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05x11 - Outkast

Posted: 09/30/23 06:47
by bunniefuu
So then I says to her, I says,

"It's either me or the elephant."

So what did she do?

She picked the elephant.

[Kids cheering]

Hey, guys, what's up?

Man, today is the day that we open up our time capsule!

Time capsule? What are you guys talking about?

Well, a hundred years ago today,

We put a whole bunch of stuff into a time capsule

To be opened up a hundred years later.

Did you guys ever notice it? It's right over here.

Time capsule. Do not open until today.

Huh. I was wondering what that was.

Come on, let's open it!

All right!

Stand back here, then. I'm crackin' this baby open. All right.



[Steam escaping]

[Coughing] wow, this is amazing!

Hey! Man, this is the sandwich that I put in there a hundred years ago!

Oh, oh. Oh, my!


Hey, let me look.

Oh, look!

It's my keys. Now I can finally get back into my house!

Remember this?

It's kevin's hair!

I remember we pulled this off his head a hundred years ago.

Yeah, he been bald ever since. That sure was funny!

Hey, guys. What's this?

Oh, would you look at that? It's my lucky mallet.

I wonder if it still works.

Minutes. Show starts in -- hey, my hair!


The mallet stills works.


Well, that was fun.

You know, we should seal up this time capsule again

And open it in another hundred years.

Yeah, but what would we put in it this time?

Shall we?

We shall!

[Kids all talking]

Well, see you in another hundred years, kevin. Whoo!

Well, fellow cast members,

What do you say we go do the show? Yeah! All right!

Kevin, inside capsule: hey, what happened to me?

Where am i?

Hey, a hundred-year-old sandwich!

Mmm. Tasty!

Captioning made possible by nickelodeon and u.s. Department of education

Fresh out the box.

Stop, look, and watch.

Ready yet? Get set.

It'sall that.

♪ Oh

♪ Uh-oh

♪ This is all that♪

♪ This is all that♪

♪ Check it, check it

♪ Now, this is just an introduction ♪

♪ Before we blow your mind ♪

♪ The show is all of that ♪

♪ And yes, we do it all the time ♪

♪ So sit your booty on the floor ♪

♪ Or in a chair

♪ On the ground or in the air ♪

♪ Just don't go nowhere

♪ 'Cause everything we do

♪ Is all of that

♪ When entertaining you

♪ We're all of that

♪ My posse and my crew

♪ Is all of that

♪O sit still

♪ 'Cause we're comin' right back ♪

♪ Oh

♪ Uh-oh

♪ This is all that♪

♪ This is all that♪

♪ Check it out

♪ Oh

♪ Uh-oh

♪ This is all that♪

♪ This is all that♪

[Chanting] spice boys, spice boys!

Spice boys, spice boys...

Where arethey? [Ahem]

The spice boys were supposed to be here an hour ago!

Oh, where can they be?

Are they trying to drive me crazy?

Are they? Are they?

I don't know.

Neither do i, darling.

Voice from crowd; that's them!

Spice boys, it's about time!

Mumbly, where were you?

[Mumbling] oh, well, you know, flib-flobbin' da willywaters,

You know... Gonna flip-flop, yeah...

Well, uh, it's not your fault, then.

Sweaty, will you watch where you're sweating.

You're getting sweat all over the floor!

You know, someone's gonna slip on that.

Mind your own business, hairy. No one's gonna--


Mumbly! Oh, boy power. Sorry. Are you ok?

Whaa! Haa! Ha ha ha ha!

Wooh! Yeah, you-all danced!

Did you see that?

My man mumbly slipped and busted his booty on the floor!

Hah. Whoo!

Spice boys, that's enough fooling around.

Now we've got autographs to sign.

Now get to work!

Oh, my gosh.

You guys are like the total best band ever!

I love all your songs, like boy power and power to the boys,

And boys rule, and...what was that other one?

Oh, um, uh, power boy.

Yeah, that song is the best!

There you go, baby.

All signed!

Anybody got a hairdryer?

Or a new poster?

Hey, will you guys sign my spice boy dolls for me?

I got 'em all. They're so cool!

Well, look how adorable you cute little dolls are.

Of course we can sign your dolls!

I mean, they look real tough, know what I'm sayin'? Punks, punks!

Doll: bifdubbawoobawoo!

Bahiveneh buvedeh!


Mumbly: hadibloowoo luwivenherr!

Doll: bifdubbawoobawoo!


That's my mumbly spice doll.

He says all kinds of cool stuff like "mehimenehnimeneh."


And, of course, "blabbaho!"

And finally, "mehipublay!"

Boy power! Where's your sweaty spice doll?

Well, it was kind of getting all my other toys wet,

So I was keeping it in my other pocket.

[Guys yelling]

You know what I'm saying, partner?

You know what I'm saying?

I know what you're saying.

Boy power!

Um, next.

Hey, dead spice!

Can you sign my great-grandfather?

He's dead, too.

Ha ha. Cool. Come on, great-grandpa!

Oh, my gosh. Hairy spice!

Me and my mom think you're the coolest spice boy!

Well, thank you!

Yeah, we have all your stuff.

And mom has even been using your hairy spice hair care products!

Hey. Hey, mom!

I love you, hairy.

Oh, how nasty... I mean, lovely.

Yes, how lovely!

Will you sign my planet spice cd for me?

Oh, of course. You know, I couldn't help but notice

You're wearing a soccer uniform.

You know, I used to play a little soccer myself

Until my freakishly unnatural hair started to get in the way.

Can you do this?

[Glass breaks]

Sorry, dead!

Ah, thanks for the autograph.

Stay hairy!


I was just walking by outside and I got hit in the head with this skull.

Oh, yeah? Well, you better give it back to my homeboy,

Dead spice. You know what I'm saying?

Else you'll have to deal with me, spice cube.

'Cause I'm rough, I'm tough, I'm the meanest boy,

And you know what I'm saying?

I said, punk, do you know what I'm saying?

No, no. I don't know what you're saying.


Give my man dead his head back, please.

Ok. Hey, how about if I give you the head back, you guys sing a song?

[Fans chanting] spice boys, spice boys,

Spice boys, spice boys...

This next song is from our new album,

And it's called boys rule.hit it!

♪ Boys rule

♪ Boys rule

♪ Boys rule, dah dah dah

♪ Our favorite tune

♪ I may be hairy, but I'm-a no mule because ♪

♪ He knows that boys rule ♪

♪ I may be wet, but I'm not cruel ♪

♪ Yes, he knows that boys rule ♪

♪ Diggyboap whoabo blabba bloo bloo bloo, because ♪

♪ We know that boys rule ♪

♪ You know, my name is spice cube ♪

♪ And I ain't no fool

♪ Because I stay in the school

♪ And if you make me wanna ooh ♪

♪ And if my driver's license expire ♪

♪ I guess I have to get it...renewed? ♪

[Counting beats silently]

♪ Because we know that boys rule ♪

♪ Baby, rule, dead

♪ Pump it up, dead

♪ Baby, rule, dead

♪ Pump it up, dead...

And now, danny tamberelli with vital information

For your everyday life.

It's not good to bite off more than you can chew,

Especially if what you're chewing on is a human brain.


He wasn't smart.

Always keep your arms inside the vehicle at all times.

Neverput mayonnaise in your uncle johnny's pajamas!

If someone gives you a kitten, it wouldn't be nice to say,

"Oh, thank you. I'm gonna name him rumpface, after you!"

This has been danny tamberelli with vital information.

♪ This is all that ♪

♪ This is all that♪

Hey, kids!

It's time to have a nice day with...

Hey, what's up?

My name's leroy.

And my name is fuzz!


Stuff it, blue boy.

Now today I want to talk about something that irritates me.

Going to the doctor.

Ooh, leroy. Going to the doctor is fun!

Oh, they take your temperature, and they check your reflexes,

And they make sure everything's in tippity-top shape!

You don't have to go to the doctor

To get your reflexes checked, fuzz.

I can do that right here.

Really, leroy? You know how to check reflexes?

Sure I do!


Your reflexes are a little slow, little buddy.

Well, I don't feel very good, and my head's throbbing.

Maybe I should check your blood pressure.

Oh, I don't know, leroy.

I think it's because you hit me in the head with a giant mallet!

Pipe down, puppet,

And let dr. Leroy get to work!

Uh, isn't that supposed to go around my arm?

You know what, fuzz? I think you're right.


Aah! Aah!

Good news, fuzz. Your blood pressure seems fine.

Oh, boy. That's a relief.

Although I am having a little trouble seeing right now.

You are? Don't worry, fuzz. I can take care of that.

Ah, thanks, leroy. You sure are a good friend.

Don't I know it?

Now open wide. Let me take your temperature!

That doesn't feel like a thermometer, leroy.

That feels more like several sticks of dynamite.

Say ah!

Is there a doctor in the house?


Like I was saying, I don't like going to the doctor.

My name is leroy.

Have a nice day!


Good morning, class.

My name is...


I'm billy foco!

Yes, billy foco?

Where's miss clump?

Miss clump has the green measles.

I'll be your substitute teacher until

The green splotches on her face go away.

Oh, excuse me, mr...


Um, I don't want to be mean or anything,

But you're just a nasty, giant, freakish old bug.

All right. But for your information,

I graduated from the university of--

Ha. Oh, there you are!

Hey, wait. Wait, miss ford.

That's not just a giant insect. He's our teacher!

I know, but he ate all my cheese!

[Alarm sounds]

What's this? What is going on?

Man, we're in the middle of a sketch!

Hey, wait a minute.

You're the mayor of los angeles, mayor richard riordan.

As mayor of the great city of los angeles,

I would like to congratulate the cast of all that

For their one millionth use of the word "cheese."

We've said "cheese" one million times on our show?

That's right.

Wow, that's great and all, mr. Mayor,

But we are kind of in the middle of the sketch here, and--

Let the celebration begin!

[Band plays on, wisconsin]

Mr. Mayor, this is great and all, but could we please get back with our sketch?

Cheese for everyone!

Look, mayor. Enough with the celebrating.

We got a show to do.

Sure, sure. But first, I'd like to hear a word

From the man who said "cheese" the one millionth time.

Josh? Speech!

Um, i--whoa!

I didn't really have anything prepared. Mr. Mayor!

Well, thank you, sir.

Audience: cheese!

Hi, I'm josh.

And, um, i...

Well, see, it said "cheese" in the script, again,

And, uh, so... So I said it again.

Come on! Can we get on with our sketch now?

As mayor of the great city of los angeles, richard j. Riordan,

I declare the cheese celebration over!

Let's go, everybody.

[Cheering, band plays again]

Ok, so guys, where were we?


I was billy foco!

Right, right. And, uh...

And, uh, you were hitting me with this broom.

Oh, right, ok.

Ah, ah!

Wait, wait.

Wait, wait, miss ford.

That's not just a giant insect. He's our teacher!

I know, but he ate all my cheese!

I'm billy foco and I have a huge can of bug spray!

Oh, no. I left it in my other pants!

[Alarm sounds]

Amanda: oh, what now?

As mayor of the city of los angeles,

I would like to congratulate the cast of all that

For their one millionth use of the word "pants."

Ah, man.

We're trying to make a living.

Let the celebration begin!

[Band plays on, wisconsin]

♪ This is all that ♪

♪ This is all that♪

And that's the first time a beached whale's been rescued by quintuplets.

And now with worldwide weather, here's ray borealis.

Today ray's on the planet mars.

Can you hear me, ray? Oh!

Yes, I can hear you, brenda.

But I'm in big, big trouble here.

See, as you can see,

My spacecraft has crashed into some rocks,

And now I have no way to get back to the planet earth.

Please send help!

[Snickering] oh, ray, you're such a funny little space cadet!

So, uh, tell me. What's the weather like on mars?

Forget the weather, brenda!

The only reason I set up this tv camera was to send for help!

I mean, actually I am kind of impressed

That the station was able to build and launch

A rocket to space, but I do have to ask...why?!

Well, ray, you are a weatherman

And people want to know what the weather's like on mars.

Nobody cares, brenda! Nobody lives on mars. Nobody vacations on mars.

Nobody goes to mars to visit their aunt betty!

Ray, I think there's something wrong with your camera.

The moon looks all blue and green.

That's not the moon, brenda. That's the earth...

Where you are... My family and my friends. I'm so lonely!

♪ For she's a jolly good fellow, for she's a jolly good fellow ♪

♪ For she's a jolly good fel-low...♪

♪ Which nobody can deny!

Ha ha ha ha. Look, ray.

They're throwing a surprise party for me!

Isn't it wonderful to have so many people

Wanting and aching to be near you?

I wouldn't know!

Ok, everybody go away. I can see you anytime I want.

So, ray, how long were you planning to stay on mars?

I was never really planning on staying on mars at all. In fact,

I don't even know how much longer I'm going to last out here,

Because the only food I have left

Is this freeze-dried packet of meat loaf.

Well, ray, that doesn't look much like meat loaf.

Well, it is, brenda. Here, let me show you.!

Oh, great. That was the last of my food!

Uh-oh. Looks like you're going to have to go to a restaurant.

Brenda, could you please connect me to someone else?

Anybody else!

Um, ah, ray...

What's that behind you?

Aah! Aah!


Brenda. Brenda, help.

Life on mars...very mean!

Oh, look, ray.

Your new friend is helping you take off your helmet.

My helmet. Rapidly losing oxygen. Can't breathe.


Oh, ray. You dizzy, busy silly-willy!

Oh-oh, brenda. Looks like I'm in real big trouble now!

A giant meteorite shower's headed right for me!

Oh, dodge ball.

My fave!

I'm not playing dodge ball, brenda. I--

Ow, that really hurt!


Oh, ray. You're so funny!

From our boring old studio on planet earth,

I'm brenda stone.

Good night, everybody!

The show's over.

Oh, yeah. Kick it!