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18x06 - Strike Up The Band

Posted: 09/29/23 08:02
by bunniefuu
♪ Heartbeat

♪ Why do you miss when my baby kisses me?

♪ Heartbeat

♪ Why does a love kiss stay in my memory? ♪


OSCAR: You've excelled yourself, Brenda.

These cakes look delicious.

Baking's what I'm best at.

People give their time.

They deserve something in return.

Er, thank you. Thank you.

Thank you.

Right, then, before we carry on,

we are top of our game.

If we keep as focused as we have been doing all week,

the Wallace Cup should be back here,

where it belongs, on Saturday night.

ALL: Yes!

Let's have another bash, then, at Blaze Away.

And it's after two.

Where's Norman?

Out for a smoke, I think.

Excuse me.

It's worth considering.

I'll have a word and then...

Hey, what the hell are you playing at?

Get inside. He's trying to sabotage our chances.

We're trying to have a conversation.

Come in, Les. Don't let's have a scene.

You should pay attention to your wife, Les.

Or somebody else will.

The cup's ours. You don't stand a chance.

The judges will know quality when they hear it.

Yeah! Exactly.

How many times have I got to tell you?

Les. Les, leave it. Come on.

Is everything all right here, Oscar?

Yeah, everything's fine, Joe.

Just a bit of artistic temperament, that's all.

Budge reckons that if the two bands joined forces,

he could get us bookings.

Paid too. Not just charity work.

He's in the pub later. It's worth a conversation.

Right. Blaze Away after two. One...two!

SONG: Blaze Away



All right. Look, Bernie's on the phone.

He'll be with you in a--

A minute.

He can stay on the phone as long as he likes

if it means I can spend time with you.

Let me introduce myself, mademoiselle. Jonny.

Jonny Leigh. That's Marcus but, er...

I hope you'll ignore him.

I hope you'll only have eyes for me.

Je suis enchante.

Well,I've said my piece.

I think a combined band is the best way forward.

I'll leave you to think about it.

-A pint, please, Dawn. - Evening, Peggy.

Blimey! What put that smile on your face?

His name's Jonny and he drives a sports car.

He looks like Georgie Best

and Jim Morrison rolled into one.

And he speaks French.

He's gonna pick me up for a drive.

-What should I wear? - Just be yourself.

Don't be daft. He's dead posh.

George Best and Jim Morrison, eh?

Well, me, I'd go more for Engelbert Humperdinck.

Wi' a bit of Michael Rennie.

And perhaps a dash of David Frost.

Sean Connery and Paul McCartney.

PEGGY: Oooh.

Hello, Oscar. How's rehearsals going?

Oh, it was great. They're on championship form.

-Gin and tonic, Brenda? - Thanks.

Where's little Phil? Haven't seen him for a while.

They change so quickly at that age, don't they?

Gina's taken him to Liverpool to see her family.

You'd think Bill would keep out of the way

till after the competition, wouldn't you?

Show a bit of sensitivity.

PEGGY: No need to fantasise about film stars.

I mean, think of all the good-looking local men.

I must have missed them. Perhaps I blinked.

There's... There's Don Wetherby.

Mind you, he's married.

That PC Mason has got a bit of a twinkle.

If I were in your position and years younger,

I'd take down his particulars!


You shouldn't even talk to a man like Bill Budge.

I know what he is.

Underneath all that smarm and banter.

Lighten up, Les. What's past is past.

You've got Brenda now.

-You heard from Alf? - OSCAR: Oh, aye.

Mrs Ventress wants to see

all the chapels in Abergavenny.

Blimey, Dawn.

Flippin' 'eck! You look lovely.

Put your eyes back in, David.

Well, wish me good luck.

Good luck.

-I thought you'd gone away. - My sister cancelled.

And I couldn't change my leave, so...

- Any ideas? - One or two.

Yeah, perhaps I can cheer you up.

We'll go straight home, love, shall we?

No, we're not.

Mr Hepplewhite. No more trouble.

Right. That's it! You're under arrest.

Come quick, everyone, please.

What is it, Norman?

The village hall's on fire!

♪ Blue skies smiling at me

♪ Nothing but blue skies Blue skies do I see

♪ Blue birds, blue birds Humming a song

♪ Nothing but blue birds Blue birds all day long

♪ Having some fun Shining so bright... ♪

DAWN: Why are we stopping?

A surprise.

♪ When you're in love Right out of sight

♪ Blue days all of them gone... ♪

- Champagne. - Oh, Jonny.

Allons, mademoiselle Aurore.

I've told you, it's Dawn.

-That's "Aurore" in French. - Oh.

I love France. I'm going to live in Paris.

Write sad songs about broken hearts.

You could be my muse, Dawn.

To you, it's Aurore. Hmm.

No damage to the instruments. If they'd gone...

He's a musician.

He wouldn't harm the instruments.

Bill Budge. He set the fire.

Oh, Les, please! He was in the pub.

- Half the band saw him. -Why are you defending him?

You're still under arrest for the as*ault.

Accompany me to the station as soon as I have finished.

I'm sorry.

Take anything he says about Bill with a pinch of salt.

You're not seriously gonna take him in, Joe?

It's two middle-aged men behaving like kids.

Just give 'em a warning. It's not police business.

I don't agree. I don't think Sergeant Miller would, either.

Small arguments can lead to big trouble.


Jazz fusion. It's the new thing in Paris.

La terre est bleu comme une orange.

A man called Paul Eluard wrote that.

Do you want to know what it means?

As long as it's not mucky.

The earth is as blue as an orange.

Oh, yeah. And the sky's as green as a phone box.

That's fantastic.

You understand completely, don't you?

The whole aesthetic.

Jean Paul Sartre would be proud of you.

I was in the pub. Your constable saw me.

MILLER: We have witnesses who saw you leave

for about half an hour.

Look, the band members needed time

to think about what I proposed.

I went for a walk, went back and talked more.

- Anyone see you? - I don't know.

Look, there can't be any evidence

that I set fire to the village hall.

I didn't. I wouldn't.

This is Les Hepplewhite and his persecution complex.

Why does he hate you so much?

I took his wife.

My wife, Nora, used to be married to Les.

We fell in love and she left him.

It's ten years ago now.

TheNational Brass Band Conference at Derby.

Les can't get over it.

He chucked me out the Aidensfield band,

so I started my own.

Look, I don't like the man, but I'd never harm his band.

I plan to win this competition fair and square.

The fire brigade reckon the fire was caused accidentally.

Probably started in the kitchen.

If Bill won't press charges for the as*ault on the pub,

we have no reason to hold either of them.

Younger, let Hepplewhite out of the cells.

Tell Mr Budge he's free to go.

But if there's more trouble...

-No Gina tonight? - No.

I have a half day tomorrow.

I was gonna offer to take her to Kirby.

Well, you can't. She's not here.

It's a good job Norman Taylor noticed that smoke

otherwise the whole place would have gone up.

Nobody was hurt, that's the main thing.

Vive la France! Vive l'amour!

Oh, it went well, then.

He said I'm naturally sophisticated

and I could pass as a Parisienne.

Isn't that a biscuit?


You're thinking of a Viennese Whirl.

Yeah, well, anyway, Jonny has lent me some records

and he said he's gonna take me

to see a film with subtitles!

-Bless her. - She wants to watch out.

Noreen Braithwaite fell for a Belgian.

And now she's in a leg brace!

-There you go, sir. - Come on. Let's get back.

Yeah, best hurry home, Les.

You and your band are gonna need

all the practice you can get.

You keep your hands off my wife and my band!

Or what?

- Or I'll k*ll you! - Lock him up! This way.

LES: Get off!

I've learnt my lesson. I'll behave.

Please. It's the last band rehearsal.

I really need to be there.

I'll let you go with a caution.

If you give me your solemn word

you'll go nowhere near Bill Budge.

I know it's not easy.

You've lost your wife and you blame him.

But you have to look at it as water under the bridge.

It's not that simple. Thank you.

♪ You will never see...


♪ A portrait of my love ♪



You mustn't phone here. I've told you.

No, it's all right.

He's on his way back from the police station.

They've only just let him out.

Go on. I'm listening.

Bernie, you must be desperate.

Another hour before opening yet.

I'm off on a job.

Dawn was supposed to hold the fort.

-Has she slept in? - It wouldn't surprise me.

She had that wretched record player going all night.

I used to like jazz.


It's what they wear in France. So what do you think?

I've borrowed Aunty Gina's beret.

She won't mind.

Very nice.

Dawn, I don't need you

to look after the funeral parlour todayas it turns out.

We don't want to scare people to death, do we?

What does he mean "scare" people?


I've, er...

I've never heard that played better.

MAN:I need the toilet.


This band, you know, is not about money.

It's about community.

The face of a sick child who's had a day out in Filey

because we helped to raise funds for the coach.

Well, that to me is worth ten times

more than the fee for a concert.

Aye.There's no reason why we shouldn't have both.

We could if we joined forces with the Ledby Band.

-Now's not the time, Norman. - It's never the time.

Bill Budge came to see a few of us.

We're sick of being rivals, Les.

Is this true?

I'm sorry. I need the toilet too.

So, that's that Jonny, is it?

Well, you can see why she'd be smitten.

He has a look of Tyrone Power.

You mean Zorro?

Yeah. That's him.

Here, imagine that Jonny in a mask

and a big black cape.

What woman could resist a man like that?

Brandishing his rapier.

I'm not working, so we could go for a drive.

Or stay in and listen to records. Your room.

I don't think Oscar would like that.

He's had enough of jazz for now.

And I think it's too soon to be going up to my room.

Ironic, really.

Here we are, two original thinkers

who don't care about convention

unable to be our true selves

because of the oppressive prejudicesof the bourgeoisie.

So, are we gonna go for this drive, then?


I love the way you cut straight to the truth.

You're one of the most original thinkers I've met.

Come on.

I thought it could be just nerves

with the competition tomorrow.

Your wife did right to fetch me.

I'll need the names and addresses

of everyone who has gone home.

What do you think it could be, nurse?

Maybe a bug, but with so many people ill at once,

it's more likely to be food poisoning.

- Poisoning? - Norman!

Oh, Norman!


Call an ambulance.

Nurse Cassidy needs an ambulance in the village hall.

What's happened?

Bill Budge has nobbled my band.

He's... he's poisoned them.

I said "maybe food poisoning."

I didn't say someone had. I'm not stupid.

It's possible though?

Not that someone was trying to k*ll the band.

Just put them out of the competition.

I suppose so, but more likely to be a bad batch of eggs.

JONNY: I love your hair.

It's like a mermaid's.

DAWN: Say it in French.

Comme une Sirene. La Sirene, Aurore.

I'd really like to kiss you, Dawn.

If that would be all right.

Go on, then.

I've got a mad idea.

How bad is the diarrhoea and sickness?

Bad enough to put the Aidensfield band

out of the competition.

Nurse Cassidy has nine down with it.

She's making us a list.

Norman Taylor's in the hospital.

Still unconscious the last time I checked.

If Bill did nobble the opposition: A criminal act.

He visited members of Les's band last night.

Took them home brew.

Maybe we should send it to be analysed.

Good idea.Gather up what remains of the rehearsal tea.

Send that as well.

The tea? Think Bill might have got at the refreshments?

I don't know. These two are at daggers drawn.

I wouldn't put anything past either.

Les may be paranoid,

but Bill Budge is too smooth somehow.

Well, let's base our conclusions

on the evidence, shall we?

No hunches.

Get everything tested. Then talk to Bill Budge.

We need to put an end to this feud.

BILL: Les bottled the competition.

Couldn't face us beating him again.

Poisoning your own band. How low can you get?

We've taken samples of the beer

that you delivered to certain players.

My home brew? Are you saying I...?

I don't have time for this.

There's a competition to win tomorrow.

Packing this van is a fine art.

Off at first light.

That's no time to be struggling with a tuba.

We'd also like to check your house

for dangerous chemicals.

This is ridiculous!

Haven't you got any proper criminals to catch?


Deal with Mr Hepplewhite, will you?

Drive on, please, sir.

Why haven't you arrested him? He poisoned my band.

I should remind you you're already under caution.

Move on.

Hey, Nora, Bill told you

about his new lady love, has he?

Everybody's talking.

Ignore him.You take that back, you lying...!

Can I ask you to go inside, sir?


Please, sir! I'll deal with this.

That's it. Go on. Run away. You're not such a big man now.

JOE: You're coming with us. Get in the back of the car.

Right, sarge. The list of people taken sick.

Now, I've checked with the hospital

about Norman Taylor.

Recovering, I trust?

Unfortunately not. He's in a coma.

His sodium levels are dangerously low.

From a bout of diarrhoea?

Mr Taylor is on diuretics for his high blood pressure.

Now, his wife says he's been taking a double dose.

One's good for me. Two must be better.

It's stripped his body of minerals

and the sudden diarrhoea has put him into crisis.

It's touch and go.

JOE:You accepted a caution.

You undertook to keep away from Bill Budge.

He poisoned my band, but you don't believe that.

You just think butter wouldn't melt.

We're investigating.

If there's the evidence, we'll deal with it.

Us, not you.

How much more am I supposed to let him take?

Nora, the cop, my band.

And now...

He's even got Brenda.

He's having an affair with your wife?

Oh, I know the signs. I've seen so before.

Little things that don't add up.

Mysterious phone calls.

I followed her last week.

I saw her. She went into his house.

Well, did you ask her about it?

Do you really think I want to see

that look on their faces?

I know I'm gonna have to do that

but, well, I thought...

I thought I'd do it after the competition.


That's a laugh.

Your marital situation isn't police business.

Acts of v*olence are.

But I'm gonna give you one last chance.


You go home. Stay away from Bill.

Or I throw the book at you.

Hey! Here's the cat that licked the cream!

Hey, has he swept you off your feet, love?

Big news, Peggy. Big, big news.

Me and Jonny are moving to Paris!

On Monday!




He's not come home yet.

He rang.

Oh, he's best by himself when he's like this.


It's OK.

If we hold on, it'll all work out just fine.

Hey, can I have some off sales?

A bottle of Scotch, that's all.

Oh, come on. Be a mate, Oscar.


I've gone through both lists.

The people who are sickand ones who got the home brew.

They just don't match.

It could all just be a coincidence but...

But you're off duty and I'm boring you stupid.

I'm sorry.

Tell you what.

For the rest of evening,

whatever I suggest, you have to say yes.


Coffee at your place?



-Upstairs? - Yes.

What are you looking at?


MUSIC: 'The Seeker' by The Who

Oh, for Heaven's sake!

Nora? Nora, where's the minibus?

♪ I've looked under chairs

♪ I've looked under tables ♪

Hm. In uniform, eh?


I've just had a call out. I've got to go.

There's tea in the pot.

I'm looking for David, love.

We've got a nice house clearance over at Shenstone.

Oh, David's got a fare

and Bernie's collecting a body.

I mean, attending the deceased.

I've got in trouble for that before

but nicely, though.

- I'll miss Bernie. - Ooh, you're still going?

You like this Jonny, don't you?

Peggy, he's amazing. I'm so excited.

We're going as soon as I can get my money out.

Eh, Dawn. You know, I'm a bit envious.

Why?You could go to Paris if you wanted.


It's not where you're going. It's how you're feeling.

I remember what that was like.

I'm happy for you.

-But Dawn... - I knew there'd be a but.

There's no need. Oscar's already been on at me.

You should have heard Aunty Gina on the phone.

Well, she's bound to be concerned.

I mean, she's in loco thingy, isn't she?


She says boys like Jonny don't settle down

with girls who work in pubs.

Like I'm common or summat.

-Sure she didn't mean that. - It sounded like she did.

She hasn't met Jonny and already made her mind up.

He thinks I'm special.

And you are special.

And if Jonny thinks that he won't mind waiting.

I don't want to wait. It was instant, Peggy.

It's the real thing.

Well, that's lovely

and if it is the real thing, it won't go away.

You could wait till your Aunty Gina gets back.

Put her mind at rest.

-Nora. - All right.

Yeah. These are the band's.

Well, that's that, then. No competition.

Are you sure the minibus was locked?

Course it was.

Come on, constable. You know who did this.

You went back to Bill's last night.

A neighbour saw you. After I gave you a chance.

I was drunk. And I didn't knock at the house.

And I didn't attack him.

I don't remember throwing the bottle. I was angry.

But if you say I did, I won't argue.

I didn't take the minibus.

I just came home.

JOE: What time?

I don't know. Bren?

Don't look at me. I was in bed.

He passed out on the couch.

This witness, PC Mason,

did they see who drove the minibus away?

Unfortunately not.

My husband sometimes does daft things,

but he doesn't lie.

If he says he didn't take it, he didn't.

You can't arrest him with no evidence.

We're having the instruments checked for fingerprints.

We'll do the same with the minibus when it turns up.

I will be back.

Oh, Les. How did we get to this?

Hmm. Well...

You let Bill Budge steal your heart.

If you want to do something useful,

the shed roof needs mending.

There's no point in moping round the house all day.


JONNY: Oui. Bien sur.

Oh, hello, Oscar.

Mr Blaketon, Dawn has told me your concerns

and those of Mrs Bellamy.

Has she now?

I completely understand, of course.

We'll delay our departure.

I want you to be entirely confident

I have this wonderful girl's best interests at heart.

He's booked the tickets, as well. Show him.

- See? - The dates can be changed.

No problem.

We're gonna go upstairs and listen to some music. Come on.

Slimy little toad!


JOE: I thought you'd have left.

Bad form. After such a good night.

It was, wasn't it?

You'd better put some clothes on.

Distracting a police officer might be an offence.

Joe, you and Carol had a thing going didn't you?

We did, yeah, but...

Well, it all got a bit too intense.

This won't, will it?




Hi, er...

You're not usually here on a Saturday.

No.Morning, Sergeant Dawson.

-I'll just... - Yeah. Yeah. Right.

The hospital just phoned. I thought you should know.

Norman Taylor died half an hour ago.



Mais, oui. Bien sur.


Jonny, that's tickling!

Ma cherie amour.

Je t'adore.

Je t'adore.

-Jonny, no! - Je ne comprends pas, non.

Jonny, stop it!

I said no!

JOE: Yeah. Bye.

The results won't be back till Monday or Tuesday.

It looks like the home brew and rehearsal tea are fine.

They couldn't have made anyone ill.

What made them sick,

what k*lled Norman was just a random bug?

I was sure they would find Salmonella.

Nobody but the band were ill and it came on all at once.

Is there anything you didn't test?

I was as thorough as I could be.

There wasn't a great deal left.

There wouldn't be.Everyone loves Brenda's cakes.

Not unusual for it all to be eaten?

No. Normal I'd say.

Whoever contaminated the food must have known that.

Dose up one of Brenda's specialities

and there'd be nothing left to test.

A workable theory but it doesn't tell us who.

No. But I do know where to start looking.


So you're on this case now, are you?

No. I'm just poking my nose in, actually.

Please don't go. There's no need.

It's just you were moving too fast for me, that's all.

Once we're in Paris...

You really think I'd take you to Paris?


You were a bet, Dawn.

I bet Marcus quid I could crack youby Saturday night.

-Nearly did too. - But you said I was special.

-You even bought two tickets. - For me and Marcus.

We're going Monday.

Paris is for sophisticated women, Dawn.

Not Northern scrubbers.

Get out!

I said get out!

MUSIC: 'You Can't Hurry Love' by The Supremes

♪ I need love, love

♪ To ease my mind

♪ I need to find, find

♪ Someone to call mine

♪ But Mama said

♪ You can't hurry love

♪ No, you just have to wait

♪ She said love don't come easy

♪ It's a game of give and take

♪ You can't hurry love

♪ No, you just have to wait

♪ You've gotta just give it time

♪ No matter how long it takes ♪

You want to see Les. I'll get him for you.

I don't need your husband. It's you I've come to see.

You see, I've worked out how the band got sick.

-It was clever. - I don't know what you mean.

I hear your cherry bakewells

are a bit of legend around here.

Do you do macaroons?

I like a macaroon.

What has this got to do with anything?

Must have seemed like a good idea.

Put something in the rehearsal refreshments.

Make sure Les's band is out.

Why would I want to hurt the band?

After the effort my husband's put into it?

I think you sacrificed your husband's band

for your boyfriend's.

We know you're having an affair with Bill Budge.

Or maybe it wasn't you.

Maybe you didn't even know.

Did Bill come around while you were baking?

Could he have slipped something into the cake mix?

This is ridiculous. I want you to go.

We're having the leftovers analysed.

We'll have the test results tomorrow.

I know what they'll show.

None of this would matter quite so much, of course,

if Norman Taylor hadn't died.

- What? -Sorry. Didn't I say?

He passed away an hour or so ago.

So it might be a m*rder charge.

More likely manslaughter.

For you, Bill or whoever I find out

is ultimately to blame.

I don't think you intended to k*ll Norman.

This was all about the band.

Oh, go. Please. Just go.


We have to meet. Usual place.

Now!Norman Taylor's died.

And that policeman's worked out what we did.


♪ Crazy for thinking

♪ That my love would hold you

♪ I'm crazy for... ♪

PEGGY: I said we'd be at Shenstone by half past.

DAVID:Well, I can't. I've got Mrs Bunnage at four.

PEGGY: Where to?

I don't know. Dawn took the booking. Ask her.

Dawn. Where's old widow Bunnage off to?

How long will it take?


Blimey. She's halfway up the Champs Elysees already.


I'm sorry, Peggy.


Dawn. Lovey.

He said I was a scrubber.

What's the French for "ignorant pig?"


Delta Alpha requesting backup.

I'm just past Bill Budge's house. Over.

BRENDA: I don't know what to do.


It was you two.

BRENDA: I can't tell you how sorry we are.

A man is dead.

We never meant to hurt anyone.

Brenda and me have been friends for a long while.

We could never meet.

Not even for a coffee because of this feud.

The bands take everything.

All our husbands' attention.

All their energy.

So you decided to poison them?

BRENDA: Not poison.

We put senna in the bakewells

and lobelia in the almond shortcake.

Lobelia makes you throw up.

We never meant anyone to be seriously hurt.

We just wanted them out of action.

I took the minibus. We planned it together.

Brenda followed in her car.

We were gonna hide the instruments

till after the competition.

It was me.

I lost my temper.

I threw one into a field and it felt so...

I don't regret it.

But Norman...

It's terrible about Norman.

Brenda Hepplewhite and Nora Budge,

I'm arresting you both on suspicion of manslaughter.


LES: Come on, open this door!


Come on! I need to see her! Come on!

-Les, what do you want? - Yeah.



Brenda, love!

Why would Brenda be here?

Get out you! This is between me and him. Go on.


Where is she?

She's not here.

You coward!

You coward!


These two are under arrest.

RADIO: 'Control to Delta Alpha .'

-'Come in, please.' - Right. In the car, please.

Delta Alpha receiving. Over.

Yeah. Well. Thanks for letting me know.

Poor kid.

I'll have that boy's guts for garters

if he shows his face again.

-You will be gentle with her. - Course I will.

I'm not an ogre.

I'm just glad she had someone to talk to.

With Gina away, it's not been easy.

I must admit, I'm surprised it was you.

Could you open the door, please?

This is the police!

WETHERBY: Stay in the car.

NORA: Front door keys!

Right. Wait here. Don't move.

There's a spare back door key under the yellow plant pot!

JOE: Les.

He deserved it.

-BILL: Ow. - He ruined my life.

Look, put the hammer down, Les.

I know for a fact Bill isn't responsible for anything

that has happened in the past few days.

It was your wives working together.

They are sick of all this fighting.

-I don't believe you. - Nora wouldn't do that to me.

Come on. Be sensible.

Just put the hammer down.


Cuff him.

- Cuff him! - Les!

See what a mess you've made.


Right, your wives have got something to say

and for once you are going to listen.

You don't have to work tonight, Dawn,

if you don't feel up to it.

I'm fine. Not gonna let him ruin my night.

Bernie, what can I get you?

The usual.

When is it we're off to gay Paris, then?

Well, I only asked.

Yes. Well, I'll explain later.

What will happen to us?

It's hard to say.

None of the band members are pressing charges

about the laxatives.

One said if she was married to Bill or Les

that she'd have put something in their tea long ago.


I've just come off the phone to Norman Taylor's wife.

She's upset, of course.

But she acknowledges the part

that he played in this tragedy.

He should never have changed his dose of diuretics.

Had he been healthy,

what you did wouldn't have k*lled him.

So she's not gonna proceed against you.

You mean we're in the clear?

It's not that simple, I'm afraid.

A man is dead. Charges have to be answered.

But with Mrs Taylor's willingness to forgive,

I doubt it'll mean a custodial sentence.

Oh, God!

You'll be up before the magistrate in the morning.


As long as you're quick.

Oh, I'm sorry, love.

I just thought that you and Bill were...

I was just scared I'd lost you.

And I thought I'd lost you.

To the band.

We'll be all right.

We will.



What's going on in there?

The bands have joined forces.

Les and Bill have been voted out.

- AndMilly... - BERTIE Milly?

Has taken over as leader.

Les and Bill won't like it.

I expect they've got

more important things on their minds.

Three pints, please, Dawn.

You all right, Dawn?

Not really, Geoff, no.

If you want to talk about anythingI'm always here.

Thank you.

Got you a pint in. You were right.

Small arguments lead to big trouble.

Don't think I know what I'm doing.

Back in a minute.

Hi. Look, erm, about this morning...

There's really nothing to say, Joe.

-I'm not sure that's true. - You're a free agent.

It's not as if we made any promises or anything.

I know but you don't seem very comfortable with it.

Why is it that men think

they're the most important thing in a woman's life?

We had a nice time. It wasn't going anywhere.

Still isn't. Excuse me.
