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Metropolis (2001)

Posted: 09/20/23 14:51
by bunniefuu
"Every epoch dreams its successor."
Jules Michelet

(Duke Red) At this moment,
we, as a nation,

are about to touch the stars.

I tremble at the honour
of announcing the culmination

of mankind's long history

of intellectual and scientific

Yesterday our power spanned the earth.

Today it can illuminate the heavens.

May it stand forever,

our Ziggurat!

(♪ Jazz band plays)


(Cheering and applause)

These robots have become
unmanageable and insolent.

It's just outrageous!

Let's accept the facts.
We need robots for our economy.

But the human workers resent them
and that makes trouble for everyone.

I'll have you know, an enemy nation
is creating a secret w*apon.

Metropolis needs a strong leader

who's not afraid to take charge
and put things in order.

All right, gentlemen, this is it.


(Journalist) Duke Red,
now the Ziggurat's complete,

will you be going into politics?

Don't be ridiculous!

As long as President Boone here
is in charge, our state is secure.

I'm just a private citizen.
Politics has no need of me, I assure you.

(Journalist) Mr President,
don't you want Duke Red in politics?

You really shouldn't egg him on like that.

We all know no one can compete
with the Duke for popularity.


There have been persistent rumours
that the Ziggurat is a military facility.

Any truth to that?

How about it? Can we get a comment
from Mayor Lyon on this one?

You can address such questions
to Skunk, the Minister of State.

(Crowd) Hurray for the Ziggurat!
Long live Metropolis!

Hurray for the Ziggurat!
Long live Metropolis!

Uncle Shinsaku?
I've never heard of a Ziggurat before.

- What does it mean?
- Who knows?

Hey, look at that image
on the wall up there!

Oh, yeah. I see it.

- Huh?
- Marduks!

- It's their sign.
- Eh?

Ah! Doesn't even look good.

(Guard) There he is, over there.

(Crowd gasps)


(Crowd) Oh!



(Rock) You're outside of your zone.
You should know better than that.

Hm, I see, I see.

- (Clears throat) Eh?
- (Door opening)

(Door creaking)


You said that she would be ready
tonight, Dr Laughton.

- Tonight.
- Ah, yes, but, er...

I have provided you
with advanced equipment

and all the money you requested,

and now I want an answer.

If you could give me a little more time.
She's almost finished now, I swear it.

I'm tired of hearing the same excuse.

I'm coming to your lab tomorrow night.
No discussion.

You don't want to go there.

An important man like yourself,
it's hardly worth your time.

Besides, the place is a mess.

I will see you tomorrow night!


It's Rock.

I heard there was a problem
in the main plaza.

Yes, a robot agitator
tried to make trouble.

I put you in charge of security
to prevent that kind of thing.

Yes, Father.

You idiot! I am not your father.

I found you during the last w*r.

You were an orphan so I took you in.

- You're dismissed.
- Yes.

(Police radio) 'Accident, District 45.

'All squad cars in the vicinity
please proceed to the site immediately.'

'Unit three currently in pursuit
of a marked robot

'believed to be out of his zone.

'I need backup. Please take precautions.
He may be armed.'

'Headquarters, this is unit eight.
Repeat: unit eight.'

I'm from Japan.
My name is Shinsaku Ban.

I'm a private detective.

I have a letter of introduction
from the Police Commissioner,

so if you can direct me
to Superintendent Notarlin.

Oh, I see.

Yes, so, what you're saying is,

this character, this Dr Laughton,
he's hiding out, so to speak.

Let's see.

Here in Metropolis, that is.
Is that right?


(Shinsaku clears his throat)


I have a reliable tip
from an organ smuggler

who has had dealings with him.

The International
Human Rights Committee

and seven other human rights groups

have issued warrants for his arrest.

The charges include conducting illegal
vivisection experiments on animals

and the smuggling and trafficking
of human organs.

That's why I'm asking for
your cooperation in this investigation.

Um, I've never been to Metropolis before,

and I can't tell which way is which
half the time.

It's rather confu... Oh!

Of course, I'd like to help you,

but these celebrations for the Ziggurat
are going on all week long.

We've had a rash of crimes break out

and we're struggling
to keep things under control.

It's not easy, I assure you.

I'm using all the personnel I have.

Er, I'm afraid I just don't have anyone.

I could give you a robot
if you're all right with that.

- I think that's the best answer.
- A robot? Huh?

Yes, a robot.
It's quite a good one actually.

It's not authorised to arrest humans
of course, nothing like that,

but it's programmed
for investigative work,

so it should be useful to you,
in its way.

(Shinsaku) Am I supposed to return it
with a full t*nk or something?

(Officer) I wouldn't worry about it.
It needs refuelling every five years.

Pretty soon they won't even
need humans anymore.

I'm Kenichi. How do you do?

My serial number is

Nice to meet you.

My pleasure.

(Duke Red) 'May it stand forever,
our Ziggurat!'

(Woman) 'Metropolis is the world leader
in industry, economics and culture.

'Thus is born an ascendant state
that will last a thousand years.

'Metropolis is the future.

'Metropolis is the world leader
in industry, economics and culture.'

(Duke Red) 'I tremble
at the honour of announcing

'the culmination
of mankind's long history

'of intellectual and scientific

'Yesterday our power spanned the earth.

'Today it can illuminate the heavens.

'May it stand forever, our Ziggurat!'

(Woman) 'Metropolis is the world leader
in industry, economics and culture.

'Thus is born an ascendant state...'

So, where do you think
we should start looking, er, 803...

- What was it?
- DRP-DM4973C.

Listen here, don't you have
an easier name?

We are not allowed human names.
It's considered inappropriate for a robot.

They feel it would infringe
upon the rights of humans.

(Shinsaku) I know all about that,
but come on, numbers?

Oh, I know!
Starting now, your name is Pero.

Hey, that's a dog's name, isn't it?

That's right. I used to have
a dog named Pero a while back.

He was a good dog too.

(Pero) In my opinion, you won't find
your criminal in Metropolis.

There's no place to hide here.
It's too tightly controlled.

(Shinsaku) But I have reliable information
that places him here.

(Pero) If Dr Laughton was looking
for a place to hide,

he wouldn't come here,
he'd go to Zone-1.

- What's Zone-1?
- It's underground.

Ah! You are a detective.
Intuition, eh?

My neuro-simulator is simply
crunching the numbers.

- It's a matter of probability.
- Huh?

- (g*nsh*t)
- (Gasps)

(Man) Look out!

(Shouting and screaming)

(Pero) We robots are assigned
to specific zones, based on occupation.

We are strictly forbidden
to operate outside of our areas.

That robot was not authorised
to work at surface level.

He's supposed to be underground.

(Shinsaku) But who are those guys?
They look like fascists?

(Pero) The Marduk.
They were a political party,

but evolved into a kind of vigilante group
to calm anti-robot sentiment.

Today their main occupation
is terminating robots

which are malfunctioning
or breaking the law.

Excuse the inconvenience,
it'll be a few moments.

Metropolis is a city of levels
with tight transit controls.

I have police clearance, but most robots
are marked with a zone code.

- They're not allowed to surface.
- So that robot had a mark?

That's correct, young man.

Each block has a gate like this,
but there are also secret passages

and certain smugglers
who can take you through them,

so such incidents are bound to happen.

(Shinsaku) Of course they are.
Shadow and light.

Yes. You can't have light
without shadows.

That's the way it is.

This level is not dangerous per se,

but there are areas, certain districts,
where we police have little authority.

We're going into one now, so be aware of
your surroundings and watch your backs.

Now we're getting somewhere.
We didn't come here as tourists.

We've got work to do.


(Man grunting)

(Man) Hey, it's been a while.

Come on over.
What you been up to?

(Woman) Hey, where are you?

(Overlapping conversations)

Duke Red, you're here.

Show me now, Laughton.

She looks perfect.

Are you sure she's not finished yet?

Well, the final settings
for her fuel management system

are unstable, so...

They say your specialty is
mixing real organs with synthetic.

Oh, no, no.
That's absolutely illegal.

I never use human body parts.
They don't last very long anyway.

Quick fix at best.
She is 100% synthetic. Much better.

Every component made by hand.

She is a masterpiece,
the culmination of my life's work.

- And when will you be done with her?
- By the end of the week.

If I try to activate her
any sooner than that,

the fuel cells might overload
and that could spell disaster.

She could literally blow up,
boom, just like that.

(Duke Red) My little Tima.

(Muttering) "Is she finished yet?
Do you use human organs?"

Ridiculous, putting them
in charge of the world!

I'm not giving you to anyone.
No, not a chance.

I'll put the finishing touches on now.

Then we'll escape together
and leave Metropolis far behind.

I know you, you're Rock.
How did you find my laboratory?

I followed my father here.
It's my duty to protect him from danger.

Your father?

Duke Red doesn't have any children.
Everyone knows that.

He had a daughter, but she died
when she was very young.

Just shut up!

I know what you're trying
to get away with here.

No scheming old parasite like you
is going to deceive my father.

And no mechanical puppet
is going to steal my father's heart.

- Wait, what are you doing?
- (g*n clicks)

I created Tima
at Duke Red's request.

It's not what you think.
He has plans for her.

The final piece to complete the Ziggurat.

Please, you don't know what you're doing.
He's going to place her on the throne.

That's a lie.

Father would never do that,
have a machine rule the Ziggurat.

- It's absurd.
- Ask him yourself.

She's modelled after his own child.

You're going to sh**t her?

The man you call Father
is waiting for her,

waiting for his little angel.

I won't allow it.

I won't allow my father
to be fooled by a robot.

(g*n clicks)

No, don't!



'Oh gods, give me courage.

'Give me the strength
to protect my father

'from the evil of machines.'


(Sirens wailing)

Fire! There's a fire!

The whole place is burning down!

What? Huh?

A Marduk started the fire.

I saw him, I'm telling you.
I saw him!

The Marduks don't care about us.
They're trying to burn us to death.


Atlas is right and we all know it.

It's enough already.
They treat us like garbage.

I say we get weapons,
fight fire with fire.


Everyone, please remain calm.

Firefighters are on their way
to take care of this.


It is dangerous here.
Please evacuate the area.

We don't need a robot
to butt into our business here.

We lost our jobs to you bastards.

You do what they programme you to do,
including trying to k*ll us.

You fool!
This is no time to argue.




(Man) Hey, Atlas,
it doesn't make any sense.

Why would the Marduks burn down
an abandoned factory?

- They hunt down robots.
- (Atlas) Who knows?

There was an old guy
who went in and out of that place.

- Maybe that had something to do with it.
- (Shinsaku) Old guy?

Is this the man you saw?
Look carefully.

- Yes, that's him.
- Ah, thank you.



Uncle, there's someone inside!

Oh, you're right.

Hey, see if you can get in
from the back.

- OK.
- Hurry, and be careful.







Come on, Laughton.

My notebook!

You want that notebook?
What do you want it for?




(Duke Red) What?
Laughton's lab burned down?

(Rock) Apparently, he was doing
unauthorised experiments.

It wasn't an ordinary fire.
It ripped through the whole district.

(Duke Red) What about him?
(Rock) They found his corpse.

Only the charred, skeletal remains.

There were several international
arrest warrants out for him,

so, whatever he was doing there,
it was a danger to the state.

Now that danger has been eliminated.

- (Duke Red gasps)
- What's wrong, Father?

Did you have dealings with Laughton?
He was not to be trusted.

Just shut up and get out!
I need to be alone.


Where are we?

(Chuckling) Coo-wee!
Man, that was some fire!

But it was just an old factory.
No great loss.

- Saves us the trouble of tearing it down.
- That's right.

'Somethings wrong.
That robot was extremely advanced.

'No matter how bad the fire was,

'a metallic skeleton should
have been found, or something.'


- (Shinsaku) Pero, who is that?
- His name's Rock. He's a Marduk.

Don't let his age fool you.
He's young but very powerful.

He's Duke Red's right-hand man.

(Shinsaku) Really? Duke Red?

Is he part of this Marduk thing?
What does he want with those thugs?

Duke Red founded the Marduk Party.
It's his group.

Of course there are no official ties,
nothing traceable,

but he puts up the money
for all of their operations.

It's what you call a public secret.
Everyone knows about it.

That sewage must go somewhere.
What's this line connected to?

It merges with the sewage lines
from Zone-2 up ahead.

Then it ends up
at a waste treatment facility in Zone-3.

No one would get that far
and if they did,

they'd be chopped up and liquefied
with the organic waste.

If they were a normal human.

No matter what, a criminal always
returns to the scene of the crime.

OK, it's an old saying,
but I like old sayings.

If you're rested, we should continue
our search for your nephew now.

Who are you?

Who are you?

No, listen, when you're talking
about yourself, you say "I".

That's how it works.

So, I am who?

Hmm, say "I am..."

You are I.

No, listen.

You are I, I am you.

Er... huh?

I am who?

Right, right.

I'm Kenichi.
See how it works?




It's OK, take your time.

I'm sure it will all come to you
after a while.

Your name, your home,
your mother and father.

Home, father.


(Robotic footsteps)

Thanks. That's really nice.
It's kind of you to bring us food.

But this is rotten.
It's not good food to eat.

- Food to eat.
- That's right. You do this.

That's how you eat it.

Oh, no, don't eat that.

You're only supposed to eat fresh food.
Rotten food can make you sick.

No, don't eat, make you sick.

(Tannoy) 'Don't disengage
from the main control centre.'

'Atmospheric comm cover: 1.1.
Prepare to proceed with experiment.'

'Magnetic deviation error: 3.7.
Adjusting line.'

- 'Initiating cooling procedure.'
- 'Opening dome.'

'Time remaining to ignition: 40, 39...'

'Power system, cooling system,
sensor system.'

'Observation Team to Control.
Receiving and relaying city imaging.'

(Whirring of machines
over announcements)

'Magnetic heartbeat.
Deviation margin: 025.'

'Optical target bias: 1.06.'

'Radiation mechanism, final position.'

(Ponkotsu) We'll irradiate the surface
for three minutes.

There will be no impact on humans,

but robots working at surface level
may exhibit erratic performance.

Well, it's only a trial run.

The data will be of considerable value.

Start at Level-3
and monitor very closely.

Right, I understand.

Commencing irradiation.

(Tannoy) 'Radiation output
will terminate in 180 seconds.'

'We will reach point R
in five seconds.'

'Prepare for fusion reaction.
Commencing countdown.

'Four seconds, three seconds,
two seconds, one second.'

'Omotenium fusion achieved.'

(Overlapping announcements)

'Power level steady.
Cooling system steady.

'Sensor system adjusting to 0.12.'

- 'Sunspot density: 800 and rising.'
- 'All systems at full capacity.'

'Ionospheric interference.
Communication disrupted.'

(Shouting and screaming)

'Level-3, irradiation complete.

'Central control, system disengaged.'

(Ponkotsu) Excellent,
a resounding success!

People will be in an uproar about this
but that's how it is.

You now hold the power of the gods
in the palm of your hand.

That is progress.


If only Dr Laughton had finished
building Tima,

she now could've taken the throne.

(Skunk) 'It's a new w*apon,
Mr President. Revolutionary.

'It creates sunspots which bathe
the earth in electromagnetic radiation.

'At higher levels, it could change
the balance of power.'

(Boone) 'Hmm.
Without consulting our military leaders?

'What recklessness!

'He's compromised national security.
It's completely outrageous!'

(Skunk) I agree with you, sir.

Even with Marduks gunning down
malfunctioning robots...

...the rebels will say it's proof
robots endanger humans

and call for changes to robot law.

They're going to stir up everything.

Even pro-robot groups are worried,

and they're already organising
protests in the streets.

Fighting is breaking out
and it's only going to get worse.

What do you think?

This is a golden opportunity,
Mr President.

We can make a case for treason and
get rid of this problem once and for all.


Will the military support us?

Some units are leaning toward
Duke Red, but I can handle them.

You don't have to worry
about a thing, Mr President.

(Boone) All right,
so we'll leak stories to the press.

That'll turn the focus
of the public on Duke Red.

When there's enough resentment
built up against him,

we'll arrest him for treason.

If that requires the military,
you have my approval.


(Shinsaku) I have a pretty strong hunch
he's the one who took out Laughton.

I don't get the connection, though.

If I knew what kind of project
Laughton was working on...

He always had some
twisted experiment going,

but what was it this time?

(Pero) So what do you plan to do now?

(Shinsaku) Laughton's dead.
I want to at least know why.

I owe my client that much.
It's a matter of professional pride.


(Shinsaku clears his throat)
Where's he going now?

(Pero) Zone-2.

(Shinsaku) There's another level
below this?

How far down does this place go?

Zone-2 is the area for power plants.
It handles Metropolis' energy production.

Zone-3 below that
is the sewage treatment facility.

There's only robots working down there.

Sewage treatment, huh? Right.

You remember Rock was checking out
the drainage system behind that factory?

Wait here. I'll return to headquarters
to file a missing person's report,

to allow us to enter the lower levels
to search for your nephew.

Mm. I agree.

Hey, you!
A little old for petty theft, aren't you?

How much is it?

(Worker) Sure, if there was someone
wandering around down there,

we'd know about it immediately.

The administration keeps close tabs.

- So, how often do you come down here?
- Twice a week, usually.

For robot inspection
and general maintenance.

These are the Albert II models.
It's their last check this week.

They're very durable
so they get a lot of use.

Is anybody here? Hey!

You never get used to the stench here,
no matter how many times you come.


A human wouldn't last a day
working one of these jobs.

- Huh?
- What is it?

- Someone's down there.
- Nah, no way.

Hey-hey! What are you doing there?

You! This is a restricted area!

- So, she's still alive.
- Eh?


- (g*n clicks)
- (Gasps)

What are you doing with that?

They're criminals. It's necessary.

Hey, down here!

Don't do that. You'll hit the equipment.
You could do a lot of damage.



- (Gasping)
- (g*nshots)

Are you OK?

What do we do?
He's... he's trying to k*ll us.

Move! Move! Get out of the way!

You piece of junk!



(Kenichi) Is it all right now?

It should be OK if we're careful.



What's the matter?


I see.

This is Zone-2.
Fifi can't go through here.

Thanks for everything, Fifi.
We'll see you again.



There he is!



No firearms are allowed in this area.
Let's see your identification?

I'm a Marduk.
I'm Rock, you idiot!

(Crowd chanting)
Power to the people!

(Tannoy) 'Demonstrations are
prohibited during celebration week.

'Please disperse immediately.'



'Demonstrations are prohibited...'

Wait, Kenichi!


Pay up, buddy!

Here, Harvey got some good stuff.

Just try it. Give it a taste.


Stop! Hey, you!



- Did you find 'em?
- No. How about over there?

- Not here.
- Well, let's keep checking.

- They aren't here.
- That's not an acceptable answer.

- Cover the whole area!
- Understood.

- Sure.
- Let's split up. Let's split up!

(Kenichi panting)

(Sighing and groaning)

- (Rock) Search over that way!
- Yes, sir.

(Music blares out)

- Huh? Do you hear that?
- Shh, listen, listen.

(Music stops)

Hey, Atlas, everyone's
been waiting for your signal.

Not today.
There are Marduks everywhere.

Why? What's up?
Have we been ratted out?

- No, apparently they're looking for them.
- Huh?

Rock is searching for them personally.

Come on, you two!

I remember that kid. He was at the fire
when the old factory burned down, right?


(Rats squeaking)

(Atlas) What are your names?
Where are you from?

I'm Kenichi from Japan.

I came with my uncle.
He's a private inv...

- A private what?
- I mean, he's a newspaper reporter.

I help him, you know, like an assistant.
That's why he brought me.

Why is Rock looking for you?

I don't know, really.

He just started sh**ting at us.
We don't have any idea why.

They're lying.

Let's just k*ll 'em.

Let's just not k*ll 'em.

We aren't a street g*ng.
We're building a movement.

You heard him, guys.
The kid's an assistant news reporter.

He'll help us get
some good stories in the press,

let the world know
how we're treated in Metropolis,

tell them we're just trying
to get a fair deal.

This is no time
for genteel newspaper articles

with our pictures in fancy uniforms.

This is life and death.

Yes, and the uniform
that I'm going to die in... the uniform of the revolution
that will change this world.

(♪ "Saint James Infirmary Blues")

♪ I went down to Saint James Infirmary

♪ I saw my baby there

♪ She was stretched out
on a long white table... |

(Man) Look at that!

(Woman) She looks heavenly.

(Girl) Yes, like an angel.

(Atlas) Look around.

These people live
two or three families per room.

No schools, no jobs.

They used to dole out
food rations, but...

with these celebrations for the Ziggurat,
even that has stopped.

There's absolutely nothing
left for us now.

What does "Ziggurat" mean?

It's a kind of tower they built
in the ancient city of Babylon

to show everyone
how powerful they were.

The Tower of Babel is the most famous.
Everyone knows what happened to that.

The king's arrogance angered the gods
so they smote him down

and destroyed the tower.

'History repeats itself.

'The same thing will happen
to Duke Red and his Marduks.

'But this time it won't be the gods
who will bring about the change.

'It'll be us.'

Huh? Oh.



Did I do it wrong?

No, you did it right.

I was just thinking
how your hair looked different today.

Kenichi, what kind of hair do you like?

Huh? Er..

I think your hair looks just fine.


Er, why don't we get back
to your writing?

I think we're on...

- Tima.
- What?

Tima. That's what my name is.


So you're...
Good, you're starting to remember.

That's great, Tima.
You just wait.

Soon everything will start
to come back to you.

You really think so... Kenichi?

Er... oh...


Oh, I got this for you.

I mean, I borrowed this from Atlas.
I almost forgot.

Kenichi, look.


(Both laugh)

So the army will support us?
That's good. We're gonna need 'em.

Underground residents are in favour
of an uprising, but they're hesitant.

Many aren't sure
we've got the strength to win.

What are you worried about?
That's why this is your best chance.

The time's now.
Everything's been arranged.

The Marduk parade is the final event
of the Ziggurat celebration.

You can crush them
and storm the Ziggurat.

You'll be heroes.

President Boone will make a statement

announcing the arrest
of Duke Red for treason.

Then it'll be a simple matter
of invoking the right of command

to place the military
under President Boone's control.

The Duke will be powerless
and the rule of law will prevail.

I guarantee it.

After years of hiding,
our day in the light has finally come.

Our party will get
the recognition it deserves.

Don't worry, Atlas.
It's all been taken care of.

The President will welcome you
with open arms, exactly as he should.

(Shinsaku) Ah, the things
I get myself into.

I finally find that kid
and look what happens.

He disappears again.

(Pero) I am sorry
for not serving you better

at such an important time.

(Shinsaku) What?
You've been lots of help.

I wouldn't know east from west
in this city if it weren't for you.

And don't worry yourself
about Kenichi.

He may be small,
but he's a lot tougher than he...

- (Crash)
- Huh?


(Shinsaku) Hey! What are you doing?
Stop that.

(Shinsaku sighs)

Why would someone do this?

(Muffled) Look out.
You must be careful.

All robots must perish.

All robots must perish.

All robots must perish.

It's a revolution.

A revolution.

It's a revolution.

We have to be careful.

All robots must hide themselves now.

A revolution is at hand.

What do you say? Revolution?


Oh, I'm getting too old for this.


(Crowd shouting)

(Grunting and groaning)

(Atlas) Listen and watch closely, Kenichi.

Take a good look around you.

I want you to tell the world
about what we're fighting for.


We'd better get out of here soon, Pero.

I don't think we can do
anything here by ourselves.

Call headquarters and ask for backup.

Are you crazy?
I can't leave you here alone.

Listen to me.

Those people are going
to attack robots first.

They don't care
what your position is.

- I'll be fine. Go for backup.
- Huh? Hmm.

You must understand
that part of my programming is

to ensure the safety of all who visit
this great city of Metropolis.

Just do me a favour, will you?

Try not to stir anything up
until I get back.

Tell me, robot, do you really think
you can guard this gate all by yourself?

Demonstrations are strictly forbidden
during the week of celebration.

Please disperse immediately.

Sorry, but we can't do that.

This is our time now.

Why must humanity
always resort to v*olence

as the only means
of settling their differences?

There's no simple answer
to that question.

I agree that we're a violent race,
controlled by emotions at w*r within us.

We can do nothing but move
in search for peace through destruction.

If we deny their existence,
then we cannot survive.

Without emotions,
then we are nothing.


Mr President, it's time.
The uprising has begun.

Do we want to release a formal statement
or should we wait?

We'll have a clearer idea
of the situation by one o'clock,

so I think 3:00 or 3:30 should be fine?

Well? What is it, Minister?

Are you too excited to relax?

Oh, I am, Mr President, yes.

You see, I have
a very unpleasant duty to perform.


Traitor! You've gone to the other side!

Perhaps a traitor to you,
Mr President, but not to history.


Wait, wait! I can explain.


(Shouting and screaming)

(Tima) Why?

How can humans
so easily destroy robots, Kenichi?

They call this a revolution?

(Tannoy) 'Attention.
The revolution has failed.

'Martial law is now in effect
at the command of Duke Red.

'Abandon your weapons
and surrender immediately.

'I repeat: the revolution has failed.

'Martial law is now in effect
under the command of Duke Red.

'Abandon your weapons
and surrender immediately.'

(Shinsaku) Kenichi!

Hey, Kenichi!

Uncle Shinsaku!

You're safe. Thank goodness!
I thought I'd never see you again.

You've been hurt.
Are you all right?

What, this? Oh, it's nothing.

Huh? Oh, who's this?


Er... oh, this is Tima, Uncle.

She and I got out
of that laboratory fire together.


Tima, I want you to meet someone.
This is my uncle.

Your uncle.

(Grunting and groaning)


It was...

It was a trap. They fooled us.

So, we meet at last.

Don't move!

Don't give me any trouble.
Just give me what I want.

Hand over the girl,
no questions asked,

then I'll let you go home alive.

Don't make promises
you can't keep, Rock.

I know you better than that.



So, you wanna fight?

Tima, go get the g*n!

- (Thwack)
- (Groan)

Well done.

And now, just hand over the g*n.

(Shinsaku) No.

Don't give it to him.

Go ahead, sh**t if you can.

I'm a human being, don't forget.

- (Duke Red) Rock!
- Huh?

What is going on here?
What's the meaning of this?

I'm amazed that you haven't...


You survived?


I demand an answer now.

When Dr Laughton's laboratory
was destroyed,

you told me that
no one survived the fire.

And just how do you know about Tima?
She was classified. Answer!

With all due respect, Father,
please understand.

You are the only one who should sit
upon the throne of power.

You must never allow a mere robot

to control the Ziggurat
and rule the city of Metropolis.

- (Duke Red) You fool!
- (Thwack)

A robot?

Do you really think
you can manipulate me?

You repay my kindness
with nothing but impudence.

Get up.

Get out of here.
I don't want to see you again.


So, I understand now.
You're the one who hired Dr Laughton.

What concern of that is yours?

Well, I came here from Japan
to arrest him for human rights violations.

I'm Detective Shinsaku Ban.


Get in. Don't be afraid.

What about Kenichi?

Later, after business.

(Shinsaku) I'm here to see
Superintendent Notarlin.

(Officer) He's been transferred.
His replacement hasn't been named yet.

Then maybe you can help me.
You see, there's been a mistake.

- The Marduks have taken my nephew...
- Old man!

You know the procedure.
Handle it through your own embassy.

Yeah, er...

(Door opens and closes)

(Duke Red) 'At this moment,
we, as a nation,

'are about to touch the stars.

'I tremble at the honour of announcing

'the culmination
of mankind's long history

'of intellectual and scientific

'Yesterday our power
spanned the earth.'

Sake. And make it hot.

Well, the best I can do
for a Japanese detective

is either hot gin or hot whisky.

Then hot whisky. Make it a double.

You got it.

Who really gives a damn
about the Ziggurat anyway?

All those Marduks can go to hell
for all I care.

All of them!

Here you are.

Hey, check it out.
That was Rock back there.

Yeah? I heard he quit the party.

Never thought he'd be wandering
around down here.

(Shinsaku) Thanks for the drink.
(Barman) Anytime.



I, er...

A man came by earlier.

He asked me
to give this note to Miss Tima.

I told him no, but he said
it was very important

that Duke Red not find out about it.

Some kind of secret I guess.

I almost sent him away.
He said his name was Kenichi.

I thought you would want this.

"Tima, I'm sorry that
I can't deliver this in person,

"but I'm in no condition
to move around.

"I have to leave the country soon

"and would like to see you
just one more time."



I don't understand
what's going on, Enmy.

I'm trusting you to bring her back
as soon as you are done.

You have no idea how much trouble
I'll be in, if they ever find out.

Just relax.
This won't take long.

I didn't want to do this, you know.

I have to get back.

You tricked me.

I had to. You never would
have talked to me otherwise.

Do you know where Kenichi is?

If you do,
you have to take me to him.


It's uncanny.

I'd never guess you were a robot.

Your resemblance to a human
is really amazing.

Your hair, your skin,

the craftsmanship,
it's almost perfect.

I guess my dad truly knows
how to choose a mad scientist,

because that Dr Laughton
was a real find.

What are you talking about?

Well, you being a robot
and everything.

I'm not. I'm not a robot.
That's not true at all.

Really? So what are you, then?

A human?

Well, if you are a human,
who's your father?

My father is...


(Rock chuckles)

(Laughs hysterically)

How can he think a puppet like you
is a superhuman?


(Tima) If you can't take me
to Kenichi, then I'm going.

- What? Tima's gone?
- Yes, sir!

Hey, watch where you're going!


Don't worry, I just want a closer look
at what my father is so obsessed with.

You don't mind, do you?


- (Thud)
- Oh!


(Shinsaku) 'Come on, Laughton!'

(Laughton) 'My notebook.'

(Shinsaku) 'You want that notebook?
What do you want it for?'

Er, don't worry, you're safe.

I taught that Rock a lesson
he won't soon forget.

Where is Kenichi?

Er, well, to be honest,
I'm not really sure.

The only way I'm going to find him
is if you help me.

Help you?

I've got this feeling
he's locked up somewhere

inside that behemoth, the Ziggurat.

And by accessing
the Ziggurat's mainframe data network,

I'm hoping that you can help
pinpoint Kenichi's location.

Can I really do all that?

OK, just hold out your hand.

(Tima) 'Kenichi!'



I know where Kenichi is.

He's in the tower.

I knew it all the time.
He had to be in there.

(Tima) What just happened to me?

I see. So you don't have
any idea of who you are?

What do you mean?


Sir, we're receiving a signal
and tracing it now.

Duke Red, huh?

Yeah. Any luck yet?

We should be able to trace
the origin of the signal

by locating
where the splitters burned out.

It's the most likely point of entry.

- Got it.
- What's the location?

Zone-1, South Block 17,
at the Hotel Coconut.

I have to know, please.

Am I a human of flesh and blood
or not?

Well, you're different.

You're not like other robots.
You're special.

No, I am a human.

I know I am, just like Kenichi.

Er, well, yes, of course,

just like Kenichi.

At any rate, we'd better go
if we're going to find him.

Come on.

(Duke Red) Tima,
we've been looking for you.

Bring them to me.

I see. So it's you again, is it?

You had better explain yourself
before I have you thrown in jail.

You're asking the wrong man.
Back off!

Why don't you ask your son
what he's doing in his spare time?

What are you saying?

I may not know
what's going on around here

or what you two
have been cooking up,

but one thing is obvious:
that Dr Laughton was involved.

And his m*rder was probably
instigated by both of you

to make sure she be kept secret.

- Take them both in at once.
- (Guards) Yes, sir!

Come on, move!


Beautiful, isn't it?
I made this for you, my dear.

One day you will rule the entire world
from this glorious throne.



Because this is your true destiny, Tima.

Let me show you.

- Kenichi!
- Kenichi?



Oh, Kenichi, are you all right?

You've got to wake up.
Come on, now. Please, Kenichi.



You coward!
What have you done to my nephew?

Relax, old man. You'll hurt yourself.

He'll be OK. We just had
to shut him up for a while, that's all.



I'm going to file a formal protest
with my embassy.

This is a direct violation
of international law.

Oh, I see.
File a protest with your embassy.

I didn't realise you were
such an important political figure.

You can do as you please, of course,

but it won't do any good, because soon
every nation will bow down to Tima.

She's come a long way.
I think she'll be of use now.

You have to make Kenichi
the way he was before.

Why do you waste all your energy
on someone so insignificant?

Look, the power of the universe
is at your full disposal.

What power do I have?
I don't understand.

You have to tell me
if I'm a human or not.

- (Clears his throat)
- Please tell me.

Am I really just another machine
like those poor robots?

Oh, Tima, what a silly thing
for you to say.

I promise that you are nothing
like those pathetic robots.

Then, I am human, same as Kenichi.
There's no difference.

What are you talking about?
You are no mere human.

Humans are inferior creatures,

confused by love and morality,
ruled by emotions.

You are superhuman.

Then it is true.
I'm not a human at all.

Excuse me, sir, but I've brought
the clothing for Miss Tima.

Yes, Tima, that's correct.
You're a robot.

But you are the greatest,
most sublime creation in the entire world.

How can that be?

I possess love and emotion.
You said that's human.

You only think you do, my dear,
because we haven't completed you yet.

You're not finished.

The fluctuations
of your supreme powers

are taking the shape of such things
as emotions and love.

Very soon you will...

You will then merge
with that superhuman throne

and become a computer w*apon
that will conquer the world.

And when that happens,

all your emotions and memories
will be completely erased!

And where exactly did you get
that kind of information?

I'll have you know,
I consider myself a detective.

It's time, Miss Tima.

It's time to change.

(Rock's voice)
Father, stop deluding yourself.

- (Gasps)
- Rock!

- (Gasping)
- It's you!

(Duke Red) What is the meaning of this?

As our leader, you are the only one
who should sit on the throne, Father.

You cannot give
the power of the universe

to this thing you've created.


(Two g*nshots)





I'm an artificial human,

a machine created
to conquer the world and destroy it.

You were created to save the world,
not to destroy it.

(Kenichi) Stop it!



- Who threw the switch?
- It started by itself.

Switch to manual override
and cut power!

Controls not responding!

It got out of the system.
It's running on its own.

Doctor Clunky!

What happened here?
Why did the alarm go off?

The omotenium production system
has gone completely out of control.

- What is going on here, Doctor?
- I have no idea.

Stop this, Tima!
You'll destroy the Ziggurat!

This is punishment
for toying with robots.

The computer network and
Tima's emotions have been integrated.

She's beginning to lose her mind.

"And so God's wrath descended
upon the Tower of Babel."



No, Kenichi, she's not Tima anymore.
There's nothing you can do for her.

I understand.

We've no choice but to bring down
the omotenium production levels

or this entire site will be destroyed.
We must hurry.

The probability of mankind's survival
will be 30% in one hour.

Control of the Ziggurat is now being
transferred to my operating system.

All supplemental earth weaponry
will be activated from my network

in 30 minutes.

Attack targets are
the world's major cities

and 7,586 additional facilities.

Destruction of the human race
will begin through irradiation

and the use
of multiple w*apon systems.

This will be complete
in 17 hours, 27 minutes.

Did you hear that, Duke Red?

The superhuman that you created
is saying it doesn't need us anymore!


Don't go!



Ohh, aargh, ohh, ohh!

Just hang on, Kenichi!






(Worker) 'Doctor, this is an emergency.
We've lost control of...'

How can it be?


Get out of here.
Robots aren't allowed in this sector.

You are forgetting your place!

Tima, it's me!

Look at me, Tima. I...

I'm Kenichi.





Stop it!

I won't let pieces of junk,

like all of you,

take the life

of my father.



(Ray Charles)
♪ I can't stop loving you

♪ I've made up my mind

♪ To live in memory...

(Explosions drown out music)

♪ ...of the lonesome times

♪ I can't stop wanting you

♪ It's useless to say

♪ So I'll just live my life

♪ In dreams of yesterday

- ♪ Those happy hours
- Tima!

♪ That we once knew

♪ Though long ago

♪ They still make me blue

♪ They say that time

♪ Heals a broken heart

♪ But time has stood still

♪ Since we've been apart

♪ I can't stop loving you

♪ I've made up my mind

♪ To live in memory...


♪ ...of the lonesome times

♪ I can't stop wanting you

- ♪ It's useless to say
- Tima!

♪ So I'll just live my life

♪ In dreams of yesterday

♪ Those happy hours

♪ Those happy hours

♪ That we once knew

♪ That we once knew

♪ Though long ago

♪ Though long ago

♪ Still make me blue

♪ Still make me blue...

Tima, grab my hand!

(Kenichi) 'I'm Kenichi.
Who are you?'

(Tima) 'Who are you?'

(Kenichi) 'No, listen.

'When you're talking
about yourself, you say "I".

- 'That's how it works.'
- 'Kenichi.'

Grab on!

Who... who... am... I... I?

♪ I can't stop loving you



♪ I said, I've made up my mind


♪ To live in memory

♪ Of the lonesome times

(Ray Charles)
Sing the song, children.

♪ I can't stop wanting you

♪ It's useless to say

♪ So I'll just live my life

♪ In dreams of yesterday

♪ Of yesterday |

Um, excuse me,
but where did you find this?



- Fifi. Fifi.
- Fifi!

- Oh.
- Fifi.

- Fifi.
- Huh?


Tima, Tima...

(Shinsaku) Kenichi!

Uncle Shinsaku!

(Shinsaku) Hey!

- Uncle?
- Huh?

I think I'd like to stay here
for a while, if that's OK with you.


(Engine noise)


(Tima) 'Who am I?'

"There'll Never Be Goodbye")

♪ Burning orange light

♪ Slowly melt into the sky

♪ Sparkles in your eyes

♪ Aglow

♪ Golden, heartless walls

♪ And never-ending sighs

♪ When you held me close

♪ Were gone

♪ I'd have never known

♪ If you had never shown

♪ Someday I'd have wings to fly

♪ But who'd ever dream

♪ These arms were meant to break

♪ Sol must go before you see me fall

♪ I recall

♪ Sweet and enchanted days

♪ Your smile

♪ Chased the clouds away

♪ All fragments of our memory survive

♪ Shining in the moonless night

♪ Lifetime is a match

♪ A momentary flash

♪ Yet this forever remains

♪ You are in my heart

♪ Until my heart's not mine

♪ So remember,
this never is goodbye

♪ I recall

♪ Sweet and enchanted days

♪ Your smile chased the clouds away

♪ All fragments of our memory survive

♪ Shining in the moonless night

♪ Stay close to my soul

♪ Like you're close to my hands

♪ Darling, if I fade away

♪ You are in my heart

♪ Until my heart's not mine

♪ But I must go
before you see me fall

♪ So remember,
this never is goodbye

♪ Please remember

♪ There'll never be

♪ Goodbye |