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03x10 - Major Scrummage/Snow Bounders

Posted: 09/30/23 07:38
by bunniefuu
[rock intro playing]

♪ We are riders on a mission ♪

♪ Action kids in play position ♪

♪ Rocket power... ♪



[music continues]

♪ We are riders on a mission ♪

♪ Action kids in fun condition ♪

♪ Prepare to countdown ♪

♪ Rocket power! ♪


Who was that guy?


That's no guy.

That's Reggie. Duh.

And looking pretty impressive, too, I might add.

Yeah, pretty impressive.

What's that?

Not a compliment, Bro?

That was awesome mate, totally rad.

Thanks. You're not so bad yourself.

Well, I'm still not used

to the way the waves break around here.

Sounds like maybe you miss the surf back home.

Not as much as I miss the rugby.


Think extreme soccer

with a little American football thrown in.

Did somebody say extreme?

Extremely extreme.

Too gnarly for you Americans.

Oh, yeah?

Try us.

Why don't you teach us, Trent?

Okay, if you think you guys can take it.

But you better tape up your ears.


So they don't get torn off.


Did he say, "torn off"?

See you tomorrow...


Yeah, you should definitely come watch.


Why not? I'm sure you'll get a big kick out of it.



I'll show him a kick or two.

Thinks girls can't play, huh?

What's up, Rocket Girl?

Trash can say something you didn't like.


Can you believe Trent?

"Why don't you come and watch?

I think you'd get a kick out of it."

I thought he was cool.

Since when did my being a girl

stop me from doinganything?

I don't know, Reg.

Maybe Trent knows what he's talking about.

Yeah, I mean, like

he's the rugby player and everything.


Tell me I am not hearing this.

Uh, it does sound kind of rough, Reggie.

I'm surprised I'm going to do it.

Well, so am I, Squid!

Since you're the one

who beefs it all the time, not me!

Man, are you guys going to regret this.

I regret it already.

Ray: But I cleaned it yesterday.

It should be your turn today.

Yes, brother,

but if you clean it today,

I might clean it tomorrow, and how happy will you be then?

I never thought of it like that.

Reggie: Raymundo, Tito.

Hey, what do you guys know about rugby?


Hmm, rugby?

Sounds familiar.

Don't you remember, brother?

That summer in Australia?


On the beach.


Tough game, huh, Raymundo?

Real tough.

Oh, you wouldn't be thinking

about playing, would you, little cuz?

Like the ancient Hawaiians always said

"Don't bite the head off a piranha

or you might get chewed."

Come on, Tito.

Reggie's much too smart to play rugby.

I am smart, and I'm going to play rugby.

Don't forget

to tape your ears.

What's up, dude?

Hey, man.

Reporting for rugby, sir.

Hi, mates.

Huh? What did you say?

I said, "Hi, mates."

You ready for some serious scrummage?

Where's Reggie? I thought she wanted to watch.

Oh, well, you know how those Sheilas are--

always changing their minds, right?

Yeah, man.

Sheilas are like that.


Notoriously ambivalent.

Okay, then, this, mates, is a rugby ball.

The point is to get it past the defending team.

Now in rugby, a touchdown is called a "try."


You want to make us cry?

Ooh, ow!




Whoo! The "O" man strikes again.

All right, Arnold.

Hey, Reg.



I don't know.

I think Reggie's really tweaked out about this.

I feel kind of bad.

Maybe we should have

stuck up for her more with Trent.

Don't sweat it, Squid.

I know my sister.

She'll get over it.

The main thing is, rugby's totally rad.

What position do you want to play, Twist?

I'm going to be scrumhalf.

What did you call me?

Take the tape off your ears, dude.

Oh, man!

So sorry.

I didn't realize it was "Boys' Day."

Since when is there a Boys' Day at Madtown?

It's called sarcasm, Twister.

This is bogus.

Don't be lame, Reg.

Come back.

She'll get over it.

Hey, Reggie, catch a few with us.

Yeah, Rocket Girl.

Come on, Reggie.

Nah, I think I'll keep surfing with them.

They're more my speed.

Which is a lot faster than yours.


Come on, girlfriend!

It's shred time!

Okay, everybody has his arms locked

behind his neighbor's back?

All right, then.

This is the scrum.

It's how we begin every game.

What are you doing?

I can't tell.

Dancing or just holding hands?

Definitely too rough for me.

Oh, man.

Let's have a little hustle!

Not that it matters

but Reggieisthe fastest out of all of us.

Yeah, but she's not playing, so it doesn't matter.

I know.

That's what I said.

Well, you don't have to get so huffy about it.

Dudes, this is weak.

Something is definitely missing.


[girls laughing]

Reggie: I'll see you later, guys.

Later, Reg.

See you.

Go away.

Sorry, this is a "girl only" space.

We have something to say.


Well, what is it...boys?

What we wanted to say is, well, Reg...

The thing is, it's like this.


you know, like...



We should have stuck up for you with Trent.

Yeah. It's totally lame that you can't play rugby.

You're part of the crew.

Okay, I'll accept the apology ifyou make it up to me.




Heads. You pick first.


Twister, you're with me, dude.

Um... Keith.




Reggie? Y-you're here.

Got a problem with it, mate?


Not if you really want to play.

Good, then you shouldn't have a problem


All right, girl.

Let's do this thing.

[whistle blows]



Over here, Otto man.

Trent: Okay, team.

It's time to close the deal.

Yeah, deal with this.


Otto: All right, Reggie!

Go Reg.Run, run.


Great game, mates.

All: Go, Reggie! Go, Reggie!

It's your birthday! It's your birthday!

Way to go, Reggie.

Still don't think girls can play rugby?

I never thought that.


I just didn't think youwanted to.

But now that I know

next time, I wantyouon my team.

And deny me the chance to cream you again?

No way.

Yeah, dream on, mate.

There's no way we're going to give up

our most valuable player.


Trent: All right, yeah!

It's kind of cold out here today.


What's up with these waves?

What waves?

Man, let's bail. This is lame.

It almost looks like it's going to...

Nah, not in Ocean Shores.

[electrical buzzing]

So, John, are you telling our viewers

that now would be a good time to panic?

No, but we are telling them

that they should be prepared to panic at any moment.

What's happening, Raymundo?

The storm system El Nada is supposed to hit tonight.

El Nada? What'sitgoing to do?

No one's really sure, Otto, but according to the news

it's going to be the worst storm in the history of the world.

Oh, come on, Raymundo.


El Nada? I'm sure it'll be nothing.

Reg, they don't give scary names to nice storms.

I'm going to go check to see

if we have any hatches to batten down.

[alarm buzzing]





Raymundo, what is it?

What's going on?

Okay, nobody panic

but El Nada is in full force out there.

I'm going to go check on our food supply.


Both: Whoa.

Reggie: Is this really happening?

You guys see the snow everywhere?

They just declared a state of emergency

and all the schools, businesses and roads

are closed down.

No school! Everything's shut down!

Snow in Ocean Shores!

I'msoready to bust the baddest day ever!

We told you El Nada was going to be big, but this is far worse

than anything we could have predicted.

I better call Tito, tell him not to open up the Shack today.

We urge the citizens of Ocean Shores

to stay calm during this crisis.

Better check up on my cousins.

Announcer: ...far worse than predicted...

[busy signal]Both: Uh-oh, phones are out!

I got to get up there and make sure everybody's okay.

I can't believe

we're going to carve the incline!

What's that lame-looking thing, Sam?

A kiddie pool?

You'll see. You guys take a head start

and I'll catch up.

Hey, man.

Yeah, right.




Oh, yeah!

Mail call!

Get ready for the Midwest Express.


Check out the mass air I'mgoing to launch.

[screaming]: Yeah-hoo!

Whoa-oh, yeah!


Was that the Squid?


Dude, that thing is rad!

I know.

And back home

I was the undisputed saucer king

of the whole tri-county region.

Whoa!Yeah, I can see why!

No way.

Let me ride it the rest of the way.

I want to try.

No, dude,me!

Hey, I called first.Hey!

There's only one way to settle this.

Are you sure about this, Sam?

Yeah, it seems kind of sketch.

I know, it's going to be great!

[cheering and yelling]

All: Whoa!

-Whoa! -Uh!

I never knew beeping it could be so rad.

Nothing like a well-ex*cuted wipeout.

Again, we want to warn our viewers

that what appears to some as a light covering of snow

is, in fact, El Nada.

As you can see, El Nada is a full-blown catastrophe.

We urge families, especially those with children,

to stick together

until the disaster is over! Back to you, John.

Good idea.

Reggie, Otto!

Hey, Rocket Boy, Rocket Girl?!

We've even heard some reports

that another quarter-inch may be on its way.

Oh, no. I got to go find the kids.

[giggling]: Ah, yeah!

World's first half-pipe flip on a board with no wheels.


Hey, what happened to Squid?


Oh, man, look out.Squid attack! Look out!

Man, snow plus Ocean Shores

equals the craziest Squid I've everseen.


[laughing]: Sammy on the rocks.


[laughing]: Wuss!

Nobody snowballsmybud.


[laughing and yelling]

Dude, what's all the mayhem, now?

Madtown is closed 'cause of the snow, don't you know?

I don't like the look of this.


I'llnevermake it up that hill.

There's got to be a shortcut.

Sure never thought I'd see the Shore Shack

covered in snow.

Yeah, it makes it look so white and frosty.

Okay, you guys, get a load of this.



Go, Sam!

Say, Sammy, I think you just gave me a great idea.

All right, El Nada, it's just you... and me.

[giggling and humming]

Violet! Get in here.

The news warned there may be looters about.

Oh, Merv, calm down.

For once I'm actuallyglad

you're too cheap to heat the pool.


Do you think stockpiling this much emergency goods

has been cheap?

You guys ready for areal game of ice hockey?

But we don't have any gear.


We can use these as sticks.

And this looks like a puck to me.

Good thinking, Sammy.

Hey, Whoa, Whoa.




I can't even move!


In the Midwest... you'rebornwith these skills.

All: Whoa!

Oh, this hill is even steeper than the last one.



Keep talking!

I'm going to follow the sound of your voice.

Over here, brother!


Is that you?

Oh, man, El Nada is really kicking in.

It's too dangerous to go on right now, Tito

We better just wait here for a rescue squad.

I agree, brother.

We may have to build an ice cave.

I just hope the kids have been picked up already.

I'm sure the kids are fine, brother

but we better not putourselvesat risk.

Oh, absolutely.

Cadets,thatis the sorriest excuse for a snowman

I've ever seen.

I recommend you take a look atmyhandy work

and prepare for some basic training.

What the... ?

Attention! Lock your heels, snowman.

No slack allowed in my outfit.

I think our snow day is just about over.

Yeah, it's warming up fast.

But I've got one more thing I want to show you

back at the cul-de-sac.

The snow'll be gone by the time we get there.

Just come on.

Tito, in case we don't make it out of this,

I want you to know...

[sobbing]: I ate the last piece of coconut pie

you were saving the other night.


Hey, you two all right?

Officer Shirley? Is that you?

Whoo! We're saved, brother. We survived El Nada!


You're sure

you saw the kids out there, Shirley?

Ray, for the thousandth time, yes.

[kids laughing]

Look, here they come now.

I'm so glad you kids made it.

We had the raddest day, Raymundo.

Yeah, Sammy knew about all sorts of cool snow stuff

we never even thought of before.


But so much for whatever you were going to show us.

Yeah, Squid, I told you

all the snow would be gone.

If you say so, Otto.

[sighing]: I'm just glad the ordeal is over.


[chuckling]: Oh, come on, Tito.

Don't tell me you were actuallyscaredout there?

Withyoutaking charge of the situation?

No way, brother.

Where'd Sammy go?



"No more snow," huh, Otto?

You aresogoing down, Sammy.

Yeah!All right!



Whoa! Hey![laughing]

[cheering and yelling]


[rock music playing]

[speaking gibberish]

Huh?! What'd you say?