Well,
they're still discussing it, sir.

[Sasaki] I see.

[thunderous music playing]

[electricity crackling]



[electricity crackling]

[high-pitched buzzing]



[high-pitched buzzing]


[loud thud]

[roars loudly]


[creature screaming]



[thunderous music continues]

[high-pitched screaming]

[roars loudly]



[loud crash]



[nuclear blast]


[Joe] Stay back!

We can burn!

[Gamera roaring]


- [blasts]
- [roars]

[Boco] No!

[Joe] Now's our chance!
Let's get the hell out of here!

[fighters whooshing]


[roars in pain]

The American reinforcements!


[loud blast]


[Joe] There's no way
that's just a turtle, right?


- Eh?
- Huh?

[sudden scream]

[Brody gasping]

The hell--?

What was that for?!


I think he's cracked.

[Junichi] For such a tough guy,
it seems he's got a pretty soft head.

- [helicopter blades whirring]
- [gasp]


Are you alright?

What do you want, lady?

Uh, we're not
in any kind of trouble, are we?

No, of course not!

We just wanted
to ask you kids some questions!


We want to know
about the creature that att*cked you.

The red one with wings.



[closing theme music playing]