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02X01 - Beggin' on Your Knees

Posted: 04/04/11 22:29
by bunniefuu
Hold up. Hold up.

Someone was off key.

Yeah. Who was it?

Two hints: Robbie and Shapiro.

My singing was not off.

Man, your whole life is off.

Well, I think maybe Tori was off key.


Tori wasn't off.

You were perfect.

Really nice tone.

Handsome boy thinks I was perfect.

Uh-uh! Not so fast.

Let's talk about your homework assignment.

For the full moon jam?


You all have to do a song and your performance will count as 1/3 of your semester grade.

We have to sing a solo?

It can be a solo, or you can pair up with someone in this class and sing a duet.

But just solos and duets.

♪ What about us? ♪

no. No quartets.

♪ Oh ♪

so, Tori, what should we sing together?

I call Tori.

I already called Tori.

Oh my gosh.

You've worked with her in the last project.

Hey, hey, hey!

You guys can't just call me.

I am not the front seat in your mom's minivan.

I never had a mom.


I'm singing a solo, okay?

Yeah. Come on.

Let's go.

Like the wolf... She walks alone.

Off key.

♪ Here I am once again ♪

♪ feeling lost ♪
♪ but now and then ♪
♪ I breathe it in to let it go ♪
♪ and you don't know ♪
♪ where you are now ♪
♪ or what it would come to ♪
♪ if only somebody could hear ♪
♪ when you figure out how ♪
♪ you're lost in the moment ♪
♪ you disappear ♪
♪ you don't have to be afraid ♪
♪ to put your dream in action ♪
♪ you're never gonna fade ♪
♪ you'll be ♪
♪ the main attraction ♪
♪ not a fantasy ♪
♪ just remember me ♪
♪ when it turns out right ♪
♪ 'cause you know ♪
♪ that if you live ♪
♪ in your imagination ♪
♪ tomorrow you'll be ♪
♪ everybody's fascination ♪
♪ in my victory ♪
♪ just remember me ♪
♪ when I make it shine ♪


Oh. Hi.


I know your name. Ryder.

So I was wondering if maybe you... Well, I really can't sing a duet with you.

No, that's not what I was gonna ask you.

It's not?

I was gonna see if maybe you wanted to, you know, go out, or I should probably just... No! Wait.

I'd love to go out sometime, and, wow, your arm is hard.


So we'll grab Sushi or something.

Yes! I mean, yes.

Yes. I want to do that.

All right! Fine!

The four of you can sing as a quartet.

♪ Yay ♪

now leave me alone.

It was true.

♪ Hey, hey, Tori Vega ♪
♪ won't you be ♪
♪ our very special... ♪


♪ Hey, hey, Andre Harris ♪


Today is awesome. And I love my new phone!!!

Feeling: Tingly-ish.

Hey, sadie. Hi.

Oh! Hey, Tommy.


This didn't take long to go bad.

I'm Robbie.

Remember, I was in your jazz dance class?

Oh, yeah.

You're the kid who got kicked in the groin.

Yes, uh, but I've healed.

Anyway, I was just wondering if maybe you'd wanna get dinner with me this Saturday night at the olive bargain?

Look, I would go out with you, but I'd really rather just stay home and do nothing.

I failed again.

Aw. Who's inadequate?

Hey. What's wrong with me?

There's a bunch of things.


Just like a baby.

A little awkward.

You're irritating.

You guys, it's not funny.

Oh. Oh. And you're not funny.

Oh, yay!

Northstar. How can I assist you?

Uh-huh. Uh-huh.

Are you injured?

And your location is?

Okay. Help is on the way.

Thanks for calling northstar.

What was that about?

You know the new phone number I got last week?


Well, there must be a glitch or something 'cause lots of people who have northstar keep calling me.

Wait, I've heard of northstar.

Isn't that, um... an emergency service for people who've just had car accidents.

Oh my God.

It's so exciting.

And I get to help people who need me.


But how will the paramedics know to go help that guy?

Oh my God. You're right.

I should call the paramedics.


Oh, someone's all happy about somethin yeah. It's making me sick.


Is there a reason why girls don't wanna go out with me?

You mean, like, one reason that stands out of all the other reasons?


So why are you happy?

'Cause Ryder Daniels asked me out.

Ooh. He's hot.

Stare all you want. I'm secure.

I don't trust that Ryder guy.

Oh, you just hate the idea of anything good happening for me.

That could not be more true.

Well, I'm just saying, any dude that hot and that perfect has to be hiding something.

So I guess you think Beck's hiding something.

Oh, he was, until I found out.

What was I hiding?

That you were born in Canada!

It wasn't a secret.

So this Ryder guy, he just asked you out and you said sure?

Aah, yeah, pretty much.

And he didn't give you a present or money?


Well, I just don't understand.

Wait. This date, when and where?

Friday night, my house.

Can I come?

What... no! Why?

'Cause I wanna learn from Ryder.

Look, I wanna be the kind of guy who can walk up to a girl, ask her out and not get laughed at or sprayed.

You can't observe my first date with Ryder.

He won't even know I'm there.

I'll hide in that bush on your patio.

He'll see you.

You never have.

I know. But... what?



Trina, will you please help me?


Are you making Sushi?

Yeah. Will you just read me the directions that are right over...

Look, I just got these jeans and I gotta stretch 'em out.

You know, we eat on that table.

Sorry, my butt's gotta breathe.

And why make Sushi?

I'm gonna surprise my date, Ryder Daniels.

Ryder, senior guy, super hot?


Be careful.


He dates lots of girls.

You know my friend, Lindsey?

Lindsey doesn't like you.

So? I know her.

Anyway, she went out with Ryder last year, and he totally broke her heart.

He dumped her?

Like with no warning, just, boom, over.

Well, maybe he had a good reason.

What is that?

It's a spicy tuna ball.

I just made tuna into balls. They are spicy.

Feeling: Hungry.

So how's your spicy tuna ball?

I've never had Sushi like this before.

Aw. Thank you.

So listen.


I gotta ask you something.

Hit me.


So we've been on the same class all year.


And we've like never even talked or anything and then you just ask me out.

All true.


I don't know.

I guess I was nervous to talk to you.

But that's insane.

You're all hot and stuff, Mr. Hard muscles.

What about you, Ms. Cheekbones?


No, I mean, come on, you're pretty.

You're an amazing singer.

You can make whatever this is.

Oh hey, do you have a bathroom?

Yeah, through there, first door on your left.



Where did you come from?

Have you been eavesdropping?

Yes. Check his phone.



You don't have much time.

Boys pee fast.

Check his phone.

For what?

You could always find out a person's secrets by checking their phone.

But... hurry.

I don't want... Oh.

Help you find something?

Wow, you guys do pee fast.

Were you reading my text messages?



I'm sorry.

Okay. I was snooping.

Wow, we've been going out for like 46 minutes d you already don't trust me.

No, no. I'm not like that.

Are you sure?

'Cause I think maybe you're exactly like that.

No, don't pick up your jacket.

I gotta go.

But what about your spicy tuna balls?

I'll see you later.

Did that bush just waddle?

Robbie Shapiro!


You're invading my privacy.

Hey, at least I didn't snoop through Ryder's phone.



Looking for a certain boy. My donut tastes weird.

Feeling: Searchy.

Hey, you guys seen Ryder Daniels?

Not today.

You mean the hottie?

Ha, I see him.

Ryder, listen.


Eew, Robbie. What did you do?

I realized that a guy like Ryder gets girls because of his looks and his attitude, so I make-overed myself.

Your ear is bleeding.

I know.

I tried to Pierce it like Ryder's.

Ryder doesn't have a pierced ear.

You said you were sure his ear was pierced.

Yeah, I was kidding.


Hey, Cat.

Hey, after school do you guys wanna like...

Oh yay, another one.

Northstar, how may I assist you?

Another car accident?


I'm sorry, sir.

Can you say that again?

I can't understand you.

You need an ambu-what?

I'm sorry.

I can't understand you.

Who is she talking to?

Ooh, pretty girl.

Wait. Miss, have you noticed my new appearance?

Ma'am, wait!



Hey, did you get my text messages?

Yeah... you wanna check my phone to make sure I'm not lying?

I'm sorry.

I was so wrong to snoop on your phone and if you'll just give me another chance, I promise, I will trust you and I will never ever, ever give you spicy tuna balls ever again.

I kinda like the spicy tuna balls.

So you wanna come over tonight?

I can't.

I gotta pick a song for the full moon jam.

I gotta start rehearsing it.


I gotta, and I don't even know what song I'm gonna do yet.

You don't?


I just... I get so scared to sing alone.

Well, maybe we could do a song together, a little duet action.

That sounds nice.

You make me feel safe.

Hey, do you guys know if it's possible for a man to perform cpr on himself?

I don't think so.

I doubt it.

Yeah, me too.

Sir, I'm sorry to keep you waiting so long but my supervisor says it's impossible for you to give yourself cpr.


Hello? Hello?

♪ Shelter my eyes from the sun ♪
♪ and wait for the birds ♪
♪ to fly by ♪
♪ deep in my head now ♪
♪ it's like I'm dreaming ♪

that was fantastic.

You're fantastic.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.


Are you about to kiss me?




It's cool.

Did I bite your lip?

Little bit.

Hey, Christine. Wait up.


Uh, Robbie?

Right. Right, yeah.

I'm in your Spanish class.

You look different.

I know. Try to relax.

You know, you kinda look like this guy I used to date.


Ryder Daniels.

Oh, you dated him?

Well, I thought I was dating him, then I found out his little game.

Keep going.


So Ryder talked me into dancing with him for a class project, you know, 'cause I'm a good dancer, and then right after I helped him get an "a,"

he never called me again.

Oh, you must have felt so dirty.

Nah, he does it to a lot of girls.

He uses them to get a good grade, then see ya, but I should have known.

No guys ever ask me out.

I just sit home alone.

So depressing.

Well, uh, do you wanna go out with me?


And then Robbie told us.

So we checked it out with some of the other girls.

Ryder's gone out with.

And it's true.

So he's just using me to get a good grade?

Sorry, Tori.

You must feel pretty stupid right now.

Okay, that's a time-out.

No, I was just trying to... go sit on the steps.

So what do I do now?

Well, you're not still gonna sing a duet with that jerk, right?

No way.

Good. So he'll fail.

Yeah, but I don't wanna fail too.

So what are you gonna sing?

A song, a really cool song that you're gonna help me write tonight.

I can't.

You have to.

But I got to go... come on, Andre.

All right.

I'll just celebrate my 97-year-old great-grandpa's birthday with him next year, possibly.

Well, come on.

Sometimes it's nice to forgive people. And other times, revenge rocks.

Feeling: Feisty.

♪ Goodbye, my coney isle ♪
♪ goodbye, my coney isle ♪
♪ goodbye, my coney isle ♪

I got your mic for you.

Just put it on me.


So congrats, man.

About what?

I hear you're going out with Tori.

Yeah, for like five more minutes, then you can have her.


Okay, up next, we have, singing a duet, Tori Vega and Ryder Daniels.

Come on.

Hey, you guys.


Okay, this is a little song for the ladies, especially for the ones who know my friend, Ryder.

My mic is not working.


Let's go Andre.


Oh... what song is this?

Just listen. I think you'll hate it!

You had it all the day you told me told me you want me I had it all but let you fool me fool me completely I was so stupid to give you all my attention cause the way you played me exposed your true intention and one day I'll have you begging on your knees for me one day I'll have you crawling like a centipede you mess with me and mess with her so I'll make sure you get what you deserve one day you'll be begging on your knees for me so watch your back cause you don't know where or when I could get you I set the trap and when I am done you will know what I have been through oh, mister player do you feel like the man now I bet that you are nervous cause this song makes you freak out I know I'm being bitter but I'm gonna drive you under cause you just don't, don't don't deserve a happy ever after cause of what you did to me after you told me you never felt that way and it's only just a game and one day...

I'll have you begging on your knees for me you mess with me and mess with her so I'll make sure you get what you deserve one day you'll begging on your knees for me ouch.

You just got burn.