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Independence Day: Resurgence (2016)

Posted: 09/24/23 09:28
by bunniefuu
Perhaps it's fate that today
is the Fourth of July.

You will once again
be fighting for our freedom...

Not from tyranny,
oppression, or persecution...

but from annihilation.

We're fighting for our right to live.

We're fighting for our right to live.

The world declared in one voice
we will not go quietly into the night.

We will not vanish without a fight.

We're going to live on.

We're going to survive.

Today, we celebrate our...

The countless lives that we lost
in the w*r of '96...

did not perish in vain.

They inspired us to rise from the ashes...

as one people of one world.

For 20 years,
the world has seen no armed conflict.

Nations have put
their petty differences aside.

United, we rebuilt our families,
our cities and our lives.

The fusion of human and alien technology...

not only enabled us to defy gravity
and travel with unimaginable speed...

it also made our planet, finally, safe again.

Great speech, Patty.

Thank you, Madam President.

One moment.

We're ready for you, sir.

Captain Hiller.

Welcome to the White House.

It's great to be back.

I cannot tell you how proud we are
to have you flying our flag up there.

It's an honor, Madam President.

Your father was a great man.

He'd be so proud.

I think you know the Secretary of Defense.


Nice to see you again, son.

I know I don't have to introduce you two.

Ma'am, let's get you touched up for photo.

Moving up in the world.

Says America's knight in shining armor.

Oh, you're the one that's back
in the White House.

Yeah, as an employee I don't quite get
the same benefits as when I lived here.

- Captain.
- Yeah?

- We're ready for you.
- Thank you.


be nice to Jake when you see him up there.

Moon-Tug-Ten, confirm position.

Seven miles and closing.

The slowest trip of my life.

Hey, cheer up.

There's worse things
that you could be doing...

than towing a half trillion dollar w*apon.

Yeah, well, I need a little more stimulation.

Hey, you know?
I didn't have to follow you up here.

Yeah, you did. You get lonely without me.

I was the youngest valedictorian
in the history of the academy.

I could have been stationed anywhere.
Like San Diego, you know?

Beaches, surfing.

You never surfed a day in your life.

But I'm a fast learner.

And I got great balance. Like a cat.

Cats hate water, Charlie.

Four percent. Reverse thrust.

Roger, Tug-Ten.
Reversing thrust, four percent.

The tugs and the w*apon are on
final approach.

They're in position, sir.

Docking in three, two...


Initiate uncoupling sequence.

All tugs disengage.

Do you realize that there are only
36 women on this Moon Base?

I'm sure one of them will eventually
come around, pal.

It's not like they all rejected me.

I happen to have standards.

- Whoa! What did you do?
- Nothing!

That didn't sound like nothing.

Tug-Ten collided with the w*apon.

The clamps have stopped.

They're not responding, sir.

All tugs, take evasive action.

Pull back! Pull back!

- Charlie! It's gonna crush the base!
- I said pull back!

That's a negative, sir.

This isn't a fighter, Jake.

Don't remind me!

Lt. Miller...

what are you idiots doing?

I don't know, sir!

We're gonna die! This is how I die!

Sir, he's slowing the fall.

Go to your happy place.
I'm kicking in the fusion drive.

Are you crazy? We'll burn up!

Yeah, that's very possible!

Come on!



It's actually working!

I honestly didn't think that was gonna work.

Oh, shit!

Jiang's coming in hot
and he's got that look.

He knows we don't speak Chinese, right?

That was a close call, sir.

You almost got us all k*lled.


but then I saved everyone.

You don't get credit for cleaning up
your own mess.

And you destroyed one of my tugs.

Actually, sir, if anybody's to blame...

Sir, I lost my focus. It won't happen again.

No, it won't.

You're grounded until further notice.

Can I still watch TV or...?

- You didn't have to take the fall.
- Yeah, well...

He already hates me. Why break tradition?

Transport 103-ARP-1.

General Adams, we are being directed
to Alien Prison, Platform 1.

- General.
- This better be good.

My wife and I were enjoying
a very nice morning...

in a very expensive bed and breakfast.

I'm sorry, sir.

I thought you should see this.


It started a couple of hours ago.

Look how their behavior changed.

After 20 years of being catatonic.

Get me Director Levinson.

We tried.

He's unreachable, sir.

You need to take me seriously.

I've been chasing you across the planet
for three weeks now.

But now that I have you...

Excuse me, who are you again?

Floyd Rosenberg.
Government appointed controller.

Please be advised.
Entering hostile territories.

We should slow down.

We don't wanna look like
we're posing a threat.

Now, we're gonna start with Appendix 2.

I know a lot of people have a
negative reaction to being audited.

- But I've found it's a constructive experience.
- Lloyd. Lloyd, Lloyd.

It's Floyd.

We have to meet a friend right now,
a great guy. Come say hi.

Where are we?

Director Levinson.

Director Levinson.

Who are those men?

It's Umbutu's rebel forces.

The w*rlord?

I don't think there's anything
to worry about.

His old man just died and I hear that
the son is much more of a moderate.

Hey, fellas...

howdy doody. Say...

I'm looking for Dikembe Umbutu.

I see you found their armory.

The one and only, David Levinson.

Catherine, wow!

What are you doing here?

You don't think you're the only expert
he called, do you?

I'm so surprised to see you, a little bit.

I'm a little surprised that you
remember my name.

Hey, hey, come on.

Let's be professional.

We both remember what happened
the last time we tried to be professional.

I'm sensing a palpable tension here.

We've bumped into each other
at a few conferences.

I bet you have.

Shut up, Floyd.

Director Levinson, I'm sorry.

We're not done our business here.

What papers?

It looks like this.

So, why does Umbutu Junior
need a psychiatrist?

Unresolved daddy issues?

His people fought a ground w*r
with the aliens for 10 years.

Their connection is the strongest
I've ever seen.

It's as if their mind is...

- tapped into the alien subconscious.
- Yeah.

Your obsession with the
human-alien psychic residual condition.

Yeah, you calling me obsessive. That's cute.

How did they get the lights on?

We didn't.

It happened on its own.

Two days ago.

Of course, you're aware that this is
the only ship that landed in '96.

And so, I appreciate you finally granting us
this access, Mr. Umbutu.

Your father was very tenacious.

His pride caused the death
of more than half of my people...

- including my brother.
- I'm so sorry.

Be careful!


What happened here?

They were drilling.

For what?

Man, I don't know.

When did the drilling stop?

When you blew up the Mothership.

Right now, for us, any way to get up there?

You're not afraid of heights, are you?

How high is it?

Oh, my God!

That's that same pattern.

So the signal was coming from this ship.

20 years ago...

when we destroyed the Mothership
we detected a burst...

in an X-band frequency...

directed toward deep space.

Today is the Fourth of July will no longer
be known as an American holiday...

The distress call.

Today is the Fourth of July.

Looks like someone picked up the phone
and answered.

I'm going crazy up here.

I can't take it anymore.

Tell me how much you miss me.

Actually, the Chief of Staff
just got a really handsome intern.

Not quite as tall as you,
but has great dimples...

and plays the cello.

You know how much I miss you.

You know what? I'm gonna steal a tug
and come back and see you right now.

No. Please don't.

Because last time you did that
they added a month to your tour.

Come on. Tell me that wasn't
the best two minutes of your life.


Yes, but I would like my fiancé back

What was that?

We've been getting these power surges
the last couple days.

You take a look at the houses I sent you?

No, I haven't yet.

It's okay. There's no rush.

I saw Dylan at the White House today.

I just think you two
need to have a conversation.

So he's shaking hands with the president
and I'm stuck on the Moon.

That must be nice.

You nearly k*lled him, remember?

Give him a little credit, Jake.


Thank you for using QQ.

Ladies and gentlemen...

please welcome
the International Legacy Squadron.

Captain Hiller,
considering he died during a test flight...

how do you feel taking off for the Moon
from a hangar named after your father?

He would have loved it.

It's too bad he's not here to see it.

Captain Lao, China has been integral
to the Earth Space Defense Program.

Is there anything you want to say
to the folks back home?

I didn't want to text you.
I wanted to hear your voice.

What's wrong?


My boy making a name for himself.

Are you gonna be okay, Ma?

Just tell me you'll be careful up there.

Moon Base, this is Legacy Squadron.

We're on final approach,
requesting permission to land.

Permission granted.

Welcome to the Moon, Captain.

Just keep it cool.

Just don't hit him. It's easy.

Do I get an autograph, too?

Back to work.

Uncle Jiang!

You look more and more like your mother.

There is nothing a girl wants
to hear more than that.

Mengniu Moon Milk.

I've been looking all over for you.

I've got good news.

- Yeah?
- That pilot that China sent...

is my future wife and I mean it.

I think my heart exploded.

It's like our souls were communing.

He just walked in, didn't he?

Yeah, he did.


You're not gonna finish this?

You mind moving?

We both know what happens
when you get in my way.

- I waited a long time to do that.
- Morrison!

What's going on here?

I asked you a question.

Yes, sir, the floor is very slippery.

Be careful if I were you.
Great to see you, Dylan.

I was so close to punching him back.

I think you made the right choice.

You did almost k*ll him...

but that's why they have ejection seats.

No, I went too far.

It's the only way
I thought I could stand out.

It was never gonna be you
leading that squadron.

That's not the way the world works.

You know? He's royalty.

We're just orphans.

The last thing I said to my parents
was I hated them.

The only reason I'm still alive...

is because they dropped me off
at that stupid camp.

Well, I'm glad they did.

Because you're the only family I got.

All right, final training hop.
Winner leads the Legacy Squadron.

Why don't you just give up, Morrison?

Second place
will just have to be good enough.

Yeah, we'll see about that, Captain Hiller.
Passing on the left.

Hey, there's not enough room.

Damn it, Jake. You're gonna clip my wing.

Control, I'm going down.

Ejecting! Ejecting!

Dr. O'Brien, please report
to the surgical theater.

Good morning, Brakish. How are we today?

I brought you a new one.

Dactylorhiza maculata...

or the spotted orchid.

And when it fully blooms, the lavender...

It's going to take your breath away.

Can you believe it?
You've been in a coma for 7,300 days.

I made you a gift.

I took a knitting class.

Is it itchy?

You'd tell me if it was itchy, right?

Oh, God.

You're awake!

Did we win?

Eric, bring in the medical team. He's awake!

Where's my glasses?

- I can't see.
- Oh, they're right here.

Oh, yeah.

How long was I out?

Long time, baby. Long time.

Oh, yeah. I can see that.


you got a bit fat.

And really bald.

But you still look great.

This just came in from Hubble.

There's some kind of force
pulling at Saturn's rings.

Holy Christ!

What about our defense base there?

It's gone.

And it's not just the base.
It's like the whole moon just vanished.

Up the alert level to red.

Right away.

Hey, honey.

Listen, I want you to pack up your stuff
and go to your sister's right now.

But this symbol comes up more often...

than anything I've encountered.
Look at the similarities.

How can you not see the relevance?

No, it's not that I don't see it.

I just feel like right now, there are more
pressing matters than analyzing doodles.

Like a giant space ship turning back on.

- Sir.
- Yeah?

- We've lost all contact with Saturn.
- What?

- We need to notify the president.
- Already tried.

Tanner said he'll get back to us
after the press tour.

Bypass Tanner however you can.
We need to talk to Lanford now.


Thank you.

At least your father spared the elephants.

Good for him.

Look. The Roswell crash in '47.

The farmer who made contact
drew the same circle.

And every time I interview
one of my patients and show them this...

they all express the same emotion.


I don't think it's a circle.

The night the ship turned on...

I experienced the strongest vision
I've ever had.

And I drew this.

That's incredible.

How did you decipher
so much of their language?

They were hunting us.

We had to learn how to hunt them.

That means you're beautiful.

Aw, thanks, man.

Not you.

You have to remove the sub-sonic inlets...

before you can reconfigure
the thermalized plasma cartridges.

That's great. Why don't you put
that thing down and help me?

There she is.

- It's happening.
- God damn it.

The chemical reaction, the pheromones...

all of the blood in my body,
it's rushing to my head.

Your head?

- I'm gonna go introduce myself.
- Yeah. No problem.


So, you must be the pilot China sent.

- Did the giant flag give it away?
- It was that.

And the fact that I heard you
speaking Chinese earlier.

Anyway, I was wondering
if you wanted to get a drink.

Maybe fall in love.

Aren't you a little young for that?

I'm 23 and a half.

All personnel,
report to your stations immediately.

All personnel,
report to your stations immediately.

Arm the primary.

- Get me the Security Council.
- Yes, sir.

On screen.


- Yeah?
- This just came in.

It was a spaceship.

Madam President.
The heads of state are coming online.

David, are you seeing this?

Yes, Madam President.
I'm looking right at it.

They could be initiating an attack.

We need to strike first.

Hold on. Hang on a second. To my eye...

the design and the technology
of this ship...

is nothing like the ones that att*cked us.

I'm telling you, this is not them.

And what if you're wrong?

If you're wrong...

we could be starting a w*r
with a whole new species.

At this point, we know the Saturn base
has been destroyed.

Madam President, this could very well
be a coordinated attack.

Get the cannon into firing position.

Yes, sir.

We should be cautious...

and listen to Director Levinson.

How does the rest of the Council feel?

Let's hold off until we know more.

We have to be decisive. I vote to attack.

I also vote to strike.

Madam President...

I need an answer.

Take them out, Commander.

We are locked on.

I think this is a mistake.
Let's take another moment...


Get me an image.

It crashed in the Van de Graaff Crater.

We're not picking up any signs of life.

Let's hope to God we did the right thing.

Madam President, we need to send
a team up to investigate the wreckage.

We need to know who we just shot down.

There's no sign of life
and the threat's been neutralized.

We can send a team up,
but David needs to be in D.C.

No. Can we not make this political?

I need to get up there and get answers.

David, you can lead a team up there...

but after the celebration.

You heard the president.

I'll expect to see you next to us
tomorrow wearing your best smile.

You want to see my best smile?

Did he just hang up on me?

It sure sounded that way to me, sir.

Where are you going?

Jake. I really think
you should think this through.

Okay, everyone...

get out! I'm taking off.

Wait, wait, wait!

Our tug's not gonna fly.

That's why we're taking Mike's tug.

Oh. Jiang is not gonna like this.

At approximately 2100 hours
Earth's Space Defense Program...

repelled an alien attack
targeting our planet.

It wasn't them.

You can't know that for sure.

It wasn't them.

I have to tell the world.

Sir, it's time for your meds.

I have to talk to the Joint Chiefs of Staff!

Matthew, can you just give us a second,

You shouldn't be wasting your time
with a crazy old man.

You gave up flying to take care of me...

and I know how much you loved it.

You should be with Jake.

He's on the Moon, remember?

Then you should be with the president.

I am with the president.

They're coming back.

And this time we won't be able to stop them.

I will avenge you, brother.

Hey, wait! I need a receipt!

So, how do you know this guy?

He's Patricia Whitmore's fiancé.

Thank you so much.

- Good job, Collins.
- Yes, sir.

Someone call a cab?

- Thanks for doing this, Jake.
- No problem.

Let's get moving, though,
because I stole this thing.

I'm coming with you.

No. This is an ESD operation.

Strictly off limits to all civilians...

and warlords.

I let you in.

It would be wise for you
to return the favor.

- And there he goes. Where's he going?
- Oh, I'm coming, too.

- Catherine!
- Something is drawing him out there...

and I'm going to find out what.

Excuse me, Director Levinson.

Where the heck do you think you're going?

Why don't you join us, Floyd?
Everybody else is.

Might do you some good.

No. No, no, no.

You're not getting on that thing.
And neither am I.

We're gonna stay here and we're gonna...


I've never been in a space tug before.
Is there anything I should know?

There's a lot you should know.

Seatbelts, obviously.

David, why don't you take a seat.

Where? Really?

What's the matter, are you nervous?

You know, it's not my favorite.

Don't worry. I haven't crashed in...

a couple days.

But that was intentional.


Okay, here we go.

I forgot how much I hate this.

That wasn't so bad.

I haven't kicked on the fusion drive, yet.

And in our darkest moment...

when all hope was lost...

I said, "Never give up.

"You have to have faith."

And in that moment, it came to me, "pow!"...

like a thunderbolt.

And that's when I came up with the idea
that saved the world.



There he is.

Welcome back.

This book is a bargain.


It makes a great gift
for your grandchildren.

If you're lucky enough to have any.

Are you ready to go?

Don't rush.

Dad, you awake?

I thought we could watch the celebration
on TV together.


What was that?

We're flying through
the old Mothership's debris field.

Don't worry.
These are basically space tanks.

Space tanks? Really?

We're coming up to the Van de Graaff crater.

There it is.

That's the crash site.

Today, we are honored...

to be in the presence of
some of the brave men and women...

who defied insurmountable odds...

and led us to victory over alien invaders...

two decades ago.

General Grey and his beautiful wife, Audrey.

We thank you for your unwavering leadership.

Jeffrey. Where the hell is Levinson?

So, what are we looking for?

I'm hoping we'll know when we see it.

Is there a way
of seeing what they're seeing?

You can even talk to them.

Nice tattoos.

That's how many aliens you k*lled, right?

How did you do it?

You have to get them from behind.


I think I just found
another one of your doodles.

Charlie, tell command
to prep the lab at Area 51.

How's it looking up there, Captain Hiller?

It's truly humbling to see how beautiful
Earth is from here, Madam President.

On this day, in 1996...

President Whitmore passionately declared...

"We will not go quietly into the night."

And we did not.

President Whitmore!

What a surprise!

Ladies and gentlemen...

another great w*r hero.

The one and only, President Thomas Whitmore.

Please say a few words.


Not going to be...

I came to warn you.

Help me!

That is definitely bigger than the last one.

Holy shit.

Charlie, I think you better come and get us.

Sooner the better.

As in right now!

I'm already on it!

Everybody strap in! It's gonna get bumpy!

Charlie, where the hell are you?

Just flying through my worst nightmare!


Grab my hand! Come on, reach!

We're in! Close the ramp!

This just came in
from one of our lunar satellites.

The ship's more than 3,000 miles
in diameter.

How the hell did we miss this?

Activate all our defense systems
and shut down the celebration.

Attention! We have an emergency situation!

Madam President.

Move. Get her out of here.

Please leave the premises
in a calm and orderly fashion.

I repeat, please leave the premises
in a calm and orderly fashion.

- Gotta move!
- Not without that piece!

Yeah, I thought you were gonna say that.

Charlie, get on the arms.

Talk to me, Charlie.

What's happening?

- Damn it!
- What do you mean, "damn it"?

I'm trying my best!

Stop fighting! Just grab it!

Got it! Go, go!

There's a flying mountain
coming right for us!

Hold on!

Oh, shit! I'm losing speed!

Jesus, it has its own gravity.

- What does that mean?
- It means we're going for a ride.

You mean we're stuck under this thing?

Arm the primary!

We're powered up and locked on.


Negative impact.

Negative impact.

- Permission to engage.
- Negative.

All fighters, clear the blast zone.

Arm the primary and fire again!

Above us. Something's happening.


Evacuate, everyone!


Rain, watch out!

All fighters, fall back! Fall back!


It's projected to enter
Earth's atmosphere in 22 minutes.

If it doesn't alter its current velocity...

it's gonna crack the planet in half.

We're not gonna let that happen, Tanner.

- Initiate the Orbital Defense System.
- Yes, ma'am.

General Adams,
we are primed and ready to fire.

Initiate simultaneous countdown.

Roger, Command. Syncing now.

Starting countdown.

Ten... Nine...

Eight... Seven... Six...

Five... Four...

Three... Two...


the Asian Pacific Defense System
went offline before they could fire.

Yes, sir. Copy that.

Jake's alive!

He radioed us from the Moon!

He's with Director Levinson.
They're on their way to Area 51.

That Hercules right there is on stand-by.

Madam President, can you take my father
to Cheyenne Mountain?

Yes, of course.

I'm going with you, Patty.


You're gonna need me.

Wish us luck.

Ma'am, we have to go.

Director Levinson...

I'm gonna talk to my supervisor...

and make sure you get all the money you need.

What are those green lights?

The ship will touch down over the Atlantic.

- Which part?
- All of it, ma'am.

Issue an evacuation order
for every coastline.

I don't think there's time.

So, what's the plan?

We have less than 20 minutes
to get every patient out of here.

- Move!
- Yes, Ma'am.

We still have two in surgery.

- Get them in post-op as fast as you can.
- Absolutely.

Help, please!

I got you, honey. I'm not gonna leave you.

What goes up, must come down.

- Oh, we're free!
- Oh, God.

Don't worry, we're in a controlled dive.

Falling! It's called falling!

Nope. Controlled dive.

Nice, nice.


They like to get the landmarks.

Are we dead?

We're okay.

Pee your pants?


Me too.

- We can access the trench through here.
- Are you sure?

Hundred percent.

This, right here. That's the best way in.

Yeah, I got it.

Captain, they're ordering all ships
out of the area.

There's a hundred million dollars' worth
of gold on that ship.

They think we're gonna leave it?
They're out of their minds.


you better come and see this.

To all aircraft
within the sound of my voice...

we expect the devastation
to the East Coast to be beyond imagination.

The rally point
for all remaining aircraft...

is Area 51.

Rain, you take the lead.

I'll meet you there.

I gotta see about someone.

Good luck.

Are you okay?

My mother lives in London.

Maybe she made it out.

Yeah, maybe.

- Dad, where are you?
- On my boat. Where else?

David, this one is definitely bigger
than the last one.

You can see it?

Listen to me. You have to get to shore...

as fast as you can. Dad!

David? David!

Oh, sweet Moses.




- We're gonna die.
- No, no. Look at me.

We are not going to die.

Marine 3, clear.

I got bodies on that hospital roof
that need immediate evac.

Yes! Yes, come on! Let's go!

Hand him the baby. It's okay.

Okay. Please be careful.

You're gonna be all right. He's got her.

Get on board. Get on board.

We gotta go right now.

Good girl.


Pull her up!

Pull her up!


No, Mom!


Oh, my!

Why did I buy this boat?

Glad to have you back, Mr. President.

Been far too long.

Thank you.

Is David Levinson here?

Not yet.

Morrison's tug is still 10 minutes out.

Have them meet us at the prison.

We need to interrogate one.

What the...

They've gotten worse.

Much worse.

Mr. President?

Dr. Okun.

You're awake.

Very much so.

Why are they screaming?

No, no, no.

They're not screaming.

They're celebrating.

General, one of the prison cells
is docking with the chamber.

Where's my dad?

I think he went in there.

- Get the weapons!
- Let's go!

Let's go!

We have alien g*ns?

Isolation chamber activated.

How did he get in here?

Dad, it's too dangerous!

Someone get him out of there!

He overrode the system.

Sir, please unlock the door!

Don't you worry about me.

Just get as many answers as you can.

No, don't!

Whitmore locked himself in.

Can you hear us?

She has arrived.

Who is she?


is all.

What does she want?

What does this mean?
What does this symbol mean?

Why are you afraid of it?

It's k*lling him!

That's enough!

- Move!
- k*ll it now!


He's breathing.

Someone call a medical team!

Is it dead?

I told you.

You k*ll them from behind.

- Daisy, stop crying.
- She's scared.

An evacuation order...

- of the southern and eastern coastal regions...
- I want Mommy.

- of the Unites States is in effect.
- We'll find her.

They're both dead.

Just shut up, okay? That's enough.

You don't even have your license!

Look around you.

You think anyone's gonna pull us over?

The radio said to go inland...

so that's where I'm going.

Proceed in an orderly fashion.

- There's a guy in that boat!
- I am not stopping.

Look, he was moving!

- He needs our help!
- Sam, stop the car.


Hurry up, okay?

I think he's just knocked out!

I don't think it's a coincidence...

that this thing showed up
just before they did.

- No, I think you're right.
- Brakish, you should be in bed, babe.

Where did you get this?

That's from the ship that we shot down.

We need to cut this open.

Director Levinson...

proceed to Command Center immediately.

Call us soon as you have anything.

Come on, people.


Baby, I'm so happy
that you want to dive back into work.

Maybe we should get you some pants.


All right. Go on.

Why didn't you tell me
my butt was hanging out?

We have infrared of the alien ship, sir.

Are those dots...

They all must be aliens.

What's that mass?

Enlarge this section, please.

That's what our prisoner alien meant by...

"she is all."

Director Levinson...

I have Cheyenne Mountain
and the remaining world leaders online.

David, what can you tell us?


they're like a hive and I think
we just found their queen...

their very big queen.

This is an infrared image of their ship...

and we think that that's her,
Madam President, right there in the middle.

Christ almighty.

General Adams, we have a live feed
from a reconnaissance aircraft.

- Great. Put it up.
- Yes, sir.

David, is this one of their plasma drills
you briefed us about?

Yeah, I believe so.

The funnel's over a mile in diameter, sir.

That's 20 times bigger than the one
in Africa.

I think they're after our molten core...

which means no magnetic fields...

our atmosphere would evaporate.

Basically, the end of life on this planet.

So, you're saying we're already finished.

Not necessarily.

Back in '96, the drilling in Africa stopped
when we blew up their Mothership.

There must have been a queen up there
that we didn't know about.

Assuming that this hive theory holds true...

General, if we could blow up this queen,
maybe it could work again.

All right, then I'm authorizing
an immediate retaliatory strike.

Let's do it.

- Scramble the fighters.
- Right away.

Attention, all pilots, report to
mission briefing in T minus 10.

I repeat, all pilots report to
mission briefing in T minus 10.


Come find me after the briefing, okay?

I'm so sorry, Dylan.

I was right there, man.

I just couldn't save her. I was too late.

I know I'm probably the last person
you want to hear from right now...

but I've been where you are.

I know how deep it hurts.

She wouldn't want you to give up now.

Come on, man. You got to lead us.

See you up there, Lieutenant.

Good afternoon.

This red mass on the top of the ship...

that's your target.

We're gonna send a fleet of drones to go in
ahead of you...

and disable their shields.

Your mission...

is to fly cover for the bombers...

who will be armed with cold fusion warheads.

Now, the blast should penetrate the hull...

and k*ll that alien queen.

Captain Hiller will brief you
on the flight plan.

We'll all try to converge at the same time.

But whoever gets to the target first...

will deliver the payload.

We have to expect...

that they're gonna come at us
with everything they got.

So, protect the bombers at all cost.

We all lost someone that we love.

So, let's do it for them.

Alpha strike launch in one minute.


I'm coming back.

I promise you.

Make them pay.

We're not going up there
to make friends, right?

I looked at the houses.

The one on Harrison Street...

with the stone walkway.

If it's still there.

Okay, it's getting real.

It's getting real real.

All right, form up. On me.

It's the Fourth of July.

So, let's show them some fireworks.

I want you to give me one of your katana
blades and teach me everything you know.


You know what? I'll figure something out.

What are you idiots doing?

The world's going to end.

Even worse, we lost the gold.

So, we thought we'd drink a little!

The US Government is on the line.

They say the aliens are drilling
to the Earth's core...

and they're looking for a ship
in the area to monitor their progress.

We're the only ones left.

Tell them we'll do it...

for a hundred million dollars.

Look at this guy!

Yeah, hold on one second.

He's drunk.

They said, "It's a deal."

I got it. I got it.

Look, Sam, they're going off road.

Maybe we should do the same.

Shit. What the hell happened here?

We rescued you.

Oh, thank you.

Is this really you?

Of course it's me. Who else would it be?

- What's your son like?
- Can you get us his autograph?

How often do you see him?

These days we only see each other
at Thanksgiving, but unfortunately...

last year he had to cancel.

What about you?

Where are your parents?

Visiting our grandparents in Florida.

Oh, I see.

Where should we go, Mr. Levinson?

I think the safest place for all of us
to be right now is by my David.

Since you're the leading expert on his condition,
I really wanted you to see this.

How can his connection be so strong?

During the first attack...

he was exposed to their collective mind.

It was completely unfiltered.

I need to ask him about this.

I already have.

He doesn't even remember drawing them.

Okay, let's try this baby on for size.

You know, I helped bring that thing
back from space.

Is there anything I can do?

Yeah. Back off.

Yeah. Of course.

Command, we have visual.

Roger, Captain Hiller. Continue approach.

Mission is a go.

Bay-18, sir.

Why'd you put it all the way up there?
Give me that. Get the ladder down there.

Come on!

Couldn't leave it on a bottom shelf?
Here we go.

All right, coming for you, baby.
There she is.

What is it? An alien laser?


It's the Okun laser.

Why aren't they attacking us?

Careful what you wish for.

There's the queen's ship.
Bombers, prepare to drop.

You just had to jinx us!

Evade, evade!

Fire on command!

Two hostiles!

Squad, pull out. Bank right.

Maintain defensive posture.

Down! Down! Down!

Protect the bombers! Dive! Dive!

Command, the queen's ship
is too heavily defended.

We have to regroup and find a new approach.

We have incoming.

Damn, they're fast!

Jesus, look at their firepower.

Keep them off the bombers.

There's too many!

I got you now. I got you, I got you.

I can't shake them. Son of a bitch!

Come on. Help me out here.

I got you.

Dylan, that's me, 12 o'clock.

Come on. Come on.

Bank left!

Oh, God!

You can thank me later.

Hell, I'll thank you right now.

We just lost bomber 9...

and bomber 13, sir.

Command, we can't get
to the top of the ship.

It's too heavily armed.

We're dropping like flies out here.

Come on!

I think we need to fly inside.

No, that's su1c1de. Sir?

Morrison's right. This is our only shot.

Do it!

We'll detonate the bombs
from the Command Center...

and we'll give you enough time
to get the hell out of there.

Copy that.

Jake, follow my lead.

I'm on your wing.

All bombers, we're going in.

They didn't follow us.

Form up on your leads.

Charlie, look at those fields down there.

They have their own ecosystem.

- Sir?
- Dad?

You have to warn them.

She knows that they're coming.

We got eyes on the target.


That's what we came here for.

All bombers, open b*mb bay doors.

Get them out of there!

It's a trap.

Come on. No!

Command, I have engine failure.

We have engine failure.

Attempt to restart.

We're going down, we're going down!

I can't restart!

Come on!

We've lost all power!

Command, you have to trigger the bombs!

It's the only way!

Don't let us die for nothing.

Do it!

Madam President, requesting authorization.

Permission granted.

Detonation sequence initiated.

Tell Patricia I love her.

I love you, too.

In five...


three, two...


That's a negative impact!

The bombs were contained
by an energy shield!

The bombs were contained by an energy...

We lost the signal, sir.


Something's happening.

She baited us.

Tanner, we have to have a status report.

We're trying. Our satellites are down.
We're completely blind.

Madam President!

There will be no peace.

Careful! You'll agitate the crystals!

I built it back in '94.

Had to shelve it, though,
after the meltdown in sector three.

- Here, put her over here.
- Brakish...

you're overexerting yourself.

What is that thing doing here?

All right, be a good boy.
Go stand over there.

Wait a second. What meltdown?

Are we sure this thing is safe to use?

Highly unlikely.


What's the status of the fleet?

Only seven percent made it back to base.

- Seven percent?
- Yes, sir.

General, Cheyenne Mountain is gone.

All members of the presidential line
of succession are presumed dead.

They're here to swear you in, sir.

Attention to orders!

Please repeat after me.

I, Joshua T. Adams.

I, Joshua T. Adams.

- Do solemnly swear.
- Do solemnly swear.

I'm so sorry.

You were right.

We're not gonna beat them this time.

God, look at the line.
There's a thousand cars.

We're never gonna get gas.

Have a little faith.

You wanna talk about faith?

My parents are probably dead right now...

and most of my friends.

She's just upset because her boyfriend,
Kyle, is for sure a goner.

What's a goner?

Someone who's dead.


Why don't you pull over here?

Let me drive and you take a little break.


Not many. I'm gonna try to get
what I can and salvage these.

David, you should be in the Command Center.

President Whitmore.

Thank God you're okay.

It's been a while.

I had 20 years to get us ready.

And we never had a chance.

We didn't last time either.

We always knew they were coming back.

But look how far we've come.

In the last 20 years...

this planet has been unified in a way
that's unprecedented in human history.

That's sacred.

That's worth fighting for.

We convinced an entire generation
that this is a battle that we could win...

and they believed us.

We can't let them down.

And it wasn't luck last time.

It was our resolve.

We all have to fight...

till our last breath.

And that is gonna lead us to victory.

You understand some of their language.

I'd like you to tell me if any of
these writings mean anything to you.

So, okay, how about this one?

This talks about an intergalactic w*r.

This concerns the whole universe.

What about this one?

Something about an enemy.

It needs to be destroyed
before it gets to us.


I had a case study in Brazil...

where my patient didn't describe
the circle...

as "fear." He referred to it...

as "enemy."

Of course.

Their enemy is our ally.

Your laser's smoking.

Get it outta here.

Tell 'em to try to pull it open.

Hello, gorgeous.

Time to find out what secrets you're hiding.

All right, let's go get everyone.
Bring them here.

Yes, sir.

Watch your back!


Come on, they're picking us up! Move!

Jake, get out of the way!


you really need to see this.

I've run every possible scan.
It's not giving off any kind of signal.

I mean, nothing.

It's like it doesn't even exist.

It's almost like it's trying to hide itself.

It's really smooth.

Hey, whoa!

You're not wearing gloves!

- You'll contaminate it.
- Remove your hands, Floyd.

That's weird. I can't.

What do you mean you can't? Rosenberg.

Okay, I'm trapped. Somebody do something.

- It's swallowing me!
- Just stay calm and don't panic.

This thing is trying to eat me,
and your advice is not to panic!

Looks like they're mobilizing.

David, please tell me
this isn't some kind of a Trojan horse.

I don't think it's a danger to us.

But it must be to them.

He turned it on just by touching it.

I activated myself...

when I detected your biological signature...

to be different from theirs.

It speaks!

In English!

I deconstructed your primitive language.

We're primitive?

Correct. My species
shed our biological existence...

for a virtual one thousands of years ago.

Far out.

Why are you here?

When I intercepted their distress call...

I knew they would come to exterminate you.

I came to evacuate
as many of you as possible.

But you att*cked me
with the same weapons they used on us.

They att*cked you?


A Harvester Ship conquered our planet...

and extracted its molten core.

They use them to refuel their ships...

and grow their technology.

They have done this
to countless civilizations.

We fought them for thousands of years...

but they destroyed all of our ships.

I am the sole survivor.

I am so sorry to hear that.

Do you have a plan?

My system holds the key
to superior technology.

And there is a hidden planet...

where I teach refugees
from other fallen worlds...

how to build weapons that will
defeat them...

once and for all.

That's why they're afraid of you.

You're the only ones
who thr*aten their existence.


But now that I am activated...

the queen will detect my signature...

and hunt me down.

It's too late.

She's already on her way.


She's coming.

Hey, what would happen...

if we were able to k*ll her?

No one has ever k*lled a Harvester queen.

That's encouraging.

But as a hive...

her fighters will fall, and her
ship will leave your planet.

Recalled by other Harvester queens.

But it's too late now.

You must terminate me...

or she will get the coordinates
to the refugee planet.

And that will be the end.

Wait, wait a second.

If we're so sure that she's coming here
to get you...

maybe we can bait her...

like she baited us.

Mr. President, Dr. Okun thinks...

that we can replicate
the Sphere's RF radiation signal...

David, English, please.

Every computer
has a radioactive signature...

whether it's your laptop, your phone,
even your watch.

But the Sphere has an RFR
that's completely off the charts.

So, if we hide the real Sphere...

inside the isolation chamber...

and pack this decoy transmitter,
so to speak...

onto a tug filled with cold fusion bombs...

and lure her out to the salt flats...

We can fly it right up her royal ass
and bon voyage!

You set off cold fusion bombs...

you're gonna k*ll everyone
from here to Houston.

Not if we use the shield generators
from this base to contain the blast.

Without our shields, you better put
a blaster in every able bodied hand...

and get them ready to sh**t some aliens.

Yes, sir.

Now, we just need a way to see her coming.

Follow me.

Do your thing.

My thing? Do my thing? My thing!

Take it off!

- Copy, sir.
- Watch it.

This old radar truck was supposed to go
to the Smithsonian.

They never picked it up.

It's a good thing they didn't.

Yeah, drive it to the highest point.
The higher, the better.

Yes, sir.

Look what I found in the hold.

We should be able to communicate with this.

Let's hook up the antenna.

What was that?

The drill is cracking the outer mantle...

but that shouldn't happen for another...

We were wrong.

We do not have seven hours
until the Earth core breach.

We only have...


Call it in.

Area 51, do you copy?

So, the idea...

is to get her to follow this tug...

into the salt flats...

using the decoy transmitter on board.

And once she's taken the bait...

our cold fusion bombs can go to town.

It's a Hail Mary!

But it can work.

There's a catch.

As you know, they took out
all of our satellites...

which means that somebody...

is gonna have to fly it in manually.

And I know that I'm asking
for the ultimate sacrifice. I know that.

But you...

you are the only pilots we have left.

And I need a volunteer.

Let's get it done.

I'll fly it in.

No, you won't.

I'll do it.

Mr. President.

Dad, what are you doing?


There are a lot of reasons
why I'm the best choice for this.

You all have to pick up the pieces
once it's over.

This is my part.


do not let him
get on that tug.

Do you understand me?

Get the hell off the road!

If we go any slower,
we'll be going backwards.

Don't be a shmuck. We have to conserve gas.

Area 51 is still 75 miles away.

We're running on fumes.

What do we have here?

Who's in charge here?

No one.

Our driver left us
to take a ride to Minnesota.

Just like that? He just left?

He went to go have sex with his girlfriend.


All aboard!


What about our car?

We'll get a new one
when you get your license.

On the bus, everybody!

Tell the General we're up and running.

Bring it in.

Spin it around.

All right, plug it in.

Radar is operational, sir.

Son of a bitch.

All right, they're coming in fast. David...

we got a real fire storm coming our way
and not a lot of time to prepare.

Give me numbers, Mr. President.

Nine minutes
to the queen's ship's arrival...

roughly 22 minutes before the drill
reaches our molten core.

Jesus Christ. Take your positions.

We don't have a second to lose.

Are we gonna make it, sir?

You bet your ass we will.

All right, here we go, men.

Get up on that barricade.

Prepare to fire!

This thing is way cooler than a machete!

Sorry! Sorry, everyone!

That was my bad!

I'm gonna see if it's clear.


Hell of a time to scare a guy!


- It's good to see you!
- It's good to see you, too.

- I didn't think you made it.
- Why not?

You haven't flown a fighter in a while,
so I figured...

You're alive, that's what counts.

Enough with the reunion.
They're gonna hear us.

- More of us made it!
- You're still talking loud.

So, what now? Go in g*ns blazing?

Hey, what are you doing?

You guys get to those fighters
and don't leave me hanging.


Excuse me!

Down here!

There you go.

Listen, I usually don't hold a grudge...

but you k*lled my parents.


I'm gonna make an exception for you guys.

Charlie, Rain...

you two take the first fighter.

Been holding that one for a while.

Their technology hasn't changed at all!

Get the weapons ready.

New interface.


Jake's in trouble! Let's go!

Getting a little low there, Rain.


No, you don't!

Should've kept running.

Get your ass out of there!

Take this!

- Oh, man.
- Hey, thanks for that.


Get up there where you belong.

What, you don't want to fly?

Hell, no. I wanna sh**t.

All pilots, go to channel six on your radios.

Anytime, gentlemen.

You guys go ahead. We'll cover the rear.

Big closing doors!

Big closing doors! Jake!

Where are you?

We're on our way! Rain, how long we got?

20 seconds, max.

No, Rain, stop! Bank left!

We have to go!

No! We're not leaving anyone else behind!
No one else dies today!

You with me?

I'm with you.

It's getting dicey up here!

Rain, just get out of here!

Respectfully, sir, no way in hell!

- Come on!
- Hey, man...

I just want you to know...

if we don't make it out of here...

I'm really sorry for almost k*lling you
in training.

If we don't make it out of here,
I just want you to know...

I'm not sorry at all
about punching you in the face.

Hey, way to go, Charlie!

All right, we're clear. You lead, we follow.

Faster, Rain!


Hang on to your seat, buddy!

Jake, did you make it?


did you see him come out of there?

I'm not sure.


Did you miss me?

You can't do that to me.

I told you you'd get lonely without me.

All right, aviators, let's turn and burn.

Clock's ticking, we gotta get out of here.

Stand by for a broadcast
from the United States government.

I understand that many people
around the world...

are tuning into this channel
on their shortwave radios.

To you out there and here at home...

make no mistake,
this is humanity's last stand.

What we do in the next 12 minutes...

will either define the human race
or finish it.

To those of you listening...

no matter your nationality,
color or creed...

I ask that all of you pray for us.

No matter our differences,
we are all one people.

Whatever happens...

succeed or fail...

we will face it together...

standing as one.

Decoy mission launch, T-minus 60 seconds.



- What is it?
- It's your dad.

He collapsed. Come with me quick.

Mission is fueled,
loaded and ready for launch.

Where is he?

He asked me as a friend. As a father.


Decoy convoy...

hold and ready position.

It says here,
you got to fly on Air Force One.

You meet the president?

My dad says your son never went to space...

and it's just a conspiracy.

Oh, yeah?

Your father's a putz.


Do you hear that?

What, the kid making fun of me?

No. That sound.

Oh, boy.

Kids, hold on to your seats!

They're inbound.

10 seconds till contact.

They're gonna target the cannon first.

We won't get too many sh*ts off,
so you just make them count.

On my command...


I have to take this fighter.

We're still priming the fusion drive.

It's only at 32%.

That's more than enough.
Give me the harness.

General, we're up and running.

All right, Tom, we are ready to go.

Activate the decoy transmitter on my mark.




Isolation chamber activated.

The convoy is a go.

Give them cover fire. Now.

Now, Tom, now.

It's working.

She's following the decoy.

Wait, what are you doing?

It doesn't matter. We're isolated.
I'm gonna turn it back on.

Why would you do that?

To see what else this thing knows.

Excuse me, just have a few questions,
if you don't mind.

Sir, there's a school bus
headed directly towards the trap.

No, no, no.

David, the queen's ship will be there
in two minutes.

Who is that? No, no, no!

There's a tall, dangling man
waving us down over there.

Tall, dangling?

That's my David!

Who is this blind idiot?

Yeah! Yes, thank you.


This is going to catapult
our civilization...

by thousands of years.

Our understanding of physics...

wormholes, everything, everything!

Hey, calm down. Calm down!

I don't want to calm down!


What, we have to wait for the end
of the world for us to get together?

Come, David!

I'm so happy you're alive,
but I'm busy right now.

You'll be happy to know
I made some acquaintances.

They came to see you.

I'm a little busy right now, Dad.

You and I, we're gonna have to talk.

I said not now! Look!

Yeah, I see...

Tom, it looks like the plan is working.

She thinks you've got the Sphere.

- She's only going after the fighters.
- We gotta get these kids to cover. Go, go!

It's good to see you flying again.

Your place is in the air.

You should've let me do this.

You saved the world once before, Dad.

I'm not saving the world, Patty.

I'm saving you.

- Tom, what's going on?
- She's in my head.

Mr. President...

you've got incoming fighters on your 6.

Can you get me to the target, Lt. Whitmore?

Yes, sir.

Follow me.

Come on.

Go now!

Now, now! Activate the shield!

Shield engaged.

Lt. Whitmore, clear the blast zone.

Surprised to see me?

Do it. Push the button, Tom.

Do it, Tom.

That's right. We got you.

On behalf of the planet Earth...

Happy Fourth of July.

Do we have confirmation, David?

I think it's safe to say, Mr. President...

that we got her!


Wait, if she's dead,
why are her fighters still attacking us?

Command, we have a breach!

- How many do you think?
- About two dozen, sir.

Under no circumstances...

do they see the Sphere.

You do whatever it takes. Do you copy?

Copy that.

This is Sam. My navigator.

You're a lot taller than I imagined.

This is her sister, Daisy.

- Sir...
- There's Bobby. that supposed to happen?

Not good.

Oh, my God.

She has her own shield.

What is that?

Okay, back in the bus, kids.
Back on the bus.

Let's go. Get back on the bus!

Get her!


- Where are you going? No, no, no!
- Come on, girl!

Let's go!

- We have to wait for the dog? I guess so.
- Hurry, Sam! Come on!

- Come on!
- Get in here, girl! Come back!

- Okay. Close the door.
- Oh, shit.

Oh, my God!


All remaining pilots, target the queen.

Unload everything you've got!

Did you hear that?

We need back up down here, now.

We've got a serious breach
in cell block five.

We got aliens on the loose.
We need back up now!

Hey! Where are you going?

Oh, my God! Where'd she go?

Sir, that thing just leapt into the air!

- What'd he say?
- Something about jumping.

Look out!

We are within six minutes, sir.

David, six minutes to Earth's core breach.

General Adams, her shield is down!

- Yes!
- I repeat, her shield is down.

Great job, Lieutenant.

I got you, baby!

We're gonna get you out of this.

Aim for her g*n, Charlie. Aim for her g*n.

This is Captain Hiller.

We've h*jacked a couple of alien fighters.

- Yes!
- Yes!

Do not sh**t at us!

We're the ones trailing smoke.

Roger that, Captain Hiller.

Go on, get her!

sh**t her down!

Whitmore destroyed the queen's ship
and his daughter knocked out her shield.

Now, listen up!
They're going for our molten core.

You've got 4 minutes...

to destroy the queen. So give her hell.

Copy that. No pressure.

We're really running into an alien prison.

This is the one!

Open up!

We're here!

She knows!

She's coming!

Dylan, what's happening?

I don't know.
My controls just stopped responding.

Same here.

- Charlie, do something!
- I can't!

She must have taken control of our systems.

I think we're part of the hive now.

Looks like we're not the only ones.

The hell?

She's taking us straight to Area 51.

What are you doing?
You're not going to follow her!

- Stay behind the yellow line, please, Dad.
- There is no yellow line.

Imagine one!

Take that!


Told you I'd figure it out.

You talk too much.

Baby, we're saved!

They got me.

Oh, no.

Don't worry. I'm gonna get you to sick bay.

Don't worry. I'm not going to make it.

Wait a minute. Wait.

You can't go.

Who's gonna water the orchids?

Who's gonna make sure
you put your pants on in the morning?


I've got something I gotta tell you.



That was supposed to be a sweater.

Oh, no, no.

No. Oh, no.

What the hell is she doing?

That's close enough, David.

I think they're trying to protect her.

More are coming.

Give me that thing.

Take that.

Two minutes, sir.

Two minutes until core breach.

Captain Hiller, you've got two minutes.

Two minutes.

Man, we gotta get out of this tornado.

Every tornado has an eye, right?

I think if we want to get a shot at her,
we gotta get up there.

But how are we gonna do that?
We don't have any manual controls left.

Don't these things have fusion drive
or something?

Are you kidding me?

That thing is made for outer space.
Down here, we'll burn up.

You got a better idea, Charlie?

Because from where I'm sitting...

it looks like it's our only damn chance.

Our only chance to die.

Charlie, shut up!

Rain, arm the thrusters.

- You're all crazy!
- One...

two, three!

Still alive.

- You all right?
- Man!

I got the controls back.

And our weapons are working!

Yeah, but our engines are fried.

All right.
It's gotta be a controlled dive, then.

There she is!

Everybody, we got one shot at this.

Let's make it count.

Thanks for always looking out for me, Jake.

You got it, buddy.

Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa!

- It's over.
- You got 'em all.


Except that one.

Oh, my God. She's got it.

Fire! Fire! Fire!

Get ready for a close encounter, bitch!


Go for her back right where
the tentacles are! That's her weak spot.

Keep sh**ting, Charlie!

What do you think I'm doing?


This thing got ejection seats?


Look out!

I told you not to get too close, David!

David, let's get out of here!

Back up. Go back!

We're alive!

We're rich!

Oh, my God.

General Adams...

the Earth's core is secure.

Whoa! Look at that!

She's dead. We got her.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Baby, put the g*n down.



We're not even married yet,
you're already trying to sh**t me?

Maybe we should try that.

You know.

Dinner, first!

Director Levinson.

Well done.

Thank you, Mr. President.

Good job.


Don't say anything. You'll just ruin it.

Who are you?

David never mentioned
a beautiful woman in his life.


I'm Julius. I'm his father.

Enchantée. I'm Catherine Marceaux.

- Could you give us a second?
- I was never here.

Listen, maybe you guys
should stay with me for a while...

I think that we'd really like that.

Yeah, so would I.

Are you okay?

I am. Thanks to you.

This wasn't all for nothing.

You are a remarkable species.

Not so primitive after all?

You think they'll let me keep this thing?

You have the heart of a warrior.

That's the nicest thing
anyone's ever said to me.

Hell of a job.

We are rich! We are rich!

We are rich! We're wealthy!

I don't know if this planet
could survive another attack.

Excuse me, Director Levinson...

you won't believe...

the weapons and the technology...

this thing has on its proverbial hard drive.

It wants us to lead their resistance!

What do you mean?

Two words...

interstellar travel.

Take the fight to them.

When do we leave?

We are gonna kick some serious alien ass.