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03x02 - While the Grass Grows

Posted: 10/02/23 07:47
by bunniefuu
You want to get married here?

Do you think it's cool?

Fantastic. Good luck paying for it.

Write me the great erotica porn
script and you can direct it.

And I really get to direct it?

I'll be in the movie.

You cannot expect me to direct
my own sister to do the things that
Serenity's meant to do in this film.

She won't need
that much direction.

You bitch!
That's enough. Back off.

And that is assaulting
a police officer.

What?! You're kidding!

You are under arrest
for assaulting a police officer.

You can't do this!

If you wanna to join
him, be my guest!

They took him back to
jail — because of me.

Hello, Ted.

Got your home baking. Well,
I didn't actually, because it
got confiscated —

which is what happens when you get a
cake with a file sticking out of it.

Met some old friends, did we?

No, no. Just walked into a bunk.

Is that right?

Yeah. You should
see the other bunks.

Should do the other eye —
you'd look like a panda.

Aren't you in occupational therapy?

Down the Janet Frame, I come and go
as I please, do as I please — unlike
some people.

Getting the point, old man.

I don't know if you have.

What point is that?

You got Slutty Pants — look where it
got you. You have to wonder, is it
worth it?

If it makes you happy, old man.

LAUGHS: You have no idea!


That old prick!

Well, the cake was good,
apparently — fruit and nut.

I'll deck him.
Hey, he just wants attention.

I'll give him bloody attention.
Nah, leave it.

You're just going
to encourage him.

How did that happen?

Just somebody wasn't too pleased to
see me. It's OK, though — they're
putting me in seg

with the kiddie-fiddlers and the
nutbars. Victoria's been on to it,
though. She's got a trial date.

When for?

Three months.

You're sh1tting me?
Wish I was.

For an as*ault charge?
She needs to get it shifted.
She's trying.

Well, she should try harder.
I've got to do something.

You could whip your clothes off and
jump me. I'm about to drill a hole
in my denims just looking at you.

God, I miss you.

I miss every little bit about you.

Oh, you're getting out.
God help me, you're getting out.



♪ Lying in the gutter,

♪ I cut the cord from my mother.

♪ She pat me on the head and said,

♪ 'Go to sea, boy.
Get to sea, man.'

♪ My luck in the gutter black.

♪ I guess I'm running back...

♪ you.

♪ You in my brain.
You in my heart. ♪

Hello, Robert.

Hello, Plant.

Hello, hello.

Hello, Bob. Boo-boo-boo-boo-boo.

Marley grew... . mm last night.

Ah! See, it's happening, bro.

What about Prince?

Still nothing.


f*ck. It's Mum.

Nah, nah, nah. That was the
code — three long, two short.
You sure?

AURORA: Van, open the bloody door! ]

What's the code word?

The code word is 'let me in before
someone wonders what the f*ck I'm
doing talking to the caravan'.

Thank you.

Hi. Sorry, I've lost all use of my
four senses. I'm in withdrawal and

There's more than four.

There's more than four.

(LAUGHS) Uh, no!

Baby, baby, um, I just wanted to
come down and say bye, cos I've got
to go to work, so...

You rock, babe.


Not in front of the children,
eh? Come on, take it outside.

Sorry, Munt. See ya!

♪ Oh, what a beautiful
day it is today.

See you later.

♪ Oh, what a beautiful
day it is...



♪ The clock has a light on... ♪

If it wasn't for the fact that she
was walking away, I could look at
her sexy arse all day, eh?

Then you'd have to follow her,
and she wouldn't be walking away.

I still feel bad, though — you know,
her working two jobs and everything.

But she wants to do it, bro. Just
like you — saving all your money for
the wedding; giving up the hooch.

But I don't want to.
I just can't afford to buy it.

Yeah, it's just as
honourable. Be proud.

Growing dak, eh — all for love.


True that.

If a danger to his health isn't
a good reason to get the date moved,
then I don't know what is. Call me.


Hayden. We've got a bit
of a situation down here.


Why couldn't Loretta come down?
She's busy.

I don't see what the big deal
is about a game of croquet.

It was...

...nude croquet.

Was not. It was strip croquet.

Forfeit an item if you miss a shot.

So the old man's crap at croquet.

A window got broken.

Mrs Cooper was playing without her
glasses. Though she has a good set
of hooters.

Shut it, Ted. You've caused
enough trouble for one day.

Don't tell me what to do.

This is the fourth
complaint in two weeks.

Hearsay and scuttlebutt.

Late-night poker sessions?

I don't care if you do have
Alzheimer's — if you don't
have the cards, don't bet.

Items missing from
the dr*gs cabinet?

Prove it.

Inappropriate use
of craft materials?

It was a classical motif.

Someone nearly had a heart attack!

Happened all the time when it was
one of your old man's brothels.

Cheryl, he's on a warning.

I don't see what you
want me to do about it.

I just think maybe it'd be better
for everyone if he was back at home.

I'm not going there.

Good, cos after what you've done to
Wayne, I wouldn't bloody have you.

There's no f*cking smoking.

Why is the latest power bill
four times what it usually is? ]

It's not as if Pascalle's here
using her blow-dryer day and night.

Or recharging her vibrator.

It's probably your new DVD burner.

They use, like, one
micron of electricity.

As if you pay the bills.

[ Evening, all.

What are you doing here?
Thursday night — fish pie. Bloody
lentil burgers down at the home.

I'm not sh1tting
rabbit pellets for anyone.

You are so pushing it, old man.

Is that bitch of a registrar still
down at the District Court? ]


Wayne's case —
I need the date moved.

Isn't that a job for your lawyer?

Well, it would be, if the
cow would ever call me back.

Her fancy man got a bit
of rough justice inside.

Judd got done over?

Got what was coming to him.

Shit. Poor Wayne.

They don't like pigs inside, eh?

They don't like them anywhere, bro.
Fair enough.

There's nothing fair about it.
He shouldn't even be in there.

Is that right?

You know that's right.

You know, when Dad was inside,
I don't remember you moving heaven
and earth to get him out.

Well, there's a difference here.

It's a small thing about
guilt and innocence.


You wanted Dad out of the way.

You tell her, sunshine.
About time someone did.

That is enough.
I can speak my mind in my own house.

It's not your house.
It used to be.

If you want to use the rooms and eat
my food, the least you can do is be
f*cking polite.

I don't make apologies.
Slutty knickers! Whore's drawers!

That's it. You're gone. You are
no longer welcome in this house.

Hang on, Mum.
I said leave — now.

You brought it on
yourself — all of it.

Didn't you hear me? Get out of here!

Glad to!

And if you ever visit Wayne again,
I swear I will tear you limb from

See ya, Mum.

Mum, you can't be serious.

Test me.

He's our grandpa.

I'm your mother.

He's Grandpa.

Well, if you're so fond
of him, you deal with him.

There's nothing to deal with.

He harasses Wayne, and
I'm meant to put up with it?

Cake — with a file in it.

Oh, come on. It was funny — kind of.

You are as bad as him — you and Ted.
So he can be your problem from now

I have enough problems to deal
with. I don't need any more.

Oh, what — like stacking
DVDs on shelves?

It is not easy managing a
business like the one I'm in.

Since when do you care about
anything that's not about you?

You know what? Grandpa's right — it
is not our fault that Wayne went to
prison, so don't take it out on us

And you're on dishes.


Frigging Mum. Why do I
always get it in the neck?

She has got a point about Ted.

He is a stirrer.

And it's hitting me where it hurts.

No, not there, but close.

I'm trying to make a film here.
I can't be distracted.

So, how were the leading men?

Ugh, scrawny, tragic, unable to
string a sentence together...

or all of the above.

Oh, shit.

I just don't see why
she has to blame me.

God, I never thought
I'd miss Pascalle.

You know what we could do? We could
blow this joint for a while — shift
base camp.

My place. It's way nicer than here.

No, my office is here.

Your laptop.

And other stuff.

Oh, that's right.
Sorry, I forget you're .

... soon.

You wouldn't want to be away from
your mummy's cooking or your teddy.

I burnt my teddy when I turned .

There's peace, quiet, endless rooms
to shag in. Well, that's settled
then — base camp is moving.

Pack your crampons — and that
little leather number I got you.

Oh, sorry.

Sorry, bro. Won't be long.


Hayden. Is there something you want?


No. Uh, no. It's, uh,...
It's all good, mate.

It's all good.

Have you ever seen Munter's penis?

You what?

I said, have you ever
seen Munter's penis?

No. He's like my brother.
Why would I have seen his penis?

You have to!

Ask him, and then stand back a safe
distance while he unfurls this

You're thrilling about his
cock. Should I be worried?

Munter has a trouser snake
of anaconda proportions.

This thing could squeeze
the life out of a small goat.

If this is meant to turn me on,
that last image really set you back.

No, no. The answer to our
leading-man problem...

is Munter!

Are you deranged?

Munter in an erotic
film with Pascalle?

The guy is seriously qualified.


Why not?

It's just too weird.



Van, you were meant to
do the dishes last night.

Aurora got home late.

What's that got to do with it?


I am staying at Hayden's for a bit.
I'm nearly . You can't stop me.


Aren't you going to go mental?

If you want to go, go —
one less to cook for.


Something's missing.

You'd find a spoon if you'd
done the bloody dishes.

Oh, there's no milk!

That's what's missing.

Shit, sorry. I've got the cash for
the groceries. I meant to do it.

Well, today would be good, eh?

She's working two jobs, Mum.

I know that.

She does heaps of shit round here.
I know that.

There's no need to give her shit!
She's amazing — even if she forgot
the milk!

I know that! (SLAMS DOOR)

Man, she was way over the top.

No, she wasn't.

Yeah. We should move out —
get our own place

where no one hassles us about
dishes and groceries and power.

And you could do the dishes
with no clothes on.

We'd still have to get the milk.

Not like here. All this heat
and aggro and crazy weird shit.

Baby? Baby?


You OK?


Yeah? Yeah. I'm...
I'm amazingly good.

Well, I'll get the shopping, OK?

Grow, you bastards.

Hurry up and f*cking grow!

Van, pull yourself together, man.

Just... let me roll up Prince.
No one will miss him.

One Prince does not a reefer make.

Yeah, but it'd be something.

They're not ready, bro!





I know not being stoned is
completely messing with your head,

but wanting to smoke our babies?
It's not good future planning.

Well, how come you haven't got
shakes and headaches and sweats?

Cos I'm thinking — four
things at once, actually.

MOCKINGLY: Ooh, yeah?

Not being stoned is a clarification
in my mental processes.

Right now I'm thinking about
a steak-and-cheese pie, buying
more blood and bone,

playing a game of pool,
and Beyonce — all at once.

We do have money.

That's not thinking —
that's hallucinating.

Aurora left the grocery money
under the alarm clock.

We'll take a short-term loan
and we'll score some buds...

Pay it back with what?

I don't know. We'll think of
that when we're wasted. Come on.


You rang me — six times.

Wayne has been beaten up.

I'm trying to help, but I've got
a full caseload, and that incident
with the cake did not help.

Well, fine. If you can't handle it,
then I'll find someone who can.

That's up to Wayne.

I speak for him. He needs action,
not excuses. That's why we pay you.

Well, actually, no one's paid me.

But if that's your decision,
good luck. Hope it all works out.

Wow. Did you just get
fired by your lawyer?


I don't care how big Munter's wanger
is. In erotica, it is irrelevant.

Do you know how stupid that sounds?

Size doesn't matter for girls.
Besides, who says Munter can even

Who cares?

I care, and it is my film —
for a female audience.

Actually, it's our movie.
And Munter has this organ
of biblical proportions.

Women will pass out in amazement.
The guy's not hard on the eye,
and I bet he's cheap,

which means I can spend more
money on the location you want.

I'm offering you a solution here,
Loretta. What have you come up with
so far?

It is just not what I see.

Well, do you want to see that
location with some actors —
any time, ever?

All right, you ask him.
I bet he won't do it.

Bet he will.

Hello, campers.

What are you up to?

What's it to you, Himmler?

Bet he'll do it.
He won't.

I don't know what you see in him.

He's not so bad.

I need something saucy for my mate
Howard, and I've got mah-jong at .

Clothes on or off?

Just a flutter with Mrs Yee.
She's a demon with the tiles.

Grandpa, don't you think it'd be
an idea to just cool things down
at the home for a bit?

What do they expect me to do —
sit in my room and watch the soaps?
I'm not and peeing down my leg.

If you don't like it there...

Nah, suits me fine — plenty of
opportunities. And it'll all be
different soon.


Never tell, never worry.

He's not holding.

What? But the Raj always has dak.

Yeah, reckons there's
bugger all around.

Munter — the man of my dreams.

I can't stop thinking about you,
man. Can I get you guys a drink?
Yep, sure.

Actually, no. Van and I have
gotta go and do this thing.

What thing?
The thing-thing, man.

Well, is this thing-thing
going to take very long?

There's something I want to run by
you. I think you might be excited
about what I've got in mind.

Could take ages, eh?


Yeah, it's a real big thing.

Yeah, it is, Munter. There's
something I've got to sort out
first. Catch you guys later?


If he hadn't hooked up with me,
none of this would have happened.

Oh, God, that's so true.

It's a pattern —

first Wolf, then Judd.

No, they're not the same at all.

You're turning into me.

No, I don't think so.

No, honestly.

I am like the Bahama Triangle
when it comes to men.

Planes, wrecks — that's me!

I mean, every guy I've hooked up
with — they start out real sweet
and decent,

and even with actual jobs.

And then before you know
it they're stealing stuff

and breaking my heart

and ending up in jail,
and that's all cos of me.

Now it's happening to you too.
You must feel so terrible.


I better go and see Wayne.

Hey, hey. Give him my love.
He so needs it.



JUDD: Cheryl, it's me.
Yeah, I'm on my way in.

I can't have visitors.

Why? What happened?

They just intercepted another
package — two Harold Robbinses.

What, so they have
a problem with crap books?

Yeah, they do when they've
got dr*gs inside them.


Codeine, sleeping tablets and
Viagra — odd one, that one.

And I can't get hold of Victoria.

Yeah, she's not working
for us any more.


We-We had a disagreement.

Shit, Cheryl. Why?

I'll get someone better, all right?
No, I'll deal with it.


I've gotta go.

You old bastard!

Where is he?
Cheryl. I was just about
to call. He's gone.

What do you mean 'gone'?

I'm sorry. There was
nothing I could do.

When you say 'gone'—?

What are you doing here?
I haven't even called Loretta yet.

Hayden, has Ted carked it?

I need a lift.

Grandpa, I'm busy.

I need to go home.

Then go back to the home.


You walked here,
didn't you? Walk back.

Can't go back — not now.

What have you done?

♪ I will be your friend.

♪ They let you walk alone. ♪

You gave a man with
a heart condition Viagra?

Had a bit spare, and
he needed some loving.

Didn't tell me he had a dodgy
ticker. Then your boyfriend kicks
me out.

Shit! Shit.

Oh, well. Wasn't my
real home anyway.

It was the only one you've got!

Then I guess I need
a bit of a hand, don't I?

I'm thinking one, corner pocket;
chick at the bar with the nice arse;

not forgetting Mum's birthday; and
Mule Berenson's brother, Horse. Hey!

Why Horse?

He sells Kaitaia Blast by the
half ounce. Expensive, but...

We've got cash. Let's go.

Have you been to his house? Smells
real bad. He's got that gangrenous
toe that he hasn't had amputated.

Makes you wanna gag,
bro. Heave, even.

That's cool. I'll wait in the car.
Van. ]

Uh, hey, babe. What's up?

I've lost the shopping money. I went
home to get it. It wasn't there.

Cheryl is going to be so wild,
man. I... No money, no food...

I've got it.


We were, um, we were going to
do the shopping for you. Yeah.
We were just making a shopping list.

Yep. Munt's got it — in his head.

It's a mental note.

Maybe I should take over now.

Nah. Nah, we've got it, eh, Munt?
Yeah. It's all under control.

I told Cheryl that
I would. I have to.


So, I'll need the money.


Oh, right.

There's only .

Yeah, we needed, um, bucks'
gas to get down here...

Oh, you are lucky I love
you so much, Van West.

Now we're stuffed, man.

Maybe not. Hey, you know how Horse
has dope for sale now, and we're
gonna have dope to harvest soon?

Maybe he'll give us an ounce now if
we promise to give him an ounce and
a half later.

How does that work?
It's like futures trading
on the dope market.

What's futures trading?

Trading, but in the future.

Point is, we give Horse dope later,
and he gives us dope today.

Like, now?

If he goes for it.

(LAUGHS) Why didn't you say so,
man? f*cking brilliant! Ooh!

Put the jug on. There's a good girl.

What's he doing here?

He got kicked out
of the Janet Frame.

I know. Whose fault was that?

People make their own choices.

You gave a man dr*gs,
Ted, and he died.

Harvey went out the way he
wanted to — in the saddle.

You're a f*ckin' law unto yourself.

Mum, I know you're angry with him,
but we can't just chuck him out.

Really? Why not?

He's got nowhere to go.

People make their own choices.

Like hooking up with a pig.

Which is none of your business.
Isn't it?

Are you harassing Wayne for
sport cos you hate me or hate him?

I don't hate him — no more than any
other shit-coated weasel. He needs
to come to his senses, that's all.

He thought it was a roll in the hay,
but there are always consequences.

You evil old prick.

You've always been
led by your knickers.

He'll get it eventually — that
you're more trouble than you're
worth. Then he'll dump ya.

Someone had to do something.

This is my life.

My family.
No, it's not!

Who do you think used to run things
around here? You think I built all
this up for nothing — to lose a son;

be unwelcome in my own home?!
I won't stand by any more.

Get out of here.
With pleasure.

And if you ever come back into this
home, I swear I'll do you personal


Come on.

TED: Have you got
a tow bar on your car?

Jethro has. We can shift this.

Nothing wrong with living
in a caravan park.

Bro, the stink is unbelievable.
I hurled in his recycle bin.

And the dope?
Yeah, he just wants to see evidence
that we're actually growing.

So, we're on?

Yeah, we've just gotta bring
some plants over — proof.


Ah! We are going to
get so stoned, man.

Oh, hey — you got a message from
Hayden too. He still wants to give
you that free piss. Choice.

Go! What?

This morning Hayden comes into the
bathroom, and I'm, like, nude, man.


Yeah, and he's, like, staring —
staring at the mighty Munt.

Oh, what — he's checking
out your wanger?

Yeah, bro — went all weird.

Just shock and awe, bro. When chicks
see the Van-a-tron for the first

they usually can't
talk for a few days.

Yeah, but Hayden's a man,

who's, like, staring at my d*ck. Now
he wants to buy me a drink. Bro, I'm
putting two and two together her.

Oh, what, you...? Like?

Nah, he's not gay, man.
He's a minge man, for sure.

Yeah, but do men of the minge
worry about their hair?

Men of the minge buy their clothes
in Ponsonby? He's creeping me out,

OK, here's what we do — we show the
plants to Horse, all right; we get
really, really stoned;

and then we do whatever
we can to avoid Hayden. OK?

Thanks, bro.

Yeah, no worries. Go get it!

I'm gonna get so f*cked up
I vomit all over myself. Go!

We should show him Peter.
Show him Peter!

No, we're not showing him Peter
or Tosh, OK? Tosh is mine.

He's going to give excellent head,
if you know what I mean.

Yeah, I do. h*m*.

We'll show him Marley, OK?

Yeah, Marley's a good-looking plant.

Oh, no, no...





Why would you do that?

You were never going to do them.

I mean Grandpa's caravan.

Don't mention his name.
I should burn that to the ground.

You may as well after what you did.

What about what he did?

What about what you did to me?
Are you stoned?

How can I be? And now I
can't be, ever — thanks to you.
What are you on about?

I was trying to save money, get me
and Aurora sussed for the wedding —

and it was just a few plants.
They were— They were tiny.

Are you growing dope
in Grandpa's caravan?


After all I said, you were
growing dope on this property?!

We haven't been raided —
not since Judd got locked up.

What about when he gets out?

Oh, and you reckon that's
going to happen, do you?

Bro, we should go now.

Yeah, you should.

It was for my wedding, Mum.
And now it's turned to shit, just
like everything else around here.


No f*cking way.

He can't go home. Mum wants to k*ll
him, and Van will k*ll him too when
he finds out about his plants.

He is not coming back
to Janet Frame.

I wouldn't go — not if you paid me.
Well, it's settled, then.

He's talking about
living in a caravan park.

Great. You'll meet new friends.

I am not having my grandfather live
in some scungy caravan park. He'll
have to come with me.

No. He is not living in my house.

I wouldn't bloody want to.
Shut up!

He's a loose f*cking cannon!
He is my grandpa!

Yeah, well, he's not
mine — thank Christ.

You could lose him
and not be worse off.

Grandpa, please shut up!

Are you turning on me as well?

I'm trying to find you somewhere
to live, you old goat!

You've got to sort
this out with Mum.

Over my dead body.

She might just be Slutty Pants
to you, but she is entitled to feel
what she wants about who she wants,

and it is her house.

And what am I — some old fart she
can park in a home? I'm not doolally
any more, Loretta.

Then stop acting like it.

I deserve to be listened to.
Then earn the f*cking right!

We'll just get some more seeds
and we'll start again, you know?
Except maybe not at your house.


I just want to get stoned.


He's like a stalker, man.

Hayden's got money.

He might have some pot.

Hey, hey, no way! Look, no way!
I'm not going there, and I mean
that in all senses!

He might have some, Munt.

Yeah, what if he wants to do freaky
things with the mighty Munt?

I won't let it come to that, OK?

I will not let him touch you
in a bad way. I promise.

We'll smoke all his weed, and then
we'll take off — just run away, man.

Please, Munt?


He's got some.



But I'm not drinking any beer,
cos it'll be spiked. OK?

But, if I get really really thirsty,
or I forget and accidentally drink

then you better cover my arse.

Yeah. I'll be behind
you all the way, bro.

You guys want a beer?

Uh, you've got the dak, right?

One joint? That's it?

You wanted dope, didn't you?

OK, for one joint, you get
a little kiss on the cheek.

Hey, Van!

Guys, take it. It's a gift.


Hey, hey, Hayden. I think you're
an OK guy, but I'm not, under any
circumstances, having sex with you.

I don't want you to have
sex with me, Munter.

Really, really. But I do want you
to have sex with a chick, though.

A chick?
Yeah — a hot one.

What — so, you can, like, watch?

Yeah, kind of.

OK, this better not be my sister.

Which one?

I don't want to watch Munter having
sex with Loretta. God, talk about
making a guy feel inadequate.

No, I want you to be
in a film I'm producing.

You mean, like, acting?

Yeah. In a movie.


A porn movie.

Whoa. Now that's weird.


No. This is me we're
talking about here.

No, it's not — it's your wanger.

Huh? He can wear a mask
or something, right?

Well, I'm not really sure
that's how Loretta sees it.

She's directing it.

OK, now that's freaky weird.

It's Loretta — everything
she does is weird.

Don't worry. This chick he gets to
root — she's not a dog or anything,
is she?

No. It's Pascalle, actually.
It's Pascalle!

Hey, now this is super-freaky weird.

Yeah, OK, we are gonna
have to talk about this.

♪ Oh, what a beautiful
day it is today... ♪

Ah, I always knew Pascalle would end
up selling her arse one day, eh?

Well, I ain't selling mine.

Think of the money, man.

You think about whether you're cool
with me having sex with one of your
sisters on camera

while the other one watches
and tells me what to do.

It's just porn, man.

You watch porn.

Watching porn and making it
are two different things.


Well, I don't know. I've never
made porn before. And not with
your sisters.

But, Munt, we could use the money to
buy some dope and smoke some of it.

And then we could seed a new
plantation, man — win, win, win,

Plus, you've wanted to root Pascalle
since you were, like, , man.



Hey, uh, I'm a bit
worried about you, girl.

Me? Why?

It seems you're drifting hopelessly
on a sea of darkness without
a paddle,

near the mouth of a river
with a treacherous waterfall.

You're stoned.
No, I'm not. ]

You make more sense
when you are stoned.

Making porn, girl,

with your own sister?
This is straight-up wrong.

It's not porn — it's erotica.

Does your mum know you're involved
in the sink of depravity?


And she doesn't need to.

Maybe I should tell
her — for your sake.

My mother is in a very emotionally
vulnerable place right now. This
would push her over the edge.

Maybe it's an edge she needs to be
pushed over — for the better good.

It's not. And it's 'greater good'.


You can't buy my silence.

I've heard what you're saying.
I've taken it to heart.

No, you haven't. You're trying to
separate me from my conscience.

I'm trying to save Mum unnecessary
pain. Plus, I know that your dope
plants got trashed,

so, if you want to buy some more
while you consider the greater
good — win-win, Munter.

For the record, I'm only
accepting this for Cheryl's sake.

Your secret's safe with me.


Thought you'd be at Hayden's.
What's all that stuff?

Milk and shit.
(CHUCKLES) I must be drunk.

I'm trying to be supportive.
What's wrong with that?

Why? No one else is.

They're idiots.

No, no. Maybe it's fair enough.

I mean, I can't make you care just
because I do, because I miss him.
Because it-it is unfair.

It just gets worse, doesn't it?

Mum, Grandpa's full of shit.
Don't listen to him.

You've all been thinking it. I've
been pushing away, but you're right.

It's my fault — all mine.
I put him in there.

No, you didn't. Dad did.

Dad did this. He did all of it.
I know Grandpa's kind of picked
up the ball and run with it,

but the ball was there — where Dad
put it. Do you— Do you want him to
get one over you?

He already has.

Bullshit. Mum, you're
better than that.

You take the crap, you serve it
back, but you never stop caring.

And I really admire that about you.

You just said caring.

And admire, in the same
sentence. But it's true.

What do you want, Loretta?

Mum, this is your family, cos you're
the one that holds it together — all
of us, even Grandpa.

I'm not forgiving that old bastard.

But, Mum, he's our old bastard.

And if you take him back, you'll be
showing him and Dad just how much
better than them you are,

cos you are. ]

And I'll be here. I'll help.




You really are
growing up, aren't you?

Oh, you have no idea.

Oh, I love you, eh?

Yeah, me too.

OK, can we stop hugging now?

Yeah. (SNIFFS)

Oh, you better be around to
stop me slapping that old bastard.

And there'll be no more
crap about Judd, all right?

Well, I wouldn't bank on it.

Well, it might not matter anyway.

Thought you might need these.
There's a spare blanket here
as well.

I'll be warm enough.
Take it.

Told you — don't need it.

Take it, Ted.

Take it, Grandpa.

Oh, all right.

Thank you, Cheryl.

You're welcome, Ted.



RADIO: the lights are
on now for race six — m.

The gates are open, and they're
off now and running fast...


Yeah, it's me.

Uh, listen, I've got something
to say. I want you to listen.

I know it's been terrible and you
don't deserve it and everything —

what, with my crap family and
you not getting a lawyer and...

Yeah, I got some idiot
off the duty list.

OK, but, I just want you to know
that if it all feels too hard, if
you feel like it's not worth it...

I-I understand.

Cheryl, are you trying to dump me?

I... I thought you
were trying to dump me.

You put me through all this and you
give me nothing to look forward to?
Come on, woman.

You don't hate me?

I'm not too happy on your old man,
but you can't choose them, can you?

Oh, let's not talk about him.

What do you want to talk about?

How I'll make it up
to you when you get out.

Oh, yeah? What are you going to do?

Might need to get your clothes off,
get you in the shower...

Are you going to come in?


♪ ...I heard a deep
voice from above

♪ shout direction...

Where's your familiar?
Tucked away back at home —
where all is peaceful and happy,

thanks to my unselfish maturity.

Since when?

My mother sees it.
I think she even believes it.

So, are we going to my place?

I can't.

You're never going to
leave home, are you?

Does it matter?

Munter turned us down, by the way.

Oh, really? That's a shame (!)
I was warming to the idea (!)

You're a very manipulative
young woman. You know that?

But very grown-up in some ways.


Oh my God! Has anyone ever told you
that you should be in the movies?


Hey, if I threatened to
tell Mum about the porno film,

do you reckon Loretta would
give me two hundie as well?

That would be blackmail, bro.

Blackmail's uncool. This is
hush money — there's a difference.

How are we supposed to know
which one's the tinny house?

Oh, it's, um...

Sargeson St, number... .

Oh, dude, look.




QUIETLY: Something feels
a bit weird here, bro.


Hey, check this out!

Hello?! Anybody home?!

What do you fuckwits want?



What are you staring at, bro?

Uh, w-w-we just, um...
We just wanted to buy some dak.

Yeah, but, uh, it's the wrong
place, bro, so we'll just, uh—

Relax, bro.

You're in the right place.

Hey, Rors, we've got
a couple of customers.

Sure, hon.


Well, get 'em what they
want, would ya, babe? ]