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02x18 - That Old Skateboard/Follow The Leader

Posted: 09/29/23 12:45
by bunniefuu
♪ We are riders on a mission ♪

♪ Action kids in play position. ♪

♪ We are riders on a mission ♪

♪ Action kids in fun condition. ♪

Prepare to count down.

[All shouting excitedly]

But it can work, I know it!

Will you please get real, twist?

Earth to maurice: even if you could build

A nuclear-powered skateboard

They wouldn't let you use it in madtown's cement spectacular.

That contest is forrealskateboards

Not make-believe ones.




Hey, guys, check out

All this cool stuff.

[Rattling garbage around]

Looks like a lot of junk to me.

Otto: whoa, check this out.

[All exclaim]

Wait, wait, wait...

What's this?

Whoa, that board is ancient.

It's older than the dirt on it.

I think it's cool.

[Ball bearings rattling]

You really like it?

Here you go, squid-- it's yours.


It's mine?

I can have it?


Man, thanks, otto!

Mine, mine, mine, yeah!

No problemo,it's just a piece of junk, anyway.


[Straw gurgling at bottom of cup]

Did I already scarf my fries?


Thanks again for the board, otto man

I really feel good about this thing.

Sammy, it's an old piece of junk.

Whoa... Is that the...

It can't be, brother!

But it is!

An atlas groovy-tune land-cruiser.

A what?

Only the coolest, most fabulicious skateboard

Ever to come out of the 's, little cousins.

Oh, does that little baby bring me back.

[Harp music playing]

[Disco beat playing]

[Cow bell and drums playing]



Tito: we were known far and wide as the "dyno-mite disco bros"

We were pretty hot.

Ray: back then, the only way to boogie down

Was on an atlas groovy-tune land-cruiser.

Tito: that sure was one smooth ride.


Those were sure groovy times.

And that was one groovyskateboard!

Wow, I've got a piece of history!

Eh, great story, dad.

Come on, guys, let's go catch some waves!

Um, you guys go ahead.

I've got a lot more work to do on this groovy old skateboard.


[Back cracking]


You're going to fix up that thing?

[Scoffs]: we'll see you in about a year.

Or two!



[Ray grunting while dancing]

I can too do it!

[Ray crashes onto floor]




[Twister laughing]



Take a good look, guys, because this is the move

That's going to win the madtown cement spectacular!

Whoa, whoa!

Whoo, whoo-hoo!





[Twister and otto laughing]

Good one, reg.

That's the best imitation

Of the squid I've ever seen.

Very funny.

Did somebody mention my name?

[All exclaim]


Where'd you get that cool new ride?

Remember that "old" skateboard?

The one you guys said I couldn't fix?

You mean you were able to trade

That piece of junk forthis?

Twister, this boardis that old piece of junk!

I can't believe what a great job

You did on it, sammy.

Man, if I knew... Maybe I should have

Held on to that board.

Hey, sammy, how's it ride?

How's it ride, you ask?

[High-pitched whirring]

Ah, yeah, baby!

Yeah, whoo-hoo!



Look at the squid ripping!

Wow, great ride, sammy!

Your style's so much better!

Thanks, guys.

I guess I finally found the right equipment.

Who'd have thought

I'd find it in a garbage can?

Ifound it.

You're right, otto-- it was really cool of you

To give me that board.

I couldn't ask for a better friend.

Thanks, bro.


Nah, what are friends for?

Can I borrow it?

Maybe later, I'm still getting used to it.


[Sammy hooting excitedly]


Why are we doing this again?

That old skateboard rocks, man

Andiwant to ride it.

But you said it was junk.

Look, if the squid is that good on it

Imagine how amazing I'll be.


Hey, guys, what's up?

I was just getting rid of some old junk--

I mean, stuff-- and I thought

"Why not give it to my old buddy sam?"

Wow, thanks, otto!

There's some great stuff here.

Dude, that's my hockey stick!

Quiet, twister, I'll make it up to you.

First the skateboard and now all this?

I wish I had something to give to you.

What are friends for?

But now that you mention it, why don't I just take that

Ratty old skateboard off your hands and we'll call it even?


That's a good one, otto!

I wouldn't trade my atlas groovy-tune land-cruiser

For anything, not even a six-gig laptop with a recordable d.v.d.!

I could get you one of those.

[Whispering]: quick, go get reggie's laptop.

Otto, you can borrow it anytime you want.


Sure, except right now.

I'm going to go tear up madtown!



Whoo-hoo, yeah!

Dude, can I have my hockey stick back now?

[Children squealing excitedly]

Boy: way to go, sam!

[Crowd cheering]

Way to go, sammy!

Did you see that?

I did!

I almost... I beat you and twister?

Can you believe that?

The squid actually beat me!

It's not the squid, twist, it's that old skateboard.

I've got to skate on that thing.

I'll be unbeatable!

Dude, you are!

You haven't lost a race in three months!

Hey, sammy, can I borrow your board now?

Sure, otto.

Eddie: clown prince of the skateboard

I command you to do your worst

On that rad rail for my followers one more time.

I promise you can use it later, otto.

Hey, you guys want to see me do the run again?

[Crowd cheering]

Sam: all right, yeah!

Yeah, ha-ha!


♪ Sam, come inside, I need your help! ♪


Be right there, mom!


Nice one, otto man!

Can you believe this, twist?

I've never gotten so much air!

This board is amazing!


When sam sees what I can do on this

He'llhaveto give me the board.



I thought hedid give you this board.

He gave me, uh... I borrowed, uh...

You want to see another trick?

You didn't steal it, did you?

No,i borrowed it.

I just didn't ask.

Sammy will be cool.

Hey, watch this!




I am such toast.


Did you guys see my skateboard?

Is it here?

Calm down, sammy, we'll find it, don't worry.

What's up, kids?

Sam's atlas groovy-tune

Land-cruiser's missing.

Hey, guys, somebody walked off with sam's


[Whining]: what happened to it?!

What did you do, otto?

I just borrowed it for a little while...

And I was doing some tricks

And I broke it.

I put so much work into it.

I really ripped on it.

I'm so sorry, sam, I never meant to break it.


Me, too.

[Otto groans]

Maybe you could find him another old junky skateboard.

No, but I think I can do the next best thing.

Dad, can I borrow your acetylene torch?


Can I borrow your other tools?

The non-electric ones.

I've got a lot of work to do.


[Clamp squeaking]

[Clamp squeaks]

It's still missing something...




Walk the dog...

Around the world...



[Whispering]: whoa!

It looks even better than before!

It's beautiful!

I'm sorry I took your board

Without asking, sam.

Well, say something, sammy!

Hey, otto...

Want to go skate?

Both: woogity-woogity-woogity!

Hey, sammy, can I ride

That old skateboard some time?

No way!



Seriously, can i?

Are you kidding me?


Hey, right here.

I'm open, I'm open!


Time out, ref.


You little kiddies need a potty break?

[Laughing snidely]

What's the plan, otto man?

Time for my secret play.

When we get down the court, I'll backhand pass to twist

For a little give and go, and then score the tying goal.

How will you protect the puck?

Lars is all over you.

Hey, I got it.

Let's try the goalie sneak we've practiced.

That will catch them off guard.

Great idea!

Let's go for it.


That play stinks.


Your whole teamstinks!

Get out of here, lars.

I'm the captain, and I call the sh*ts.

We're going to tie this game my way, with my play.


No problemo.


Get ready to cry.


[Crowd rooting]


Oh, no!

[Crowd cheering]

[Bell rings]


[Hooting and cheering]

See you next week, lame-os.

That sure was a brilliant play.

Not my fault.

Who, me?

If you didn't mess up my play

I could have tied the game.

Me?! Your pass was a mile wide.

Like you were going to snag it anyhow.

Get out of here, lars!

It's not my fault otto's pass stunk.

My pass stunk?

What game were you playing in?

Same one as you, dude.

How cute!

The little kiddies are fighting.

Why are you dissing me

In front of lars like that?

You totally dissed yourself.


Since you know so much about street hockey

You can be the captain for the next game.

Go ahead, lead us to victory.

What? What?


Fine, I accept.

I'll be captain, and we'll see

Who calls better plays.


Oh, boy, what did I get myself into?

Reggie: so, twister...

You know, being a team captain

Takes a lot of responsibility

Especially in high-pressure situations.

You don't think I can do it, huh?

Oh, no.

We're just saying...

How great it is

That you're leading us to the championship?


Kind of.


I knew I could count on you guys.

I have some way radical ideas.

We're going to win the big game for sure.

Shouldn't we

Practice for a hockey game on land?

Everybody will be doing that! Duh!

So I thought... Hello!

We practice our passing drills

While we surf.

What? What?

Don't look at me.

Talk to the new captain.

I call it surfin' slapshot training.

Let's hit the water.

Let's do it!

This is going to be good.

Yo, reggie, heads up!


Hey, thisiscool.

Pass it to sammy, reg.

I got it, I got it.

Otto, you're up, dude.


[Reggie gasps]

It worked for a while.

Good call.


Thanks, reg.

You better not pour pudding on my head again.

Come on, trust me.

I saw something like this on the brain channel.

When you cut off one sense, the other senses get more powerful.

We'll be unstoppable.

Makes sense, in theory.

Oh, this should be good.

Otto, give twist a chance.

Okay, we're ready.

We are?


Whoa! Whoa!


Whoa, yeah!





Whoa, whoa, whoa!



I'll be at madtown

Having some fun before someone gets hurt

Training with our new captain.

I'm not trying to hurt.

I'm trying to help.


Where the heck is twist?

Maybe he finally realized

He can't handle being captain.

Come on, let's do a passing drill.

Sorry I'm late, guys.


Tell me you're doing homework.

Well, kind of.

I've been trying really hard to come up with some good plays

And I think I've finally got some.

Yeah, let's try them.

Come on, otto.






Okay, triangle formation.



Everybody ready.

Let's do the blind blitz.


Goal, goal, goal!


We are looking so good!

Great plays, twist.

That was pretty sweet, right, otto?

Yeah... I mean, it was all right.

I could have called those plays, too, you know.

Ifyou were captain.



Great day for a street hockey game, eh, raoul?

Not if one of your boys is going to win

And the other loses.

It's going to be world w*r iii

At our house tonight.


Well, guys, I'm going to tell you

Something I've kept to myself for years.

None of you know how hard it is

Being lars's little brother.

The last thing he said to me this morning

When he was whomping me, was

"Dork, you and those rockets and that squid are going down..."

"Way down."


So when we're up against it

And the breaks are beating us, bros

All I can say is, let's go out there

With all we've got

And win one for the twister.


And I hope I don't let you down.

Well... What are you waiting for?

Let's go, you guys.

We've got game.


Way to fire otto up, twist.

Let's go kick some juvenile delinquent tush, baby.


Did I do that?

Sure did, captain.

Game on!

The blind blitz!





[Crowd cheering]



[Groaning ]

Tonight will be a living...


Hey, twist, way to go.

Thanks, bro.

I can't believe I did it.

I should have believed you.

Sorry for bailing on you the way I did.

Oh, that's okay.

I still can't believe my plays worked.

Maybe I'll be

A famous broadway choreographer.

One step at a time, dude.

You're right.

So, otto...

Can I ask you a favor?


Would you mind being

The captain of the team again?

But you did such a great job, twist.

It takes too much thinking being captain.

I don't like thinking.


The king is back.


I do have one last play I thought of.

What's that?

Pile on the king!


[Yelling playfully]

[All laughing]

Lars: you little kiddies need a potty break?