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03x05 - Smoke Gets in Your Hands

Posted: 10/01/23 10:51
by bunniefuu
Brother, we're back.

Enjoy it.

You lot making money, yeah?

All right, see you later.
He's over at the maisonettes.

All right, safe. Be easy.

I'll just take it to the till for you.


-I pay for the holidays.
-Oh, I'm--


It's like old times, my bro.


What's up?

Can't you smell it on my hands?

What do you want me
to smell on your hands, fam?

This f*cking smoke.

It's on my hands and it ain't goin', bro.

No, I don't think it's on your hands.
I think it's in your f*cking head, fam.

When I'm sleeping, I can still smell it.

If you can smell it when you're sleeping,
it's definitely in your head.

It ain't real.

Money, bro.

Do something with that. Enjoy it.

Something wrong with you.
Something wrong with you, man.

Hey, Dushane, you all right?

- Yeah, I'm good.
-Hi, Dushane!

I can't find my goggles.

Aight, tell Tish I said wah gwaan, yeah?

Dushane says hello.

Is everything good?

Yeah. What're you doing tonight?

You know what I'm doing tonight?

Tish has a swimming competition.
That's what I'm doing.

Yeah, what about after?

Can Dushane come?
Dushane should come.

-I'm a really fast swimmer.

Have you found your goggles yet?

What you sayin'?

I've got too much to do.

Look, we gotta go. Bye.

Aight. I'll see you later.


-What you sayin'?
-What's good?

We're gonna go get some food
before we go to the club.


Yeah. I'll meet you there.

All right.

- I'm going, man.


What are you doing here?

I was invited by the athlete.

How'd it go?

I came second.

Oh, wow, look at that.

-You must've been really good.

I was nearly first, but Jenny beat me.

-But only just.

Jenny's the best swimmer.

I don't think so. I think you're better.

I'm almost as good as her
at the back stroke,

but I have better technique.

That's what I like to hear.
Give me a high five.

-Well done.
- Tish!

-Who's that?

What, she got a boyfriend or something?

She's eight.

-So what you sayin'?

I mean, you show up,

miss my daughter's swimming competition

and aks me what I'm sayin'. What--

Well, I'm here, innit?

Is there a reason why you came?

Yeah. To see you.

See the athlete.

Well, you've seen us.

-Is that all?

Why are you-- Why are you pressuring me?

Why you making this so hardcore?
What's wrong with you?

I'm not making anything hard,
I just wanna know what your agenda is.

Out here in your-- your tartan.


Looking like a black Mary Poppins.

-What's going on, man?
-Oh, my God.

You miss me?

-Miss you?

Why would I miss you?

I don't know, I'm just asking.

-Why you gotta be so confrontational?
-No. No is the answer.

All right, cool.

Well, you obviously miss me.

Yeah, kind of. I did, actually.

Kind of?

Well, I did actually
come to see Tish, but...

-It's a bonus you're here as well, innit?

I got something for you.

Aight, d'you know what?
I'll give it to Tish.

She'll appreciate it.

Can I ask you a question?

What do you want?

For your life, like, what do you want?

I think that's a leading question.

Well, if you ever get round
to answering it,

you know where to find me.

And you can give me that if you do.

See you later, hun.

-Yeah, I'm gone.

Yeah. This is mad for me.

We're, like, the f*ckin'
oldest ones in here.

So you wanna go to the bingo
around the corner or something?

Yeah, but, listen, see my man,
keep a eye on him.

Yeah, sure.

Cool, yeah?


Some nice girls over there.
They wanna have a chat.

Yeah, I'm all right.


Bro. You takin' your medication, yeah?


Make sure that's the only thing
you're taking, you know.

It's cool, bruv.

Attica, come and get
your breakfast.

I don't need lunch money anymore.

What do you mean?

I'm getting free lunches.

That one is not very dirty.


-I don't wanna take it in today.
-You have to.

-Why do I?
-Because you broke our machine.

Because I don't want you going around
with dirty clothes.

Wah gwaan. Wah gwaan.

Wah gwaan.

Wah gwaan? What's so important?

These two were over in the Fields, innit?

Thought you might wanna hear
what they gotta say.

Me and Lee was over in the Fields
havin' a drink and a smoke,

and this fella comes up
and just offers us white.

As much as we want.

Said we can have
as much as we want.

As much white, as much dark.
They got everything.

You tellin' me the truth?
You ain't tellin' no lies?

No, no, I swear down.
The mandem have food.

-They have a lot of food.
-Here, look.

How much you get this for?

A score.

That's a lot of white
for a score bag.

Who's the yout?

I don't know his name.

But what he said is, he said they ain't
had food since the Turks got k*lled.

And now all of a sudden,
they got bare food again.

And I said, as soon as I heard that,
I said, 'We have to tell Dris right away.

Dris will wanna know this.'

Aight, cool.

Go on, then.

You lot find out who took over
when Modie went away?

It's gotta be Leyton.

Him and Modie are friends.
He's the only one with that type of rep.

I reckon it's a couple new kids
on the block.

Ain't no new f*cking kids, man.
It's Leyton, I'm telling you.

-Stands to reason.
-Hold on, go on.

Don't know their names,
but up-and-comers, innit?

Listen, I need to find
these f*cking youts, man.

They might not wanna talk to you, bruv.

Look, Fields are small-scale.

All they care about
is shottin' on their ends.

What we need to do is find a way
they're not steppin' on our toes

so we can do what the f*ck we want.
You get me?

Youse two go up there.
Tell me what you can see, yeah?

-Me as well?

-Hey, wait for me.

Bruv, what're you on about?
Why're you trying to send me on that?

-Why don't you send Kieron with her?
-Bruv, I need to find these kids.

-No, that's a joke ting, man.
-What you talkin' about?

-What the f*ck is your problem, man?
-Well, you said we're partners in this.

-Me, you and Sully.
-We are partners.

This ain't a partner-type level job, bruv.

Dris! I said I want you to go.

It needs to be you. Go.

f*ck's sake.

Sully. Call me, man.



I didn't know you were home.

You look...


Thank you.

You look good.

Thank you.

Did you wanna talk to Tash?

I'd be fine with that if you did.

It'd be nice, actually.

For her. Well, and for you.

-Are you all right?
-You, uh...


Yeah, I know. Seven months.

You married?

Uh, shacked up, but engaged. Yeah.

But we're gonna wait till the baby's born
before we get married.

Who is he?

His name is Paul,
and you wouldn't know him.

I know everyone in the ends.

He's not a roadman.

And he never was.

He's a good man.

Treats me right.

And he loves Tasha.

He's great with her.

Well, he better be.

'Cause I'll be paying him a visit,
you know?

You would like him.


I don't think I would.

You and me, you know, we've moved on.

That's just the way it is.

You've moved on.

Me, I'm f*cking stuck in the same place
I started from, T.

Why don't you come over and visit us?

What? You and Paul?

Yes, me and Paul.

And your daughter.

Got a nice little house now.

A mortgage, a garden.

It's sweet.

Come for dinner.

It'd be a nice way, casual, no pressure,
to connect with Tash again.

Yeah, well, I will think about that.

Give me your phone.
I'm gonna put my number in it.

I hope you come.

Call me.

And look after yourself.



It is f*ckin' you.


- Yeah, it's you.

But like a shitter version.

Wah gwaan, though.

Nothin'. You all right, cuz?

What did you say?

I didn't just hear that.

Say it again.

Say it again!

-What did you say?
-What is--

-It's a f*cking normal question, innit?

-Good manners, Jermaine.

-Good manners?
-Yeah. Learn some.

This guy.

Are you having a f*ckin' laugh?

Tell me something,

when is it good manners
to kidnap your own cousin, hm?


When is it good manners
to f*ckin' chain him to a radiator?

f*ckin' beat the shit out of him?
thr*aten to k*ll him?

What, put-- put a g*n to his head?

What, is that good manners
to your cousin, is it?

You f*ckin' still goin' on about that?


It got wrapped up. It's cool, innit?
Gonna have to eat that one.

It was five years ago.

I don't give a f*ck
if it was 100 years ago!

What was you gonna do?
Leave my son without his dad, yeah?

Don't talk to me about good manners.

I suggest you dressback.

-No, don't-- don't touch me
-And f*ckin' listen.

-Listen, listen.
-Don't touch me!

I ain't f*cking joking.
I'mma tell you once, Jermaine.


It's done.

It's over.

Move on.

-So you're not gonna apologise?
-No. And you know what I'm on.

And I'm telling you it's done.

All right.


I gotta go,
but it was good to bump into you.

Nice surprise.

Ats, do you wanna
load the machine tomorrow?

I think it's probably your turn by now.

Why not?

I messed our one up.

I didn't know how to work it,
and now it's broke.

That's okay.

I can show you how to do it correctly,
then you know for next time.

Are you okay, Ats?

-Do you have money for lunch?
-I got lunch money from my mum.



Can my mum work here? At the school?

She's bare smart.

She helps me with my homework
and that stuff all the time.

Maybe she could be a teacher like you.
Or something else.

She's a really great cook.

I'm sure she is.

But I don't know if there are any jobs
here at the moment, I'm afraid.

We're here to educate the children.

That's what it says in my contract.

I don't get paid
to wash and clean their clothes.

We're teachers, Mr Evans.

Of course we're not getting paid.

What you sayin'? You all right?

It's your mum.

Look, she's been taken
to Homerton Hospital.

Shit. f*ck!

Wah gwaan.

Excuse the mess.

Sorry, he gets his stuff everywhere.
Can you put some of this away, please?


-It's crazy.
- Rah. Nice view.

Listen, do, um, you two want a tea
or a coffee or anything?

-Yeah, tea.

Milk? Sugars?

Oi. Behave, please.


I know your name.

Yeah? What is it?


Nah, nah, nah. That's someone else.

-My name ain't Dris.
-Yes, you are. Your name's Dris.

Nah, it ain't.
You're mixin' me up with someone else.

-Are you gonna come and live here with us?

-Go play with your toys. We're working.
-What work?

-We're builders.
-No, you're not.

You see us here
sittin' on our arses drinkin' tea?

That's what builders do.

You're not a builder. You're a girl.

-Blud, don't be sexist.

Doesn't your mum teach you
not to be sexist?

Girls can be builders.

Girls can be anything.

Like... a boxer.

I'm a boxer.


- Here you go, you two.
-She ain't no boxer.

-Thank you.

You're in big trouble now, bruv.

Shut up, man, and watch the window. Ay!

Chop you up.


You all right?

Take that worried look off your face.
Nothing wrong with me.

She was very out of breath
when I got to the flat.

Doctors think
she may have had a heart attack.

Those doctors and nurses
don't know what they're talking about.

I'm fine.

-Do I look sick to you?

No, you don't look sick.

But you won't be going for any parties
in the nurses' office, you hear me?

Okay, okay.

What're they sayin'?

Well, they're checkin' her bloods now,
but the ECG's showin' anomalies.

Thank you for being there.

He's stealing food?

He told me he was getting
free school lunches.

When we find children stealing sandwiches
out of other kids' lunchboxes,

it is usually one of the first signs
that there are problems at home.

Look, Ats is an exceptional student, Amma.

Now, I have never seen him
do anything like this before,

and it doesn't have to go any further
than you and me for now.

I lost my job a few weeks ago.

I had a visit from
the immigration officers.

I'm sorry.

It's all right.

It's made things very difficult for me.

Are you getting all your entitlements?

I'm not entitled to anything.

What, no recourse to public funds?

If the authorities find me working,
they will deport me.

I'm so sorry.


-Yo. Yo, Dris.

That's Leyton.

Come on. Let's go.

-What you lot sayin'?
-Yes, my bro.

Sully's back on Summerhouse, you know.

My boy just saw him walking in the road.
And guess who he was with?

Dushane Hill.

Dushane's back in Summerhouse?

Yeah. The two of them
must be runnin' it again.

Hold on, wait. This makes no sense.

I swear they had a madness
back in the day.

Well, they must've kissed
and made up, cuz.

'Cause they're shottin'.

They got food, you know.
They got loads of food.

So what are we gonna
do about it then?

All's I know...

...we need to do exactly
to Dushane and that fucker Sully

-what we did to Cam.
- Yes, I'm down.

-Can't let 'em f*ck with us.
-Wipe them pussyholes out, innit?

They mad.
See what they did to Modie?

f*cked him up seriously, you know.

That pussyhole needs to pay
for what he done.

f*ckin', we gotta think smart
about that one still.

Think I wanna do something stupid, cuz?

I'm saying if we're gonna do it,
we gotta do it properly, innit?

Lay them all out in one go.

Dushane, Sully and f*cking Dris.

Just like what we done to the Turks.

No warning.

That means no one makes a move
till I say so.

Listen, just stay out of Sully's way
till you get the drop, innit?

- You know him?
- Nah.

We need to follow him, bruv.

For what? That yout don't run the Fields.

Leyton does.

Take a good look at him.
I'm tellin' you, bruv.

He's the leader.

f*ck, bruv.

Yo. Them kids we was talkin' about?

We're followin' the leader now.

Who? Leyton?

Nah, bruv. Some next yout.

Listen, I'm stuck somewhere right now.

I'm gonna get Sully
to come and link you, yeah?


Hey, if you need to be somewhere,
I can stay.

I'm good.

Yo, Sully. When you get this, call Dris.

Find out where he is,
and go and link him ASAP, yeah?

Bro, what the f*ck this n*gga
doing in a antique store?

And you're Jamie.



-'Scuse me?

My name is Lithe.


to meet you.

Oh, wow.




Your aura.



- What?
- You're a very caring person.

There's rose in there too.


What? Does this lady actually make money
out of a place like this?

It's a front.

From now on,
this is where you bring the money.

Speaking of...

How much did you sell?

Everything. Just like I said.

Would you like a drink?

Yeah. Why not?

She's a strong lady.

She's gonna be all right.

What do I want?

-What I want is for you t--
-You haven't got to talk about this now.

What I want...

is for you to take this.

Come on, Dushane.
That's-- That's not what I meant.

I want my mum to get better.

Yeah, we all want that,
but this is about you. What do you want?

I don't know.

You must know.

I don't.

All right, what do you want?

I want to be a part of a real family.

Not a broken one like mine was.

I want a nice house.

It doesn't have to be big or fancy,

just a home,
somewhere you wanna be at night.

I want brothers and sisters
for my little girl,

and a father that loves them
and cares for them.


strong, gentle.

I don't want any drama.

Well, maybe just a little bit,
just to keep me on my toes.

But I don't want no games.

And if I find that person,


do what I can to make that person happy.

That's what I want.

Well, you're not asking for a lot,
are you?


'Cause that seems like
the bare minimum to me.

Will you just take it?

What are you trying to say
with this, though?

Oh, my days, you're hard work, man.
Why you making this so difficult?

'Cause I like messin' with your head.

Look, I'm not interested in goin' out,
gettin' wasted

and some guy givin' me jewellery.

I wanna get to know you.

So how'd you get into this game?

There's a lot of dr*gs in Dublin.

A lot of g*ns too.

Both my brothers were dealers.


The younger one, Connor, he got k*lled.

They kneecapped the other one.

Have you ever kneecapped anyone?


It depends how badly
you wanna hurt the person.

Assuming it's a mild punishment
for something not too serious,

use a small calibre p*stol
like a .22 or maybe even a .32.

And you sh**t them in the fleshy part
of the thigh or the calf.

They'll be back walking in a day or two.

But what they did with my brother Eamonn,

used a .45.

They put it behind his knee
and they pulled the trigger.

They might as well
have used a saw and sawed off his leg.

But I love Dublin.

Have you ever been?


You'd like it.

You'd be very popular there
with the ladies.

But after a while, it gets kinda small.

That's why I started travelling all over.

America, Africa, Southeast Asia.

I met people who kept saying
if you ever want to get into business,

they'd give me what I needed.

What, so it was your idea, not Jeffrey's?

Does it bother you
to be dealing with a woman?

No. It's cool.

I'm gonna bunk off now, darling.

Unless you need me for anything?

Thanks, Lithe.

-I'll lock up.
- Have a lovely time.

-She's such a weird lady.

-Best accountant ever.

And very discreet.

I'm just gonna count the money
one more time, just to be sure.

He's still in there.

Probably gettin' some, innit?

Well, make it quick,
whoever the f*ck you are, bruv.

That's a lot of money.

Yeah, it's just the start.

And you know that.


Lovely seeing you, mate.

Take care.

That's not happening again, okay?


I know what's in your head.

You're a young man.

You have a young man's swagger.

You're thinking,
'No chick says no to me a second time.'

Am I right?

Yeah, somethin' like that.

Yeah. Go out the back way.

I don't want Lithe's neighbours thinking

there's people coming and going


And the next time, it's business.

Nothin' more.

Bruv, how the f*ck did we miss him?

- Oi, lady!

I need to speak to your boyfriend.

-The one you was bangin' a while ago.

-Where is he?
-Blud, leave her.

I don't know what you're talking about.

Listen, I ain't f*cking with you.
Where is he?

Let me go. I'm getting into my car.

You're letting go
or I'm calling the f*cking police.

-Take her f*cking keys, man.
- Gimme the keys.

-f*ck off! f*ck off!
-Gimme the f*cking keys!

Work again?



We lost this guy.

-But I got his girlfriend.
-You what?

What the f*ck, man?

Didn't know what to do, bruv.
Had to do something.

- I don't wanna hear all of that.
-She was gonna leave, bruv.

Oh, my God. Aight, hear what I'm sayin'.

All right, here's what you're gonna do.
Tell her to call her boyfriend.

Yeah? And tell him to meet
at the Number One caff.

Alone. Tonight.

Just f*cking do it, Dris.

I gotta go.

Take this.

-See ya.

Where the f*ck are you, man?
Tell me what you can see, bruv.


Jamie, yeah?

You want a Fruit sh**t or somethin'?

Bruv, where is she?

She's fine.

Trust me.
They'll bring her over in a minute.

I'm not trying to step on your toes,
you know.

The mandem can keep doin'
what they've always been doin'.

Shot whatever to whoever,
I really don't give a f*ck, bruv.

Just do it on your ends.

And if you need food, come to me.

So you think I'm here
to get your permission to shot food?

You're here to get mine.

What, you ain't noticed
things have changed?

You're not dealing with
the mandem no more.

You're dealin' with the ZTs.


What's that?
Rubber duckies and bubble bath?

ZTs stand for Zero Tolerance.

For any other g*ng, for anyone else
shottin' on the streets,

and you'll work for me.

And that's your only option.

I've had a long f*ckin' day, bro.

Let me give you a piece of advice.

Do what the f*ck I'm telling you to do...

and you won't get hurt.

And we can make some money.

Do you know the last person
that said that to me?

I'd tell you, except I can't pronounce
them Turkish names.

You wanna sell food, you sell my food.

Or you don't sell nothin' at all.

Do you understand what I'm sayin' to you?

Now get that woman in here now, innit?

What's happened to you, man?

You used to be a legend round here.

Would the old Dushane Hill
have begged his brother for ten grand?


Remember this brown face?

You k*lled my friend.