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03X04 - André's Horrible Girl

Posted: 02/21/12 14:11
by bunniefuu

Why'd you just throw your drink in the trash?

'Cuz I wasn't thirsty.

But... But you bought the...

Ah forget it.

What are you doing Saturday night?

I'm dog sitting for my mom's boss.

Oh. What kind of dog?

I'm not sure.

He's got paws and a tail...

Maybe he's an English pawtail.

Why, what are you doing Saturday night?

Oh what... what, you think
'cuz Beck and I broke up, I don't have anything to do Saturday night?!

No, I never said...

I've got a lotta things I'm gonna do, like, tons.


I mean if you want me to cancel my plans.

And come hang out with you while you dog sit, then fine.

Fine, I'll do it.

You don't have to...

I said I'll do it.

But you owe me, baby girl.

Thank you.


Yeah hey.


You shouldna bet her.

Who knew girls could blow up balloons with their noses?

Ooh la la.




What is up with you and all the fancy clothes lately?

What's fancy? They're just clothes.

Whoa... Is that a Bouzet watch?

That is a Bouzet.

I've always wanted to see a Bouzet.

Where are ya getting' all this stuff?

Andre... Hey Andre...

Oh hey. Hey Hope.

You forgot your new scarf.

Yeah. Forgot. I didn't leave it in your car on purpose.



Oh um... you guys, this is... This is Hope.

Hope, these are some people I know.



Oh, I dunno, I'm actually not quite feelin'
the scarf with this shirt, y'know?

When I gave you that scarf you said you loved it.

Were you lying?!

No baby. Baby I love it!

Just lemme put it back around my neck!

Ieah, that's the thing.

See, it looks nice.

Like a pretty leash.

So I'll pick you up at lunch? We'll go grab some soosh?



You guys wanna come?

I don't.

Uh, Robbie and I have a thing... At... at a place...

We have a thing at a place?


Well Tori, you come.

Oh I... you know, I...

She'll be there!

You'll be there. She'll be there.

I do love soosh.


Heh heh. Yeah.

Pretty girl.

And generous.

Yeah, she seems really nice.


Raise your hand if you hate her.

I do.



♪ Here I am, once again ♪
♪ feeling lost but now and then ♪
♪ I breathe it in to let it go ♪
♪ and you don't know where you are now ♪
♪ or what it will come to ♪
♪ if only somebody could hear ♪
♪ when you figure out how ♪
♪ you're lost in the moment ♪
♪ you disappear ♪
♪ you don't have to be afraid ♪
♪ to put your dream in action ♪
♪ you're never gonna fade ♪
♪ you'll be the main attraction ♪
♪ not a fantasy ♪
♪ just remember me ♪
♪ when it turns our right ♪
♪ 'cause you know ♪
♪ that if you live in your imagination ♪
♪ tomorrow you'll be everybody's fascination ♪
♪ in my victory ♪
♪ just remember me ♪
♪ when I make it shine ♪.

Wow, this is a really cool place.

I know. And they have awesome Sushi.

Ooh, I bet they have Miso soup. I love Miso soup.

Miso soup is gross.

Yeah. I used to like Miso soup.

Then I realized it was gross.

Hellooooo Hope. Welcome back to Nozu.

Hi Mrs. Lee.

Oh my God...

What, is he here?

No, no. I'm Tori. Remember me?

You produced my friend's play.

Oh yeeeaaahhh.

You people left my daughter dangling from the ceiling.

Did we?

Wait... what happened to your other restaurant?

Wok Star.

Ohhhh. It burned down in a mysterious fire.

So sad.

But then I collected the insurance money and opened this place.

But Wok Star was a chinese restaurant.

Yeah so?

This is a Sushi place... Which is Japanese.

Are you chinese or Japanese?


I have three nice spots for you at the bar...

One for Hope, one for Hope's boyfriend, and one for the girl who tried to k*ll my daughter.

Thank you.

And, uh... sorry for dangling your daughter.

That's okay, someday I will get my revenge.


So, uh, Hope, ya know that song I'm gonna sing for your birthday...

Just sit down and order me a sunomono salad with no crab.

I have to talk to Mrs. Lee about my birthday party.

You're having your birthday party here?

That is so cool, how did you...

...And she walked away.

Yeah. There she went.

So... you uh... Really like her?


You sure?

'Cuz it seems like she makes you kinda nervous.

No. No.

What can I get ya?

That girl I came in with...

She wants a sunomono salad but with no crab.

No crab.

I'm serious!

Please don't put any crab in her salad.

She will k*ll me if you do! She will k*ll me!

Cat? Yo Cat...

Ooh it's Jade! In heeeere.

Jade seems really mean but don't worry, she is.



Say hello, Coober. Hellooooo.

Sick place.

Your mom's boss must be like a bazillionaire.

He is. He owns a really fancy car and part of Texas.

He owns part of Texas?

Yeah, but just like the top part.


Y'know this guitar is a '62 strattenbocker...

Like Elvis used to play?

That is Elvis's.

Shut up.

Look what's written on it.

"Thank you... thank you very much. Elvis Presley."

Holy chiz.

Don't touch it. Come sit.

Yay, we're hanging out togeth...


Who is it? Are you a criminal?

Not really.

It's open.


Aren't you supposed to be at Hope's party?

Yes! Yes, I am!

I'm supposed to be at her birthday party, I'm supposed to perform a song, and I'm supposed to like her but I don't!

I don't like that girl at all, not even a little bit.

And I don't know what to do!!!

You want some mashed potatoes?

No, I don't want any...

Gimme the bowl.

Okay... why are you dating this girl if you don't like her?

It's 'cuz of her daddy.

Who's her daddy?

Shawn Quincy!

Shawn Quincy?!?


He owns r.P.X. Records!

I know that, you think I don't know that?!

If that man likes my music he could make me a superstar!

Why else do you think I'm datin' his grumped-up crazy-face daughter?!

That is terrible!

I know! That's why I'm upset!

'Cuz I know what I'm doin' is wrong!

Are these potatoes hand mashed?

Yeah, why?

They're lumpy.

If you're gonna hand mash 'em, you gotta get up in there, get out those lumps.

Okay, did you know your mom's boss has an antique human skull in his room?

Please, put that back.

I'm not supposed to touch anything here.

Touching things is a part of life.

But I'm pretty sure we're not supposed to...

Look... I'm touching Elvis's guitar, see?

I'm Elvis Presley, and I'm touchin' mah gee-tar...

That's right baby... I touched the boss's skull, and I'm a'touchin'
mah special gee-tar.

See, I touched the guitar and nothing bad happened...

That guitar was not properly hung.

I can't believe you're doing this.

I'll buy you some more potatoes.

Nooooo. I mean dating a girl you don't like.

Just 'cuz her dad is Shawn Quincy.

Look, you need to be honest and break up with her.

Right. When?


But... But it's the girl's birthday!


Is that why you don't wanna tell her?

Or is it 'cuz you wanna perform your song at her party in front of her dad?

There's a party tonight, and Shawn Quincy's gonna be there?

You're not invited.

Andre, I would never be pushy, but when and where is this party 'cuz I'm going.
Tell her nothing.

Fine, I'll just follow him Trina...

Later, gotta go put on your purple dress!

Look, I know it's wrong for me date Hope.

Just so I can get her dad to hear my music.

Way wrong.

But the last three music artists he signed...

Platinum albums... Grammy awards...Superstars.

It's still wrong.

All right.

So you're tellin' me I should dump Hope tonight...

Before I get the chance to sinin front of her dad?

If you wanna do the right thing, yes. Dump her tonight.

What if I said you could sing the song with me?

Dump her tomorrow.

There's your girlfriend.

Yeah. She's so mean.

Heyyyy, Hope.

Whassup bab...

Why'd you bring her?

You said I could bring anyone I wanted to...

Oh, just be quiet!

All right. Uh... sooo... Your party seems to be kinda...

No! I said spicy tuna!

That's regular tuna, and I wanted spicy!

Awwwww. She's sooooo sweet.

Oh, my chiz.


Hope's dad.

Shawn Quincy.

One of the most powerful guys in the music business.

Look who he's with.

Oh my God, that's Trey Dirty!

Uh huh.

So I'm thinkin' we drop the album before their video comes out...

So that way we can make sure that the...

Heyyyyyy, Shawn Quincy.

I'm Trina Vega, and this is your lucky day.

Aw, no.

I told her not to come!

I'm a singer, and a dancer, and if you give me half a chance, I swear I will blow your mind with my talent.

Oh? Ohhh.

Yeah, no, maybe this isn't the best time, but just text me after the party.

♪ Nooo ♪
♪ please don't carry me awaaaaaaayyyy... ♪



You and I need to talk.

Okay, what do you wanna talk...

You janked my arm.

Are you sassing me?!

Okay, that's it!


I am sassing you!

Sassity-sass sass sass!


Look, I don't mean to wreck your birthday, but I don't wanna go out with you anymore.

Are you trying to dump me?!

Well... Yeah, if that's cool with you.

It is not "cool"!

You are not gonna embarrass me at my own Sushi birthday party!

What's Sushi got to do with it?!

You wanna break up tomorrow, fine!

But tonight you are my boyfriend, and you're gonna perform a song at my party like you promised!

Heyyyy, how we doin'?

Shut up!

Did ya hear what just happened?!

I tried to dump her!

Yeah, you did the right thing.

And she still wants me to sing in front of her daddy!

Oh! Wait, wait! Tori! Tori, tell this man you know me!

And you are...


Do you think my mom's boss will notice?

Cat... hey Cat?

We're in here!

You called Robbie?

Yes, so he could help us put up the guitar and fix the window.

Robbie can barely work the zipper on his own pants.


Whassup lil' pigeons?


Why did you invite Beck?

You didn't tell me Jade was gonna be here.

I didn't know.

I thought you had a date tonight.

Why did you think that?

It said so on your slap page.

Why are you stalking my slap page?

Why do you care?

Why is Robbie's zipper down?

Look, let's just get this stupid guitar fixed and hung back up there.

Before Cat's mom's boss gets back.

We have to fix the window, too.

Ooo, I'll find a window repair company using the new feature on my pear phone.

I need a window repair company in Beverly hills.

Checking... For adult diapers.

No no no no no no! That was my last search!

All right, all right!

Okay, uh...This is a song for the birthday girl...

Um, I'll be singin' it with my good friend here, Tori Vega.


Happy Birthday Hope.

And thank you for that reaction...Okay.

And uh, lemme say, it's a huge honor for us to perform in the same room.

As mister Shawn Quincy, a man...

Oh, just sing it!

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪
♪ all my attention baby ♪
♪ my extra time ♪
♪ there's nothin' I won't give you ♪
♪ girl if you were mine ♪
♪ six million times I'm thinkin' about your face ♪
♪ you know I'm crazy for you ♪
♪ let me count the ways ♪
♪ too many girls I'm chasin' ♪
♪ I had my fun ♪
♪ my fun ♪
♪ but all the time was wasted ♪
♪ yeah, you know that you're the one ♪
♪ it's a countdown to your love ♪
♪ oh, oh ♪
♪ you're my number one, girl ♪
♪ it's a countdown fallin' faster ♪
♪ oh, don't think ♪
♪ I'm gonna last now ♪
♪ oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪
♪ wait a minute ♪
♪ wait a minute ♪
♪ wait a minute ♪
♪ yeah ♪
♪ oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪
♪ wait a minute ♪
♪ wait a minute ♪
♪ wait a minute ♪
♪ yeah ♪
♪ oooooo ♪
♪ oooooo ♪
♪ ten, you're beautiful ♪
♪ nine, you're amazing ♪
♪ eight, so contagious every time I look at you ♪
♪ six, you're a star ♪
♪ five, who you are four, three when you want me ♪
♪ don't you know that I want you too ♪
♪ you want it ♪
♪ you want it ♪
♪ you want it ♪
♪ yeah, yeah, ♪
♪ yeah, you're the one ♪
♪ countdown to your love ♪
♪ oh, oh ♪
♪ you're my number one, girl ♪
♪ hey! ♪
♪ it's a countdown falling faster ♪
♪ oh, oh ♪
♪ don't think I'm gonna last now ♪
♪ countdown to your love ♪
♪ oh, oh ♪
♪ you're my number one, girl ♪
♪ hey! ♪
♪ it's a countdown falling faster ♪
♪ oh, oh ♪
♪ don't think I'm gonna last now ♪
♪ oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪
♪ wait a minute ♪
♪ hey! ♪
♪ wait a minute ♪
♪ wait a minute ♪
♪ yeah ♪
♪ oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪
♪ wait a minute ♪
♪ wait a minute ♪
♪ oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪
♪ yeah ♪
♪ wait a minute ♪
♪ wait a minute ♪
♪ oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪

thanks for fixing the window.


And we didn't even notice your lack of hair.

Guitar all good up there?


And look, you can't even see where it broke.



My mom's boss'll never know anything bad happened.

Whoa, is this a real human skull?

Yeah give it so I can put it back.

No, I'm looking at it.

Robbie, give it to me.


Robbie, stop.

Do not touch mine. Fine!!!

Don't cry.


I heard a buzz.

Zip up your pants.


Cat, it's Carl Gibbons.

I forgot my key, would you buzz me in?

It's my mom's boss!

Could you buzz me in?


Sure, I could...

Or maybe you could go to Europe for two weeks.

Cat, buzz me in.



It'll be okay...

When he gets up here, we'll just explain that...

What's happening?



Okay everybody down, cover your heads!

Everybody get down! I don't have insurance!

Protect my birthday presents! Somebody protect my birthday...

Cat...?! Cat...?!


Hi mister Gibbons.

Some stuff broke.

I know, I...

I felt the earthquake when I was comin' up the stairs!

You kids okay?!

Yes, sir.

We're fine.

I'm Robbie.

I'm so sorry about your guitar...

And your lamp...And your table.

That's all right, it's not your fault.



Mister Gibbons isn't mad at us.

Because he knows the earthquake caused all this damage.

Yeah, we can only blame the earth.

And its quaking.

Of course.

I'm just relieved that Coober and you kids are okay.

Son, your zipper.


Daddy, my head hurts.

Yes baby, whatever.

Feel better, Hope.

Happy Birthday.

Shut up!

She'll be okay, but she does have a mild concussion.

I assume you'll want to meet her at the hospital?

Ooh. Well...I could...Or...

Whaddaya say we hear Andre and Tori sing that song again, huh?!

♪ It's a countdown to your love ♪
♪ oh, oh ♪
♪ you're my number one, girl ♪
♪ it's a countdown falling faster ♪
♪ oh, oh ♪
♪ don't think I'm gonna last now ♪
♪ oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪
♪ wait a minute ♪
♪ hey! ♪
♪ wait a minute ♪
♪ wait a minute ♪