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04x16 - Jermaine Dupri/Da Brat

Posted: 09/29/23 10:58
by bunniefuu
[Speaking spanish]

Iay, ay, ay!

Ok. Let's just start the show.


English. Sure.

Let's go!

Fresh out the box.

Stop, look, and watch.

Ready yet? Get set.

It's all that.

♪ Oh

♪ Uh-oh

♪ This is all that ♪

♪ This is all that ♪

♪ Check it, check it

♪ Now, this is just an introduction ♪

♪ Before we blow your mind ♪

♪ The show is all of that ♪

♪ And yes, we do it all the time ♪

♪ So sit your booty on the floor ♪

♪ Or in a chair

♪ On the ground or in the air ♪

♪ Just don't go nowhere

♪ 'Cause everything we do

♪ Is all of that

♪ When entertaining you

♪ We're all of that

♪ My posse and my crew

♪ Is all of that

♪ So sit still

♪ 'Cause we're comin' right back ♪

♪ Oh

♪ Uh-oh

♪ This is all that ♪

♪ This is all that ♪

♪ Check it out

♪ Oh

♪ Uh-oh

♪ This is all that ♪

♪ This is all that ♪

Captioning made possible by nickelodeon and u.s. Department of education

[Doorbell chimes]

Trick or treat!

Well, don't you all just look fine

In your little halloween costumes?

Miss piddlin loves halloween.

I do, I do.

Hey, you all ready for a special treat?


Well, here it comes. Hold on. All right now.

♪ Hmm hmm hmm


Here's some peas for you

And some peas for you.

Hey! Hey! What gives?

Yeah. You're supposed to give us candy, not peas.

Oh, you can never have enough peas, baby.

There's some more. Yes! Yeah.

Eww! You got yucky peas all over my candy.

I'm sorry, but did you call miss piddlin's peas yucky?

Did I say "yucky"?


I meant nasty!

Stinky! Rotten! Awful peas!

What's with all this smoke?

You've insulted the peas,

And when you insult the peas, you insult miss piddlin!

All I wanted was some candy and--

Now you must pay!

Hey! What's going on? Hey!

Now get your pea-hating pumpkin head off my property!

Miss piddlin almost lost her temper.

[Doorbell chimes]

Trick or treat!

Well! Who do we have here?

I'm dressed up as ed from the good burger. Listen.

Welcome to good burger, home of the good burger.

Can I take your order?

Who are you, sweet thing?

I'm a giant pea!

You--oh, my. Oh, my goodness.

Oh, my gracious. Oh!

You're a pea? You--


Ma'am! Ma'am?

Oh? Oh? Oh!

I was dreaming.

I had a dream that a precious little pea

Was on my front doorstep.

It's no dream. It's reality.

See? I'm a pea.

Oh! Yes.

Um, you sure enjoy the peas, don't you?

Oh, baby, everybody loves peas.

Well, all right!

Um, we're going to go now.

No, no!

Oh, can't you stay?


We've got to get going.

Hey, don't you see?

I got plenty of pea things for you all to play with.

I got a pea couch, and, oh, I got a pea clock.

I got pea paintings.

Yeah, and I got a pea-ano. Ha ha!

And I got a peacock. Isn't he pretty?

So, you see all the peas, huh?

Yeah, we see them.

That's good.

Hey, yo!

What's up with all the stupid peas?


Well, if you don't like peas,

Then why you got them all over you?

I have peas all over me?

Not yet, you don't, but you will!

All of you will, especially you, joe jackson!

Come here, baby. Come on.

Step on over here out of harm's way.

All right.

♪ Hmm da da da

Yeah! All right! Yeah!

Wait! Stop!

Miss piddlin: I ain't stoppin'. I ain't stoppin'!

I'm not stopping!

What are you doing?

Why are you reacting in such a crazy manner?

There's no reason.

Oh...this sweet little pea girl is right.

Miss piddlin almost went off the deep end.

Why don't we all just get together

And sing a song about peas?

I love to sing songs about peas!

Me, too.

Here's one now. Julio!

♪♪#&Amp; ♪

♪ My country, 'tis of peas ♪

♪ Sweet peas and butter

♪ Peas

♪ Of peas I sing



♪ Land of the peas, spring peas ♪

♪ Peas peas peas peas peas peas ♪

♪ For every table side

♪ Let pea-dom ring

Whoo! Again.

♪ My country, 'tis of peas ♪

♪ Sweet peas and...

Announcer: and now lori beth denberg

With more vital information for your everyday life.

An elephant never forgets.

My sister never stops drooling.

Dogs make wonderful pets.

Chickens make wonderful nuggets.

It's ok if your father has a hairy chest.

If your mother has a hairy chest,

It's mama shaving time!

Announcer: this has been lori beth denberg with vital information.

♪ This is all that ♪

♪ This is all that ♪

Help! Help me, please!

My cruise ship has sunk. I'm in a lifeboat. Help!

Radio: uh, yeah. This is the water patrol. Where are you?

I'm in the ocean!

Help! I'm all alone.

Man: no, you're not.

Here we are.

That was the worst cruise boat I have ever been on!

Yeah! First, they went and ran out of diet soda.

Yes. Then the boat sunk.

I want a refund.

Who are you men?

I'm clavis, and this is my good friend mavis.

Radio: hello. This is the water patrol. Do you still copy?

Yeah--what? Give!

Give it! Give it! Give it!

Copy this! My name is mavis,

And my cruise ship is at the bottom of the ocean.

We want a refund! Yes!

Stop it! Give me that radio.

You got to get up and get it.

You got to get up--

Hey, hey, hey! Wait! Wait!

Ooh. Don't get your tush in a tizzy.

Radio: just relax, people. Help will arrive in to nautical hours.

Hours? Oh...

Clavis! Huh?

We gonna miss the rosie o'donnell show.

Oh! Oh!



Do you people have one of those, uh...

You know, the thing with the--


Yeah-ah! A vcrah. Go get a tape

And record the rosie o'donnell for me.

Radio: no!

Well, then who needs you?! I don't need you.

No! Oh!

Idiot overboard! Ha ha ha!

Why are you laughing? That radio was our only chance to be rescued.

Don't get your tush in a tizzy.

If I wish to get my tush in a tizzy,

Then a tizzy my tush shall be in!

What if they don't find us for days or weeks?

We'll starve to death.

Ha ha ha!ha ha ha!

Nobody's going to starve.

Yeah. Come on, clavis.

Let's catch us some brunch.

How can you catch fish? You have no rod, no reel.

Hey, mavis, hand me your belt.

There we go.

All right.

Now all we need is something to lure the fish in with.

Heads up!


Give me that! You can't catch fish with wigs!

Says who?

Come on, clavis.

I got it. I got it. I got it.


Let me tell you a story.

Clavis and I have been wig fishing ever since ww ii.

I remember there was one time,

Clavis got his whirlybird shot down over cincinnati,

And--and--and then, what happened,

We got pounds of tuna fish.

Don't you remember? Clavis. Clavis? Clavis! Wake up!

He's drooling on my skirt.



Whoa. Whoa.


Clavis, somebody is tugging at the line.



Get it. Get it!

I can't believe it! I can't believe it!

Mavis, look! It's your favorite kind of fish.

It's a giant fish stick!

Oh, now we all need is the refund.

Yeah. But we're still going to miss the rosie o'donnell show.


Look! Look, a helicopter!


Oh, they're sending someone down.

Look, mavis. It's--it's--

Rosie o'donnell!

Rosie: hi, mavis. Hi, clavis.

I heard your radio transmission on my scanner.

Come on! If we hurry, we can make it back in time for my show.


Wait. Hey, thelma, come on.

Can I bring the fish stick?

Oh, sure. And, oh, I almost forgot--

Mavis, here. I brought you something.

Clavis, it's the refund.

Hey! Happy day! Happy day.

♪ Shoo ap, shoo ap

♪ Shoo ap, shoo ap

♪ Shoo ap, shoo ap

♪ This is all that ♪

It's time for ask ashley.

That's me!

Hi, I'm ashley, and I'm here to answer your letters.

Our first letter comes from aaron fabian of orlando, florida.

Aaron writes, "dear ashley..."

That's me!

"Dear ashley, I wrote this letter with my left hand,

"But I am not left-handed.

"As you can see, it is very messy when I write with my left hand.

How can I stop writing so messy?"

Well, aaron fabian, maybe you could write more neatly if you...

Use your stinkin' right hand!

You're right-handed, lump fish!

And if you're still not sure if you're left- or right-handed,

Why, you slap yourself in the head a few times

And see which one hurts more!


Our next letter comes from fabat mcgee of sioux falls, iowa.

Fabat writes, "dear ashley..."

That's me!

"Dear ashley, I'm standing on railroad tracks,

"And there is a big train heading right for me.

"It's coming fast.

"The engineer keeps blowing a loud whistle and shouting,

"Hey, fabat, move! Move, or you'll be hit by my speeding train!

So, ashley, any advice for me?"

Yeah, fabat, I got some advice for you.

Get off the stinkin' tracks!

Run, fabat! Run like the moron you are.

And keep on running all the way to orlando, florida,

Until you run right into aaron fabian.

He'll be the right-handed idiot

Slapping himself in the stinkin' head!


Our next letter comes from professor lumpus

From the massachusetts institute of technology.

Professor lumpus writes, "dear ashley..."

That's me!

"Dear ashley, I've been trying to effect cell mitosis

"In a genetically spliced microorganism.

"Unfortunately, the single-cell reproductive process

"Has proven unsuccessful.

"I must be missing some protoplasmic derivation of the cell body.

Any ideas, ashley?"

Gee, professor lumpus, I think I do know what you're missing.

It's the stinkin' endoplasmic reticulum!

You forgot the endoplasmic reticulum, professor dumb butt!

"Duh, I'm professor stupid, and science confuses me,"

And blah de blah de blah de blah de blah!

Tell you what, professor. Since molecular biology's a little over your head,

Why don't you hop on a train to orlando, florida, run over fabat mcgee,

Then keep on going till you reach aaron fabian?

Then you two can sit down, have a root beer,

And try to figure out why you're both so stinkin' stupid!


Well, that's all the advice I have for you today.

Bye-bye, everybody.

Pardon me, sir. Do you know what time it is?

Well, you know, I do.

It's about time fer the bus to be comin'.

I sure do like ridin' the bus machine. You?

Of course! I just love buses.

Well, who doesn't?

You know, the bus sure is late.

I hope it comes soon.

You know, the only thing I like more than buses

Is my good friend squash boy!

Squash boy?

Yep! In fact, here comes squash boy right now.

Man: hold it!

Stop this, please.

One moment, if I may. A word, please.

Look, I don't mean to interrupt, but--

Well, you are interrupting.

You just can't run out of the audience onto the stage here.

But I must. You see, I am an acting coach.

My name is mr. Thezby.

You're an acting coach.

Yes. And I just had to come down and help you

With your dreadful performances.

Dreadful? Man--

I hope that doesn't insult you.

Oh, no.

We love being told our performances are dreadful.

Now, josh, let me hear that last line again.


Now! Now, now. Act, man. Act.


I think my last line went, um...

The only person I like more than buses

Is my good friend squash boy!



Awful. Awful?

You see, I just don't believe you.

When you act, you must feel.

Think of your dear friend squash boy

And feel how much he enjoys buses.

Look...ok. How's this?

The only person I like more than buses

Is my good friend

Squaaash boyyy!

You see there?

That was far less terrible than before.

Now continue the scene.

Look, mister--

Act! Act! Act!

Come on, amanda. Let's just finish the scene.

We'll take it from your line.


Squash boy?


When you say "squash boy,"

You must let the audience know

The joy you feel inside.


Somebody call me?

I did.

We're in the middle of a scene on live television,

And this clown is bothering us.

I'll put a stop to that.

Go back in the audience now, mister.

Don't make me get physical.

I was only trying to help.

Tell your story walking. Now go.

[Audience applauds]

All right. Let's just take the scene from the top.

Ready when you are.


Pardon me, sir. Do you know what time it is?

Hold it! That was very bad.

You know, you just got on my last nerve!

Easy, kid.

Now, amanda, you should be feeling anger

Since your bus is late.

You must feel your anger.

I feel it!

Excellent! Let your anger grow.

It's growing!

Then show me! Let me feel your anger.


Let's get out of here!

After you.


Announcer: the party continues with mor.

The show's over.

Oh, yeah. Kick it!