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05x07 - 98 Degrees

Posted: 09/30/23 06:44
by bunniefuu
[Sing-song] here you go, k*ller!

[Eating sounds]

Settle down, k*ller! Down, boy, down!

Hey, amanda.

What's in the box?

Kenan, careful!

Don't go near the box!

Why not? Huh?

I got a vicious attack animal to guard the green room.

It doesn't like people.

A vicious attack animal? Oh!

I gotta see this!

Careful, careful! He'll eat you!

Oh, please, amanda. It's just a harmless little turtle!

It's not justa turtle.

It's a trained k*ller.

That's why I named him k*ller.


This little feller?

Man, you got to be kidding!

I'm warning you! Put him down before he gets angry.


Watch out for the attack turtle.

Wouldn't want him to nibble me to death!

Oh, look at me.

I'm trying to escape the attack turtle,

But I don't seem to be fast enough!

Oh, he's right on my heels!

Very funny. Laugh it up!

Minutes. Show starts in min--

Hey, a turtle!

It's an attack turtle.

Attack turtle?

Why, that cute little harmless--


Hey, a real attack turtle!

How about that?

Amanda was right!

I toldja.

Help. It's ripping my face off!

My hair!


Let's go start the show.

Yay! Show time!

Someone unturtle me!

Captioning made possible by nickelodeon and u.s. Department of education

Fresh out the box.

Stop, look, and watch.

Ready yet? Get set.

It'sall that.

♪ Oh

♪ Uh-oh

♪ This is all that♪

♪ This is all that♪

♪ Check it, check it

♪ Now, this is just an introduction ♪

♪ Before we blow your mind ♪

♪ The show is all of that ♪

♪ And yes, we do it all the time ♪

♪ So sit your booty on the floor ♪

♪ Or in a chair

♪ On the ground or in the air ♪

♪ Just don't go nowhere

♪ 'Cause everything we do

♪ Is all of that

♪ When entertaining you

♪ We're all of that

♪ My posse and my crew

♪ Is all of that

♪ So sit still

♪ 'Cause we're comin' right back ♪

♪ Oh

♪ Uh-oh

♪ This is all that♪

♪ This is all that♪

♪ Check it out

♪ Oh

♪ Uh-oh

♪ This is all that♪

♪ This is all that♪

Mama, I thought I told you to stop calling me at work.

I'm trying to create highly technical weapons here.

I'm gonna need about beans--

Oh. Gotta go.

Ah, good. Jimmy bond.

I've been waiting for your arrival.

There's enormously monumental evil afoot.

[Snooty voice] well, you know how I feel about fighting evil, z.

I love it!

And you know I love it when you love it.

Now, brother bond, this is about dr. Maybe.

Dr. Maybe the barber?!


Dr. Maybe the evil yet highly indecisive super villain.

Oh, no!

That's much worse, isn't it?

Dr. Maybe is threatening to blow up part of the world, my brother.

[Gasps] which part, my brother?

He hasn't decided on which part yet,

But he can fix on the spot at any moment!

That is frightful, z!

I know.

That's why I've created this special cuckoo clock

To help you suppress him in his wrongdoings.

But this is just a mere children's toy.

[Cuckoo] aah!

Aah! [Cuckoo]

Bad, bad birdie!

It's painful and deliciously adorable.

Here's another w*apon I've combobulated.

But this is just a penny.

I...don't understand.

A penny? Why don't you pick it up?

Pick it up, my brother.

Ok, I will.

I don't see what the big deal is about just a little--

Wow! This is some penny!

Isn't it just fabu?

Now hurry, brother jimmy,

Before dr. Maybe decides what to blow up!

I'm off to save the world!

I love it when he saves the world.

Maybe I should blow up europe.

No, no, no.




Some parts of china.

No, no.

Maybe becky's house!

Maybe I should blow up...

The united states!


That's where you live, darling.


I'm so confused, I think.

Hello, dr. Maybe.

I knew I'd find you here.

How do you know I'm here?

Maybe I'm... Somewhere else.

But you are... Here!

Maybe I am...

Maybe I'm not.

Look, you're here, ok?

Now I've heard you're going to blow up...something.

Yes, I am.

With this huge...m*ssile!


If only I could decide

What to blow up.

You won't be blowing up anything,

Because me and my--

Cuckoo clock

Will be stopping you!

Oh, crimey!

This gadget is stuck!

Maybe it can't decide whether or not it wants to work.

I feel your pain, little w*apon.

Look, I'm a little sick of your foolish meandering.

You're a ridiculous villain!

I know, I know!

I'm a mess, man! I'm a mess!

Want me to rough him up, boss?

'Cause I'll bust him up real good!


Is that a yes or a no?

'Cause I'll hurt him!

C-can I get back to you on that one?


Dr. Maybe, there's a lucky penny.

Why don't you go pick it up?

Ok, why not--no.

Maybe I shouldn't.

Come on, just pick it up.

Ok, I'll pick it-- no, maybe i...

Oh, maybe-- I think--no--

Pick it up, man!

Oh, fine!

I'll pick it up!

See, dr. Maybe? It's really not that big--

Wow! That is some penny!

[Telephone rings]

Now where was i?

Oh, yes.

[Ring]what part of the world should I blow up?

Aren't you gonna get that?!

I don't know. What if it's someone I don't want to talk to?

Or a wrong number?

Oh, squash blossoms!

I'll get it!

Dr. Maybe's lair.

Mmm-hmm. Mmm-hmm.


Are you satisfied with your long distance service?

Um...i don't know.

Sometimes I am. Sometimes I'm not.

Look, he doesn't know, ok?

Now good-bye!


Or is it ouch?

I'm fairly certain that hurt.

Now that I've hit you over the head with a telephone,

I will shut off your m*ssile!


Ah ha ha!

See? Now in the next seconds,

Your m*ssile will explode.

So long, dr. Maybe.

Oh, no!

He's getting away, darling!

You want me to turn off the m*ssile?

No, no, no, yes, no, no, maybe we shouldn't.

Oh--go ahead. Go ahead.

No, I don't--

I don't think that's such a good idea...

I really think...

That that hurt.

I think I need to go to the hospital.

No, no, not the hospital.

No. No, ma-maybe the bank.

No, not--not the bank.

The zoo!

No, not the zoo...

And now, danny tamberelli with vital information

For your everyday life.

If you set your mind to it.

You can do anything.

If you set your socks on fire,

Then, baby, you're gonna dance!

Give a man a fish, he eats for a day.

Teach a man to fish, and he eats for a lifetime.

Shove a fish up your nose, pff!

Then you're a stinking weirdo!

Practice makes perfect.

This wedding cake...

Sure does make a big mess!

This has been danny tamberelli with vital information.

♪ This is all that ♪

♪ This is all that ♪

[Goofy voice] hey, kids!

It's time to...

With leroy & fuzz!

Hey, what's up?

My name's leroy.

And my name is fuzz! Ha ha ha ha!

Pipe down, sock head.

Now today I wanna talk about something that irritates me-- sharing.

Ooh, leroy!

Sharing is fun!

Hee hee hee hee!

What's so fun about sharing?

I'll show you. Let's share a pizza.

Hello, pizza farm?

Yeah, this is fuzz. Ha ha ha!

I'd like to order a large pizza,

And make sure to top it with extra fun!

Ha ha ha ha!

One large pizza.

Extra fun. Oh, thanks!

Ok, leroy, share my pizza, huh?

Have a slice.

Don't mind if I do.

[Sniff sniff] mmm, see? Yummy, yummy!

Isn't sharing fun?

Yeah. How about we share the pizza with your face?

Hot cheese! Hot cheese! Ooh! Ooh! That's hot!

And you thought that sharing is fun.

Well, food isn't the only thing you can share.

You can share other things, like clothes.

That sounds like fun, fuzz.

Here, I'll share my scarf with you.

Oh, hey. That's the spirit.

Hee hee...hee hee...

Oh, yeah. Ha ha. Ha ha.

Wait a second, leroy.

I--i can't see.

I'm sorry. Let me help you out of that.

Huh? Whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa!

It sure is dizzy in here.

You want to share some toys with me?

I got a remote-control airplane you'll really like.

Oh. Airplane? I don't see any airplane.

Ow! Oh! Ow!

And now you can share my seesaw with me.

I'm a little sore,

But I sure love seesaws!

Good. 'Cause this is gonna be the ride of your life. See ya!



Like I was saying...

I don't like sharing.

My name is leroy.

Have a nice day.

And now, all thatpresents

Seymour reacts to stuff.

Today, seymour is watching a tennis match...



...between two awful tennis players.





You've just seen seymour react to stuff.

♪ This is all that ♪

♪ This is all that ♪

Ok, class. Now, today is career day.

Is career day where we cover ourselves

In peanut butter and jelly

And wrestle with animals?

No! Career day is the day when your parents come in

And tell us about their jobs.

Now who would like to go first?

I would! Very well, rainbow.

Please introduce us to your parent and/or guardian.

Hello, children.

I'm rainbow's mother, sky.

And I'm a painter.

So, uh, what do you do?

I paint.

What do you paint with?


Uh...what's that say on the board?


Can you paint us a painting using some of your paint?

Well, I wasn't prepared to,

But...sure. Why not?




That's amazing!

So, uh... What do you do again?

Whoa...if you'll excuse me,

I need to go somewhere smarter.


Ok, um...

Ahab, would you like to go next?



This here's my dad.

He just sits on the couch and watches tv all day.

Run along now, there, arlene!

Hey, ahab's dad,

Did you have to go to school to learn to do that?


Oh, wow!


Would y'all pipe down, please?

I'm tryin' to watch my stories.

Hey, arlene! We're outta chips in here!

Thank you, ahab's daddy.

All right, now...

Who would like to go next?

Uh, my name is lester oakes construction worker jr.,

And I'd like to introduce you all to my father,

Lester oakes, construction worker.


Thank you, boy.

My name is lester oakes, construction worker,

And it is my occupation to construction on things.


Like to take it to ya. Like to take it to ya!


Dang-blasted jack hammer!

Uh, so, like, can you construction other things?

Boy, does a one-eyed squirrel eat flapper jacks?

I'll show you what else I can construction.

You guys wanna see me bust up something else?

Yeah! Yeah!

Hey! Y'all quiet down!

I am trying to watch tv!



Whatcha watchin'?

In light of all that,


Would you introduce us to your parent?

Sure. My father's a prisoner.

A prisoner. How exciting. Um...

Class, does anyone have any questions for frodo's father?

Yeah. Wh-what are you in prison for?

Nothin'! I'm innocent, I tell ya. Innocent

Hey, look!

How long are you in prison for?

What's today?


Oh, then, uh... Years.

Can you do jumping jacks?

Uh, no, these handcuffs prevent me

From doing all sorts of things such as jumping jacks and escaping.

If there was only some way to get these handcuffs off my wrists...

Latchkey, you're next.

My dad's a locksmith.

Uh, a locksmith?

What's that?

My dad got all these keys, and he can lock or unlock anything!

I don't understand!

Well, let me show you, then.

Take this key here, for instance.

It can be used to unlock these handcuffs.


[Whimpers] freedom!

Sweet, sweet freedom!

Ha ha ha ha!

Cop: hey, he's getting away!

Let's get him!

Well, looky there.

He did done gone done escaped.

And now, all thatpresents...

When at home,

You should never forget to feed the fish.

You should also never take a bath in the fish t*nk.

This has been...

The show's over.

Oh, yeah. Kick it!