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03x14 - Natural Magic and Dire Property

Posted: 10/02/23 07:55
by bunniefuu
I've left my husband.

The plan was to dump her.

In my experience, Jethro, it's never
really clear who needs who the most.
You just keep her at arm's lengt.

It's a loan, Cheryl. I said it
was there. With that, you'll be
the proud owner of K.

Mike does work for me — security
checks and so on. Mike's making
noises about selling out. Call him.

You could pay me back double-time.


Cold enough for you?

(CHUCKLES) Any progress?

Nine times out of , wife thinks
the old man's cheating on her. Yes.

The only thing that poor bastard's
had his face in is his paperwork.


See him home and we
can sign this off.

You all right?







♪ Lying in the gutter,

♪ I cut the cord from my mother.

♪ She pat me on the head and said,

♪ 'Go to sea, boy.
Get to sea, man.'

♪ My luck in the gutter black.

♪ I guess I'm running back...

♪ you.

♪ You in my brain.
You in my heart. ♪

All set?

Hold on.

Look at ya.

Oh, I love a man in black.

Don't mind me.

Looking sharp, Ted.

Oh, I love a good fun-rally. Bound
to be widows. Rumour true, is it?

What rumour's that?

McCarthy turned up
his toes on the job?

'Fraid so.
Who was she?

He'd have to be chock-a-block up
some tart when his ticker gave out.

No. He was with me.

Brave of you to say so.

No. Mike wasn't like that.

Wasn't he, indeed?

Bit of respect, here.
He was a good cop.

He put me away once or twice,
but who's away permanent, eh?

Another piggie in the ground,
but I'm still here.

Something I find very
hard to forget.

You can do hearts and flowers,
but it can't be all bad for you.

How's that?
You're the boss now.
You'll be creaming it.

Guess that's the upside.

Know the ropes, do you?

It's not hard, Ted.

A second Video Hut would work.
I just need the right location.

And I should help you why?

Because you've got contacts
in property.
So talk to Gary.

Gary told me to ask you.
Well, I'm busy.


Oil me up. I'm ready to go.

If you want oiling,
rub up against him.

Loretta's just leaving. See ya.

Well, at least I like you.

(LAUGHS) Yeah.

Hey, you sure you wanna come?

You know me.

It's just— It's not a party.
It's more like a work do.

You don't have to give
me the speech.

Going together doesn't mean
we're together together.

I want an open relationship just
as much as you do. I'm very open
to, uh, whatever.

(CHUCKLES) Yeah. We can't
be late, though.

What are we waiting for, then?


Shit. Andrew's here.

Who's he?

Gary's other lawyer.

So Gary's not exclusive either?
Are you sure this is a work do?

Hey. My favourite people.
Treena, very very hot.

Hi, Gary.


It's your birthday.

Don't sweat it. Another year older.
More in debt. I tell people not to

Isn't that Steve O'Brien? Steve. Hi.

I might see you later.

Or not.

Yeah. I heard O'Brien was getting
a leg up from someone in council.

Or is that a leg over? Can't you
keep her on a shorter leash, mate?
Nigel. You old poof.

Kase reckons a career's a go.

That's like a job, eh? But bigger.

Yeah. 'Cept you need, like,
qualifications, you know?
And references and stuff.

Well, I could do that for you.
I'd just tell them how cool you
are, man.

Excellent company, excellent buds.

And I could tell that you've
got management experience.

True dat.

There's heaps of jobs here, eh?

We've gotta narrow down our options.

Yeah. It's gotta be
something... that's us.

With danger and excitement,
you know? Time for cruising.

Yeah. And heaps of
really hot chicks.

Nothing in here is
mentioning hot chicks.

You can't rush choosing a career.

It might take some research.

Who needs togs?

Come on.


Wow, she's all class.

She has her good points.

What, you know her?

Yeah. A bit.


We'll find the host, eh?


Bastard! (GIGGLES)

Watch it.



If you want to perv, why don't you
join the other wankers over there?


Uh, stay out, please. This
is a food preparation area.

It's a kitchen.

At least let me apologise.

Go on, then.


Uh, I apologise

for my clumsiness and any
inconvenience I may have caused.

Yeah, I'm mortified to think that my
thoughtlessness may have ruined this
magnificent construction—

You were doing OK, but you clearly
don't know when to shut up.

You must be one of Gary's boys.

Lawyer, actually.

You say that like it's something
to be proud of.

Can I help you?
Why? You a baker too?

Would you believe me if I said yes?

If you said it rhymed with 'banker'.

(LAUGHS) You don't even know me.

I know you work for Gary.

That makes two of us, right?

Humble caterers can't
afford to be choosy.

No, thanks. Not hungry.

You wanna help? Hand these
out to the other wankers.

Well, I'm not a w*nk*r.

No. You're a lawyer.

I'll sort us out some drinks.

Lot of people here wanna
get into her knickers.

Hoochie Mama, that is.

Yeah, funny every time, that one (!)

How was the funeral?

Good, as they go.

I'm sorry I couldn't make it. Mike
was a good bloke. He'll be missed.

Want another?

No, I'd better go.

Well, you're not leaving already?

Security rounds. The guys are
at Mike's wake for the night.

I don't mean to speak ill of the
dead, but I can't imagine Mike
giving up free drinks for anything.


I assume he filled you in on
our... various arrangements.

Yeah, pretty much.


So, no problems?

No. None that I can think of.

Great. Won't hold you up.

Your cake seems to
be going down well.

Everyone's so trolleyed, they could
be eating horse shit and cream.

So, you always jump to conclusions?

What conclusions?

Well, that I'm a w*nk*r
just cos I'm a lawyer.

You're right — he is a w*nk*r.


Your reputation precedes you.



So, what's a humble caterer
doing after this?

Uh, a wedding and
a corporate function—

No, no. After this tonight.

You're kidding.


Here he is.

Fraternising with the help.

She seems smarter than that.

She's a class act, all right.

Fancy your chances there, mate?


Nice legs. Go all the way up.

What, you been there?

Many times.

Though she makes you work for it.
She's my ex — wife, that is.

She still does your catering.

Make 'em work for
their alimony, I say.

You'd be too flat out to contemplate
anything like that at the moment.

Now, where's the lovely Treena?

Hope she's not still off with that
Steve O'Brien. That deal memo for
the landscaper. Drop it in tomorrow.

Good man.












Only me.

What are you doing?

Oh. You.

Not tonight.

Oh, baby. You're not mad
at Treena, are you?

Just shut the door
on your way out, OK?

Oh, babe.

You are mad.

Even though our relationship is in
no way exclusive, I saved myself for

Thanks, but no, thanks.



(SIGHS) go home.

What home? You mean the
one I gave up for you?!

I didn't ask you to!

No, you asked for special treatment
at the council, so you owe me!

Not any more!

Jesus. Treena!


Get out, and don't come back!

Take your f*cking rose
and your shoe and f*ck off.


RADIO DJ: It is . .
Good morning.

What time did you get in?

About , and you were
snoring like an angel.

Good party?

Mm. I had fun, made lots of
contacts. Gary's not so bad.


Surprised he hasn't got his nose
stuck down there somewhere.

(GIGGLES) He was just being helpful.

Want to come back to bed with me?


(COUGHS) That could be
a mate from the station.

Hm. Surprised you've still got any.


Hi, Scottie.

Yeah, nah. Thanks for
getting back to me.

Really? Yep, OK.

Thanks. I owe you one. Bye.

Bad news?

Somebody stole a load of building
supplies from Moselle Heights last
night on my watch.

You know who?

Yeah, I got a fair idea.

I'm going back to bed
by myself, aren't I?

Sorry, honey.


Check it out, bro.

We could be, like, international
soldiers of fortune.

Van Diesel.

Oi. Put them back.

These aren't for entertainment.

It's career research, woman.

You still haven't paid me for the
last ones, and I have to close the
shop, anyway.

But you're open seven days.

Yeah, well, not when the help gets
sick. Useless bloody students.

And where exactly are
you going, Ms West?

To meet some sleazoid
real estate agent.

Hah! That your story?

What the f*ck are you on about?

Hey. Secret agent.

Close, bro. I was thinking more PI.

What, coconut?
Private investigator.

Man, that is so you.

I know, bro.


Oh, look, we could look
after the shop for you.

Van here has management experience,

and I've been his unpaid assistant.

But we won't do this for nothing. ]

No. We'll only do it if
we can borrow the vids.

And forget about our late fees.

I am not leaving you guys
in charge of the store.

If you kick them out,
it's bad for your business.

Your brother wisely speaks.
Listen you should.


(LAUGHS) You could be anything, man.

You could definitely be muppets.

You want our help or not?


(SIGHS) All right. But don't trash
anything, don't take anything.

And I know how much
money is in the till.


See ya.

Uh, kia ora, everyone.

Youse need any help — any help
at all — me and my associate here,
we're only too happy to help.


MAN: You right there?

Yeah, chief.

Wayne Judd, Lineman Security.

You work with Mike.
Where is the old bugger?

Actually, he passed away recently.

No shit?
Yeah. I've taken over his business.

Is this your truck?

Would it have been at
Moselle Heights last night?

Might have been.

And you work for Savage
Property Developments?

We do some haulage for them.

You often do it at
. in the morning?

We work all hours.

What were you hauling?

Wouldn't have a clue.

You weren't asked to haul
a load of Gib anywhere?

I'll get back to you on that one.

You done here?
Yeah, I guess. Thanks, chief.

Talk to the suppliers.

f*ck that. It's your responsibility.


Sorry, mate. I have to take this.

When was this?

Hey, don't turn your back on me.

Is there a problem here?

Who the f*ck are you?

Jethro West. Gary's legal counsel.

Great (!) That bastard's charging me
penalties if I don't get the lining

only I can't finish it cos all the
materials have been nicked — again!

That's not his fault.

He's meant to supply security!

And I've done that.

Take it easy, sport.
I should knock your block off!

Hey, hey.
Oh, you prick.



Piss off, you, OK? Or he'll have
you up on an as*ault charge,

and a late penalty will be the
least of your worries. Got that?

You got that?


You all right, Jethro?
Ah, f*ck.

All right?

(PANTS) Ow. f*ck.

My f*cking leg.

(LAUGHS) How long did you say?

Three weeks till
it's weight-bearing.

Three weeks?

That's long enough for
bedsores. (CHUCKLES)

Bedsores are not funny.

Dead straight. Bloke in the Janet
Frame had one on his butt you could
lose a hand in.

I recommend regular pressure-area
care and lots of fruit. Constipation
is a really big problem on bed rest

When I was laid up, I was
backed up all the way—

Can you shut the f*ck up
about bowel movements, please?

You don't shit, you die.

You sure you don't
wanna come home with us?

Yeah, I am now.


It's open.


The g*ng's all here.

Hey, thanks for calling me.

He tell you he got that
defending my honour?

Where do you want this, Jethro?

Oh, just down here's fine. Thanks.

Well, maybe you can persuade him to
come home. He needs looking after.

All taken care of, Cheryl.

I've gotta look out for
my number-one lawyer.

You need anything, Jethro,
you give us a call.

Leave you to it.

See ya.

Wow. You're in his good books.

Any further up his arse,
you'd be choking him.

OK. Thanks for coming, guys,

but you can all piss off now, eh?

I'll come and see you twice a day.
And ring me — whenever you like.

Run that search line straight
down there now. Bypass that.

Heard you had a bit
of trouble on site.

A minute, Frank.

Jethro's leg.

Yeah. A bit of bad luck, there.

Yeah, and a stack of Gib
was nicked last night too.


So it seems.

You had any trouble with your
transport companies or their

You think there's a bad apple there?

Well, you can't tell.

It's not the first time stuff's gone
walking from one of your projects.

How do you know that, mate?

I just checked the
records at the office.

We've had our problems,
but Mike was on to it.

Thought you were up to speed.

He must've forgot
to mention it to me.


Well, look, it's not so bad,
Wayne. Insurance will cover it.

It's great that you're so
conscientious,... but don't
lose any sleep over it.

I sure as hell won't.



It is true.

Does it hurt? Please
tell me it hurts.

Piss off, Loretta.

And you can't stand or move at all?

This is like divine justice.

Lucky you've got so many
channels to chose from, eh?

For the next seconds—

Kids' TV?


Ooh, seashell lamps.

You'll be amazed at the treasure
trove of lovely shells you'll

A myriad of shapes and sizes.

Is this because I wouldn't waste my
time helping you find a bloody shop?

No, this is just fun.

...objects for your home.

Ha ha ha (!) Give it back.

Bye, Jethro. I'll
be thinking of you.

Loretta, don't you f*ckin' leave.

...for a plant-holder.

YELLS: Loretta!

Sorry. That took so long.

(LAUGHS) You don't go promising your
mates an American Pie night and then
not deliver.


Yeah. No, no, OK.

We'll have it here and waiting.

All right. OK, see ya, pal.

There's money in the till.

Yeah, we've been busy as.

I had a box of returns there.
What's happened to them?

Uh, done. Munter's a machine.

Love the alphabet, eh. The letters
always know what order they're in.

Let me get this straight.

You guys looked after the store, you
didn't f*ck up and you actually did
some work?

You're a very cynical girl.

Yeah. Let's take our DVDs, Munter,

find us a career.

Hang on. I just gotta
finish the UVWs.


We're trying to get air into it.
And if you look inside, you'll see
the creatures are living in there

munching away on natural goodness.

Loretta, you get the f*ck in here
right now and turn this o..!

Danielle. Um...

Am I interrupting?

Isn't that just the sexiest
thing you've ever seen?

Can you please turn this off?

[ Moist, lovely.

[ Come on, sniff it, smell it.


[ Mmm. That's so—



You hungry?

Uh, what are you doing here?

Gary has hired me to feed you.

But I just want you to know,
I am not doing bedpans.


You took a fall for Gary?

(SIGHS) Yeah.

Well, you wouldn't be the first
person to do that. Or the last.

Is there a story here?

I'd call it ancient history.

Chicken with Asian greens.

You're an angel.

No. I'm being paid.

Being a mercenary's not
all it's cracked up to be.

I'd be dead first. Notice how
the brothers always get it first?

Yep. Plus, I'm not all that
comfortable with the idea of

Nah, it'd hurt, eh?

I just had some dickwad on the phone
wanting to let you guys know that he
'scored' thanks to you.

Are you selling dr*gs to customers?

We didn't tell anyone how to score.

Yes, you did.
No, I didn't.

The guy with the uptight chick.

Oh! Yeah. Notting Hill guy.

What are you on about?

Oh, that dude, he was trying
to get into this chick,

so he was gonna get out Notting Hill
to show her he was sensitive, so he
could nail her.

(SNICKERS) Poor dumb f*ck.

Van steered him to Chainsaw
m*ssacre. Classic manoeuvre.

Scare 'em on to your cock.

OK. Good work.

Well, that's that? That's all you're
gonna say? (MOCKINGLY) 'Good work.'

All right.

Do you guys want to look
after the shop again tomorrow?


Well, we're not doing it
for just free rental.

Nah, cos we watched all those vids.

I'll pay you.
How much?

Full minimum wage.


Between you.

OK. Yeah.

You got yourself a deal.

Score, man. (GIGGLES)

You must feel a bit vulnerable
here, with all this nice electrical
equipment about

and your car just... parked outside.

It's alarmed.

Yeah, but if it went off.

Who's gonna do anything
about it, eh? (SNIGGERS)

This is dapper. And we're
about the same size.

OK, put it back.

Make me.

Do you always carry this much cash?

Give it— Oh,... shit.


I pity the poor bastard you hatch.

Save your sympathy for
someone who needs it, Jethro.

Look, Mum's gonna
be here soon anyway.

I actually told her not to bother.

I said I'd be here for you.


See ya.





YELLS: You bitch!


This is a courtesy
call to remind you—

It is a sequel, but Rush Hour -
...that... just as good.

...p*ssy Soldier and More
p*ssy Soldier are now overdue.

The fight scenes rock.

If you could return these at your
earliest convenience, it would be
greatly appreciated. Thank you.


Another satisfied customer.

Yeah. Man, the way you handle
everything they throw at you
blows my mind.

Back at you, bro.

Hungry? ]

See, how did you know that?


Oh, hey, no. Bro, I've got cash.

See, we're working men.
Soon to be career men.

Yeah! Right on, brother.


Oh, what? Hey, Van.

Oh, shit.

Oh, hi.

These must have driven you nuts.



Are you some kind of
punctuality freak?

No. My family express
their love in unusual ways.

Don't they like you?

No, they just like
seeing me like this.

Oh, thank f*ck.


What is 'this'?
Oh, vulnerable, I guess.

So, what happened with you and Gary?

Me, Gary — two-year gap.

It's a bit odd, isn't it?

Still working for your ex,
doing his bidding.

And you ignore him?

I was asking about you.

Well, a girl's gotta eat, and Gary's
the one with the expensive lawyers.


Actually, could you
recommend someone?

You want to hire one
of those wankers?

I've just got some legal stuff that
needs sorting. Just a few papers.

Well, I could take a squiz.

Well, the thing is,
it's to do with Gary.

Well, I could take a look.

That's not a good idea.

He wouldn't like it.

(LAUGHS) Yeah.

So don't tell him.


When we were married, I had a share
in some of his companies, for tax.

Income splitting.

Now he wants to buy me out.

How much is he offering?

grand for the lot.

It's not good, is it?

Uh, it's going to take me a little
while before I can answer that.

What's the damage?
Don't worry. It's on the house.

Oh, no, I couldn't.

Oh, no, it's fine. You saved me
from the curse of the alarm clocks.

Actually, um,... there-there is
something... here you could do for

I've got this itch.

And you want me to scratch it?

That's original (!)

No, I'm serious.
No, no, no. I promise.

On the bottom of my foot.
I can't reach it. I can't reach it.








Drinking alone.
That's not healthy.

Slippery old slope, that is.

I was just thinking.

Yeah, well, you know what they say
— a trouble shared is a trouble

All right. You recommended Mike.
Did you know he wasn't straight?

No, he liked the ladies.

No. Was he on the take back then?


I remember when he busted Lefty
Munroe's booze racket. Not much
evidence got to court.

But the police social club
had a hell of a party.


So he was bent.

No. That was perks.

You know he was taking payments
to turn a blind eye?

On the force?

No, in business. His client was
pulling a scam, and he was in on it.

Better in that out.

He was a cop. He was
meant to uphold the law.

You never bent the rules,
planted the odd bit of evidence?

I was doing my job, which
was putting away offenders.

I hate to break it to you, Wayne, me
old son, but Mike wasn't a piggy any
more, and neither are you.

If you know a crime's been
committed, and who f*cking did it.

You really think any bastard's gonna
give a rat's arse if you go lifting
up stones to see what crawls out?

Nah, probably not.

Leave it to the pigs.
It's what they get paid for.



f*ck it.

Uh, y— Um,... Shaun of the Dead.

Hey, um, see, the thing is, mate, is
that the, uh, the computer's on the
blink, so, um, can you...?

Hey! You little shit!

Put it back.

You want a drink,
you pay for it, right?

Piss off before I make
your face your arse.

Dude, am I glad to see you, man.

Hey, 'Shaun of the Dead' guy.

How'd you know?

He was in here before. It's, uh,
under the counter, next to the
baseball bat.

Sorry about that, man. Enjoy.

Ta, mate.
See ya, bro.

Whoa, man. Freaky. (CHUCKLES) Sweet.

It was all going to shit, bro.

Everyone, we're back in business.


Hey, Kase.

You were meant to meet me half
an hour ago at the Furniture Shack.

Shit. Gotta go.
Come on! Pull finger.

Hey! What about your burger?

Yeah, sweet. I'll be
back as quick as I can.



Oh, hey, hang on.

Shit. Um...

Oh. Thanks.

So, what's the verdict?

Are you staying for dinner?

If it's bad news, just tell me,
and I will take the grand.

What really happened
between you and Gary?

Well, the thing about Gary is...
he likes people to be where he
wants them — in his debt —

and if you buck that...

I'm sorry. I'm... I'm putting you in
a shitty position. You work for him,
you like him.

No, I don't.

Well, you can leave if you want.

(LAUGHS) Uh,... no, right
now I can't go anywhere.

Uh, you can go a lot higher
than grand by the way.

How much?

How much?
Take a guess.


(INHALES) Higher.

Hmm. Just keep going.



I was just about to call you. Beer?

Nah, nah, she's right.

Listen. I gave my transport guys
a rark-up. Thanks for the tip-off
there. I appreciate it.

You hired me to do a job.
I'm doing that job.

Certainly done that.

So there'll be no more repeats?

I don't see why there would be.

Yeah, I just want you to be
clear on how I run things.

There is one more thing, mate.

My insurance company,
they're unhappy.
No kidding.

Yeah. So they want me to review
my security arrangements.

They've got me by
the curlies, Wayne.

I've gotta use the firm recommended
by them, or my premiums go through
the roof. You understand?

Yeah, I think I'm getting it.

Look, it's a pisser.

But we'll pay out your contract to
the end of the month. I don't want
to be unfair.


(SIGHS) There. That's perfect, yeah.

The— Oh, maybe it's
better over here.

♪ A, B, C, D,

♪ E, F... ♪

Van will be on his own.
Wanna christen it?

I've gotta go, Kase.

It's the first thing
we've bought as a couple.

We've bought takeaways and stuff.

You can't do this on a takeaway.


Do you have to come in now?

Ohhh! Oh God, yeah.

I love our chair.

It's a great... chair. (GIGGLES)

You know what I'm thinking? It
might be better back over there.


Hey! You want DVDs, but the
f*cking computer's broken!

All right, so you can't DV— you
can't get DVDs! They have to go
through the computer!

Don't f*ckin' touch that! f*ck you,
man! Come on, man! I'll f*ck you up!

Excuse me.

I don't like old people!

Munt, you came back.

'Course I did.

OK, uh, everyone, who's next?

This is weird, man.

Computer problems?
Yeah, all kinds of problems.

Bro, as soon as I left?


I think we're on to
something here, man.

Bro, it's a phenomenon.

We've gotta get rid of these
bastards so we can do some research.

Yeah, some research. Hee hee!

Danielle didn't say
anything to you, did she?

About what?

Some dipshit lawyer she's been
talking to about money.


As soon as they talk lawyers, you're
neck-deep in shit. f*ckin' bastards.
No offence.

No, none taken.

You didn't say anything
to her, did you?

Me? Nah.
Could you...?

Well, I asked her, and she can't lie
for shit. Not that I don't trust
you, mate.

Nah, it's no problem.

Do us a favour. Next time Dani's
here, see what you can find out.


Good on ya.

See ya.


Don't forget to watch the deleted
scenes — more bang for your bucks,

Let's do it.

Hey. You smoking on the job?

We haven't had a chance.

We've been working our butts off.

I hear words coming out of your
mouth, but I don't understand.

You owe us. Pay up.

Hey, when Video Hut is going, do
you guys wanna stay on full-time?


Not exactly a career, is it?

It's exactly a job.

Pay us full wage?

Full minimum — agreed.


No, I can't afford that. Why don't
you take it in turns, or something?

We've gotta do it together.

That's ridiculous.
No, it's how it is.

Well, that's my offer.
Take it or leave it.


Being a couple of dickwads
is not a career.

(CHUCKLES) She knows nothing.


Oh, you piece of shit.


Argh! Towel!


Oh, grand! I can't believe it!


I thought Gary was gonna implode.


But I stuck to my g*ns.


I finally got one over him.

(LAUGHS) Does that sound pathetic?

Uh-uh. Thanks for not mentioning me.

I said that I wouldn't.

Where I come from, that's
not always a guarantee.

Well, you should learn
to trust a little.

You don't trust.

Oh, well, that's because I've been
f*cked over once or twice.

♪ Oh, can someone please
tell me the truth?


Damn. That was good.

And why is that a bad thing?

Oh, you, me, Gary. It's got
disaster written all over it.

♪ Can someone please
tell me the truth?

Doesn't have to.

♪ Can someone please
tell me the truth?

Um,... nah. I need to go before
I do something I regret.

But, you know, um,...

maybe you're not such
a w*nk*r after all.

Nope, I'm a lawyer.

♪ Why can't someone please
tell me the truth? ♪

Hey, hey. Why aren't you at work?

Because my biggest client
just sacked me.


What the f*ck for?

Because I was on to him.

You work for him.

He's a f*ckin' crook.


The oldest trick in the book —

steal building supplies from one
site, use them on another site,
claim the insurance.


And... you... you reported this?

We were working for him.
Mike was in on it.

Well, I know it's shitty, but
does it have to be your problem?

Well, it's only the insurance
company that pays up.

How can you think like that?

Well, it's what people get insurance
for. I mean, God, they gouge you on
the premiums. No one gets hurt.

Don't they? What about the poor
contractor he's gouging and all
the people he takes down with him?

Would you do business like that?

No. God, no.

Anyway, I have to lay off
the security guards.

[ Do you have to?

Yeah. Savage was my main contract.
I don't have enough work for them.

You'll get other clients.


Do you think I'm a fuckwit
for not going along with this?


No, no, no.

You are a decent fuckwit.

We've gotta get to
grips with this, man.

You know what it's like?

What's it like?

It's like you are one and I'm one.

And when we're not together,
we don't add up right.

And when we are together, we're not
two, we're like more than two.

Yeah. Yeah, like three.

Bro, even maybe more than that.

f*ck, yeah. Like four.

We've gotta find a way to make the
most of this strange and unusual



I've got it.

Storeman and packer.

Is that a career?

It's not a gay thing, is it?
Like fudge-packer?

No, that's straight up,
at the cold stores.


So, which one do you wanna be? You
wanna be the storeman or the packer?

I don't know.
It's a hard decision, eh?

Yeah. How about doing some research?

White car. Five points.


Who's that?

It's true. It's f*cking true.

(SIGHS) f*ck.

What do you want?

Give me back my key.

Are you gonna make me?

How are you gonna do that?

Come on, Treena.
You used me.

Now it's my turn.

With you lying here so helpless,
I could do anything to you.

Anything at all.


(MOANS) Does that hurt?

Yes? f*ckin' bastard!





Oh yeah. Just wanted to thank you,
you know, for taking care of Jethro
the way you have.

I always repay my debts.

Do you? (SCOFFS)

This visit has nothing
to do with Mr Judd?

He's got a lot of people
relying on him.

Well, I feel for him.
Business is tough for all of us.

Don't you think he's got a right to
run things the way he wants to?

Have you considered the possibility
he's just not cut out for this?

He's a good man.
Maybe that's his problem.

We wouldn't want that —

someone who's good at their job,
someone who does what he says would.

Cheryl, now is not a good time.

I'm worth a lot on paper, but a lot
is not liquid. My ex-wife's hitting
me up for every spare dollar.

Well, we've all got our problems.

I'm glad you've dropped in,
actually. I need to talk to you
about our loan.

I'm afraid I'm gonna
have to call it in.

What, all of it?
'Fraid so.

Well, where the hell am I gonna
find grand all of a sudden?

Well, don't panic. You don't
have to pay right away.

You've got days.