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02x12 - Bye Bye Kenan: Part 1

Posted: 09/27/23 08:37
by bunniefuu
Oh, here it goes.

♪ Everybody out there
go run and tell ♪

♪ Your homeboys
and homegirls ♪

♪ It's time for
kenan and kel ♪

♪ They'll keep you laughing
in the afternoon ♪

♪ So don't touch that dial,
don't leave the room ♪

♪ Because they're always
into some more fun ♪

♪ And you don't
want to miss it ♪

♪ It's double k
like do the good way ♪

♪ Kenan and kel, or should
I say kel and kenan? ♪

♪ Then you gotta
watch kenan ♪

♪ 'Cause kenan be scheming
with a plan or a plot ♪

♪ To make it to the top

♪ But they're kinda
in the middle ♪

♪ Because they're all
the same call ♪

♪ This ain't the hardy boys
or a nancy drew mystery ♪

♪ It's just kenan and kel
in your vicinity ♪

♪ Like siegfried and roy
or abbott and costello ♪

♪ Magic and kareem
or penn and teller ♪

♪ Somebody's in trouble?
Oh, here go ♪

♪ On nick nick nick nick
nick nick nick nick ♪♪



Hey, hey, hey!

Welcome to

The kenan & kel show!

I am kel.

[Audience cheers]

And, um...


I'm kenan.


All right. Well, uh--
tell 'em about
tonight's show, man.


You all right, man?

Yeah, I'm fine.
I'm cool.

You sure?


Um--uh, tonight's
episode of the
kenan & kelshow

Is gonna be very...

Very funny.

Very, very funny.

Kenan, man,
are you crying?

No, no, no.
I'm not crying.

I got something
in my eye,
that's all.

Oh, o.k.

Yeah, that's cool.

[Blows nose loudly]


I'm sorry.

No, that's all right.
Forget about it.

Just tell me
what's wrong with you.

Kenan, I know there's
something wrong with you.

Now, will you tell me?

Well, actually,
to tell you the truth,

I'm just a little upset
about the weather.

The weather?

You're upset
about the weather?

Yeah. You know,
'cause it...

It might rain.

So what if it rains?!

You know, rain--

It could get
people wet.

Come on, look,
I find it hard
to believe

That you're upset
about it raining.

Now, will you tell me
what's wrong with you?

All right.

I'll tell you.

All right.

My pants
are too tight!

Your pants
are too tight?


Well, they look
fine to me.

You can never tell
what's going on

In another
man's pants.

Kenan, kenan, please.

Tell me what's wrong.

Come on, man.

find out soon.

Oh, I gotta go!


Come on, man.
What's wrong with you?

Come on.
What am I gonna
find out?

And what am I gonna
do with this nasty

It's all heavy.

Oh, kenan!

Oh, here it goes!

You're never gonna
catch that rabbit.

[Buzzing sound]

Ooh. Watch out
for that chain saw.

Hee hee hee!

Kyra, is your father
home yet?


Ooh, look out,
mr. Cow.


Kyra, turn off
that cartoon
and do your homework.


And let me know
the minute your father
walks in, o.k.?

Okey smokey.



Get out.

Who said that?

Get out!


Mom! Mom!


It's an evil ghost!
Evil, evil ghost!

Get out!

Yeah, get out.

All right.

You have seconds
to get in here.



Get out.

Very funny.

It sure was.

Mama, we got ghosts!
Evil ghosts!

Help me, mama!
Help me!

Oh, boys, boys.

Oh, I'm sorry.

If you want to keep
these walkie-talkies,
then play nice.


- .

Hello, family!

Hello, father!

I'm sorry I'm late,

Kel, I'm glad
you're here.

How come?

I need you to do
something for me.


Come on.

Go home.

We're having
a family meeting.

Yeah, but when
do I get to come back?

[Walkie talkie]
that wasn't very nice.

Where is kel's voice
coming from?

Right here.

Well, turn that
walkie talkie off.

I'm calling an important
family meeting.

Family meeting?what about?

Just listen.

Kids! Your mother and I
have a very important
announcement to make.

Ooh, I'm gonna have
a baby sister!

No, no, no, no.

Baby brother!


We're having
tacos for dinner!

No, no, no.

No one's having
a baby or a taco.

Well then, what's
this all about,

Kenan, kyra...


Your daddy's got
himself a new job!

So, you're not gonna
be an air traffic
controller anymore?


From now on,
you can call me

Ranger roger!

Your father
has taken a job

As a mountain ranger.

Yes. Kids, it's been
my lifelong dream

To be a mountain ranger
in the deep wilderness!

But there are no
wilderness mountain
ranges in chicago.

I know!

That's why this family
is moving

To pummis, montana!


I'm not moving
to montana!

Kids, kids, kids!

It's settled.

We leave in weeks.


Listen, we know
this is a big shock.

But we think you'll
really like montana.

Yes, yes.


I don't know!

Leave chicago?

What about my school?

What about my job?

And what about...

Kel to kenan.

Kel to kenan.

Is the family
meeting over?

Is the family
meeting over?!

Kel to kenan.

Kel to kenan!

Yeah, kel.

It's over.

Hee hee hee hee!

Hey, chris.

Kenan, come here!

Lookity, lookity!

Oh, what am I
looking at?

It's our
new scanner.


Yeah, you no longer
have to ring up items
on the cash register.

You just plant
your feet firmly,

Lift an item,
and swish it by.

How neat is that?

Oh, yeah. Neat.

What's wrong?
I thought
you'd love this.

I got it
mostly for you.

Oh, why'd you have
to say that?

Kenan, what's wrong?

The scanner's cool,
but I'm not gonna
be around to use it.

What? Why?
What's the matter?

I guess I got to quit.


Is it because
I made you work late
this weekend?

No, chris.
It's just that--

I told you,
I had to make
you work late

So I could take
mother to have
her stomach shaved.

I know, but--

You can't expect
me to go around
with a mother

That has
a hairy belly!


Will you stop talking

About your mama's
nasty hairy belly?

I'm quitting because
my dad's got a new job,

And he's moving
the whole family
to pummis, montana.


I see.

Man, I'm really
gonna miss working here.

You've been so great
to me over the years,

Well, I just
wanted to say that...


You know.

You know?

Yeah, I know.

I know.

As long as...

You know.

Yeah! And, well...

You know.

I know.

You know?
I know.

It wasn't easy
to tell you.

I know.

So, how did kel
take the news?


You haven't told him?

I can't!
It's gonna k*ll him.

You got to tell him!

I know!

I know you know!

Let's not get into
that again.

All right, all right.
But you got to tell him!

How can i?

You just have to be
a man about it.

You got to be strong.

Look kel right in the eye
and tell him the truth.

Straight up,
no nonsense!

Just be a man!

Hey! What's up, kenan?

What's up, chris?
How are you doing?

What's wrong with him?

Oh, man.
He's just upset

Because what?


His mama's got
a hairy belly.

Ha ha!
Whoo, that is sad.


Poor chris.



You want some
orange soda?

Oh, yeah, sure.

Here you go.

Wait, wait, wait.
Aren't you gonna
set me up?


You know.
Come on, man.

No, kel.
I'm not in the mood.


All right.

Ha ha ha ha!

Who loves orange soda?

Kel loves orange soda.

Is it true?


I do, I do, I do,
I do-ooh!

Man, I tell you
that never gets old.

Ha! Nope.


Whoa! Chris got
you a scanner?

Man, I love these things!


Ha ha ha!


Whoo hoo hoo hoo!




Hey, man,
I'm gonna see
how much I cost.


Hey, man,
my butt costs
$ . .

Kel, I'm moving
to montana!


My dad's got
a new job.

He's moving
the whole family
out to montana,

And we leave
in weeks.

Man, quit playing!

Let's play with
the scanner some more.

I'm not playing.

This is serious.

I'm moving away
for good.

You're not playing?

I'm not playing.


Well, hey, hey,
that's cool, man.


I think it's great,

Your daddy getting
a new job and everything.

That's cool.


He's gonna be
a mountain ranger.

Oh, really?

In montana?

Yeah. A little town
called pummis.

Sounds great.

You know, new town,

New school,

New house.

Probably meet
a lot of...

New friends.

Yeah, probably.

Yeah. Hey, man,
I'm excited for you.

it should be great.


Wow. Boy,
you're really
taking this well.

I thought
you might get...

Maybe a little
bit upset.

Nah. Me?

Ha ha.

No, no.

Oh. Well, cool then.


Cool, man.

[Both sobbing]

Well, that's just
about everything.


Grab mr. Hippi.

Yeah! Mr. Hippi.

♪ Mr. Hippi, mr. Hippi

Hey, hey, hey!

You're not gonna
put mr. Hippi in
that box, are you?

Sure. Why not?

he gonna breathe?

That's a stuffed


He can hear you.

Give me my hippopotamus!

No! Don't pack
mr. Hippi in that box!

He can get all
brain damaged!

Come on, kenan!

Remember when
I broke my buttocks

And I was
in the hospital

And you brought
mr. Hippi and he
made me feel better?

Oh! Oh! Oh, man!



Boy, talk about
brain damaged.

That about does it, man.


I'll do
one last check.



Hey, kenan!
Look what I found.

Robo mcfist!

Man, the irish robot!


Boy, that was
our favorite toy
when we were little.

Yeah, man. We played
with him every day
after school.

[With accent]
aye! Now you've angered me.

You should never
anger an irish robot,

Especially robo mcfist!

Bo bo bo!

Yeah. I'm not afraid
of you, robo mcfist.

Well then,
prepare to be

Do your worst.


Oh! Now to use
my atomic...

You should never anger
an irish robot,

Especially robo mcfist.

I'm not afraid
of you, robo mcfist.

Then prepare
to be mcpunched!

Do your worst.

Oh, kenan and kel,
stop wrestling!


Oh, here it goes.

We're having fun!

But you're making
too much noise.

[Baby crying]

Oh, you woke up kyra.

You boys get into bed.

Cheryl, what is
all the noise?

The boys are playing
with their new robo mcfist.


All right, boys.

It's far too late
for you guys to be

Playing with
an irish robot.

Now, no more


Just go to bed.



You have angered
robo mcfist.

I've angered
robo mcfist?

Now you must pay!

Now you must pay!

Oh, my eyes!


Ha ha ha ha!


Man, my daddy
couldn't see
out of his left eye

For weeks!

Ha ha!
You don't mess
with robo mcfist.

Oh, no.

No! Ha ha!

Hey, I wonder
if his fist
still sh**t off.

Try it.
Push the button.

All right, boys.
Are you through packing...

Ow! My eye!


It still works!

Yeah, man,
after all
these years.

Robo mcfist, boy.

Well, we had
some good times, huh?



Well, you'd better
pack up robo mcfist.

I guess mcso.


Well, that's everything.

Yeah, um--
except for these.

Oh, yeah.

What do you think
we should do with these?

I don't know.

But they're sure
not gonna work

All the way
from chicago
to montana.


Why don't you keep 'em?

Maybe you'll find
somebody else
to play with.

No, man,
you keep 'em.

Well, I got an idea.

Let's each keep one
to remember each other by.

Yeah, yeah,
that's cool.

Kel to kenan.

Kenan to kel.

I'm gonna miss you.

I'm gonna miss you, too.

where's my suitcase?

Oh, I brought it
down already.

Kyra, you got
everything out
of your room?

Um--let me go check.


Careful, careful!

That box is full of
my late grandmother's
best dishes.

So, please, be careful.
Careful. O.k.?


Thank you, thank you,
good man.


No, no, no!


It's o.k.

I'm gonna miss you, too,
mr. Rockmore.

Oh! Man,
those boxes are heavy.

Hey, kenan.

Hey, what's up?

My room's all empty.

Oh, o.k., Good.
Now, listen. The movers
are almost done.

So if there's
anything else you want
to take with you,

You'd better
grab it now.


Oh! She's squeezing
me again.

let the boy go.

Oh, she done squooshed
all the air out of me.

What's going next?

Oh, there's a few
things left upstairs
in the attic.

I'll show you.

Hey, mrs. Rockmore,
what time is it?

Oh. It's a quarter to .

Oh, man, yo.
I got to go, man.

What? Where are
you going?

I just got to go
get something.
I'll be right back.

But, kel,
you can't leave.

We're leaving
in minutes.

I know.
I'll be back!

Kel, but--kel!


[Bell ringing]

All right.

May I help you?

Um--yeah, yeah.
My name is kel kimball.

I'm here to pick up
a picture I got framed.

I'm in a big hurry.

All right.
And, uh--your name
is steve johannsen?

No, no, no!
My name is kel kimball.

The picture
is about this big.

Yeah, I called
here earlier,

And this lady said
it was ready.

Could you
get it for me?

May I help you?

My name is kel kimball!

I'm here to pick up
a picture I got framed.

Can you help me?

All right,
all right!

No need to shout.

I'll get it.

Oh, man.
Where is kel?

Kenan, I don't know.

Kenan to kel.
Kenan to kel!

Kel, come in.


Kenan to kel.
Kel, this is kenan.

Answer me.


[Horn honking]

The taxi's here,

O.k., O.k.

All right,
kenan, kyra,

This is it.
Let's go.

No, we can't leave yet.
Kel's not back.

Sorry, kenan,
but we've got to
catch our plane.

I've got to say
good-bye to him.
Please, mom!

Kenan, look.
I'm sorry,
we've got to go.

Kyra, go grab
your bag, honey.


Ken--kenan to kel!

Kel, this is kenan,

Do you read me?


Kel! Kel, man,
where did you go?

This is kenan!
Come in.


[Horn honking outside]

Kenan, let's go!


Kel, man. Come...

This is kenan to kel.

Hey, mister!

Hey! Hey,
would you--oh!

I'm coming.
Hold your trousers on.

Would you hurry up?!

I am hurrying.


Oh, thank you.

Oh! It's great!


That'll be $ . .



Oh, I'm so old.

Hey, yo, kenan,
I'm back, man!

Hey, kenan!


Yo! Hey, man,

I got you a present!


Hey! Hey!

Where is everybody?


Hey, hey!

Mr. Rockmore,
mrs. Rockmore?!



Kel to kenan.

Kel to kenan!

Kenan. Kenan, come in.


Come on, man.
Answer me!


Where are you?!

Come on, kenan.


Hey, hey, hey.
Stop the clapping.

I mean, how can you guys
be clapping

At a time like this?

I mean, this is no time
for festivities.

Not a happy time!



Kenan's gone.

Audience: aw!

He and his family are off
to pummis, montana.


I don't have
anyone to play with.


I mean, what if I never
see him again?

What if he finds
a new best buddy?

What will become of me?

Aw, to be continued.
