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01x08 - Don't Just Do It / Joined at the Hip

Posted: 09/23/23 20:02
by bunniefuu
[Clock chiming, thunderclap]


[Owl hooting]





I'll get you!

[Captioning sponsored

By nickelodeon

And the u.s. Departmen

Of education]

[Needle scratching record]


Now, if you

Gangrenous canker sores

Will all take out your sacs

We can star

Today's breathing lessons.

[Grunting and slurping]

[Krumm grunting]


Now fill them.

And swallow.



Now someone refresh me.

Why do we do this?

Ooh, oh, ooh


[Clears throat]

Because with a full sac

Of the life-giving

Noxious garbage air

We can survive in the harsh,

Oxygen-rich human environmen

For up to 48 hours.

Oh, good answer, snill.

Thank you,

And may I say that--

But what do you do

If you'll be above ground

For four days or five? Hmm?


Um, uh, come home early?

Oh, dear.


I'm going to show

You festering wounds

A way to double your

Above ground breathing time.

So pay close attention!




Some of you may be

Better at growing

Than others right now,

But fear not.

You'll learn

Or I'll teach you.




Now what?

Now swallow.

Excellent, excellent.

Now, if you'll

Shrink back down

Your body

Will compress your sac

To hold the extra air.



I don't

I don't think I can.


Your body will

Close around the sac.

It just takes

A little getting used to.

[Grunting and crying]

[Class laughing]

Work on it.

Work on it. Work on it!

Sure, I'll work on it.


I'm having a bad day.


He's going to get it.

Kid, you're either nuts

Or a lot tougher than you look.

Oh, yeah?

Well, either way, you lose.

What's your name?


I like you, ickis.

You do?


He does?

I knocked you down,

You came back at me.

That took guts.

Lots of monsters

Would have kept on walking.


Well, not this monster.

You trip this little guy

And you better

Be ready to--

Don't get carried away.


I'm phug.

Do you go to the academy?

[All laughing]

The academy?

Why would I waste

My time in there?

Bunch of snotty losers.

Think they're so scary.

Tell me about it.

[Crowd laughing]

You should be more careful.

You stepped on my toe.

Oh, you're so right.

What was I thinking?

You are dir

And I'm no better

Than fresh foliage.

That's the spirit.


Have a lice day.

That'll show you to laugh at me.

That piece of flunge

Laughed at you?

I messed up

In front of the whole class

And they all though

It was sofunny.

Who needs that?


Who needs that?

One more pump, then swallow.

That wasn't too bad.


I like the old way better.

Ickis! Where have you been?

What do you care?

Need someone to laugh at?


We're so sorry

For laughing.

Why don't you practice

Filling your sac with us?

You can laugh at me if you want.

No, thank you.





Where you going?

To class.

We get our

Assignments today.

I go

A better idea.

What do you say

You and me

Go above ground

For a scare?


Above ground?

Don't they teach

The way above

Ground in there?

It's dangerous,

You know.

So I'm no

Tough enough?

No, no, no!

You're very tough--

Yes, tough.

It's just that up there,

Things are different.

Well, if you'd rather

Go in there

Where they

Laugh at you

So this is the way up?

Before we go,

Did you fill your breathing sac?

Sure! Yeah, right,

I already filled it.


Well, let's go.


It's cramped in here.

Just don't worry,

We're just about there.

Come on!

I can't get through there.

Sure you can.

I'll help you.

J-just relax yourself.

Think of sludge.

I can do it myself.



This guy looks ripe for a scare.

Ha! I didn't come

All this way

To let you

Do the scare.

Sit back and take notes,

School boy.





Good scare!

Good scare?

Try great scare.

That guy was terrified.

I can't believe

You waste time in that school

When it's this easy!

Where you going?

Exit's through there, remember.

Exit? Are you nuts?

I'm going to give him another.

Well, you can't.

What do you mean,

I can't?

You're only supposed

To scare 'em once.

Then they're never sure

What they saw.

Hold on there.

I think I get it.

Scare 'em once, they'll

Be scared for life

'Cause they don'

Know what hit 'em.

But scare 'em twice

They start figuring ou

What we are

We're in big trouble!

Yes! Yes! Exactly!

Who cares?


I can't

[Gasps for air]

You didn't fill

Your sac, did you?


W-we got to

Get out of here.

Come! They are

In ze kitchen.

We'll see about that.


Go on without me.

I won't talk--

Unless they thr*aten to hurt me.

Then I'll probably

Tell them everything.

I-i can't just leave you here.

Get your rolling pin



[Gasps again]



Monsters, huh?

Jac-quies, dropping a cake

Is no reason to make up stories.

It is jacques, jacques!

I am telling you, I saw it!

Sure you did.

Look, I've go

A catering hall to run.

Call me when the martians land.

[Both laughing]

I'm telling you,

There was a thing.

Help me.

I'm not going to

Make it.


Hang on.

[Jacques muttering]

I thought I saw something.

Well, I know what I saw.


Did you check

The supply room?

No, let's look.

[Inhaling deeply]


I don't mean to interrup

Your monster hun

But weddings are so much

Nicer with a cake!




[Singing operatically]

Hey, what's

With the tune?

From the snorching.

I can't get it out of my head.

I guess I had it coming, but

I still can't figure ou

How the gromble knew everything.

Well I took your advice

And went to see him.

He threw me into that machine.

Saw the whole thing.

What did he say?

Class starts promptly

At midnigh

And I better no

Miss even one.

Class? He let you in?


He said I had

Real potential.

Yow! This is great,

This is great.

We can study together

Uh, can't, detention.

H-h-how about tomorrow?

A snorching.

Next week?

Detention, a snorching

And a walk through

A field of daisies.

Ooh, that daisy thing is tough.

Yeah, but it'll

Be worth it.

Yeah. Well, mm.

I-i-i better get going.

I, I got studying to do.

Sure, okay.



Thanks for everything

You did for me.

You're a tough

Little guy.


Oh, I it was nothing.


See you in class.

In class?


I like the sound of that.


Keep it down, I'll

Feed you in a minute.

You know I am kind

Of hungry myself.


Yeah, let's raid

The refrigerator.

Mmm, butter tray.


Ah, fanbelt!

You gonna ea

That last rack?

Be my guest.






Mmm, gunk!

Care for a swim?

Don't mind if I do.

[Both giggling]

[Both squealing with delight]

Gunk brothers



I love gunk.

So does fido.


Here, boy.



Life is good.

You mean

Life wasgood.

We got to get back to school.






[All shlorping]



Very good,

There is no shloomple.

Now, let's move on to

The more advanced skill

Of transformation.

Oblina will demonstrate.


Now, the first thing

To remember

Make him

Roll over.

Fido, roll over,

Boy, come on.

Okay, boy, now play dead.

Now, fetch!

[Fido panting]



Do I amuse you?



No, I mean no.

Of course not.

Oh, you're no

Amusing at all.


You want to be.

Then you're

Very amusing.

You're downrigh


As I was saying!

The key to

A proper transformation

Is to reach deep inside.

Think ugly, ge

A good grip and pull.


Absolutely vile, oblina.

Well done, well done,

Well done.

Now, how about the res

Of you scab-scratchers?

Blob, give it a go.

We'll come

Back to you.


Who's chewing gum?

Not us.

Not us.

Gum, get back to

Your seat, won't you?

One more infraction and

I'll have to separate you two.

[Imitating gromble]:

Rub each other all

Into little pieces.

That's it! New seats, let's go!

I won't have you

Disrupting class!

Snuff, why don't youshow us

A transformation?

Ickis, krumm!

You can't stand to be separated.

Perhaps you'd prefer to be

Joined together permanently?


Yeah, okay.



Good get down here!

Krumm, reach down into your

Mouth and give it a good yank.


Lend krumm a hand.

All right.

[Gurgling and spluttering]

Well, what have we here?

Krumm, ickis

Or is it krickis?

[All gasp]


This is cool.

Well, looks like you two

Will be spending

Even more time together.

Should be interesting.

[Guffawing in vile way]

Class dismissed!

[Ickis and krumm

Speaking simultaneously]


This way.


No, that way.

You want my leg

To bend backwards?

Might help.

All right,

Stop, stop!

Let us get this

Together, shall we?

I step on one,

You step on two.













[Both continue chanting

"One, two, one, two"]

I'm b*at.

Let me take those eyes

Off your hands.

I feel like a new monster.

We are one.


Hey, I smell

As putrid as you.


And I'm fuzzy.

I don't like

Being fuzzy.

But I can whine.

Best of all, the gromble

Can never separate us again.

[Both laughing]



[Crowd screaming]


We scared

The pants off them.




You're doing quite well,


Let's see you keep it up.


In a most putrid way]

Hey, ickis, you wan

To give me a hand?

I can't lift us both.

I just thought I'd do

A little reading.



I can't read.

Sorry just

Get two more.

[Food squelching

In slimy way]

Mmm, sloppy slugs.

Um, I don't wan

Sloppy slugs.

They give me hives.

What abou

Leeches and cream?

I hate 'em.

Moldy cheese?


Stale tuna?


Old rubber bands?


We'll have

The sloppy slugs.

[Gulping] yummy!





Mmm, I'm definitely

Gonna want to have seconds.

Okay, ready?

On the coun

Of three.




[Ickis screaming,

Krumm groaning]

Oh, that's more exercise

Than I've had all year.

I'm exhausted!

I sleep on my back.

I sleep on my belly.










Clock [yelling]:

Wake up!


Thanks to your rollathon

I did not get one wink

Of sleep last night!

It was his fault!

No, it was his.

Was not!

Was too.

Was not!

Was too.

Was not!


No, you be quiet.

You be quieter

Plus one.

You be quieter plus ten.


Okay, I'll spin my head

And screech

And you pop

An eye out and



Are you sleeping?

Me? No way,

I'm with you.

What did I just say?

You said you'd spin

Your head and screech

And I

I do something else.

Sounds good, let's go.



Ickis, wake up!

I wasn't sleeping,

I'm ready.

If you're ready,

What'll we do?

I don't know! There's

Way too many kids in here.

We'll never be able

To surprise them.

But if I come from here

And you come from there

Excellent idea.

But how do you sugges

We do that?

Oh, yeah, I forgot.

If only




[Machinery chuffing]



[Horn blowing]



Ew! Look at this one.

It's a reject!


[Both screaming]

Mocked by children.

This is

An all-time low.

You blew it.

Excuse me,

Youblew it.

I guess I need not ask

How your scare went.

Well, if you had stuck

To our plan

Our plan stunk.

We're only

One monster

What were we

Supposed to do?

I'm not talking to you.

Well, I'm not talking

To you, either.

I believe you two

Have been spending

Too much time together.


Tell him I want out.

Ickis, krumm wants out.

Tell him good riddance.

Ickis says

"Good riddance."

I heard him.

[Both growling]

Hmm, as I see it,

You have two choices.

Either you can go see

The gromble

Or, you can leave it to me.

[Ickis screaming]


Come in, krickis.

What can I do

For you?



You aren't by any chance

Having trouble?


That would

Be such a tragedy

To see you two

Good, close friends

Coming apart at the

You've go

To separate us!

The quicker the better.

Give me one good reason.

He smells.

He whines.

Not good enough.

We can't work together

If we aretogether.

Yeah, two monsters

Are better than one.

Besides, I miss being

My own monster.

Get him off of me!

Now, now, now,

No reason to be impolite.

Say, "pretty please

With sprinkled warts

And dung beetles on top"!

Pretty please, with sprinkled

Warts and dung beetles on top.

Good-- separation is a very

Simple process, really.

Krumm, you do this.

Ickis, your hand here.

Little pull, little push

And voila.

No, no, no, this is all wrong.

Shall we try again?

Now, just reach into your

Mouth to the left and pull.

[Roaring and groaning]


I think.

Ahh! Good to be back

In my old skin.

Yeah, you're

A nice place to visi

But I wouldn'

Want to live there.

Too much of

A putrid thing.

Ickis, want to raid

The refrigerator?

Great-- I have a craving

For ice trays.

Maybe we should

Do it tomorrow.

Good idea.

Or maybe in a week.

Better much better.

[Gromble coughs]
