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04x26 - Yeni Sorun

Posted: 10/02/23 06:53
by bunniefuu
Artuk Bey...

How did we suddenly lose Halime Hatun?

An act of God, Günalp Bey.

She looked healthy.

But we've been having
a lot of trouble lately.

Even though Halime Hatun stood tall,

it seems that everything that happened
was too much for her.

Combining that with labor pain...

her heart couldn't take it.

That is very tough...

on our Bey.

It's so difficult to say goodbye
to his wife

that he loves more than himself.

Even though he's trying to be strong...

it's not easy.

I know, brother.

It's so hard to overcome.


our Bey knows...

the one who gives and takes is
the almighty God.

The only thing...

we can do is to support our Bey.

My almighty God...

My Halime...

My gazelle-eyed...

faithful wife.

The first one I saw...

and fell in love with.

The owner of my white veil.

The hope of my heart.

Now will you leave our white pavilion
and go under the black earth?

Why do I have...

to see you in a white shroud?

What am I going to do?

Where do I go?

Where do I go?

Now I'm grieving.

Now I'm suffering.

The mother of my three children,
my gazelle-eyed wife.

You made me happy in this world
with the three children you gave me.

My God granted me such a great destiny,

that I became the woman you love,

and the mother of your children.

The mother of my three children.

My brave wife.

Don't you worry.

I'll take care of our children
that you entrusted me with.

You have stood tall...

against every trouble for so long.

You suffered so much.

You survived many hardships.

You took care of our village
and our children.


Whatever I do,
I can't repay what you've done.

My gazelle-eyed mother.

My beautiful mother.



My mother won't leave us alone, will she?

She has to see us become alps.

She'll see me carrying my wooden sword
and my armor.

She wanted to see my wedding.

She always told me so.

My brave boy.

You have to be strong.

You're the elder brother.

You are responsible for them.

You'll support and protect them.

What would they do if you act like this?

Even if I stand tall...

my brothers are so young, grandmother.

What would they do without my mother?

Osman is a newborn.

Don't worry, my brave boy.

God will help you.

If you let yourself go...

your mother and father
would be very sad.

I'll protect my brothers
with everything I have.

I won't let anyone harm Savcı and Osman.

Was I supposed to see...

the day that prayer would be said
for you, my Halime?

Come on, brother.

Come on, Artuk Bey. It's time.

Can I come in, Bey?

Come in.

My Bey...

It's time.

My Gündüz.

Come on, it's time.

My mother is not dead,
you can't take her away.

I won't let her go!

Don't do that, son.

What did we just talk about?

No, grandmother.
They can't take my mother away.

My Gündüz!

You can't take her! I won't let you!

My gazelle-eyed mother.

My mother should be in the white pavilion,
not under the black earth.

I can't let my mother be
under the black earth, Father.

My brave boy, my son...

My Gündüz...

God is the one that gives and takes.

We can't do anything...

if that's what God wants.

My beautiful mother.

Don't leave us!

Know that...

death doesn't mean separation,
my Gündüz.

My beautiful mother,
my brother is asking for you.

Come on, get up!

The people who love each other...

meet in the afterlife.

Your mother is leaving now.

But sooner or later,
we'll be there with her too.

My dear mother.

Just as we are here together...

we'll be together there too.

And you have to protect your brothers.

Come on, my brave boy.

Pull yourself together.

Your mother would hate
to see you this way.

Be strong, my brave boy.

Be strong.

My beautiful mother.

My gazelle-eyed mother.

My gazelle-eyed mother.

My son.

Our Osman needs milk.

We don't have any women in the village
who just gave birth. What will we do?

Artuk Bey...

Yes, Bey.

Let all the tribes know.

Osman needs milk.

Find someone.

Your wish is my command, Bey.



Welcome, traveler.

Thank you.

Leave that plain Byzantine wine, Governor.

We'll drink Turks' blood now.

-Turks' blood?
-Yes, Turks' blood.

And the darkest of them.

Ertuğrul's blood.

What are you trying to say?

Ertuğrul's wing is hurt, Governor.

Ertuğrul's wife died.

And we'll break that wing off

before he can fly again.

I like what you say.

But I care more about fancy ideas
than fancy words.

Many scholars and merchants are
immigrating to Ertuğrul's land.

Very soon, Turkish presence will get
stronger in these lands.

To prevent that,

we'll attack the merchants.

What does that have to do
with drinking Ertuğrul's blood?

Ertuğrul's spy, Ares-- I mean, Ahmet.

He'll let Ertuğrul know.

And Ertuğrul will try to ambush you.

But we'll be the ones to actually
set him up.

Oh, Governor...

When you brought that Byzantine wine,

and started to talk about Turkish blood,
you got much smarter.


And in exchange, I'd like a gift from you.

Tell me.


I'll cut off his head.

Where will we ambush him?

With a bright woman called Almıla.

In her own tannery.

Have you thought about this, traveler?

Commander Ares is here, sir.


He may come in.

The hunter awaits his prey.

Don't worry, it's hunting season
for us both.

Who is this man?

A traveler.

You will know him soon.


No matter.
You know that Ertuğrul's wife is dead.

Yes, I do.

Ertuğrul is mourning now.

He's weak. We'll use this.

So, what will you do?

We'll attack, Ares.

The merchants are coming
to Ertuğrul's lands on his invitation.

This strengthens the Turkish presence

We can't allow it.

So what, will you attack the merchants?


A big tannery has been built.

We'll attack there, k*ll the tanners
and destroy the tannery.

The merchants will fear us.

Ertuğrul will be hit once again
in his weakest moment.

Good idea, Kritos.

Well thought out.

Good. Now, go and prepare.

Open the door.

Ertuğrul will die.

And when he dies, we'll stay here
and hide ourselves.

Until Noyan comes and invades these lands.

We're not here for Ertuğrul,
but for the Seljuk State, Mergen.

Don't forget that.

What do the spirits say,

Where is Ertuğrul?

Where is Ertuğrul?

What did you see? Speak!

We'll prepare for the Governor's attack.

When Ertuğrul comes,
he and the Governor will die.

We'll set Nicaea and the Seljuks
against each other.

Ertuğrul won't live long enough
to mourn Halime.

God is great.

May the peace and mercy of God
be upon you.

May the peace and mercy of God
be upon you.

Al-Fatiha, for the soul of the deceased.

Death only brings joy to the deceased

for the rest, it's pain.


God Almighty says,

"All creatures will taste death.

You will come back to us."

The deceased Halime Hatun was
a brave woman

who gave Ertuğrul Bey
three strong sons.

Maternity is such a holy duty...

that our Prophet,
a hadith in the sheriff said,

"Heaven lies under the mother's feet."

Halime Hatun was a mother worthy of this.

God grant her peace.


Know that there is no separation
for lovers.

Mortal life is temporary.

When your time here is over, you travel
to the other side.

We shall go there one day

and hopefully, we will reunite
with our loved ones.

May God consider us worthy
for both this world

and the other one!



Come on, Alps.

My bey, I know you're suffering.

Allow us to stay with you.

To share your pain.

Go to the village.

Protect the village.

As you command.

Son, come on.

Time to stand up.

Your pain is fresh.

It's hard to resist.

But you must have patience.

Your patience and strength will encourage
the people to do also.

I don't care for my pain, but...

how can I make my three children
accept this?

Our Prophet...

has endured many sorrows of death.

He lost his wife Hatice and his uncle
Abu Talib,

which caused him great pain.

The pain was so great that,
the year when they both died was called

"The Year of Sorrow".

When Hatice died,
our Prophet had children.

He took care of them himself.

Kept them safe.

He never neglected them despite
numerous problems in the community.

You're the soldier of a just cause,
leader of the people.

Everybody looks up to you for hope.

If you can't stay strong
and fall into despair,

those who follow you will suffer
and get lost.

No matter how hard I try to stay strong...

this test is too hard for me.

But I know that I must obey fate.

God giveth, and God taketh away, son.

If we praise him when he gives,

we must be patient when he takes away.

Holy God says in
the Surah Al-Baqarah...

"And We will surely test you
with fear and hunger

and a loss of wealth and lives and fruits,
but give good tidings to the patient,

who, when disaster strikes them, say,
'Indeed we belong to God

and indeed to Him we will return.'"

That's why God shows mercy
and gives rewards.

Those are the ones who found
the right path.

You risk your life for a just cause, Son.

This is God's cause.

This is such a holy cause that,
only the ones who have a strong faith

can reach it.

This path is full of obstacles
and dangers.

But at the end, it will give you
many rewards and blessings.

Those who follow you in this cause,

don't deserve to fall into despair.

As I said, I'm not me anymore.

Osman has no milk.

He's hungry and wants food.

I don't know how long he can survive.

Osman needs a wet nurse.

God willing, Osman will grow up
to be strong, Son.

That child belongs to God.

God is the sole hope of the hopeless,

and the curer of the sick.

Hope of the lonely.

He does not abandon

those who seek refuge in him.

He always welcomes.

He awards those who show patience.

Now, go on your way.

Those who advance shall win.

Those who advance shall find peace.

Those who advance shall be legends.

Know that God's mercy has no limits.

Osman will hopefully have a bright future.

God willing.

Godspeed, Son.


My brave brother, our mother is gone.

But we shall see her again.

She sees and watches us.

She'll be glad if we're strong.

Oh, God...

Please help us.

Our father is a brave bey

and we'll be children worthy of him.

We'll be beys worthy
of our mothers and fathers.

Now, we must stay strong.

Don't fear, I'll always be with you.

Mother Hayme...

What will happen to Osman?

How will he live without milk?

There are no wet nurses in the village.

I await news from the alps.

God is great.

A wet nurse for Osman will be found.

God won't abandon this innocent baby.

God willing.

God willing, we'll receive good news.

God willing, dear.

Has Ertuğrul Bey come back?

Not yet, Mother Hayme.

All right.

Oh, sweet child.

Oh, God.

Help us.

Help us, God.

You're cold.

Your eyes are lifeless.

How can your mother live
with this pain, Son?

I wish I was buried.

I wish my death would give you life!

Take it.

The glorious state should be your cradle,
but instead it became your grave.


My Halime.


My sword is hopeless,
my heart is aflame.

I know you can't disobey fate.

God help me...

for my children...

for my village and give me strength.


Give strength to my orphans...

and to Osman who is hungry.

I stand strong and proud, Ertuğrul.

May my tears accompany you.

May my love shield you.

May the blue sky

and the ground be your friends.

If you listen to strong winds,

you'll hear me.

The rain will bring my love to you.

May God look after you, Ertuğrul.

I know that he'll protect you.

My Halime.

Oh, God...

God, give us strength.

Help us so my Osman doesn't stay hungry.

Help him survive.

Even in mourning we fight, Aktolgali.

My children wait for me.

My crying mother looks for me.

While Osman sleeps hungrily,

I can't mourn or worry, Aktolgali.



Oh, God...

God, give me strength.

Or take my life.

End my suffering.


I can't.

I can't you give my son.

He died before I could feed him.

I won't give him to you or to the ground.

I share your pain.

In this mountain, I share your pain.

I'm not an enemy, but a brother.

My son belongs in the ground.

I can't give him away.

It's a dark day for us.

I just buried my wife.

My three children are orphans.

My Osman...

doesn't stop crying.

My hands still smell like earth.

You lost your child.

I saw your pain.

I felt your pain.

Let me help you on this dark day.

Let me pray for your son.

Sorry for your loss.

You're in pain too.

I don't know how to live with this pain.

You'll do your duty first, and then mourn.

If you can't bury him,

let me do it for you.

Let's pray for his soul.

He was just a baby.

Born in the joy of the spring.

Died with the summer, my son.

I'll always miss him.

He belongs in the ground now.

Oh, my dear.

Mother Hayme, I did all I could.

But my milk isn't enough for him.

My baby is still young too.

I have to feed him as well.

We need another woman.

We will surely find one, dear.

God will always present an opportunity.

God bless you.

You fed our Osman.

You gave us hope.

Don't mention it, Mother Hayme.

God, help us.

Help us.

Oh! Oh, my sweet boy.

Oh, my baby.

Now, bring me Ertuğrul.

My brave horse.

My friend on this dark day.

You're more than a brother to me.

You brought hope to Osman
in my darkest hour.

The water that rushes out of the rocks.

The water that moves...

the ships.

The water that gives life...

to vineyards and gardens.

The water drunk by...

beautiful horses, red camels...

white sheep...

and around which they rest.

Do you know my son?

Oh, dear water.

May God keep our faith pure
when death comes.

May He accept...

this innocent one into Heaven
in the name of Muhammad Mustafa.


Have you got anybody?

Then let me take you to my village.

You go to your village.

You're burdened enough...

let me be with my pain.

Go to your children.

And I'll go to mine.

I can't leave you alone here.

It will be dangerous.

How can I leave my child alone here,
my bey?

How can I leave my son to the cold
and the darkness of the night?

I won't leave until my last breath.


Do you want to die on his grave?

If so,

this is disobedience against God.



They won't have my son.

Go away, my bey. Ride away.

Don't get involved with this scum.

Who are they?


Come on.

So, you couldn't leave your wife.

Don't worry.

I'll send you to her soon.

-Turgut Bey.
-Selamun aleykum.

Aleykum selam.

Any news, Ahmet?

No good news, Turgut Bey.

Governor Kritos prepares to attack.

Attack? Where?

In some tannery.

Almıla Hatun and her men.

Ertuğrul Bey is mourning,
he's using it.


You're right, Günalp Bey.

He'll hit him when he's weak.

Where is my bey?

He went to the mountains to be alone.

Maybe he's returned.

Then let's go to the village.


No time to go there.

They could attack any time.

We have to go to the tannery
at once.

And Ertuğrul Bey?

While you go to the tannery,
send an alp to Ertuğrul Bey.

I'll go get my men from the castle.

Let's go at once.

All right, Günalp Bey. You're right.

Let my bey mourn.

We'll take care of this
without disappointing him.

-Of course.
-Then, I'll meet you at the fight.

May God help us all.


-Let's go finish them.
-Come on.


go to the village
and let Ertuğrul Bey know.

Tell him the governor is attacking
the tannery.

We'll go there quickly.

As you command.

Come on, brothers.


Come on!

The bird of prey waits eagerly.

Come on, brave boy.

Sugay Hatun.

You buried my bey's grandson.

You'll pay for this.

Take the woman.

Our bey will make you pay.

The woman is in pain.

I don't know you.

But I won't let you take her away.

Who are you?

Ertuğrul, son of Suleyman Shah.

You can't stop us just because
you're the margrave.

This is bigger than you.

Go away, my bey.

Then come and take Sugay Hatun.

Who are you? Step aside.


You will remember.

Who is this?

A traveler.

You'll know him soon.


the strange man with Governor Kritos.

What do you want?

Your life.

What does that mean?

Old Governor Ares.

Now called Ahmet Alp.

Everybody knows what you are,

how you're spying for Ertuğrul.

So does Kritos.

What are you saying, you fool?

Step aside before I crush you!

Why are you denying, Ahmet Alp?

We know you told Ertuğrul
about the attack.

You won't spy for Ertuğrul anymore.

Because Ertuğrul will die.

And I, Noyan, shall k*ll you.

You are...

Ögeday's commander Noyan.

You worked with Kritos
to attack Ertuğrul.

I'll crush you.

I won't let them be ambushed.

Come on, brave boy.

Show your loyalty to Ertuğrul Bey.

The vultures and the crows are impatient.

They wish to feed on a corpse.

Your corpse.

Even if I die, I'll be a martyr
for my cause.

Good, then.

You should be grateful,
since I'll help you get there.

Let the vultures and the crows wait.

Now's the time for the hunter.

The hunters fly above their prey.

As they fly, death approaches.

Gök Tengri's black bird...

The right wing blocks the sun,

the left wing blocks the moon.

I wield the soul of that black bird.

I heard death.

The flapping of the black wings of death.

When the black bird descends,

no man can run away.

You won't run away from me.

Noyan's sword will bring you death.

There is only one God...

and Muhammad...

is his servant...

and his messenger.


The guards are signaling.

Must be Ertuğrul.

The time has come.
Get ready.

Don't mess it up.

Everyone, back to work.

Where is Ertuğrul?

He'll come, be patient.

Chief Alp Bamsi, Turgut Bey.


Thanks, Almıla Hatun.

Thank you.
Thank you, Almıla Hatun.

You honor our tannery. Please.

Nice tannery. You're doing good work,
but we have bad news.

What are you saying?

Governor Kritos.

He will attack to prevent the artisans
invited by Ertuğrul Bey

from coming here.

The infidel can go to hell!

We're not afraid.

I'll fight along my brothers.

We don't doubt your bravery,
but you have no choice.

They'll attack before sunset.

Then they'll disappear in the dark.

And Ertuğrul Bey?

He isn't aware.

We will take care of this.

Where is your frontier bey?

His wife passed away. He's mourning.

So I heard.

I'm sorry.

Now, you'll go away.

We'll ambush them with our men.


we can't just leave here.

Eynece, Turgut Bey is right.

We'll do as he says.

All right, then.

Now, tell me.

Who are you?

A shepherd's wife.

He herded the Greek's animals.

He was k*lled in the Amid campaign.

I don't have anybody, Ertuğrul Bey,

except my little boy who died.

Who were these men?

My husband's relatives.

When he died,

they wanted me to marry his brother.

I didn't want to. I ran away.

I became a shepherd.

I herded the Greeks' goats.

My son was born on Nowruz.

I would raise him.


he had a fever.

In the morning, he closed his eyes.

And he never...

If they found you today,

they'll do so tomorrow.

I don't care.

What is your tribe?

Tell me.

So that I can help end this.

I'm not from here.

My tribe is the Khwarazmians.

I came from far away.


My son needs a wet nurse.

Come to my village.

Be my son's wet nurse.

Join us.

You can come here later,

whenever you wish,

to pray for him.

Maybe feeding my son will ease the pain
of your son's passing.

Come on.

Don't t*rture yourself.

Pull yourself together.


How can I forget about my mother?

I'm patient.

But my heart aches, Grandmother.

What will we do with my brothers?

From now on,

I'll be your grandmother
and your mother.

I'll treat you equally.

Don't forget.

It would anger God to be so sad
before death.

He gives life and takes it away.


your father will always be with you.


My father doesn't show it,
but he's sad too.

Rest assured, son.

Ertuğrul will mourn...

and then he'll come back to his village
and to his family.

-Grandmother, Osman is hungry.

He needs milk.

Look, he's crying.

We will find some.

Keep praying.

God won't refuse prayers
made in times of pain.

He will surely show mercy.

I hope so, Grandmother.

Hold on, Osman.

My brave son.

Hold on.

You shall be fed, God willing.

Oh, God,

help us.

Show mercy to this child of yours,
oh, God.

Permission to enter, Artuk Bey?

Come in, Oğuz Alp.

What's the matter?

My bey, Ahmet Alp brought news
from the governor.

He will attack the tanners.


Turgut Bey, Günalp Bey and Chief Alp Bamsi
are stationed there.

And Ertuğrul Bey?

I'm here to let him know, my bey.

But he isn't here.

Ertuğrul Bey will surely come.

The duty falls on us now.

Get reinforcements and go there.

I'll let Ertuğrul Bey know when he comes.

As you order.

Be safe.

The milk I couldn't give you...

will give life to Ertuğrul Bey's son,

I'll always come to visit you.

I'll water the grave and pray
for your soul.

Let's not keep Osman waiting.

The spirits want you dead, Ertuğrul.

Gök Tengri wants your meat.

Erlik Khan wants your soul.

The great mountains and mysterious rivers
want your blood.

Your rotten flesh will feed
the maggots...

and your corpse, the trees.


Is Ertuğrul coming?

No, brother.


Turgut and Bamsi came.

They said Ertuğrul was mourning
over Halime.

They don't know where.

We can postpone the attack.

Ahmet is dead.

It's too late.

What good is the attack
if Ertuğrul doesn't die?

Ertuğrul will be worse than dead.

You'll attack the tannery with your men.

Surround them, let no one escape.

As you wish, sir.

You, take the remaining men
and come with me.

We'll attack Ertuğrul's men.
I want no mistakes.

-They will all die, understood?
-Yes, sir.

Go on.


For God!

We'll attack when we see
the governor and his men.

It's an ambush, my bey.


What's happening?

Go on, men!

For God!

-Are you okay?
-Yes, Turgut Bey.

Is everyone okay?

Where is Ertuğrul?

Was he too scared to come when Ares,

or should I say Ahmet Alp,
brought the news?

Ahmet Alp...

Yes, Ahmet Alp,

Ahmet Alp.

That traitor, Ertuğrul's spy,
lies dead on the road.

The carrion will have your corpse.


Do you think I'll go down without a fight?


-What is this?
-We're here, Günalp Bey!

Ambush! We're ambushed!


That scum is running away.

We'll make him pay. Go to the tannery.

Oh, my dear.

God, I beg you.

You give us bread.

You don't abandon your servants.

God, please show us your mercy
so that my baby Osman can be fed.

Oh, my dear boy.

Ah, my son.


How is Osman?

He wants to be fed.

Look how he's crying.

Sugay Hatun.

God willing, she'll feed Osman, mother.

Oh, God...

praise your name.

Welcome, dear.

Thank you.

Sugay Hatun lost her baby, Mother.

God helped and made us meet.

God willing,
Sugay Hatun will greatly help us...

and end Osman's hunger.

God willing.

Sorry for your loss, dear.

May God dull your pain.


Oh, God Almighty,

how beautiful you are.

Mashallah to you.

You smell like heaven,

beautiful face.

What a sweet baby you are.

I saw the gardens of Heaven in your eyes.

As if they were taking me there.

Oh God...

praise your name.

You took my child.


granted me another baby
whom I can call my child.

Your power can't be doubted.

I can't praise you enough.

Ertuğrul Bey.

You helped me out of a great trouble.

Being the wet nurse of this sweet baby
is an honor.

Thank you, Sugay Hatun.

Then, let's get inside.

Feed Osman at once.

Come, dear.

My baby.

Are you hungry?

Be patient.

I'll feed you now.

Where is Ahmet Alp?

I didn't see him.

Maybe he's where Günalp Bey was ambushed.

Günalp Bey?

Did you finish off the infidels?

Günalp Bey...

tell me.

Or did the infidel prevail?


they could not.

We beat the scum.

But I lost all my men.

For our State...

and country.


Only I survived.

Almıla Hatun and his men came.

The Governor ran away.

Almıla Hatun's men chased him.

Brave woman.

Any news from Ahmet?

Governor Kritos said he k*lled him.

k*lled him? How?

How? Why, Günalp Bey?

He learned his name was Ahmet Alp.

He learned he was a spy.

We must find him at once.

The Governor said he left him on the road.

Let's go then.


-Come on.
-Let's go.

You treacherous woman.



This one's head is yours.


It's yours, Alangoya.

You scum.

Mongol scum.

You tricked me.

The merciful man inside me is awake,

I won't let Ertuğrul's three sons grow up
as orphans.




These three orphans...

need a mother like you.

You'll seduce Ertuğrul,

you'll make the bravest Turkish Bey
your plaything.

With your beauty,

and the help of the spirits,

Ertuğrul will fall in love with you.

When you bring him the Governor's head,

you'll conquer his heart.

Ertuğrul's bed is my bed,

his children mine,

when the time comes,

their fathers' skin will cover our tent.
And his children's blood...

will cover our swords.

Since a brave man's bed is never empty...

Ertuğrul's bed is worthy
of a woman like you.

Don't forget,

you don't look...

a gift horse in the mouth.

Permission to enter, my Bey?

Come in, Artuk Bey.

Welcome, my Bey.

Thank you, Artuk Bey.

Any news?

Ahmet Alp brought news from the Governor.

Governor Kritos will attack
Almıla Hatun's tannery.

Attack the tannery?

How can that scum dare to do such a thing?

My Bey,
since you're mourning Halime Hatun,

-he wanted to use--

Did you take precautions?

Did Turgut, Bamsı and Günalp go?

They're all there.

They sent Oğuz Alp here to let you know.

But you weren't here.

I brought a woman to feed Osman,
Artuk Bey.

Where is she?

Inside, feeding.

I hope Osman will be okay.

God willing, my Bey.

Turgut Bey, Günalp Bey and Chief Alp Bamsı

will take care of that dog of a Governor,
have no fear.

Thanks, Artuk Bey.


My lucky land

May your black mountains stand high

May your trees not be cut down

May your water never cease to flow

May fate never make you beg
To a dishonest man

May your white steed run free

My dear baby.

God willing, you'll always be at peace.

God bless you, dear.

You did us a great favor.

My Osman lost his mother.

But found warmth in you.

It's no coincidence that he likes you.

God sent you.

I see that you found your lost baby
in our Osman.

I still feel the pain I felt for my son.

But, as you said...


dulled the pain I feel in my heart.

Thanks to God, I ran into Ertuğrul Bey.

You're right.

There's no questioning his mercy.

Whatever he does, he is benevolent.

God willing, Osman will be healthy.

I'll raise him as if he's mine.


Permission to enter?

Come, son.

God bless you, Sugay Hatun.

You gave hope to Osman.

We can't ever repay you for that.

Thanks to you,

he's alive.

God bless you.

You raised me up
and saved me from those men.

God wanted this to happen.

I only did the necessary, Sugay Hatun.

I only wanted to forget
about my pain and suffering.

Osman gave me hope too.

He lit up my world.

Then, join our tribe.

We'll prepare a tent for you.

Stay here, Sugay Hatun.

Pain had made me lose my way.

You helped me.

From now on, I'll feed Osman.

I'll look after him.

Then, from now on,

you're my daughter too, Sugay.


and thank you.

Thank you, Mother Hayme.

Permission to enter, my Bey?

Come in.

-Almıla Hatun has arrived.

She asks for you.

Let's go, Abdur Rahman.

I'll stay with Osman.

Don't worry.

The spirits are with you, Noyan.

Know that...


will bring suffering.

I k*lled ten sheep.

Sculpted a leg bone.

Gave it to the fire and saw the future.

I saw that...

I saw that...

I saw that...



The spirits that have not abandoned me...

keep me away from all harm.

Be the guardians of the night.

You raised me from the grave

and gave me titles.

I swear.

I'll k*ll Ertuğrul,

and make tents out of Turks' skins.

May Erlik Khan's dark sons accompany me.

May my enemies suffer in Red Tamu.

May dark spirits help me.

May dark spirits help me.

May dark spirits help me.

Permission to enter?

Come in, Almıla Hatun.

Welcome, Almıla Hatun.

Thank you.

The alps set up an ambush for the Governor
when they heard about his plans.

What happened?

Your alps k*lled the soldiers.

And I went ahead in your mourning day

and took care of the attacker,
my Bey Ertuğrul.

Governor Kritos.

His head is worthy of resting
below your feet.

Your alps are fine, don't worry.

It's not easy for a woman to k*ll
a Governor.

You're very brave, Almıla Hatun.

We respect you.

From now on, if anyone messes
with our trade,

he'll be punished, Ertuğrul Bey.

Permission to enter, my Bey?

Come, Günalp Bey.

Almıla Hatun beheaded the Governor.

What news do you have?

We have bad news.

Tell me.

Is it Turgut and Bamsı?

Turgut Bey, Chief Alp Bamsı.


Oh God.


My brother.


Who k*lled you?

Who did this?

How did this happen?

Who did it?

That dog, Governor Kritos,
k*lled and hung him.

My brother.

You followed God's path

and made many sacrifices for our cause.

Now, you gave your life

and became a martyr.

May you and all our martyrs rest in peace.

Bless every single drop of blood you shed.

We'll beat the enemy,

take the world,

and put the souls of our martyrs to rest.

God willing, we'll never stop
until our cause prevails

everywhere in the world.

Until the last of us meets death.