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02x05 - The Perilous Edge of Battle

Posted: 09/23/23 17:33
by bunniefuu
I'm pretty sure
that you referred to Spector by name.

- Are you certain?
- If you did, he knows that we're on to him.

I was due to see Mr Spector, he the target?

- Hairdresser's booked to see Annie today.
- She's been cancelled too.

But you let me come all the way in here
before turning me away,


- We've a problem.
- What?

We've a collapsed ceiling.

What is that?

A body has been found. A female.

- Where?
- The Belfast Hills.

It's nether. It's not Rose.

She's unidentified as yet.
Perhaps I can use her for 12 hours?

Do you know a detective called Tom Anderson?

Detective Sergeant, West Belfast.

I thought he might make
a useful addition to our team?

Nurture your envy, Katie.

Your anger. It's the way forward.

What is it you want me to do?

Ripped by mstoll

♪ Blues

(Music blaring)

♪ Mama, bring me my walking cane

♪ I said, Mama, bring me my walking cane

♪ I'm leaving on that midnight...

Control. Xray 1 update.

From Xray 1. No movement.

Nothing to report.

No sign of any builders, plumbers at the house?

No, ma'am.

The target appears to be playing loud music.

(Song continues)

♪ Mama

♪ I'm drinking again

♪ Mama

♪ Said I'm drinking again

(Distant voices)

EASTWOOD: You'll find in front of you
a target profile on Peter Paul Spector.

There's no date and time, and the precise
wording of the arrest is yet to be formalised.

I'll do that with the officer nominated
and briefed to make the arrest.

I personally like the arresting officer
to be the first interviewing officer if possible.

- Do you have someone in mind?
- I do.

I've made some enquiries.
That seems like it might work.


So far we've found no official record
for Paul Spector further back

than his marriage to Sally Ann Goodall.

We're still waiting on
John Paul Spector's army records,

but one thing we do now know
is that Paul Spector is not Jewish.

His father was born John Paul Marshall.

Marshall was adopted by the Spectors
who were indeed a Jewish couple.

They devoted most of their lives
to adopting and fostering children

regardless of their race, colour or creed.

Thoroughly good people it seems.

- Where was this?
- North London.

Is John Paul Spector still alive, do we know?

He's alive and in prison.

- Where?
- Canada.

- In prison for?
- m*rder.

- A female victim?
- Male.

(Metallic clanging and creaking)

(Keys jangle, lock turns)

(Keys jangle, lock turns)

I'm not sure if you remember me. Jim Burns?

Of course I remember you.

I've followed your career with some interest.

If I may, I'll get straight to the point.

I want to know if you remember this boy
from your time at Gortnacul Orphanage?

I believe he was there from the age of ten to 13,
from 1989 to 1992.

Is this to do with the recent spate
of sexual murders?

Why do you ask that?

It must be something of pressing importance

to bring the Assistant Chief Constable
all the way out here to see me.

Is this your man?

What can you tell me about him?

He was a very pretty boy.

I've been following the progress of the case,

in the newspapers, on the news,
with considerable interest.

All those poor m*rder*d gins.

There's a great deal of consternation
among the general public.

- I'm well aware of that.
- I'd like to help.

You can. By telling me
what you remember about that boy.

Would you call me Father?

You've been defrocked,
dismissed from the clerical state.

You are no longer a priest.

DO you know what is sung
at a priest's ordination?

"You are a priest forever,
like Melchizedek of old."

A priest acts on earth as an alter Christus -
that is as another Christ!

I know one of your victims believed
that he was being touched by the hand of God

while you were molesting him,
because that's what you told him.

All of those boys were willing participants.

Every one of them consented,
I never forced myself on anyone.

They wanted to learn about sex,
explore their sexual identities.

They enjoyed it.

If they deny that now
it's because they can't face their real natures.

A child's consent does not count.

What you were doing had nothing
to do with exploring their sexuality

and everything to do with misusing power
and abusing trust.

I never hurt a boy physically.

And that's a source of pride? ls it?


Do you feel no shame? No guilt?

Why should I?

Shame...for who you are?
Guilt at what you've done?

I was showing children love,
expressing affection,

By performing oral sex on 12 year olds?

How many of those boys
still have faith in the Catholic Church,

still have faith in God, do you think?

It's a disgrace
that I'm thought of as a common criminal

and all the good work
I did over almost 30 years is forgotten.

Even in this place I continue my vocation.

A man dying on the floor of his cell
begged me for the last rites.

What would you have me do?
Turn away from him?

Refuse to confer absolution?

I was obliged to dispense the sacraments

because an indelible priestly character
remains on my soul.

I absolved sin.

One word from my lips transformed mere bread
and wine into divine flesh and blood.

That power can never be taken away from me.

This was a mistake. I shouldn't have come here.

- Give me the photograph.
- You're an important man.

You could lei it be known
that I will lead the community in sincere prayer

for the apprehension of this individual.

Say...say tomorrow at noon.

Men, women, children -
it could be a mighty force.

I'm sure there are plenty of priests
who could lead the community in prayer.

Priests who aren't pederasts
sewing a 20-year prison sentence.

I can perform any religious ritual
that is permitted to any lay person

and no one can stop me.

- Let me have the photograph.
- Father. Call me Father.


Then I won't tell you what I know about this boy.

SPECTOR: I don't think I can.

I don't know what's gonna happen.

I don't...I don't.“...

I had an early night myself.

It's a beautiful night.

Beautiful night.

The first example
is the known recording of Spector's voice

from his interview with DCI Brink.

The second, the call from Rose Stagg's phone.

I don't think I can...

I don't know what's gonna happen.

I don't...

I had an early night myself.

It's a beautiful night.

Beautiful night.

Normally, 20 or more different words
are needed for a meaningful comparison.

Comparing two voice samples of less than
20 words results in a less conclusive opinion:

possibly instead of probably.

The call from Rose Stagg's phone
was very possibly made by Paul Spector.

It has been four days since Rose went missing.

Delaying the arrest in the hope
that the suspect leads us to her,

runs a number of very clear and obvious risks.

Risks that, I think, we have to take.


(Ringing tone)

Hey, this is Katie.
I can't come to the phone right now.

Leave a message and I'll call you back.


Hi,'s me. I'm outside.

Have you left already?

I can't really wait, so...
I'll see you at school. Bye.

GREEN: These are the thermal images
from last night, ma'am.

The only heat signatures are livestock.

- Is that all Goodall land?
- Yeah, there's the farmhouse.

- What's that?
- That's your derelict building.

Perhaps it's on the list, We'll take a look later.

No sign of Rose Stagg's car?

No, ma'am.
We'll extend the search further south today.

We need to find that car, Jed.

From 3. That's the Benedetto girl
into the bank on Waring Street.

I no longer have.

From 3. That's the Benedetto girl
into the bank, Waring Street.

3 no longer has, running loose.
5, can you cover?

From 5. Entering the bank.

Message from Control, ma'am. The Benedetto
girl has cut school. She's on the move.

From 5. I now have.


- Where is she?
- In a bank on Waring Street, ma'am.

5 now has.

From 5. She 's making a cash withdrawal,
looks like a large amount.

From 5. That's the Benedetto girl
out of the bank on Waring Street.

Walking briskly towards the river.

What's the word on Spector?

Sitting fight, ma'am.

From 5. The Benedetto girl
is on the footbridge at Lagan Weir.

From 4. Shes fixed a lock to the fence
and thrown away the key.

A padlock that says Katie and Paul
with today's date.

A love lock?

From 4. The target is heading back
towards Custom House Square.

From Xray 1. Stand by, stand by.
That's the target out of the house.

Blue and grey hooded top,
black tracksuit bottoms.

(Camera shutter clicking)

On foot. Left, left towards the Lisburn Road.
Now running!

He's running. Repeat, he's running loose.
Left, left towards Lisburn Road. Unsighted.

Out for a run or making a run for it?

From Xray 1. Target is wearing a back-pack.

Oh, Jesus!

From Xray 1. That's the target out of the house.

Left, left towards the Lisburn Road.
Now running unsighted. All call signs respond.

It's Gibson. ls the surveillance blown?

From Delta. Not possible to say.

Have eyes on target running loose Ulsterville
Avenue, approaching Lisburn Road.

GIBSON: Arrest strategy not yet in place.
Follow. Do not lose.

Target now crossing Lisburn Road.
Repeat: crossing Lisburn Road'

Control. From Delta.
Target is crossing Lisburn Road.

From Delta. Target is on College Gardens
heading towards Malone Road.

One-way street, unable to pursue.

From Delta. That's the target
crossing the Lisburn Road,

into College Gardens,
heading towards the Malone Road.

Call signs that can back Delta, come in.

Golf. I can.

Eyes on target crossing Malone Road.
Repeat: crossing Malone Road,

Control. From Goff.
Target crossing Malone Road.

From Golf. Target entering Botanic Gardens.
Main gates closed to vehicles - running loose.

All calls signs. I need cars blocking all exits.

Golf and Delia, drop two men on foot
to cover the Gardens.

(Motorbike horn blares)

From Golf. SO7 entering park
at Botanic Avenue entrance on foot.

From 8. In Botanic Gardens on Stranmillis.

From Bravo. Turning left on Ridgeway Street
heading to University exit.

(Horn blares)

From 7. Eastern edge of Botanic.
No visual on the target.

From Bravo. Crossing Ormeau Road, turning
left onto Annadale Embankment. No visual.

From 8. Southwest of Gardens.
No sign of target.

Control. From 8.
No sign of target southwest of Gardens-.

From 3. Benedetto girl
has turned into Bleecker Street.

4 has.

(Door opens and closes)

From 4. The Benedetto girt has entered
the Bleecker Street Hotel on Bleecker Street.

Running loose.

From 4. The Benedetto gin has entered
the Bleecker Street Hotel. Running loose.

- What's happening?
- We lost him.


We think he's somewhere
in the Botanic Gardens.

We have cars covering every exit.

All available surveillance operatives
are in the Gardens on foot

From 4. I'm in the lobby
of the Bleecker Street Hotel.

Room 12 is registered
in the name of Paul Spector.

Call in the uniforms.
Spector's room is a crime scene.

It needs to be treated accordingly.

(Police radio chatter)


Get down on your knees!

This is my hotel! It's my hotel!

Drop what you're holding!

(Handcuffs jangle and click)

- On your feet.
- What?

I can't walk the corridors of my own hotel?

(Knocking on door)

Police. Open the door!

(Hammering on door)

(Toilet flushes)

(Hammering on door)

Police! Open up!

Open the door!

Police, open the door!

- Katie. Calm down. You are under arrest.
- Get off!

- Get off!
- Just stop moving!

(Katie panting)


Get off!

Alpha Papa 1-2 to Uniform.
We have the Benedetto girl.

(Police siren whoops)

GIBSON: We believe the girl
has attempted to destroy vital evidence.

It might be necessary to conduct a strip search.

Assign Hagstrom responsibility for her care.

We need to provide access
to an appropriate adult.

And put her in a detention room,
not in a...not in a cell.

BOYD: Understood.


From Bravo. No sign of target.

Spector's juvenile criminal record.

- From the South?
- I went to see Father Jensen.

The pederast
who ran the orphanage at Gortnacul

where Spector was when he was a boy.

He remembered him well.

- Peter Baldwin?
- PB.

Was he abused by Jensen?

Jensen says not.

At 13 he was moved to Ballyvale.
It's a home in Dundalk.

It was there that it seems
his criminal behaviour began.

And you were right: breaking and entering.
Ignoring valuables, taking underwear.

And he kept a journal too, it seems.
Voyeur's map of the town.

Days of the week, times of the day and night.

Places where women could be observed.

Notes about their appearance, age, habits.

- Prison changed Jensen?
- No.

He's just as arrogant, just as narcissistic.

- He's unrepentant.
- From 7. No sign of target.

Oh, where the f*ck is he?

Will you look who it is?

(Horn blares)


Stop that! Stop that!

Move back. Go! Move!

- (Groans)
- Get down on your knees.

Get down on your knees.

Get down on your knees!


- Where's my wife?
- What?

Liz? Where is she?

- I don't know, Jimmy.
- (Spits)

Tell me...or so help me
I'll blow your f*cking brains out!

I swear to you, Jimmy,
I don't know where she is.

Find out.


Make some calls. Now. Find out where she is.

I don't have my phone.

Make some calls.

(Phone ringing)


Responding to an emergency call, ma'am.
The back of Elmwood Mews.

Elmwood Mews?

The person who phoned it in
described two men in bomber jackets, jeans

and the third in dark running gear.

It made me think of the CCTV footage
of Spector running.

- How far away are you?
- Minutes.

All right, stay on the line.

It's just er... I need to follow up,
for my case notes.

I really need to see her in person.

Elizabeth Tyler.

Paul Spector.

She was in therapy
because of the death of her son.

Not because of domestic abuse-.

That therapy was interrupted.

Obviously I'll treat any information
as confidential.

She's asking her superior.

- My knees are hurling. Can I get up?
- No, you f*cking can't get up!

It's lovely music.


They got me on hold.

- What's in your bag?
- What?

- Give me your bag. Give me it.
- (Police siren)

- (Gasps)
- (g*nsh*t)

GIBSON: Dani? Dani?

(Struggles for breath)

- What the f*ck!
- Put the g*n down!

Nobody move, nobody move!

Keep your hands in the air.
Keep your hands where I can see them!


- Aargh!
- (Gasps)


- Stay where you are. Don't move!

- For f*ck's sake!
- Dani, can you hear me?

- You OK?
- (Grunts)



Sorry, ma'am. We've had a contact.

- Were you hit?
- Yeah.

- One in the flak jacket.
- And Spector? Is it Spector?

Yes, ma'am.

One moment.

(Dani panting)

(Police siren)

The suspect has fled the scene
in a white City Clampers van.

He's er...six foot two, dark jeans, dark jacket.

He's bleeding from his face.
He's taken my partner's g*n!

Establish an outer cordon!

- Dani?
- Sorry, ma'am.

- Is Spector still there?
- Yes, ma'am.

Any injuries? Head injuries?

No, ma'am. He's er...
I think he's bleeding from...his nose.

OK. Don't let them take him to the hospital, Dani.
Do you hear me?

Just keep him at the scene.

Yes, ma'am.

I've told the custody sergeant at the
Serious Crime Suite that you're on your way.

Can I help?

Yes, you can.

From Xray 1. Standby.

That's the target's wife
arriving at the house in the Volvo.

Control. Target's wife arriving at house.
Xray 1, wait out.

(Camera shutter clicking)

That man was on his back,
more or less as he's lying now.

Then he made a move, raised his g*n-
That's when the male officer fired again.

Two more sh*ts.

Now just bring the wrist up.
Don't let me push it forward.

Don't let me push it back, Thank you.

Just don't let me push...

(Phone ringing)


Understood. Yeah.

Mr Spector.

Thank you for your statements.
We have your number and address.

We'll be in touch
if we need anything more from you.

This is Paul Spector.
He's not worn any protective clothing.

Sign him out.

(Police radio chatter)

(Officer speaks into radio mike)

Paul Spector.

Detective Sergeant Anderson.

I'm arresting you for the unlawful imprisonment
of Rose Stagg.

You do not have to say anything.

But it may harm your defence
if you do not mention when questioned

something you later rely on in court.

Anything you do say may be given in evidence.
Do you understand?

(Engine starts)

- (Knocking)
MARTIN: Police officers!


- Sally Ann Spector?
- Yes?

- DC Glen Martin, DC McNally.
- What's happened?

Sally Ann Spector, I am arresting you
on suspicion of perverting the course of justice.

- What?
- You do not have to say anything.

But it may harm your defence
if you do not mention when questioned,

something you later rely on in court.

Anything you do say may be given in evidence.

Your mother's here to see you.

I don't wanna see her.

Katie, you are a juvenile.

The law requires an appropriate adult
to be present during your custody.

Not her.

Not her.

They came to the house and arrested me.

And they've bought me to
The Down...Serious Crime Unit.

MAN: Slow down, Sally.
- I'm sorry.

- Why have you been arrested?
- Perverting the course of justice.

In what way?

They suspect that I lied
when they asked me about Paul.

- What about Paul?
- Where he was the night that girl died.

- What girl?
- The one in the park.

Did you lie?


- Is this your one phone call?
- Yes.

Sally... I 'm not a criminal solicitor.

I should contact a colleague.
It's important you don't incriminate yourself

I'm pregnant, Steve. Please help me.

Please remove your top layer, sir.


Both the Benedetto girl and Spector
have mobile devices with video files on them.

Should we prioritise Spector's?

Yeah. Definitely.

Downloading now, ma'am.


(Extended bleep)

I must advise you
this interview is being recorded.

I am Detective Constable Glen Martin.

Detective Constable
Gail McNally is also present.

The suspect's name is Sally Ann Spector.

Also present is the suspect's solicitor
Stephen Jennings.

It is...2200 hours on Monday, May the 7th.

This interview is taking place
in the Down Serious Crime Suite.

I'd like each person here to identify themselves
on tape for voice identification purposes.

DC Gail McNally.

Steve Jennings, solicitor.


Sally Ann Spector.

Just to make it clear, Sally,

the offence you are being investigated for
is perverting the course of justice.

What I am going to do is ask you
to give an account of the answers you gave me

when I telephoned you
on Saturday the 21st of April,

and asked you to give an account
of your husband Paul Spector's movements

on a series of specific dates.

I believe the account you gave me was false

and amounted to an attempt
to pervert the course of justice.

Do you understand?


Tell me in your own words
how you came to give me that account.

I lied. (Clears throat)

I lied to you.

Er.., He called me
before he went into the police station.

He said the police
would probably come round to see me

and ask me to confirm
what he was about to tell them.

He asked me to lie
and say that I'd been with him that night.

That we were at home together.

What reason did he give, Sally?

When he called he didn't give a reason.

So you just did what he asked?


Did he ever give a reason?

Er...yes, when he came back from the station.

Tell them, Sally.

Paul worked on a su1c1de helpline,
as a volunteer.

Every Friday night, all night,
and some other nights as well.

Or at least that's where I thought he was.

When he came back he told me that he hadn't
actually gone to work for the last three months.

That he'd been having an affair.

MARTIN: Take your time.

He was having an affair...with our baby-sitter.

She was 15 at the time.

I didn't know what to do.

He said that if I told the police
that he'd be put on the sex offenders list.

That he'd go to prison.
That...I might even lose my job.

Is that what all of this is about?

You understand that you're under caution?

I should also remind you...that you have a right
to free and independent legal advice.

And that you can talk to a solicitor
on the telephone if you so wish.


That light indicates
the interviews being monitored.

You have been arrested because we believe
that on the night of Thursday, May the 3rd... abducted Rose Veronica Stagg
from her home.

We also believe that you have
unlawfully imprisoned Rose Stagg.

That you're holding her somewhere
against her will.

You may know Rose Stagg better
as Rose McGill.

Your wife has been arrested.

Your home is being searched.

Katie Benedetto has been arrested.

The hotel room you were staying in
is being searched.

Things could gel out of control
for you very quickly, Paul.

- Are you sure you don't want to speak?
- (Knocking)

All the files have downloaded
from Spector's phone.

There's some videos you should see.

My wrists are sore. Can you untie me, please?

Peter? Can you unloosen these, please?

I'm thirsty.

Can you untie me, please!

Please. Please can you untie me?

Please take me home.

Please take me home.

My babies will be missing me.

They're only little, they're young.

They need me, Peter. They need me, Peter.


I'm sorry.

You were right. I did go to the police.

...go to the police.

I never will again...if you untie me now.

I won't tell anybody what's happened.

Please, Peter.

Please, Peter, would you talk to me?


I miss what we had.

Hm...I do.


He's not like... you.


No one's like you.

Untie me and we can have what we had again.

It can be better.

I know it's wrong, but I' turned on.

Are you? Are you?



You f*cking disgust me!

You f*cking piece of shit!

You f*cking worm!

I know it's you.

You pervert.

You f*cking pervert!

You dickless piece of shit.

You're a monster. You're a monster.

You're a monster. You're a f*cking aberration!

f*ck you! f*ck you!



Peter, please take me home.


You must have had a terrible childhood
to do this to me.

I feel sorry for you.

I really do.

You must have had a terrible childhood.

I feel sorry for you.


I don't want to die here, Peter, please!


You want to be noticed?

You want to be paid attention to,
make your mark?

Fine. Hurt me.

Do whatever you want to me.

Go your worst.

Nothing you can do will ever take away
how much I love my husband.

How much I love my children.

Nothing you can do
can make me devalue my life in any way.

I will celebrate life.

I love and I am loved,
and nothing that you can do can take that away.

Do you know that? Do you know that!


Why the f*ck are you watching this?

You sick shit.

What the f*ck is wrong with you?

I think it's time for a special warning.

See if we can't make it
that a court draws an adverse inference

from Spector's refusal to answer questions.

I'll pass it on.

ANDERSON: I want you to listen carefully
to what I'm about to say, Paul.

I'm now going to ask you to account for a fact.

The reason I'm asking you to do this... because I believe this fact
shows that you are responsible...

...for the abduction and unlawful imprisonment
of Rose Stagg.

I must warn you that a record
is being made of this interview...

...and may be given in evidence
if you 're brought to trial.

And that the court may draw proper inference
from your silence

if you fail or refuse to account for the fact
about which you are being questioned.

Do you understand?

I'm asking you to account for the presence,
on your phone -

the phone found in your possession
at the time of your arrest -

oi a number of video files
featuring the image oi Rose Stagg...

and the sound of her voice.

And images of you.

What is your explanation
for those files being found on your phone?

(Soft creaking)

(Locks clanging)

(Retreating footsteps)

(Door clangs shut)

OLIVIA: Granny!

JENNINGS: They've finished
questioning your daughter, Mrs Goodall

- and they're keeping her in custody.
- Will you be seeing her again tonight?

I won't, unfortunately
but I will see her first thing in the morning.

- Give her my love.
- Granny!

I will. You try not to worry.

Granny, is that Daddy on the phone?

(Phone ringing and vibrating)

- Gibson.
- It's Christine Larkin, ma'am.

- Yes?
- Some new results from the FSNI.

Tell me.

They've managed to type mitochondrial DNA

from the degraded blood sample found on
the scissors that ties them to the crime scene.

It's Joe Brawley's blood.

He's entitled to eight hours uninterrupted rest,

If we wake him,
I have to reset the clock and you lose two hours.

Fetch the gaoler.

(Clears her throat)

Yes, ma'am?

May I?

There's something I'd like you to do.


I'm DC Gail McNally.

Paul Spector, I'm further arresting you
for the m*rder of Joseph Brawley

and the attempted m*rder of Anne Brawley.

You do not have to say anything.

But it may harm your defence
if you do not mention when questioned

something you later rely on in court.

Anything you do say may be given in evidence.

Do you understand?

(Door creaks shut)