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02x20 - Loser's Weepers/Reggie: The Movie

Posted: 09/29/23 12:46
by bunniefuu
[rock intro playing]

♪ We are riders on a mission ♪

♪ Action kids in play position ♪

♪ Rocket power... ♪



[music continues]

♪ We are riders on a mission ♪

♪ Action kids in fun condition ♪

♪ Prepare to countdown ♪

♪ Rocket power! ♪

[all laughing]


Twister: Warp speed!

It's time for the Squid sauce.




Check it out.

Don't worry, I'm okay.

Not you,that.

Otto: Lightning Sport--

only the radist sport equipment company

on the planet.

Can you even imagine what's in there?

Sure... No.

Lightning Sport makes

the Aztec Silver Streak helmet.

AndInner Space Rollergliders.

Letmehandle this.

Hey, Miss?

Uh, Ma'am.

My name is Otto and these are my friends.


Just what I need, more friends.

I was just wondering...

Got some free samples?!

Do you, huh, huh?!Yeah!

Of course.

Let me see, I have it around here somewhere.

Oh, look!

It's right here on the end of my arm.

It's a... bye-bye.[starts engine]


Did she just diss us?

Yeah, I think she did.

Come on!

[tires skidding]


[revving engine]


How do we open this thing?


No way!

It's a Womp-Master Motorboard!

Totally awesome!

I saw this in Skate and Shredmagazine.

Guys, aren't you forgetting this really isn't ours?

No way.

The first rule of the jungle is finders keepers.

Plus, she dissed us.

And I want it so bad!

Thanks, lady!

Not so loud.

Sooner or later, she's gonna realize she lost it, and then

she's gonna come looking for it.

[motor rumbling]



[motor rumbling]


The all-time, best ride I haveeverhad.

And the loudest.


Hey, I had dibs.

Somebody's going to hear that thing

then we're going to get caught with hot merchandise.

Squid's right. Maybe we should hide it for a few days

until we can figure out a better place to ride it.

Oh, sure. You already got to ride it

now we got to put it away.

I say the board goes to Casa Rodriquez.

For hiding or for riding?

Larsisalways stealing your stuff, Twist.

Maybe we should keep it at my house.

No way my mom would suspect me of harboring stolen goods.

Yeah, except for the fact that she cleans the house

three times a day for your allergies.

Rocket house it is then.

In the garage, with all the junk.

Dad will never find it.

We just got to get it in there quickly.

[growling]: There you are!

Youhave violated ordinance number -A

of the Ocean Shores City Charter--

Excessive noise in the ,- to ,-kilohertz range!

Relax, Mervy.

It's just a motorized skateboard.



Well, I suggest you keep itdown

or I'll have it confiscated.

I can do it, and I would.

Just you watch me.


Whoo! Close call.

Let's hide this thing.

You aresolucky.


I wouldn't want to lose this.

So you say Ottoandthe board are both gone?

What are the odds?

Oh, whoa, pretty good.

[motor rumbling loudly]


Otto: Whoo-hoo!

Found him.

We are so busted.

I deserve it.

I should've never listened to you.

Otto... Otto!


[motor rumbling loudly]

Rocket Boy!

[feedback whines]


Nice, low profile, dude.

I had to!

Just to get a feel for it!

I don't want to hear it.

Hand it over!

From now on, that board stays at Twister's.

Yeah. I'll ride it!

Uh, I mean, I'll hide it.

That's what I mean, I-I'll hide it.

You got to promise not to ride it.

It attracts too much attention.

I wouldn't dream of it.

[tires skidding]


[gasping]: Nobody look.

It's the delivery lady.

Just... be cool.


[revving engine]

[tires squealing]

[seagull screeches]

Wait untilyouget a chance, Reg.

I know. The Womp-Master looks cooler than surfing.

Hmm, I wonder where Twister is?

Yeah, yeah. Whoo!

Should've known.

[motor rumbling]


Whoa, whoa, whoa!


Sorry, guys. I just had to.

It wassocool.

Not as cool when Tyce fills out an incident report.

Let's just give the board

to the most trustworthy member of the group

and stop taking so many chances.

You're right. I'm taking charge of this board

andthatis the end of it.

[motor rumbling]

[door creaking]


So, "That's end of it," huh?

Um, well, Sherry and Trish saw Twister with the board yesterday

and wanted to check it out.

You're just like the rest of us.

Except me.

Nobody's like you, Squid.

Just because you want to ride...

Want to ride what?

[stammering]: Um, uh, a...

Motorized skateboard.

We promised a friend of ours that we would...

Fix it up for him!

There you go-- all done.

What's your friend's name?


Uh, Philip!Larry!

Larry Philips!

I hope Larry is

because I can't think of any parent

who would give their kids permission

to ride something so dangerous.

Right, Dad.

He sure is.

Oh, that was close.

Yeah, I'msure he didn't suspect a thing.

Guess now we got to turn this in.

But how do we do it without getting caught?!

Easy. We find out where

she was going to deliver it in the first place

then we can just drop it off outside

and no one will ever know.


It's ringing.

Oh, no fair!

Aah! Not me!

Uh, later!

-Hello. -Hi, uh, this is Twister Rodriguez an-and, uh, uh...

Do you carry Womp-Masters?

You do?!

Great!Come on, hang up.

I-I got to hang up now

since we kind of stole one

and everybody's getting nervous.

Can wepleasegive it back now?!

Yeah. But, Sammy, you never got to ride it.

That's okay.


Come on, Sammy.

You got to have just one ride.



[motor revving]

Sam Dullard, he's a good-looking rebel

that plays by his own rules.

Will you go already?

[embarrassed]: Oh... uh, yeah.

Just a second.

[revs engine]

Whoa, whoa...


Reggie: Go, Sammy!

It's your birthday!

It's your birthday!

[revving motor]

[tires skidding]



Squid! Sammy!

Are you okay?!






Let me look, Sammy.

Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!

I didn't know an arm could bend that way.

It can't.

You just try to lie still, okay?

We're going to go get help.

[siren blaring]


[screaming hysterically]

My baby!

My baby!

[screaming continues]


You did this to him!

It's okay, Paula.

He'll be fine.

Mykids, on the other hand...

Look, we're really sorry, Dad.

We were going to return it right after this, but, but...

Sure you were.

But, of course, you didn't.

And now look at what's happened!

Do any of you have anything to say for yourselves?!

I do.

Squid? What is it, Sammy? Huh?

That was oneawesomeride!




No, really!

Did you see that tail grab?

I was goingsofast!

That was the biggest air I ever got.

Even if I did end up breaking my arm.

[siren wailing]

Hey, Reg!

Looks like you're ready for the contest tomorrow.

Thanks, Trish.

You think you guys can hang out

and give me some pointers?

No can do. We're going to wait in line

to buy tickets forSharkenstein's Revenge.

You want to see it with us tonight?


Uh, I'd like to, but... but the thing is...

Come on, Rocket Girl, it's the biggest movie of the summer.

Yeah, it's supposed to be awesome.

I, uh, was going to...

Reggie's afraid to see scary movies.



I am not!

It's okay to be scared, Reg.

I am.

I am not scared.

I just have to check with Raymundo.

He probably

won't let me go, anyway.

even though I really want to go.



Reggie: Dad, Trish and Sherry

want me to go toSharkenstein's Revenge

with them tonight.

You don't want me to go, right?

Sure! You can go, Reg.

Have a ball!

What isSharkenstein's Revenge,anyway?

It's that really big summer action movie

everybody's talking about, brother.

You know, that really scary one about

about the monster shark

that's half nasty shark and half really nasty robot

that terrorizes the beach and all viable waterways.



Here's the official website.

Website announcer: Forget the ocean.

Forget the lake. Forget your pool.

Forget your dirty bathtub

but don't ever forget... Sharkenstein's Revenge!


Fun for the whole family.




I'm never seeing that movie, little cuzzes.

I like taking baths too much.


If you don't want me to see it, Dad, I'll understand.

Just say the word.

It's okay by me, if you see it.

You're old enough to make a decision

like this. [chuckles]

Just couldn't get meto see it.

I hate those kind of movies.You do?

You kidding me?

When I was your age

I saw a movie that scared the goat cheese out of me--

Attack of the -Foot Poodles.

[all laughing]

You're kidding, right?

Why do you think we have the sign, little cuz?

Look, Reg, you're a big girl.

You probably don't scare as easily as I did

when I was your age.

They're back!



[wheels clattering]



You nailed it!

Thanks, guys.

So, did you guys get those tickets to that movie?

: sharp, and we've got an extra.

What did Raymundo say?

Uh, Raymundo's cool with it

but I've got the contest tomorrow

so I was thinking maybe I should go

to sleep early...

She's scared.


No, I just thought...


My brother, Kent, is taking us tonight.

You can still come, if you want.

Give us a call.

I'll go, I'll go, already!

[sighs]I'll meet you at :.



Oh, man!

Like, here they are.


What's up?

You looking like, amazingly pale, kid.

I guess I'm a little nervous.

I totally understand.

I saw this movie last summer

It Came From the Underwear Drawer

and it freaked me out so bad

like, I couldn't play my bongos.

How'd you get over it?

You don't see any bongos, do you?


Male surfer in movie: Whoa, dude,

this is the best surfing day ever.


I'll say, bro!

Hey, what's that... in the water... over there?

Both: Sharkenstein!

That is so totally gnarly.

Did you see that, kid?

Uh, uh, uh...

The best part was when Sharkenstein had breakfast

at the public pool.


No way.

The best was when Sharkenstein

snuck into that dude's Jacuzzi.

Wait, the best had to be when he viciously att*cked

those surfers in that contest

don't you think so, kid?

Um, sure, I got to go.



[dogs barking]



Hey, uh, Rocket Girl, I think I owe you an apology.


Well, I kind of got

carried away with the poodle thing.

I hope I didn't scare you out of seeing it

with my own silly fears.

You didn't, Dad.

In fact, I just saw it.

You did?

Was it scary?

Nah, it was just... stupid.

Really? Great. Because it looked really scary to me.

If I were you, I'd be so freaked, I probably

couldn't sleep tonight.

You're lucky you don't scare easy.

Yeah, that's me-- lucky.

You better get some rest

for your big day tomorrow.

Good night, Rocket Girl.

Good night, Dad.

Tomorrow... oh!



[Otto gulping pancakes]

Ray: No time for my world- famous guava pancakes?

Sorry, Raymundo.

Got to go warm up and get in more practice.

Could you do me a favor?

On the way out, could you drop my keys off

to Tito at the Shack? He's locked out.

Um, they're on the living room table.

Sure, Dad.



Huh? Huh?

[Reggie laughing]

Just kidding. Bye.



[keys unlocking door]


You in here?



[screaming]: Where?

Uh, ooh, uh... just kidding.

Oh. Are you okay?

I guess.

Hey, Tito, can I ask you something?

Of course, little sweaty and scared wahine.

I have this friend-- let's call her Meg--

Do I know her?


It's not your friend

who always orders jalapenos on her onion rings, is it?

No! You don't know her, okay?

Anyway, Meg was afraid to see this big summer movie

but her friends called her scared

and so she thought she could handle it

so she saw it anyway.

Now she's really freaked out.

Little Cuz, the great, ancient Hawaiian king Kamanahoochie

used to say, "The only real spooky stuff

is spooky stuff that is real spooky."

Think about that.

I don't get it.

Me, neither.

I just hope Meg doesn't give in to her fears.

Yeah, I think you're right.

Thanks, Tito.

Say hello to Meg for me!

You don't know her!



Reg, you okay?

No! I-I mean yes.

I mean... I don't know.

Surfers, take your waves.

Man [on P.A.]: Sharkenstein's Revenge!

I should have never seen that movie.

I've got to try to do this.



Oh, man.



Reggie, that's your wave!

[all cheering]

[all groaning]


I told you to get the first wave.

Yeah, you really messed up.

Can it, you guys!

Can't you see she's freaked?

What happened out there?

I don't know.

You okay, Rocket Girl?

I guess.

Dad, she got whomped.

She didn't listen to me--

Why don't you guys go and get some chili fries at the Shack

and let me talk to Reggie here?

You guys go to the Shack; we'll be there

after we figure out why Reggie didn't...

-Otto! -Otto!


Don't beat yourself up about the contest.

These girls were really good today.

No, they weren't.

I was just really bad.

But surf contests can be scary.

It used to happen to me.

There was this time in the Duke contest...


You don't understand.

I was afraid of Sharkenstein.

That movie has me afraid of the water and everything else.

Reg, it's just a movie.

It's not like it was real or anything.

Man [on P.A.]: Forget your dirty bathtub

but don't ever forget Sharkenstein's Revenge!


You're right, Dad.

It is kind of silly.

Otto: Silly?

It's stupid!

I can't believe you lost the contest because of that cruddy movie!




[high-pitched voice]: Poodles!


Otto and Reggie: Dad! Come back!



[rock music playing]

Bye-bye. [laughs]