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15x26 - Accidents Happen

Posted: 09/21/23 09:15
by bunniefuu
♪ Heartbeat

♪ Why do you miss when my baby kisses me?

♪ Heartbeat

♪ Why does a love kiss

♪ Stay in my memory? ♪

Tea up! Sounds like you had a bit of a skinful last night.

Have you managed to remember your name yet?

Where am I?

I'll give you a clue. It's not the Ritz.

Hm. No. It's all very quiet.

Just a drunk in the cells, sobering up from last night.

I don't know, Alf. I don't know where folk get the money from.

MASKED MAN: On your feet! Move!


RADIO: 'Control to Panda One.'

'Black Zephyr heading south on the Pickering road.'

'Control to Delta Alpha Two-Four.'

'Vehicle now heading towards Aidensfield. Over.'

ROB: 'Delta Alpha Two-Four to Control. Suspect vehicle sighted.'

'Heading out towards Aidensfield. Over.'

MILLER: 'Proceed with caution. I can now confirm these men are armed.'


- Delta Alpha Two-Four to Control. - MILLER: 'Go ahead, Rob.'

Suspect vehicle knocked down a pedestrian

near the Aidensfield Arms.

PC Bellamy is in pursuit of the suspects.

I need urgent medical assistance here. Out.

MILLER: 'Understood.'

WOMAN: Simon! Are you all right?

He's not moving, Mum.

ROB: Hello. Can you hear me?

- Can we do anything, Rob? - Water. Blankets.

I'll go get the water.

SIMON: He's not moving!

He's not moving. Come on! He's not moving. Come on.

- Simon, no. - Get off.

- Simon, no. - Get off me.

It's my dog, Patch. She needs some help! Come on!

- Simon! - Get off me!

- Simon! - Get off!

PHIL: 'Panda One to Control. Over.'

ALF: 'Go ahead, Phil.'

PHIL: 'I've lost them. Over.'

The ambulance will be here any time.

Can't wait. I think the collision caused a tension pneumothorax.

His pleural cavities are damaged and air's being trapped there.

I'm going to have to puncture his chest to release it.

Can you clear everyone, please?

ROB: Thanks, Gina. Want to put them down?

ROB: All right, everybody. Stand back, please.

Rob, can you give me a hand?



We're going to have to be careful how we get him aboard.

I'm so sorry.

Division have just thrown the book at me. It's a shambles.

We have a man in custody, but we failed to get his identity.

We then allow him to be taken from under our noses.

We get a clear sighting of the getaway vehicle,

we give chase, and it results in an accident.

An innocent pedestrian is seriously injured, and a dog is k*lled,

and the suspects get clean away.

I want to know who that prisoner was

and why armed men consider him worth springing.

Cheer up, mate. We tried our best.

PHIL: It's not that. It's weird.

I thought I saw a face this morning. Except I couldn't have done.

Sorry, you've lost me.

It doesn't matter.

They've got to be serious villains.

It takes nerve, raiding a police station.

That's what's worrying us. Why did they want that bloke so badly?

You did great though, Helen. That man owes his life to you.

MAN: Yes. Congratulations, Doctor.

Sorry to intrude. Ridley. Oliver Ridley. A fellow medic.

- Oh. - Well, sort of.

Oh, here she is. Well done, Doctor.

We heard that you saved a life.

Well, I was just doing my job.

- Not just a job. - No.

Me and Rosemary, we mend cars. That's just a job.

You mend something a bit more precious than that.

- Hear, hear! - HELEN: Thank you.

Still, it was heart-breaking about the dog. Wasn't it, hm?

Yeah. He loved Patch, did Simon.

You know, you can get really attached to dogs.

I mean, look at me and Alfred.

- I still miss him. - ALL: Yeah.

Simon, love.

Sometimes bad things happen.


It wasn't an accident.

Of course it was.

The men were going fast because the police chased them.

They had to swerve to miss the car.

That made them come off the road and on to the pavement and k*ll Patch.

Yes, love. An accident.

No. One thing caused another thing which caused another.

It's called cause and effect.

It was an accident, love.

No. No, it wasn't.


DEBBIE: Come on, you two. Time for bed.



- What are you doing? - Nothing.

Sorry. It's daft.

What is?

Well, I was gonna tell you earlier, but I thought better of it.

It's just... it's still bothering me.

- Go on. - Well...

I was convinced I saw your ex-husband today.


Some bloke was crossing the road near the bank.

I nearly ran him over.

He was the spit of Barry.

- He's dead, Phil. - I know.

I do know.

It's just that he looked exactly like him.

For goodness' sake, Phil. You never even met him.

You've only seen him in photos. He's dead.

I had to identify him in the morgue.

If you think I want reminding of all that again, thanks a lot.

Poor lad. He obviously thought the world of that dog.

Yeah. I hope it doesn't set him back.

- He's got enough problems as it is. - Oh?

He's quite a solitary boy.

He's never been diagnosed with an actual clinical condition, but...

He does have problems forming relationships.

Everyone says how bright he is.

He is, academically. Science and maths.

The other kids at school tease him.

His mum reckons he's only ever shown real affection for his dog.


Excuse me.

That was Gina. She's had a guest gone missing.



- Hello. - Ah, hello.

Fill her up, would you? There's a good chap.

And I say... I'd like some information.

I'm very anxious to have a word

with that delightful lady you were talking to in the pub last night.

Oh, Dr Trent, you mean?

Er, no, no.

Well, Rosie, then.

No, no. I think her name was Peggy.

What do you want her for? Does she owe you money?

No. Nothing like that. Where would I find her?

Doesn't sound like he's run off without paying

if his gear is still here.

His name's Derek Brown. He seemed quite a nice chap.

Said he was over on business for a few days.

Didn't mention he'd be away for a couple of nights?


Maybe he's got lucky. Met a lady friend or something.

From what I saw, he seemed more interested in his whisky than women.

- What did this bloke look like? - s, I'd say.

Slim. Going quite thin on top. He had a slight scar on his cheek.

MAN: Bottle of Scotch won't do any harm, Terry.

I work better after a couple of drinks. It relaxes me.


You nearly blew it.

You're being well paid.

You're gonna stay sober now until it's done.

Have you got that?


Good morning, Mrs Jardine. Hello, Simon.

Simon was unhappy about going to school today.

Patch always walked with him to the bus stop.

Then he'd trot off back home.

You were very fond of Patch, weren't you, Simon?

MRS JARDINE: School have been very understanding.

Simon's happy to do his work at home in his room for now.

HELEN: I don't see any harm in that.

As long as you don't cut yourself off too much from the world.

He didn't sleep last night. Did you? I heard him pacing about his room.

HELEN: It's understandable.

Yesterday was very shocking for everyone.

I'll prescribe some mild sedative tablets.

They should calm the nerves and help get you some sleep.

Let's see tomorrow.

Right. What have you got, then, Rob?

ROB: This guest gave his name as Derek Brown.

He matches the description of the man in our cells.

Go on.

I've been through his stuff. There's initials on his bag. RN.

Obviously he gave Brown as a false name.

Also there's this postcard in there.

It's addressed to a Rick Napier.

It's an address in Earl's Court, London.

Gina says that he was very fond of a drink.

And could have ended up in our cells?

Get on to the Met.

See if they can find out anything about this Rick Napier.

Alf? You knew Debbie's first husband, didn't you?

Barry Black? Yes.

What do you remember about the motorcycle accident he died in?

It was a few years ago.

It wasn't on our patch. It was down south, I think.

I don't suppose he had a twin, did he?

A twin?! No. He had a younger brother, though.

And did he look like him?

Well, you'd certainly know they were related.

He lives over York way, I believe. A bit of a scallywag.

He's done a stretch in prison, I think.

- And do we know if he's out? - No. But I can find out, though.

MUSIC: '----' by Manfred Mann

- OLIVER: Mrs Armstrong? - Yes?

And before you say owt,

I came across this pheasant in perfectly legitimate circumstances.

I'm quite sure you did.


I couldn't help noticing you in the pub last night.

You were the life and soul of the party.

My name is Ridley. Oliver Ridley.

I've just moved into this area

and I'm here to extend an invitation.

Oh, yeah? To what, exactly?

David. You might be able to help me with something.

Oh, er, yes. What?

Well, I was thinking of getting Simon Jardine a puppy,

to try and take his mind off losing Patch.

GINA: Oh, that's nice.

Yeah, it's a lovely idea.

I wondered if you knew anyone who had puppies for sale.

No. Not that I can think of, no.

I'll ask Aunt Peggy, but not now. She's a bit busy.

Someone's taking her out for lunch.

Who is he exactly?

He's a dentist. He's just opened a private practice in Ashfordly.

Must be the first time she's been near a dentist in years!


You're a striking woman, Peggy. Blessed with a flawless complexion.

Yeah, well, that's cos I get off my backside

and get out in the fresh air.

It's all natural, is this, you know.

No, I don't muck about much with make-up.

Indeed. But sometimes, if nature is given a helping hand,

the results can be startling.

How do you mean?

To my mind, you are the epitome of natural, mature, female beauty.

Give over.

If I were to use my professional skills on your teeth,

you'd be perfection itself.

Why? There's nowt wrong with my teeth, is there?

Oh, no, absolutely not.

But I specialise in cosmetic dentistry.

A proper scale and polish would set that radiant smile of yours alight.

Oh, hang on. Are you trying to drum up trade?

No. I'm not forking out to get my teeth cleaned.

No, no. Of course not. I wouldn't charge you a penny.

It would be a gesture of friendship.

Oh, well... If it's summat for nowt...

Yeah... All right, then.

Nothing yet on Rick Napier. The Met said they'd phone back.

Well, well. Seems you lot can't even protect your own nick,

let alone the public, these days.

What do you want, Wilkes?

I'm doing a piece about our local Keystone Cops.

Any comment to make on yesterday's debacle?

MILLER: No. We're busy.

Now get out, before I do you for wasting police time.

The mystery prisoner is still missing, then, I take it?

Suit yourself.

Man With No Name Nicked From Nick

As Boys In Blue Blow It.


I've always prided myself on my teeth.

Why wouldn't you?

They're an exceptional set. Exceptional.

You charge some fancy prices here, don't you?

Cosmetic dentistry isn't cheap.

But you're getting the VIP Platinum Package for nothing.

What's that for?

I always take photographs

for documentation and reference purposes.

Say "cheese".


- PHIL: Hi, love. - Hey.

- What's all this? - Ask her. It's her idea.

I'm having a clear-out. Old clothes the children don't wear any more.

You'd think it was the Crown Jewels, the way she's carrying on.

- Where's the other two? - Tea with friends.

Being kept out of the way, more like.

Jane, go and tidy your room like I told you.


DEBBIE: She is driving me mad today.

Mothers and teenage girls. You can't win.

PHIL: Is everything all right, Debbie?

Oh, it's just her.

Your dinner's on. I'll check the oven.

- DEBBIE: Phil? - Yeah?

Nothing. Just give us a hug.



Yeah. And they had the litter a few weeks ago.

Oh, lovely little pups they are.

- I'm very grateful. Thanks. - Don't mention it.

- Your teeth. They're... - Like a Hollywood film star.


I'm going to ring the farm.

I just hope Simon takes to the puppy.

I gather a young lad's dog died in that police chase.

Nasty business.

OSCAR: Don't you come sniffing around here, Wilkes.

- You'll get nothing. - Just doing my job, Oscar.

- The public's got a right to know. - I know what your game is.

Exploiting the misfortunes of others just to sell a few papers.

How sad is that?

Yeah. If anyone has any information, erm...

- You know where to find me. - Hm.

OSCAR: He'd sell his own mother for a story, that one.

They just waltzed in and flew the helicopter away.

The same g*ng?

Yeah, it must be. Sawn-off shotguns. Balaclavas.

Who are they?

This is interesting.

It's a paper written way back in the 's.

ROB: Oh, yeah?

It describes symptoms similar to Simon's.

No mention of any diagnosis or treatment, though.

- Blast. I keep doing that. - What?

Going to get a reference book,

and then remembering they're all still at the surgery.

We are married now. Why don't you bring them over here?

In fact, why don't you clear out the rest of your stuff?

- Bring it all over here. - Why not?

I'll organise it. What do you think about the puppy?

I think it's a very good idea,

providing Simon's parents don't mind.

You know, I've always thought when life treats you badly,

it's good to find someone new to care for.

- Morning all. - ROB: Sarge?

The Met finally got back to me about this Rick Napier.

- Oh, yes? - He is known to them.

He served a short prison sentence.

Whilst under the influence of drink, he crashed a helicopter.

I want you to go back to the airfield,

find out what you can, in broad daylight.

I want you to find out who he was with, who the g*ng were

and why they wanted that helicopter so badly.

Bellamy, Younger, ask around.

See if anybody heard a helicopter last night.

You might find out which way it was heading.

Er, the... morning post, Sarge. Just routine.

Have you read all these books, Doctor?

HELEN: Erm, not cover to cover, no.

I can't even read the titles.


Oh, sorry about the clutter.

David's kindly helping me move some books over to the police house.

Come through.

How are you feeling, Simon? Sleeping better?

He is, a bit, though he had his light on in the middle of the night.

- Didn't you? - I'm fine, Mam.

I want to go back to school now.

You didn't say that before.

Well, I've got Science. I want to go to school.

- You must be feeling better, then! - MRS JARDINE: Yes, he... he must.

I'm sorry to have troubled you, then, Doctor.

- HELEN: May I have a word? - MRS JARDINE: Of course.

Rob and I were thinking of getting Simon a new dog.

There's a chance of a Labrador puppy.

Oh, that's a really kind thought.

Patch meant everything to him.

Might bring him out of himself a bit. Thank you.


Well, of all the blooming cheek!


You've made me a laughing stock! I want it out of that window, now.

Oh, it's just a bit of fun. Good for business.

I've had five bookings as a result already.

You cynically used me to drum up trade!

What if I did? You got those awful teeth cleaned for nothing.

Awful? I'd never have had them done

if I'd realised that you were going to... exploit me like this!

Well, I'm sorry to upset you.

But the photographs are staying. They're very good publicity.

Publicity? Ah. All right, matey.

Two can play at that game.




You're back early. Is everything all right, Simon?

I felt tired.

The teacher said I could do the rest of my work at home.

All right.

WILKES: Mrs Armstrong?

You called me. Said you had a story.

That's right.

I've got something for you,

that I think might be in our mutual interest.

No reports of anyone hearing a helicopter.

- You? - No.

I've called the Met and asked for more clarification

on this Napier character. Are you all right, Phil?

ALF: Can I have a word, Phil?

Er... Barry's brother is still in the nick, if that's any help.

No, not really.

Well, I've tried to find out more about Barry's fatal accident,

but I haven't even managed to trace the death certificate yet.

No, no sign of them, I'm afraid.

Yeah. Understood, sir.


DS Wilson came back, Sarge.

Whilst he was in jail,

Rick Napier shared a cell with a Terry Dean.

- Who? - Dean.

He was a member of the notorious Marriott g*ng, from south London.

Marriott... Ray Marriott. But he's inside, isn't he?

He's on remand in Durham nick. His trial comes up soon, doesn't it?

- Tomorrow, in fact. In Leeds. - Hang on.

There was something about it in the post this morning.

Here we are. Routine notification.

Prison van and escort coming through our patch today.

If it's Marriott, that's what they could be planning to hit.

PHIL: Debbie!

What's going on, Debbie?

Your dead husband is standing outside.

I... I didn't expect you to be here, so...

I was going to leave you this.

I... I tried to explain everything in there, but it... it's not easy.

I... I hope one day you'll find it in your heart to forgive me.

For what?

For leaving? Or for lying to me all this time?

He was my first love, the love of my life,

the father of my children.

You told me he was dead!

He was broke, couldn't cope, so he ran off abroad,

to South Africa, leaving me with three young kids.

He wasn't going to see 'em grow up.

So I decided, for the sake of the children,

it was better to give them a completely fresh start,

so I told them he'd died.

You lied.

To your kids. To me. Everyone.

I needed to put it in the past.

It never crossed my mind I'd see him again.

He says the thought of what he did has always haunted him.

He's missed his kids.

He's done... really well for himself out there.

He's got his own business, and... Nice house and swimming pool...

Oh, well, that's all right, then!

He leaves his mess to be cleared up by somebody else,

and when he gets himself sorted,

he can just come back and take it all back!

Phil, I... I understand how you feel,

but whatever else he is, he is their father,

and I'm doing this for them.

For their future.

I love those kids.

I love them like they were my own children.

Please. Debbie.

Is there nothing I can do to make you stay?

Erm... I must go.

And that's it, is it? I don't even get to say goodbye to them?

It would be too painful all round. They're confused enough as it is.

Where are they? I want to talk to them.

They're at Barry's hotel. We're... We're flying out this evening.

You're a special man, Phil, and I'll never forget you.

I did... I do love you.

Just go, Debbie.

Go to hell.

MILLER: 'Control to Panda One.'

'Control to Panda One. Are you there?'

MILLER: 'Estimated current location of prison van and escort

somewhere on Bardsley Moor.'

'Attend. Urgent. Over.'

MUSIC: 'A New Day Yesterday' by Jethro Tull

Go, go, go, go!

Go, go!

♪ My first and last time with you

♪ And we had some fun

♪ Went walking through the trees, yeah

♪ And I kissed you once

♪ Oh, I want to see you soon

♪ But I wonder how

♪ It was a new day yesterday

♪ But it's an old day now

♪ Spent a long time looking

♪ For a game to play

♪ My luck should be so...

Come on! Get it out of here!

- Get us out of here! - It's not moving.

Go! Get us out of here! Come on!

Get us out of here! Get us out of here now! Now!

♪ Just when I thought I'd found you

♪ It was a new day yesterday

♪ But it's an old day now ♪


Get out! Come on!

Panda One to control.

The helicopter's put down, blocking the Bardsley Moor road.

'Bellamy, Sergeant Miller here. Backup is on the way.'

'Don't do anything rash until you have support.'

Don't be stupid.

You got me on the wrong day, pal.

Go on! sh**t me! See if I care.




sh**t me and I'll take you with me.

Take it up! Take it up! Up!

Put it down, Napier!


Put it down! Now!


That's enough!

ROB: Put it down, Napier.

- ROB: Come on! We know who you are! - OK...


What do you think you were doing, huh?


What do you think, David?


Aw! He's a lovely little fella.

Absolutely adorable. I hope Simon likes him.

Oh, he will.

Here. You take him.

DAVID: Hello...


What is it now, Mrs Armstrong? I'm about to close for the day.

- Publicity you're after, in't it? - Facsimile article.

Not been published yet, but will be if necessary.

It's about an innocent woman

duped into having cosmetic dental surgery,

who is now suffering untold pain.

You're not in any pain.

Ooh! Ow!

Excruciating pain.

That was the word you chose, weren't it, Arthur?


I have quotes from a doctor

about supplying painkillers for the poor woman and everything.

What doctor, hm? You're not on pain K*llers.

I can be, though. Do you get my drift?

Yes, I do. It's cheap blackmail.

Oh, hang on. It's not cheap blackmail.

Show him your teeth, Arthur.

Oh, no. Nothing about us is cheap.

As well as paying me for the publicity you've already got,

you are going to give Arthur here the full clean-up works for nowt.

I don't suppose they had...

MILLER: Division seemed very pleased.

However, I don't want you risking your life like that again.


But I couldn't be more proud of what you two did today. Well done.

We'll start the paperwork. You enjoy your evening.

- Well done, mate. Well done, Phil. - Well done, lads.

So, are you going to tell me what's wrong now?

She's left me.

She's gone.

Barry's not dead.

She just lied... and lied and lied!



Poor Phil.

Yeah. I just had a pint with him.

Oh, I asked him over for a meal.

- If that's OK? - Yeah, of course.

- What time? - He shouldn't be long.

I'll have to take the dog over to Simon before I can cook anything.

I'll pop him over, if you like.

ROB: Come here, you little rascal.

There you go. Yeah.

See you in a bit.

Oh, he's a real smasher!

Simon'll love him.

He's up in his room, working away as usual.

Give him it when he's ready. Say it was from Helen.

No, come on up. He can thank you himself.

Look, Simon. PC Walker and the doctor want to give him to you.

Don't you want to hold him?

He's nice, but he's not Patch.

Well, he hasn't got a name yet. That's up to you.

He does feel warm and soft.

There you go.

Give you something to do rather than hiding away up here.

It looks like you've been busy. Chemistry, eh?

Did you get this from the school lab?

He came home early from school today. His bag was bulging.

He's been up here all afternoon.

Ammonium nitrate? Detonator? Timer?

Looks like some sort of design for a homemade b*mb.

That's exactly what it is.

You've actually made a b*mb?

You chased the men.

That made them swerve onto the pavement.

Their car k*lled Patch. So it was your fault.

Are you saying you've made this? Simon?

Where's the b*mb now?

SIMON: With the boxes David was taking to the police house.





Oh, I can't believe it.

Poor Phil.


Try the number again. --.

Yeah. Well, he's going to come over here.

He shouldn't be on his own tonight. No.



RADIO: ♪ There is always something there to remind me

♪ Always something there to remind me... ♪




No! Helen!

No! No! No!

MUSIC: 'Run Honey Run' by John Martyn

♪ Well, I wish I could think

♪ Of some cliche to mouth

♪ To make our parting seem less sad

♪ But if I told you lies

♪ Or promised you the moon

♪ The truth would come trickling from my eyes

♪ So run, honey, run

♪ And hide in the wind

♪ And never stop to look inside your mind

♪ Well, I wish I could wash all my weeping blues away

♪ And watch them disappear on morning tide

♪ But I seek after sword, after sounds of the sea

♪ A charm forever around my mind

♪ So run, honey, run

♪ And hide in the wind

♪ And never stop to look inside your mind



♪ And I wish I could fly like a bat from a cave

♪ Through darkness of my ignorance to light

♪ I'd forever live on the echoes of our love

♪ And die like some star burning bright

♪ And run, honey, run

♪ And hide in the wind

♪ And never stop to look inside your mind ♪