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01x22 - The Treeborhood Photo Album/Runway Recycling

Posted: 09/26/23 07:29
by bunniefuu
When there's a problem,

what do we say?

Work it out, work it out,

work it out wombats!

Where there's a will,

there's always a way

Work it out, work it out,

work it out wombats!

We've got ideas for days

Solve problems lots of ways

I love it when we play

All together

Hey, I'm Zadie,

bring on the problems

Try some different things

till we solve them

I'm Malik, we'll work it out,

just wait

We make some plans,

then we build and create

I'm Zeke, here's Snout,

we like to explore

Let's go do it,

one, two, three, four

Help's never far away,

that's for sure

Work it out, work it out,

work it out wombats!

Come join the fun, get ready,

let's go!

Work it out, work it out,

work it out wombats!

Work it out, work it out,

work it out wombats!




"The Treeborhood Photo Album."




All right.

It's getting late,

little squishes.

Who is choosing the

bedtime story tonight?

I'll pick it!

No, me!

Got it!

Our photo album, huh?


It's the story of us.


and who is this

little cutie?

Is it... Mr. E?


Gramma Super!

That's me!


There's little Zadie.



And that's me after I

gave myself a haircut.



Look Snout!

It's you!

And that's me,

when I was a little wombat,

holding Snout.

Snout, do you remember

when I used to cuddle you?


Snout says you were

a great cuddler.

(all gasp)

I've never seenthispicture.


This picture was taken

a long, long, time ago.

Can you guess where?


I don't recognize that tree.

I'll give you a hint.

You're there right now.

Well, we're in

the Treeborhood...



That little tree

is the Treeborhood?

No, it's not.

Where are the houses?

The houses were built later

when the tree grew.

And do you know who this is?

It's your Great-great-great-

great-grandma Willamena.

Willie for short.

She found the tree,

and liked it so much,

she decided to live here!

That is not our tree.

It's too little.

Thisis the Treeborhood.

They're both

the Treeborhood.

The bigger the tree grew,

the more folks came,

and the more folks came,

the more houses were built.

Believe it or not,

our tree started out

as a little acorn,

like this.

There's a little tree in here?

Sort of.

It's a seed.

And if you plant it in dirt,

and give it sun and water,

a tree will grow.


I'm going to grow

my own Treeborhood!

Good night.

(gentle tapping)

Good night, Treeborhood.

Guess what?

I'm growing you a friend

out of an acorn.

It's amazing to think

our big Treeborhood was ever

this small.

Gramma Super, can I show this

picture to everyone tomorrow?

Sure thing.

And maybe I can find

more photos of what

the Treeborhood looked like

a long time ago.

And I can collect them and make

a Treeborhood photo album

so everyone can enjoy them.

I'm going to start right now.


Whoo! Yeah!

Now's... the time for sleep.


But I'll never, ever

be able to sleep

with this big idea in my head.

(snoring loudly)


It's morning!

Time to work on my

Treeborhood photo album.

I need to find more photos.

But where?


Super, can I use this photo?


Yay! Now I have two.


I can't just have two photos

in my album!

I need more.

I know Mr. E

has a photo

hanging in the

Everything Emporium of--


Thanks, Gramma! Love you!

Going for a walk, Gramma Super!

Let's go get some fresh air,

baby Treeborhood.


("hello" echoing)


Mr. E! Mr. E!

I'm making a Treeborhood

photo album to show everyone

what the Treeborhood was like

a long time ago.

Super said you have a photo

hanging in the Emporium.

Can I use it, please?

I do have one you can use.

This is when my great-great-


Tobias Everything

came to the Treeborhood.

Tobias was a

door-to-door salesman.

He sold doors.

Once Tobias

found out that your


great-grandma Willie

wanted to build more homes,

he realized those homes

would need doors.

But they would also

need so much more.

And that's why Tobias built

the Everything Emporium.

You may use this

for your photo album.

I have several copies.

Thanks, Mr. E.

I believe Amado has an early

photo of the Treeborhood, so...

Hello again!

("hello again" echoing)


Hello, Amado.

Could you tell me what

a baby tree would eat?

Well, here's the plant food

I feed the Treeborhood.

Thank you!

Come on baby Treeborhood,

let's go home,

and feed you some

yummy yum yums.

Hi, Amado.

I'm making a photo album

of the Treeborhood

to share the history

of the tree with everyone.

And Mr. E said you have a

picture from a long time ago?



What happened to that branch?

Oh, this photo was taken

after the Great Storm,

when my Lolo Alejandro built

our home in the Treeborhood.

(thunder crackles)

Follow me

and I'll show you what happened

after the storm.

The branch fell off

and it left this knothole.



Can I use it for my

Treeborhood album?


Oh, and Duffy has a

great photo of the Cafe.




I'm making a photo album

of the Treeborhood

and everyone's giving me

pictures from a long time ago.

I heard you have one.

I might be able to use it.

Do you?

Love that idea, Zadie!

I've got the perfect photo!

(disco music playing)

This one was taken

when Gramma Boggie McJams

opened the cafe.

So, the Cafe was built

after the Great Storm?

Sure was.

How can you tell?

Because during

the Great storm,

a branch fell and made

Echoey Knothole.

And since Echoey Knothole

is in this photo,

I can tell the Cafe

was built after the storm.

You can have this photo.

Go find Ellie.

She has an epic photo

of when she arrived

in the Treeborhood.


Thanks, Duffy.

You rock.

(disco music playing)

Here's the photo of the day I

crashed into the Treeborhood.


Whoa! What happened?

I was traveling the world

in my Boo-Boo-Blimp

on the lookout

for animals with ouchies.

But a thick fog rolled in,

and I couldn't see a thing.

And suddenly-- crash!

But I didn't get hurt.

The next morning,

when the fog cleared,

I discovered I had crashed

into the Treeborhood.

I adored the view and the folks

that lived here so much,

I decided to make it

my forever home.

Would you like to use

this photo for your album?

I have a copy.


I'm so glad you crashed here,


You make me happy when you

bandage my boo-boos.

This. Is.




Uh... hey.

Need help?

I can't work out how to put

these photos in

the right order.

Oh, well,

think of it this way.

Every year, trees grow bigger.

Like we do.

Oh yeah.

So, I should put

the photos in order

from when the tree is smallest

to when it is biggest.

The Treeborhood is smallest

in the photo of

the great-great-great

grandma Willie,

So it should go first.

And in this photo

the Treeborhood

is a little bit bigger.

And it has our house and a

small Everything Emporium.

So it should go second.


Look. The Treeborhood

is bigger in this photo.

It has our house,

but also JunJun's house,

and a big

Everything Emporium.

See that broken branch?

It was hit by lightning

and made it Echoey Knothole.

Whoa. Epic.


The broken branch photo

goes third.

I think Ellie's crash

landing goes fourth.

Are you sure?

This photo with the Café

has our house,

JunJun's house,

and the Everything Emporium


Ellie's house isn't in it.

So that means Café photo

comes fourth

and Ellie's photo is fifth.

Looking good!

In each photo

the tree gets bigger

and has more houses in it!

And this last photo

should go sixth.

The tree is biggest and it has

all of the houses in it.

We're done!


Not so fast.

While little tree

was napping,

I drew a picture

for your album.

It's a picture of someday

when my little tree

has grown really big.

Thanks, Zeke, I love it.

This should go last

because it will happen

someday in the future.

Smallest Tree, no houses.

Bigger tree, one house.

Much bigger tree, two houses.

Even bigger tree,

lots of houses,

but no Ellie house.

Bigger tree, lots of houses,

with Ellie's house.

Biggest tree with

all the houses.

And Zeke's little tree

grown big.




All right, little squishes,

it's story time.


Can we look at the

Treeborhood photo album?


And can we do it outside?

That way the tree and

everyone else can listen?


This is when great-great-

great-great-grandma Willie

first found the tree.

And this is when the first

Everything Emporium

was built

by Tobias Everything.

ZADIE (over speaker): 

Here's when the Treeborhood

was hit by lightning.

And this is opening day

at the Café--

look, everyone is roller


And this is when Ellie crashed

into the top of the tree.

And here's all of us together,

in front of our home,

the Treeborhood.

And here's a picture of someday

when my baby tree grows big.


My baby tree grew!


We love you, Treeborhood!

The day is new

It's time to play

Outside, outside

Hip, hip, hooray

Hey, whoa, look at the sky


The clouds are grey

I wonder why?

Drip drop on my nose

Drip drop on my toes

It's raining, run inside

Do raindrops fall from

dark and cloudy skies?

Another day

Another try

Why don't we

check the sky


Those dark grey clouds

are back today


Do you think that means

There'll be rain?

Drip drop on my nose

Drip drop on my toes

It's raining, run inside

Raindrops fall

from dark and cloudy skies

Wake up, wake up

It's time to play

I hope it's not so wet today

The sky is blue

Here comes the sun


And all the dark grey clouds

are done

No drops on my nose,

no drops on my toes

The sun's here,

let's stay outside

'Cause raindrops

Aren't falling from

dark and cloudy skies.



"Runway Recycling."

(polka music playing inside)

(polka music playing loudly)


Oom-pa-pa, oom-pa-pa

Oom-pa-pa, oom-pa-pa,



Oom-pa-pa, oom-pa-pa,


Oom-pa-pa, oom-pa-pa


The sculpture!

Of my Grandpa E!

I have destroyed it!

This is all your fault, Mr. E.

You shouldn't have been

polka-ing around.

But, Mr. E, it was an accident.

Grandpa E is shattered into

a million pieces!

Just like my heart!

Mr. E, did you not know

you can make

another sculpture?

I would, but I don't know

how to make a sculpture.

Lots of folks

in the Treeborhood

know how to create

a sculpture.

We could ask one of them

to make a new one.

And we could have a contest.

And then you could pick

the Grandpa E sculpture

you like best.

A contest?

I love contests!

My favorite TV program

isThe Bakey-Bakey Show,

where teams have a contest to

bake the best treats to eat.

But in our contest,

teams will compete

to create the

best Grandpa E sculpture.

Louisa, you're a tiny genius.

Attention, Treeborhood.

(on speaker): 

I'm hosting a fabulous

sculpture contest.

All interested parties

should form a team

and report to the

Creation Station immediately.

Ooh! A contest!

Do you want to be

on my team?

Yes! C'mon!

(guitar plays discordant note)

MR. E (on speaker): 

I repeat,

I'm hosting a sculpture contest.

All interested parties

should form a team

and report to the

Creation Station immediately.


Let's do it, Sammy!



Welcome to the Grandpa E

Sculpture Contest!

I'm your host, Louisa.

(participants cheering)

Say hello to our band,

my mommies,

Duffy and Leiko!

(playing upbeat rock tune)

I want to be in the band too!

Please, please, please?

(maracas shaking)

Mr. E broke his sculpture

of Grandpa E.

So now we are having a contest

to make a new one.

It was an accident.


It's not your turn yet,

Mr. E.

I've got to introduce you.

And now, here's our judge!

You know him and love him...

Mr. E!

(cheers and laughter)

Greetings, contestants.

Your sculptures must include

these three things.

First: a big mustache.

Second: my grandpa loved

the color orange

so you must include

something orange.

And Grandpa E loved

looking at the stars.

Every night, he'd say to me,

"Little E,

get a load of those stars."


So, the third thing

you must have is a star.

Drumroll, please?

(shaking maracas)

The winning team's sculpture

will go on display

in the Everything Emporium!

(participants cheering)

Okay, let's do this!

You have one minute

and two seconds to gather

everything you need to make

your sculptures.

And... go.

(stopwatch beeps)

(playing upbeat tune)

Orange stuff.

We need orange stuff.

This is yellow.

That's green.

That's red.

Where's the orange stuff?!

A bird's eye view

might help.

That's orange.

There's orange.

All right!

Fuzzy stuff for a

big mustache!

You have seconds left!

Hurry, Sammy!

Ooh! Ooh!

Grab the pom-poms and yarn.

These bendy straws

might make a good mustache.

Ooh! This shiny foil

might be good for making a star.

We can cut a star out of this

box and put glitter on it!

You have ten seconds!

For the body,

just grab anything!


Time's up!

(participants sighing

with relief)

Now make your sculptures!

You can't give them all

the time in the world!

How about minutes?

That's how long my Mommies

give me to get ready for bed.

And remember to create,

test, and improve!

Such a tiny genius.


you have minutes.

And... go!


Umm... for something orange,

we can use this yoga ball.

It can be the head.

I'll draw a face.


Come back here, Grandpa E!


Maybe adding some legs will

keep him from rolling away?

Let's test it out.


It worked!

I'll tape them on.

And I'll create a big mustache

out of these bendy straws.

That's the neck, head,

and body...

Ooh! And you have

something orange!

Let's test it out and

see if it stands up.


So that did not work.

But we can improve it.

It's standing up!



These pool noodles would be

perfect for the arms.




Is that the mustache?


We're excited because

we've got two things done--

something orange

and the big mustache.

Mr. E, don't,

the glue's not...!



(nervous laugh)

Carry on.

Should we use yarn or pom-poms

for the mustache?



Your mustache is

too small.

It is?

Did you not know Grandpa E

has abigmustache?

We can improve it.

Let's try using

these big pom-poms.

Now it's bigger.

Loving these arms.

Oops! Sorry!

Carry on.

Now all we need is the star.

Bring on the foil!

Hay naku.

I popped it.

Uh... it's okay.

We can use something else

that's orange.

But the yoga ball was the only

orange thing you grabbed.

Did you not know when I

get stuck on a puzzle

I always ask

my mommies for help?

Maybe you can ask

the other team for help.

Can you tell me about

what you have done so far?

We've got two things done.

We have something orange

and a big mustache.

Now all we need is a star.

We need the box to

cut out the star.

But we also need a box

to hold up the pillow.

We're stuck...

Well... we need

something orange.

Want to make a trade?

This poster board for that

orange traffic cone?

What's this?

The contestants

are collaborating!

Working together is

a beautiful thing Mr. E.

Five minutes left!

Orange body and a

Styrofoam ball head.

See? It looks good.

Now... for the mustache!


Before you add the mustache,

Grandpa E needs a face.

(gasps) Wow.

You are amazing.


Now you can add the mustache

and I'll make the star.




I think we did it.

We have something orange,

a big mustache, and a star.

Both teams look like they might

actually pull this off.

All it took was a little

"creating, testing,


Right, Mr. E?




Time is up!

Step away from

your sculptures.

Share with us how you

created your sculpture.

Well, we used bendy straws

to create the mustache,

and an orange yoga ball

to create a head.

But the yoga ball

kept rolling away.

So, to improve it,

we added legs.


Then we popped the

yoga ball by accident

so we traded the other team

for the orange cone

to create a body.

But we still didn't

have a head.

So we used a Styrofoam ball

to create the head,

and to improve it,

I sculpted a face.

Then I created a telescope out

of a paper towel roll

and put a foil star

at the end of it.

See, Mr. E?

Told you we have artistic folks

in the Treeborhood.

Share with us how you

created your sculpture.

Well, Sammy and I

created Grandpa E's body

out of a pillow

and an orange vest.

But when we tested it,

it fell over.

So to improve it, we put it

against a cardboard box.

We used pom-poms

for the mustache.

The first ones

were too small.

So then we usedbigones.

But we didn't have

cardboard to create a star.

So we traded with the other

team for some poster board.

Then, we put the stars on

a headband

and added lots of glitter!



Simply wonderful!

I would wear that star headband.

It's time to

pick a winner.

Drum roll, please.

(maracas shaking)



Both sculptures are so, so...


So creative.

So Grandpa E!

I can't possibly pick a winner!

(Zadie and Malik gasp)

I can choose a winner.


(participants cheering)

(band playing upbeat tune)

We did it!

(cheers and laughter)