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04x29 - Barış Konuşmaları

Posted: 10/02/23 06:56
by bunniefuu
So three people who were disguised
as messengers were Mongolian spies.

So they spread out enough

to get the secret letter as messengers
and get to the castle, huh?

Not only here, Artuk Bey.

These Mongolians have infiltrated
the state.

You're right, Günalp Bey.

All right.

So, will you interrogate these three
degenerates and make them speak?

They have to get out of the castle alive.

They should so they can take us
to the real swamp.

Only then we can reveal all
of their plans.

That's right.

I'll send Dumrul with you then.

He should go with you.

We have to let our Sultan know as well.

I took care of that, Artuk Bey.

I sent a letter to our Sultan,
explaining the situation.

He'll take more precautions
all over the state, if God permits.

Thank you.

Günalp Bey,

the person who arranged

all of this is no one
but the demon Noyan.

When Mongolians are hellbent,

it wasn't wise for Ertuğrul Bey to go
with him to see Ögedei Khan.

We should take care of
the degenerates here.

Ertuğrul Bey will get back alive and well

when he finishes his duty.

God willing.

I'm the frontiersman of the Seljuks.

In the west, there are many Turkish tribes
under my command.

However, I'd like to know
why you're offering this to me.

Ertuğrul Bey.

You should know
that dealing with your Sultan

while I'm taking over the world
is a waste of time.

I strive for world dominance, following
the path of my father Genghis Khan.

You know that no obstacle will stop me.

What about the world of Islam?

The world of Islam...

is not a threat to me.

It's never been.

As long as your Khalifa,

and the Sultans of the Islamic states
are under my command,

and pay their taxes,

they will be free to practice
their religion and traditions.

I know how strong your faith is.

I hope the answer to your question
has satisfied you.

Islam is not an enemy for me.

On the contrary,
it's a religion that I respect.

However, Sultan Gıyaseddin...

didn't give up

because of his greed for power,
even though I raised the taxes.

I think there should be a price

for the blood that's shed
in such a tough battle.

Of course, you'll get a reward...

in exchange for your service,
Ertuğrul Bey.

When you're under my command...

I'll make you the Sultan
of the Seljuk State.

Brother, I want our Bey to get out
as soon as possible.

If we stay here any longer, I'll go in.

Welcome, brothers.

Lamb stew with goat milk.

One of the best Turkish dishes.

You must have missed it. Eat it.

Are you a Turk too?

I'm a Turk too, brother.

And you joined them for fame and glory?

No, brother.

In the past...

we fell for their trap.

I and my tribe went through
a big disaster.

After that, I joined Ögedei Khan's army.

Was it Kutlubay who trapped you?

Not Kutlubay, brother.


What kind of a trap was it?

Noyan has a sister.


She and her men infiltrated my village
as leather merchants.

And then, they caused a disaster.

Leather merchant?

Leather merchant.

Who else was with Alangoya?

She had her sibling too.

He's a very good hunter.
That's what she told me.

There were others as well,
but we don't know them.

A leather merchant woman.

And her brother is a good hunter.

That's Almıla.



I'm very pleased to have the honor
of meeting

the Khan of all Khans,
Ögedei Khan.

Did you come to that decision
because of the axe in my hand...

or is it because now
you can see the truth, Ertuğrul?

I want to be sure of that, Ertuğrul Bey.

I'd known for a long time
that I'd receive this offer.



All through the journey...

Noyan tried to convince me
with his words.

And his efforts worked.

My decision is certain.

I'd like to be under your command.

I'll start by sending
the peace treaty right away

to my Sultan through my Alps

and build my reputation even stronger.

Well thought.

My Khan, I'd like to tell you something
if you'll let me.

What about Oghuz Beys?

What will happen if you can't convince
the Sultan, Ertuğrul?


the blood that will be shed...

for the Khan of all Khans,

Ögedei Khan, won't be in vain.

My only wish is for you not to harm
Muslims and non-Muslims.

Ertuğrul Bey.

The rule of Genghis Khan says,

"Legal experts,



people who dedicated themselves
to worship and chairmanship,

muezzins and the people who wash
the deceased shall not pay tax.

And they don't have to work.

And of course...

the ones who obey me...

and pay their taxes as well."

For me, the rules of my father
is superior to anything else.

Be at ease, Ertuğrul Bey.

When we followed the bandit that
raided the leather men caravansary...

Almıla Hatun and her men
had slaughtered the bandits already.

Ertuğrul Bey was the first person
who found this very bizarre.

But none of us thought of it before.

That woman is Noyan's sister.
She slithered in slowly like a snake.

I wonder what's happening in the village.

Would that woman do something bad?

Oh brother, she must have.

She must have done something,
taking advantage of our absence.

And we're still here.

When will this Ögedei stop talking?

Just wait, brother.

Just wait.

We've got no other choice
than waiting for our Bey.

Let's pray that...

nothing happens to our tribe
until we get back.

Do you have something to say, Noyan?

After all, you and Ertuğrul will take over

Seljuk, Nicaea
and Constantinople.

Yes, my Khan.

We need more to believe...

his word, my Khan.

You said Ertuğrul Bey
would keep his promise.

I haven't heard that he won't.


he is very good at bending the truth
according to his own needs...

make a sword out of it
and s*ab the enemy with that.

That's why he should...

give us one of...

his sons as a hostage.

So if he breaks his promise,

he can pay for it with his son's life.

So wherever he goes...

he won't be able to escape
your wrath first, and then mine.

If you obey me,
you'll let me raise your son

as a brave Mongolian commander.

I got this tug with gold trimming
to symbolize my reign over Anatolia.

The agreement between us becomes valid
when you bring your son to us.

And I'll give this rug to you
when you open the doors

of Anatolia for me.

And you'll be the Sultan of Anatolia.

To make the agreement...


I'll bring you my son personally.

I'll keep my promise and keep the peace
with your Sultan for two years.

During that time, I'll prepare my armies
to invade Anatolia.

The rest is up
to yours and Noyan's skills.

Either you'll take over the state
without spilling any blood,

or I will destroy everything and everyone.

I'll burn everything down.

-Tell me. What did you learn?

Günalp Bey hold
the men you sent as messengers hostages.

Günalp Bey is a smart man.

He must have identified them already.

And now he'll track them
just like hungry wolves

that can smell flesh.

He'll see the men that we sent
when he arrives there.

He'll believe that those are
the Mongolians who infiltrated.

It'll remove all the suspicions
that they have about us.


you'll settle in Ertuğrul's village.

When the time comes,

their state and their pavilion
will crumble open them.

I'm sad about one thing.

That we couldn't cut Günalp's head off
with our own hands.

There will be a time for that, Mergen.

Just be patient.

Now what's important is
to gain their trust,

not cutting off their heads.

Your wish is my command.

This gold will be given
to your families.

They'll learn that
you are great Mongolian warriors.

Your souls will always be blessed.

Long life, sir!

May your blood not spill one drop
before you take their lives.

May the fire in your souls
make the demon jealous!

All of them should go to hell!

Alangoya, Alangoya!

Now go and haunt them.

Cover up all your tracks.

Now I'll go and see Artuk Bey.

After all, we'll expand the commerce.

He needs to support me
for the caravansary.

And I'll see Mother Hayme after that.

I miss her so much.

I'll destroy them.

Thank God who gathered us here...

by the green mountain

and the water that flows by so strongly.

-May God always keep us together.

In the verses our brother read,

our God orders unity

and says,

"Grab onto the rope of God altogether.

Don't split up.

Think of God's blessings.

You guys were enemies...

and he joined your hearts together.

And you became brothers
with his blessing.

Once again...

you were on the edge of falling...

into a fire pit and he saved you.

So God informs you on his verses
so clearly that

you find the right path.

Maintain a community

that orders goodness
and bans evil.

Those are the ones who reach salvation.

Don't be like those who split up

after they receive clear proofs.

Those are the ones who will suffer."

My brothers.

God's rope that
we're ordered to grab onto is

God's religion holy Islam and
the traditions of our Prophet.

Our Prophet advised his community unity

and said there's suffering in separation.

There are things
that we absolutely can learn from.

There are no communities in history

that could be successful
without including everyone.

When our Prophet started his journey,
he was all alone.

But he was protected by God.

First his kith and kin gathered
around him.

Later on, smaller communities joined
his sacred mission.

The circle expanded day by day.

The people in our Prophet's circle

clung to him.

Even though the heathens tortured them,

they got closer with every t*rture
they had to suffer through.

They survived many hardships

and they were tested many times.

The heathens tried everything
to discourage them.

They were forced to leave their home.

They were refugees in Medina.

But like always, God didn't abandon

that community
who took shelter in him.

Ensar from Medina who embraced them
with great sacrifices

joined this circle.

They got even closer.

They became the biggest representatives
of Muslim fellowship.

Finally with patience,

unity, brotherhood

and sacrifices...

they got into Mecca
where they were forced to go...

and they were victorious.

And in short time, the communities
in the land they were in...

joined their community.

What made this community
come together and succeed?

It was them hanging onto God's rope.

It was their dedication
to our Prophet's mission

with a firm determination.

It was their brotherhood.

It was their unity.

It was their selflessness...

and their desire to reach for God.

In Hucurat Surah, our God commands,

"Believers can only be
brothers and sisters.

So make peace with
your brothers and sisters.

And be afraid of God
so you can reach God's mercy."

My brothers.

We are like the organs of a body.

If an organ is dysfunctional,

our whole body would be dysfunctional,

so we can't be indifferent to a problem
or an issue of our Muslim brother.

We're like links of a chain.

If one of the links breaks off,

the whole chain would fall apart.

God forbid, all of us would perish.

So we must unite...

and hang onto God's rope tightly.

I'll join the hunting festival
and enjoy my victory.

I trust you both.

Your Alps should take this peace letter
to your Sultan.

You and Noyan should sit down
and talk about

what you're going to do.

I'll listen to you when I get back.

The door.

What are they guilty of, Noyan?

What did they do to get ex*cuted
in Ögedei Khan's pavilion?

Breaking their promise

and disobeying.

That's the strictest rule of Genghis Khan.

Whoever breaks his promise

and disobeys,

get ex*cuted right away.

You always surprise me, Ertuğrul.

You're selling out your state
that you've fought for your whole life

for so long, to become the Sultan.


Ögedei Khan sealed the peace treaty

that our Sultan asked for
with his own blood.

It's in the saddlebag.

Head out with the Alps right now

and take the treaty
to our Sultan in Konya.

Your wish is my command
but won't you come with us?

I will stay in Ögedei Khan's pavilion
in honor of the peace treaty,

we'll hunt and chat.

I'll arrive in the village after you do.

Head out right away.

Your wish is my command.


Your Bey is safe.

I want you to leave our land safely
as well.


Escort Turgut Alp and Bamsi Alp Commander
until they leave our land.

Yes, Noyan.

Let's go.

You didn't talk to your Alps about the
peace treaty you signed with Ögedei Khan.

The pain you caused to our village
is still fresh.

When the time comes,
they'll learn about it.

Will you k*ll them if they disobey you?

I entrusted my son's life to Ögedei Khan.

For this,

I'm not afraid to take the lives
of my brothers.

Good idea, Ertuğrul.


Escort Ertuğrul to his tent.

We've got important stuff to talk about
in the evening.

Why didn't we talk
to our Bey about Almıla?

Tell him that Almıla was the snake
that we nursed in our bosom.

How would we do that
when Noyan was there?

What will we do?

Won't we tell him?

Just be patient.

-Of course we will.
-Brother, we're about to leave.

How will we tell him?

Just get on your horse.

I'll tell you.

Come on.


-Giddy up!
-Come on!

Giddy up!

Ertuğrul Bey.

You should know

that dealing with your Sultan while I'm
taking over the world is a waste of time.

I strive for world dominance, following
the path of my father Genghis Khan.

You know that no obstacle will stop me.

My God...

I fell into a dead well.

Save me out of that well...

like you saved the Prophet Joseph,
my God.

Saltuk! Gündüz!
Saltuk! Gündüz!

Almıla Hatun.

Gündüz Alp.

It's obvious that you'll be
a capable bey just like your father.

You surpassed your brother so quickly.

For sure, Almıla Hatun.

I'm learning to swing a sword
like my father.

When will you take me for a horse ride?

I made you a promise.

But now, I have some matters
to discuss with Artuk Bey.

I will take you for a ride soon
after I'm done here. Okay?

Okay, Almıla Hatun.

Then, excuse me, Gündüz Alp.

Come on, alps! It's time to fight.

Dear God.

May I come in?

Come in, Almıla Hatun.


Thank you, Artuk Bey.

I have something to discuss with you.

Sure, what is it?

I'd like to send my men to sell goods
in the Greek villages nearby and around.

Eynece and Karamis will be with them.

But you know, there are some bandits
located around.

We don't want our goods to be harmed.

I'm here to ask you for a few alps
to accompany my men.

Almıla Hatun, we'll guarantee the safety.

Don't worry.

I'll tell the alps to accompany your guys.

You can safely conduct business.

Thank you, Artuk Bey.
That's a huge relief.

It's our duty to provide the security
on these lands, Almıla Hatun.

We will do our best

so that you can conduct your business
safe and sound.

Don't worry.

May God bless you.

I shall visit Mother Hayme, now.

Let me say hello to her.
Take care.

Thank you.

This is as far as we go.

From here, you'll go on your own.

Very well.

We'll find our way.

Come on.

What do we do now, brother?

Ertuğrul Bey marked a place of meeting,
we'll go there and wait for him.

Did he mark a meeting point?

Where is that place?

Remember this place, Turgut.

If anything bad happens,
we'll meet here.

We'll go back to the tribe together,
no matter what happens.

Of course, my bey. As you order.

Ertuğrul Bey knew something bad
would happen here from the beginning.

That's why he showed me that place.

It's not good for Ertuğrul Bey
to stay there, brother.

It's not good!

Ertuğrul Bey ensured the peace deal
by sending us in advance.

Maybe he sacrificed himself
just for the sake of the state.

Ertuğrul Bey can't stay there.

He can't stay there, brother.

We won't go home before we have him.

We won't go back to the tribe without him.

-Of course, we won't.
-We will not!

We will spend the night here.

The Mongols will probably follow us.

Tomorrow, we'll get rid of them
and go to the meeting point.

And we won't go to the tribe
before we have my Ertuğrul Bey.

We will not!

Of course, we won't! We will not, brother!

Of course! Let's go.

Come on, boy. Come on.

What is Ertuğrul doing?

He is waiting for you for dinner,
as you ordered.

Don't let him out of his tent
unless I say so.

Seeing you sitting in a Mongolian tent

with such a victorious pose
is a great honor, Ertuğrul.

Or should I say Sultan Ertuğrul?

Take a seat, Noyan.

Bring everything.

Let me embarrass Ertuğrul
by being a better host than him.

You never forget about anything, do you?

I can be as furious as a lion,

and as stubborn as a camel, Ertuğrul.

Yet, I know you are not so different.


why did you change your mind

and betrayed your beloved sultan
and your state, huh?

You know very well
that I didn't betray the state.

You didn't do it for gold,

but you did it for the throne.

You once told me to join
Ögedei Khan's wild river...

with our swords and horses,

and run wild in Ögedei's river.

You also said
that I shouldn't swim against the current.

I wanted to be a drop of water

in Ögedei Khan's wild river,
and run wild.

That's all I can say.

Do you still have doubts about me?

You know, that young sultan...

he seems to be braver than you, Ertuğrul.

He won't go without a fight.

For his bravery,

I'll impale him and expose his corpse
in the streets of Konya.

And if you betray Ögedei Khan...

I'll slay your children in the tribe...

of your father, Suleyman Shah,
and I'll obliterate your kin.

Don't you forget this.

My girl, we liked you so much.

You have not only helped us,
but many people in the tribe.

I'd like to gift this to you...

if you choose to accept it.

What a lovely dress.

What a kind gesture.

I'm the one who is grateful, Mother Hayme.

You made me experience the family feeling
I had long forgotten.

Hopefully, we'll have many good days
together, my girl.

Now, let us eat.


Here, my girl.

What's up, Mother Hayme?
You seem a little sad.

I can't even sleep since Ertuğrul went

with that accursed Noyan.

It has been a long time,
but there is still no word of him.

That evil bastard is capable
of doing anything.

I am worried about my son.

You are right, Mother Hayme.

He is an unpredictable traitor.

I wish they didn't stop me
from k*lling him when he came here.

We can deal
with our unfinished business...

once Ertuğrul is here
and when the time is right.

Hopefully, Mother Hayme.
I can't wait for that day.

That m*rder*r Noyan k*lled so many,

upset so many people.

You are right, Almıla Hatun.

He made everyone feel sad.

But sooner or later,
God's justice will find that bastard.

Hopefully, my girl.

Come on, enjoy.

Ögedei Khan gave me this task.

But what can I do in the great Anatolia
with a bunch of alps at my command?

Don't you worry, Ertuğrul.

Many Turkish alps in Anatolia
are waiting to accept our rule.

Our spies have spread everywhere.

They'll all be at your command.

Anatolia is a tough place.
It's not like anywhere else you fought in.

There are Oghuz tribes everywhere...

in Anatolia, waiting in battle formation.

Will your men be enough to beat them?

They will be more than enough.

Your duty is to open up the gates
of Konya for us

without causing us to lose
a single soldier.

I presumed you had men everywhere.

You wouldn't have come to Anatolia
or Karacahisar...

if you hadn't secured it for yourself.

You'll have to gain my trust in order
to get more information, Ertuğrul.

And to gain my trust,

you'll bring one of the children
of your late wife, Halime Hatun,

then you'll learn
where my men are positioned.

And then, instead of using the swords,

we'll use our brains and enthrone you.

Then, I shall explain all my plans
to you in detail, tomorrow.

I'll help you get rid of the obstacles
so that your army can march.

We'll see, Ertuğrul. We will see.

And before I forget...

The tribe of your brother, Gündoğdu,

is located near the Calap Mountain
right now.

He also doesn't go too far in the winter.

If you fail to do your job,

your brother's tribe will go down first.

It's up to you.

You either go there
and drink a cold ayran,

or you'll be drinking their blood.

Think it through, Ertuğrul.

We'll have a very important conversation
in the morning.

Farewell for now.

Keep an eye on him
and increase the security level.

As you order, Noyan.

The Mongols won't stop following us
until we leave their territory.

We'll get rid of them at dawn
and go to the rendezvous point.

Don't worry, Bamsi.

Why did our bey stay there?
Why did he do that?

It seems the situation is tough.

He couldn't even speak to us
while Noyan was there.

We'll find out everything
once we get to the meeting point.

What if Ertuğrul Bey can't make it there?

What if the Mongols don't let
Ertuğrul Bey go?

Then, we'll go and get him.

From the headquarters of Ögedei Khan?

Yes, brother. From the headquarters
of Ögedei Khan.

We can burn that headquarters
to the ground and get our bey.

For sure.

Well said, Bamsi.

We can't go back to our home
without taking our bey with us.

We'll either be free together,

or we'll become martyrs together.

Of course.

Come on.

Oh, my girl Almıla.
You look so beautiful.

Appreciated, Mother Hayme.

Almıla Hatun, do you only sell leather?

Yes, Gündüz Alp. We only sell leather.

It's the only thing we know.

So, how do you get leathers, Almıla Hatun?

We skin the animal we hunt, Gündüz Alp.

Then, we clean those skins
and leave them to dry under the sun.

Then, they are ready to be used.

So, how do you hunt animals, Almıla Hatun?

With our bows and arrows, Gündüz Alp.

But hunting is a delicate business.

First of all, you shouldn't be cruel
to the animal and t*rture it.

That's why we sharpen our arrow so much
that the animals die instantly.

That's the most important rule of hunting.

Also, you shouldn't come so close
to the animal you are hunting,

because they might get scared
and run away.

That's why we build our arrows
to go as far as possible.

Can we go hunting one day, Almıla Hatun?

Sure, Gündüz Alp.

Of course we can go hunting,
once you are old enough

to sh**t an arrow.

I'll teach you how to sh**t birds.

Really, Almıla Hatun?

Of course, Gündüz Alp.
But only if your grandmother allows it.

Sure thing, my Gündüz.
Why wouldn't I allow it?

You should learn to hunt
once you are old enough.

I'll go and check my Osman, now.

You keep chatting with Gündüz.

Don't worry, Mother Hayme.

Oh, my kind boy!

Helping his grandmother. My sweetie!

My God...

please protect Ertuğrul and his alps...

during their tough mission,
and help them to come home safe and sound.

Unite these innocent children
with their father.

Make him victorious
in any battle he fights.

You are omnipotent.

For the sake of our prophet,

please spare Ertuğrul's life.

Don't make me lose a son...

and don't make these innocent children
lose their father.

My God.


Why are they hitting the drums, Carmagun?

Is it because of Ertuğrul?

A messenger has arrived
bringing news from Ögedei Khan.

Let him come.

What's wrong with you?

Why the tears?

Speak up.

Ögedei Khan...

What about Ögedei Khan?

During a feast...

he passed away.



Ögedei Khan!

What are you saying, huh?

What are you saying?

How did my khan pass away?

He was just fine this morning.

It happened all of a sudden, Noyan.

I was there while he was dying.

He just collapsed.

He was standing his ground just like
the holy Burkhan Khaldun mountain,

yet he passed away.

We are in grief.

Cut the hair.

May the eyes shed tears of blood.

May the earth cry and the sky be happy.

My Khan Ögedei is on his way to Ocmah.

May Tengri greet him with good spirits.

May he take a place next to Genghis Khan.

Let his wife Töregene,
and his son Göyük Khan know.

As you order, Noyan.

His burial site will be secret.

The slaves who will bury him...

will be k*lled with his animals
and widows.

They'll have the honor of being buried
with the goods of our khan.

Ögedei's spirit...

will protect his army and his tribe.


What is going on outside?

Accursed Turk!

Ögedei Khan died the day you arrived.

You'll not leave here alive!
May the spirits curse you.

The so-called deal is over, Noyan.

Ögedei is gone,
the deal is done, Ertuğrul.

Now, I'll send you to Tamag.


Ertuğrul has escaped!

Ertuğrul has escaped!

Get on your horses!

Soldiers, get on your horses!

We won't come back until we find him!

I'll hunt you down, Ertuğrul.

I will tie you by your feet, first.

Then, I'll rip your heart out.

I will squeeze it so hard

even the Seljuks will hear your groans.

There will be Oghuz's blood
flowing in Firat and Dicle...

instead of just water.

May I come in, Günalp Bey?


-Have the messengers left the castle?
-Yes, Günalp Bey.

-Is everything ready?
-Yes, Günalp Bey.

Our soldiers are positioned on the road.
We have the strategic points.

Very well.

If Mongols try to attack our land,

it's our duty to repel them.

As you say, Günalp Bey.

Let's go.

The door!

His horse is wounded.
He might have escaped to the jungle.

We'll leave the horses here.

Have someone guard the horses.
We will find him.

-Thank you, Artuk Bey.

Almıla Hatun mentioned your request.

Of course, we'll do all we can
to help you conduct your business safely.

Our alps will be accompanying you
and ensuring your safety.

We knew you'd not leave us alone,
Artuk Bey. Thank you.

Of course.

Eynece, Karamis.

Be careful.

Help those in need
you come across on the road.

Don't forget to give presents to children.

As you order, Almıla Hatun.

Safe travels and goodbye.

Goodbye, Almıla Hatun.

Come on, alps!

-He went this way.

I'll slay you all, you Mongolian bastards.

Come on, my lions.

Come on, my lions!

God is the greatest!

Save your breath.

You have a lot to say
about the Mongols stationed here.

I'll make you sing like a bird.

You are surrounded, Ertuğrul.

There is no escape.

A wolf doesn't think
about escaping when ambushed.

It thinks about its revenge.


But it's my turn to take revenge.

You'll pay for what you did to me.


What kind of a disloyal dog are you?

You are acting against
the orders of your own leader.

My leader passed away, Ertuğrul.

His orders vanished with him.

It has been a long time
since I saw you strung up like this.

Do you remember those days?

Show mercy.

God, please help us.

-God, help us.

Help us.

We didn't do anything.

Who are you?

I'm the demon of this hell.

Welcome to the world of the Mongols.

Look, I have you in my claws again.

I would gladly sacrifice my life
for my holy cause.

But I won't bow my head
before bastards like you.

You are about to die,
yet you are still so proud.

Even if I die,
my holy cause will carry on.

Sooner or later,
my kin will have revenge, Noyan.

Now, do whatever you wish.

With the weight of this stone,

your flesh will begin to slip
from your bones.

You had better start talking soon,

or you'll start to die.

I don't know anything!

Who are the other spies?

Where are they stationed?

Is Noyan the one giving you orders?

-Tell me everything.
-I have nothing to tell!

Oh, is that so?

Dumrul, he doesn't want to talk,
which means it is not painful enough.

He'll start singing like a bird...

if he feels more pain, Günalp Bey.

Go on, then.

You are a brave man, Ertuğrul.

You even tried to trick my leader.

You put me
in a difficult position, Ertuğrul.

A man like you shouldn't die so easily.

Get on with whatever
you're going to do, Noyan.

I am not afraid of death.

First, I'll cut off the feet
with which you tried to escape.

Then, I'll rip off the arms
with which you swung your sword at me.

Piece by piece, you'll die, Ertuğrul.

Do whatever you want, Noyan.

Do whatever you want, Noyan!

You were only able to catch me
with the aid of a dozen men.

You have never beaten me fairly.

We are here, my bey!

Come on, go!

Let's see what the Mongols do
when their horses are gone.

I'll take you in the name of Ertuğrul Bey.

Come on, boy.


Noyan, Noyan, Noyan.


Come now, Ertuğrul. Come.

Turn your sword towards me,
not towards those rookies.

Peace cannot be achieved
when there are people like you, Noyan.

Now, it's time
to spill your poisonous blood.

Peace is for cowards, Ertuğrul.

This world isn't big enough
for the two of us.

Do you still not get it?

I will k*ll you, no matter what.

Go on then, Noyan.

Let's see which one of us will die.

Fall back! His troops are here!

Fall back! To the horses! Come on!

sh**t your arrows! sh**t your arrows!

Come on!

You won't get to Anatolia alive, Ertuğrul!

After them!

Enough! Okay!

Enough! I'll talk, enough!

-Get me down.
-See? He wants to talk.

Give me your answer, first.

Noyan sent us in as advance guards.

What was your mission?

To gather information
and convey it to Noyan.

What about the spies
disguised as merchants?

They were supposed to go to the bazaar.

Who are the other spies here?
Who are Noyan's other men?

Right now, there is no one.

But there will be!

Who are they?

They haven't come to these lands yet.

They'll come from the east.

I also know other things. Let me down!

I know about the other spies
stationed in the tribes! Let me down!

Dumrul, let him down.

Soldiers, let him down.

I'll take him to the Kayi tribe.

He can tell everything to Ertuğrul Bey
once he arrives.

We'll also learn about those
coming to these lands...

-from the east.
-Very well, Günalp Bey.

My bey...

I let most of their horses go,
but took one for you.

Good man. Come on.
We need to get to the sea before them.

-The horses are gone, sir.

-They let our horses free, it seems.
-How can a soldier lose his horse, huh?

Alangoya will take care of this.

Send a messenger to Alangoya right now.

Tell her to k*ll Ertuğrul
and his children.

I will spit on their graves
once I enter Anatolia.

Look, Grandmother.
I'm getting used to this.

Marvelous, good boy.

-Thank you, Grandmother.

My Gündüz is starting to tame wild horses,

just like my Ertuğrul does.

Come on, sit with me, my girl.

Almıla, my girl.

You are practically one of us, now.

That's why I want you
to stay in the tribe.

You don't need to hang around
with men anymore.

Thank you, Mother Hayme.

I am without words.

I'm thrilled to know
that you like me so much

you want me to stay.

But I don't want to be a burden to you.

What burden, my girl? On the contrary,
you're a great help to us.

A lady like you always has a place
in the tribe of Ertuğrul Bey.

Then I'll embrace you as my own mother,
and the tribe as my own tribe.

Now, that's more like it.

We'll have them prepare
a nice tent for you, huh?

Okay, Mother Hayme.

I wonder what that is.

Someone is coming.

-Günalp Bey.
-What happened, Günalp Bey?

Who is he, Günalp Bey?

A Mongol spy who was trying
to infiltrate our lands.

I'll keep him locked up
until Ertuğrul Bey arrives.

Take him away.

Günalp Bey, we are
the messengers from Konya.

I hope it's nothing bad.

What is it, Günalp Bey?

I hope it's nothing bad.
What are our Sultan's orders?

Our Sultan summons me to Konya
for a new task.

Give me your blessings.

They are yours.

-May God protect you.
-Thank you, Mother.

Give my best to Ertuğrul Bey.

Of course.

We need to rest the horses
before they collapse.

-We have to get to the boat before them.
-They don't have horses, my bey.

We will get to the boat
before them for sure.

Let's rest the horses.

Brother, let's tell our bey
all about Almıla.

Just wait, Bamsi. We'll tell him.

When the right time comes.

My bey.

Why did you tell Ögedei
that you'd accept his offer?

The reason for the peace deal
was to buy us time before Ögedei att*cks.

If I had told Ögedei my true thoughts...

I'd have put the state's survival at risk.

Very well, my bey.

I wanted to find out
how many men Noyan has in our lands.

But he was too suspicious of me

and he revealed nothing.

We have some information.

What do you mean, Turgut?

It's not just our lands.

They've infiltrated our tribes.

Tell me.

Almıla, my bey.

She is no tanner.

She is Noyan's sister.

Her real name is Alangoya, my bey.


Ertuğrul's blessed child.

I'll k*ll you, your brothers...

your father...

and all your tribe.

Now, you'll be my first victim.

To the tribe at once, alps.
We need to get there quick, come on.

Come on!