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03x05 - To Be, Otto Not To Be/REGGIE/REGGINA

Posted: 09/30/23 07:35
by bunniefuu
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[rock intro playing]

♪ We are riders on a mission

♪ Action kids in play position

♪ Rocket power...



[music continues]

♪ We are riders on a mission

♪ Action kids in fun condition

♪ Prepare to countdown

♪ Rocket power!

rDid you guys check my rad puck steal from Lars

followed by that sweet half- court blast right into the net?

Yeah, that was awesome, Otto.

You keep sh**ting like you did today

and our winning streak will never end.

It sure won't.

Time to shred.

Otto, I think that wave is taken.





Whoa, ho.

Was that a fully wicked off the lip, or what?

I don't think everybody was impressed.

Otto, you shouldn't have snaked that wave.

He's right, Rocket Boy.

We need to bail. Now!


I'm sorry, bros.

I-I didn't really see you.

You shred with some mad skills, brother.

I know, I know, I'm sorry.

I do?


But you shred beef, dude, not waves.

It's okay, Mother Ocean.

He didn't mean any harm.


waves are your friends, man.

You definitely got a surfing soul, little bro

you just need to get in touch with it.

Well, we'll show you how to ride as one with Mother Ocean.

All right. Cool.


It's okay.

Everything's okay, man.

Wow, he made friends with those guys?

Whoa. Older and therefore cool.

Nah. They're just older.

[seagulls screeching]

Those guys are full-on soul surfers.

Their whole life is nothing but catching waves.

Wow. Cool.

So, they're surf bums.

Who's a surf bum?

They're not surf bums.

They're soul surfers.

Ah, the soul surfing days.

Sleeping on the beach.

Bonfires every night.

No worries except for when

the next swell was coming in.

That was the life

wasn't it, Tito?

Yeah. Y-Y-You said it, brother.

Yeah. You said it, brother.

[seagull screeching]




Way to go, Rocket Boy.



Thank you. Thank you.

And for my next trick...




Howdy, dude.

What are you doing, man?

Hey, guys.

What's with the skateboard, bro?

You down to engrave some wave?

Sure. I could cool off with a surf.

Hey, guys.


not them, dude.

We don't want half the grommets in Ocean Shores tagging along.

What's up, Otto Man?


Uh, nothing.

I'm just going to grab a few swells.

I guess I'll catch you guys later.

We just got fully bailed on.

Man, you guys missed some intense surfing today.

Well, we weren't exactly invited.

Yeah, what's up with that?

We're not cool enough for your new crew?

Oh, come on, guys.

They just didn't want a bunch of grom...

I mean, people crowding the waves.

Otto, Reggie...

I'm going to need you two

to help out at the Shack tomorrow after school.

There's a retired lifeguard's convention in town.

Dad, what if Mother Ocean calls?

Have her leave a message.

Tomorrow. Don't forget.

What if Mother Ocean calls?



MAN: I need some resuscitation.

In my day

there weren't no two-piece bathing suits.

It was one piece or nothing, dagnab it.

Oh, yeah?

Well, if it wasn't for me

no one would have survived theTitanic.



I made that up.

Are you going to finish that pickle?

[man belches]

Thanks, sonny.

Aw, sh**t.

These aren't mine either.

Anybody see my teeth?

Where is Otto?

Probably surfing his little soul off.

Chill up on the nose, bro.


You guys are the raddest surfers ever.

It's all about getting in touch with your soul, little bro.

Well, I better get heading in.

I got to help my dad with work today.

Work? Work?!

What's he talking about work, man?

He's going to work, man.

Are we going to work?

Who's working?

I'm not working.

Bro, chill. It's okay.

No one's going to work.

I promise.

Righteous swells come and go, bro

but there's always going to be work to do.

You've got to at least catch one more set

before you cast, little man.

Well, I guess I could catch one more.

Okay, well, all right.

No one's working, man.

Everything's cool, man.

No one's working.

All right.

Thanks again for pitching in today.

Hey, guys.

Otto, where were you today?

Yeah, I hope your day wasn't too stressful or anything.

Sorry, guys.

I lost track of time.

And like Louis says

"There's no watch on the arms of Mother Ocean."

Guys, I need to talk to Otto for a second.

Later bro.

Otto, I would have loved

to have been out there today too, but, um...

life is like a balance

and you need to find the balance

between work and play

and your friends and...

family, I suppose.

It's like balancing stuff.

Got it?

Right. Balancing stuff.

Got it.


And by the way, I think your buds

left you a little present in the kitchen.



Oh, man!

Yep. That's all he needed--

the old balance talk.

Man, this is lame.

Where is he?

Not that I'm superstitious

but I believe that our winning streak

has a lot to do with our rigorous

pregame practice sessions.

Hey, there he is!

Otto, where's your gear?

The game's in less than an hour.

I know.

I've just got to catch some waves first.


You're going to catch some waves now?

So you ditch us at Mad Town

you leave us hanging at the Shack

and now you're going to bail on practice?

Yeah, bro. Why even bother showing up for the game?


Man, you guys are wack.

Good luck winning without me.

Not that I'm superstitious

but I believe our winning streak also has a lot to do

with Otto being on the team.

[blowing whistle]


Why the sad mug, little bro?

Me and my buds got in a fight.

I'm supposed to be playing a hockey game right now.


I'd be tweaked too

if my bros wanted me to do something lame like that.

Hockey's not lame.

That doesn't sound very soul surfly of you, bro.

Yeah, man, you shouldn't even be talking about

anything like that this close to Mother Ocean.

She'll hear you, man.

You don't skate, you don't play hockey

you don't work.

Do you guys do anything but surf?

No way, dude.

Surf all day or get out of the way.

But me and my friends like to do a lot more than just surf.

Maybe I had you pegged all wrong, little bro.

You're going to have to choose

between us or your little roller skater friends.

Rocket Boy, you made it!

Of course.

No way I'd leave my best bros hanging.




We rule!

Sorry for being late, guys...

and I'm sorry for ditching you at Mad Town...

and for bailing on you at the Shack...

and for just acting like a total loser

to my best buds, okay?

Good enough for me.

Welcome back, Rocket Boy.

Welcome back.

ALL: Woogy, woogy, woogy, woogy.

Now to make sure the streak doesn't end.


OTTO:Aw, man!

Well, you missed the first five minutes of the game.

Yeah, I don't know

what you guys would do without me.

[whistle blows]


That's it for me, mates.

They're all yours.

Whoa, that dude fully rips!

He totally owned that wave.

Very impressive.

Yeah, he's really... rad.

TEACHER: Woo! All righty, class.

This week's science project will be...

tornado in a jar.


Okay, then...

[door opening]


this is Trent!

He just moved hereallthe way

from New Zealand!

The delightful island nation

to our south.

Who wants to be Trent's science partner?

GIRLS: Me! Me! I do!

Here!Me, me, me!

But, Reggie, you and me are always partners.

I'm just trying to be helpful.

You know how hard it is to be the new kid in school.

Oh, oh!Yeah, it looks like

he's going to have areallyhard time.

Trish, why don't you work with Trent?

[girls sighing]: Oh!

Mrs. Dunkel, you rock!

Oh, I suppose I do.

So, we'll get started right after school.

Okay, Reggie?




Then you zip it up

and the books stay insidethe backpack.

Sorry, Reg.

Squid, Reggie, race us back to The Shack.

Woo-whoo! All right!

Are you racing or what?


GIRL: You're from...

Gisborne, New Zealand?

That's like one of the raddest surf spots ever.

Yeah. Surfing before I could walk.

[giggling]: Ooh!

That is so cool!





Are you okay, mate?

[laughs]: Uh, yeah.

I must have caught

a little crack in the sidewalk or something.

Or something.


[laughs nervously]

Trent. And you are?

I am, uh, uh... Reg.

That's it.

Short for Regina, eh?

Well, actually, it's...

Cool name.

I like it.

You do?


ALL: Regina?

Guess I'll see you around, Regina.

Yeah. See you around...






You won't even let Raymundo call you Regina.



What's up with that?

Oh, I was just...

being polite.

Can we get started, please?

Now, to simulate the tornado

we have to get the air moving in a circular path.

Up for a surf, mates?


Hacky-sack, hey?Yes, hacky-sack.

I used to play that when I was a kid.

Don't play anymore, though.

Yeah, me neither.

Hacky-sack issonine years ago.

Oh, hey!

Let's rock, Trent.

Those waves are calling my name.



Finally, some peace and quiet.

Time for a surf break.

We've only been working five minutes.

I know. I'mtotallyburnt.

Aren't you?

Let's go.


[laughing and shouting]

Sick and twisted ride, bro.

What's that?

I mean, awesome.

Oh, thanks.

You guys are rufus as well.


It means you're awesome, too.

Oh, cool.Thanks.





Nice try, mate.

Beginner, eh?

No, actually I'm...

I'd be glad to give you some pointers.

That would be great.

I... I could use them.

Perfect. You don't need my help.



That always seems to happen.

Maybe you could help me with my footing?

Yeah, sure thing, mate.





Are you seeing what I'm seeing?

Reggie's totally lame.

Maybe she just went a little crazy

with the board wax

or... or maybe the sun's in her eyes.

Or maybe she's totally lame.


Hip shot.

Nailed it, tore it up, and put it to bed.

Yes! We are ripping these guys.




sh**t, Reggie, sh**t!


Reggie, that goal was so wide open

Squid could have made that shot.

Man, first it's the beef-o-rama fest out in the water

and now you're laming up our game.

What's up with you?

Chill, Otto.

I'm just having an off day.

It happens.

It must have the same magnitude and force as the...

Are you listening to me?

Hey, I have a great idea.

It's about time.

Let's go surfing.

It'll be much easier to think out in the ocean

where there are no distractions.


What happened to you?

I fell down.

Youfell down?

It happens.

Am I missing something here?

Like they say, a green pineapple

never falls from the tree by accident.




She's all falling down again.

She's totally out of the zone.

What's her deal?

In a word-- the new guy.


that's like three words.

Reggie's around guys all the time.

Why would this one be any different?



Sorry, Sam.

Don't tell me you're going to the beach again.

Okay, I won't tell you.

Excuse me, Reggie, but does tornado in jar

mean anything to you?!

This thing is due tomorrow!

Sam, we'll...

I know, we'll work later.

Kicking wave.

What the...?

Hey, Trent...

I, uh... I was

just wondering, uh...

do you prefer surfing on a cloudy day

or under full-on sun?

Actually, I just prefer surfing.

k*ller wave!

Come on, guys

let's ten this baby.

You better hang back on this one.

It's a little intense, for a beginner.

Yeah, right.

"Too intense."

Too intense for Reggie?

Not for Reggie

but definitely for Regina. Come on.


I'm missing a history-making wave.

What am I doing?

[cheers and hollers]

[with New Zealand accent]: Eh, will you work with me

if I talk like this, eh, matey?


Sam, what are you doing?

Trying to get my science partner to finish her project.

[mockingly]: But I can't do my project

'cause I'm too busy being Regina.


Oops, I fell off again.

Maybe Trent will help me

'cause I'm just a beginner. Aw...

Sam, you're acting like a kook.



Ah! I can't see what's happening!

But I feel a spin cycle coming on!



Hang on, Squid!

[grunting and yelling]

Thanks, Reg.

Sorry I bagged on you earlier.

No, you were right.

I deserved it.

I've been acting like a total goon.

Come on, we got a tornado in jar waiting for us.

[all cheering]

Pretty amazing rocket for a beginner.

Look, Trent, you got the wrong idea about me.

The truth is, I love hacky-sack

I never fall down

and no one, I repeat

no one calls me Regina and lives to tell about it

andI'm a great surfer.

I know.

Uh... how did you know?

I knew from the first time you got up on your board.

No offense, mate, you're a great surfer

but a pretty bad faker.

Oh, man, what a bust.

[awkward giggle]

But how come you didn't say anything?

I figured the real Reggie

was going to show up sooner or later

but in the meantime, hanging out with Regina

wasn't too bad.

Hey, a big wave!

Ah, we'll work on it later.

Well, what are you waiting for?

Last one in the curl

is the king of all shoobies!

ALL: Reggie's back!


Work? What's he talking about work, man?