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Starship Troopers (1997)

Posted: 09/24/23 10:48
by bunniefuu
Young people from all over the globe...

are joining up
to fight for the future.

- I'm doing my part.
- I'm doing my part.

- I'm doing my part.
- I'm doing my part too.

They're doing their part,
are you?

Join the Mobile Infantry
and save the world.

Service guarantees citizenship.

The bugs send
another meteor our way...

but this time we're ready.

Planetary defences
are better than ever.

Klendathu, source
of the bug meteor att*cks...

orbits a twin star system whose
brutal gravitational forces...

produce an unlimited supply
of bug meteorites...

in the form
of this asteroid belt.

To ensure the safety
of our solar system...

Klendathu must be eliminated.

We break net now and take you
live to Klendathu...

where the invasion has begun.

EXQ uplink on two, one.
You're on.

- We've just landed here on what cap troopers...
- Move, move, move!

...are calling Big K,
- Come on! Move, move!

...with the 6th Mobile Infantry Division!
- Come on!

It's an ugly planet,
a bug planet!

A planet hostile to life
as we know it!

Help me!

- Come on! Go, go, go!
- Keep moving!

Get out of here now!

Kitten, no!

Oh, God!

Oh, God!

Rico. Rico. Rico!

Pay attention.

Sorry, Mr Rasczak.

Let's sum up.

This year we explored
the failure of democracy...

- Bad boy... how the social
scientists brought our world...

to the brink of chaos.

We talked about the veterans,
how they took control...

and imposed the stability
that has lasted for generations since.

You know these facts...

but have I taught you anything
of value this year?


You. Why are only citizens
allowed to vote?

It's a reward,

what the Federation gives you
for doing Federal Service.

No. No.

Something given has no value.

Look, when you vote, you are
exercising political authority.

You're using force. And force,
my friends, is v*olence,

the supreme authority from which
all other authority is derived.

Uh, my mother always said
v*olence never solves anything.


I wonder what the city fathers
of Hiroshima would say about that.


They probably wouldn't say anything.
Hiroshima was destroyed.


Naked force has resolved
more issues...

throughout history
than any other factor.

The contrary opinion, that
v*olence never solves anything,

is wishful thinking
at its worst.

People who forget that
always pay.

Rico, what's the moral
difference, if any...

between a civilian
and a citizen?

A citizen accepts personal
responsibility for the safety...

of the body politic,
defending it with his life.

- A civilian does not.
- The exact words of the text.

But do you understand it?
Do you believe it?

- I don't know.
- Of course you don't.

I doubt anyone here would
recognize civic virtue...

if it reached up
and bit you in the ass.

Not here.

Come on, let's see if they
posted the math final.

- Rico, we gonna take Tesla?
- We're gonna k*ll 'em.

Remember, all graduating seniors
must fill out a 710 form.

First thing Fleet Academy
looks at is your math scores.

Wish me luck.

- Way to go.
- Good job.

Your turn.
Hold on.

I want to talk to Marco.
His sister's at Fleet.

- Marco.
- Hi, Carmen.

- What do you hear about Roxy?
- She made pilot.

- She did?
- Oh, yeah.

Thirty-five percent.
Very nice.

Look at that. Thirty-five
percent, ladies and gentlemen.

Big numbers.

- Carl.
- Sorry.

So, you haven't done it yet,
have you? Don't lie.

I'm not in any hurry.

- Others are waiting.
- And?

- Did you read her mind?
- Don't have to.

It's pretty clear
what she wants.

Yeah, but I want Carmen.

- Aw, you got it bad.
- Bye, Marco.

Hey, don't forget about
this afternoon.

He's always late when he walks
you home to fish for a kiss.

Get out of here.

- Marco's sister made pilot.
- So will you.

I mean, imagine flying a half
a million tons of starship.

You gotta have nerves of steel.

Yeah, you do. Let's see
how yours hold up.

You may begin.

Aw, come on, it's just a bug.
You better put your goggles on.

"Just a bug."

We humans like to think we are
nature's finest achievement.

I'm afraid it just isn't true.

This Arkellian sand beetle
is superior in many ways.

It reproduces in vast
numbers, has no ego...

has no fear, doesn't
now about death...

and so is the perfect
selfless member of society.

But humans have created
art, mathematics...

and interstellar travel.

True. But before you
let that go to your head...

take the example
of the Arachnids...

a highly evolved
insect society.

By human standards,
they are relatively stupid...

but their evolution stretches
over millions of years...

- and now...
- Here, take this.

...they can
colonize planets...

by hurling their spore
into space.

Okay, I think we got it.

That's the heart.

And here's the stomach.

Nerves of steel, huh?

Don't think about it.
Just go on instinct.

Try to visualize it.

I see the ace of spades.

You know,
statistically speaking,

you should have accidentally
guessed right by now.

- Try another.
- So my psychic abilities are zero and I'm unlucky.

No, luck's not a factor.

No one really knows why some people
are sensitive and some aren't.

Who knows? Maybe it's a new
stage of human evolution.

That's why they do these
kind of Federal studies.

What... Cyrano...
Oh, shit. Time out.

Oh, he just wants
some attention.

You don't play
with him any more.


Go bug Mom, Cyrano.

How do you make him do that?

Oh, I gave him the impression
there's a grub crawling up my mom's leg.

He's on a mission to go eat it.

Ow! Oh! Get out!
Get off my leg! Oh! Carl!

I sure hope you don't do
anything like that to me.

Don't be afraid.
Can't do human. Yet.


All right!

- Yeah! Yeah!
- Touchdown Tigers.

And the score
is now 41-38.

Tigers lead
with 2...46 remaining...

here at the Buenos Aires
Sports Arena.

Time out Giants.

- Are you all right?
- Much better.

- Now. Good.
- Yeah!

All right!
Way to go, team!

Hey! Your helmet.

So, what are you doing
after the game?

Well, everyone's going
to the dance, aren't you?

I don't know. It's my
last night as a civilian.

- Come on, number 12! Let's go!
- Ship out for Tereshkova tomorrow.

- You're going to the Fleet Academy?
- Uh-huh.

That's where I want to go!

Come on, number 12!
Let's play ball!

Don't get any ideas
about my girlfriend!

All is fair in love and w*r.

- Giants! Giants!
- Johnny! Yeah!

Hut! Hut!

Hey, yeah!

Giants leading 43-41.
Just over 42 seconds remaining.

- Yeah!
- All right, let's go.

Irvin, Lathom, cover the rush.

Perry, fake left.
Bertolli, you go long.

Rico, flip six three hole.
Got it? Hey, Rico?

- Hey!
- What?

You're drifting! Flip six,
three hole, on one! Got it?

- Just throw me the ball, Diz.
- Ready? Break!


Down. Set.
Tight left.

- Screen!
- Hut!

Yeah! Go, go, go!

All right!


He's in there.
It's over.

Who said you could
grow up so fast, huh?

Mom, don't get mushy.

This came for you today.

I presume, at your request.

A lot of my friends are
doing Federal Service.

Well, you're not
thinking of applying?

Have you lost your mind?

I'd rather take ten lashes in Public
Square than see you ruin your life.

It's a term of service.

It's not a career.

I just want to get
out on my own...

see the galaxy
for a couple years.

Johnny, people get k*lled
in the Federal Service.

Who gave you this idea?
It's that teacher, isn't it?

What's his name? You know
the one I'm talking about.

- Mr Rasczak.
- Rasczak?

Silly name. There should
be a law against...

using a school
as a recruiting station.

No, Rasczak doesn't do that
at all.

He sort of discourages you.

Well, that's good.

'Cause you're going to Harvard,
and that's the end of it.

It's my decision, not yours.

- Oh, is that how it is, huh?
- Wait, you two.

Uh, Dad and I have a surprise
for you that will settle this.

Can you guess what it is?


You wanted to see the galaxy?

How about a trip
to the Outer Rings?

Zegema Beach. Huh?

I've always wanted to go there.

Good, good.
Then it's all settled.

Sure. Don't go away.

I'm just gonna
go see Mr Rasczak.

Hey, Rico, do you
want to dance?

Actually, Diz,
I promised Carmen...

Aw, come on. Too bad for her
if she's not around.

You know, it's sad.
After tonight, most of us...

probably won't
see each other again.

So, you still
gonna play for Rio?

Yeah, looks like.
Unless Tokyo lets me start.

Well, anyone
who gets you is lucky.

Johnny, how come
we never got together?

Can't we just be friends, Diz?


- Thank you.
- Good night.

Look, Diz, I want to talk
to Mr Rasczak.

Well, you better hurry up
if you want to catch him.

You're the best.

Mr Rasczak!

- What is it, Rico?
- I want to thank you.

Your class was the best one
I had this year.

Well, it's really not my job to please.
I just hope you learned something.

Well, I want to join up.

I think I got what it takes
to be a citizen.

Good for you.
Go find out.

Well, my parents
are against it.

And I know it's my choice.

I was wondering...

what would you do
if you were me?

Figuring things out
for yourself...

is the only freedom
anyone really has.

Use that freedom.

Make up your own mind, Rico.

But I have not been to paradise

No, I have not been to paradise

Watch the days go by

All is fine

Don't exaggerate.

I'm serious. I think you have
really beautiful eyes.

- You know?
- Johnny.

Uh, this is Zander.

Yeah, we know each other
from the game.

- No hard feelings?
- No, none at all. We won.

Come on, Carmen.
It's the last dance.

Well, maybe I'll see you
at the Academy.

Yeah. Who knows?

- Good luck.
- Zander's going for pilot too.

You two have so much in common.

Johnny Rico, are you jealous?

Well, maybe.

You don't have to be jealous.

Hey, hey, break it up, you two.

There's a place
for that sort of thing.

I've been thinking,
and I'm gonna do it, Carmen.

I'm gonna go
for Federal Service.

That's great.

Carl and I are signing up
tomorrow. Come with us.

I will.

My father's not home tonight.

All is well

All is well

Talk about it

Watch the days go by

All is well

24th century dies

I do now,
of my own free will...

after having been
duly advised and warned...

of the meaning and consequences
of this oath...

enrol in the Federal Service...

for not less than two years...

and as much longer
as may be required...

by the needs of the Federation.

- All set?
- Thank you.

Fresh meat for the grinder, eh?

- So, how'd you kids do?
- I'm gonna be a pilot.

Well, good for you. We need
all the pilots we can get.

- Hey, did you get starside R and D?
- No.

- I don't believe it.
- I got Games and Theory.

Games and Theory?

- That's military intelligence.
- Yeah.

Way to go, Carl.

Next time we meet,
I'll probably have to salute you.


How about you, son?

- Infantry, sir.
- Good for you.

Mobile Infantry made me
the man I am today.

All recruits must report to the
Federal Transportation Hub...

within 24 hours.

Welcome to the adventure
of Federal Service.

Let's make a vow.

No matter what,
we'll always be friends.

I'll go for that.

Well, chances are we'll
never see each other again.

We'll be millions of light-years
away from each other.

But, uh, yeah, sure.
Why not?

You'll resign, and that's
all there is to it.

It may look bad, but if that's
the worst you suffer, then that's fine.

- I won't quit!
- I'm telling you, you will.

You're not going back.
You're going on vacation!

I am not going on vacation!

I want to be a citizen.

It's my decision.
I made it.

You walk out that door,
you are cut off, young man.

You understand me?

All right, that's it!
You are cut off!

Johnny, why won't you
change your mind?

Does citizenship
mean that much to you?

Well, yeah, sure.

Well, I hope so.

I hope you don't ruin your life
over some silly little girl...

who wants to look handsome
in a uniform.

- Don't talk about Carmen that way!
- Johnny.

Your attention, please.

Outbound group 1380,
all hub 29 connections.

- Do you have everything?
- Moscow now boarding...

- Great. bank 8-A.

- Johnny.
- Be a good girl, hear?

- You're late.
- My dad had to help me pack.

Suddenly he's afraid he's never
gonna see me again or something.

It was sweet,
but it took forever.

Oh. Anyway, I guess
I'm ready to go.

Yeah, me too. I'm wearing
everything I own.

I'm sorry your parents
were mad.

Who cares? The Federation
will give me...

everything I need for
the next two years, right?

- You talk to Carl?
- Yeah, he left this morning.

- Couldn't say where.
- Oh, it's exciting, going away.

But I'm scared.
Aren't you?

I'm gonna miss you.

I'm gonna miss you too.

I love you.

Outbound group 94B
to Tereshkova...

That's me.

Just say it once.
Try it on for size.

I love you.

Don't forget to write.

I won't.

Fully a*t*matic Morita.
Who wants to hold it?

Me! Me! Me! Me! Me!

Citizen rule. People
making a better tomorrow.

A m*rder*r was captured
this morning and tried today.


Sentence... death.

Execution tonight at 6...00.
All net. All channels.

If you think you're psychic,

maybe you are.

Federal studies are being
conducted in your community.

Every school kid knows
that Arachnids are dangerous.

However, Mormon extremists
disregarded Federal warnings...

and established Fort Joe Smith deep
inside the Arachnid Quarantine Zone.

Too late, they realized that Dantana had
already been chosen by other colonists...


- One, two, three, four!
- Ten-hut!

- One, two, three, four!
- Most of you will not...

live to be
in the Mobile Infantry.

The trouble is, you are not
good enough the way you are.

Hands at your side!

Chin up.

I am your senior drill instructor,
Career Sergeant Zim!

Suck in that gut!
Feet together!

To think this had
to happen to me.

What a bunch of apes.
No, strike that!

You don't rate that good.

Never in my life have I seen...

Do you think I'm funny?
Do I make you laugh?

- Do you think I'm a comedian, son?
- I'm sorry.

The first words and the last words out
of your stinking holes will be "Sir"!

- Do you get me?
- Sir, yes, sir!

You see that armoury?
Run around it.

Run, I said!
Run, run, run!

- Bronski, keep pace!
- Move! Move!

Now, anytime you think
I'm being too tough...

anytime you think
I'm being unfair...

anytime you miss
your mommy, quit!

You sign form 1240-A,
you grab your gear...

you take a stroll
down Washout Lane!

Do you get me?

- Sir, yes, sir!
- Pathetic!

I wonder if there's a handful of
guts in the whole bunch of you.

Now, who here thinks they got
what it takes to knock me down?

Sir! I guess
maybe I do, sir!

Ow! God! God!

- You all right, son?
- Sir, yes, sir!

It's my arm.
I think it's broken, sir.

- Medic!
- God.

Pain is in your mind!

- Who's next?
- Sir!

Recruit Flores reporting
for duty, sir!

You specifically requested transfer from
Fort Cronkite to this training unit?

Sir, I heard
it was the best, sir!

It is the best.

But what makes you think
you're good enough?

Now that's the kind of gal
who makes squad leader.

That's my job
you're talking about.

Come on.

- Here we go!
- Here we go!

- Roughnecks!
- Roughnecks!

- On the go!
- On the go!

One, two, three, four...

one, two, MI!

You know, I'd like
to k*ll that Sergeant Zim.

- Whoa, improper attitude!
- Watch it.

- They'll kick you out for talking like that.
- Bye-bye.

There you go down Washout Lane.

Yup, you either got what
it takes, or you don't.

- Hey, there is a line.
- Wait your turn, Ace.

Hey, at ease, little soldier.
It's all the same muck.

Get in line like everyone else.

You got some guts
for a rich kid.

I guess you and me could be
buddies. What do you say?

Oh-oh, that is
no way to act.

- I'm honoured.
- Hey! Of course you are.

Everybody should have
a friend like me.

Come on, Ace. Back of the line
now! Back of the line!

- Back, back, back, back!
- All right. Hurry up, hurry up.

- What a jerk, man.
- Tough guy.

Hey, Rico, want
to sit together?

No thanks, Diz.

What's your malfunction, Rico?

You are.

I joined up to get out on my own,
and you had to tag along.

You think I joined the Mobile
Infantry because of you?

You saying you didn't?


Forget about it, Ace.
You don't stand a chance.

What makes you even think you're
gonna make squad leader, Rico?

- Something I got, you don't.
- Ha!

- You rich kids are all the same.
- It isn't about that.

- It's about who's the best.
- Hey!

Third squad!

If someone's hurt, put him on your back
and take him out of there!

Let's go!

Go, Simmons!
Go, go, you sissy!

Sir, I don't understand.

Who needs a knife
in a nuke fight, anyway?

All you gotta do
is push a button, sir.

Cease fire. Put your hand
on that wall, trooper.

Put your hand on that wall!

Damn it.

The enemy cannot push a button
if you disable his hand.


Hand me that towel, will you?

Ah, well, we all have
one thing in common.

We were all stupid enough
to sign up for Mobile Infantry.

- Breckinridge, what's your excuse?
- Oh, my family's all farmers.

I hate farming. I mean,
uh, Mobile Infantry...

It's like pure picnic
by comparison.

All right, so they grow 'em big and dumb
on the farm planet, huh?

- And pretty!
- I like big!

- Djana, what about you?
- Oh, I'm going in for politics...

and, you know, you gotta be
a citizen for that.

- So here I am.
- Ah, you want some responsibility.

- Yeah.
- Shujimi, come on, let's keep it goin'.

I got into Harvard,
but my father says forget it.

It's gonna cost an arm
and a leg, you know?

So, if I serve,

Federation pays my way.

I want to have babies.

You know, it's a lot easier to
get a license if you've served.

- So...
- I'm going career.

- Officer's training. All the way.
- Ah!

Future Sky Marshal.
All right, Rico, your turn.

Who asked you to be so nosy?

What? I'm the-the bad guy?
I'm gonna be a writer, you know?

A writer's got
a right to be nosy.

Hey, Flores, you know
Rico from Buenos Aires.

- What's his story?
- Oh, uh,

he's here because of a girl.

Oh, Rico! Lover boy!

- He's getting me excited.
- He's gonna blow.

Is it you?

This is where we live.
It's not much, but it's home.

Right there, that's my bunk,
where I dream about you every night.

Boot's pretty tough.

Sometimes I think I won't make it.

But then I think about what
you're doing, and I try harder.

- Hey, guys! Do you mind?
- Try harder, baby, try harder!

Who knows? They might even
make me squad leader.

I better pack it in.

Oh, I love you, baby,
I love you!

- Write me!
- I love you so much

- I'm gonna k*ll you guys!
- I love you so much

- Bye! Write me.
- Bye!

Orbit in five, Ibanez.

First one there gets to fly.

- Locking it down.
- Wait! Wait!

Oh, no. Not Ibanez again.
She's crazy!

Ready, go!


Deploying wings.

How come you're
in such a good mood, huh?

'Cause today I get to fly that.

Pilot Trainee Ibanez
reporting for duty, ma'am.

Take the number two chair,

- Yes, ma'am.
- You see that?

- Identify.
- Ibanez, T-325-A, clear.

What are you doing here?

I'm the guy whose gonna
teach you to fly this crate.

Oh, Assistant Instructor.

Should I call you " sir"?

- Only when I give you an order.
- Prepare for departure.

It's amazing, us running
into each other like this.

- Maybe it's fate.
- Maybe not.

Heard about this crazy girl
coming through the Academy.

Solid math, a little wild
on the stick, but a natural.

And when it turned out
to be you,

I just made sure that we
would run into each other.

Rodger Young cleared for
undocking and departure.

All right, Ibanez.

- Take her out.
- Yes, ma'am.

All systems go.

In simulation, my supervisors
could never keep up.

Well, this isn't simulation any more...

so take her out easy, cadet.

Yes, sir.

Five metres from object.

Three metres from object.


- Don't exceed port speed.
- Or what?

Or they revoke your flight
status, and mine.

Your career is in my hands.

Steady as she goes, Number Two.

- Prepare for warp.
- Yes, ma'am.

Number One, design
for Jupiter orbit.

All crew, all sections,
stand by to cut in C-drive.

- Star drive in five, four,
- Five, four...

- ready... three, two...
- Steady...

- one...
- Go!

We're going in!

Man, they're defended.
No way in.

- Flip six, three hole.
- What?

You run a flip six, three
hole play, and you can score.

- Cover me.
- You got it.


- Thanks, buddy.
- Bastard!


Kid's got some moves.

Give him a squad.
See what he can do.

Kitty, Kitty.

Someone's got to teach you guys
how to play some pool here.

Look at him.

Have you ever seen anybody
so pleased with himself?

Well, Zim must have had to choose
someone to be his brownnose.

All right, where were we?

Okay, watch and learn.
Watch and learn.

I couldn't have done it
without you, Diz.



- Mail call! Levy!
- Yeah, that's me.

- Shujimi!
- Here.

- Rico.
- Here.

- Breckinridge!
- Yeah, right here.

- Niler.
- Yeah, here I am. Ah, great, my dad.

That's all, folks.

Hi, Johnny.

I'm sorry I haven't
written you sooner, but, uh...

- Oh, Rico, - it's been really busy.
- You don't deserve that!

- Shh, shh.
- They've really got us going here.

They must have made you
squad leader by now.

And if they haven't,
tell 'em to talk to me.

See? All it takes is
the love of a good woman.

- Yeah. - That is a woman.
- Beautiful.

- Look at that.
- Look at those. - Stop it.

- Isn't it beautiful?
- I'm dying.

I love it out here.

- That's also the problem.
- Shh, shh, shh, shh.

Because I think
I'm gonna go career.

I want to command
a ship of my own.

And you know...

I don't think that's gonna
leave a lot of room...

for you and me, Johnny.

- Oh, God.
- Jeez.

I know that's not
what you wanted to hear.

But, uh...

I have to follow my heart.
I'm sorry.

Write me, all right?

Write me so that I know
we'll always be friends.

- Let's get back to the game.
- I feel so sorry for Johnny.

Funny how they always
want to be friends...

after they rip your guts
out, huh?

Yeah. Well,
it's what I deserve.

What are you talking about?

Oh, I joined up for her.

I wouldn't even be here
if it wasn't for her.

What are you talking about? You
made squad leader on your own.

And, hey, you still got me
to kick around.

Fun and games are over,

You will be firing
live amm*nit*on...

in a simulated combat

You will exercise extreme
caution on my as*ault course!

- Do you get me?
- Sir, yes, sir!

Rico, take 'em out!

First fire team with me.
Next team in ten seconds.

Maximum score has been 280.

- I expect you to do better!
- Go!

Shujimi, stay down!

Hey! Goddam it, Breckinridge,
clear my line of fire!

It's my helmet!
It's all screwed up!

You're gonna blow the score!

- Damn!
- Dumb shit!

Diz, stay put!
What's the problem?

- Damn thing keeps getting in my way!
- Give it to me.

How come whenever something goes wrong,
it's always you, Breckinridge?

It must be 'cause
I'm big and dumb!

Yeah, right!


Rico, you are relieved
of squad command!

Rico, did you give the recruit
permission to remove his helmet?

Sir, yes, sir. Breckinridge
reported a helmet malfunction...

and I asked him
to show it to me, sir.

Are you rated to repair
the M-3 Tactical Helmet, Rico?

Sir, no, sir!

Then why did you order your man
to remove his helmet...

during a live fire exercise?

Sir, I needed everyone in
my squad operational, sir!

I wanted to win, sir!

Carry on.

Sergeant, we've already lost
two recruits over this incident.

Do you think there's any possibility
of salvaging this man?

Yes, sir, I do.

All right.

We'll try administrative punishment.

Prisoner, halt!

Bite down on this, son.

It helps.
I know.

For incompetence of command...

for failure to abide
by safety regulations...

during a live fire exercise...

for negligence which contributed
to the death of a teammate...

recruit trainee John Rico...

is sentenced to
administrative punishment.

Ten lashes.

You may carry out the sentence.











All sections secure.
EBS is high normal.

Switching to sl*ve on my mark.

You read my mind.

Oh, third watch always
seems to last forever.

I don't know.

It depends on who
you're spending it with.

Something's wrong.

- There.
- No, I replotted the course.

- It's more efficient this way.
- Three weeks aboard a starship...

and you think that you
can lick my navs?

Check it.

You know, I was talking
with Captain Deladier...

and, uh, she said...

Don't change the subject.

Am I right?

Yeah. Yeah.
You're right.

So, what did the captain say?

She thinks that we ought
to team up officially...

and crew for her.

- You and me, huh?
- We're good together, Carmen.

We're way ahead of the curve
in every department.

I can anticipate you.

You know what I want.

No. What do you want?

There's a gravity field
out there.

- Run a scan. Sensors on.
- There.

- Gravity at 225 and rising.
- Report.

Captain, we're in the path
of an unidentified object...

moving toward us at high speed.

Profile suggests
an asteroid, ma'am.

- Impact, six seconds!
- Emergency evasion!

Three, two,


Close compartment 21!

Where'd it come from?

It came out of the Arachnid
Quarantine Zone, ma'am.

Number Four, contact Fleet. Tell 'em
there's a loose asteroid headed their way.

Communications are down,
ma'am. They're gone.

- Damage assessment.
- Hull's compromised.

We're lucky to be alive, ma'am.

Luck didn't have anything
to do with it.

We have a hell
of a flight team.

It really stinks, you going.

Yeah, well, the Mobile Infantry
will just have to get along without me.

I don't get it, Rico.
You took your licks.

If they didn't want you,
they would have kicked you out.


I joined up for the wrong reasons.
I got a guy k*lled.

I figure that kind of proves
I don't have what it takes.

Rico, your call's going through.

Take it there.

- Hello? Oh, Johnny!
- Hi, Mom.

B-Bill, pick it up.
It's Johnny!

- Johnny?
- Dad.

- Where's your uniform?
- Bill.

It's just good
to hear from you.

How are you, son?

It's not really working out
here for me, Dad.

I was thinking...

I was hoping it would be
all right if I came home.

Well, of-of course. You should
come home immediately.

I'm sorry.
I've been an idiot.

Don't talk like that.
You just come on home...

talk things out.

We love you, son.

- My, what's that?
- Looks like rain.

- This time of year?
- Sure is dark.

Your transmission
has been terminated...

due to atmospheric

Please try your call
again later.


Well, see ya.

Hey, you take that stroll
down Washout Lane...

you're only proving
one thing, Johnny.

What's that, Diz?

That you don't have what
it takes to be a citizen.

Mobile Infantry is passing by

Mobile Infantry is passing by

- Well, sound off
- Ml

- Sound off
- Passing by

- Count now
- One, two, three, four

- That's it! That's it!
- Left. Left.

- Left, right, left.
- Do you get me?

- Sir, yes, sir! - I can't hear you!
- What's going on, you guys?

Move, move, move!

What's happening?

Hey, hey, what's going on?

Wh-What's going on?

- Hey, Kitten, what's going on?
- It's w*r! We're going to w*r!

The devastation we are seeing
is unparalleled.

Judging from early estimates,
millions dead, a city in ruins.

Is that Geneva?

Goddam bugs whacked us, Johnny.

The meteor was shot out
of orbit by bug plasma...

that derived from Klendathu,
the Arachnids' home planet.

Nothing lives in what was once
called the Latin Paradise.

Oh, Johnny, it's us.

Buenos Aires has been
wiped off the Earth.

That's home.

The Federal Council met moments
ago and voted unanimously...

for mobilization to destroy
the Arachnid threat.

- I'm serious. I'll go anywhere.
- Forget it, Zim. We need you here.

- I want combat, sir.
- The only way you're gonna see combat...

is if you bust yourself
to private!

- Get me?
- Yes, sir, I get you.

- Sir!
- What do you want, Rico?

I wish to reconsider
my request to drop out, sir.

You already signed
your 1240-A, son.

- It wouldn't be legal.
- Major, I know it was wrong.

I didn't learn from one mistake,
and I made another, sir.

You made your decision, son.

Sir, my family, my whole family,
was in Buenos Aires, sir.

Is this your signature, Rico?

Sir, yes, it is, sir!

Doesn't look like it to me.

- Carry on, Private!
- Yes, sir!

Out of the ashes of Buenos Aires
comes first sorrow...

then anger.

The only good bug
is a dead bug.

In Geneva,
the Federal Council convenes.

We must meet the threat
with our valour, our blood...

indeed, with our very lives...

to ensure that human civilization,
not insect...

dominates this galaxy,
now and always!

Sky Marshal Dienes
announces plans...

for an offensive
against Klendathu...

source of the bug meteor
that destroyed Buenos Aires.

Every day, Federal scientists
are looking for new ways to k*ll bugs.

Your basic Arachnid warrior
isn't too smart...

but you can blow off a limb...

and it's still 86 percent
combat effective.

Here's a tip... Aim for the nerve stem,
and put it down for good.

Everyone's doing their part. Are you?

- Die! Die!
- The w*r effort needs your effort...

at work, at home,
in your community.

We now break net and take you live...

to Fleet Battle Station Ticonderoga...

deep inside
the Arachnid Quarantine Zone...

where the men and women of the Federal
Armed Services prepare to attack.

DXQ uplink on two, one.
You're on.

No one here in the AQZ
knows exactly...

when the invasion
of Klendathu will occur.

But everyone's
talking about it...

and the talk says tomorrow.

Here's a bunch of Ml kids that look
like they could eat bugs for lunch.

- Yum, yum, yum.
- So, trooper,

you're not too worried
about fighting the Arachnids?

Hey, sh**t a nuke down a bug hole,
you got a lot of dead bugs.

- Am I right?
- I just hope it's not over before we get some.

- Okay, come on.
- Some say the bugs were provoked...

by the intrusion of humans
into their natural habitat...

that a "live and let live policy"
is preferable to w*r with the bugs.

Let me tell you something.

I'm from Buenos Aires,
and I say k*ll them all!

- Yeah!
- Go on, trooper! - Yeah!

- Yeah!
- Oh, yeah!

Big bad bugs, huh?

Hey, guys,
we ought to get tattoos.

- Hey, let's all get cut together.
- Yeah.

- What do I want a tattoo for?
- Oh, what?

Your skin's too pretty?
Come on, everybody's doing it.

Hey, Johnny!

Johnny Rico.


Oh. At ease.

Guess I ought to lose the hat
when I'm off duty.

- Hi, Diz.
- Carmen.

My mother was right about you.

You look great in a uniform.

You look pretty good yourself.

So, what do you hear?

You know about anyone
who made it out of BA alive?

Most of the time
I don't think about it.

Like it happened
to someone else.

Then it hits me,
and I, uh, can't stop crying.

Well, we're still alive.
Got to be happy about that.

You don't look
very happy to see me.

Should I be?

Johnny, it's different now.
We're at w*r.

I mean, I think what I did was
probably the best thing for both of us.

Everything copacetic,

Zander, you remember Johnny.

Zander and I
are a flight team now.

Yeah, and we're best in the fleet.

I get it.

This is the part that's
best for both of us.

- Don't do me any more favours.
- Johnny, wait.

No, forget it, Lieutenant.
He's Mobile Infantry.

See, when you're
trained to k*ll...

it just doesn't pay
to be polite.

You got something to say
about the Mobile Infantry?

I think you heard me.

You want to make
something of it, Private?

Not with an officer.
No, sir.

- The MI doesn't mint stupid troopers.
- Well, let's disregard rank.

- Zander, please.
- Let it go, Rico. - Let it go.

Everybody hear that?
Rank is not an issue here.

- Don't do this.
- Come on. What's he gonna do?

Come on, jarheads!

Let go of me! Come on!
I'm gonna k*ll you!

I'm gonna k*ll you!
I'll k*ll you!

- Guys! Guys! Quit it!
- Come on! Come on!

- He's not worth it!
- Come on! - Come on!

- Let's get...
- Come on!

Forget it, Rico! Mobile Infantry
and Fleet don't mix. Come on.

Come on, let's go.


- Mobile Infantry rules!
- Yeah!

Oh, God, that hurts.

Hey, well, I got something that might
hurt just a little bit more, buddy.

Oh, yeah! We're gonna fight,
and we're gonna win!

- Yeah!
- Yeah!

This is the captain speaking.

All personnel prepare for drop.

We are at D-minus three
and counting.

We are going in
with first wave.

Means more bugs for us to k*ll.

You smash the entire area.

You k*ll anything that has
more than two legs.

- You get me?
- We get you, sir!

- Plasma, ma'am, from the planet.
- Bug batteries.

According to military intelligence,
it'll be random and light.

- Drop status?
- Drop is...

35 percent complete, ma'am.

Steady as she goes, Number Two.

Remember your training,
and you will make it back alive!

This isn't random or light.
Someone made a mistake.

That's it.
We're empty, ma'am.

Someone made
a big goddam mistake!

Break for high orbit!

Let's go, let's go, let's go!


- Rockets up!
- Rocket crew, move up!

- Nuke 'em! Levy! Rico!
- Heat 'em up!

- Set.
- Fire!


- Follow me!
- Let's go!

First platoon, left flank!

Split up! First and
second squads, follow me.

Two, cover!
One, with me!

Along side! Side to side!


Here they come!

- Ace, what are we doing?
- Uh, I don't know.

- I don't know.
- k*ll them! k*ll them all!

Come on!

Come on! Come on!
You want some?

Here's some! Yeah!

Here's some of this!

Oh, my God!


No, no, no!

Help! Help! Help!

No! God!

Let's get out of here!

Fall back!


- All units, - What's going on?
- Fall back to retrieval.

- Repeat.
- You got com? -All units...

- fall back to retrieval.
- It's a general retreat!

- Back to the boats!
- Come on!

Come on, let's go!

We've just landed here
on what cap troopers...

are calling Big K...

with the 6th Mobile
Infantry Division.

It's an ugly planet,
a bug planet.

A planet hostile
to life as we...

Help me!

Squad right!

Come on! Go, go, go!

Get out of here now!

- Watch your step!
- Watch your flank! Watch your flank!

GXR, we're being overrun.

Kitten, no!

Oh, God!

Oh, God! Oh! Oh!

Crisis for humankind.

Fleet officials admit
they underestimated...

the Arachnids'
defensive capability.

Accepting responsibility
for Klendathu...

Sky Marshal Dienes resigns.

His successor,
Sky Marshal Tahat Meru...

outlines her new strategy.

To fight the bug...

we must understand the bug.

We can ill afford
another Klendathu.

Federal scientists
struggle to explain...

the intelligent military actions
of the Arachnids.

When a colony reaches
a certain size...

300 generations or something,
it gets smarter.

- Insects with intelligence?
- Now, wait...

Have you ever met one?
I can't believe...

- I am hearing this nonsense.
- Would you just wait a moment?

- This is the most ridiculous conversation I have ever had.
- Maybe... Maybe...

there is some kind of bug
that we haven't seen yet...

a leadership caste,
a-a hive brain.

Brain Bugs? Frankly, I find the idea
of a bug that thinks offensive!

Ticonderoga, this is Rodger Young
requesting approach vector.

Affirmative, Rodger Young.


Welcome back.

My God.

How could this happen?

We thought we were smarter
than the bugs.

Give me something, please!

It hurts!

Be right with you.

Help me.

It's strange. There's
almost no wounded at all.

Bugs don't take prisoners.

Oh, no.


- Carmen...
- See it? Right there.

- There he is.
- Come on, we'll just wake him up.

Hey, Johnny! Hey!

- Hey, Rico!
- Hey, Johnny!

- Hey, Rico! - Wake up!
- How you doin', fish boy?

Hey, look.
You're dead!

k*lled in action!

- Three more days.
- Three days.

- And you're out.
- Good as new. See you later.


So what do you hear
about our new unit?

Roughnecks k*lled more bugs
than any other outfit on Big K.

Yeah, well, I hear their
lieutenant's a real nutbuster.

Who's top kick?

You want the job, huh?

I wouldn't mind.

I would.

Just doing my part.



Where you been besides Big K?

- Outer rings, Zegema Beach.
- Zegema Beach?

- I always wanted to go there.
- Good luck.

- It's not there any more.
- So, I hear your lieutenant's a real nutbuster.

No one talks about
the lieutenant that way.

- He saved my life.
- Mine too.

- Same for me.
- Me too.

Well, sounds like
he's quite a guy.

Who do you think
saved your ass?

Stand by.
Attention on deck!

This is for you new people.

I only have one rule:

Everyone fights.
No one quits.

You don't do your job,
I'll sh**t you.

Do you get me?

We get you, sir!

- Welcome to the Roughnecks.
- Rasczak's Roughnecks!

At ease. Listen up.

We got a new Sky Marshal
and a new battle plan.

We're gonna clean out the
systems outlying Klendathu...

one planet at a time.

Tomorrow we hit Tango Urilla.

After Fleet glasses
the planet, MI mops up.

Carry on.

All right.
Spread out!

Fire teams! You locate
a bug hole, nuke it.

Watkins, shake out
Flores and Rico.

Copy that.
Move out!

First platoon,
we're going for that ridge.

- Levy, you're with me.
- No, I'm in A Squad. I'm going with Rico.

Shut up and follow me!

Hey, you like that?

Fungus-sucking sack
of maggot puke!

It's dead, Watkins!
It's dead!

Ain't much to look at after
you scrape them off your boot.

Bug hole. There.

Nuke 'em, Rico!

Fire in the hole!

Watkins, we're under
heavy attack. Position M-4.

- Get over here!
- Move!

- You got a bug problem, ma'am?
- Ah, stow it, trooper!


- Oh, shit!
- Come on! Move!

Get down!

Come on!

Stay down, sucker!

- Gillespie.
- Well done!

Call for retrieval.

- Medic!
- Nice moves.

Where'd you learn how
to do that, soldier?

Back in school, sir.
Don't you remember?

- I was captain of the team.
- Rico?

- Sir.
- I need a corporal.

You're it until you're dead
or till I find somebody better.

Thank you, sir.

- All right, saddle up! Show's over.
- Way to go, Corporal.

- Hey, I need a squad leader.
- Oh, no. No, I've been there and blew it.

I'm just here to fight.

What about it, Diz?

First sergeant,
get your gear in section...

Looks like I'm your girl, sir.

- Catch you later.
- All right.

Listen up!

I expect the best,
and I give the best!

Here's the beer!

Here's the entertainment!

Have fun!
That's an order!

This one's for me!

Thank you, Lieutenant!


You k*ll bugs good.


You knew the lieutenant
before the w*r.

What was he like?

He was a teacher.
Kind of like he knew it all.

He always had
this little smile.

Yeah, well, he don't
smile much any more.

Yeah, well, I guess your bottle fills up
real quick when your kids get smeared.

- Come on, Corporal.
- Ah, nah, I don't do that any more.

I remember when you used to dance.
Come on.

Do I have to pull rank?

Excuse me, sir.

Rico. You once asked me
for advice. Want some now?

- Yes, sir.
- Lieutenant, HQ is on the com.

Never pass up a good thing.

Watkins. Beer?


So, Rico, what are you
doing after the dance?

What's so funny?

You know, just the way
things work out.

We finally got together, Diz.

I love you, Johnny.


We're moving out. There's been a distress
call from General Owen on Planet P.

So get your shit wired
and report in ten minutes.

Yes, sir.

Who's that with you?

Flores, sir.

Make it 20 minutes.

Yes, sir.

Twenty minutes?

We can do it.

Whiskey Outpost, do you copy?

This is Roughneck 2-0
on tac three. Come in, please.

Whiskey Outpost,
Whiskey Outpost,

this is Roughneck 2-0
on tac three.

- Any contact with General Owen?
- No, sir.

Not even
the transponder signal.

It's these canyons.
Go to higher ground, Sergeant.

Whiskey Outpost,
Whiskey Outpost...

this is Roughneck 2-0 on...

Look out!

Sugar, your w*apon.

Help me! Help me!

I'd expect anyone in this unit
to do the same for me.

- Rico.
- Sir.

You're acting sergeant.
Move 'em out.

You heard the lieutenant!
Saddle up!

Jeez, someone really
humped the bunk.

- Watkins.
- Sir.

Secure this compound.
Police these bodies.

Yes, sir. Give me three
up on the tower, now!

- Aye-aye.
- OP there! OP there!

- Away!
- Number Two, police up these bodies!

- Stinks in there.
- Second squad, come with me on the gate!

- Rico! - Churchill, come with me!
- Yes, sir.

We need retrieval.
This place crawls.

Get somebody in the communications tent
and get me an uplink.

Yes, sir.
Diz, check it out.

- Roger.
- Command group with me.

Ah, shit.


Dirty bugs came in right
while they were having chow.

Yeah, this is
where they got in.


I think you're gonna
want to see this.

What do you got, Flores?

God, I hate this place.

What does that look like
to you, Rico?

Looks like a bug was
in his brain, sir.

They sucked his brains out.

Open that.

Officer on the deck!

- Pick up the general.
- Gone?

Is it safe? We've got
to get out of here!

- General!
- We've gotta... - Sir!

Thank God for you, all of you.

You're all gonna be heroes.
Every last one of you.

- Close that hole.
- Yes, sir.

I had to evade capture. The security
of the Federation was at stake.

Fire in the hole!

I have operational knowledge
of what we're up to out here.

- Flores, I need that uplink.
- Working on it, sir.

- Damn it.
- See?

- They get in your mind.
- Battlegroup, this is Roughneck 2-0.

- Look, they did it to Farley.
- Do you read?

- They got in his mind.
- Come in, Battlegroup. This is Roughneck 2-0.

They make you do things.
They made Farley call headquarters.

The distress call was a trap.

They're just like us.
They want to know what makes us tick.

They want to know us,
so they can k*ll us.

Roughnecks, this is lead.
Prepare for attack.

- I repeat, we're gonna be att*cked.
- Where's the retrieval boat?

Mayday. Mayday. This is Roughneck 2-0
to Battlegroup. Do you read?

- Oh, God!
- Come in, Battlegroup. This is Roughneck 2-0.

We're gonna die!
Don't you understand?

We're all gonna die!

Second squad, follow me!

- Control yourself, General.
- I can't.

I can't.

I wish you'd just sh**t me.

Lieutenant! He's just a little
out of his mind, sir.

Bugs! Bugs!

- Die!
- All right.

Warm it all up!
Everything you've got!

- Move!
- Come on, you apes!

You want to live forever?

- Here!
- I got bugs!

Fire at will!



No! Hey!

- Watch your fire!
- Watch casualties!

Rico, where's my communication?

- Diz, status on the uplink!
- Give me a minute.

We don't have a minute!

Battlegroup, this is Roughneck 2-0.
We are under...

- This is Rodger Young. Go ahead.
- We are under attack, sir. We need retrieval now!

We have Planet Pas clear.

This place crawls, sir.
We need pickup now!

- What's your position?
- Come down on this transmission.

Inside the outpost?
That's crazy!

Well, I hope you have
a crazy pilot. Out!


Boat coming down, sir!

Fall back into the compound!
Fall back!

Hold here!
Hold what you've got!

Running low!

I'm out!

Here! Make 'em count!

Make cover fire!
Fall back!

Move, move, move!

Fall back to the boat!
Haul ass!

- Oh, my God!
- Oh!

- Get him outta there!
- Pull! - Come on!

Rico! Rico!

- You know what to do!
- Yes, sir!

Do it, Rico!

- Yeah!
- Dizzy!


Ace, help me!
Hold her down!

Get her into the boat!

Come on, Diz!
Don't die on me!

Let's get her out!
Let's go, let's go!

Let's go! Get aboard!

Tower, let's go!

Let's move it, tower!

Lift off!

- Johnny, I'm dying-dying.
- No.

You're gonna be all right, Diz.

It's all right...

because I got to have you.

Johnny, don't let me go!

Joh... Joh...

Don't let...
Don't let...

This is traffic control. Proceed
on vector five-niner-two-two-seven.

I think you should know...

your friend Rico is back there.

Get on the com and tell Fleet
to glass that rock.

On whose authority, Corporal?

That would be mine, sir.
I assumed command of the mission.

Rodger Young,
we have an official request...

by the Mobile Infantry
to commence bombardment of Planet P.

I thought you were dead.

I'm not, but a lot
of my troopers are.

Negative on your request,

The Sky Marshal has
other plans for Planet P.

Welcome back.

MI does the dying.
Fleet just does the flying.

Hold on.
Something's up.

Fleet's mobilized
for a big operation.

Attention on deck!

Once somebody asked me...

if I knew the difference
between a citizen...

and a civilian.

I can tell you now.

A citizen has the courage...

to make the safety of the human race
their personal responsibility.

Dizzy was my friend.

She was a soldier.

But more than that...

she was a citizen
of the Federation.

Present arms!

Order arms!

Left face!

- Officer on deck!
- Carry on.

Burial detail dismissed.

At ease.

- How are you, Carl?
- Carmen, good.

Johnny, I'm sorry it had
to be your unit on P.

That mission had a very low
survival probability.

The bugs laid a trap
for us, didn't they?

Elegant proof
of intelligence, isn't it?

We thought there might be
a Brain Bug on P.

You knew, and you
sent them anyway?

We couldn't afford to launch an
operation if there wasn't one.

You don't approve.
Well, too bad.

We're in this for the species,
boys and girls.

It's simple numbers.
They have more.

And every day I have
to make decisions...

that send hundreds of people
like you to their deaths.

Didn't they tell you, Colonel?

That's what the Mobile
Infantry is good for.

I hope you're ready for more.

We're going back to P
to capture that Brain.

The Roughnecks
are always ready, sir.

I hear they need a new lieutenant.
Want the job?

I'll take it, till I get k*lled
or you find someone better.

Attention. All personnel
report to your stations.

- Well...
- Prepare for drop in 75 minutes.

Take care of yourself, Johnny.

I'll see you again.

Officer on deck!

- Who are all these kids?
- We got reinforced.

Most of them are
fresh out of boot.

We're the old men, Ace.

This is for all you new people.

I only have one rule:

Everyone fights.
No one quits.

If you don't do your job,
I'll k*ll you myself.

Do you get me?

We get you, sir!

- Welcome to the Roughnecks.
- Rico's Roughnecks!

Today we're gonna pay
a visit to Bug City.

We're lookin' for a bug
no one's ever seen before.

Some kind of smart bug.

And it probably knows
we're comin'.

- Saddle up!
- Saddle up now!

Come on!
Run, run, run, run, run!

Evasive action.

Get us clear for warp,
Number Two.

Clear in five, four...

- Initiating star drive...
- Three... - in five.

This is Rodger Young. We're going down
Repeat, this is Rodger Young.

- Get out! - We're going down.
- Abandon ship! Come on!

Carmen! Oh!

- Zander!
- Here!

- We've got to get to the rescue deck!
- Come on!


Abandon ship.
That's an...

She's dead, Carmen.
She's dead!

Go! Here!

Follow me!


Hit it!

Life pod Bravo 6-3,
two aboard.

Scanning for a landing zone!
Checking terrain. Here!

- Can you handle that?
- Piece of cake.

- We've lost the Rodger Young!
- What is your position?

Flight Command, we have confirmation.
The Rodger Young is down.

- Oh. Johnny!
- This is Flight Command.

Please repeat.
Please repeat.

- Johnny!
- We now have confirmation. Rodger Young is down.

- I repeat, Rodger Young is down.
- Rodger Young just burned up.

- It's on the rescue net.
- Life pod Bravo 6-3, two aboard.

- Is anyone receiving?
- Any survivors? - Is anyone receiving?

- Well, they're getting tarred up there pretty bad.
- Life pod...

Bravo 6-3, two aboard.

Is anyone receiving?

- Is anyone receiving?
- Affirmative.

This is Roughneck 2-0.

You're breaking up.
Say again.

- Carmen?
- Say again. I'm losing you.


Prepare for landing.

Retros in three...

two, one, fire!

Carmen. Carmen.

- Hey, are you okay?
- Uh-huh.

Get out.
Get out.

This is Roughneck 2-0. Are you
receiving? Over. This is Roughneck 2-0.

- Carmen, are you receiving? -Johnny, is that you?
- Yeah!

- It's me! Wh-What's your position and situation?
- Yeah.

We're in Bug City,
20 metres underground.

South 42, east 118.

Situation is...

I repeat.
South 42, east 118.

What's your situation?


Situation is extremely hostile.

I need a squad to pull 'em out!

- Direction?
- Three clicks, south by southwest.

Look out!

- What do you wanna do?
- You heard the lieutenant.

Rescue party!
Third squad, come with me!

Cancel that!

You know as well as I do,
she's already dead.

Sorry, buddy.

Roughnecks, let's move.

All right.

Why didn't they k*ll us?

They want us alive.

We should go this way.

A Company's that way.

Yeah, but Carmen's down there.

Hey, I hate to be rude, buddy,
but word has it she's dead.

She's still alive.

How do you know?

- I don't know how I know, but I know.
- Listen.

You got command,
but going off mission...

- That's a serious offence.
- Yeah.

I think they hang you for that.

Roughneck 2-0,
proceed on mission.

I need two volunteers.

One day...

someone like me...

is gonna k*ll you...

and your whole f*cking race.

You know what this is?

Sure you do.

You're some kind
of big, fat, smart bug...

aren't you?

Come on.

This is Roughneck 2-0.

Brain Bug sighted moving
west of grid five.


Go! Go!

- Give me the nuke!
- You trying to be a hero, Watkins?

I'm trying to k*ll
some bugs, sir!

Get outta here!
Get outta here!


Come on! You like that?
You like that? Come on!

You want a little more?

You like that? You like that? You like that?
You like that? You want a little more?

Come on! Come on!

Come on, come on, come on!

Come on, Carmen.

- We did it!
- We won!

- What's going on?
- They got it!

Come on!

Pull! Pull! Pull!


What's it thinking, Colonel?

It's afraid.

It's afraid!

- Come on.
- Yeah!

Carl! Carl! Hey!

Well, look who's here.
You made it. Good.

It was you, wasn't it?
You told me how to find Carmen.

Well, that's classified.

You know, whenever
the three of us are together...

I feel like things
might just work out.

I hope you're right, Carmen.

We've got one of their Brains now.
Pretty soon we'll know how they think.

And then we'll know
how to beat them.

One day it will all be over...

and everyone will forget
that this was the moment.

This is when it turned.

And it wasn't the mighty Fleet,
it wasn't some fancy new w*apon.

It was a drill instructor named Zim
who captured a Brain.

Come on!
Who am I?

- Yeah!
- Zim?

He got him! Yeah!

Zim. Zim got the bug.

Zim got the bug, man!

- Good job, Sergeant.
- Thank you, sir.

- That would be private, sir.
- Carry on, Private.

- Yes, sir!
- Yeah!

What mysteries
will the Brain Bug reveal?

Federal scientists are working
around the clock to probe its secrets.

Once we understand the bug,
we will defeat it.

We have the ships.

We have the weapons.

We need soldiers.

Soldiers like
Lieutenant Stack Lumbrezer.

We're over the target
area now, Captain.

- And Captain Carmen Ibanez.
- This is the captain speaking.

All personnel prepare for drop.

Soldiers like Private Ace Levy
and Lieutenant John Rico.

Come on, you apes!
You wanna live forever?

We need you all.