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04x04 - Diriliş Ertuğrul Vakti

Posted: 10/02/23 06:35
by bunniefuu
You leave...

the presence of Majesty Emir...

to talk to this commander,

you don't have morals
nor do you follow tradition.

You can't teach me about tradition.

If the hatun of the pavilion and Emir
are here, your words have no effect.

How dare you?

Is it tradition to advance towards
a hatun that took over...

the Beylic, Bahadir Bey?

You have no manners!

How dare you touch a Bey?



If you are a bey, act like one.

If I didn't respect the pavilion,

I'd sacrifice you with your own dagger.


What is this tactlessness?

Did you forget you're in my presence?

You've all crossed the line.

All of you.

Bahadir Bey.

Take your son, go to your tent.

This incident will stay in this pavilion.

No one will hear about it.


I'll go now.

But it's not over, Turgut Alp.

Don't you forget that.


From now on...

be careful about the breaths you take.

If you cause trouble

within the lands that I rule...

I'll make you both pay for it.


Two of you go this way.

We'll go that way.

If you see something,

-let me know right away.
-Yes, Commander Lukas.

Let the folks know that the Beylic council
will come together in the morning.

When the bey is selected,

I'll go to Hanlı Bazaar
and finish the job with Bahadir Bey.

After that I'll immigrate where
my brothers Gündoğdu and Sungurtekin are

and unite the Kayis.

-It's your call, Bey.
-Let's hope for the best.

Mother, why are you crying?

I miss your father, son.

If your father was here...

we'd never have to go through
troubles like these.

Don't worry, Mother.

I'll be the bey soon.

You'll all live comfortably.

I hope so, my Gündüz.

You'll be the bey of all beys.

You'll carry on your father's will.

You'll spread fear among...

the enemy, spread hope among the innocent.

My Gündüz.

Come on.

Damn it.

Its horseshoe has fallen off.

Perfect timing.

Come on, boy. Hold on a little longer.

Just a little bit more.
I know you can do it.

Is that your brother?


My brother!

Pedro, forgive me, Pedro.

Forgive me, I couldn't protect you.

Who did this, sir? Tell me
so I can k*ll them with my own hands.

The K*llers of your brother
have died, Marya.

I k*lled them all.

Except Simko.

He'll be here as well. When he is,
he'll get his punishment.


I don't want you to forgive me.

k*ll me.

k*ll me right here,
right next to my brother.

I don't deserve to live.

I couldn't protect him
and I wasn't worthy of you.

I betrayed you.

Your brother paid for you betrayal, Marya.

As for you,

you'll be my woman

till your beauty dies or someone else
seduces you and you make a mistake.

Take her away.


Pedro, my brother!


Pedro, forgive me, brother.

Forgive me...

Come on, Ertuğrul.

Come to me.

His horse is missing a shoe.

He can't go far, it'll stumble.

Let's go after him.

The dagger that you avoided
in the b*ttlefield,

found you in my pavilion.

The b*ttlefield is afield for brave men.

They were only brave enough to s*ab us...

in the field of disorder,
not on the b*ttlefield.

They partnered with Emir Sadettin

and shed blood in the holy pavilion
of my Aliyar Bey.

They will surely pay
for that blood one day.

If not...

the posts of this holy pavilion
will come down on us.

Neither you nor your pavilion

can see any good from a bey

that serves Emir Sadettin.


I'm not strong enough to stop Bahadir Bey.

You will be, Aslıhan Hatun.

You will be.

You should be.

Bahadir's dagger
will turn around to s*ab you.

It'll s*ab my people, and everything

my Ertuğrul Bey and Aliyar Bey

entrusted with us.

We won't let that happen.

Do you understand me?

Even if his dagger...

stabs my flesh,

it can't pierce the armor in my heart.

Despair doesn't suit us.

You were always by my side
when I was battling...

with the enemy on the border.

You're the spouse in my heart

and my companion for my life.

None of us have the right to go back.

Even if your people immigrate?

Even if Bahadir Bey works
with Emir Sadettin

and makes life unbearable for us?

I won't let you be alone,

even if the whole world
comes down on us...

let alone those two degenerates.

As long as I'm alive...

I'll live by this oath.

Your life is mine,

your blood is mine,
your oath is mine, Turgut Alp.

So I'll have to...

go back to my pavilion

and take Dündar Bey out
of the heedlessness pit that he fell in.

Don't you give in to those degenerates.

You should know that
both Ertuğrul Bey's men and I

will have your back.

No morals or tradition is left.

She won't follow my command.

With Ertuğrul's scumbag by her side
she shows her teeth.

If it wasn't for Emir Sadettin

I'd show her...

Seems like his axe won't stop
before it cuts his own throat.

Give your command, Father,

so I can show that scumbag's mad head
to everyone.

That will happen
when the time comes, son.

However, for now
you have to control your anger.

You'll control it so...

when the time comes...

whoever can't control their hands
and their mouth

will pay for what they've done.

Those people have decayed, Bey.

What kind of a hell are we in?

I'm afraid they'll get worse
if we keep quiet.


don't you know your Bey?

Don't you see what's happening?


How can we keep quiet just because
the Emir of the government approves this?

I'd be less offended if my arm broke off.

I can't stand this.

Not now, Sancar.

Not now.

Let go of your anger.

Let it go,
so it can come back as a storm.

Go, ha!

Come on, ha!


Damn you, animal!

Be useful one last time.

Disorient Ertuğrul for me.

Come on.


Thank God.

My God let us see you alive.

Don't think you'll get away with
what you've done, Turgut Alp.

My breath will always be...

on your neck.

I'm too tired to deal with you.

Go away before your anger
gets you in trouble.

I'll walk all over you, Turgut.

Your father has no tongue to respond,

has no hands to make someone pay...

so he sends his lamb after me?

That's the kind of language scumbags
like you would understand.

Even if your bey comes out of his grave,

he won't save you.

I'll make you crawl
with my own hands, Turgut.

You'll leave this pavilion crawling.

Come on.

Come here.

Damn it.

How could this happen?

Where is Ertuğrul?

He got away.

How can a wounded man do this all alone?

He wasn't alone.

He created an army out of slaves.

Which way did they go?


Simko captured them.

Which way did they go?

That way.

Hurry up. We're leaving.

Please don't leave me here.

Take me with you.



Turgut, Sancar Bey!

How dare you?

What are you looking at?

Why didn't you stop him?

Sancar Bey disrespected us
by punching Turgut Alp

who fought by our side.

Yes, he is right.

Sancar Bey started it.

We won't take part in this fight.

No, we won't!

Teach your son some manners.

Or I'll teach him.

Mark my words.


Sancar Bey is the one without manners.

Turgut Alp...

go to your tribe in peace.

All the Çavdars appreciate you
leading our alps

and fighting alongside them.

May you never lose a fight, Turgut Alp!

May God deliver you from evil!

May you never lose a fight, Turgut Alp!

May God deliver you from evil!

May you never lose a fight, Turgut Alp!

May God deliver you from evil!

Lady Aslıhan, we didn't let the enemy
take over our flag, we protected it.

May God bless you, brave warriors.

May God host our martyrs in his heaven.

May God deliver you, our state

and our homes from evil.


O' Turgut.

I won't have my peace

until I bury you with Ertuğrul.

Blessed vizier.

A letter from our sultan has arrived.

Read it.

"You, my vizier Sadettin.

If a margrave of a state,
who is destined to be glorious

is ambushed and att*cked,
then the responsible ones will pay.

I've been waiting to hear from you
about the matter yet you've been silent.

It's your responsibility
to hold them accountable.

Make them pay for what they did
to my margrave at once."

Blessed vizier.

It's time to make the murderers
of Ertuğrul pay for their crimes.

We'll let our sultan know

Ares ambushed and k*lled Ertuğrul

once Bahadir Bey takes over the bazaar.

Sir, a letter from the emperor
has arrived at the castle.

Your soldiers brought it here.

It's a smart move to be partners
with Vizier Sadettin in the bazaar.

We'll send the qualified trader
you demanded from us.

With his help,
you'll make the bazaar inoperative.

Once the Turks are worn out

we'll strike with our great army
and destroy them.

You have the capacity and the wit
to do greater goods.

Our religion and holy emperor
expect more from you.

Come on then, Ertuğrul.

Let's see how you'll save yourself
this time.

Horses seem to have gone that way.

But this might be a trap.

Just like you said, Ertuğrul Bey.

Footprints go this way.

He can't go far on foot.
Let's go after him.

Get on your horses, men, this way.

That's Ertuğrul. Let Commander Lukas
know right away.

I wouldn't want something like this
to happen on your watch.


That Turgut will get what he deserves.

He knows if he does it again

that dagger will go through his heart,
not his shoulder.


But, Sancar Bey...

He is hard to contain.

And Turgut is a wild one.

Be careful. I wouldn't want
your only son to be harmed.

If he does anything to my son,
aside from k*lling Turgut,

I'd burn his tribe down to the ground.

Quietly and smoothly.

You should keep this in mind at all times.

First, let Dündar be chosen as the leader
and you take Hanlı Bazaar.

Then Turgut's time will come.

Don't worry.

I see you watching over us,
I now have worries, blessed vizier.

Go to the beys of the tribe at once.

As a victorious bey
who demands Hanlı Bazaar,

convince them to hold a council meeting.

Seeing Turgut's support,
Aslıhan will make it hard for you.

Don't worry about her.

Inform your beys that you have my blessing
to become the new margrave.

From now on, Aslıhan shouldn't have a say
in that tribe.

May God protect our state.

And let you live long.

Thank you, Artuk Bey.

So, Brother... Why are we still here?

-Let's take our swords and gut them.
-Bamsi, enough.

We already have too much on our plates.

No one in the tribe will know about it
except for you.

Brother, are you listening to yourself?

Are we going to let the serpent
grow under our noses?

We need to crush its head
before it bites all of us.

Bamsi, don't you know that
the head of the serpent is Sadettin?

He was the one who brought Bahadir here.

He probably also has a part
in the purchase of the bazaar.

They're doing all they can
to banish us from these lands.

It'll be our heads that get crushed
if we don't act cautiously, Bamsi.

First, we will face Dündar Bey.

What if they choose Dündar Bey
at the council meeting?

Let's decide now

so we will know what to do later.

We will not leave here
even if Dündar Bey is chosen.

We won't leave this place

until we make them pay for
what they did to Ertuğrul Bey

and turn them into ashes.

We won't turn our backs on these lands
nor on our bey.

Lady Aslıhan

and Çavdar's alps who supported us
are with us.

We are not alone.

Alps! We will do all we can
without spoiling our traditions

and without opposing our state.

-Very well.
-Very well.

Very well, Artuk Bey.


You are back?


Don't leave!

Don't leave, Ertuğrul.



Dear God...

I can't take this anymore.

Please give me strength.

Give me strength.

You took away everything I had, Ertuğrul.

I lost everything I had.

You'll pay dearly for it.

And Ares will get what he deserves.

Thanks to you, I'll be super rich.

Did you think the shadows
could conceal you, bastard?


Let's surround him.

We won't let him get away.

So we meet again, Ertuğrul Bey.

They said you were a dangerous man.

I underestimated you.

You haven't paid the price
for underestimating me, yet.

Neither have you, Ertuğrul Bey.

Neither have you.

I saved your life.

How easily did you forget?
You are indebted to me.

What do you want in return
for saving my life?


I want gold, Ertuğrul Bey.

What else would I want?

Look, let's make a deal.

You give me the gold,

and I'll tell you who ambushed you.

k*ll them all. Don't leave any alive.

Simko got away.

He was ready to tell everything
to save his own life.

Don't worry, Atsiz. There is someone else.

You shed blood in my tent
and your son didn't behave.

I'm staying silent so as to not spoil
the peace within the tribe.

But if you disrupt the peace again

I'll have you banished
from my tribe, Bahadir Bey.

If you summoned me here to thr*aten me,

then know that I won't take this lightly.

I came here with state's orders.

No one has the power
to banish me from here.

Vizier Sadettin won't be able to help,
Bahadir Bey.

I am the leader of this tribe,
my words are the rules here.

This tribe is also my tribe.

And soon I'll be the leader.

In the past, you supported Ertuğrul
and caused disgrace to our tribe.

Now you rely on the support
of the Turgut and Kayi tribes.

But it's in vain.

Ertuğrul Bey followed the path
of the state and God.

While it's not clear
whose path you are on.

I won't leave this tribe to your hands.

We'll see, Lady Aslıhan. We'll see.

Neither of you will have a say here

once the Kayi tribe choose Dündar
as their leader.

Let aside Turgut,
even Ertuğrul won't be able

to keep you as the leader
even if he were to rise from his grave.

The door!

He is regaining consciousness.

So you are awake.

Come here.

Come and eat some food.

Gather your strength.

You have so much to tell me.

I have nothing to say to you, Turk.

Don't be so sure.

I am in no hurry.

We'll be around here

until you decide to talk.

I don't know who you are.

We just wanted the gold.

And you happened to be poor.

It was the wrong tree.

k*ll me and be done with it.

Not that easily, you bastard!

Death would be an escape for you.

Now, tell me.

Who sent you after me?

My men and I were looking for gold.

Don't you get it?

We saw someone by a fire.

You came up
just when we were about to attack him.

Who sent you after me?

I swear in Jesus' name.

I don't know you.

I told you, we were after the gold.

Simko wanted to sell me for gold.
Who is your master?

Who sent you
and Simko to k*ll me, tell me!

I swear I don't know.

I don't understand what you are saying.

My decision is final.

The bazaar will be sold
to a brave Turkish bey

who has the support of vizier Sadettin.

And then I will unite our tribe
with Gündoğdu

and Sungurtekin's tribes.

Well thought, Dündar Bey.

-That's the appropriate thing to do.
-He is right.

It's for the best.

-It's for the best.
-It's for the best.

What about Artuk Bey's direction?

My direction includes patience,
effort and our religion.

I'd like to keep
Ertuğrul Bey's cause alive.


No good can come
from digressing from Ertuğrul Bey's path.

There would only be bad things.

-He is right.

-Artuk Bey is right.
-He speaks the truth.

This is a place
for consultation, Artuk Bey.

Words like these are not suitable
for a man of your wisdom.

Ertuğrul Bey's blood is running
through my veins.

He is right.

Who can follow his path better than I can?

Dündar Bey, you're suggesting
we leave all our efforts behind.

This is not about Ertuğrul Bey's path
or about bravery.

That's correct. He is right.

-We can't let that happen.
-My beys!

My beys...

Both Artuk Bey and Dündar Bey

revealed their directions.

It's up to you to decide now.

May the best decision
for our tribe be made.

Amen. May it be for the best.

Hopefully, it'll be for the best.

Go to hell, Ertuğrul!


So you know my name.

Are you still going to deny knowing me?

I k*lled all the soldiers
who served your master

and sent a message to him with pigeons.

And he sent you to me, right?

Where did the pigeons go?

Whose place was it?

Nothing will come out of my mouth
except for blood, Ertuğrul.

So, you are loyal to your master, huh?

Let's see how loyal you are.

Loyal dog, you'll talk!

I won't talk
even if you k*ll me, Ertuğrul.

Stop it!

You will talk! Who sent you?


Commander Ares.

He'll be the death of you
and all the other Turks.

He'll slay all the women and children

just like he ambushed you
and slayed your warriors.

You'll all be erased from these lands.

I'll burn down the Karacahisar Castle

with your master in it.

I'll make these lands a grave

for those who even think

about erasing Turks from these lands.

All in favor of Artuk Bey
being the leader of the Kayi?

All in favor of Dündar Bey
being the leader of the Kayi?

The council has decided.

Dündar Bey will be the leader of the Kayi.

From now on, Dündar Bey will lead us

with his decisions.

May it be the best for our tribe.

So be it.

May it be for the best.

May it be for the best, beys.

May it be the best for all of us.

May it be beneficial.

-May it be the best for our tribe, my Bey.

-Good luck, Dündar Bey.
-Do you have anything to say, Artuk Bey?

You'll be governed as you deserve.

We shall see.

-Good luck, Son.
-Thank you, Mother.

Good luck, Dündar Bey.

May it be beneficial.

May it be beneficial for all of us.

I grant every tent a sheep
as a token of my leadership.

Thank you, my bey.

The inn will be sold

and in no time
the Kayi tribe will be reunited again.

Let it be known to everyone.

Good luck, my bey.

Appreciate it.

Atsiz, let's be on our way.

Ares has probably already taken advantage
of my absence.

We have no time to lose.

You've revealed everything, Ertuğrul Bey.

What's your next move?

Now, it's our right to conquer.

I'll cut off Ares' head
and send it to the emperor.

I will burn the Karacahisar Castle
to the ground if that's what it takes.

Then I'll sneak into the castle
and gather information for you.

Know that, Ertuğrul Bey,
I'll be with you till my last breath.

I appreciate it, Atsiz.

Brave warriors, go to IlBeyi at once.

Let him know Ertuğrul Bey is on his way,
safe and sound.

What is it? Are they here?

No, sir, we're still watching the roads.
Nobody has arrived yet.

Eventually, they both will come here.
I will gut them both.

You go back to your post!

Let me know as soon as
you see them coming. Right away!

Yes, Sir.

Soon, the Kayi tribe will
only be history in these lands.

Our fortune has been served to us
on a silver platter.

We'll rise once again as the Cavdar tribe.

Thank you, my bey.


-What is this?
-It's a gold chest!

Useless men talk in vain,

real men show off their power.

I'll purchase the bazaar

and make this tribe
the richest Turkish tribe.


We'll be glorious with our goods,
army and properties.

-We believe in you, Bahadir Bey.
-When will you purchase the bazaar?

I'm waiting to hear from the Kayi tribe.

Once Dündar Bey is elected as the leader

I'll purchase the bazaar.

-May I come in?
-Come in.

I have news from the Kayi tribe, my bey.
The council made a decision.

Dündar Bey has been elected
as the new leader of Kayi tribe.

Now, the time has come for us.

I'll do my part and purchase the bazaar.

You should play your part

and demand a council meeting right away.

Very well, my bey.

It's time to shake heathen's lands
with our raids,

it's time
to wave our flag in hostile lands,

it's time to be the richest tribe.

Now make your decision.

Would you rather be on Lady Aslıhan's side

and keep on goofing around in the tribe?

Or would you rather be with me
and spread our glory everywhere?

Of course.

Let's spread our glory.

That's what I thought.

Our Bey is coming. Here comes Dündar Bey.

With the permission of God,

I have the responsibility

to carry our customs, traditions

and memories of our martyrs

to the future, now.

He is right. He is the leader now.

Long live Dündar Bey!

First order of business,

I will sell the bazaar

to a brave Turkish bey

for a very good price.

What! How come?

You cannot sell the bazaar!

We won't let that happen!

How can he do that?

Dündar Bey!

When did we ever

sell something for which we shed blood?
Why would we do it now?

When did we ever...

forgot the memories of our martyrs

and run away without looking back?
And why would we do it now?

Know your place, Bamsi!

Know your place!

We are not running away from anyone.


why are we selling the bazaar in a hurry
and leaving our land?

Why the hurry?

What about Ertuğrul Bey's revenge?

Since when did you start
to question the bey's orders, Turgut?

You have the right to rule.

And we deeply respect

our traditions and customs.

But know this, Dündar Bey...

We won't turn our backs on these lands

for which we lost many good men!

We won't!

And of course,

we won't go anywhere
without avenging Ertuğrul Bey's death.

We won't!

Our path is clear.

I will not change my decision.

If you disobey our traditions

and oppose your leader's decisions

then you can go your own way.

Is this how you respect
your brother and his memory?

-Will the tribe be divided now?
-We can't go anywhere without alps.

We won't leave our tribe!

You entered my tent without permission

and sat in my spot!

Move away right now, Bahadir Bey!

Right now!

I'm not here to argue with you,
Lady Aslıhan.

The Kayi tribe

has elected Dündar as their leader.


I'm on my way to buy the bazaar.

I talked to all the beys of Cavdar.

They all obeyed me.

You can't avoid it any longer.

The ruler of the Cavdar tribe

will be changed by tomorrow.

Everyone will bow before me.

Do what I asked last time
and call for a council meeting.

The door!

What happened, Lady Aslıhan?

Lady Esma, prepare the alps.

We're going to the Kayi Tribe.

I'll not let the coyotes roam freely

in the absence of the lions, Aliyar Bey.

I swear to God, I'll resist
until I take my last breath.

Blessed vizier, this is a sword
from Damascus, made by a master.



Dündar deserved this.

Well done, Dündar.

He did everything
and has become the new leader.

He shouldn't be worried.
I'll always be with him.

I'll always be with him

so that he can k*ll two birds
with only one stone.

He will get rid of the Kayi tribe...

and Ares.

What else can Sadettin do?

The life is going on, Ertuğrul.


I don't speak in vain.

The wisdom will prevail.

Your time will come, Lady Aslıhan.

Your time will come.

I won't let you be the first and worst
defeat of my life, Ertuğrul.

-What is it?
-News from Dündar Bey.

-What about him?
-He has been elected as the leader.

So they will sell the bazaar today.
Right on time, damn it!

He invites you as the witness
of the Greek traders.

I can't go anywhere

without k*lling Simko and Ertuğrul.
Any news from Lukas?

Not yet.

They will come. They'll both come.
Stay alert.

Yes, sir.

Lord almighty, help me.

Let me see my enemy
so that I can finish what I've started.

Give me your blessing, Atsız.

You have it, Ertuğrul Bey.

We will not rest until we get rid
of the enemy's swamp of evil.

Now it's time to draw swords

and wave the flags of conquering.

I'm always with you, Ertuğrul Bey.

I'll be your eyes and ears in the castle.

I'll be with you till we wave our flag
upon that castle.

Thank you.

We will drain the swamp of evil
in the name of God.

Hopefully, Ertuğrul Bey. May God help us.

Thank you.

Be safe, Atsız.

You too, Ertuğrul Bey.

Farewell, then.

You see, Aktolgali?

We ran across vast lands.

We swam across powerful rivers.

We lost so many lives.

Yet we failed to overcome
the traps of devils.

We made the brutes beg for mercy.

Yet we failed to guide
someone of our own blood.

Your heart is bigger than ours, Aktolgali.

Go, be on your way. Meet with your peers.

Run freely on the mountains.

Don't stay in this hole.

He is a relic from my Ertuğrul,
my daughter.

Why are you trying
to end everything, Halime?

What ended is the efforts
and endeavors of Ertuğrul, mother.

Many powerful storms failed
to destroy his tree.

Yet his own brother took it away
from its roots.

Don't you feel bad, mother?

Don't you think of Ertuğrul?

I feel so bad...

and it's so excruciating...

Words are not enough to describe.

I still wait for his return,
yet I know he won't come back.

I sometimes see him

rearing up Aktolgali in front of our tent.

And then, every now and then he says,

"Don't go, mother," in my dreams.

"Don't go. Don't leave me here."

Then don't go, mother.

Stay here.

Let's get revenge for Ertuğrul Bey.

Let's see what happens, my Halime.

We need to be patient, my girl.

Aktolgali shouldn't stay here.

He should go meet with his peers.

Let's not keep him here.

So that he won't have to witness
the derogation we are in.

My boy!

My boy!

Welcome, blessed vizier.
What a nice surprise.

Welcome, Bahadir Bey and Sancar Bey.

Thank you, Dündar Bey,
the leader of the Kayi tribe.


With God's permission,

I'll serve for the good of our state,
blessed vizier.

God bless your council
and may your leadership be glorious.

And may your home be prosperous.

In the name of the state,
I acknowledge your leadership

and approve its legitimacy.

Thank you, blessed vizier.

Thank you.

May God help you, Dündar Bey.

May you be glorious.

I appreciate it.


Why is Ares not here?

We don't know, sir.


My Aktolgali.

So you were looking for me
to return, huh?

I wouldn't call you "brother".

You are way more precious to me.

We are back together now.

Those who did this to us
failed to become successful.

Now it's time to catch those bastards.

We will go through the enemy lines
together again.

Our prophet said, "True happiness
is on the back of a horse."

My true happiness is to be with my tribe.

Now you shall be my wings...

and take me to my true happiness.



Where is Ertuğrul, Simko?

I asked you a question.

You and me,
we failed to get rid of one Turk.

But it seems...

he will get rid of us both.

How did Ertuğrul escape
from his chains, Simko?

A couple of Turks att*cked us.

They k*lled all my men.

And saved Ertuğrul.

I barely made it out of there alive.

He is probably on his way to his tribe.

I swear I don't know anything else.
How did you find me here?

Marya told me everything, Simko,

how you used your brothers,
I know everything.


Poor girl.

But it's you I pity most,
do you know that, Ares?

You have made such a great enemy
that neither your troops

nor your emperor will be able to save you!

Ertuğrul is coming for you, Ares!

He is coming for you!


Get ready.

We're going to take over the bazaar.

Yes, sir.

May I come in?

Come in, my daughter.

-Thank you, mother.

-Welcome, Aslıhan.

Firstly, congratulations
on the council decision.

Thank you, my daughter.

What is going to happen now?

Will you leave these lands, Mother?

It's not yet clear, my daughter.

It'll be decided when the time comes.

You are always welcome in my tribe.

I talked to Turgut Alp.

He is sure he'll stay here
with the alps even if you leave.

Why don't you all stay?

I'd be an honor to host you in my tribe.

We'll be stronger together.

-Thank you, Lady Aslıhan.
-Thank you.

What is it?

It must be someone important
because of the sound of the drums.

-What is going on?
-Someone is coming.

-There's a horseman.
-Someone is there.

-What is going on?
-I wonder who it is.

Come, let's have a look.

I can't see him.

-Let's see who he is.
-Come on.

Our Ertuğrul Bey is coming!




Goodness gracious! Our bey is alive!

Good God! He is back. Thank God!

Thank God.

Oh, thank God.

Our bey is alive.


Dad! I knew you'd come back.

Oh, my lion.

Oh, my boy.

Long live my bey! God spared you for us!

Oh, my brave boy.

Amen. Thank God!

Either I'm dead...

or you are resurrected, Ertuğrul.

Neither. You aren't dead...

nor am I resurrected, my Halime.

I ruined the enemy's traps and came back.

-Thank you, my Halime.


My mother.


My son.

My lion.

My mother.

My son.

My son.

Welcome Ertuğrul Bey.
Thank God you are back.

Thank you, Lady Aslıhan.


My bey.

Good man.


Thank God, my bey.

My brave brother.

Good man.

Thank God, my bey.

Artuk Bey.

Bring it in, alps. Come here! Hey!

My lions! Oh my lions!

-Welcome my bey.
-Good men.

-Good men.
-Oh, God, thank you.

-Lions, my lions!
-Welcome, Ertuğrul Bey.


My Bamsi.

Oh, my brother. Good man.

-My lion.
-My bey.

-My lion.
-My bey, forgive me.

Forgive me, my bey.

I failed to protect you, my bey.

Forgive me, my bey.

-My bey...

I caused you
to be separated from your loved ones.

Forgive me, my bey.

You did all you could, Bamsi.

You made yourself a shield for me.
You got wounded.

Good man.

Oh, good man.

My bey.

I wish I had died instead of you.

So these things wouldn't have happened
to the tribe.

What are you saying, Bamsi?

What happened?

Where is Dündar?


Our economy wasn't doing well
when we lost you.

Dündar became the leader.

He decided to sell the bazaar

and reunite with his brothers, Gündoğdu

and Sungurtekin's tribes.

What are you saying, Mother?

Where is Dündar now?

He went to sell the bazaar
before we leave these lands, my bey.


Don't go without your sword.

Thank you.

Thank you, my boy.

Son, go and save our bazaar.

Be quick, son.

Come on, alps.

To the bazaar.

It seems coyotes run wild

when they get the chance.

Let it be known...

Coyotes rule...

only until the wolves come back!

Allahu akbar!

Allahu akbar!

Allahu akbar!

Allahu akbar!

Allahu akbar!

Allahu akbar!

Allahu akbar!

Allahu akbar!

Allahu akbar!

Allahu akbar!