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Predator 2 (1990)

Posted: 09/20/23 15:04
by bunniefuu

The heat wave continues. |t's 109 degrees in Los Angeles



(ANGRY vo|cEs)


As drought-ridden Los Angeles swelters in agonising neat,___

drug lords wage warfare in the streets

Yet another open conflict... ()h, f*ck this! Get me out of here!


We're in a w*r zone, Dave: tvvo motorcycle officers horribly wounded in a crossfire,

the police seemingly unable to rescue them

in spite of several desperate heroic attempts.

lt's completely out of control down here

My beautiful cantina, everything I own, they shot it to pieces

IVly microwave, my a*t*matic steamer, my grill

You f*cking pendejos!

(a*t*matic GU N FIRE)

Ah! Ha-ha!

f*ck you!

Tony Pope, live with Hard Core on the scene and in your face.

lt's like Dante's hell

Smoke, fire, oppressive heat

as Colombian and Jamaican drug fiends again transform LA into a slaughterhouse

Who the hell's in charge down here? The cops? Uh-uh.

They're outmanned, outgunned and incompetent

IVlr. IVlayor, on vacation in your home in Lake Tahoe

get off your butt, get down here and declare martial law!

Gkay, don't keep me in suspense, Danny boy!

It has not been a nice day!

Two motors pulled over a truck, stumbled right in the middle of a narc stakeout.

You know, ten Colombians and Scorpios armed to f*ck all

They're trying to get in their headquarters

We're keeping them pinned down, but those officers are bleeding to death

f*ck! They're dying, man

Where the hell is Special Weapons?

They're still tied up in that sh**t in San Pedro with the Jamaicans.

They shot down a chopper

Mills and Johnson won't last much longer We need an as*ault vehicle to go get 'em

l'm gonna chat with these assholes

When I give the signal give me some cover!

Got it!

T0() SI'T13II



Come on! Come on!

Get 'em out of here! Now!


Get 'em out! Get 'em out!

-Vamonos! -Vamonos!

Hey, assholes!


Mike, are you okay?

- Yeah. Let's get the rest. We can't_ Grders from Chief Heinemann

He says surround building and wait

Wait for what? - I don't know!

Some bullshit special unit The feds, the DEA.

If we let those bastards get dug in now we'I| have to level the building!

- Hijo de puta_ No, es para mi

Vamonos! Vamonos!

Venga! Aprisa!


ChingaIe! ChingaIe!

Come and get it. EI Scorpio is ready


Safgé, any Of y0I.|l' p80p|6 in Ihé building? - N0.

Let's go

Lieutenant, can't let you in Heinemann's on his way.

Heinemann can kiss my sweet ass! Come on!

g*dd*mn it. Go with him


(g*nf*re cLoSE BY)


(WHISPERS) Three, two, one




Shh. Shh

Get back, back, back. Back

(WHISPERS) Next door over

Take this room!

First floor, officer down. We need backup


I said hold it!

Now, lay your g*ns down. You can walk down or fly, it's your choice

I said put it down, assh*le!


(GFFICER) Let's do it now!

Take it easy

Damn, it's hot


(SINGLE sh*ts)


Must be losing it


Spread out. Secure the roof

Just take it easy. I'm right here

(GFFICER) All clear. All clear on the site

(oISToRTEo) oh, Danny boy

I gotta get down from here

Gkay, search the roof. Check every floor. Maybe someone else

Seal it off. No one Ieaves

Danny, get me off this damn roof

You get the rest of them? - Somebody beat us to it.



Oh, shit

What happened to EI Scorpio? - He's out front having lunch.

What the hell is this?

I don't know

They've been cut to pieces

Must be the Jamaicans - Their style

but where the hell did they go?

Gkay, nobody gets in here until Forensic arrives. Nobody

Gkay, you know the drill



Up there

He must have been k*lled out here and then someone...

That's about 35, 40 feet. No rope, no ladder

The guy weighs about 190, 195 pounds

You cou|dn't carry him up there


Deputy Chief Heinemann's downstairs He wants you out of the building now.

Ah, son of a bitch

What the f*ck is going on?

(DANNY) This is not good, Mike Not good at all.


I want a real name on this joker, okay? - You got it.


Phil, this is quite a surprise. What brings you down from the palace?

You let me down, Mike. You're making me look bad

I thought we had an understanding

I put my ass on the line to get you here

and all I expect is a little cooperation!

You were told this was a federal matter

Yet you disobeyed an order to stay out of the building.

Don't let this get out, Phil, but it's a f*cking w*r down here

(DISTCRTED) Soldiers take orders Don't push it!

I'I| push it as far as I can, Phil, cause we're fighting for our lives here

while you're downtown pushing pencils and kissing ass!

I don't roll over for anybody especially the feds,

without a g*dd*mn good explanation!

Take this equipment up to the third floor Come on, Iet's move!

- Let's go. (WGMAN) Excuse me, sir!

What the heII is going on here, Heinemann?

Insubordination. Disregard for direct orders from a supervising officer.

Now get back to your cage at Alvarado

I'I| show you insubordination, you son of - No, no, no!

Where you running to? Come here!

You don't need this, Mike. It's not worth it


Oh, f*ck!



(TCNY PCPE) I have an update for you

In a sh**t, five members of one Colombian drug g*ng

were ambushed by their bloody rivals the Jamaican Voodoo Posse,

who escaped without a trace... Ha! Again making total fools of...

A detective is here to see you - Back there.

Listen, lady, you got a backed-up toilet Call a plumber, not the cops.

- This license has expired. Bullshit! I paid that fee six months ago

- I'I| kick your ass! Sit down! Right now!

Move! Get your ass movin'! - Just calm the f*ck down!

What you lookin' at?

And all you got to do

is tee it high and let it fly

Cw! Dead solid perfect

Now, remember, for distance you gotta gently but firmly grip the club

Lieutenant Harrigan! Detective Lambert, Rampart Division

Hey, kid, just have a seat I'|| be right with you.

- Hey, Cap. Don't start, Mike

Heinemann's already been up my ass so far I won't be able to sit down for a week.

We're not winning this w*r

As much as it'I| piss you off, you'I| have to play the game

Effective immediately, a federal task force under Special Agent Peter Keyes

"wi|I investigate criminal activities involving

the trafficking of controlled substances

And you will extend him your full cooperation.

So you're cutting off my d*ck and shoving it up my ass.

The feds are calling the sh*ts on this My hands are tied!

- Yeah? Captain Pilgrim, Peter Keyes

It's good to meet you - And you, sir.

Lieutenant Mike Harrigan. Special Agent Peter Keyes, DEA

Heard a lot about you

I'm sorry for this jurisdictional intrusion

Don't mean to be stepping on your toes

But we want to prevent King WiIIie's voodoo gangs

from taking over the entire West Coast

I wish I could tell you more

But we have a large number of deep-cover operatives involved

You know how it is. We all have a job to do

Now, I'm sure we can respect each other's situation and act responsibly


um, cooperation

is my middle name

I'II SSS YOU around

I'm the new transfer, Jerry Lambert - Like I said, have a seat.

I'II be right with you

- Who is this dude? Yeah, what an assh*le

All right, Danny boy, what we got?

What have we got? Five Iowlife Scorpions make it into the building.

The next minute...they're all shish kebab

Not one b*llet wound

It wasn't dr*gs or money. There's a shitload of that

Maybe King Willie brought in some outside talent. He's making his big move

A pro would have split the moment he heard us

More than one, we would have seen them

Whoever did this waited until the last minute

and then took out four men armed with machine g*ns by hand!

And then got by us

Maybe we should give him a job Let's put him on the payroll.

So me and my partner bolt up the stairs somebody is screaming bloody m*rder..

You gotta... You gotta hear this - What?

Hey. Hey, I forgot to tell you

See that guy there?

That's Ferris's replacement

This guy's Jerry Lambert. The Lone Ranger from Rampart station

That's the Lone Ranger?

I thought he was here to fix the air conditioning

I said "Lady, you are under arrest And she said "Why?"

I said "Because your husband is dead You k*lled him."

Kmwwhatshe Said, didn'l miss 8 NSI? = Uh, IIO.

She said "I stabbed that son of a bitch plenty of times.

He never died on me before



Looks like he's putting the moves to Leona.


His first big mistake

I have heard about you

Yeah? Yeah!

Like your last partner got shot - What?


You try that cowboy shit with me, fucker

you can kiss these goodbye

- Got it? Yeah, Igot it. Unhh!

Well, well, I see that the three of you have met

Lambert, if you're feeling up to it

why don't you limp your way in to the lieutenant. He wants to talk to you



You're a bad girl - Ooh, I like that.


g*dd*mn, is that bitch on the rag or what?

This is what I call "the speech", kid I only give it once, so pay attention

Until now, it's all been fun and games cops and robbers, dunking doughnuts

But you're in the shit now. Metro Command is a w*r zone

Lieutenant, I've paid my dues

I had to bust my ass to get my transfer

And that scares the shit out of me, kid

No one requests to come here unless they want a reputation.

There's no room for anyone looking to prove themselves. I won't stand for it

Don't get me wrong. We need good cops and they say you're good at what you do.

But the team comes first

You live by that, and you'I| be okay And we'I| all be there for you.

Remember, the door swings both ways

That's it

Hey, kid

Welcome to the w*r






(MAN) Ckay, guys. This has gone too far now, huh?

Hey, hey, guys

I...I...I know you're trying to scare me, huh?

Well, you did a pretty good job, man

I'm scared now

Stop it now

I can pay you

$2 miIIion, man. In cash

(IvIAN cHuckLES)

- Right now! This is not about money

This is about power!

There's a new king in the streets

This is a message he has for your people

You are history


f*cking history, g*dd*mn puto


What the f*ck are you doing now, man?

You're crazy!

King WiIIie says

not only do I have to k*ll you

but I have to take your soul

Voodoo magic

(LAUGHS) f*cking voodoo magic, man

But you know what? I tell you what I believe

Shit happens




sh**t it!




(PREDATCR) Sh... shit happens

Shit happens


I'm standing just outside a penthouse complex in San Pedro

involving as many as 20 people It's uncertain who they were.

Cne report indicates it might be the feared Jamaican Voodoo Posse

I go in for my physical and the doctor says "I need a semen, stool and urine sampIe."

I say "Gee, doc, I'm in a big hurry Can Ijust leave my undenIvear?"

Ch, God

Achtung, mein Kapitan!

Word is there may be as many as 50 more dead bodies up there.

Ch, man, it's Pope

That parasite must Iive in his car

I'I| handle it. PR's my specialty

Word is they want your ass off the job

- Tony! Who the hell are you?

Your biggest fan! Catch your show all the time

- I got a job to do! Yourjob is to root for garbage elsewhere

Been inside? - Yeah.

We were gonna go in with our guys

but we were told on a radio transmission nobody goes in under any circumstances

(POLICE RADIC) All units, be advised. Federal officers will handle investigation

We didn't hear that. Let's go - You're the boss.

This is Cheryl Tyer reporting Iive

Hey, nice flashlight. Mind ifI borrow it?



Look familiar?



Ch, God

(MIKE) Ramon Vega, the crack king

Biggest operator in East LA 100 keys a week.

Why isn't he skinned? And who are they?

(DANNY) Jamaicans. King WiIIie's boys

(LECNA) That makes no sense

This was a voodoo ritual. I've seen it before. They took his heart out

- What for? Terror tactics, man

You know, to scare the shit out of their enemies

- King WiIIie. Who the heII is King WiIIie?

King Willie, voodoo priest of the LA posses

Ran the terror gangs for Edward Seaga in Jamaica

till he got too powerful

The Jamaican chiefs won't make a move without his approval

So what the f*ck happened?


(DANNY) Hey, we got a survivor!


What's she saying?

I don't know. She's not making any sense

She keeps saying "EI diablo vino por eI|os The devil came for them.

If it's the Colombians, why'd they leave their boss hanging

and his girl naked on the floor?

- It wasn't the Colombians. Cur friend from the armoury


We got a new player in town

Come over here, Mike. Check this out

What is that?

(MIKE) Looks like a spear tip or something

(KEYES) This is a restricted area

I want it cleared immediately

You're walking on physical evidence

We'I| take care of her - She's with me.

Lieutenant, I'd like a word with you in private, please

They say that persistence is your most outstanding quality

I know this is your show... You're not listening to me!

You got a big nose and you're sticking it too far in my business

Maybe you can hear this. The next time you cross me

you're gonna turn up missing


Garber, the man with the camera Get him.

Yes, sir

All right. Let's go - Stay away.

Hey, f*ck you, man! Give me my camera! - Shut the f*ck up.

Hey, wait a minute! I got my rights! I'm a journalist

Harrigan! Harrigan! - Shut up. Let's go.

Smells like a cover-up. The press has a right to know!

Take him out of the building. Search him

Now you get the hell out of here

Who the hell are you, Keyes?

The last person in the world you wanna f*ck with.

Wanna make me proud, kid?

Take your bag of tricks, stay with them find out where they take her.

Meet me later at La Cita's. And be careful. These guys are good

Hey, don't worry! Surveillance is my specialty

Ckay, then. Just get going

(CHUCKLES) Go get 'em, Lone Ranger

Danny, Iook here. We gotta take this real cool

These guys sure aren't the DEA but it's still Keyes's party.

You stick around, stay out of sight I'I| meet you at one o'c|ock.

We'I| take a good look at that room, okay? Hey, wait for me.

(DISTCRTED) Danny boy, no hero stuff, understand?

(ECHCING) Dan...Dan...Danny boy

(MIKE) Watch your ass, Danny boy

(oANcE IvIuSIc)

(JERRY) She never made it

The feds were waiting

Hustled her off in a chopper

Let me guess. A silver Alouette? - That very one.

And guess what. Your pal Keyes was running the whole show. And his butt boys

Son of a bitch

You done real good, kid

Now tomorrow, start a tail on Keyes

Everything he does, everywhere he goes

Who knows? You mightjust get lucky



is my specialty

Yeah. I bet it is

Now, if you'I| excuse me, Lieutenant

I got some serious police work to attend to.

Come to Papa


Hey, are your balls okay? - Fine.

How are yours?

Hey, do you mind? It's my sister - Say what?

Ch, you're not my sister

Son of a bitch. Who are you really chasing, Keyes?

Time to go to work

(PREDATOR) Danny boy

Mike? Whoa!


(PANTS) oh, God!

No. No. Oh, God!

(DANNY) Ch, Mother of God!


Please, no!

Oh! Aargh!


(CCMPUTER) Lieutenant Michael R Harrigan:

v*olence prone, obsessive/compulsive personality

a history of excessive physical force

throughout his 18 years as a Los Angeles police officer

Also responsible for the destruction of 11 patrol cars, a city bus...

What about ten commendations for valor

.and the best felony arrest record in the history of this department?

That and my intervention on your behalf are the only reasons you still have a job.

If it were up to the chief

he'd charge you with Detective Archu|eta's death and suspend you.

As it is, he Ieft it in my hands

Now, this John Wayne attitude and flagrant disregard for policy is gonna end now.

No one under my command will impede the progress of this federal task force

headed by Agent Keyes


That's it


Mike, you're too close to this Stay out of it.

It's a police matter. They can't keep the department out of it

We'II find Danny's kiIIer

Captain, Danny and I came up together

15 years on the f*cking street!

Whoever kiIIed him's gonna pay I'm gonna finish it.


Hey, come on. What is this?


Listen, shithead

I don't give a f*ck what you want with this assh*le because now it's personal

And he's a dead man

What you're dealing with is over your head I'm warning you...

You! You don't know what you're dealing with

And I'm warning you. Stay the f*ck out of my way!

I'I| take care of him - No.

Let him go

We're too close

(PCPE) ...claiming as his, turf controlled by the Jamaican and Colombian drug lords

Watch as we continue our report

Yes, the word is out: LA is up for grabs

the spoils of our once fine city going to the ruthless scum

who can spread the most carnage and blood in our streets

The latest update on the scoreboard

five assorted trash and one good cop

one of the best on our force

Who's next? Where's the mayor? He's not even in the city...

Forget it. It's over

Mike, god damn it

This ain't your personal little w*r you know.

I Ioved Danny, too

Hey, you told me the only way you survive is because you're a team

The door swings both ways. Remember?

All right. We'I| do it together

Come on. Talk to me about Keyes

We've been on him for the last three days - And they're not looking for drug dealers.

Yeah. They've been setting up weird radar sensors all over downtown

I used my whole repertory to keep up with them!

I had scanners on them, but they scrambled my shit up

They had equipment I can't begin to touch

And then this morning

- ...I |ost'em. We lost them

- Where? Vernon and Industry

- They disappeared! The slaughterhouse district?

Yeah, and in this heat, whoo! I mean, BC and barbecue!

Whatever Keyes is looking for he's found it, or close to it.

Leona, Iwant to meet with King Willie

Willie and I seem to have the same problem.

In the meantime, you come with me - Mike, it's impossible!

Just do it


(FBI OFFICER) Omega 1. This is Control

This is Omega 1

(GARBER) We only have 22 minutes on safe window of operation.

(OFFICER) Yes, sir

(GARBER) Verify that final telemetry check

Start your test now

Scan track three, two, one


(KEYES) Number six, power up on the UV banks

(OFFICER) We're complete on the lower UV banks. Ready for testing

(KEYES) Second level, check for ambient temperature variations

You got two minutes. Now get going

(OFFICER) To aII units. AII units, you have approximately 20 minutes

to finish your task

- Roger. Increase this UV

Up 42 per cent

(WOMAN) Your friend died as the result of an intrusion in the chest cavity

by an edged w*apon that nearly cleaved the heart in two

Death was instantaneous

He was boned like a fish. I've never seen anything like this

Please, do not touch anything


Doctor, what about the other victims?

Anything there?

The federal team brought in their own forensic examiners

I am the medical examiner and the chief pathologist in the city

and they've cut me out

Any way you can get a look at evidence the feds have collected?

I mean, they must have run tests - It won't be easy.


I pried this from Danny's hands. This is what took him into the rafters

It has almost no weight - But it cuts like steel.

Let me see

We are now at 150,000 times normal magnification.

Astonishing. This material doesn't correspond to anything

on the periodic table

Lieutenant, what the hell is that thing?

Don't know. It's not from a hardware store

- Military? Uh, good guess

Either something that got away or something they want.

Keyes. Ah, we're getting closer now to what happened...

Hey, no!

(MIKE) Easy, kid. Put your g*n away

King WiIIie will see you now


I'm tired of the rat race I wanna have fun...

- It's okay. Don't you want me with you?

I'I| call you later

You want me to follow you? - I'I| call you later!

I can't take my mind off my problems

You want some ganja, man?


License plate number


No, no. 1-8-8-3

Oh, f*ck!


(DISTORTED) The door swings both ways, my ass.

(ECHOING) This door swings both ways



Thanks for the ride

You know

you guys really ought to cut down


They say you want to talk to me

They say you offering me favours

TeII me why, Babylon

Mr. Policeman

I want some information - Information.

About the one that's doing all the k*lling?

He k*lled your people

Now mine

I think you know who he is


Iwant him

I don't know who he is

But I know where he is

- The other side. What are you talking about?

The spirit world, man


it's always the same

There's no stopping what can't be stopped

No k*lling what can't be k*lled

Hey, make sense, man

This thing that's kiIIing your people and mine

is from the other side

I can feel him aII around

You can't see the eyes of the demon

until him come caIIing

This is dread, man

Truly dread

Nothing else for you here, policeman

Time to go

Prepare yourself


His foundation Iie in the holy mountain




This is Tony Pope Iive from LA

the city of fear

The psycho-vigilante kiIIer continues his daily diet for m*rder

Bodies strung out

bodies with the skins ripped off, the hearts torn from the cadavers

And just recently, King Willie, the drug lord

the vicious drug lord found in an alleyjust around the corner

with his head cut off and his spinal column torn from the body

A fitting demise to the Prince of Powder

(LEONA) First Danny, then King WiIIie And you were right there!

He's playing with you, Mike You've gotta be careful.

Yeah. We all gotta be careful What about Keyes?

(MIKE) Anything there?

Definitely something slippery about Keyes

Seems there's a Peter J Keyes

PhD physical sciences, Cornell

(JERRY) Hot out of college and into the Strategic Defense Institute

Then two years later commissioned as a captain in Air Force Intelligence

Mike, this is a dead end. We're way out of our league!

Look, I don't care who's involved. This guy k*lled Danny and he's going to fall!

What about the good doctor? - I'm here, Lieutenant.

The federal authorities erased everything from the computer file except for this:

part of a chemical test on a fragment of wood from the penthouse

And it contained traces

of cattle blood and heavy traces of steroids.

I believe whoever kiIIed Detective Archuleta

had recently been in a slaughterhouse

(JERRY) That's where I lost Keyes the first time!

Yeah. That's where we'II find him

Take the metro. I'I| pick you up at Vernon station in an hour.

Just because you don't see Keyes's boys doesn't mean they're not around.

Ijust want you to stay in the car. Okay?

Your mom and I won't be very long. You sit still. We'I| be back in a few minutes

AII right?

Come on, honey - Yes, darling.

Which way was it? - Down here.

(IMITATES g*nf*re)

Take that, you scum-sucking dog


Want some candy?

(MOTHER) Brian? Brian!

You come here right this minute! - Mommy, I saw a ghost.

(PREDATOR) Want some candy? Want some candy?



(PREDATOR) Want some candy?

Danny's necklace

(JERRY) I hate the subway at rush hour

It's hard enough to find a seat

and if you do, someone's pissed in it or thrown up over it

(SIGHS) This damn heat is kiIIing me, man

Hey, it's me!

- I look great! (LEONA) Oh, shut up

No autographs, Pop

Look. There's two seats right there - Don't touch me!

Hey! Get off!

(LEONA) This shit never ends

- After you. (GIRL) assh*le!

Excuse me. Police business - Get out of my way!

Hey, baby. Besame mucho. Come on!

You look like a sympathetic dude

My, uh...partner here needs an operation

But we're a little short of cash if you know what I mean?

No need for that

Mm, money

- Whoa! Get the heII away from me!

I know how to use this thing! Don't make me use this thing!

Bet mine's bigger than yours!

I'I| take that

(g*ns cockING)

(JERRY) Hold it. Police! - We're in trouble now.

- Nobody move! Alto, policia, no se muevan!

Everybody take a deep breath loosen your sphincters.

We don't need any rush-hour Rambos there

Tu tambien, m*therf*cking baby!

Drop it and sit down! Sientate!


(LEoNA) What the hell is that?



Leona, you okay?

This is it! He's in the train! Get these people out of here!



What's happening?




(JERRY) Get down! Get down!

Get out of the way!



Leona, get 'em out! Go! Go!




(PANTING) Jerry!




(JERRY) Hey! Over here!

Yeah, that's right. Come and get it

Come on! Move it! Move it!

Let's go! Vamos!



Move it! Don't panic, just go! Go! Vamos!

Jesus Christ. What the f*ck are you?


Vamos! Vamos! Come on!

Keep walking! Come on, you too! Vamonos!

(JERRY) Come on, m*therf*cker!

(PREDATOR) Want some candy?

Let's dance!


Come on, get out of the way!

Get out of the way!


(LEONA) Come on, out! Out! Out!

Come on, move it!

That way! That way! Towards the Iight! The Iight!

Come on! Get out!

Come on



Oh, God






A a9hI


God, not again

Okay, move your ass! Move out the way!

- Watch out! What's happening? It's a f*cking slaughter, Lieutenant

Oh, God!

Hey, Jerry!

Oh, Leona! Leona!

Oh, please. Leona. Oh!

- How's she doing? Deep shock, but she's alive

I hear foetal heart sounds. She's pregnant

Let's move. LA County. Stat!

Stand back

On three. One, two, three. Load up

Out of my way!

Move out the way! Move it! Move it!

Whoa, whoa, whoa


Uh, wait a minute. Let me see

Where's Jerry? - I don't know.

We found his badge

Who got hit this time?

Five g*ng members

bunch of commuters

Doesn't make sense

They were all armed

What do you mean? - It's the chief.

Wait here. Yeah?

- What the heI|'s going on down there? It's a damn nightmare. Civilians this time

- All k*lled? Yeah. Just like the others







Holy shit! What the heII is going on here?

(POPE) Hey, guys, get the camera on! Get the camera on this right now!

Get that g*dd*mn thing on film!

(MAN) What's going on?


Hey! Hey!

Hey, Harrigan!

More victims! More mutiIations!

f*ck you! - Pope!

Pope? Are you there, Pope? Pope, what's going on?




Sir, the cop is back

God damn

Harrigan! Don't you show up in the damnedest places.

Come here, Lieutenant. I got something you might find interesting

What is this?

How many times do I have to tell you? You don't know what you're dealing with

There's your kiIIer. Wonderful, isn't it?

Pheromone signature left by his body Scent molecules.

Punch up three

Ten years ago one of his kind eliminated

an elite Special Forces crew in Central America

There were two survivors

They indicated that, when trapped, the creature activated a self-destruct device

that destroyed enough rainforest to cover 300 city blocks.

Remarkable weaponry

That's right, Lieutenant Other-world Iife forms.


A f*cking alien!

Iwo Jima, Cambodia, Beirut Drawn by heat and conflict.

He's on safari. Lions. The tigers. The bears

Oh, my!

Trophies. That's the game, isn't it, Keyes?

You're the lion

This is hisjungle

- So why can't we see him? Defensive adaptations are astounding

It's somehow able to bend light Perfect camouflage.

You admire the son of a bitch - Not what he does.

For what he is. For what he can give us

A new era of scientific technology

I've waited a lifetime for this, and I'm not going to miss the chance


We have something on the pheromone scanners

Target one is on the roof

It's taken us two weeks to learn his patterns.

He comes here every two days to feed

Seems he has a taste for beef. I didn't think he was vegetarian

Well, we've prepared a trap for this predator

We are certain that this being can see in only one spectrum of light

..infrared Infrared?

He hunts by seeing our heat. Block the heat and he's blind

These suits insulate body heat making the team invisible.

We've flooded the place with radioactive dust

and installed powerful ultraviolet lighting everywhere

The dust adheres to his body making him visible.

Liquid nitrogen. You're not gonna k*ll him You're gonna freeze him.

We have to capture him - He's moving.


Grab a seat. Enjoy the show This is history.

(KEYES) Capture and isolation is our objective.

Defensive action only on my orders

Power up. Lights on. Let's get him!

We're in

Switch to ultraviolet

- Radio silence. Out. Engage ultraviolet units A through J

What's all this interference? Correcting the problem, sir.

They're moving to the second level

Target's still moving, heading towards the number two stainIve||

Playing right into it



Wait a minute. It's stopped




It's moving back against the wall

It's backing up. It's moving away from them

Your boys have been made

- Sir, it's circling around behind them. Get 'em out! They're walking into a trap!

Keyes, he's behind you. Third floor structure. Right there!

(KEYES) Who is this? Clear the line

He sees the damn lights. Turn 'em off! Turn 'em off! Shit!

Stop him!

Argh! -Oh!


- Door. Open it. Go f*ck yourself

Okay. Okay

The door

= Y68, Sir. You d0n't |(|'lUNW|'l8t y0l|'l'e doing


It's open

You'II ruin everything! - f*ck yourself!

(KEYES) Defensive formation one Nitrogen g*ns, safeties off.

Everyone else, rock'n'ro||

(DISTORTED) This is it

He's moving down from the right

(KEYES) Garber, where is he? I can't see him.

He's right there! He's right there!

God damn it! Where is he? Well, give me a coordinate! Where is he?


(KEYES) Watch out!

My God

(KEYES) Watch your crossfire! (AGENT) Aaagghh!



I'm Iosing my pressure



(OFFICER) Keyes, you aII right?

(DISTORTED) Keyes, it's over here!


(KEYES) Come on! Switch over!

Shit! I can't see!

They're gone

They're all dead

(MIKE DISTORTED) You want me? Here I am!











ugly mother




(G RowLS)


Guess who's back


Too late to go home now

Get out of here, Harrigan I'm gonna save your ass.

This is between me and him!






(wHISPERS) Birds

Damn birds




Okay, pussyface

It's your move

Shit happens









Oh, God. Oh, God

That's all I need is birds

You can do it

I can do it. I can do it

It's like faIIing off a Iog

Like a 30-storey log. Damn!


Maybe I'I| get lucky and fall

Damn it


(T\/) The final Jeopardy answer is this

Berengaria, who never set foot in England was its queen for eight years

after marrying this king on Cyprus

Good luck




Herb, wake up! There's somebody in the bathroom







- It's all right. I'm a cop. I don't think he gives a shit


Get back inside!


Holy Moses. Not again. Shit!

Son of a bitch

Oh, God


Why can't this guy stay on the ground?

Come on, come on. Come on, come on!

Come to Papa

A a9hI

Stop! Stop the elevator!

Stop it!


Aagh! Aagh!



Now where the hell am I?


Where are you?

Jesus Christ





That's right, assh*le!

Shit happens!





Okay. Who's next?

(ALIEN) Take It