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01x07 - Powergirl Surfers/Twisted Cinema

Posted: 09/29/23 12:15
by bunniefuu
♪ We are riders on a mission

♪ Action kids in play position. ♪

♪ We are riders on a mission

♪ Action kids in fun condition. ♪

Prepare to count down.

Rip it, rip it, rip it, rip it, rip it, rip it, rip it, rip it.

He makes it look so easy.

Take no prisoners, otto man!

[Otto exhales]

Did you see that?

You nailed the spot in the finals for sure, dude.

Excuse me, you're ray rocket's son, right?

Yeah, that's me.

Name's slack brizack.

You ever hear ofgnarly surfmagazine?

Like, I only eatgnarly surf

For breakfast, lunch and dinner.

I can burp-talk gnarly surf.

Want to hear?

Excellent-- no.

So, I'm watching you tear it up out there

And I'm thinking maybe I'd come back on sunday

With my best photographer

And do a cover story on a hot young surfer like you!

[Burp-talking]: I surf.


Cover? Me?

Oh, man!

This is my sister, reg.

She's a hot surfer, too.

You should you see her shred.

Shred. Her? Yeah, great.


So, how long you been surfing?

Wehave been surfing all our lives

Which meansi've been surfing longer.

And, yes, I do shred.

Of course you do.

But nobody really cares about girl surfers.

[Laughing]: except maybe other girl surfers.


Can't you think about including her?

Show me a decent surfer that's a girl--

Maybe I'll consider it.

Start considering right here, right now.

Okay, that's settled.

What's it going to be, rocket boy?

I... Um... I don't know.

Fine. There's a lot of good surfers around here.

Sure I can find someone else for the cover.


Aw, man!

That guy's a creep.

You're going to be on the cover, dude.

And you'll go ballistic.

The cover, dude.

Family, dude.

Fame, dude!

Your sister's feelings, dude.

Uh, slack--

Wait up.

Okay, count me in for the cover.



What a jerk!

He didn't even watch me.

What does he know?

You're a great surfer.

There are so many girls who rip.

I know this girl, trish

Who rips harder than any guy.

What's otto doing?

Reggie: I'm going home.

[Channel surfing quickly]

Reg, listen!

I told that guy what a great surfer you were, remember?

Then you let him dis me!

It's thecover,reg.

It's once in a lifetime!

Well, get this: for the rest ofyourlifetime

Do me a favor and stay out of my face.

Otto has to learn: there's more to surfing

Than some article ingnarly surfmagazine.

Otto's head swelled to six times its size

When the writer mentioned the cover shot.

Cover shot?

Wow! That changes everything.


You know, I was once on the cover

Ofhawaiian princessmagazine.

Um, but that's another story.

And I'm about to eat.

Now, reg, your brother did stick up for you, didn't he?

Doesn't matter!

I've got to show him and that slack dude

That there are tons of great girl surfers.

Did you know any great ones back in the day?

I did. A long time ago

I charged a big, thick wave with my tandem partner

A big, big woman named surfing sarah ann.

We were known for our style, our grace and our agility--

Me particularly.

That's funny, tito.

I remember it slightly differently.

Whoa! Whoo! Whoa!

Ray: surfing sarah ann was beautiful, strong

And a little scary.

That's it!

Thanks, dad, thanks, tito.

I got to go.



Whoa! Whoa!

Look at her!

She rules!

Hey, trish, got a sec?

What's up?

We're rounding up kids

To speak out againstgnarly surf

For not showing any girl surfers

In their magazine.

Hey, reggie, I'd love to

But I just like riding waves, not making them.

She's the best in town.

If she doesn't come, nobody comes.

We're going to need some help

If we're going to pull this off.

Someone who'll support the cause.

Someone who can organize.

Someone with a car.

Someone with food.

Violet stimpleton: I haven't been to spray beach

Since I was a young girl.

Merv has a thing about sand.

Doesn't like the taste.

Me neither.

Reggie, it's incredible

That you're fighting for your beliefs.

Don't just accept things the way they are.

You know what? You're pretty smart, mrs. Stimpleton.

Left merv home, didn't i?

[Car rumbles away]

[Brakes squeak]

Look at all of them!

Reggie: it's incredible!

Cowabunga! Surf's up!




Cowabunga! Ooh, I just love saying that.

How's the recruiting going?

They seem interested.

I just wish trish was here.

I invited them in for some chow.

You guys ready?

Just finished laying out the spread.

Here, let me give you a quick tour.

We'll start with a little peanut butter pineapple juice smoothie

For energy, then move on to my clam sandwiches

And finally, the jellyfish jelly rolls.

So, since I'm a guy

I'll probably have to wait until all these girls eat, right?

No, sam, we're all people here.

You may dig in as soon as you are hungry.

Okay, now I'm hungry.

Uh... Hi, welcome to the girl power surf lunching thing.

Hi, I'm sherry, what's your name?

[Stammering]: i-i-i'm squid... I mean, sam!

[Girls laughing]

Reggie: there are a lot of guy surfers out there

That think they're something special.

So basically, we want to show the world

What power girl surfers can do.

Is trish coming?

Don't get your hopes up.

[Group murmuring]

Look, it's about showing everyone

That girls surf hard, too.

We're calling it

A "peaceful surfing expression session protest

Of the male-dominated surf magazine industry."

I think you need a catchier title.

Does this mean you're in?

Let's rip.

Kids: power girl surfers! Power girl surfers!

Power girl surfers! Yeah!


Reggie sure got a lot of people

To stand up and take notice.

Like the ancient hawaiians say:

Never provoke the wrath of a ten-year-old wahine.

I have never seen so many girls who rip like this.

Start taking pictures.

I'm going to find that rocket girl.

[Camera bulb pops, shutter clicks, film advance whirs]

Excuse me, can I help you, sir?

Yeah, you can help by moving out of the way, junior.

Look, I'm with gnarly surfmagazine.

Sorry, no can do.

This event is being exclusively covered by another magazine

Edited and published by a girl surfer named reggie rocket.

Maybe you're heard of her.


Oh, man, look at those girls rip!

Uh, I hope this doesn't blow my cover.

The cover's not dead.

Slack and his photographer are here.

Just get out there and show them

What a real champ surfs like.

Reggie: "realchump"is more like it.

Look, reg, just stay out of this.

I can't believe you're trying to ace otto

Out of his cover!

Look, I'm not here

To mess up otto's cover or any of that.

We just want to challenge you two

To a little peaceful, noncompetitive head-to-head display of surfing talent.

I got to surf against trish?!

She's really good!

[Camera shutter clicking]

[Shutter clicking]

[Spectators cheering]

Reggie: yes, come on!



Girls can't surf, huh?

I like your spunk.

Hey, how about your own column in our magazine?

Sorry, guys, my zine comes first.

What was that all about?

I, um... Just wanted to say I'm sorry.

Thanks. Hey, forget aboutgnarly surf.

There's always room for you on the cover of my zine.

Everybody, on three, say "cheese."

One... Two...



[Shutter clicks]

All: cowabunga!

[Struggling groans]

When does that video start?!

Otto, twister better get here soon with his video

Or there's going to be a riot.

I can't wait to see how cool I am.

What is this stuff?

Tito's idea-- popcorn with a pineapple juice glaze.

Pine corn.

[Both spit loudly]

Twister is here with the goods.

You better hurry and roll the tape, twist.

Mackenzie's getting antsy.

This party stinks on ice.

This is the first movie of me

You're showing to the public.

You sure I look awesome?

You're going to love it, dude.

[Kids cheer]


[Kids exclaiming in awe]

Boy: yeah, way to go, otto!

[Applause and cheering]

Sick flick, twistermundo.

Otto was awesome.

I was particularly struck by the energetic soundtrack.

Wait, wait, you have to watch the credits.

[Kids laugh hysterically]

What do you know-- thatwasentertaining.

You got to laugh about it; everybody else is.

You stink!

[Laughter continues]

My rep as king of rocket beach is in shreds.

Now I got to create a whole mess

Of the raddest moves ever seen.


Squid, you were there last night.

He wasn't supposed to use the sh*ts of me beefin' it.

Chill out, otto man.

He made you look like a hero.

The credits were just there for fun.

They weren't fun for me.

Was last night cool or what?


Do you know how foul you made me look?

What are you talking about?

Little brothers, who am i?



Otto, you were hilarious!

I'm going to do a move

That'll make everyone forget twister's lousy video.

Won't work.

Unless the move is to new jersey.

Get a load of this.

It came to me in a dream last night.


You made me into a joke.

Dude, I made you a star.

I don't need you to make me a star.

What I need is a new best bro.

What do you mean?



I hereby promote you from squid to best bro.


You can't do that.

It'll be great.

We'll skate together

Surf together.

You can even help me come up with new moves.

Me, help you?

Now, let's go have some real fun.

Maybe we should pick up a first aid kit on the way.

Otto, wait.

What's he ranking on me for?

The movie was a hit, right?

Not the kind of hit he wanted, twister.

Otto: sammy, come on.

You got to keep up.

I'm lucky to be standing up.

Okay, if my best bro wants to take a little break

I'm happy to give him what he wants.

Maybe we could do something we're both good at.

We're just getting warmed up.

I think we should go find twister.

No way.

You're my best bro now, sam.

Let's not even talk about that dorky movie guy.

Look, being embarrassed or looking silly

Is no big deal, otto.

Believe it or not, it's happened to me.

It doesn't happen to otto rocket.

But weren't things, I don't know, a little more fun

When all of us hung out together

And you ignored me?

Huh? What?

What's up, twister?

I thought I'd sh**t

Skateboard moves for my next video

But there's no one out there as good as otto.

You know, the ancient hawaiians have a saying:

If you're walking on a beach and you step on a crab

Even if you didn't mean to

You should go back and apologize.

After all, that crab could be in your soup later on.

What's he talking about?

Let me see if I can put it a little more clearly.

I remember back in '.

Tito and I were down at surf dogs

Getting foot-longs with the works.

Tito had this little smear of relish on his face

And I reached up to wipe it off.

Thanks, bub.

[All laughing]

Tito surfed away for three days

And he hasn't had a hot dog since.

What's he talking about?

Twister, the point is

You can make someone feel bad without meaning to

Or knowing you did it.

That doesn't mean

You shouldn't try to set things right.

You're right.

I should bring otto a hot dog.

No, you should go talk to him.


Otto, I just wanted to say that... No, how about...

Otto, I don't know how to say...


Reg, man, you scared me.

What are you doing here?

I need to talk to otto.

Is he around?

Right over there.

I don't know which is harder to watch--

Otto trying his new move

Or sam trying to be you.

Oh, dude, that was sick.

Uh... Major props.



Hey, check it out.

The shrimp's trying out for the sequel.

[All laugh]

Man, that back stabber twister

Better not show his face around me.

Maybe this isn't the best time.

You guys have gone at it before.

What's the big deal?

I let him down.

Now he'll never forgive me.


You talk to him for me.

Wait a second.

This is between you guys.

Please, reggie, please.

He'll listen to you.

Tell him how sorry I am.

You're better with words and sentences and stuff.

I don't know why I'm doing this.

Otto: get on the "x."

Have you ever jumped over anyone before?

No, but how hard could it be?


Hey, kid, get out of the way.

There's going to be a rocket wreck

Where you're standing.

[All laugh]


Stop flinching.

Twister never flinched.

Twister was down for anything.

He'd jump over stuff, take any hill.

But he's not my best bro anymore

And you are.

So no flinching!


[Screams, then groans]

What are you doing?

Sam's not some stunt dummy like twister.

Don't say that name around me.

Since you stopped speaking to twister

Your concentration bites

Sammy's acting like a nitwit--

No offense, sam...

None taken.

And worst of all, the real twister

Is spreading bummage like the flu.

So what?

So you should get over being angry

And get back to being friends

For all of our sakes.

A best friend should be there for you

Not make you look bad.

I give up.

Nice knowing you guys.

Reggie, wait.

I like being otto's best bro, but it's too dangerous.

I think I know a way, sammy.


If otto sees me, he'll wreck my camera

And then he'll wreck me.

We won't let him see you.

Come on, and keep the camera rolling.

Reggie: how's the new moves coming, otto man?


Right, best bro?


Can you show me one?

I'd love to see it.

No, not again.

Sorry, sis, it's a secret.

Well, if you don't think you can do it...

Battle stations, sam.

Oh, no.

I like to call it "the over sam ."

What else you got?

What else?

Sammy, let's show her everything.

Should we start with my scabs?

[Sam whining]

Hey, reg, where'd you go?

I got all those new moves, but I need a way

To spring them on the world.

You could show them this.


What's he doing here?

I made this video to say I'm sorry.

What is it?

Just watch it.


Sammy: cool.

I look cool.

Whoa... Wicked.

But no sh*ts of me falling down, right?

Sorry about the other movie

But I didn't think you'd get so tweaked.

Well, maybe I got a little carried away.


I'm sorry, but it looks like me and the twist

Are best bros again.

So I have to go back to being the squid again?


Yes! I'm free!

I'm free, I'm free, oh, yeah!

I'm free, I'm the squid!

I'm free, I'm free, I'm free, I'm free

Mrs. Stimpleton: cowabunga!