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04x07 - Island of the Menehune (part 3)

Posted: 09/30/23 07:50
by bunniefuu
♪ We are riders on a mission ♪

♪ Action kids in play position. ♪

♪ We are riders on a mission ♪

♪ Action kids in fun condition. ♪

♪ Prepare to count down. ♪

REGGIE: Where's Raymundo?

At breakfast with Noelani.

The woman from last night?

The one

he blew us off for?

Hurry up, the race is starting.

Actually, I'm going to take a pass on the race

and hang back with Noelani.

I guess priorities have changed.

REGGIE: Things just aren't the same with Noelani around.

Do you think themenehune are haunting me?

Could be.


ALL: Whoa!


Otto, are you okay?


What happened to you?



A stupid turtle pulled me all the down to the reef!

I ran out of air!

Noelani warned you.

Why didn't you listen to her?

Oh, I didn't know I was supposed

to take orders from her.

Besides, she probably thinks

brushing your teeth is dangerous.

I'm sorry.

He's usually not like this.

He's a good kid.

He had a pretty big scare.

I'm sure he didn't mean it.

OTTO: I did, too, mean it!

Why won't themenehune stop messing with us?

I don't know.

Why are you asking me?

Reg, you okay?

You need anything?

Um... uh...

I just wanted to make sure

you're still on for the Pipe on Friday--

like you promised.

Friday afternoon, we're there.

Sure we are.

♪ ♪ ♪

♪ I tried to stay away from you ♪

♪ My first love ♪

♪ But I never could hide for too long... ♪

What are you up to, Twist?

Since no one believes me about themenehuneexcept Leilani

and Sam-- but he won't admit it--

I'm going to get them on tape,

prove their existence for once and for all.

Can't you just leave them alone?

I'll leave them alone when they leave me alone.

LEILANI: ♪ Keeps whispering to me.. ♪

Come on, Kiki, time for moi moi.

Let's go study the back of your eyelids for a while.

And you-- you come with me!

What did I do?

I got complaints

about you smelling like French fries.

Time for bathe you in the juice

of Hawaii's magical fruit, the noni.

It can cure anything.

Ow! Whoa, watch out!


S-Say someone took something from themenehunetemple,

something like, I don't know, let's say a-a tiki.

Would that make them mad?

Mad enough to put a curse on this someone?

And maybe some of his friends?

I can't say for sure, but they probably would.



This smells much worse than French fries.

Now no one's going to come within ten feet of me.

Hey... maybe this stuff is so gross,

it'll keep themenehuneaway.

Bring on the magical fruit, Mommi,

and keep it coming.

TWISTER: My camera went missing!





SAM: Are we still doing

that screaming thing?

It's not even morning yet!

ALL: Ew!

Twister, you reek!

Is that all anyone cares about?

The way I smell?

Well, for your information, themenehunewere just here.

See for yourself.

[all gasp]

This is getting creepy.

Hey, guys.


I, uh...

Never mind.

I was hoping it wouldn't come to this,

but I'm desperate.

I am now embarrassed

to be in the same tree house with you.

Dude, you try finding

a cool shirt with an owl on it in this town.

[eerie laughter echoing]

It's them.

I've got to get this on tape.

[eerie laughter]


[cackling and laughter]


[cackling, eerie laughter]



Themenehune and the one-eyedakua!

It's okay, Twist.

You were just having a bad dream.

Oh, yeah.

Come to think of it,

the one-eyedakuadid look a little like Lars.

Rise and shine, sports fans.

You guys up for a tour of the sugarcane fields

with Noelani and me?

We're busy. We're busy.

All right, then.

I'll see you later.

Good save.

Ditto. There's no way

I'm hanging with Noelani

if I don't have to.

You guys want to go into town with us?

OTTO: Whoo-hoo, yeah!

Hey, Reg, got sky?


Asking for first blood, Otto?

Take it down a notch, will you?


Nobody knows me here,

which means I can do whatever I want.

What about Dad?

Get real-- as long as Noe-lame-o's around,

I could board over a pit of man-eating tigers

and he wouldn't bat an eyelash.

It's true, and you know it.

Ever since she showed up,

Raymundo's kicked us all to the curb.

At least we're going home soon,

and we'll never have to see Noe-lame-o again.


We're ready to go now.

Aw, is she coming?

No. I have things to do.

Ray, you go on.

Take these guys to Pipe before they burst.

You heard the lady.

Let's go.


[voice quavering]: The Banzai Pipeline.

[surfer screaming]

Ouch, that had to hurt.

[surfer screaming]

The Pipe does not disappoint.

Let's get our boards!

[surfers screaming]

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Wait a minute, Otto.

You're not going out there.

Those waves are way too rough.

But you promised!

He's right, you did promise.

I know I did, but now I think

it's too dangerous out there.

Says who?

Says me.

REGGIE: How can you say that?

It was Noelani.

She was the one who told you

not to let us surf the Pipe, didn't she?

Well, if she did, she'd be right.

You go out there now

and you'll end up a statistic.

It's not happening.

OTTO: I can't believe him!

REGGIE: I can't believe her!

If she hadn't brainwashed Raymundo,

he never would have denied us.

You guys would have gotten bit off.

Yeah, one false move and you're face to face

with a big helping of limestone reef.

Why are you guys on her side?

We're not, and maybe you shouldn't be dissing on Noelani.

Who knows? One day she might end up

being your new mom.

[both gasp]

Let's go to Pipe, Otto.

Are you serious?

You are the older, more responsible one

who's supposed to keep me from doing stupid stuff, remember?

I know.

And we're going anyway.


I know for a fact

themenehune are out to get us.

You won't come back alive.

Ready to tear up the Pipe, Rocket Boy?

Been ready since the day I was born.

[Otto giggling]

This won't end well.

[eerie laughter echoing]

Come on, Mommi.

People are going to see.


You're the only one around here

with Mommi's figure.


I know that face.

You're feeling like a sixth finger.

A sixth finger--

it just gets in the way and it's kind of freakish.

Being here with my own family

has made me realize how important

the Rockets are to me.

But now, they're going in different directions

and there's nothing I can do to stop it.

Turn around and walk.

You, Ray and Noelani

used to be such good friends

and now things are changing.

Ray and Noelani are falling in love,

and neither hurricane

nor Kuula, god of the fishermen,

can stand in the way.

You give them their space,

and soon everything will be back to normal.

RAY: You should have seen how upset they were.

But there's no way I could have let them ride today.

The Pipe was taking no prisoners.

Maybe they're not really mad about Pipe so much

as they are about us.

It didn't occur to me

that this might be weird for them.

I was so distracted by you,

I guess I wasn't paying attention.

Those kids are everything to me,

and life...

well... just hasn't been the same since Danielle died.

I miss Danni, too.

Don't get me wrong.

I've loved every minute

of raising those little grommets.

But I never could have done it without Tito.

You two make a lovely couple.



REGGIE: Did you happen to notice nobody's out here?


So what?

Okay, let's do it.

BOTH: Whoa!

[both groan]


[both scream]

SQUID: We should have talked them out of it.

Yeah. Right.

There they are!


TWISTER: Way, way, way, way out there.


BOTH: Whoa!

SQUID: They're going to drown,

and it's all my fault!

I took the tiki from themenehunetemple

and we've had bad luck ever since.

What are you talking about?

Don't you get it?

I pulled a Bobby Brady, dude!


Stay here and keep an eye on them.

Leilani and I will get help.

We're defenseless against themenehune!

I've got to take this back

before it gets any worse.

[wind whistling]



Themenehune... just like my dream.




Can you see them from here?

[gasping, coughing]

They're being pulled toward the sea caves!



Watch out!



[both coughing, groaning]




Watch out!

[both coughing]


That could have been us!

It still could be.

BOTH: Dad?!


[evil laughter echoing]

Leave my friends alone.

I'm taking it back.

Can't you see?

I'm taking it back to the temple!

Come on! Come on!

[both groaning]


I'm sorry, Dad.

This is all my fault.

No, it's all my fault.

I was mad at you because you kept bailing on us

to be with Noelani.

I was mad, too.

I would have done anything you told me not to do,

no matter how stupid and dangerous.

So you risked your lives because you're mad at me?

What were you thinking?

Promise me you'll never do something like this again.

Promise me!

[all scream]

Leave us alone!

I know you're in there.

I know you can

[echoing]: hear me!


["Twist" echoing]

Reggie? Otto?


REGGIE: We're in here-- help!

[all shouting]



OTTO: Help, Twist!

I found them!

They're down here!


I'm too big to fit.

We need someone smaller.

I'll do it.


[water rumbling]


I'll do it.



[thunder crashes]



Hold tight!

I'm sending a rope down!


Otto, go!

[Otto grunting]

[Reggie grunting]

[water rumbling]



[Raymundo coughing]

I'm so sorry I made you feel left out.

I didn't handle this Noelani situation very well.

But the truth is,

I haven't felt this way about anyone since...



You trust me, right?

Just give her a chance.


Okay. Okay.

I love you two more than anything in the world,

and nothing will ever change that.


As Madame...

Pele, volcano goddess, is my witness,

I'll never mess with themenehuneagain!

OTTO: And a massive wave

came crashing into the cave

and I almost bit it.

Tell him.

Tell me what?

I faked themenehunestuff.

I took your swimsuit

and that stupid owl,

and I moved your camera,

and I made the footprints in the sand.


So it was all a hoax?

I'm afraid so.

Why would she do that?

I wish someone would tell me what's going on.

Wake up, Twist.

She's totally crushed out on you.

Doing that stuff was her way

of getting you to hang with her.


I think I liked it better

when I thought I was being stalked by themenehune.

I can't believe

I thought they were real.


You still don't think they exist,

do you, Squid?


I know they exist.

This is some party, huh?

I'm sorry we got off on the wrong foot.

It must be weird for you

having some strange woman spending time with your dad.

You're notthatstrange.


I never thanked you for...

for saving our lives.

So... thanks.

Yeah, thanks.

And I'm sorry we were such jerks.


Yeah, okay, we.


I hope we can be friends one day--

like your mom and I used to be.

You and my mom were friends?

Very good friends.

Danni was amazing.

In fact, you remind me a lot

of her, Reggie.

I know she'd be proud of you both.

And just for the record,

I think your dad's something special, too.

And Keawe is so organized,

she already made her own wedding dress.

She's good to go.


Uh, it's an emergency!

I need your help-- we're out of poi!

Oh, no.

No poi?

This could get ugly!

[both laughing]


No problem.

Hey, Tito?

I know things have been kind of weird,

and, um...

Uh, we're both sorry.

Let's just leave it at that.


I'm still brother number one, right?



Now we're even for you siccing Mommi on me.

It'll never happen again.

You can bet on it.

I... won't be needing her matchmaking services anymore.

Are you saying what I think you're saying?

Will you be my best man at the wedding?


I'm going to take that as a "yes."

[Tito continues whooping]

BAND: ♪ I'll never forget the day... ♪

[kids cheering]

♪ "It must have been a miracle," they say ♪

♪ The planets align, no stars in the sky ♪

♪ But I swear I saw two full moons pass me by ♪

♪ Two... full... moons... ♪

♪ Two... full... moons... ♪

[song ends]