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Superpower (2023)

Posted: 09/24/23 10:22
by bunniefuu
- I used to carry around

a little card in my wallet.

Printed on it was a passage

written by

Pulitzer Prize-winning

playwright William Saroyan.

His words have served me

as a a kind of

aspirational instruction

on how I might best

live my life.

In its few

and poignant paragraphs

I held it as a Bible of sorts.

Its thoughts had resonated

deeply with me

from a young age

and on a visceral level

and for decades.

But it had not become

so crystal clear

in its relevance until

this past year and half

as I made seven trips

to and from Ukraine

for the making of this film.

- For those of you watching,

Vladimir Putin

has just declared

that a special military

operation is now underway.

- This speech

by Vladimir Putin

basically saying

that this w*r

is on the hands

of the Ukrainians who resist.

Oh. I tell you what.

I just heard a big bang.

- And the distinct sound

of explosions

on the horizon here in Kyiv.

- Go, go, go.

- A democratic country

has been invaded

by its nuclear-armed


- At least three explosions

rocked the capital of Kyiv.

- We should go

a little bit faster.

- Russia is picking off

Ukraine's military facilities

one after another.

- No, no, guys.

- Okay.

- What the f*ck is going on?

- If the Russians

did attack,

they'd have a short run

to Kharkiv.

We're driving north

towards the border

with Russia,

which is now about

15 or 20 minutes away.

About half an hour beyond that

is the city of...

- I really want to get back

over there.

- They pulled back

logistical units

that they could move back

to bases

that are already close by.

All the, like, the things

that would be essential for--

to take Kyiv

they've left in place.

- But then the counterpoint

from the Unites States'

position is that

they've also moved things

in what looks like

a strategic movement towards--

- You have to spend this money

to train the troops

on logistics

on how you make these moves.

- I had a conversation

with a former

State Department official,

and he, like us,

"I don't think it's going

to happen" kind of feel.

Some of these pieces will

be edited out of the film,

because it might be us saying,

"It's not going to happen.

- And then they f*cking...

- No.

In fact, though,

it's a valuable time capsule

to, you know...

- With feeling.

- Yes, we will admit it.

But it's not going to happen.

- Erin's hearing

from the Zelensky office.

How do you feel about

jumping on the plane Sunday?

- Let's say things get weird

and they shut down airlines...

- Right.

- Into Kyiv,

should we go to Poland?

- There's a natural

kind of avenue to get there.

We fly in and drive in.

- Yeah.

Is there a train?

- I'll check on the train.

- f*ck, that was tits.

That was really great.

That was one of

the great nights in my life

just being able to look

out the window

at the distant little lights

and villages.

- So...

- We're gonna follow your lead,

because we're starting

from zero.

- Okay.

- This project started with,


what a cute human interest.

"This comedic actor,

this nice little guy

"has become

the president of Ukraine.

This is going to be funny."

I talked to Sean about it

just as a friend.

I said, "Oh,

I'm doing this, you know,

this project on Zelensky."

And Sean said, "Oh, you know,

I've been watching

"a little bit about this guy.

He seems, like,

really interesting."

And I've seen Sean do this

with other things

and people

that he finds interesting.

- Before the quake,

actor Sean Penn

had never been to Haiti.

He has been there almost

full-time since January.

- I've often been asked,

"What's a Hollywood

actor doing

by going to places

of disaster..."

- We arrived in Baghdad

this morning.

- "Of conflict..."

I cannot conceive why they

would not have shared

the evidence

of weapons of mass destruction.

- Remember that Sean Penn

is an arrogant

and self-involved person.

- You know, even his poop

doesn't stink.

- "Spending time with alleged

enemies of America

- Two-time Oscar winner

Sean Penn...

- "Or much worse?

- Shaking hands

with El Chapo.

Who do you think you are,

Walter Cronkite?"

- Unbelievable,

you see these celebrities...

"Do you have

a savior complex?"

- Just stick to what

you're good at,

but stay out of our politics.

I just don't quite get why CNN

keeps having him on.

- What really motivates you,

Sean Penn?

The best response

that I've ever

been able to muster

is that I'm curious.

I've been lucky in life to

be able to afford to travel.

And weathered

though it is,

my famous face

gets me access

to places and people

I may otherwise

not have known.

And sometimes I feel

I can be helpful.

This film is unusual.

When Billy Smith and I set out

to make this film

there'd been no recent sign

of accelerated threat

to Ukraine by Russia.

Most of what I knew

about President Zelensky

was that he had too

had been an actor

and that as president

he had the very unfortunate

international perception

of having an attempt

at him being puppeted

by then U.S. president

Donald Trump.

- Tonight

an expl*sive allegation

by a government whistleblower.

- It details

President Trump's conversation

with the Ukrainian president.

- It was on that call

President Trump

told the Ukrainian president,

"I would like you

to do us a favor.

- Suddenly I had to do

what I do,

listen to smart people.

- In the early 1990s, when

the Soviet Union collapsed,

Ukraine had on its territory

the world's third-largest

nuclear arsenal.

If you go back and you look

at the George H.W. Bush


and then the first year

or two

of the Clinton administration,

a real focus was on getting

rid of those nuclear weapons.

And the Ukrainians

at the end of the day

were prepared to do that.

Their one condition was,

they said, "Look,

"nuclear weapons

offer security.

If we get rid of them,

how do you replace that?"

And we came up with something

that seemed like a good idea

at the time.

And it was

the Budapest Memorandum

on Security Assurances,

where the United States,

Britain, and Russia said,

"We will respect

your sovereignty,

"your territorial integrity,

your independence.

"And we will not use

or thr*aten

to use force against you."

Russians, of course,

have violated all of that.

- We'd originally set out

to tell the whimsical tale

of a real-world president,

who had been

a comedy superstar

in a series

about a rural history teacher

who becomes a president

only later

to actually become one.

- Reality

had mirrored fiction,

and Zelensky

had made it difficult

for many of us to know

where the television president

ended and the real one began.

- It was feeling

ever more strangely

like a movie within a movie

within a movie.

What would it take

for Ukraine

to be accepted into NATO?

- NATO said,

"Enlargement will be a matter

"between the alliance

and the country in question

and no third parties."

Well, I think

it's fairly obvious

Russia's gotten

a de facto vote.

I think the concern here is,

if Ukraine joins NATO

on Monday,

on Tuesday, is NATO

then at w*r with Russia?

- The situation

in and around Ukraine

remains fluid

and unpredictable.

There is no certainty

about Russia's intentions.

We see a significant

and unusual

concentration of forces,

which is, you know,

unjustified and unexplained.

- And with the current

Russian buildups...

- Yeah.

- How does that go

for a president like Zelensky?

- I think Zelensky

is a problem for Putin

in the sense

that he contradicts

the Russian narrative.

I mean, the Russian

narrative of Ukraine

is that there's an ultra-right

neo-n*zi government

that hates Russia

and hates Russians,

including Ukrainians

who are ethnic Russians.

Zelensky is a problem

for that.

He's Jewish.

- Let's be serious.

We're now living in the world


He made an entertainment

empire making movies,

coming to shows all over

the post-Soviet space.

He was a star in Russia

as well.

- The situation

was changing

and feeling more urgent

for us as trying to tell

a story about Zelensky

to get over there

as soon as possible

to give Sean a feel

for the place

before it all

might go sideways.

- We took in a bit

of nightlife,

met with some veterans

of the Crimea invasion...

Then ultimately with

a very big and strong man

who was posed to challenge

Zelensky for the presidency.

- Vitali Klitschko has made

history as a boxer.

- Vitali Klitschko

retained his share

of the heavyweight title.

- But he's recently

left the ring

for a far more dangerous


- Right now

I continue my fight,

because I see the great

future of my country.

- There's a lot of parallels

between Ukraine

and the United States today


One of them is how people

define freedom.

- Regarding Ukraine,

it's our freedom

to be independent,

independent to make

a decision where we go.

Not so many people know

about Ukraine,

because we're

a very young country.

We just celebrate

30 years' independency.

We was in Soviet Union,

and somebody have an idea

to rebuild

big Russian empire.

- Somebody has an idea

to rebuild the Soviet Empire?

- Yeah.

- Yeah. That's right. Okay.

- We don't want back to USSR.

We're fighting

to build democracy,

to have a choice.

To be part of modern world,

I guess, is freedom.

But just after 2014,

we clearly understand

what this mean,

territorial integrity

and independency.

People pay for that

highest price.

- Thousands upon thousands

of demonstrators

have taken to the streets

furious with the government

of President

Viktor Yanukovych.

- Yanukovych reversed

his decision to sign

a long-awaited trade deal

with the European Union

in a move that favored

stronger ties with Russia.

- I can't imagine us living

in the pre-Maidan times,

in the country

with authoritarian rule.

We didn't have

strong institutions

that were pro-Ukranian.

Our information space

was merged with Russia.

We didn't think much

about Ukrainian identity,

but people changed.

- I am Ukrainian.

We are not a Soviet Union.

We want to be free.

Maidan was such

an empowering moment

for my generation.

Like, each of us,

we felt that our voice matter,

our persistence matters,

and that we can win.

- Before Maidan,

Ukraine was kind of

a gray area on the map.

- No one understood

what's really the difference

between Ukraine and Russia.

We were completely, like,

in this kleptocratic state,

like, where everyone

was stealing everything.

And one of the goals

of this protest

was to clean up corruption

from Ukrainian government.

And it was so hard.

- Fallen bodies

in the streets of Kyiv.

Protesters confronting

security services,

who respond

with live amm*nit*on.

- We're hearing

from medical officials

that possibly

100 people have died.

That figure is going

to inflame

an awful lot of anger.

- Ukrainians have

this historical willingness

to be a democratic state.

And because it is so hard

to get,

it becomes very precious.

- At the ceremony, the lady

who spoke before you said

he wanted to build Europe here.

Is that dream one

that will be realized

in the future of Ukraine?

- Euromaidan gave a great push

to build our own sense

of responsibility.

We started to realize,

it's our country.

We have to do something.

- In a special session,

Ukraine's parliament

voted to remove

President Viktor Yanukovych.

- He fled to Russia,

urging Moscow to retaliate.

- Annexation of Crimea

was made possible

because of Euromaidan.

It allowed Putin

to switch on the propaganda.

- Shame on me having focused

so little of my attention

on Ukraine's 2004

Orange Revolution

or its significant leader,

Viktor Yushchenko.

After being elected president

in 2005,

Yushchenko became Ukraine's

first modern leader

to stand up for Ukraine's


against Russia's unrelentingly

invasive grip.

While I,

like most Americans,

remembered little beyond

the headlines

about the dioxin poisoning

of Yushchenko

by Russian assets,

this had been

a sanguine moment

in Ukraine's

sovereign evolution.

In the ten politically corrupt

and chaotic years

of disappointment

that followed,

the masses had maintained

that rumble of freedom calling

until that rumble

became the river

that burst into Maidan.

- We were all through

eastern Ukraine,

and we traveled down

to Mariupol.

- Mariupol, which had been so

consistently scarred

since 2014,

would later become the site

of so much death

and destruction.

Why did you decide to serve?

- And you rose to position

of commander?

- And you're a sn*per?

- It's November 2021.

Where is general troop morale?

- After Maidan, it was hard

to imagine myself

anywhere else in the world,

because Ukraine

is a country in the making.

And, like, being a part

of the historical process

of building a state,

it's bigger than anything.

Like, you're building


that will influence life of

people for hundreds of years.

- After Maidan,

people expected

a new political elite,

a new government

will change

the situation dramatically,

will fight corruption,

will change internal rules,

and so on and so forth.

But, unfortunately,

the old corrupted elite--


but still corrupted--

came to power.

- He was one of the wealthiest

people in the country

from day one.

- Ukrainians perceived

Poroshenko, many of them,

as another oligarch,

a rich man going to power

and becoming

even more rich man.

- There's a saying here,

which may sound bad,

but as long

as there's corruption,

you can count on justice.

- This kind of idea

of Ukrainians,

that there are oligarchs

who privatized the country,

and they put

the private interests

over the public interests.

So Zelensky

was playing on this,

that, "I will come,

and I will break this system."

- His political life began

with that really incredible

coup on New Year's Eve.

- Zelensky was, you know,

ally with Kolomoisky,

one of the oligarchs.

And Kolomoisky TV channel,


instead of address

of the president, Poroshenko,

they put address of Zelensky.

- Zelensky has done a lot

to try to separate himself

from Kolomoisky,

but I don't get the sense

that he's as compromised

as someone

like Viktor Yanukovych

or Petro Poroshenko,

who are legitimate oligarchs.

- In Ukraine, it's not

necessarily a country

that's black and white;

it's shades of gray.

- Here's a young kid, pure,

innocent, white,

fluffy bunny rabbit

untouched by the dirt

of politics.

- He knows what to do.

- I saw his show,

"The Servant of the People,"

exactly what he would do

if he was president,

which is destroy oligarchy,

destroy corruption.

Be careful.

- He was one

of the most famous actor

not just in Ukraine,

of all territory

of the Soviet Union.

He not be an actor

who is sitting and waiting,

what happened around him.

He was producer.

He was director.

- Whoo-hoo!

- The choice is very simple,

either or.

Zelensky is hope.

- Sometimes he is not

very well-prepared.

- He's really trying.

It's just, like, not his role.

- I mean, we don't know

what he thinks

about almost anything.

- Well, indeed.

- Test out the policies

in the TV show.

See if they bump, you know,

and implement them.

- Yes.

- Zelensky came in,

a political novice,


but I think he ran

an excellent campaign.

You know, his themes were,

"I'm going to fight corruption.

"I'm going to grow the economy.

"We're going to stop

the w*r with Russia,

and we're going to get

our territory back."

- We are living

in the country

in which all the presidents

was from

some politic elite.

I've been not sure

that it can be possible,

but I was sure about him.


- A political earthquake took

place in Ukraine this weekend.

On Sunday an electorate

sick of the status quo

voted overwhelmingly

for a political satirist.

- We were meeting

with people every day

while waiting

for it all to line up

to meet with the president.

Between people on the street,

people in bars

and restaurants,

people from all walks of life,

I don't think

we found anybody

who said, "This is the guy."

Did you vote for him?

- Were you a fan

of "Servant of the People"?

- I think a lot of people

who voted for them

were also confused,

and they were choosing, like,

from lesser evil.

- I didn't vote for him,

and I was very skeptical

about him.

He did belong

to Russian world.

He worked

and made money in Russia.

I think that for a long time,

he expected that he could find

some understanding.

- Who is Zelensky to you?

- He's the president,

you know?

I don't vote for him,

because for me,

president in Ukraine

must be a man with the balls.

Because when we have president

which want to speak

with the Russians

about the peace,

what the f*ck, man?

Russians don't care

about peace.

- How old were each of you

when you went to fight?

- I was 27.

- 35.

- What led you to it?

- My father was born

in Crimea.

My mother lived in Donetsk.

And Crimea and Donetsk

now is occupied by Russians.

So I don't want Russians

in my house.

Our neighbors,

f*cking neighbors.

- Da, f*cking neighbors.

f*cking neighbors.

- We're currently

in this situation

where there's

a major Russian buildup.

- We live with this

for 7 1/2 years.

We understand that

they can go to w*r at us.

So maybe for United citizens,

it's like, you know...

For Ukrainians, it's like,

"Okay, we know, yeah."

When your enemy is Russian,

you must be f*cking tough guy.

And it's a time when president

must, mm,

do some difficult decisions.

- More now

on our top national story.

The whistleblower

at the center

of the impeachment inquiry

by the House

of Representatives alleged

that President Trump abused

the power of his office.

- President repeatedly urged

Ukrainian president

Volodymyr Zelensky

to investigate

his political rival.

- Allegations

of a quid pro quo,

that U.S. president

Donald Trump

made military aid to Ukraine

dependent on the country

digging up dirt

on Trump's

political opponent.

- It is improper for the

president of the United States

to demand a foreign government

investigate a U.S. citizen

and a political opponent.

We missed a huge opportunity


of the Ukrainian scandal

to work with Zelensky.

And also, those moments

indicated to Putin

that there was

an opportunity here.

You don't have to worry

about the U.S. government

coming down on you

like a hammer.

This is a wedge issue.

We could separate, you know,

the parties,

the bipartisan support.

If we didn't have that,

maybe we could have warned off

Russia's aggression.

- I can see you're angry

with President Trump.

Maybe a little bit, huh?

A little bit?

- Zelensky

is incredibly careful.

And, I mean, at that point,

you can tell he understands

that there's a huge trap here,

and he very carefully

walks around it.

And then in December of 2019

there's a summit meeting

in Paris.

President Macron of France,

Chancellor Merkel of Germany,

they're there with Putin

and Zelensky,

tried to mediate a solution

to the conflict in Donbas.

- I think Putin

kind of thought

he could play Zelensky,

but he challenged Putin

in a way that I think

Putin was kind of

surprised about.

- How does this play out now?

- Now we have the same Putin,

but we have

absolutely different Ukraine

and absolutely different mood

in your country.

- While Zelensky had coalesced

a new centrism in Ukraine,

the United States

had fallen into

a populist lap dance

of extremes.

We'd all been feeling

the unimaginatively toxic

divisiveness at home,

so to see Ukraine's vibrant,


and united democracy downrage

of Russian tyranny

was chilling.

- If Putin goes

full-strength forward

using conventional weapons,

is Ukraine ready?

- I want protect my country,

my mom, my family.

To protect democracy is

really important to everyone.

All Ukrainians,

we all is strong.

And I know that our future

is great and big

for everyone Ukrainian.

- In a 2005 address

to the Russian Federation

Putin said,

"We are a free nation,

"and our place

in the modern world

"will be defined

only by how successful

and strong we are."

His statement played out

as mockery

in the absolutely


he'd adopted

in the years that followed.

But its true embodiment

was happening

in the sovereign Ukraine.

And we could feel

its simmering unification.

It was a different kind

of air I was breathing.

- So f*cking great.

- There has been a dramatic

and worrying shift

in Russia's readiness to

attack in the past 48 hours.

Russia has now moved

rocket launchers

and long-range a*tillery

into firing positions.

- Vladimir Putin,

in a dramatic escalation,

announcing tonight

he's sending Russian troops

into eastern Ukraine.

- Hello.

- Fernando,

we have a camera on you.

- Okay.

- What was your impression

of Putin's speech

the other night?

- But what is your

human perception

of his state of mind?

- Up until last night

I had some faith

that maybe there is some plan

that Putin had in his mind,

bust just on his demeanor

he may not be rational,

and maybe we should seriously

consider the fact

that there's a madman

in Europe again.

- I don't think

he's an irrational man.

I don't think it was

a crazy speech.

- He challenged Ukraine's right

to exist.

- He makes all sorts

of absurd assertions,

like, you know,

"Ukrainians are attacking

Russian soil"

and that sort of thing,

but in some ways I think the

point that he's making is that,

"You Americans behave this way

for decades already.

And now I'm gonna behave

this way myself."

And I think Zelensky

has a problem,

because he's the target.

They want a regime change here.

- People would never support

some puppet--

- No, no, no.

- No.

- Isn't it ridiculous, though,

that they got to this point

because of their hubris.

Zelensky comes to power saying,

"I can make a deal.

"I'm not particularly wedded

to any ideological position.

"Language, politics,

don't care about it.


don't care about it.

"I just want peace.

I want everybody in Ukraine

to live like what they want."

He says,

"Let's have a dialogue."

None of it works.

Putin says,

"Meh, meh, no, no deal."

I--you know--

- "You're a nationalist."

- Yeah, "You're a nationalist."

And he keeps calling him

a n*zi Jew.

Putin kept calling him

a nationalist so many times

that ultimately it's like,

"Okay, fine.

NATO, I'm gonna speak Ukrainian

in public all the time."

'Cause there's nothing that

the people in the Kremlin

are willing to do in order

to make a dialogue happen.

- Isn't it a story of, like

Russia's policy

against Ukraine

the last eight years?

Every single things

they've done

has completely backfired

on them.

- Totally.

- They thought they'd launch

a w*r to split

this country apart,

and it actually unified

the country.

And I think in my

interpretation last night is,

this is about vengeance.

He's angry.

This country wants to divorce

itself from Russia forever,

and he wants it back.

- Yeah, and there's

this ideology in Russia

Slovak people can't have

a democracy,

and, you know,

Russians actually believe it,

and then, if, you know,

if they have something

that's successful here, it is

an existential threat to them.

- We're looking

at something now,

we're gonna have air power,

missiles, cyberattacks,

jamming GPS.


- If it happens like that.

- But I think if--if--

- I think the chances

are up to 10% of--

- Ooh.

- I say, for me,

it's 50/50 right now.

- 50/50 of Kyiv on fire.

- Yes.

- I mean, I just think

the U.S. government

isn't worrying

about these things for nothing.

- Have you been to Russia?

- In 2001 Jack Nicholson

and I had a film

at the Moscow Film Festival.

That night has become

a deviant memory.

- Rising tension has prompted

the United States

to remove its personnel from

the U.S. embassy in Ukraine.

- The U.S. State Department

issuing its highest level,

level 4,

"do not travel" advisory.

- It felt increasingly

like Putin's special operation

was coming our way.

- The U.S. is rushing more

military aid to the country,

the first shipment

of a new $200 million

package arriving,

including amm*nit*on.

- You are likely

in the last few hours

of peace

on the European continent

for a long time to come.

- Vladimir Putin

has just addressed

the Russian people moments ago

announcing what Putin called

the start of

a military special operation,

in his words,

to demilitarize Ukraine.

- We may be witnessing now

what is the beginning

of the bloodiest conflict

in Europe since World w*r II.

- Russian president

Vladimir Putin

has 150,000-plus troops

near the border.

- Russia has got forces


surrounding Ukraine

on three sides,

by land and sea and air.

- We were nearing the end

of our scheduled week in Kyiv

when we got the called

we'd been waiting for.

It was February 23, 2022,

when our first

in-person meeting

with President Zelensky

would happen.

We did not bring our cameras.

I myself am suspicious

of trusts built

on electronic communications.

I wanted the president

to have an opportunity

of sizing me up in person

before asking him to commit

to participate in our film.

By the end of our meeting

he did indeed commit to us

bringing out cameras

on the following day.

On any other day

I might have been ecstatic.

But this was not anyone's

average day on planet Earth.

And both this warm,

young president I'd just met

and his nation were in

a heart-wrenching degree

of danger.

- Sean, I just talked

to the security guy.

We have to leave the country

in the morning.

Yeah, so we'll try to meet

the president tomorrow.

- There's a big difference

in my conversation

about leaving one day early

versus leaving tomorrow.

I don't--I'm not prepared

to leave tomorrow.

Who do you think you are,

Geraldo Rivera?

- The w*r in Ukraine

has begun.

- Three explosions rocked the

capital of Kyiv this morning.

A rocket hit

an apartment building

starting a fire.

- When was the last time

you heard something?

- Like, that was, like,

a half an hour ago.

I heard, like,

the sounds of explosions.

- If we need them

at some point,

who's providing vests,

helmets, and all that shit?

- Peter.

- Okay.

- I mean, we just got

a call that there was--

- They had two impacts

in town.

They're hitting the airport.

- No.

- Yeah.

- f*cking A.

- Airspace shut down.

- I agree.

- What are we doing?

- Just going over

to the InterContinental,

find out what's going on,

because nobody here

seems to know what's going on.

No maps, nothing.

They'll have stuff...

- f*ck it.

- We're just going to go

to the InterContinental,

that hotel right there.

- Right. Right.

- To that?

- Just the hotel right there.

- To that hotel that is

on the opposite side?

- Yeah.

- And it says, like,

the recent rocket att*cks--

- Rocket att*cks?

I hear ya.

I hear ya.

- Here.

- Thanks.

I just heard

from Robert O'Brien.

He said, "Get the f*ck out."

- The U.S. did hear

from the president

of Ukraine earlier tonight.

He's there.

He has not fled his country.

- He obviously is determined

to say.

- Your attention, please.

There is second-level threat

in country.

We'll leave upon you

the decision

to leave the hotel or stay.

We'll help to organize this

at a point in the hotel.

In a crisis,

you will get the shelter.

In the announcement

of this threat,

use stairwell

down to the lobby.

Follow staff instructions.

You will be leaded

to the shelter place.

- The air raid sirens

had escorted us

into the day break

of the 24th.

The modern country

was suddenly at w*r.

It was a sad, surreal,

and shocking day.

But admittedly,

one also surrenders

to some exhilaration.

It keeps you awake when sleep

is a distant memory.

And though completely


the president's office


that the president would still

keep our appointment.

- President Biden unleashed

new sanctions against Russia.

- This aggression

cannot go unanswered.

America stands up to bullies.

We stand up for freedom.

- President Biden

has said again and again

no U.S. troops

will be involved in this w*r.

- I assumed that journalist

and quasi-journalists

around the world would scoff,

but there was not one cell

in my body

willing to prepare a question

for the president,

not on a day like this.

I hoped the film

would be useful.

That's about it.

- This is the center

of the universe

for democracy today,

right now.

- Okay, we have

ten minutes for that.

- We knew by that time

about the Russian commandos

that had taken the airport.

And that was only

about 15 kilometers away.

There was talk

about how long it would take

for the Russians

to completely encircle Kyiv.

It was imminent.

- Hi.

- I'm well.

- To be here at this time,

in this country,

with you,

with your countrymen,

I mean, there's so much

inspiration to be had here.

- Where does it end?

I mean, what does he want?

What does he--what is the--

- Rosa arrange this.

- Yes. Right.

- Please don't say

you were in the bunker.

- No.

- You say only

Office of President.

- Okay.

Oh, man.

- Right.

No, we're the good guys.

- Yeah.

- Yeah.

- Yeah.


- Yeah.

Who's the Zoom with?

- With Ksenia Sobchak--Russia--

who's staying in Moscow.

- Okay, but is it on TV

or just a person?

- On TV.

- You think it's TV?

- Yes.

- Russian TV?

- Russian TV.

- Okay.

All right, let me tell him.

- Thank you for coming out

to our broadcast.

Sean, tell us, please,

where are you, first of all?

- I am in Kyiv.

- Why you're in Kyiv?

Were you aware

of the threat

you're facing there?

- Well, I think all reasonable

people were considering

all possibilities.

- As far as I know,

as far as I understand,

today you met with

President Zelensky.

What were the things

you were discussing?

- What an unimaginable


it is my thought--

that any man or woman

in this world could be in.

I believe with everything

in my heart

that this is a man of love,

intelligence, and courage,

and I still believe

love is proving itself

to be the most powerful w*apon

on Earth.

- Protests tonight

across Russia

in more than 50 cities.

- How much resistance

is there to President Putin?

- These Russians

need to be the example

of peace

for the rest of the world.

This is the height

of that moment

in my lifetime, certainly,

and I think we can all assume,

perhaps, ever.

Okay, any questions?

- Yes.

Is there a w*apon in the bunch?

Where is it?

- Oh, my God.

- Russia's brutal w*r

on Ukraine

begins its second day.

- Right now, I--

we've been, like,

for the last 12 hours,

we've been on the road

kind of zigzagging to get

to the Polish border

going a foot at a time

in cars on different roads,

because they

bombed out a bridge on one,

and it's just a lot of,

you know--

but I'm completely fine.

And we got to sh**t

with the president.

Just moving.

- Ukrainian president


remains in the capital

despite threats

from the Kremlin

against his young family.

- Reports emerged the Americans

had offered an evacuation,

to which

Mr. Zelensky replied...

- How many kilometers

away are we, 20?

- About 28.

- Hey. Yeah, so we're just

going to abandon this.

There's no order to it.

- Let's see if there's

a dirt road

behind those trees.

- All right, this is it?

This is all we're taking?

You're going to take that

backpack and your other bag.

- I got it.

- You need to put the backpack

on properly.

- Hey.

How you doing?

- Hey. How are you?

- It is, man.

It is. It is.

My wife's devastated.

- It's unbelievable.

It's surreal.

- It's crazy.

- Come on, Mick.

- Now they're just

picking up everyone.

- Yeah.

- I mean, it's unreal

what's happening.

- Yeah, man. Mickey.

- Yeah?

- All right, man.

- All right, man, cool.

- While the men of Ukraine

ages 18 to 60

were compelled

to stay in country

and get into the fight,

women and children dominantly

occupied these miles and miles

of cars inching their way

toward the Polish border.

These heroic women set off

to a different front line

and the heartbreak

of husbands, fathers,

brothers, sons,

and businesses

all left behind.

They fled for their

children's safety,

many without any certain

destination or support.

Just three days earlier,

they were you and me.

- w*r has returned to Europe.

- Explosions and the exodus

are only the beginning.

all: Stand with Ukraine!

- The Russian invasion

of Ukraine

continues to spark an outcry.

- People around the globe

are rallying

in solidarity with Ukraine.

- My feeling is,

I'd rather fail, you know,

trying in my little way

to be a uniter, you know, by

going and talking to somebody

who's already labeled me

full screen

the enemy of the state.

- And finally tonight,

the enemy of the state.

This week,

actor, activist,

and all-around

very angry man

Sean Penn

takes the honors.

You are this week's

enemy of the state.

- I flip between Fox and CNN.

And, like, each time,

it's like,

"Sean Penn's

going on 'Hannity.'"

- The least we can do to honor

what they're doing is try.

It was important for him

to get the word out

about what he had seen,

what he had heard,

what he had experienced.

- It's a pleasure.

Thanks for everything.

You've been great.

- If you were on this set,

99 out of 100 times,

we probably would be

in full disagreement, right?

- No question about that.

I don't trust you.

Is there a reason

you didn't trust me?

- Yeah, there's a lot

of reasons I don't trust you,

but I don't think

that I've got time

to indulge my lack of trust,

which it becomes a petty thing

as people and babies

are being vaporized.

- A lot of the world didn't

think that Putin would do it.

I did think he would.

So you get there.

You're interviewing Zelensky

at this time.

Did he see this coming?

Did he believe

that this was real?

- Yes.

He is the face of something

that you see

in all the Ukrainians we saw

and talked to

whether they were in uniform,

out of uniform,


even children,

this extraordinary courage

that's come up.

It is clear to me that the

Ukrainians will win this.

The question is,

at what cost?

- In this buildup

I thought NATO countries

and Western European countries

and the U.S.

should have been arming

the Ukrainians for that moment.

- This could happen

tomorrow also.

We could get F-15s, F-16s in.

Then they can fly those

with three weeks of training.

They can fly the MiGs

and the Sus now.

- Poland offered--what was it--

28 or 29 MiGs.

- Yeah.

- Every report says Joe Biden

vetoed that.

Forget politics.

- Not everybody says

he vetoed it.

- Whoever vetoed it,

Ronald Reagan had a doctrine.

And the doctrine was in the

case of the former Soviet Union

invading Afghanistan

in the '80s,

he supplied Stinger missiles

to the mujahideen.

I support that doctrine.

I support the Trump doctrine


if you're gonna fight a w*r

you push buttons

using new military weaponry

and technology,

and you b*mb the shit out of--

- Okay, but I would argue...

- Hang on.

- You've made this political,

and now give me a chance

to respond to it.

- Hang on. I will.

- Because I'm not talking

about anybody's doctrine

that got us into

a lot of other crap.

- Republicans and Democrats,

they're all gung ho.

They start these wars.

They don't fight them

to win them.

- We--we absolutely agree

on that.

- And fight the w*r to win it.

- That's right.

- And that means

to defeat Russa--

- Or let them fight it

to win it, because they will.

- Well, that's what I'm saying.

Let the Ukrainians

fight themselves.

- Yeah, we agree.

You and I can argue all day.

But I look at you,

and I think you believe

in this country in your way.

I believe in it in mine.

- 100%

- When you step into a country

of such incredible unity,

you realize what we've all

been missing.

- You'll never talk politics

with me on this show, will you?

- We--we've all got to

figure out--

- Wasn't that bad.

Do you trust me now

more than you did?

- There's a lot

of physical therapy necessary

after a big car accident.

You don't get it all done

in a day.

- Our prayers are with

the innocent,

and I wish you luck

in helping them.

- And the heroes

who are fighting for them.

- Next time we'll battle over

Hugo Chvez or something fun.

- That's an interesting


- All right.

- All right.

- Thank you for being with us.

- Former Speaker of the House,

Fox News contributor

Newt Gingrich is with us.

Your thoughts

on the conversation and more.

- That may have been

one of the most impactful

and amazing interviews

of your entire career.

- I'm going to talk

to Sean Hannity,

to Fox News, MSNBC.

I'm going to go do talks

at presidential libraries.

We're going to get

this message out

and help get

what Ukraine needs.

- You called

and said get the hell out,

get the F out, whatever.

- Yeah, yeah.


going to be a serious attempt

at a quick decapitation strike

with the Russian paratroopers.

- The Ukrainians had something

to say about that, obviously.

- Every fundraiser I've been

to, every event I've been to

for the last several months,

people are up in arms

over Ukraine.

- I mean,

when we do the stories,

the ratings

go through the roof.

- Ladies and gentlemen,

please welcome

our distinguished panel.

- It's amazing

to see the Ukrainians

and the resilience.

The Ukrainians are fighting

and fighting hard.

And you think Ukraine

can win this.

- I'd go further, and,

you know, I wager everything.

The Ukrainians

are going to win.

And what we're going

to be doing is saying,

"How many lives

did we let them lose?"

- You know, in Zelensky,

this is a leader

who is pretty remarkable

in this moment.

- Part of what makes him

so particularly extraordinary

is that in that courage,

he's the face

of so many Ukrainians.

This is leadership.

No one on the planet's

been tested

in leadership

like this one human being.

- Mr. President, what is it...

- Tonight

a world-exclusive interview.

- What is the situation?

- Thank you so much

for talking.

- Thank you very much.

- If you do win,

will Vladimir Putin survive?

- You know,

Ronald Reagan once said,

"I don't know how anyone

could have held this position

without having had

acting ability."

And he said, "The ability

to be a good actor

is to be yourself

when the camera comes on."

When Zelensky got elected,

a lot of people

made the comparisons

to Ronald Reagan.

And, "He's an actor,

and he's not prepared."

And yet Zelensky

is just himself,

when the camera's on,

when it's off.

He is who he is.

This moment right now,

he is perfect.

- The Ukrainian president

has been praised

as a master of social media.

- I mean, one thing that's

very important to remember

is, he is a performer.

- Social media

has allowed him

to dominate

the information w*r.

- He has

the bully pulpit now.

People feel comfortable

that he has a vision now.

- All three of you

really being versed

in this over time,

take me back

before the invasion.

- 1999, I had an opportunity

to do a project in Ukraine,

and I was in Ukraine

until a month ago,

two days before the w*r.

- I was in 2008

when the second invasion

happened in Georgia.

We got in, and we were lucky

we got out.

- I was in Iraq in 2007,

2008 during the surge.

- So I was the main

interpreter for Lech Walesa.

So I was all over

Central and Eastern Europe.

Yeah, so I've seen

a lot of stuff.

And I've seen regression.

And it breaks my heart.

I was sent twice...

- What does the healing

look like

between Russians

and Ukrainians?

- Unless they kick

the Russians out

or the Russians take off

and literally give everything

back to the Ukrainians

that would be perhaps

the beginning,

except when you look at

the number of dead civilians

and children and women

and old people

that the Russians,

they've been k*lling.

- Go this way, guys.

- Thank you very much

for talking with us.

What is your assessment?

- Taking Ukraine may come easy

to the overwhelming Russian...

- Like just come out

of an intelligence

with a Western official.

Ukraine is in a battle

for its life right now.

- Ukraine's capital city

of Kyiv

might soon fall

to Russian forces.

- Russia's actions

are outrageous.

Every hour of inaction now

is a threat to the lives

of Ukrainians.

Ukraine loses the w*r,

there will be no Ukraine.

And when stakes are so high

for us,

of course we will

keep fighting.

Whatever it takes.

- The people are mobilizing.

- People signing up to fight.

People bringing in supplies,

anything they think

that will help

the Ukrainian w*r effort.

- We never seek to leave.

This our homes.

We defend our children,


our buildings, our city,

and our future,

future of Ukraine.

- Can Ukraine outright win

this w*r?

- Ukrainian resistance

is having

a huge b*ttlefield impact.

- There's a recording

between Ukrainian

and Russian forces.

- Snake Island,

and appears to have been

att*cked by a Russian warship.

- The man behind those words

was awarded a medal

for his bravery.

- Now we've seen

impressive gains

by the Ukrainian army.

- Russia's flagship vessel,

the "Moskva."

- Ukraine says it hit the ship

with cruise missiles

launched from the coast.

- President Volodymyr Zelensky

visited at extreme risk.

- Tonight a stunning


- How are the Ukrainians

pulling this off?

- Nobody believed in us.

- "Oh, they're going--

you know, they will fail."

And now the whole world

is basically watching.

- This moment in Ukraine to

represent a human phenomenon.


everyone who I was calling

was doing something

for the army.

It was such a huge network

of volunteers.

- Ukraine is extremely united

right now

for so many of us.

And it gives us strength,

and that's why we are not--

we are not afraid,

because we realize that they

have to k*ll all of us.

- In Ukraine

it's not difficult

to find a great diversity

in political opinion.

Just as in the U.S.

one can find

every impassioned

nationalist idea,

every impassioned

humanist idea.

And yet they've someone found

a complete recognition

in the interdependence

that allows for independence.

It's tangible.

- President Zelensky

called on the United States

to send more weapons.

- They asked for

heavier weapons faster.

- The Pentagon has rejected

a surprise offer from Poland

to fly all of its MiGs

to a U.S. airbase in Germany.

- Saying it risks setting off

a wider w*r with Russia.

- We continue.

We continue fighting.

We just need support.

I--I need to say to you,

because you're our friends,

that we still waiting.

We still talking every day

with international w*r leaders.

We need some help

by the weapons.

We still, for example,

waiting this jet

from Poland.

- Right.

- Thank you, Sean.

Thank you.

Thank you very much,

my friend.

- The people and government

of Poland

had opened their hearts

and borders

to some 8 million

Ukrainian refugees

but found challenges

when seeking

to provide fighter jets.

What did happen

with the MiG proposal?

- We don't want to act


Such weapons

like the jet fighters,

it would require the NATO,

and our collective decision

was not to go

farther with our action

of delivering the MiGs.

- Some countries make the point

that Ukraine

should only be provided

with defensive weapons

and we should not receive

any offensive weapons.

The real point

is that any w*apon

that is being used

by Ukrainian army

in the territory of Ukraine

is defensive by definition.

Because we are not using it

to attack anyone.

We are using it

to defend ourselves.

We don't have the feeling

that neither Poland

or the United States

are not willing

to do something for Ukraine.

But they do have differences

in understanding

who will assume

the responsibility

for making the decision.

Use the bloody weapons

necessary to win.

- Ukraine needs

w*apon supplies.

We need heavy a*tillery,

armed vehicles,

air defense systems,

and combat aircraft,

anything to repel

Russian forces

and stop their w*r crimes.

Arm Ukraine now

to defend freedom.

- It's an apocalyptic vision.

- How much more

can the civilians withstand?

- Accounts of Russian abuses

are widespread.

- We saw undeniable evidence

of atrocities.

- New fallout and outrage

sparking more calls for

a w*r crimes investigation.

- I don't want to live

in a world

where a gangster with nukes

gets to dictate

what we have to live under.

I just don't want

to live in that world.

And the Ukrainians won't live

in that world.

It's a real w*r.

- Mm-hmm.

- It's in real life.

- We all thought that Kyiv

was going to fall

in two days,

and now here we are.

- Russia is aware that

it's not winning this w*r.

- The new narrative

is being born right now

about Ukraine,

this narrative

about very strong,

brave, courageous country.

- The recipe of victory

is Ukrainian stamina

and Western sanctions

and weapons.

These are the three elements

that will make us prevail.

- The Russians,

they have been bloodied.

- The Russians are taking

a tremendous number

of casualties,

probably taken

70,000 or 80,000 casualties.

- I hate to say this.

You know,

these Russian soldiers,

17, 18, 19 years old, right?

They're just cannon fodder.

And they're getting blown

to bits by the Ukrainians.

You've got

refrigerator trucks

and refrigerator train wagons

full of dead

Russian soldiers,

because Putin does not want

society to see this.

- Make no mistake, while

I believe they're winning,

the longer

that this w*r goes on,

the more likely it is

that it will start to fray

and fracture.

So Mr. Zelensky needs

to have an outright win here

pretty soon.

- I'm glad to see you,

Mr. President.

How are you holding up?

- Thank you.

- Thank you, Sean.

All the best.

- He looks like he's been

awake since we saw him.

- Because the Ukrainians

have performed so well,

because the democratic world

has consolidated

with regard to sanctions

and supporting Ukraine

with weapons,

it is not going to escalate

towards a conventional w*r

with NATO

because we provided

the Ukrainians with planes.

Since before this w*r,

I've been talking

about giving the Ukrainians

weapons to deter Russia.

We should be able to peer

around the corner

and see how this w*r

is going to unfold,

the fact that we're going

to have to step in

and provide more.

But we're going

to do it too late,

and we're going to miss


to make this a short w*r.

We're going to miss


to reduce the human toll

for Ukraine.

We're going to miss


to really decrease

the risk for the U.S.

with a long-w*r scenario.

- One part of the w*r

that we've gotten

very little insight into

is the battle for the sky.

- This rumor

of the Ghost of Kyiv.

- The Ghost of Kyiv.

- The Ghost of Kyiv,

they call it.

- The Russian Air Force

has not been able

to get air supremacy.

Can you just talk a little bit

about why that is?

- Because they have a fear

of our air defense.

But we need effective tools

to do this efficiently.

- How do the Russians

get stopped?

- The conflict will be

going on for some time,

and we need

the weapons flowing,

and without U.S. assistance,

that would be close

to not possible.

We need new fighter jets.

- That's much more exciting

for him than it is for you.

- Yeah.

- We just watched your movie.

The next "Top g*n" movie

should be made in Ukraine.

- You know,

you put the world on notice

that Ukraine, you know,

isn't f*cking laying down

for anything.

It's a real honor

to talk to you guys.

- Thank you for support.

- As this w*r went on,

it got more

and more difficult

to keep attention

and interest in it.

- Other stories

we're following for you...

- Will Smith clashed

with comedian Chris Rock.

- There's a time limit.

- The world watched

Johnny Depp's...

- And there's an energy limit

to what people can put

on the horrors

of something

taking place far away.

For Sean,

it was very important

to get back to Ukraine...

Get back

to see what's going on

and experience

what it was like now in June.

And we knew the important

thing was getting Sean

and Zelensky back together.

- Ukraine's president

is accusing Russia now

of bombing a crowded

shopping mall

in the eastern part

of the country.

- The capital, Kyiv,

once again in the crosshairs.

- This morning,

the most serious attack

on Kyiv in weeks,

two apartment blocks struck.

- In residential buildings

hit by rockets,

the number of civilian

casualties is rising.

- Is this it?

- Yeah, this is--

this is it.

Who's coming?


This was the living room.

That was a bedroom

and restroom.

- Yeah, this is not

structurally sound anymore,

is it?

- No.

- So what are you doing now?

Just hearing out the things

that can be salvaged?

- Yeah, so actually,

I asked the military guys

to help me out.

They came here.

They clear everything.

They try to make sure that

we actually can take anything.

I tried to find, like,

really sensitive stuff,

like maybe pictures

or, like, some other stuff.

Yeah, that's it.

Like, I just wanted

to find something.

- What can we help you carry?

- Nothing.

It's done.

- It's done. Okay.

- It's done.

We took everything

that we could.

That's it.

Welcome to my home.

- Because you can?

- Because I can.

- Thank you.

- And here too.

- I'm a little bit late.

Maybe not little.

Sorry. I'm so sorry.

- No, you're fine.

Once the invasion began,

what was the first moment

that you were able to check in

with your family?

- In the night, I think.

In the night.

It was in the night.

And I had phone call.

My wife, I said,

"Tell children,

"detailing everything.

What does it mean,

the w*r with Russia?"

- The day of the invasion,

when you walked in,

I saw a change in you.

There was an air of,

you were born for this moment.

It was so clear

that we were in a moment of...

extreme history.

- Everybody has to be--

has to become older,

older at this moment

to understand what to do

and what we are doing,

because we need to live

in the real life,

not in fairy tale.

- There it is.

- So this is

the direct impact crater?

- Yeah.

And he's like wise...

political man.

So even our children

began because of the w*r.

They began to speak, like,

you know,

to speak not like children.

He understand why I am not

with him every day.

He said to me that,

"I understand you,

"and I think

that in the future,

maybe we can have something

like it was before the w*r."

He understand that it will not

be such way like it was.

Only now we know what country

we have to build.

I made a lot of decisions.

For example...

And we'll see the result

only after the w*r.

From this point,

we can't come back

to the political,


securities strategy.

It couldn't be

just democracy,

just liberal attitude

to everything.

It couldn't be so.

But we should know

that soldiers with w*apon

will be in the streets.

You know, how can everywhere

be people with g*ns?

Why you are looking

what is in my bag

when I'm entering shops?

Now we should do it.

It's a pity.

It's not about Ukraine.

That is the result

of all the wars.

- Yeah, this kind of stuff

is still shockingly stupid,

and the idea

that one evil little man

could be so generating

the force behind it,

it's just unimaginable

and has to change

somehow for--

I think about it for my kids,

because everything

that happens here

is going to affect

every other place

in the world today.

And I think that's the reason

that we're all

so invested in this,

and because Ukraine

is representing

the greatest aspirations

that we all share.

- They will not stop...


A lot of people die.


so--so it's tragedy,

but I understood that this

tragedy result of the w*r.

I understood it.

They will destroy everything.

People want to forget

what's going on in the East.

Believe me, now they destroyed

everything on the East.

We need to go and talk

to the soldiers

who are fighting the fight

and spend some time

on the front line.

- Yes, it's possible.

We could help.

We're very interested

to show the world

what's going on here.

We are fighting.

We destroyed

a lot of Russian troops,

and they destroyed us.

That is the w*r between two.

They are not waiting,

and we are fighting.

They will dig in.

So that is the problem.

We should press on them.

That's very difficult

with such,

I think, slowly way

of getting weapons.

With such speed...

you can't move forward.

- Ukraine is intent

on pushing Russian troops

back to their border

with the help

of advanced

long-range m*ssile systems

en route

from the United States.

- The U.S. is sending

a*tillery rocket systems

known as HIMARS.

- The weaponry includes

the M142


a*tillery rocket system.

- Once you fire

from a position,

does that immediately mean

you're gonna move positions?

I think that because of our

proximity now

to active combat, that's where

our sights should be set.

- Let's put that

in this truck.

- Yeah, we're gonna do this.

- Let's do that.

- Okay.


- Up.

- Okay.

So that means

we're getting close.

During last ten days...

During last ten days.

Because shells are going

without stopping.

No stop,

shelling without stopping,

any stopping,

different kinds.

And it's, you know...

that is what we have.

- Russia is intensifying

its as*ault

in the east of Ukraine.

- And the Ukrainians

may have to decide do they,

as it were,

dig in in Severodonetsk,

or do they give up

the city now

and leave while they can?

- Can you speak

to what importance it was

to the solidary of this fight

that the president stayed

in Kyiv?

- These Russians,

they k*lled a lot of people.

And it was, for me, shock,

also for everybody,

that they--

- r*ped, yeah.

When they began,

when they r*ped

some women and some children,

it was f*ck--

I can't find,

you know, right words

and never find.

I will never find for this,

because it was shock.

So many children,

so many blood.

- Russia is bombing

kindergarten schools,

maternity hospitals.

- They are crimes.

They're not really soldiers.

They did crime

against the humanitarian...

- Right.

- Values.

- Latvian MPs

have declared Russia

a state sponsor of terrorism,

saying its invasion

of Ukraine

amounted to genocide.

- Ukrainian officials saying

there are 1,000

new w*r crimes investigations

now underway in just one

newly liberated city.

- For those who've lived

under occupation,

it's been hell.

- There is

very serious erosion

of moral values in Russia,

which is dangerous

for the whole world.

- History will remember

and talk about Zelensky.

He went

beyond the expectations,

went beyond what anybody could

have imagined he would do.

But Russia's

not going anywhere.

This toxic environment

doesn't go away

for many, many years.

- What are the challenges

in the short term?

- To fly,

you need two wings.

Don't give me one wing

and waiting,

when you will fly?

I will never fly

with one wing.

I need two,

and if you want me to fly now,

I need two now.

So we should win now, jointly,

with all the world now.

- It's already

economic warfare,

sanctions, energy warfare.

It's refugee flows

destabilizing countries.

What happens if Russia

starts to fracture,

Chechens start to break off...

It's a recipe for the Chinas

of the world

to make territorial grabs,

for the Irans of the world

to make territorial grabs.

- If you want to keep China

out of Taiwan,

keep Ukraine in the fight.

Push Russia out,

and keep that fight

from coming to us,

'cause if Ukraine loses,

we lose.

If Ukraine fails, it's not

just a failure for democracy.

It's a failure

for the global economy,

because we're seeing

how dependent we all are

not just on oil and gas,

but also, global supply chains

are affected.

So their fight is our fight,

and the tip of the spear

right now

is the fight in Ukraine.

- And if these people

are ready to k*ll children,

are ready to k*ll civilians,

why will they stop?

For what?

- If Ukraine not stop

the Russia

and not win,

they not a reason

to stopping in the future.

Next will be Moldova.

Next will be Lithuania,


It means that it will be w*r

against NATO.

And it means that,

once again,

American soldiers

will be sent

for the new w*r in Europe.

I went many cities,

Chicago, Los Angeles, Boston

what I could with

those money I had,

not a lot of money,

to understand,

what does it mean, democracy?

What does it mean, feeling--

this feeling...

I loved to run.

Especially in the morning,

you could understand

where you live.

I wanted very much to go

to the country

where freedom--

to find this feeling.

Ukrainians so long time

wanted to be free.

- Hmm.

- And Ukrainians

didn't understand--me also.

We didn't understand

that we have to pay for that.

And we didn't understand

the high price of it.

This understanding of freedom

came with a w*r,

with the fighting

for this freedom.

For Americans to understand

what's going on here

and to understand the price,

they can feel it only

if they will be on the w*r,

and I don't want them

to fight in the w*r.

They had already--had already

many different wars,

many different dead guys

and soldiers

on different wars.

If we will not win now,

Americans will fight

in some years with this enemy.

Can tyranny win or not?

What will be the end

of this w*r?

If I fight, I should win,

because if you

are not ready to win,

don't fight.

- One year ago,

we interviewed you,

and you said what?


yeah, yeah.

- I hope, I really hope

that when he's an old man

and I'm an even older one

that I might be sitting

with him

in a peaceful and prosperous

free Kyiv

laughing like a couple

of kids

at what William Saroyan called

"the infinite delight

and mystery of life."

You have a job as a head

of state to lead...

To inspire,

to communicate,

to sacrifice...

It's been said

that leadership's

first responsibility

is to define reality

in courage in the face

of unspeakable terror.

Volodymyr Zelensky

has done that.

And he's done it despite

a next-level problem set.

He'd done it for his country.

He'd done it for his children.

And he'd done it for ours.

Going to Ukraine, I got filled

with this feeling of unity.

That's not because

I'm closing my eyes

to what the cost of it is

right now.

It was about how they were

paying it

in common cause.

The weapons and amm*nit*on

are not being supplied quickly

or completely,

yet Ukrainians battle on

with otherworldly courage

in a freedom w*r

for sovereignty

and the right to dream.

And we in the United States,

if we don't find

common cause,

then we're only going


And we're gonna k*ll

each other.

- Free in the knowledge

That one day this will end

Free in the knowledge

That everything is change

And this

Was just a bad moment

We were fumbling around

But we won't get caught

like that

Soldiers on our backs

We won't get caught

like that

A face using fear

To try to keep control

When we get together

Well then who knows

If this

Is just a bad moment

And we are fumbling around

But we won't get caught

like that

Soldiers on our backs

We won't get caught

like that

I talk to the face

in the mirror

But he can't get through

I said,

"It's time that you deliver

We see through you"

I talk to the face

in the mirror

But he can't get through

Turns out

we're in this together

Both me and you

- Mr. President, what's the

first thing you're gonna do

once Ukraine wins this w*r?