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03x11 - Sherman Hemsley/Nas

Posted: 09/27/23 18:01
by bunniefuu
[Mumbling and whimpering]

Are you feeling any better?

No, I still feel weird!

Oh, well, hmm... No temperature.

Do you have a headache, a stomachache?

No. I just feel really weird!

I got a doctor!

Hi, son. Dr. Rabas.

Hi, doctor. Thank you for coming.

A pleasure. I understand you're not feeling well?

I feel kinda weird.

A little weird, huh? O.k.

Let's check this out.

Hmm. All right.






What is it, doctor?

Well, son, I think I know why you're feeling a little weird.


Well, you have your foot in a pot of macaroni and cheese.

It's the cheesiest!

Maybe that's why I'm feeling weird.

Could be. Let's try taking it out.

Feel better?

A little. But I still feel kinda weird.

You're still feeling a little weird?

O.k. Let's check that out,

See what we come up with. How's that?

[Breathlessly] h-h-h!



No wonder you're feeling weird.

The other foot's being licked by puppies.

Kenan: oh, yeah! Look at that.

Come here, sweetie.

Here, baby.

So how's that?

Well, no. I still feel weird.

You think we oughta take the octopus outta my bellybutton!

Ah! The octopus in your bellybutton.

No wonder! Let's get it outta there!

[Pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop]

There. There he is.

So how's that, son?

Oh, yeah!

I don't feel weird anymore.


Let's go start the show.

Um, doctor, I don't have insurance.

Don't worry about it, son.

You just movin' on up, ain't you?

Minutes. Minutes.

Show starts in minutes.

Oh! Macaroni and cheese.


Tastes like foot.

Fresh out the box.

Stop, look, and watch.

Ready yet? Get set.

It'sall that.

♪ Oh

♪ Uh-oh

♪ This is all that♪

♪ This is all that♪

♪ Check it, check it

♪ Now, this is just an introduction ♪

♪ Before we blow your mind ♪

♪ The show is all of that ♪

♪ And yes, we do it all the time ♪

♪ So sit your booty on the floor ♪

♪ Or in a chair

♪ On the ground or in the air ♪

♪ Just don't go nowhere

♪ 'Cause everything we do

♪ Is all of that

♪ We're entertaining you

♪ We're all of that

♪ My posse and my crew

♪ Is all of that

♪ So sit still

♪ 'Cause we're comin' right back ♪

♪ Oh

♪ Uh-oh

♪ This is all that♪

♪ This is all that♪

♪ Check it out

♪ Oh

♪ Uh-oh

♪ This is all that♪

♪ This is all that♪♪

Captioning made possible by nickelodeon and u.s. Department of education

[Raucous singing]


Hey, hey, excuse me!


[Yelling] welcome to good burger,

Home of the good burger.

Can I take your order?

Hey, moron! Stop screamin' at me!

Take these things off!

Wait a minute. Wait a minute.

What is this? They're not even attached to nothing!


So why are you wearing 'em?

They keep my ears all toasty and warm.

Look, you,

I ordered my food minutes ago.

Now if my lovely family sitting right over there

Doesn't get their food in minutes,

Bernie kibbinger's gonna become

Very angry!

Dude, sounds to me like you already angry.


I don't know why I keep comin' here! Oy!


Hey, connie!

Hello! I'm connie muldoon!

I know. Welcome to good burger, home of the good burger.

Can I take your order?

Yes. I would like to try your new

Good, good, good, good burger.

Sorry. We don't serve that here.

Yes, you do.

'Fraid not.

'Fraid so! Look around at all the signs!

See 'em? See all the hoopla?

The good, good, good, good burger.

The burger with meat patties!

Who's patty?


Meat patty.

Where is she?



There is no patty.

Then how can I meet her?


No, cabbage pot!

I'm talking about meat patties!

So you wanna meet patty?


Meat patties!

[High-pitched sobbing] , , !

, , --

Meat patties to go!

No! No!

You're screwy! I'm exiting.

Oh, hey, say hi to patty!


You got minutes!

You, too!

Hey, are you patty?

No, I ain't no patty!

My name is lester oaks. Construction worker.

Hiya, lester.

Son, I'm-a hungry, hungry, hungry.

Then you should go to a restaurant, restaurant, restaurant.

Look, son, just fry me up

One of those newfangled good, good, good, good burgers,

The one with pieces of meat, and hurry it up.

I got things to construction.

O.k. One good burger with pieces of meat!

Hey, hey! Hold the hard hat there, smiley.

Did I just heard you orderin' me a -pieces- of-meat burger?

Hey, looky here, patty,

I think I know what I'm doing here.

Betcha don't!

First off, my name is lester oaks, construction worker.

I ain't no patty woman!

You're number , patty.

Lester. Patty.




Change for a dollar, please.

Ch-change for a dollar?

Uh, o.k.

♪ I'm a... ♪


No, wait!

What are you doing?


What for?

A dollar!



Ah! Number , here I come!

I knew it!

I told you you ordered me a burger

With pieces of meat on it!


Son, look at it.

Can't you see that that there burger

Is meats high?

That's higher than a burger oughta be.

How do you expect me-- lester oaks, construction worker--

To eat that?

Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!

How come lester oaks, construction worker,

Got his food before my family got theirs?

We were here vay, vay, vay, vay, vay before him!

Hold onto your waffles, mister!

Ooh! I hold no waffles, sonny!

Ooh, you make me angry!

You--you seem angry!

Ooh, you make bernie so angry!

Bernie is angry!

I could just, at any given moment,



Oh! Help! Everybody down!

Bernie's gonna explode!

Oh! Gonna explode!



And now, lori beth denberg with more vital information

For your everyday life.

If your grandmother gives you a pretty new sweater,

It's rude to thank her by wrapping the sweater around her face

And squeezing until she turns blue.

It's good to invent a new soup called tasty chicken barley.

It's bad to invent a new soup

Called broken glass chowder.

If you're having trouble with your homework,

Don't go up to your teacher and say, "this homework is too hard!

Now gimme a big, wet kiss!"

This has been lori beth denberg with vital information.

♪ This is all that ♪

♪ This is all that ♪♪

♪ Kiki's boat ran into fran's ♪

♪ They sank into the sea

♪ Now they're on this island here ♪

♪ Where they live perpetually ♪♪


♪ Gotta blow my coconut horn! ♪


♪ Gotta blow my coconut horn! ♪♪



Didya hear that, fran? Didya, didya, didya?

I can't hear anything!

Hey, listen, fran!

[Honk] oh, stop it!

Looky, fran, I made a horn!

A horn outta a coconut!

I call it a cocohorn.

A cocohorn! A cocohorn!

Kiki, I'm trying to sleep.

Now, just--

Oh! Oh! Kiki! Kiki!

Oh! You got coconut milk all over me!

Oh! Want me to lick it off, fran?!


Kiki, I'll yank that tongue right outta your mouth.

Oh, cool. That could be a song!

♪ I'm gonna yank that tongue ♪

♪ Outta your mouth

♪ I'm gonna yank that tongue ♪

♪ Outta your mouth

♪ Yank, yank, yank

♪ Yank-- ♪


A space ship! A space ship!

Looky, fran! A space ship!

Hiya, space ship, I'm kiki!

Kiki, run! Run for your life!

I am kreebak.

And I am teeno.

Hiya! I'm kiki!

I'm gonna wet myself!

We are from the planet...


What's the name of your planet?

Our planet is called


Did you hear that, fran?

They're from the planet whaaaaaa!

Aah! It is your goal to make my eardrums bleed?

You're such a funny fran, funny fran, funny fran!


We have come to your planet earth

Collecting human samples to bring back to our planet

For ob-ser-vation.

Oh, please, take kiki!

Oh, she'd make a wonderful human sample.

Take her, she's free!

Mmm. Free, huh?

This one does seem interesting.

Well, I suppose we could take this female back to our planet.

Really? Cool! I'd love to go to the planet whaaaa with you!

We could play games, we could sing songs, we could tell stories!

Hey, we could dance! You dance? I love to dance!

Hey, baby, give me your arm!

You better stop dancing with my arm! It's sensitive.

Don't be pulling on my arm.

Aah! Help!


Oops, your arm came off, silly alien!

Silly human!

You do not simply pull the arms from our stomachs!

Yes, I can. It's easy!



Kiki, stop dismembering the spacemen!

How come?! It's rude.

And painful! What's wrong with you?

Hey, do you wanna play a game?

All: no!

Come on, I got a great game.

Let's see who can say "mushroom" the most times in a row!

Stop it! Stop it!stop it!mushroom! Mushroom! Mushroom! Mushroom!

Stop it! Stop it!stop it!

Stop it!stop it!mushroom! Mushroom!

Kiki, stop taunting the spacemen!


That is it!

We are leaving this planet for good!

Uh! She's the most aggravating girl in the galaxy.

Come, teeno.

Don't forget your arms!

Wait, wait, wait!

You aliens just can't leave us stranded here on this island.

Awight. Before we go, we'll transport you anywhere you wish.

Kiki, they're going to transport us anywhere we want!

We can finally go home!

Now just tell us where you want to go.

Oh, I can't wait.

Kreebak, please, I just wanna go--

The moon? To the moon!

No! Yes! The moon!


We're on the moon, fran!

The moon! Yay!

Kiki, do you realize what you've done?

You've stranded us on the moon!


Oh, no, no! Mushroom! Mushroom! Mushroom!

You and I are gonna be here...


Shut up. Ever and ever

Shut up. Shut up.and ever and ever

And ever and ever

And ever and ever

And ever and ever

And ever and ever

And ever and ever

And ever!

And ever and ever!

And ever and ever!

And ever and ever and ever!

♪ This is all that ♪♪

And now,all that presents a semi-educational moment,

Everyday french with pierre escargot.

[Speaking french]

Ha ha ha ha!

[Speaking french]

[Speaking french]

Ha ha ha ha!

Hi, everyone.

It's time forask ashley.

That's me!

I'm ashley, and I'm back to answer more of your letters.

Our first letter comes from

Robert davis of anchorage, alaska.

Robert writes,

"Dear ashley..."

That's me!

"Dear ashley,

"I live in alaska where it's very cold and snowy.

"Every morning, I put on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt

"And go outside.

"Then I start freezing.

Do you have any advice for me?"

Yes, robert, I do have a little advice for you.

Wear a stinkin' sweater!

A sweater, robert!

I mean, what kind of alaskan genius

Goes outside in the middle of a stinkin' snowstorm

Wearing nothing but a stinkin' t-shirt?!


Our next letter comes from...

Emily carter of washington, d.c.

Emily writes.

"Dear ashley..."

That's me!

"Dear ashley,

"I'm very, very thirsty.

"In fact, I've been thirsty for weeks.

What should I do?"

Emily, I'll tell you what to do, sweetie.

Drink a stinkin' beverage!

Have a glass of water, you dry-mouth weirdo!

My name is emily,

And I'm all thirsty because...

Bladee bladee bladee bladee bla!

Just drink something!

And if your drink is too warm,

Just grab it and head on over to anchorage, alaska

And find boy genius, robert davis!

He'll be the moron standing outside

In the stinkin' snow

Wearing a stinkin' t-shirt

Wondering why he's freezing to stinkin' death!


And our last letter comes from...

Tina krepak of los angeles, california.

Tina writes...

"Dear ashley..."

That's me!

"Dear ashley,

"I have a problem with my teeth.

"It seems like every time I chew on rocks,

"I break another tooth.

What's the problem?"

The problem? I'll tell you the problem.

You're chewing stinkin' rocks!

Call me an optimist,

But my guess is if you quit chewing

On the stinkin' rocks,

Maybe you'll stop breaking

Your stinkin' teeth!

If you just gotta chew on something hard,

Why don't you head over to anchorage, alaska,

With thirsty old emily carter

And find robert davis standing outside

In his stinkin' t-shirt

And bite a stinkin' icicle off his frozen

Stinkin' nose!!


That's all the advice I have for you today.

Bye-bye, everybody.

Hey, clavis! Wake up. Sw

The show's over.

Oh, yeah. Kick it!