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02x08 - It Came From Planet Merv/Netherworld Night

Posted: 09/29/23 12:37
by bunniefuu
♪ We are riders on a mission ♪

♪ Action kids in play position. ♪

♪ We are riders on a mission ♪

♪ Action kids in fun condition. ♪

Prepare to count down.




[Both laughing]

That was sweet, twist.

Yeah, look at you-- always reading.

Hey, what is that?

A comic book.

Maybe you've heard of them.

Yeah, my mom says they rot your mind.

Lars reads them all the time.

Come on and skate with us.

It's got to be more fun than that.

Readingisfun, twist.

It is?

You know, I bet I can find a book

That even you'll really like.


All the classics are here.

Check this one out!

The alien invaders next door.


"Billy always thought his neighbor was a little different.

"Little did he know, he was out of this world.

'Resistance is useless.'"


[People screaming]

[Laser zapping]


[Laser zapping]

[Laser zapping]


Cheese tacos?!




Six-foot-tall chili cheese dogs!


I mean...


The aliens are coming to get me!




[Family chewing loudly]

Why were you screaming last night, dork?

I had a dream about your face.

You want to dream about my fist?!

Now, boys, what did we say

About threatening each other at breakfast?

Yes, ma'am. Yes, ma'am.

Speaking of threats

Old man stimpleton chased me

Off the sidewalk with his garden hose.

That guy's a crank.

He doesn't like anyone, does he?

Now, boys, what did I say about making rash generalizations

About our neighbors at breakfast?

Yes, ma'am. Yes, ma'am.

I'm with them.

That guy is a freak from another planet.

Another planet?

I got to go!

See you, guys.

Now, raoul, what did I say

About accusing the neighbors

Of being from another planet?

Yes, dear.

Dude, it's all here:

Weird devices, gross smells, bad attitude.

I'm telling you, the mervinator is from another planet.

Who is working your head, man?

This is like the time you thought you saw

The half-dog half-boy.

He chased cars, didn't he?

Come in, violet! Over!

Violet, can you hear me?!


Over what? This?

Well, yes, dear

Of course I can hear you over this.


Must perform tool check.

Signing off! Over!

Look at that belt, otto!

He's armed to the false teeth.

[Laughing evilly]



I hear you!

You can't escape me, loathsome trespasser!

[Both scream]

Merv: I've sighted the gopher.

Got you, mervie, check-a-roonie.

When you're finished, I need you in the house.

Could you help me in the kitchen with...

[Clicks off]


Wherever you are, little rodent, general merv's going to get you!

[Laughing maniacally]

What is that?

It's some kind of laser zapper.

Yeah, right.

For what?



Trap set.


This should get that little critter

And any of his friends.

Violet: over and wilco, mervie.

Now how about helping me with those...

[Clicks off]

Okay, he's got a crazy walkie-talkie

But that doesn't mean...

Wait-- look!

It's sammy!

Hey, mr. Stimpleton, can I help with your project?

No, you can't help!


I have an idea.

Why don't you give mrs. Stimpleton a hand... Inside.


[Laughing maniacally]


No, sam, don't do it!

[Sam screams]

All who resist will be destroyed!

That's it-- game over.

Fried squid!


I stepped on a thumbtack!

Are you okay, dear?

I will be-- I heal fast.

Well, I'm going to sponge-mop

And disinfect the hallway floor, just to be safe.

Then sammy can help me make cookies.

How does that sound?


Oh, no, licorice.

Mervie just loves licorice oat-bran cookies.


If you'll excuse me, I'm on gopher patrol.

I have a spray can full of gopher repellent

That'll send those critters through the next county!


[Yelps] he's back!

Don't you mean... It?

Whatever, dude...

But no sammy.

[Teeth chattering] [moaning]

Hey, guys.

[Both scream]

What's happening?

Sam and merv...

The thing...

The laser zapper...

And the talking box...

Stimpleton's an alien...

He's about to start an invasion!


This is for real, reg.

Sam went into the house...


And he didn't come out

And now stimpleton is going to signal an invasion with a laser!

[Chuckling]: let me guess-- this was twister's idea.

This is totally happening, reg.

Okay, you goobers.

Why don't you relax.

I'll go over and check things out.

If he is an alien, I promise I'll stop the invasion.


Resistance is useless!

Oh, why doesn't anyone ever believe me?!

Because you're never right.

Oh, yeah.

Otto: she's going

Into the house.


Time to get a new sister, bro.

Come on, twist.

Aw, man!

Danged sprayer's

Sprung a leak.

Merv, I just washed that floor!

Did you notice I had reggie take off her shoes?

I bet you tracked in all kinds of mud.

In korea, mud was the least of our problems, woman!

Well, before you go another round with that gopher

Would you please fix the doorbell?

Does a doorbell eat the petunias?

Does a doorbell dig up the lawn?!

Does a doorbell undermine the very fabric

Of our society?!

Oh, all right!

I'll just whip up a batch of licorice cookies

While you're out.

[Dreamily]: licorice cookies?


[Timer dings]

Licorice cookies? Ew!blah!

No one's home. Let's go.


I'm going in after my sister.


Violet: now let's cook them up-- make them all nice and crispy.

Merv: don't let them get all black and burned on the bottom this time.


Dude, where's reggie?

On the menu!

[Both screaming]

What do we do now?!

Prepare for battle.

We got to save the world.




[Both yelling]

Electronic voice: intruders... Intruders...

[Cries out]

What are you hooligans doing?!

Your mind-control tricks won't work on me, alien!

Even I can't control my mind.

What on earth have you done?

Funny you should mention earth, alien invader!

Alien invader?

I have no idea what you're talking about.

Yeah, right!

Let's get him!

[Cries out]



[All gasp]


Otto: try and deny that you didn't zap

My sister and the squid

And you're getting rid of them right now.

Reggie: try and deny

That you aren't the two biggest dorks

In the history of the universe.

Reggie! Sam!

But what about the laser?

If you mean my gopher zapper, it's perfectly harmless

Except to gophers.

[Laughing evilly]

Oh, mervie, are you all right?

I'm... I'm not sure.

So you're not...

You're not...

Oh, man!

This is the last time I listen to you.

This is the last time I give you a comic book.

This is so embarrassing... Again.

[Timer dings]

The cookies!

Sam, reggie, come on!

Sorry about your gopher thingy, mr. Stimpleton.

Sorry we thought you were an alien, too.

We had you all wrong.

You're darn right, you did!

My people's invasion of your puny planet

Doesn't start for another month.

[Laughing evilly]

[Both screaming]



Whoa, yeah-heh.

Whoa, whoa.



The moment of truth is here.

Will sam "the squid" dullard

Finally nail the rail slide?



[Grunts]: whoa.


What's up, eddie?

Want to jump in?


The prince of the netherworld

Must make haste to the dentist.

I request your presence at my lair tomorrow's eve...

For a sleep-over.

Gee, eddie, I don't...

Yeah, we'll be there.

It'll be a blast.


The mistress of darkness says

You should come over-- around :.

The mistress of darkness?

My mom.

Catch you denizens of the light...

Later much.

What'd you do that for?


Tell eddie we'd sleep over at his house tomorrow.

What's the big deal?

We always hang out with eddie.

Yeah, but at madtown or at the beach.

Never inside his house!

Who knows what kind freaky stuff goes on over there?

You guys are just chicken.


Right, reg?

Don't look at me.

I'm not going in eddie's house.

Come on, you guys.

How bad could it be?

Otto: so it's a little spooky.

We'll be fine, right?

I mean, his parents will be home.

Is that supposed to make us feel better?

Can you imagine what eddie's parents must be like?

Oh, man.

Eddie: greetings.


[Chuckles]: hey, eddie.

Are you guys psyched for tomorrow night?

Yeah, about tomorrow night...

I was thinking...

You know what would be really cool?

A camp-out?

Yeah, a camp-out.

That'll be a lot more rad than a regular sleep-over.

You know, inside the house.


A camp-out behind the house?

By the woods?

Excellent idea.

Bring your sleeping bags.

The mistress of darkness

Will bring the blood elixir outside.

[Stammering]: blood elixir?

Fruit punch, duh.

You guys want to come in for some now?


I am not going.

You cannot make me.

Come on, twist.

What, are you scared?

Of course I am.

I'm telling you

There's nothing scary about a camp-out...

Behind eddie's house...

In the woods.


You're scared, too.

You know that eddie's creepy.

And the woods are creepy.

And there could be monsters back there

That bite and scratch and...

Okay, okay, calm down, twist.

There's no such thing as monsters.

How do you know?

[Lars cackling]

Get this.

I heard twister talking to rocket dork.

They're camping out at weird eddie's house

And they're really spooked.

This is our chance to really mess with their minds.



There is no way I'm going to miss my tenth birthday

Because of vampires.

Okay, here goes.

[Doorbell rings as a woman screaming]


Come on in.

We can't.

I mean, we got all this gear and...

Why don't we just meet you in the back?

Excellent idea, guardians of the night.

Start setting up the midnight dwelling

And I'll meet you in five.

[Birds calling]

[Lars cackles]

This is going to be great.

You got everything?

Right here.

[Night birds calling]

Gather around, denizens of the light.

The prince of the netherworld will read

Fromthe stories from the grave.

Gee, eddie, we've already heard all of the stories

Fromstories from the grave.

Yeah, so I guess we won't be hearing

Any scary stories tonight.

Too bad.

Fear not.

Because I also brought the nightmare stories.


Okay, animal

Take the dummy into the wood.

Pi, get the sound effects ready.

Wow, I never knew red gelatin looked so much like blood.

I can't wait to see the looks on those little twerps' faces

When they meet... The monster.

Eddie: they had heard the story

Of the crazed monster who lived in the woods

But decided to go camping anyway.

Twist, your sleeping bag stinks.

I don't smell anything.

Eddie: they were going to bed when they heard

[Chuckling]razor-sharp nails

Ripping through the forest.

[Abrasive screeching]


What was that?

It sounds like razor-sharp nails

Ripping through the forest.

It's the monster-- we're done for.

Quick, the lights.

Shut off all the lights.

[Kids whimpering]

Kids: shh-- quiet.

Lars: twister, where are you?



What are you doing out here?

Mom sent me.

She wants you home now.

Here I come.

I have never been so happy to see lars.

See, twist, I told you there were no monsters around here.

Come on, twist.

Mom wants you...





He's got me!


What was that, eddie?

I don't...




What happened to lars?

[Lars shrieking]



Run away!




[Moaning menacingly]



[Breathing heavily and moaning]

Eddie: netherworld bad, daytime good.

Netherworld bad, daytime good.

Are we safe yet?

I think it stopped chasing us.

What are we going to do?

Call the police.

Call the army.

Call my mommy.

Sam: hey, twister, what's on your foot?


It's a bucket of blood!


That's not blood.

It's strawberry fun jelly.

Actually, it's cherry- passion fruit medley.

My favorite.

Too bad I'm too scared to ever eat again.

What's the deal?

I'll tell you what the deal is.

That dork lars got us good.

Kids: oh, man.


I knew the netherworld wouldn't do this to me.

Man: what is going on here?


The king of the netherworld.

Lars and friends: bust.


Did you see how scared they were?

[Imitating kids]

Hey, guys.

Well, if it isn't the scaredy-cats of ocean shores.

What are you doing here?

Aren't you afraid of the monster?

Got to hand it to you, lars.

That was the greatest prank in the history of ocean shores.

It was?

I mean, of course it was.

I've never been so scared.

I thought you twerps would be mad.

Nah, we can take a joke.

In fact, why don't you guys

Come back to eddie's house with us?

We just got some pepperoni-mushroom pizzas.

What's the matter?


No way.

Come on, guys.

Eddie: greetings, denizens of the light world.

The prince of the netherworld

Commends you on your devious plot.

Ah, yeah, whatever.

Where's the pizza you dorks promised us?

It's right here.


Eddie: here's the sacrifice I promised

Queen of darkness.

You've done well.

Their heads will be excellent additions to the collection.

[Laughing]: executioner, oh!


Let's get out of here!


Otto: yeah, that was so cool.

Woman: how'd we do, hon?

You were great, mom.

Reggie: I can't believe you had all this cool stuff.

Man [in a ghostly voice]: it comes with the territory...

When you own a magic shop.

Thanks a lot, mr. And mrs. Valentine.

Yeah, my brother's so scared

He's probably still running.

No problem, kids-- we're always glad

To help eddie and his friends.

Mrs. Valentine: now why don't we get

Some of those pizzas you were talking about

And really get this sleep-over going?

Hey, let's go watch a video.

[As dracula]: have you ever seen

The house that dripped blood?


Eddie: how about a cartoon, dad?

Good idea.
